#ts4 swiftie
anxiousmoodlet · 7 months
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She's back at it again, and this time we've got one for the Swifties. Introducing... ERAS: The Legacy Challenge (Taylor's Version).
All usual legacy rules apply, if you so desire, otherwise please feel free to just use this challenge as inspiration or guidance for whatever sort of save you fancy!
Link for the full challenge can be found below, and a snippet of generation 1 is beneath the cut!
Generation I: Debut (Green)
Born to humble, country beginnings, it’s time for you to find A Place in this World. Despite oftentimes feeling Invisible as one of the “uncool” kids, you have A Perfectly Good Heart, and know that if you just keep it all Tied Together with a Smile you’ll be able to make it big on The Outside. Who knows? Maybe one day you’ll be as successful as Tim McGraw. Just Stay Beautiful, this is the start of your era.
Key trait: Overachiever
Aspiration: Goal Oriented (Teen), Musical Genius
Start out as a teen, have a part-time job, and graduate high school as valedictorian with straight As 
Graduate from university with an A+ GPA
Live on a Winterfest tree farm in Henford-On-Bagley 
Max your relationship with at least one cow, one sheep, two goats and three chickens
Max your relationship with your parents 
Max the singing and guitar skills
Max the Business career (Investor branch)
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toastie-sim · 3 months
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Taylor Swift Tattoo
So if you know me, you know I'm a huge Taylor Swift fan. SO I decided my next tattoo would be Taylor Swift themed!!
Voila here we are!
The set contains 9 different tattoos:
Mirror Ball
Lavender Haze
Taylor’s Version
To Live for the Hope of it All
Details & Download Below!!
- Found in Upper Arm (Right)
- BGC, Fem Frame, Disallowed Random
- Custom Thumbnails
If there are any issues, please let me know!!
Download: Patreon | SFS
@alwaysfreecc @maxismatchccworld @emilyccfinds @mmfinds @mmoutfitters @public-ccfinds
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airmerme · 3 months
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Sul Sul Hoje venho trazer a tradução de um desafio para os swifties! Trata-se de legados baseados nos álbuns da nossa loirinha favorita, então espero que divirtam-se e leiam com atenção ⧫
A criadora do desafio é a @anxiousmoodlet!
Como o ato de traduzir algo de uma língua para a outra não consiste apenas na tradução literal, terão palavras e frases realmente adaptadas para o português, mas tudo se baseia na intenção original, certo?
Os pronomes de tratamento serão ele/dele, mas claro que, quando não especificado, o gênero do Sim é de sua preferência.
(Recado da criadora original)
Ela está de volta! E desta vez temos um desafio para os Swifties. Todas as regras de legados se aplicam, se você desejar, caso contrário, sinta-se à vontade para usar este desafio apenas como inspiração ou orientação para qualquer tipo de jogabilidade que você desejar!
Eu também gostaria de agradecer imensamente ao MyHeartSims por todas as ideias incríveis que contribuíram para me ajudar a concluir este desafio.
Seja um fã casual de Taylor Swift, um Swiftie fiel ou apenas alguém que precisa de um novo desafio para jogar, mal posso esperar para ver o que vocês farão com meu último capítulo.
Pontos de bônus ganhos se você souber de quais letras e conhecimentos da Taylor Swift vêm todos os objetivos do desafio e instruções da história.
Geração I: Debut (Verde)
Nascido em origens humildes no interior, é hora de você encontrar A Place in this World. Apesar de muitas vezes se sentir Invisible ou parte das "crianças chatas", você tem A Perfectly Good Heart e sabe que se mantiver tudo Tied Together With A Smile, você será capaz de crescer The Outside. Quem sabe? Talvez um dia você tenha tanto sucesso quanto Tim McGraw. Apenas Stay Beautiful, afinal, este é o inicio da sua era.
Característica chave: Além das Expectativas
Aspiração: Focado(a) nos Objetivos (quando adolescente), Gênio Musical
Quando adolescente, comece em um emprego de meio período e conclua o Ensino Médio como orador da turma com notas A's
Graduar-se na universidade com um histórico perfeito (10 na nota final)
Viva em uma fazenda de árvores em Avelândia do Norte
Maximize seu relacionamento com, pelo menos, 1 vaca, 1 ovelha, 2 cabras e três galinhas
Maximize o relacionamento com seus pais
Maximize as habilidades de Canto e Guitarra
Maximize a carreira Negócios (ramo Investigador(a) de Futuros)
Geração II: Fearless (Amarelo)
Você percorreu um longo caminho desde que tinha Fifteen, então sabe bem que às vezes é preciso ser Fearless para escrever sua própria Love Story e tornar-se um Superstar. Então, Breathe e confie em si mesmo para Jump Then Fall na defesa de imagem saudável da sua família Forever and Always. Apenas depois de abraçar a Change que você poderá tornar-se Untouchable.
