#tsb update
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This absolutely ridiculous image
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The Space Between - Chapter 2: ROCKY ROADS - Page 36
Chapter summary: Ferelith and Vexen are finally on the road but find themselves battling the unfortunate realities of interplanetary travel.
Ferelith and Vexen are back for 2024, On the Ides of March no less!
See you all next week!
Originally posted 15th March 2024
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thecoffeelorian · 7 months
DW: "I think...the story hasn't ended yet."
Me: *buckles Tardis seatbelt* You're damn right it hasn't ended yet, let's go, bro...
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thestalkerbunny · 11 months
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So spot the difference....
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iron-parkr · 1 year
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The Spaces Between | Chapter Update - Chapter 7: Black Hole Sun
“First of all, I want to thank you for meeting with me,” he said, looking between the two of them. “This isn’t typically customary for new students, but I would consider this to be something of a special case since you’re the first student with your… housing accommodations. How is that working out, May?”
“Great! Maggie is absolutely wonderful,” she assured him. “Generous, respectful, I honestly cannot say enough about how lovely it is having her around. I’m so glad you thought of us, Mr. Morita.”
Maggie’s face burned with May’s praise that she definitely didn’t deserve.
Morita smiled. “I’m truly delighted to hear that. And everything is going well with your — er, with the kids?”
Maggie didn’t notice his hesitation, but she did notice May’s, as well as the pause she took to gather her thoughts.
“Well, you know Peter, he’s always been such a sweet boy. He’s really taken up the mantle of being Maggie’s point guy, wouldn’t you say, hon? Helping her navigate the city and explaining things when she has questions, you know. It’s so great to see them together and I know Peter enjoys being able to help.”
“And… Juliette?”
May’s gaze slid over to meet Maggie’s. She pursed her lips. “Daisy is… not taking it as well.”
Ao3 | FFN
tag list: @juliaswickcrs @witchofinterest @arrthurpendragon @samwilsonns @kingsmakers @damn-daemon @villain-connoisseur @drbobbimorse @nejires-hado @akabluekat @bisexualterror
the spaces between tag: @emiliachrstine
want to be added? want to learn more? let me know!
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sarasastra · 1 month
Interaksi Lawan Jenis pasca Menikah
Sepertinya memang jadi ujian bagi sebagian orang perihal; menjaga batasan dalam berinteraksi dengan lawan jenis.
Tidak hanya bagi para single, tapi berlaku juga untuk mereka yang sudah menikah.
Tidak terlepas bagi perempuan atau laki² saja melainkan keduanya. Perlu punya penjagaan diri, pemahaman yang meliputi bagaimana Islam mengatur interaksi kepada lawan jenis yang itu 'orang asing' atau dalam hal ini: non-mahram.
Dulu saat single, sedikit saya akui saya cukup kesulitan dan agak longgar penjagaannya. Saya memang tidak terlalu strict tapi tidak juga yang membebaskan diri berinteraksi semaunya sama laki².
Walau lingkungan bergaulku katakanlah masih circle anak kajian, anak organisasi islam di kampus, anak masjid kampus, tapi kalau kutilik kebelakang ada beberapa hal yang sebetulnya sangat perlu dibenahi kulturnya.
Karena mepet sekali dengan pelanggaran syariat. Perlu super hati-hati dan kuat²an prinsip hehe. Karena masih muda masih mudah juga terombang-ambing dan bergelombang perjalanan penguasaan hatinya.
Namun baiklah, itu sudah masa lalu. Kita ambil pelajarannya saja :)
Sering kita lihat beberapa kasus, masalah dan kejadian yang serius dalam kehidupan berumahtangga bermula dari ketidakmampuan salah satu atau keduanya ketika berinteraksi dengan orang luar.
Bermudahan-mudahan bicara dan berkomunikasi dengan teman kantor/teman kerja, teman dimasa lalu, mantan crush, apapun namanya—sebetulnya itu ranjau. Tidak seharusnya kita dekati.
