12redsky34 · 4 years
wip roundup
I have been tag-teamed by @autisticmidoriyas and @yamadadzawa so I guess it’s my turn! Thanks for inviting me to share my many ideas, both of u xD
Just gonna preface this by saying that I have only three actual in-progress and posted wips at the moment, so I’ll split this into written and currently unwritten. In addition, while most of my ideas are for BNHA, I have a few for Haikyuu as well that I’ll include.
1. The Soul Behind The Quirk: Currently the fic I’ve written the most content for, and it’s been tonnes of fun to write!. It basically started with the thought “what if Izuku could see like... souls?” and it spiralled from there. It starts with Hisashi, an S-class villain (not AfO though), coming to Izuku and Inko’s home. He and a currently unnamed accomplice murder Inko and heavily injure Izuku, leaving Aizawa to rescue him from the burning apartment. Izuku force-manifests a quirk from the stress of the experience.
2. Dancing through Embers: This one is still in the baby stages, but it features quirkless, trans Izuku and Hitoshi, graffiti artist Hitoshi, vigilante Izuku, vigilante and brotherly Dabi (eventually, it’s a bit far down the line at the moment), and eventual parental Aizawa. Also featuring the characters in Karasuno from Haikyuu!! You don’t need to know anything about Haikyuu to enjoy them, but they’re a nice addition for those who do. This one’s more serious than most of my other fics so far, and I’ve outlined a lot more than the rest. I’m actually quite proud of what I’ve planned, and you may take that as you will ;)
3. A Study of Soulmates: You want a soulmate AU? You want good dad Hisashi? Want a quirkless Izuku who doesn’t ever step foot into UA? Want an Izuku that will eventually work in a coffee shop as an informant on the side? Well this is the place for you! This one is in it’s early early stages; like I just started posting last month, early. It’s mostly going to be fairly light-hearted, with both platonic and romantic soulmates, but Tododeku is planned as a main pairing and there will be plenty of shenanigans surrounding them.
3. I’m falling to pieces (falling to pieces): A oneshot that is still being written. I’ve seen a lot of fics where Aizawa and/or his classmates find out about Izuku’s previous quirklessness somehow, and this was actually inspired from this post by @zippodippo! Features all the dadzawa content!
4. Dragon!Quirked Izuku AU: This hasn’t had too much thought beyond “I want to make Izuku a dragon” and “Ooooh what if he was taken in by the Hero Commission just like Hawks?” Basically in this fic, his quirk manifested a little late and quite violently; he effectively goes feral for a short while until heroes are called in to subdue him. He would have been pardoned for his quirk use considering it happened while he was afraid and under significant stress, but the power his quirk had even then caught the Commission’s attention and they basically forced Inko and Hisashi to hand him over. There isn’t a lot they can do about it.
5. Shady Dealings: Doesn’t really have an end goal at the moment, but this basically started from “I want to write a villain/informant AU that I feel would be true to Izuku’s character,” and it resulted in this. Inko works as a nurse/doctor of sorts in the underground for villains, vigilantes, or just people who can’t afford an actual hospital for whatever reason. Hisashi works as a support mechanic of sorts for the underground, mostly for vigilantes and for the poor division of the population who can’t afford traditional prosthetics. Both of them take payment in the form of money, favours, or both. They’re also very careful to keep anyone from targeting Izuku, and make active attempts to get him into a more lawful line of work, but that backfires of course. I plan for it to be pretty lighthearted despite the serious subject.
6. Everyone is Brainwashed: I see a lot of fix-it fics where those involved are often like “why didn’t I see/notice this before?” and I thought “well... what if it’s because everyone literally can’t?” The basic premise is this: when UA was first being planned and built, AfO placed a very subtle but very wide-ranged brainwashing on anyone involved in major decisions regarding the school. He can’t change how anyone under influence acts in a major way, but he can, for instance, make someone decide not to put in place one safety measure or another. This is a chink he eventually takes advantage of through the USJ arc. Things are going quite well for him until one Izuku Midoriya walks in completely unaffected by the brainwashing zone he’s put in place.
7. Anomaly!AU: Basically if Izuku is an SCP from SCP: Containment Breach. I’ve taken a fair amount of creative liberties with this one, partially because I have never actually played the game and partially because fitting things like that into a world of quirks can be a little tricky. He’ll be an SCP of my own design, I’ve actually drawn him quite a bit at this point, but he wasn’t originally one. AfO took him as a child and felt like experimenting so he sort of crammed a lot of weird, random quirks into him, but it kind of backfired, and Izuku became something not quite human anymore. There’s not a whole lot planned yet but I have some ideas!
1. Lightning Strikes Twice: Basically a HTTYD AU with some creative liberties. Hinata is a rare lightning Dragon, known in the racing world for his speed. The only problem is, his paired rider is abusive and keeps pushing and demanding, always telling him he isn’t good enough even though he keeps trying. Kageyama is a renowned dragon rider, known for his excellent control on the saddle and for being able to navigate racing courses even veterans find hard to clear. However, he never manages to find a dragon he truly connects with, and to make it far in the racing industry, that kind of connection is basically a requirement. Tragic accidents drive them from their old teams and bring them to Karasuno, where they both get a fresh start.