Característica chave: Aventureiro
Aspiração: Amigo(a) do Mundo
Nunca aceite convites para festas, bares, salões ou casas noturnas e atinja a Reputação Impecável
Tenha apenas 1 amigo próximo desde o Ensino Médio
Apaixone-se e case-se com um Sim que a família não aprove
Maximize as habilidade de Cavalgadas e Escalada
Tenha apenas 1 cavalo branco e maximize as habilidades de cavalo
Ganhe o Prêmio Estrelato pelas letras de suas músicas
Ganhe o traço de recompensa Destemido
Geração III: Speak Now (Roxo)
É hora das Sparks Fly! Você descobre que sua linhagem é Enchanted e agora é seu dever transformar seu legado de Castles Crumbling para uma Era Timeless. Talvez você sinta-se como Foolish One por desistir da fama de sua família, muitas vezes Haunted pelo o que poderia ter sido, mas reivindicar o que é seu... sabe, é Better Than Revenge. Então Long Live! E lembre-se que nem sempre você pode ser Innocent, principalmente com esse seu Electric Touch.
Característica chave: Extrovertido
Aspiração: Feitiçaria e Magia
Viva em um castelo assombrado!
Torne-se um Feiticeiro Virtuoso e conclua o livro de feitiços
Adote um gato e torne-o seu familiar
Torne-se imortal!
Invada o casamento do Sim que roubou seu amor de infância, faça uma serenata para ele e depois case-se com ele
Complete a coleção de Globos de Neve
Maximize as habilidades de Carisma e Escrita
Maximize a carreira Escritor (ramo Autor(a)) e escreva o Livro da Vida
Geração IV: Red (Vermelho)
Seu poderoso e talentoso pai pode ter sido The Lucky One, mas a Sad Beautiful Tragic é que você não herdou nada dessa magia, portanto, chegou a hora de Begin Again. Everything Has Changed desde que você saiu de casa e até a Starlight parece piscar de forma provocativa para você. Você sabe All Too Well que precisa encontrar um jeito de fazer seu nome, não importa quão Treacherous, e sobreviver no que parece ser Forever Winter.
Característica chave: Soturno
Aspiração: Senhor(a) do Tricô, Grande Festeiro(a)
Viva numa casa que seja como uma igreja/capela por fora
Nunca case-se, mas namore um ator famoso
Tenha um círculo de amigos com pessoas importantes
Sempre celebre o Festival da Colheita e todos os outros feriados de outono com amigos e familiares
E sempre celebre os aniversários com eventos!
Maximize as habilidades de Comédia e Tricô
Maximize a carreira Educador (ramo Administrador)
Geração V: 1989 (Azul Claro)
Welcome to New York! Apesar do Bad Blood de eras passadas, é hora de começar uma ficha Clean em sua própria Wonderland: A cidade grande! Você está Out Of The Woods e realizando seus Wildest Dreams ao seguir a carreira de Style. San Myshuno é um Blank Space que você pretende escrever seu próprio nome e You Are In Love pelo o que o futuro pode te reservar.
Característica chave: Grande Festeiro
Aspiração: Ícone Admirável (quando adolescente), Nativo(a) da Cidade
Junte-se ao time de Líderes de Torcida, quando adolescente, e torne-se capitã/o do time
More em San Myshuno
Férias fora da cidade por, pelo menos, uma vez nas estações
Complete a coleção de Penas
Maximize as habilidades de Empreendedorismo e Snowboarding
Maximize a carreira Influenciador de Estilo (ramo Criador(a) de Tendências)
Compre o traço de recompensa Limpo Para Sempre
Geração VI: Reputation (Preto)
Você está ...Ready For It? Toda a atenção de seus pais na cidade te deixou em um Getaway Car e direto nos braços de algo muito mais Delicate. Call It What You Want, mas vampirismo é algo sério, mesmo que isso signifique que você pode ser Gorgeous para sempre. Alguns podem dizer que This Is Why We Cant Have Nice Things, mas você está determinado a mostrar que uma viagem no escuro não precisa ser End Game.