Ada cerita seorang perempuan nebeng pulang ke teman lelakinya yang sudah menikah, tanpa paham situasi, tanpa mengerti posisi keduanya malah melakukan kesalahan.
Ada pula seorang istri yang curhat ke rekan kerja lelakinya soal masalah rumah tangganya, dan merasa nyaman didengarkan dan diberi masukan oleh rekannya tsb, malah lama-lama jatuh hati.
Kedua hal ini fatal. Jelas.
Meskipun awalnya dari kata "ah cuma gini.." ujungnya bisa mengganggu keharmonisan rumah tangga lho.
Jangan juga bagi mereka yang single dengan santainya menghubungi teman lawan jenis mereka yang sudah menikah. Hanya bertanya kabar, mau tau life update-annya, cuma basa-basi. Stop! Sebaiknya tidak.
Bahkan sekadar reply story yang sebetulnya ngga perlu juga direspon tapi malah direspon. Ingin dinotice. Ingin bisa ngobrol² diskusi sepeti dulu. Tanpa mereka melihat dan memahami kondisi teman lawan jenisnya sekarang yang sudah bersuami atau beristri. Tidakkah bisa memahami perasaan pasangannya nanti jika melihat isi obrolan tersebut? Sebaiknya tidak ya.
Hubungi dan berkomunikasilah jika ada perlu. Keperluan yang mendesak. Jika ada urusan muamalah yang harus diselesaikan. Kalau mau lebih nyaman dan aman, hubungi teman lawan jenismu melalui pasangannya (yang sejenis denganmu), itu pun jika kalian sama² kenal dan lebih berhati-hati.
Untuk sebagian orang lainnya, perihal menjaga interaksi dengan lawan jenis ini; ia sudah mampu kuasai.
Ada chat dari lawan jenis tanpa keperluan mendesak? Abaikan.
Ada ajakan reuni dari teman² sekolah atau organisasi kampus dulu? Abaikan, tidak perlu hadir.
Baginya, kehidupan ia bersama pasangannya sudah cukup. Dan secara sadar ia paham perlu menjaga kepercayaan serta kehangatan rumah tangganya.
Saat ini, barangkali ada sebagian orang berada diposisi yang menguntungkan sebetulnya.
Yang mana bagi pasangannya, ia adalah satu²nya teman dekat. Bahkan dari siapapun yang pernah mengenalnya tak ada yang sedekat dirinya.
Penjagaannya sejak masa single dulu, membawa keselamatan di masa depan. Dan pasangannya jadi belajar banyak darinya tentang bagaimana seharusnya menjaga diri dari interaksi yang tidak perlu dengan lawan jenis.
Baik, ini sebuah challenge.
Tapi dengan pertolongan dan penjagaan dari Allah— semoga saya dan kamu yang membaca tulisan ini selalu diselamatkan dari masalah dan segala bahaya. Aamiin.
Tangerang, 5 Mei 2024 | 20.19 WIB
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blueberrysoftserve · 1 year
sgcdfgfsd as a below-the-knee amputee myself I'm so unreasonably happy about you making Leo an amputee :)
Like, I can't even begin to understand how much joy it brings me
While I'm on this topic, I have a few questions about his prosthetic
First of all, what method of attachment does it use? (Ex: a suction gasket on the liner, a sleeve that goes over the cup, a pin lock, or a mechanism that Donnie made himself) each method has it's own nuances so I'm curious.
Secondly, if given the opportunity, would Donnie give Leo a more high-tech (at the very least in looks) prosthetic? Or is the one he has the one he's going to stick with? (I don't mind either way, just curious)
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YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY IT MAKES ME TO HEAR THIS!!!!! i'm very passionate about this concept and i'm glad it brings others comfort, i really wanna do it a lot of justice :']
my dms are ALLLWAYS open so if people would like to better educate me on the topic of amputees i implore it!!
