hatisadumbname · 8 years
So since it’s my birthday and I love going on about my characters and such, here’s a simple list I’m probably gonna keep on-hand for ease of use. Check em out if you want, but be warned, there’s probably nsfw lewds tucked in there somewhere.
Sorry if this doesn’t work right, mobile users. I feel your pain.
If a folder says lewd, it’s nsfw! Beware!
Seeker: Big dumb hero gnoll with a small kobold wife. She’s actually a dragon. His sword is as big as he is.
Looker: Punchy gnoll, has magic temporary tattoo brush that she reapplies regularly, hates not showing off her PHYSICAL PERFECTION.
Kit: Cat wizard, wears lots of baggy clothes to cover up, delivers mail.  Gender unknown, loves pub food.
Kusa: Fuzzbold fashionista. Loves costumes, skilled polearm user. Probably.
Tsulka: Space Fuzzbold. Sentient AI that finally got a real body, got the wrong body and doesn’t like how damn lewd it is. Damn space perverts.
Noy: A grim reminder of my dark past. Neon purple fox nurse dude with rainbow hair. I’m sorry.
Jaech: Fuzzbold magus. Lost an eye, wears a skirt kilt. Never lewd, tragic past.
Nisi: Kobold rogue. Loves romancing, scheming, and his mom. Means well, skilled assassin.
Denver: Mercenary gnoll, horribly terribly lewd. Missing an eye, and a functioning shirt.
Fluffgon (proper name someday maybe): Adoptable from Slinketza/Ourhero. Fluffy dragon, has lightning magic. Constantly produces static electricity.
MANY FURSONAS: Leff is a leferran, a race from tgchan born from footballs on sticks. Fuzzhat is a fuzzbold that only wears a hawaiian shirt (and maybe socks). GnollHat comes in Male and Female flavours, both are lewd. Same with both varieties of LynxHat.
Lemme know what ya think of them, I’m always happy to talk about ‘em.
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hatisadumbname · 10 years
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Tsulka was an Eclipse Phase character.
Artist: LawyerDog
The rest are available @lewdleferran (NSFW!)
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