Característica chave: Solitário
Aspiração: Vampiro(a) do Bem
Torne-se um vampiro!
Tenha uma Reputação Terrível
Maximize as habilidades de Veterinária e Fabricação
Administre uma clínica veterinária!
Adote, pelo menos, 3 gatos e seja companheiro de todos eles
Ganhe o estilo de vida Intimista
Maximize a carreira Escritor (ramo Jornalista)
Compre o traço de recompensa Não Precisa de Ninguém
Geração VII: Lover (Rosa)
Você sabe que é hora de voltar para o Daylight e longe do False God que seus pais encontraram no vampirismo. Você é um Lover em coração e pretende usar esse otimismo explosivo para derrubar The Man do seu trabalho de caridade. Afinal, It's Nice To Have a Friend e você poderia ser esse amigo. The Archer que luta pelo azarão.
Característica chave: Romântico
Aspiração: Alma Gêmea
More em uma casa da vizinhança Praça Antiga no mundo Windenburg
Mantenha as decorações do Festival de Inverno já por toda a primavera
Case-se apenas através de fuga!
Complete a coleção de Cristais
Maximize as habilidades de Ginástica, Ponto-Cruz e Fotografia
Maximize a carreira Política (ramo Organizador de Eventos de Caridade)
Dê preferência a roupas estereotipadamentes masculinas até alcançar o topo da sua carreira
Compre o traço de recompensa Despreocupado e Cativante
Geração VIII: Folklore (Cinza)
Você vem sendo chamado de mad woman: vivendo em exile na peace de Glimmerbrook. Vive rodeado de rumores de illicit affairs e no invisible string que ainda o liga á sua linhagem mítica, mas você tem uma epiphany. Você pode controlar a narrativa se estiver no centro das atenções, então você continua atuando e jurando que não será the last great american dynasty... mesmo que todos o achem um pouco pertubado.
Característica chave: Errático
Aspiração: Entusiasta do Ar Livre
More em uma casa estilo cottagecore dos anos 1920 em Glimmerbrook
Adote um cachorro e pinte-o de verde limão
Namore e depois case-se com um Sim já casado
Tenha 7 filhos!
Complete a coleção de Fósseis
Maximize as habilidades de Dança e Interpretação
Maximize a carreira Ator
Tente ativamente manter a sua fama o mais baixa possível
Geração IX: Evermore (Bege)
Você está determinado a encontrar a hapiness. Embora tenha abraçado o amor de seus pais pela natureza, herdando suas árvores willow e sua casa coberta de ivy, você é movido pelo desejo de iniciar uma gold rush. Para fazer uma long story short, você percebeu que poderia lucrar com os champagne problems dos Sims investindo no negócio de néctar. É hora do closure do nome de sua família! Você não tolerate it isso, o jeito que a história acabou.
Característica chave: Adora o Ar Livre
Aspiração: Fabulosamente Rico(a)
More em Brindleton Bay em uma casa coberta por mato
Case-se com um cowboy!
Mas não antes de deixar um Sim no altar!
Seja melhor amigo de seus avós
Complete a coleção de Metais
Maximize as habilidades de Jardinagem e Produção de Néctar
Compre o traco de recompensa Dedo Superverde
Geração X: Midnights (Azul Escuro)
Você é o culminar de um legado que é Bigger Than The Whole Sky e agora, o Mastermind de sua era final. Graças ao seu pai repugnantemente rico, você teve um começo de vida completamente Bejeweled e agora, está pronto para enfrentar o mundo, mesmo quando te dizem "You're On Your Own, Kid". Música sempre esteve no centro de sua herança e você quer navegar pelo Labyrinth que está tornando-se verdadeiramente famoso, melhor que todo o Karma ruim, é The Great War.