while working on his design, i decided to go with a pin and lock suspension and pair it with a Total-Surface Bearing/TSB socket, especially since he's more active and up on his feet(or foot in this case?) and having the lower trimmed suction below the knee allowed for better mobility and balance in comparison to the typical PTB trim
of course this socket still has its own faults, such as the occasional problem with knee flexion and discomfort, and i do plan to include these little hurdles throughout his recovery.. the current prosthetic IS in fact temporary and i was discussing with my friend about the potential change in prosthetics later on!! maybe i'll share an updated design sometime down the line
have a little doodle of the twins brainstorming to accompany this idea <3
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jellycreamjammedart · 11 months
I believe in “Death Of The Author”
If you’re a RP blog and I followed you, it was on behalf of one or more of my RP sideblogs ( @madrcams @fazeruined @jammedmuses )
F.A.Q. || NAV
Digital art commissions info (Brazil)
Don't tag my posts as TSAMS or TSBS or any TSBS channels
Lost and Found (Super)Stars
FNAF Security Breach Ruin, post-"betrayal" elevator ending
hurt/comfort, Found Family, something I like to call "Hopeful Horror"
PT. 1
PT. 2
PT. 3
PT. 4
PT. 5
PT. 6
PT. 7
Headcanons: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
Idea post
Tag: desktop / mobile
Read on AO3 (registered users only)
Cassie >>> Gregory
(This pinned post may get updated from time to time.)
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lolbitbutsus · 2 months
Little introduction to me and I will update as needed!
You can call me lolbit/bit/bits,i go by any pronouns (neos included)
I have my service dog In training Ziggy to be the ability to my disabilitys 💙
Fandoms/communitys I'm in:
Sun and moon show/TSBS
Invisible davis studios roleplays
therian community
Dog training community
Poppy playtime (ngl mostly just for chapter 3)
Service dog community
Lumine (webtoon)
School bus graveyard (webtoon)
ESSA(emotional support stuffed animal) community
Furry community
Bungou stray dogs
And more lol
Feel free to send asks!especially if they are related to dog training lol
@zig-zag-dog-training is my training blog
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(Photo of baby ziggy💙🐕)
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queen-mihai · 6 months
I wanna talk real quick about "capitalism is the problem"
Capitalism IS the problem
Problem is, I really don't love the implication that sentence has. That's what I'm gonna discuss here.
As usual, I'm gonna start with a story.
Imagine you have a job. A decent job that pays well. Well enough, in fact, that you're able to save up and buy a car new enough to still be within its warrantee period.
You don't even mind the constant phone calls, emails, letters, singing telegrams, and dream invaders "trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty"
One day you go out to your fantastic car and find it doesn't start. You step out to inspect and notice one of the wheels has fallen off. You look under the hood and the wiring harness is fried, and when you search on the internet what the problem could be, it turns out an important update was never done on your car which causes all these problems.
The car IS the problem.
Your boss calls you, you're not gonna say "the dealer didn't complete the TSB". You might not know what that means. Your boss may not know what that means. You're gonna say "my car broke down"
Do you scrap the whole car?
The damn things in warranty! Heck no you don't scrap the car. You pay the $75 to get it towed to the dealer and you get into the managers office to have a polite but firm conversation about the importance of following manufacturers recommended service bulletins, especially those regarding driver safety. Maybe you kindly remind him that the car has just been in for service where you paid them to complete all necessary services and now you have needed to take half a day off work. Maybe you FURTHER request, in your completely pleasant and patient tones, that they kindly provide you with a loaner car for the duration of time your car is needed in service. You're so patient and kind. Go you.
Now the car in this situation is DEFINITELY the problem. You could blame the service manager for not completing the service as recommended but there are probably a thousand other cars out there without that service completed and they're all running fine. They had no reason to believe yours would be the one that goes wrong.
This is where we're at with capitalism.
We know it's the problem. We can see the smoke coming from the hood and the wheel lying on the ground. Capitalism IS the problem.
Where I draw a distinction from many others who say that, though, is this:
Capitalism doesn't need a wrecking ball. It needs a maintenance team.
The problem is, the services and follow-ups just aren't being done. Oversight is being overlooked. The maintainers with the wrenches in their hands have their hands tied behind their backs because the managers decided it's cheaper to run a maintenance crew if they just stop breaking so many tools
Yes. Like your car, the system needs a major overhaul. Extremely important systems have been neglected for an extremely long time.
