#links galore
thefoldedbird · 2 years
@kazumiabi this one is for you.
Like a month ago you posted about wanting more female yautja fics.
So yeah, lol. Sorry it took so long but here it is! It’s finally, finally done. 😅
I've also got a link to what the female yautja's quarters look like.
Anyway! Hope you like it 🤙
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CW: injury description, I felt sad so decided to make the LU boys suffer. But it ends with fluff. Enjoy !!
To say it had been a hard battle would be a severe understatement. Sure, fights were never easy, but often the heroes were left with only a few scrapes and bruises. Not now, though.
Half of the Chain were rendered unconscious and now being carried by their brothers. But the conscious ones weren't without their woes- Twilight's femur had snapped out of his skin, for Hylia's sake!- so he's stuck riding on Epona. But only after Warriors had reset the bone and force-fed him a red potion. His trousers are still ripped and sticky with drying blood and tiny scraps of his flesh. Though, having one of the sturdier members on horseback has it's advantages, as Wild would tell you if he was awake. Which he isn't, his self preservation died alongside his body 100 years ago, and now he's slumped against his brother's chest, basically sitting in his lap. Wild's face is pale enough to rival fresh snow- hell, it's whiter than the bandages that wrap around the majority of his body. Though no broken bones, so that's a plus.
Sky's seated at Twilight's back, his head resting on the Rancher's shoulder. His arms are tied around Twilight's waist with rope that came from somewhere. Sky's stamina had failed him midway through trying to take down a particularly vicious Hinox, which kindly kicked him into a tree when he crumpled to the ground. The one moment Hylia decides to bless them is when Sky smacks into the tree arm first. Sure, his whole arm basically shattered, but a broken arm can heal; a shattered spine cannot. He didn't get so lucky when his head also hit the tree with considerable force and several ribs cracked from the initial kick. Needless to say, the boy is still knocked out cold even after two fairies and Warriors' first aid skills.
Speaking of Warriors... he's fine. Physically, at least. The War has made sure he can't be outnumbered in a swarm. Mentally? Well, about as fine as someone caked in blood can be. None of it belongs to him; it's a disgusting mix of monster and his brothers. His eyes hold a haunted hollowness, and though his legs keep marching and his arms hold Legend securely, he's somewhere distant.
Legend's no better off than Wild or Sky. In fact, he's arguably the worst off out of all of them, though not in terms of physical wounds. The Veteran Hero has his nickname for a reason, and his nimble fighting style merely highlights it. No, the idiot forgot to keep track of how much magic his items used and insisted he was fine without any green potions, Hyrule needed them more so he could heal the others. He wasn't so fine when the magic exhaustion stopped his heart. And it took 10 minutes of CPR and two broken ribs for his body to resuscitate. He barely stayed awake long enough to have a green and a red potion poured down his throat. His limp body in Warriors' arms is the reason the Captain periodically ducks his head down to see if the boy's still breathing.
Four had been the last to fall, and boy did he fall hard. With no other options, he'd had to split into his colours to guard the others and fight. It wasn't going terribly until their brains and courage got knocked out. A moblin's club took Vio down, and a Lizalfos took Green down with a cut across his legs. This spurred Red and Blue into a panic, which then led to more reckless injuries. What makes them reckless is that they tried to hide it, not knowing that all the wounds the colours sustained would all show up on Four's body. Who knew Red was the type to hide a stab wound? So now the Rainbow is passed out on Hyrule's back, occasionally muttering something incoherent to himself, but otherwise staying dead silent.
As for Wind and Time? The Sailor had been the one fighting that Hinox alongside Sky, and he'd been the one to cry out when Sky got kicked into a tree. But what does a Link do when in a panicked situation? Start throwing bombs, because that's logical. But Wind's barely a teenager, and so throw bombs at a Hinox he does. It's just a shame that the ugly thing fell on him and broke his legs. And that he couldn't even cry out for help until Time found him silently sobbing to himself. When Warriors reset his legs and Hyrule healed them, Time held him close like he'd done for Twilight.
Time's injuries are superficial, in his opinion. A few slashes here and there, a broken nose, a heavily bruised foot, nothing compared to what the others- his boys- had been through. Now he leads the group since Warriors is hidden away in his own mind, Twilight is fighting to stay awake, and Hyrule has no sense of direction.