Característica chave: Criativo
Aspiração: Celebridade Mundialmente Famosa
More em uma casa de celebridade onde cada Era tem seu próprio quarto personalizado
Case-se com um Sim que tenha a carreira de atleta
Termine um casamento ruim e torne-se melhor amigo da parte injustiçada
Complete a coleção de Cartões Postais
Maximize a carreira Entretenimento (ramo Musicista)
Torne-se uma celebridade 5 Estrelas através de sua música
Maximize as habilidade de Programação e Produção de Mídia
Compre os traços de recompensa Incansável e Noturno
A criadora do desafio já expressou a vontade de atualizar o desafio ao lançamento do novo álbum, então estejam sempre ligados hein 😉
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bunnithechubs · 1 month
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ttpd but make it cas
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call-information · 15 hours
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comfys · 8 months
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Swiftie bedroom
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malanasims · 10 months
Taylor Swift Eras themed Legacy Challenge
i wanted to put together two of my favorite things: the sims and Taylor Swift. so i came up with this 10 generation legacy challenge in which each generation is inspired by a different album. I created this challenge for the sims 2 ultimate collection since that is the game i normally play, but i am sure it can be adapted for sims 3 or sims 4. i also implemented the traits project for ts2 but you can easily do the challenge without it using different personality points. i set up this challenge so that each generation alternates genders but you can switch that up. i also chose first names for each generation based on references of the album. also some of the writing is very cheesy and has a lot of references because why not go crazy. this is my first legacy challenge so if you have any critiques let me know. the rules are not strict and cheats can be used as its a story-based challenge.
Debut- Gen 1: Mary
“Take me home where we met so many years before. 
We'll rock our babies on that very front porch: After all this time, you and I”
You grew up in a small town where everyone knew each other. Your parents never had the greatest relationship and your mom was always with her best friend. Since birth you and her kid have been inseparable. Will you fall into the same patterns as your parents…or will you find a place in this world?
LTW: reach golden anniversary
nurturing, jealous, loves the outdoors, great kisser, family oriented
marry your first love
have 2 children (at least one son)
formal wear is a little black dress
Fearless- Gen 2: Stephen 
“You played in bars, you play guitar
I'm invisible and everyone knows who you are”
Your parents raised you well but something about the fact that they only ever knew each other scares you. You want to get out there and make a name for yourself. You know no ones coming for you on their white horse. You’ll have to be fearless to become a superstar: but for now all you have is your mothers eyes and her old guitar.
virtuoso, charismatic, irresistible, ambitious, non-committal
LTW: become rock god
go on at least 5 first dates
have at least one daughter
date a fan
Speak now- Gen 3: Emma
“When Emma falls apart, it's when she's alone
She takes on the pain and bears it on her own”
You often felt overlooked by your rockstar father. He was always busy and you spent most of your time with your mother until her mysterious disappearance. You feel like you grew up too fast, and now you love to travel back to your youth and fantasize about castles and dragons. So you become an actress; a character. Will you break out of your fathers famously destructive patterns, or will you regain your balance on the tightrope and break out before fire can catch you?
LTW: Become Icon
natural born performer, childish, bookworm, shy, hopeless romantic
your first love doesn't work out/ you break their heart
have at least one son
have a strained relationship with your father but a good relationship with your mother
meet your true love at a party and then never see eachother again
Red- Gen 4: Bobby
“How you took the money and your dignity, and got the hell out
They say you bought a bunch of land somewhere
Chose the rose garden over Madison Square”
You grew up in the starlight of your mothers fame. You two were always close but after suffering from the tabloids and the camera flashes you decide this life is not for you. You move out of the Angel City and start anew. Your mother has given you some funds and you build up a family home. You tell everyone you left because the city wasn’t right for you… but maybe it was partly to run from your playboy/girl ex who you know was trouble. Now you spend your life painting and searching for your muse. Will you stay paralyzed by time or finally begin again?
LTW: become visionary
artistic, eco friendly, night owl, loves the cold, loner
Have an on and off toxic relationship
Move out of your parents house
Settle down with someone nice
Have 3 children (at least one girl)
1989- Gen 5: Love
“You searched the world for somethin' else
To make you feel like what we had
And in the end, in Wonderland, we both went mad”
You grew up secluded from the world, surrounded by your mothers paintings. Your mom loved the environment but you couldn’t wait to get out of the woods and explore new places. Somewhere along the road, you fell into a rabbit hole of insanity: mascara running in the bathroom and rose gardens filled with thorns. You blow money and string lovers along. You have fantastic delusions until your wildest dreams turn into nightmares. Will you accept the help from your family and abandon your affinity for screaming, crying and perfect storms? Or will every day continue to be a battle?