But scrapping the whole thing would be like taking your car to the dealer and telling them you'll walk from now on.
You still owe all the money that car costs. You're paying for it anyway. We're not going to get rid of capitalism
We need. To fix it.
Regulations. Taxes. Eliminating fraud, waste, and abuse. BORING stuff. People who make decisions all day, listening to people who look at numbers all day. Doing the right thing for everybody not just themselves.
I'm in maintenance. Maintenance has been my mindset as long as I've been an adult. I know when a system needs work and when it needs to be scrapped. We're not gonna be a bartering economy. And if other countries have shown us anything, there's always gonna be some idiots who want to turn any attempt at communism or full socialism into oligarchy or kleptocracy. We have a system that, even in its current broken form, is keeping us (barely) from becoming a dictatorship. It doesn't need to be scrapped. It needs to be fixed.
You want a hero for the ages? Look away from superheroes. There's nobody for Batman to punch. We don't need the world's greatest detective. We need the world's greatest accountant.
You want a 3 letter agency that could save our country? Think less CIA. More IRS.
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Casual conversations with Ranboo and Wilbur
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polizwrites · 5 months
PoliZ's WIP Update - 31 Jan 2024
Another productive writing week - while I only  touched  3 fics (1 new works & 2 WIPs) - with over a thousand words on one of them, I managed 2310  words - for a total of over 11k for the month!  
On Ao3, I posted: 
 Chapter One of  The Sultan’s Gifts - mostly PWP with Dom!Tony/sub!Steve/sub!Bucky  - featuring some impact play & bondage. 
An Evening in Prague -  Red Room-era BuckyNat  (kinda-sorta)  mission fic one-shot.
Competing for His Affections - WinterIron with ‘bot shenanigans  one-shot.    
On Tumblr I posted: 
To Earn The Dragon’s Heart -  Fantasy AU with Dragon!Steve/Prince!Tony - to be continued 😁
I carried over 16 semi-active WIPs into the new year 😬 with my  current  deadlines being the Bucky Barnes Bingo which now wraps on 31 Jan and the Tony Stark Bingo & Stony AU Bingo which both wrap in mid-February.    
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Bucky Barnes Bingo  - [BBB_R5]   (Ends 10 31 Jan 2024)
I’ve got  twenty-six fills  and six bingos, with  one WIP - thanks to the extended deadline, I’m getting an assisted blackout! 
* C5 - Marriage of Convenience/Pretend Couple - Posted  An Evening in Prague  to Ao3 on Tuesday. It’s a Red Room-era BuckyNat (kinda) ficlet where she and the Soldier are pretending to be a couple in love at a Christmas market.  Originally posted here as a fill the for  Flash Fiction Friday prompt  [#FFF234 How It Ends]  I tinkered with it some more and it came in at 477 words.  
* K2 - Humor - see TSB  KINK: Cock-blocking 'bots  below. 
Tony Stark Bingo Round 7  - [TSB_R7]   (ends 15 Feb)
Twenty-six  fills and two WIPs as of the moment  - getting an assisted blackout, thanks to a couple of adopted squares! 
* T2 - KINK: Cock-blocking 'bots -  Posted  Competing for His Affections  this morning –  ‘bot shenanigans based on Tony & Bucky’s new romance.  I combined a recent Flash Fiction Friday prompt,  [#FFF233 Imperfect Sign]  and a belated  Fictober Day 27: prompt   "I don't know if they will accept this."   along with my  BBB - Humor prompt.  It came in at 537 words 
* A2 - KINK: Concubine -  This will get filled with Chapter Two of  The Sultan’s Gifts  (see Caning prompt below).    Chapter Two, which also fills my SAUB Gentle Dom square  is coming in at 1065 words with a third smutty chapter (filling my SRB Multiple Submissives squares)  sitting at 225 words as of this morning. 