But thankfully Time knew the path back to his ranch like he knew the exact time down to the second. He could find his home even if he was beaten within an inch of his life and on the verge of death... that was quite the scolding he'd gotten after waking up. But enough about the past, he needs to focus on the now. It doesn't matter how much he'd love to just collapse onto the grass and sleep, he needs to get his boys to safety.
And in time, that's what Time does. The lights of LonLon ranch have never held so much hope before, neither does Malon's voice as he shouts to them in surprise.
"Oh, you poor things! Come on, come inside, we need go get y'all in bed!"
The following minutes of getting everyone inside and comfortable is a blur to say the least. Somehow, everyone awake has been given a warm mug of chamomile tea with a generous amount of honey, and everyone who'd been unconscious is resting amid fluffy pillows and blankets.
Hyrule drops off to sleep beside Legend and Wild not long after, his body finally giving in to exhaustion after running on fumes for hours. Malon gathers Time and Twilight into her arms- though Twi's more on her lap than anything from his position laid on the couch. Time manages to relay what happened to his wife, but Twilight can't fight sleep any longer. Especially not when Malon carding fingers through his hair reminds him so much of his mother... he misses her....
Warriors sits silently on a chair, his mug of tea forgotten without a sip. He stares into nowhere while trying to claw his way back into some form of awareness. His brothers are safe. They're safe. They aren't going to die. So why is he still so... paranoid? Absent? Afraid?
He doesn't notice when an older man takes a seat on the chair beside him. "Son? Ya gonna wash all that blood off you or what?" He asks, his accent similar to Malon's in a way Warriors' dazed mind can't comprehend.
When the Link doesn't respond, the older man's bushy eyebrows knit together in worry. "Link? Ya with me?"
No response. The man- Talon- sighs.
"Yer friends are safe, kiddo. See?" He points over to the pile of blankets. The blonde man follows the motion with his eyes. "They're all breathin', all still livin' and kickin'. You ain't got nothin' to worry about." The man keeps his voice as soft as it can be, and filled with quiet patience.
"Y'all are safe here in my ranch, no ugly so'n'so's gonna beat y'all up. You can rest now, Link."
And that's what breaks the dam.
Warriors gasps for air, his mind catching up and reeling. He breathes heavily for a few moments, all the while tears stream down his face. They leave pale, clean streaks in the blood coating his cheeks. Talon takes a cloth and gently wipes it away, muttering words of assurance.
"You back with me, sonny?"
"Y- yes. I... sorry."
"Don' worry, boy. Go get changed outta those bloody clothes and join yer brothers, yeah? Yer gonna be all okay."
Warriors just nods, still a little numb, and walks off.
He returns a while later, his hair and skin damp and his undershirt clings to his torso a little. His eyes are weary and bloodshot as he looks around at his brothers, all safe...
Legend and Wild both huddle into Hyrule. Four and Sky are still out cold but wrapped around eachother. Wind's somehow cuddling into Twilight's side where he's sprawled out on a couch. Time's nowhere to be seen, but if the snoring is anything to go by, he's in his own room. With Malon.
Warriors sighs deeply, the tension in his shoulders unwinding for the first time all day. Suddenly he's exhausted and slipping under a rouge blanket before he knows it.
Everyone's safe now. Not uninjured, not healed, but at least they're safe.
This is kind of shit but I was sad and really tired so here's the boys being horrifically injured but with a happy ending! I don't really know how to write Talon, but I imagine him and Malon have helped Time through a lot so he knows how to help a traumatised Link. Anyways, if you're reading this, thank you, and have a wondeful existence !
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18k words 😭😭😭🩵 wow, I wasn’t expecting that much 😭🩵
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brynthewriter · 2 months
Hi everyone! If you don't know me, my main blog is @op-sys-chaos and I write both original content and fanfiction. I wanted to have a blog specifically to talk about the things I'm writing, so that's this!
If you'd like to quickly recieve updates for any of my works, please subscribe to the individual post I'll be making for each of these that are incomplete! (I'll make a subscription post and a discussions post so people can have a place to follow for updates and a place to talk about it for each without spamming the subscribed people.) Updates will not be consistent for any of these.
