rosesvineyard · 1 day
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i love these two so much and i'm so sad theres not enough content of them!! i wanted to try some interesting lighting here too, hope the willscuella nation eats this all up i wanted to put in two of my headcannons in there, one of them being that javier has a tendency to sit in bill's lap and the other that bill often hold's javier's waist the most
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"i wanna kiss you so bad but i'm scared" (they're gonna kiss later when they're drunk and giddy) anyways live laugh love emotionally constipated men
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mellosdrawings · 19 days
~N2 Beach Day~
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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biwitchedart · 16 days
I did not expect the n2 squad dynamic to win me over *stared blankly at an empty google doc*
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freyadragonlord · 8 months
I need Deltarune to have more save-slots cause I want to fuck around with it but I am not doing another 100% pacifist or genocide run before chapter 3 comes out
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t'nuah tourney pt 3
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aya, ranked fourth in the original tourney and tbh slays all day every day (profile here)
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javil, unfortunately stuck in the body of alecdora sandler :( (profile here)
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lasli, who does not normally look like a monk but acts like one (profile here)
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tinas1469 · 20 days
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Beloved ❤️💕
Zendaya and Tom Holland, the beloved Hollywood couple, were spotted enjoying a low-key day out in Calabasas.
The couple was seen shopping at Lowe's and visiting a farmers market, accompanied by Zendaya's mom, Claire Stoermer.
📷: Bruce/javiles / @backgrid_usa
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zombiecicada · 6 months
Headcannons for nonsurant?
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Nonsurat, I’m sure he’s perfectly sane, the that his head canons are the tamest of the three.
-Nonsurat identifies as male and uses he/him pronouns, but doesn’t mind being called they/them or even she/her. It’s honestly whatever. Sexuality wise, he isn’t huge on any labels, but has a preference for masculine presenting people. He’s never made this clear to anyone and doesn’t feel the need to explain this to other people. It’s frankly none of their business anyways.
-His current full legal name is Sir Nonsurat Lancelot Ceren. He also often goes by the name Lance for simplicity’s sake. Current he’s equivalent to being forty or so years old.
-He is the older brother of Dragato and Falspar. He’s also the brother of Meta, Arthur, Bedivere and Galacta. After Bedivere’s death and Meta and Galacta’s disappearances, he considers Falspar and Dragato to be pretty much all he has left, and is very protective of them. Arthur’s withdrawal from everyone alongside severe mistreatment on Arthur’s behalf has lead Nonsurat to be extremely weary of him, but deep down he knows he would protect and save Arthur if needed. He is the only one of his siblings to ever marry, and was married to his partner Javil. After Javil was corrupted by Nightmare, he prefers not to speak about Javil and is endlessly trying to find ways to cure their corruption.
-Nonsurat is one of the Blitzar Soldier Rebellion’s top generals, alongside the main blacksmith and weapon’s expert. He is always repairing everyone’s armour and weapons, upgrading them and working hard to find new and creative ways to improve the gear the rebellion has. While he’s a decent mechanic (fighting in an intergalactic war you learn how to make quick repairs on ships and fix problems) he leaves the hardcore stuff to Dragato, focusing on welding and patching hulls rather than the super technical things. He was the one that crafted his, Dragato’s and Falspar’s new sets of armour.
-Nonsurat’s favourite pastimes include drawing and sketching, he’s incredibly artistic and loves to design unusual and highly complex armour designs. While he’s not as good at painting as Dragato is, he greatly enjoys it all the same. He’s also good at wood carving, on night watch he usually just finds himself a good stick and spends his moments of peace carving away. He’s also fond of reading, as well as studying magic. But his all time favourite hobby is crafting weapons and armour, he would have a huge collection of weapons if he had the time to appreciate them and room to keep them all. He also greatly enjoys sparring, and fighting, and even enjoys killing demonbeasts as he is very good at it.
-Out of all the brothers Nonsurat is perhaps the least picky when it comes to any kind of food, and claims to not have favourites. He’d eat legit anything, and is usually the first to try something new no matter how unusual it may be. Dragato and Falspar see him as a terrible indicator for if food is actually good or not, as when he is asked about what it tastes like, he’ll always reply with ‘eh. It’s fine’ which can either mean he really likes it or he wishes he never put this in his mouth.