* R5 - Doppelganger/Evil Twins -    Worked on expanding NamNori  this week -  originally a ficlet for the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF214 Broken Mirror].  It’s crossing over with my  SAUB AU: Crack square and is coming in at 1303 words of an alternate-dimension Tony  causing a bit of havoc, but also a happy Stony ending.  It will post on Friday.      
* K5 - AU: Anime - I had Vague Ideas of doing a “Battle of the Planets” (my first anime and a childhood favorite)  fusion, with Tony as Princess, Steve as Mark and Bucky as Jason - but wasn’t sure who to put in as  Tiny (Happy? Thor?) or  Keyop (Vision?) -  JARVIS would have been their 7-Zark- 7 of course….  if I have time/spoons/inspiration - I may do something with this.   
* Dec Adoptable: Caning - Posted Chapter One of The Sultan’s Gifts  over the weekend. It’s basically an extended PWP scene with sub!Steve/ sub!Bucky as concubines gifted to Dom!Tony.  There’s a bit of impact play (thanks to this prompt and the SRB Crops/Floggers/Whips square). I also threw in my SAUB Pre-Serum Steve Rogers  and Build a Bucky Bingo  Polyamory prompts for good measure!  It came in at 972 words.  
* Jan Adoptable: Enemies to Lovers -  working to fit this into another Flash Fiction Friday-inspired fic -  To Earn the Dragon’s Heart  was written for prompt  [#FFF237 A Fool’s Quest] and will also fill my SAUB AU: Fantasy square.  This is also inspired by CoffeeOwl’s really cool dragon!Steve/ indebted!Tony prompt in the STB Discord server.  The expansion is up to 678 words and will hopefully be posted on the 9th.  
Stony AUniverse Bingo  [SAUB_R1] (ends 15 Feb)
Another brand-new bingo I’m helping co-mod!   I’m up to fourteen  fills, four  WIPs and several  crossover ideas in play.  Not sure I’m going to get a blackout - but I’ll do my best!  
* S1 - Edging - Filled this with Ringing in the New, where Tony makes a suggestion to improve/change up their love life. It’s a crossover with a Flash Fiction Friday prompt: How Do You Use ‘It’? and came in at 324 words - I will post it to Ao3 before the event is over.
* S2 - AU: Crack - see TSB   Doppelganger/Evil Twins
* S3 - AU: Wings -  think I need to pivot on this - maybe I’ll be self-indulgent and do a second remix of some part of Take What Was Wrong (And Make it Right) from Steve’s POV - since  the first remix  is Bucky POV (and therefore tricky to make Stony-focused) 
* S5 - Accidental Baby Acquisition - see BBB Yelena Belova  - this may have to come off the table/pivot to something else.  
* T1 - AU: Fantasy -  see TSB  Enemies to Lovers. 
* T2 - Adopting a Cat - combined this with a Flash Fiction Friday prompt  [#FFF236 Fight or Flight]  for  Feline Fight and Flight  - which will probably get a better title before I post it to Ao3.😁 This No Powers established Stony ficlet - where Tony’s rescuing a stray cat and Steve helps out -  came in at  390 words. 
* T4 - AU: Canon Divergence - I may write a follow up on Setting Aside the Shield   to fill this square. 
* O2 - Omegaverse - I have a Vague Idea inspired by  @kandisheek’s lovely art piece.  
* O3 - FREE - used this in combination with a previous  Flash Fiction Friday prompt:   [#FFF235 Little Pink Houses]  to come up with  Those Old Crazy Dreams (Just Kind of Came and Went) which was posted to Tumblr and came in at 461 words.  I may tweak it a bit before posting to Ao3 before this event is over.   
* N2 - Mutual Pining - crossover with CABB Royal Knight?
* N3 - Gentle Dom - see TSB KINK: Concubine above
* N5 - AU: Multiple Identities - Posted  The Secrets We Keep  to Tumblr.  It’s a first person alternating POV ficlet with mutual pining (and secret identity) Stony.   It came in at 314 words and will get posted to Ao3 before the event ends. 