Without further ado, here's the masterlist of everything I've created or am working on, with links attached to the titles and lists for the associated posts below:
The Pit Made Me Do It (And I'm So Sorry)
Would you sacrifice someone’s life for the sake of your own sanity? What if it wasn’t your choice? Recovering from the Madness induced by the Pit now giving way to the second stage of revival. Pit Rage. A primal state numb to the world and driven only by the desire of one goal. Said goal once complete, would give Jason his emotions, his sanity, his life back. It should be easy, at least it would be if his goal was anything else. But the Pits cost is steep, and so is the burden of a mind set on watching the light drain from the eyes of Timothy Drake.
Chapters: 7/12
Words: 21,314
Fandom: DC
Beta reader: @batfambrainrotbeloved (they also wrote the summary for the fic!)
An AU where the Lazarus Pit effects work differently and it affects Jason Todd's journey.
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When You Break The Universe, The Universe Breaks You
Tim fractured the universe with a magical spell to swap his place with the place of Jason Todd moments before his death. What will happen?
Works Total in Series: 3
The Fragmentation (completed, chapters: 2/2, words: 2,376, written together but mostly by @brucewaynehater101)
Fragmented Universe: the Hope of a Wraith (chapters: 3/?, words: 6,246, written by me)
Fragmented Universe: It Simply Ends (completed, chapters: 1/1, words: 5,032, written by @brucewaynehater101)
Words Total: 13,654
Fandom: DC
Beta reader: @brucewaynehater101 and I are beta reading each others' fics in this series! @batfambrainrotbeloved is also helping to beta for the Hope of a Wraith.
A massive series of many AUs based off of that description! I’m writing this in collaboration with @brucewaynehater101 so go check them out!
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A Message From the Dead
Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne are long-lost twins. Damian thinks Danny died at 6. Danny thinks Damian is still in the League of Assassins. When a video message informing him of Danny's existence arrives in Bruce Wayne's inbox, having been auto-sent after 3 days of Danny being away from his computer, can he find his son in time?
Works Total in Series: 4
A Message From the Dead (completed, chapters: 1/1, words: 459, written by me)
A Message From the Dead: Looking for a Ghost (chapters: 2/?, words: 1,759, written by me)
A Message From the Dead: Biggest Regret (chapters: 1/?, words: 1,877, written by @rin-may-1103)
A Message From the Dead: A Sister's Love (chapters: 1/?, words: 686, written by me)
Words Total: 4,781
Fandom: DC
Beta reader: n/a, message me if you want to!
Based off a prompt I posted on my main blog, @op-sys-chaos, I decided to write this out as a full fic. Other people also wrote their own versions, so I offered for them to join me in posting them together on AO3! So far, @thevoidstaredback and @rin-may-1103 are the only two people involved in the series, but if anyone else wants to be involved, let me know!
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Not So Artificial Intelligence
Technus traps Danny in the Batcomputer. For his own safety, he pretends to be a new AI system on their computer. This has consequences.
Chapters: 3/?
Words: 3,077
Fandom: DPxDC
Beta reader: n/a, message me if you want to!
DPxDC fic based on this prompt by @corkinavoid!!
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Weirdly Competent
Danny Fenton studied medicine under Frostbite. Because of this, he has a lot of medical expertise when it comes to working with a lot of different species, including Kryptonians and Martians. The doctors on the Watchtower who hired him did not know that he had experience and thought he was just talking back, so they fired him on day one. A few days later they tried one of his suggestions. To their surprise, it worked. The Justice League now has questions about Danny, starting with "Why the hell did you fire him??"
Chapters: 4/?
Words: 2,162
Fandom: DPxDC
Beta reader: n/a, message me if you want to!
DPxDC Doctor!Danny fic based on this prompt by @bet-on-me-13!!
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A King, a Demon, and a Cult Walk Into a Summoning Circle
Danny is sacrificed by a cult to a demon as the batfamily rushes to save him. The terrifying demon demands that they put him back where they found him immediately.
Chapters: 1/2
Words: 1,128
Fandom: DPxDC
Beta reader: n/a, message me if you want to!
Danny being a casual badass without lifting a finger, based on this prompt I wrote!
