Could you please write something with Tsukishima and kyoutani, were Reader is usually very friendly and affectionate towards them and they keep pushing her away but shes friendly anyways and one time they say something mean to her and then she suddenly stops? And they realize that they have gone too far and try to apologize and make that up to her?
Hi! I only did Tsukishima as I tend to reslly butcher and struggle with Kyoutanis personality, I’m super sorry to disappoint and I hope this is enough! 💛
Tsukishima Kei x Reader | Word Count: 918
“What do you need this time” Tsukishima scoffed, clearly not overly happy with your presence during his lunch.
“I wanted to each with you of course, silly Tsukki!” You beamed back. Tsukishima ignored your response just like how you ignored his harsh tone of voice. Carefully sitting down you began to inhale your food, often trying to make small talk with only a hum or nod back in reply.
You and Tsukishima were total opposites, no one could ever deny it, right down to aura you both gave off. Happy go lucky was the type of life you lived, constantly wanting to spread happiness and affection, you had zero enemies and planned on keeping it that way! Tsukishima was more closed in, supposedly rude and completely hostile towards anyone he didn’t particularly want contact with.
Despite his appalling social behaviour, you quite liked Tsukishima, his witty remarks towards the team never failed to make you laugh and the mysterious sense he gave off intrigued you utterly from the day you first spoke to him. With that you were determined to be his friend! You knew it was to his disapproval but everyone wanted at least a few friends right?
The lunch bell rang repeatedly throughtout the school, earning groans from the students as they begain to pack up and shuffle back to lessons. You bid a content goodbye to Tsukishima before skipping off to your next lesson, saying you would see him at practice. He responded with a sarcastic ‘Great’ as you went off.
Practice went smoothly, the sound of volleyballs slapping against the floor ricocheting throughout the room. You hummed lightly as you began collecting up the balls to be put away until you slipped, colliding harshly with the floor, skin grating along the surface causing red marks to blossom on the attacked skin.
The whole gym was silent for a minute, several pairs of eyes boring down onto your fallen figure.
“No wonder you’re not in the college prep class, you’ve probably kncoked all the sense out yourself you blundering child” Tsukishima remarked, words icy and ill-mannered.
Gasps of shock emmited from the rest of the team, completely bewildered by the sudden harshness from their fellow member. Pain was written across your face, everyone could see it but it wasn’t because of the fall, it was from the sheer aggressiveness of his words as they sliced through you. He knew that was a sensitive issue, that you worked your ass off to try get into the college prep class and missed it by one spot, he knew your insecurities about it and how it destroyed you emotionally for ages. He just didn’t care did he?
Scrambling back up you let off a small laugh, still completely ignoring the evil blonde. You took a miss on going to grab a meat bun today, instead going home to probably stress about your studying. Everyone said goodbye solemnly as you went off, all except Tsukishima, you didn’t want to give him the time of day.
Weeks passed without any contact between you and Tsukishima, you remained quite hurt and everyone could tell. You no longer gave off your happy radiance, instead you were more quiet and reserved, spending all your extra time studying.
It took a while but Tsukishima began to wonder about your absence, feeling low and empty without your ecstatic personality. He hated to admit the idea, but he missed you massively and wanted to see you again. Though he wouldn’t want to sabotage his pride over this; something so stupid. Or was it stupid? Did he really hurt you that much? He wanted to find out in all honesty. After a long pestering from Yamaguchi just telling him to get on with it, he finally left to go find you.
He found you in the library, head stuck in a book and your hair tied up scruffily. Despite the tranquility of the library your whole nature gave off the complete opposite. Your face looked troubled and stressed, a blue vein popping around your temple, lips forcefully clenched together and your eyes showed nothing but stress and strain. The bags hamging lowly below your orbs showed much sleep deprivation and the clusters of grease forming around your T-zone demonstrated just how neglecting you’ve been towards your hygiene lately.
This was when it hit him hard, as if a boxer had literally full blown punched him in the face, he felt awful. He did this to you. He made you feel so little and dull-witted at the expense of his own laughter.
Slowly and carefully edging towards your seat so he didn’t startle you, he made a coughing sound in order to catch your attention. Glancing up, you were in disbelief at the sight before you, Tsukishima stood there with a tint of red faintly scattered across his cheeks.
“I’m s-sorry” he mumbled, barley able to be heard.
“What was that?”, you knew exactly what he said but he deserved a form of teasing for his actions.
“I said I was sorry” he repeated, louder but still with a sense of bashfulness in his tone.
“Sorry I couldn’t hear-“
“Yes you could, you know exactly wha I said!” Finally cracking at the teasing smirk that was sprawled across your face.
“Okay~ well I guess I can forgive you Tsukishima”, you emphasised on the ‘okay’, back in your normal happy manner.
“I knew you would” Tsukishima returned, also back in his snarky tone.
“Did you miss me?!”
“No, y/n”
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Its 4am I’m sorry for trash :)
Tsukishima Kei x reader | Word Count: 582
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It stung. You hurt so much. The seething pain searing into your heart like a rabid bear clawing at it’s cage. You watched him walk out the door, like he wasn’t the one to insult you first,
Like he wasn’t the one to ignore you hours on end,
Like he was the one who put the effort into this relationship;
Like he didn’t do anything wrong.
But did he hurt like you?
There you sat, aimlessly staring at the blank TV, eyes resembling those of a dead fish, dried tears cascaded your cheeks that were swollen and bruised a tint of ebony and navy from excessive rubbing. You only wanted to feel loved,
You only wanted some attention and time,
You only want some form of reciprocation for your efforts;
You didn’t do anything wrong.
How did you and him become like this?..
It was only a few hours ago that you were celebrating his teams win on your first date night in what seemed like decades. You were both smiling and content, cherishing and basking in eachothers company, a little peck on the cheek here and a little joke there. Oh how it turned sour so quickly.
In his words ‘you couldn’t keep you mouth shut for long’ when it came to the topic of your status together. You only questioned upon his absence, how he didn’t show you enough affection and give you their time of day when it came to putting in effort towards the once thriving relationship.
He said nothing back but instead smirked and laughed, calling your remarks stupid.
It all seemed hopeless trying to get across to someone so cold, so ill-humoured and just plain rude. You insisted he gave you an answer and that was how it all started.
He ,eventually, argued that he was busy,
You argued that he still saw friends.
He responded with a comment about how he brought you flowers,
You fired back it was for valentines.
He huffed and gave a snark insult about you being childish and needy,
You growled that he had no heart.
This then began a repeated cycle of excuses, furious tears and pain. It got worse and worse, shouting, screaming, all for nothing; neither of you were truly listening. Until it all came to a halt. He left, slaming the door with such force it vigorously wobbled for a few seconds after the collision.
Now we lead back to present time, it was late but you couldn’t be bothered to even check the time and as you continued to sit there, lifeless and cold. It was just a sense it was late, a sense that the city still hadn’t died completely yet, unlike yourself.
You waited for hours for his arrival, sat like a begging dog, you knew he wouldn’t be home tonight , it was a sense. A sense that stirred you to your very core with regret and anguish.
You lost your fiancé.
You were supposed to be Ms Tsukishima and yet couldn’t even bring yourself to think if his god awful name,
He was supposed to be your loving husband and cherish you like he used to before he got so occupied,
You were both meant to live in holy matrimony.
Yet questions kept playing on your racing mind,
Would you be able to repair yourselves?
Is this just a normal couple argument?
But most importantly:
Did he hurt like you do right now?
I guess you would wait to find out...
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