Y1 - Pre-Serum Steve Rogers - see TSB Caning above
Captain (America) Bottom Bingo - Round 2 [CABB] (ends 28 Feb 2024)
I signed up for a 3x3 card for this bingo and have six fills, two WIPs and a couple of crossover ideas.
* B3 - Royal Knight - see SAUB Mutual Pining.
Post July Break Bingo  [JBB_23p] (Ends Apr 2024)
One fill on my  2x3 non-fandom-specific card - still working on  potential crossovers.
* A1 - “It’s you. It’s always been you.” -  Pivoting to include this in the Canon Divergence prompt I have on one of these cards 😁
* B2 - Character’s personality is split into two different beings – I’ve never played with Bucky & the Soldier being two different people, but this seems like the perfect opportunity! Will see what might be a good crossover on one of my open cards.
*  C1 - Touch Starved – another good fit for a Bucky-centric fic. (Steve or Tony or Clint).
Steve Rogers Bingo - Round 3 [SRB_R3] (ends  15 Jun 2024)
Six  fills and one WIP - need to ponder possible crossovers, especially with  & CABB.  
* C5 - Exes to Lovers  - crossover with  CABB - "B1 - "All I wanted was for you to be happy."  – Bucky or Tony as the Ex?   SAUB S4 - Arranged Marriage  might be an additional crossover  
* D1 - Multiple Submissives -  see  TSB  KINK: Concubine
* D5 - Crops/Floggers/Whips  - see TSB Caning  
Bucky Barnes Connect Four - Alt Jun-iverse [BBC4_R2]  {Ends June 2024}
The good folks over at @buckybarnesevents  have opened this event up early!  You sign up for a single row card of four squares and the challenge is to see if you can combine any/all into a single Bucky-centric AU fanwork - although you can also create 2-4 separate fanworks if you want.  
The combo of prompts on my first card [Reality Show,  Omegaverse, Talent/Manager, Royalty] sparked an idea that I’m about 230 words + misc notes into already -  Alpha!Bucky as a technical prince   who gets talked into joining a reality show that is supposed to match him up with an omega… but there’s a twist!   I’m torn between striking while the iron is hot vs spending time on the fics that have a looming deadline…  🙃
Hawkeyes Bingo [HB_R2] {Ends TBD] 
Just signed up for this fun Tumblr event - got a 3x3 card and want to swap out one square, but otherwise am looking forward to creating more  Clint-centric content and trying my hand at a bit of  Kate Bishop fic as well!    
*A1 - Werewolf AU -  possible inspiration to continue A Hairy Situation? 
* A3 - Awkward Flirting – this might be a good entry into my first femslash fic with Kate/Yelena?    
Build-A-Bucky Bingo [BaBB_R1] {Ends Oct 2024}
Another fun year-long  event from the folks at  @buckybarnesevents!  Each month there’s a list of prompts and you choose (at least) one  each month for your card!
* November:  Crackfic - DONE  
* December: Wingman  - DONE
* January: Wingfic  - DONE
*January: Polyamory - see  TSB  Caning
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  [WFB]   (no end date)
Four  fills on my card, courtesy of   @warmandfluffybingocards  - need to try for another crossover or two! 
On  other creative fronts:  I am working on a  Sonic the Hedgehog figure for the Hall of Heroes con in early March;  still have one figure to go for one of my Marvel Trumps Hate  auction winners:  Captain Rambeau aka Photon. 
If  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations, check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 150!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
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The Space Between - Chapter 2: ROCKY ROADS - Page 42
Chapter summary: Ferelith and Vexen are finally on the road but find themselves battling the unfortunate realities of interplanetary travel. I waited so long just for this one dumb joke.
See you all next week!
Originally posted 26th April 2024
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ghostsandfools · 1 month
All of these will happen... Eventually.... But I'm pretty slow with writing, so this'll give me a good goal to work towards first before I eventually do all the other ones.
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fluffy-critter · 2 months
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iron-parkr · 8 months
I had a dream about Maggie Stark last night for the first time ever, so I think that’s a sign I should write for her lol
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