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Twins, or What It Takes to be Resurrected
Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne were twins, separated at 7 years old when Talia saw Danny's hesitation to kill and let him choose a normal life. Now, Damian Wayne has found his brother, and has come to him for help. Because Damian is dead, and his long lost twin is his only hope for resurrection. All Danny has to do to bring Damian back is to convincingly pretend to be his brother, who he hasn't seen for the better part of a decade, at a fancy gala. Can he do it, or will the twins be caught?
Chapters: 6/10
Words: 10,407
Fandom: DPxDC
Beta reader: n/a, message me if you want to!
A demon twins au based on this prompt I wrote where Damian is dead and Danny has to pretend to be his long lost brother in order to bring him back.
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In Another Life
Danny Fenton died young. Wanting another chance at life, he reincarnated as Dick Grayson, not realizing that he would keep his powers when he did so. How does this affect the timeline? You'll see :)
Chapters: 9/22
Words: 18,811
Fandom: DPxDC
Beta reader: n/a, message me if you want to!
Based on this prompt by by @indingojazz, @stealingyourbones, and me! Danny Fenton dies at 16 and, after dying so young, decides he wants another chance at life. So he reincarnates, becoming a young boy named Dick Grayson. Surely, his past won't ever become relevant. ...Right?
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Goodbye. Love, Tim
If you want pure angst, only read chapter one. The first line of this summary is for you. If you're like me and you want angst to have a happy ending, read the whole thing! The whole summary is for you. Tim's had enough. Enough of the murder attempts. Enough of his siblings doubting him. So he calls them to say he's leaving. Or, at least, that's what Dick hears Tim say over the phone. But is that really what he feels?
Chapters: 5/5
Words: 3,986
Fandom: DC
Beta reader: no beta reader, though I did give two people a sneak peek before posting it!
Obligatory "Tim's had enough and leaves the batfamily fic" but with a twist. If you just want the angst of him leaving, read chapter 1. But if you want the twist and the happy ending, read the whole thing! I promise it gets better. I also tried to use only canon content for this rather than making the batfamily treat Tim worse like most of these fics do.
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Watching Waynes
Dick Grayson has a great idea. Bruce has been acting like an idiot in public for a long time, and no one takes him seriously enough to think he's Batman. So what if the whole family did that? And what better way to do it than together? Taking inspiration from Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Dick convinces his family to create a reality TV show with him, centered around their lives. One which they would use to show the public that they're just too ridiculous to ever be superheroes. This story will follow a different format from the rest of my fics, since I'm actually describing the episodes. I'll mention things like camera angles and cuts between camera shots in the story. It may be a bit of a weird format to read it in, but I hope you enjoy it anyway! I'll also include people reflecting on the episodes at the end, whether it's the Waynes looking at what they've done or their superhero friends laughing at their nonsense. I hope you all enjoy!!
Chapters: 1/?
Words: 6,274
Fandom: DC
Beta reader: n/a, message me if you want to!
Based on this prompt by @fckbatmanhiskidsareminenow, the Waynes create a reality show called Watching Waynes. It's based on the concept of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, where a film crew follows these celebrities around and films all of their nonsense.
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What Did He Do to Save Me?
Danny Fenton was reincarnated as Bruce Wayne's oldest biological child. This wouldn't be an issue for anyone, except Damian was born with a hole in his heart that could only be fixed by Danny splitting his core in half. Now, Danny is perpetually exhausted and barely able to move. But despite all of that, he still loves his siblings. And he's about to find out how much they love him back, when Damian finds out the lengths Danny went to to save him as a baby and decides to return the favor.
Chapters: 2/?
Words: 4,986
Fandom: DPxDC
Beta reader: n/a, message me if you want to!
Based on this prompt by @hyperfixationherewecome and me! Danny Fenton as Danny Wayne sickfic, where the very person he became sick saving fights to save him in return!
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Original Works:
(I've posted all of these on StoryForge, so the links all redirect there. If you don't have an account, you should make one; it's free, and the platform is helping small writers get published!)
When one of the leaders of the world's top hero team crashes back to the ground after a fight, everyone assumes he's dead. There was no way he survived at the speed he was falling. Except he did. And he woke up in a crater, no memory of his past and one of the leaders of the world's most infamous villain team standing over him, reaching out a hand. What happens when an amnesiac hero whose friends think he's dead is found by a group of supervillains? Especially when those supervillains have more to their story than meets the eye...