-Nonsurat has the ice and something akin to the magic copy ability. Using his axe or some other weapon he can channel forth large sheets of ice, or he can channel magic to accomplish various things. For example he’s used his magic to make the enchantment that allows Dragato’s and Falspar’s wings to switch between cape mode and wing mode after studying Meta’s dimensional cape and trying to copy the magic spell. He also used his magic to make the rings he and his siblings wear along with Dragato’s help. Finally, he has the ability to preform some completely random magic attack similar to Magic Roulette, where some completely random in the nearby vicinity will happen. This ability has a massive cooldown time, and he can only use it every so often.
-Nonsurat is well skilled in using all kinds of weapons, but his favourite is his trademark axe that was given to him by his mentor. He’s had it for a long time, and alongside using it to channel his magic he uses it as a walking aid and for balance.
-During his time in the GSA, Arthur had Nonsurat at the frontlines most of the war, as he was incredibly skilled in combat and very physically strong. During his breaks from the frontlines, he wasn’t allowed to rest, instead being pushed to help in the weapons department. Constantly teetering on the edge of complete burnout, he often went months without getting to see his brothers. It was during this time he met his partner Javil, and the two kept each other sane throughout the war.
-Nonsurat is an amputee, at the age of eight he got caught in an assassinate attempt that was meant for his mentor. While his mentor was able to save them both, Nonsurat was severely burnt and had to have his wings removed, also simultaneously sustaining severe nerve damage that leaves him with a terrifyingly high pain tolerance. Dragato and Falspar are constantly worried for him when he comes back from fights, as there’s a good possibility he’s broken bones or torn muscles and he cannot tell. He’s a severe workaholic due to Arthur rarely allowing him to genuinely rest, Falspar often has to remind him to take a break and that he’s worth more than the work and accomplishments he can provide. Nonsurat struggles to talk about his feelings and care about what happens to him, perhaps one of the few things keeping him moving at all is his burning desire to protect Dragato and Falspar with everything he has. He talked more before the fire, and denies having pyrophobia.
-He is ambidextrous, and has very, very big strong paws for a puffball.
-Currently he helps Falspar and Dragato run the rebellion, serving as one of Falspar’s strongest warriors and a fierce combatant. He spends a good deal of his time making sure the frontlines are okay, as well as repairing armour and weapons, but Falspar forces him to take breaks more often, during such he’s trying to find a way to undo Javil’s corruption.
-His theme song is Marketland by Lemon Demon.
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plumbaleena · 18 days
Aristeo, our generation 16 is the heir to the Javill family line and is an extremely talented pianist. Using the talent from his grandmother, and on his 6th great grandmother Saoirse's piano, listen to the soothing classical sounds to relax. Enjoy!
Songs played /
Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven
10 Pieces by Ludovico Einudi
Visit my legacy family's website with their entire story written since 2022 // https://plumbaleena.wixsite.com/plumbaleena
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glowslimeishere · 1 year
Javil, jevils cleaning brand in israel!!!! XD
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eldrige · 2 years
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Umbreon & Glaceon Couple Commission Commission for JAV1L15 on DA!
This was a fun Pokemon couple painting. ^^ Thanks again Javil!
-- eldrige.net | Twitter | FA | DA | Commission Info
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mellosdrawings · 18 days
~N2 Beach Day~
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"I would've just used a wind spell to project myself out of the water."
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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rifatanalysis · 6 months
Jade Wabi Sabi Table Lamp
Reconnect with the beauty of imperfection and the essence of nostalgia with our Wabi Sabi Table Lamp. This carefully crafted lamp is a tribute to the Japanese aesthetic philosophy of Wabi-Sabi, embracing the idea that beauty can be found in simplicity, transience, and the patina of age. It evokes a sense of nostalgia and timelessness, making it a captivating addition to any living space.
This lamp design embodies the principles of Wabi-Sabi, emphasizing the beauty of asymmetry, simplicity, and the weathered look. The lamp's design may incorporate irregular shapes, subtle imperfections, and muted, earthy colors to capture the essence of Wabi-Sabi.
For more information Please Visit Javille Furniture
16.5*16.5 inches
Free 30 Days Returns
Free shipping on orders over $100
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javillefurniture00 · 6 months
Why You Should Purchase Sebastian Retro Lamp from Javille Furniture
You walk into the room after a long day at work. Generally greeted by harsh fluorescent lights, you’re enveloped in the warm, inviting glow of the Sebastian lamp. It’s like stepping back in time to an era of class and sophistication, except you don’t have to deal with outdated fashion choices or rotary phones.
