plumbaleena · 2 years
The Javill Legacy
To visit the Javill family tree CLICK HERE
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Henry + Giselle Javill started our legacy story off on Februrary 4th 2022. Henry was a doctor, who married his soulmate Giselle, a stay at home mom where they had four children. Russell, Saila, and then a set of twin girls Theo and Tatum. Russell and Saila were both teen parents, with Russell having a son Cruz with his high school girlfriend Emma. Saila got pregnant by a quick one night stand and had her son Hudson. Russell had no idea that Emma was even pregnant, but when he found out they eloped quietly in Tartosa. Saila stayed home with her parents and Giselle helped raise her grandson. Theo became an artist, and all Tatum wanted, was children. Theo ended up finding and being in a monogamous relationship with Rosita, where they lived in San My and she ran a successful art studio. Russell became a doctor like his father, and eventually met and married a sweet single mom named Ruby where they had a daughter Harlow together. Saila stayed single until her elder years where she met a kind, handsome man named Gideon where they lived out the rest of their days together, married on a little farm.
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Tatum + Ford became our generation two, where they met when they were both teachers. Ford wanted children as much as Tatum and they tried and tried for years. Finally, Tatum asked her sister Theo to be a surrogate for her and Ford and she gladly accepted. She then carried and delivered their daughter Loral. After Loral, they went on a trip to the mountains and met and adopted Kaiya. A sweet girl who was blind and whose mother couldn’t care for her anymore or pay her doctor bills, and wanted a good life for Kaiya that she couldn’t provide. They were so happy with the two beautiful girls, and decided to let fate decide what happened next and believe it or not, they went on to have THREE more boys. River, Arlo and Maddox. Tragedy did strike onto the Hendrix family, when Loral was an adult and had too much to drink, she drove drunk and hit and killed her sister…she went to rehab and eventually met and married the paramedic that helped her, Ha-Jun. They went on to have a daughter Emerson, and adopted another daughter in memory of her sister, and named her Kai. River married Jayde, and had two children Eve and Henry. Arlo married Blaire and had two children as well, Holly and George. Maddox, the black sheep of the family, met and married the GORGEOUS Ophelia and they went on to have FOUR girls.
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Maddox + Ophelia became generation three. The youngest of the Hendrix children, and the black sheep of the family. He became a mortician and met his future wife at his job. She then became a medium and they went on to raise four beautiful girls, Sparrow, a set of TWIN girls (just like in gen 1) Soliel and Stella, and the youngest, Sage. Sparrow met and fooled around a lot with Brad, whom she couldn’t keep her hands off of but he was a sleeze that no one liked. She didn’t listen to anyone’s advice and kept pursuing him and after being with him for a long time, thought she became pregnant. After thinking she was pregnant, Brad decided to marry her to keep her quiet. They married, he cheated, but she didn’t know. Eventually she did end up getting pregnant and in turn had their son Valor. Brad wasn’t even there for his birth - he was cheating on her with someone else! Ophelia and Jayde were there with Sparrow when Valor was born. After years and years of cheating, Sparrow finally found out what Brad was doing and she divorced him.
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Soleil + Royce / Sparrow + Caden became our generation four. Sparrow’s family had no idea until one day, she sat her sisters and mom down and told them what Brad had up to all those years. After hearing this, Stella, our evil genius, decided to take matters into her own hands and murder Brad. Valor always blamed Sparrow for everything, he had no idea that his father was so terrible to her. She kept him shielded and safe. When Valor was a teenager, he ran away to Glimmerbrook to see if he could find a spell caster to find a way to bring his dad back, or even just reach out to him in some way. On the way, he met Caden a handsome, kind spell caster who took him in but told him that what’s done is done, and there is no way to bring Brad back. Sparrow was frantic and searched for Valor until finally she found a man at a bar who told her that he knew where Valor was. That man, was Caden. The two of them fell completely in love in a whirlwind romance and Caden couldn’t live without Sparrow and vice versa. One morning, when Sparrow awoke, Caden was gone. No note, no nothing, just vanished. Then…she found out she was pregnant and Caden had no idea, nor would he ever know. Stella lived her life alone in the city, while Sage after witnessing Stella’s crime, couldn’t live with herself and moved to a tiny cottage in the woods. Soliel married her high school sweetheart, a nerd named Royce who was so crazy about Soliel he couldn’t even believe she would look at him twice. They went on to have four children, Luella, TWIN BOYS Finneus and Ford, and their last, a daughter named Faye. Sparrow then found out she was having a baby girl, she would call Maeve. She gave birth with Soliel by her side and is continuing to raise Maeve (a spellcaster like her father) on her own. After getting into another relationship and Maeve growing to a teen, Sparrow found herself always thinking and remembering Caden. Maeve then casted a spell to bring her father to them, and reunited Sparrow and Caden to then wed, and live the rest of their lives together.