Chapters: Prologue only, on hiatus
Words: 657
Beta read by people in the discord server for it, message me if you want the link!
(I'm writing out character backstories in full before I write out any more of Aegis, so the novel itself is on hiatus. Please note, I will likely be making an audiobook version of it myself once it’s done and posting it on like YouTube or something. But you’re still welcome to do your own version of it if you want! Ik some people love making podfics and some people read exclusively audio content so I wanted to clarify.)
Feather: Hero of Old
Feather was a well-known hero 60 years ago. So how did they end up on a modern-day superhero team? This is Feather's journey that led up to them joining the Order of Aegis.
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 3,758
Beta read by people in the discord server for it, message me if you want the link!
Backstory for Aegis character Feather
Aberration and Maximum Security... House Arrest?
Before he joined the Order of Aegis, Aberration had a... complicated past. Although, after living for over 2000 years, who wouldn't? However, the most complicated part of his past was the part where he got stuck in jail for 400 years and how that sentence got downgraded to maximum security house arrest after some time. This is the story of how that happened. Trigger warnings: serial killer, jail, graphic descriptions of murder, miscellaneous violence. See story description for ways to avoid the triggering parts
Chapters: 8/8
Words: 20,056
Beta read by people in the discord server for it, message me if you want the link!
Backstory for Aegis character Aberration
The Queens of Saveria
So, I got inspired by @theactorbat on TikTok and wrote a short story. It's a story about two women who are pulled away from their girlfriends and into an arranged marriage with each other. They come up with a creative solution to make sure everyone's happy (and no, the solution is not them mutually running away with the one they love), and they get to have a happy ending. If you like fluffy romance stories, give it a read!
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 4,293
Not beta read, and finished already, but if you have edits let me know! It's basically a first draft since I barely edited it.
This is a short story I wrote in response to a writing prompt. It's very much a rough draft but if you want a short cute queer story, enjoy!
Gavin Song and The Hunted
Based on this writing prompt: "The leader of a group of vigilantes" [note: I completely ignored the "leader" part of this prompt] "has to reveal who they were before they put on the mask to save their crew. But they know their crew will never see them the same way once they know..." (Writing prompt by @your_local_writer_friend on TikTok/Instagram.) A team of vigilantes known as The Hunted lost a friend of theirs, Gavin Song, a long time ago. But when they get their first lead on him in a decade, their most mysterious team member starts freaking out. Why, and how is he connected to Gavin?
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 9,419
Not beta read, and finished already, but if you have edits let me know! It's basically a first draft since I barely edited it.
A short one-shot vigilante superhero story based on a writing prompt!
Works in Progress:
Level Clear
Doomed time loop, kind of. Not finished yet, but I’m in the editing stage now!
Narrators Inc.
Work in progress (by which I mean I have maybe half a chapter and a vague direction for the rest of the story). Basically, it's a story where the narrator showed up late and is desperately trying to figure out what's happening while attempting to narrate the story
Vegaciel Academy
Magic school murder mystery. Credit to my high school friend group for helping create this story; we were all going to write it together and outlined the characters and plot together. The project ended up being abandoned, but I got everyone else's permission to write it myself because I like the idea so much. It's been a while since I worked on it but I think I finished a chapter? I'm not sure if I'll post the chapters one at a time or wait until I finish the whole thing
The Helmund Labs Incident
A massive, interconnected 4-person backstory for Aegis! To be posted soon.
Other Notable Things:
I'm beta-reading @batfambrainrotbeloved's fic The Drake's Spoiled Brat and I highly recommend it!! It's really good :)
I hope y'all enjoy the stories I have created/am creating! If you want to see the writing prompts that interest me that I might work on in the future, I'll keep reblogging those on my main blog, but I'm mostly planning to keep this blog for stories I'm actually in the process of writing.
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joowee-feftynn · 9 months
Tumblr media
oouugh the eeper
(based off of this art by amora bettany)
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ghostlyfurball · 1 year
link, riju, and tulin are siblings while link, sidon, and yunobo are bros. does that make sense
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tentimesthecourage · 5 months
So I haven't written in a while, but I was looking through my docs and I don't think I ever posted this.