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Are you tired of your dull, uninspiring home décor? Do you crave a touch of nostalgia and charm to liven up your space? Look no further than the Sebastian Retro Vintage Lamp from Javille Furniture! Let me tell you why this lamp is a must have addition to your humble abode.
Timeless Charm
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The Sebastian lamp isn’t just a pretty face — it’s a multitasking marvel! Need some mood lighting for your romantic dinner date? Boom, Sebastian’s got your back. Want to brighten up your study space for that last-minute cram session? Sebastian’s on it like a moth to a flame (pun intended).
Quality Craftsmanship
Let’s talk about durability, shall we? This lamp isn’t some flimsy, dime-a-dozen piece of décor that’ll fall apart after a gentle breeze. No, sir! The Sebastian Retro Vintage Lamp is built to last, just like your grandma’s old cast iron skillet (minus the grease stains).
Unique Design
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Support Local Businesses
Sure, you could buy a generic lamp from a big-box store and call it a day. But the funny part of that? By purchasing the Sebastian Retro Vintage Lamp from Javille Furniture, you’re not just buying a lamp — you’re supporting a local business and helping to keep the lights on (literally and figuratively).
So, why should you purchase the Sebastian Retro Vintage Lamp from Javille Furniture? Because life’s too short for boring décor, that’s why! Feel a touch of nostalgia, a dash of charm, and a whole lot of style with the Sebastian lamp. Trust me, your home will thank you.
Now, go forth and light up your life — metaphorically and literally.
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victors of round 1!
licht and tetia (tied!)
kivn!!! (congratulations to the prettiest elf in house kiuun!!!!)
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starerazglednice · 10 months
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Žavlje in Adolphe Celestin Pegoud (1889-1915)
Žavlje pri Trstu so na svojem znamenitem travniku že 1911 gostile tedaj ugledne evropske junake letenja. Med njimi je bil tudi domačin Ivan Vidmar( 1882-1971), ki velja za začetnika letalske pošte na Slovenskem. Že v nedeljo 1. februarja 1914 se je na žaveljskih livadah ponovno zbrala polovica prebivalstva Trsta in njegove okolice, ki je z velikim navdušenjem in napetim pričakovanjem spremljala zračne vragolije mladega francoskega pilota Pegouda. Na nebu nad žaveljsko kotlino naj bi po napovedih organizatorjev izvajal vragolije, ki so tudi pticam tuje. Za prijetno razpoloženje je igrala vojaška godba bosansko hercegovskega pešpolka št. 4. V sončnem nedeljskem popoldnevu je strel iz možnarja naznanil začetek zračnega letalskega plesa. Pegoud ga je začel izvajati na višini 100 m, z enokrilnim motornim letalom tipa Bleriot XI. Enak program je ponovil naslednji dan in z njim požel nepopisno navdušenje množic, ki so na prizorišče prihajale s tremi posebnimi vlaki iz tržaškega kolodvora, avtomobili, tramvajem, miljskimi parniki, izvoščki in peš. Organizatorji so ga za njegov nastop bogato nagradili. Adolphe Pegoud se je v začetku vojne javil kot prostovoljec za letalsko dolžnost in bil sprejet kot pilot opazovalec. Komaj 26 letni letalski as je kmalu doživel tragični konec, ko ga je v zračnem spopadu avgusta 1915 sestrelil nemški pilot, ki je bil njegov nekdanji učenec. Razglednica ni bila poslana.
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thelastmixedtape · 1 year
Photos | Forbidden Fruit 2023 - Saturday featuring Rina Sawayama, Knucks, April, Olivia Dean & more
Photos | Forbidden Fruit 2023 - Saturday featuring Rina Sawayama, Knucks, April, Olivia Dean & more
Rina Sawayama on the main stage at Forbidden Fruit 2023. Photo by Stephen White Forbidden Fruit 2023 kicked off yesterday at the Royal Hospital Grounds in Kilmainham, Dublin. Day One featured a host of artists performing across several stages including Rina Sawayama, Knucks, Olivia Dean, April, Aby Coulibaly, Rachael Chinouriri, Sweetlemomade, JaVill and more. TLMT was there to cover the…
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