LTW: Become space pirate
Insane, unstable, diva, adventurous, jealous
Join the adventurer career
Have 3 loves at once
Have children with multiple people (one must be boy/girl twins)
Lose money in poker
Reputation- Gen 6: Burton (the name is so bad help)
“I don't like your kingdom keys
They once belonged to me
You asked me for a place to sleep
Locked me out and threw a feast”
Yeah, your mother may have done a number on you, but who's counting? Maybe your twin sister… Everything you did, she just had to do better. In the wake of your mother’s madness, you turned to dancing. You found peace in swaying as the room burnt down. Your twin sister on the other hand hated how you were lit up every room you walked into, but you couldn’t help it. There's nothing she hates more than what she can't have… so she turned to sabotage. Just when you think that your life is perfect- you're at the top of your career and you finally found love- your sister starts a rumor that you cheated on your love. Your reputation as a famous dancer goes down in seconds. But to your surprise, your lover isn't reading what they call you lately and your relationship is stronger than ever. Will you get revenge on your sister and become exactly what you despise, or sit back and let karma take over?
LTW: Become world class ballerina
Party animal, irresistible, social butterfly, hot headed, unlucky
Be enemies with your twin sister
Never be unfaithful
Have a bad reputation
Have at least one daughter
Lover- Gen 7: Cornelia
“I’d be a fearless leader, I'd be an alpha type
When everyone believes ya, what's that like?”
You've always known you wanted to change the world. Who cares if you were overlooked and discouraged. Snakes and stones won’t break your bones. You never had a big family as your father walked away from his. Sometimes it gets lonely trusting the wicked, and your loyalty was often a fault. You turn to politics to combat your feelings of helplessness, but no one takes you seriously and you feel lost in the light. You have to start from the ground up with the help of your best friend. You start to build your picture-perfect life: the kids, the lyrical smiles and the power. Will you drive away your lover by searching for their dark side, or will you put aside your ways and find the daylight?
LTW: Become mayor
Good, easily impressed, brave, unlucky, perfectionist
Fall in love with your best friend
Have 10 best friends
Have children (at least one son)
Folklore- Gen 8: James
“I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting
I didn't know if you'd care if I came back
I have a lot of regrets about that”
You grew up trying to meet the expectations of your politician mother. Everything had to be picture perfect, even your private life. So she set you up with the daughter of one of the most powerful families in town, Betty. At first you are skeptical, but over time you fall for her integrity and affinity for old cardigans. Along the way you begin to feel stuck, tired of the sensual politics and your mother’s watchful eye. That's when you meet August -the polar opposite of Betty- and some part of you has to know what she is like. You meet in parking lots and dive bars, but after Betty finds out, you realize that summer is dwindling. In wake of losing two girls, you turn to writing: poetry and sad prose. You get lost in your stories, but once you start to gain traction, you can’t help but wonder how different your life could have been. Will you rekindle your wild flame with August or go back to the peace you felt with Betty?
knowledge/ romance
LTW: Publish 5,000$ best seller*
Great kisser, coward, bookworm, brooding, commitment issues
Fall in love with Betty
Fall in love with August
Confess to cheating on Betty
Write novels
Move into a cottage by a lake
Finally choose the one girl
Have at least one daughter with her
Evermore- Gen 9: Ivy
“And the skeletons in both our closets
Plotted hard to fuck this up
And the old men that I’ve swindled
Really did believe I was the one”
You always resented your father because he abandoned the good life for a cottage in the woods and his stories. You don’t want that; you want power and wealth. You don't need love, just a fancy car. So you turn to crime, because it’s easy for you; you love the gold rush. You con men and no one will ever prove it. You marry rich men and inherit their money when their time runs out. But then one day you meet your match, a fellow criminal, and wonder if this life will really bring you happiness. But you realized this a little too late, and now you're forced to drink your husband's wine… but he was the wrong guy. Will you leave the life of crime behind or will you stay frozen in time?
LTW: Gold digger
Kleptomaniac, genius, charismatic, mean-spirited, rebellious
Go into the criminal career
Marry a rich sim
Fall in love with a criminal and have an affair
Have a son
Midnights- Gen 10: Snow
“And I don't dress for villains
Or for innocents
I'm on my vigilante shit again”
You knew your mom wasn’t the most ethically-correct person. You like to think you inherited her better half; but that isn’t entirely true. You are determined to be different, so you become a spy; you get the satisfaction of working for the good guys and the pleasure that comes with great wars. Being a spy is difficult though, and you never know when things could go wrong. You are constantly burning files and deserting old lives. But you’re a mastermind, nobody can deny that. You finally meet your perfect person, but it's hard concealing your true occupation from them. You have money and respect… But can all of that pay for someone to just know you?