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For generation five, we are following Maeve. The daughter of Sparrow and Caden who is also a spell caster like her father. She owns an apothecary with her two black cats Ouija and Salem. She conjured up a spell to bring a man to her, and soon Harrison came into her life. A strong, dark haired family man who was smitten the moment he laid eyes on the beautiful and bewitching Maeve. They have two daughters, Amoret and Tanith who have a strained relationship over Amoret thinking that Tanith is more well liked due to the fact that she’s a spell caster like their mother and grandfather. Amoret was a troubled teen and experimented with heavy drugs causing her to go to rehab and eventually move out to the city to be away from her family. Her and Tanith never repaired their relationship.
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For generation six, Tanith and Koda met on a vacation in Sulani where his heart has always been. They originally lived there with Tanith had a surprise pregnancy, but after Tanith being the only one who had a steady job, they couldn’t afford it anymore and had to move to the city, in turn breaking Koda’s heart. They later married and ended up having two children Talulah and Shane. The sea was always calling Koda’s name....
After finding that her husband and sister had had an affair, Tanith left Koda and raised her two children and new baby Elin on her own in Evergreen. There, she devoted her time as a loving mother and incredibly strong woman. She raised Elin as her own and loved her just as she loved both Talulah and Shane. Time passed, and she met an incredibly loving, and sweet man named Paul. The two of them took their relationship slow and started as friends which eventually turned into a beautiful romance. The two of them became inseparable and her children ALL loved him. Paul then proposed at the Festival of Lights on Love Day. The two were married and lived out their lives together in more love than Tanith could ever imagine.
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For generation seven, we are following the son of Tanith and Koda, Shane and his wife Gia. Shane is a well renowned painter who graduated with honors from Britechester. He met the love of his life there, Gia, who in fact was one of his professors. They moved into and renovated the Javill family farm to fit their gothic/modern style and reside happily there with their four children. Their oldest daughter Noa, twins Maddox and Maylin and their youngest Saoirse. 
Elin set her sights on finding what happened to her mother, and to get answers somehow. She hired a private investigator and policeman, Officer Jace Pierce to help find what happened to Amoret. The two of them searched and searched and argued over facts and areas where Amoret was last seen. The two of them became very angry with each other often, but still tried to keep their cool in the same goal. To finally find Amoret Groves.
Elin and Jace fell in love, and married in a beautiful ceremony on the beach where they moved their growing family. As the welcomed twins!
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As a teenager, Saoirse ran away from home to pursue her love and passion (and incredible talent) for piano. Along the way, she met Nash a traveling guitarist who lived in a small caravan that barely fit the both of them. While together (and still a teenager) Saoirse found out she was pregnant with a daughter. They both decided that giving her up for adoption would be the best thing for her, as they could never provide for her what she needed. Before giving her away, they named her Odette. The pressure of being a runaway and not being able to survive on her own got too much to take and she left Nash and went back home, to finish out school and eventually enter into an acclaimed pianist career. Through it all, she never once forgot about her first love, nor the daughter they gave up...
Saoirse’s sister Maylin moved in with her boyfriend Silas, a bad boy with a drinking problem and hatred for her twin brother Maddox. As Maddox’s protect, anywhere she went, he did too. Silas was always infuriated with the fact that Maylin would take Maddox’s side in any situation. The three of them lived together, and both Maylin and Silas welcomed two daughters Olive and Quinn before one night, when Silas’ rage couldn’t be contained any longer.
After years and three girls later, Odette found Saoirse again at one of her concerts and reunited together after so much time between them. The family welcomed Odette with open arms. Soon they found who had taken her heart, and their fear surfaced....
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Generation 9, we follow Odette and her selfless, kind, courageous lover Dayshin. Who holds a secret no one could imagine. He is in fact, a vampire. The Javill’s hatred for vampires scared Odette into hiding with him in Forgotten Hollow. Being away from the family and adopted, she had no idea of the hatred the family harbored. Little did she know how detrimental it would be to the rest of her life...
Her sisters Poet, Hunter and Zimri lived their lives alongside Odette. Poet was the only one who was a bit apprehensive but in turn later learned to love her sister. Hunter, the closest to Odette helped her in many times of need. Zimri went onto adventure around the world before eventually settling in Mt. Komorebi. Poet became a doctor and married Dr. Collin Starnes and Hunter joined the paranormal investigator career and met a handsome man who hired her to try and commune with his wife that passed on. The two developed a friendship that later turned into romance.
After Dayshin and Odette wed, their lives took a turn for the worst when Luca - the family’s last known spell caster told the head witch coven about their love....
Dayshin and Odette had a daughter, Evangelina. Who was born a vampire. In knowing this, the head witch coven cast a spell on her and tried to have her brought into the sunlight. Luca, knowing that this was wrong, unsealed Dayshin from his casket and told him where Eva was. He rescued his daughter, sacrificing himself for her and in turn perished. Upon seeing this Odette fled to him, and hid Eva so she would be safe. Unfortunately, her efforts were in vain as she too was taken and killed. Luca found Eva and brought her safety at night and took her Eva’s aunt Hunter and uncle Caspian’s home where they took care of her as their own. 