2. Giant Crow Hinata: Almost everything is the same except Hinata isn’t human, and lives in the mountains with his family, who are also not human. I haven’t decided what exactly they are past giant creatures of some sort. Hinata belongs to a clan of giant bird creatures, and he specifically is a crow. One night in a storm, he gets injured and ends up in Kageyama’s back yard. Kageyama’s mother patches him up and sends him home, but he comes back, and eventually he and Tobio end up in a routine of sorts where Hinata will sit there and listen to Tobio talking about volleyball. One day, Hinata arrives but he’s in a more human-like form and demands that he let Tobio try and play with him. That’s about all I got for that so far.
3. Pokemon AU: This one is. So involved, mostly on the worldbuilding side of things. For those who know anything at all about the main series Pokemon games, this will be set in Galar (Sword/Shield). Hinata grows up wanting nothing more than to be a Pokemon Ranger (they have a slightly different role than “canon” here), whereas Kageyama was born from a Gym Leader and the CEO of an influential company and has had heavy expectations on him basically since birth. The stress and fear of failure make him cold and controlling at first, so when he does his first run of the Pokemon League, he fails. He gets advice to visit the Wild Area where a certain Ranger spends most of his time. Needless to say, when he meets this scrawny, wild-haired little Ranger, he is not expecting it to be while he himself is being chased around by an angry Dragon-type until Hinata arrives and calms it down by just being there. He has many questions.
Aaaaand that’s it I believe! If any of you want to ask me questions about these, feel free to leave an ask! I’d be happy to talk about them more :D As for tagging, uhhhh... I dunno, @plusultrachaos, @faelwenholdsthelight, and @psychicshr00m, if y’all haven’t done so and would like to do this!
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12redsky34 · 4 years
I have come to return the favor and hear about my faves!!! For Kemuri: 2, 13, 27, 🍊, 💛, ❌. For Onkou: 8, 14, 15, 💤, 🍇, 🌸
Excellent, thank you for the ask! Alrighty, so first up we have Okage Kemuri, Hero name Shadow! 2. Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child? No to all three, mostly because he is awful at managing his time without someone else to remind him about what needs doing or without some dedicated notification apps on his phone for things like appointments or time set aside for projects that need doing. He is not the co-owner of his agency for his organisation skills xD 13. Name one thing their parents taught them. This was mostly because all of his immediate family had what would be considered creepy or villainous quirks, but they taught him to always be kind to everyone whenever possible, while at the same time knowing when not to waste time with someone who has made it clear they won’t let themselves be open to alternate opinions or viewpoints. As an extension of that, they also taught him that he shouldn’t be afraid to be the best version of himself at any given time, and that he shouldn’t feel any need to apologise for being himself unless he is actually acting in a way that’s truly harmful to someone else.
27. Forgiveness or vengeance (or…)? He isn’t usually an advocate for vengeance. That being said, he isn’t necessarily quick to forgive, either. Especially when it comes to the people who he’s close friends with. If he sees you as part of his circle, his family, he’s going to be unfailingly loyal. You have to earn that loyalty, though. 🍊 What is your OC’s favourite meal? Snack? Dessert? Drink? Any reasons behind this besides liking how it tastes? Apart from having the biggest sweet tooth in existence, he is actually extremely picky beyond that. If there’s a single thing in his food he doesn’t like then he will either spend as much time as it takes removing the thing or just won’t eat it and pretend he wasn’t hungry because he doesn’t want to be rude to whoever made said food, be it a chef at a restaurant or otherwise. His friends see through it and just offer him sections of their own food that they know he likes. 💛 In general, how in control of their emotions is your OC? Do they have a good hold on them or do their emotions control them, not the other way around? What do you think is the reason behind this and is your OC ever concerned about their lack of or good control? He’s usually in decent control of himself, he has to be in order to be as good a hero as he is, but he feels strongly, and it can get the best of him. We’ve actually seen a little of this already in The Soul Behind The Quirk! ❌ What kind of things would end any relationship for them? Is there a history behind why these things bother them? Could they ever take someone back despite this? If so or if not, why? Anyone who is wilfully cruel to him or his circle are immediately out. He grew up with all kinds of prejudice and scorn as a kid; now that he’s in a situation where he doesn’t have to put up with school bullies and the like, he is very firm on the fact that if you hurt him or his family, you’re out. Him and his agency are basically a packaged deal and he won’t make any compromises on that front. Usually if someone does act like that and he finds out, they’re gone forever. As mentioned above, he’s not usually one for vengeance, but he’s not necessarily going to forgive either. And to finish it off, we have Onkou Yamori, Hero name Naga! 8. Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them? It depends on the type; thought puzzles like riddles tend to frustrate them, but if they’re based on rules and logical steps then she adores them. She can actually be found doing complex Sudoku puzzles in her down time if she needs to do something besides work! 14. Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any? She did when she was younger, but she grew up with Kemuri and his upbringing of being the best self you can be unapologetically, so she picked up a lot of that over the years and agrees much less with it now. From this perspective, no, she doesn’t have any ‘guilty’ pleasures. If it was her younger self’s opinion, then it would probably be investing in nice, high-quality things for herself. She grew up in an impoverished family so she still struggled with allowing herself to spend the money she earns. 15. What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work? Anything that is done purely to satisfy someone else. She’s of the opinion that anything you do should have some level of enjoyment, because why else would you even bother? 💤 What was your OC like as a baby, a child and as a teen? (if your OC is a teen or a child, what will they be like as an adult?). How have they changed since then? What lessons have they learned and what things about their youth do they miss the most? Do they have any general regrets? She was very quiet and inquisitive as a baby. She could speak pretty early compared to most of her peers, but she never really felt a need to unless it was necessary. As a child she was mostly the same, but because her peers saw her quirk as undesirable due to it’s mutant nature.  🍇 Day or Night? Sun or Rain? Summer or Winter? She loves warm days, because being what is essentially a giant reptile means she has the physiology of one, and warmth makes her feel more active and refreshed. Similarly she prefers the sun over rain, but she’ll happily turn on a heater with some music and do some puzzles if it is raining. And, again, she loves summer and despises winter, which is when she’s most sluggish. 🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent? Her voice is actually very deep. When she talks quietly, it sounds a bit like a grumble, or if she shouts, it sounds kind of like a roar. When she laughs, it’s like an engine rumbling or a really loud cat purring. She isn’t the best singer out there, but she does enjoy doing it on occasion! She doesn’t have any particular accent, but her ‘s’ noises are drawn out a little more than you’d usually here. She used to do everything she could to suppress that part since she got picked on for “speaking weird,” but she lets it happen more often as an adult.
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12redsky34 · 4 years
4 and 13 for tsbtq, please! 💙
Hello Kat! Thanks for the ask!! 💖💖💖
4.  What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Oooh this is a tough one. Lemme scour through some of the chapters real quick... Hmm... Ahhhh in typical me fashion I cannot just pick one line of purely dialogue so have an entire segment instead xD But from what I’ve written so far, this is probably one of my favourite parts if only because I’m proud of myself for the emotion I managed to convey:
"I'm scared." He almost can't make out the words, but he hears them all the same and lets his eyes slide closed with a heavy feeling in his heart.
"I know." He rumbles quietly.
"I want mom."
"I know."
"Everything hurts."
For some reason, that more than anything makes Shouta's chest ache. Izuku’s still only nine, he has no reason to see or experience horrors like this so soon. Not for the first time, he blames himself - if only he'd been there faster, he could have stopped Salamander before any of this happened - but he knows, logically, he did what he could. He swallows thickly and gives Izuku's trembling shoulder a light squeeze, mirroring what Hizashi had done for himself earlier.
"I know."
Other than that, I’m also just generally proud of my execution of banter, lol. I’ve been having a lot of fun with those.
13.  What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
Ahhh to be honest the things I listen to fluctuate from day to day. I do however have a few suggestions for songs I think link pretty well to the fic, so I’ll share those!
Made for the Battle, by UNSECRET X GAITS - This one is sort of a general theme for Izuku, not to mention just a good song in general!
Gaze, by Unlike Pluto - Some of you may know I am basically obsessed with this man’s music, but I listened to Gaze in particular a few times and went “... This is... Pretty fitting for this story’s eventual Tododeku...” so here ya go!
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12redsky34 · 4 years
Soul Behind The Quirk, 2 & 15!
/Rubs hands together/ excellent! Thanks for the question, Lar! 💖💖💖
2.  What scene did you first put down?
A variation of what is now the opening scene for chapter 1! I went through about three different rewrites of that scene and never really felt satisfied with any until I reached the current one. I wonder if I have the original draft anywhere?
I’ll also admit that while I haven’t yet written anything for this part down, I have been continually thinking ahead to certain major events that will take place in the fic and having very vivid daydreams about how I think they’d play out in satisfying ways. The closest of these major events as of writing this is the inevitable Todoroki and Midoriya battle in the Sports Festival. I am super excited for that, and it’s getting ever closer!
15.  What did you learn from writing this fic?
Quite a lot, I think! I’d like to emphasize that I am still learning as we speak, lol, but starting this fic has introduced me to so many amazing people and fellow authors, including those with more experience and expertise than me. I know for a fact that even simply looking at the kinds of things they write and how they write them has taught me a lot about writing styles and made me think about how to incorporate those things into my own. The first things that come to mind is like... Different ways you can make implicit statements without saying as much. Putting context between the lines, showing and not telling, things like that. I don’t think I’m amazing at it yet but I’ve been making efforts to try! And I think that’s the most important bit.
Apart from that, though, I’ve learned that I find an unexpected amount of joy in writing that I don’t think I really realized before, thanks to this fic. I’ve always seen myself as more of an artist than anything, but I’ve started to expand that view into writing as well.
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