LTW: Become head of the SCIA
Perceptive, disciplined, loner, proper, daredevil
Join the intelligence career
Move homes at least twice
The rest is up to you since it is the last generation 
*50 new LTW mod can be found here
if anyone decides to do this challenge tag me! i'd love to see it
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samssims · 1 month
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The Tortured Poets Department but it's just the song titles - NSB Edition
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luxeacademia · 5 months
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Taylor Swift Print Collection
First, thank the amazing creator @piersim for being so generous and allowing recolors of their fantastic meshes.
These were created for my upcoming "Retro Refresh Juice Bar & Lounge" build, but I thought I would share. The in-game photos are a sneak peek of that build.
Download info here.
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mimamongbusowg · 3 months
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Last year, I posted two Taylor Swift Sims 4 outfits from The Eras Tour, and a lot of you guys asked if I'll be doing the other outfits, well the secret is out and here it is! This CC Set contains more outfits from The Eras Tour, her RED body suit and her acoustic set trench coat, the 1989 outfit (4 swatches), her Midnights Bodysuit and her Lavender Haze fur jacket and oversized shirt! The CC will be available for Early Access for Patrons on 5 dollars and above tier until April 29th (which is my birthday, so it'll be a gift for all the Swifties!)
Set Includes:
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Custom Thumbnails
1989 Eras Tour Top (4 swatches)
1989 Eras Tour Skirt (4 swatches)
Red Eras Tour Bodysuit
Red Eras Tour Acoustic Set Coat
Midnights Bodysuit
Lavender Haze Fur Coat (Hat)
Lavender Haze Oversized Shirt (Top)
The CC will be available for Early Access for Patrons on 5 dollars and above tier until April 29th (which is my birthday, so it'll be a gift for all the Swifties!)
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bibblesimmer · 2 months
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The Tortured Poets Department. (Sims Version)
by bibblesimmer
hope u like it! ♡
@taylorswift @taylornation
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sojutrait · 1 year
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abby's first day of hs 🥳🥳🥳 she solidified herself as a dweeb by joining the nerd brains and chess club. meanwhile brandon asked maddie to prom which made abby jealous that she doesn't have anyone 🤧🤧 maddie's cheer captain and she's on the bleachers...
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sirnlish · 21 days
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"What's In Taylor's Wardrobe?"
Everyday: hat* | tank top | jeans | boots Formal: dress | shoes Activewear: top + bottoms | shoes Sleepwear: top | pants | slippers Party: hat (v2) | dress | boots Swimwear: swimsuit Hot-Weather: glasses | tank top | shorts | boots Cold-Weather: outfit | tights | boots Hair: one | two | three (bangs) | four | five Jewellery: earrings | hoops | necklace
with thanks to the creators: @simshouseirisnovak @madameriasims4 @simcelebrity00 @lazyeyelids @jius-sims @camuflajesims @vixonspixels @mermaladesims @laupipi-blog @kamiiri @teekalu @thekims4 @dallasgirl79 @madlensims @helgatisha @dogsill @simstrouble @daylifesims @gloomygeek @divinecap @arethabee @christopher067 + the creators not on tumblr
*horse ranch required
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batsfromwesteros · 11 months
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Getaway Car
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camthecowboyman · 10 months
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Made a bay roan Quarter Horse stallion today!
Named him [ES] Eightynine.
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selibuildsonsims · 1 year
Sims 4: Taylor Swift Lavender Haze & Midnights inspired Home (no cc)
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SWIFTIES THIS ONES FOR YOU BESTIES!!! I'm so obsessed with the Lavender Haze video, it's my fave song from the 'Midnights' album, so I wanted to create some of the rooms in the video on the Sims. To make the house complete, I also took inspiration from the 'Anti-Hero' video! This home is cosy, mid-centry modern style & HAZEY! 💜
Taylor Swift 'Midnights' era inspired home.
Lavender Haze x Anti hero inspired rooms, including 2 bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room & kitchen.
A dreamy, Lavender Haze indoor pool.
Mid-century, suburban, 1960s style home.
Lot info:
40 x 30 $122,345 Brindleton Bay
Packs Used:
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This home is aesthetic, cute, cosy & dreamy all at the same time. There are obviously some elements of it that aren't particularly practical, like the indoor flowers, but I've tried to recreate it as close to the videos as I could!
I hope you like it!
Selenebaby xoxox
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