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Evangelina lived her life with always the hatred of being a vampire. Never wanting to feed off of humans, her rage would ensue after trying to keep away. The curse that plagued her as a child, always in the back of her mind. As a young adult, Della her adopted cousin, found through her girlfriend Finleigh, that there was a master spell caster, shunned from his own due to the practice of black magic and curse lifting that could possibly help Eva. The two traveled there and met Alistair, who in turn helped cure Eva of her vampirism. Seeing her at her most vulnerable, the two fell in love and became inseparable where they lived together in Moonwood in their beautiful home on the hill. 
After many beautiful years together, Eva’s curse would boil up inside her until it got to the point where she couldn’t suppress it anymore, and when their oldest daughter was a teenager, her curse unleashed onto Alistair. Completely out of her control, she killed Alistair in their home and their daughter Andromeda seeing what happened, grabbed her siblings and ran to their uncle (Alistair’s brother) Tyrian’s house. While there Tyrian cast a spell around their home so Eva could never find them. After realizing what she had done, Eva escaped to her father’s castle hiding away as her body broke down...
After time away from everyone, and in devastation she visited with Elias - the only of her children to ever come visit her - and told him about the spell known in their family that required a life, for a life. Through sadness, she explained to Elias that this was her dying wish. To give her life, for Alistair’s. Elias took the spell to his uncle and the two of them performed it and in turn, brought Alistair back.
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Generation 11 we are following Andromeda, who became a veterinarian and opened her own practice in Brindleton. She met and started dating a kind sweet man named Max, whom she really liked but he was very, safe. After everything Andi had gone through, safe was what she needed. After years together, Max talked about marriage a lot but Andi never wanted to commit, although they liked each other something just seemed "off" to her. One night Max proposed and sadly Andi rejected him. She drove off into the night, swerving to not hit a dog crossing the road and in turn got into a devastating accident that severed her legs. She was angry at the world, at everything. Her physical therapist and home nurse Levi worked with her to help her walk again. His kind, yet firm nature pushed Andi to walk when she never thought she could again. He NEVER gave up on her. And although she pushed him away for a long time, he eventually worked his way into her heart.
They married and moved into the Javill family farm and had horses, sheep and goats. Full of love, laughter and dancing - they raised three beautiful children there. Geo, Archer, and our generation 12 heir - Elspeth.
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Generation 12 has us following Elspeth, a beautiful, strong, family loving chef who pursued her lifelong dream of owning a restaurant. She met and fell in love with Colten Lucero in high school, and the two were inseparable soulmates. He was her first kiss, her first love, her first everything. As time went on he started to grow distant and strange and push away from her. Not knowing what was going on she felt very insecure. In trying to ask him, he would never answer and one day, he was gone. No text, no call, nothing. Her heart was shattered. Her heart, along with him, was gone too. Over time she picked up the pieces and got accepted to both universities with finally setting her sites on Britechester where she pursued culinary arts. There, she met Graham Wolfe, a political science student whose life purpose was to be in politics. The two hit it off right away, and in trying to forget Colten, Ellie let her heart open to Graham. Graham proposed in an extravagant fashion with paparazzi and fireworks galore. Ellie was stunned, but said "yes". They had a lavish wedding with all of the biggest name in attendance. After the wedding, Graham was always in talks of having children, and although Ellie wasn't ready (she wanted to open her restaurant) she knew that one day, they'd have kids just - not right now. This caused a little bit of a rift between the two and over the years, they seemed to grow a little further apart. Graham became the senator which caused him to be campaigning and on trips away from home often. One day, while getting coffee with her best friend Yvette, she overheard a familiar voice that would bring back all of the memories she thought she had forgotten and change her life, forever.
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After years of conflict, fighting, not agreeing on when to have children, Ellie and Graham drifted far apart. Their lives were not aligned whatsoever. Feeling lost, hopeless and dejected, Ellie realized her true love was with Colten. The two began an affair but it wasn't for only physical purposes as their hearts TRULY were bound together. Soulmates. Ellie had to make a decision, and after much turmoil she thought that maybe she should work things out with Graham because she didn't forget a long time ago when Colten left and what if he did that again? On her way to speak to Graham while he was off campaigning, she walked in on him cheating with his PR Assistant Leighton! She immediately ran out of the hotel and into Colten's arms for that choice was now made for her and her forever, was with him. They went on to live a beautiful life together in Tartosa running her restaurant and raising four beautiful children. Calum, Francesca, Xalia and our gen 13 heir Theodore.
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ravenstonelegacy · 3 years
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Happy Winterfest! 
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i-aubree-i · 3 years
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heres my legacy family, second gen portrait!
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