Have fun
A deep shuddering breath escaped the shivering male as he leaned against the other one’s shoulder. He could barely keep his eyes open any more and he felt so cold.
“Guess this is it…” He murmured softly. “Didn’t think it would end like this…” His eyes trailed over the others before him, unable to make out the details of them. Perhaps that was a good thing… he doubted they’d want him to see them in such a state.
They had won… it was finally over… but at what cost?
None of them were making it home alive.
If he tried hard enough, he could hear the faint murmurs of those having their final conversations in the air, but he paid them no mind. 
“I… want to say that I’m afraid… and honestly, I am… I’m terrified… I’ll never see my friends again… never see her again… never see you again… I don’t know what happens after you die but… heh… I guess we’ll all find out together…” He managed to swallow, the coppery taste in his mouth barely caught his attention
“Thank you… truly… for being there for me… you made this journey more bearable than I could have ever imagined… I wish… I wish that you had been able to go home… that you could have seen her… you deserved to have a peaceful life… and instead you got dragged into this…”
With more effort than it should have ever taken, Rhythm managed to shift and turn to cuddle into his side, well aware the body beside him was colder than his own.
“I love you, Sky… I hope you knew that…”
Everything hurts… Rinku wheezed softly, he had a lung punctured, he was more than sure. It was a wonder he wasn’t dead already, but he knew it was coming.
He felt the weight on his chest shift and managed to look down at Four, covered in just as much blood as he was and shaking softly. He reached up and entangled his fingers in the matted hair causing the older to look up. Rinku was too tired to grimace at the injury over the other’s eye.
A matching mark, their enemy had claimed.
He cupped Four’s cheek and the other leaned into him with a shaky sigh.
“We’re… we’re not gonna make it…” It wasn’t a question.
“No.” He answered it anyway. Four gave a wry smile.
“It’s too bad… I was really… l-looking forward to that wedding… to have you take my name…”
A quiet breath of laughter escaped him, “Who needs a wedding… We’ve been married since you accepted my ring…”
The smith managed to push himself up on shaky limbs and move up to brush his lips against the younger male’s one final time.
“Till death do us part…”
“Not even death will take you from me…”
“I love you....”
“I love you too…”
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sugarsnappeases · 7 months
PLEASE tell me about marytunia. i have to know what this is
hi lovely!!!!
okay marytunia have recently been SO on my mind bc i saw @fernhelm tag a post w them the other day and i was like HOLD ON!! I SEE IT!! and THEN i had a vague recollection of jen talking about them one time last year at some point so the two of them have been subjected to some of my ramblings bc i was struck down by divine intervention like last week and have been obsessing a little....
but okay so for me the general vibe is very tangled up w the evans sisters dynamics and just lily in general which is all v ouch. i kinda see them actually as two parts of her life like petunia is a huge part lily’s childhood and mary is a huge part of lily’s time at hogwarts so she’s this presence between them even if she’s not actually there and there’s a lot of like resentment and yearning and jealousy etc etc
like petunia is fighting w herself the whole way through it (nothing i love more than some good old internal conflict) bc she shouldn’t want this!! she’s planned out a nice, perfect, normal life for herself that she’s convinced herself she has to like, she will like it, which doesn’t involve magic or witches or her sister and mary is really putting a spanner in the works and petunia shouldn’t want it, she can’t want it, but there’s just something so magnetic about mary that she can’t quite seem to escape, and it’s like maybe magic can be good?? can be beautiful?? bc mary is so beautiful?? but then also i think mary has complicated thoughts about magic which i’m not gonna get into here lol
but anyway mary is maybe just kinda curious at first i think. like maybe there’s some unrequited marylily so she has a bit of a crush and just wants to find out everything about lily and she has this sister and petunia’s just so interesting and it’s fun to try and get her to laugh at her jokes when she’s obviously trying to completely ignore her and she just finds herself slowly trying to get her attention every time she’s at the evans’ house, like she’s going there to see glimpses of petunia rather than to spend time w lily and she’s suddenly like oh!
and idk they’re just very interesting to me bc as i said resentment longing jealousy and like there’s vernon and dudley and the war and lily’s death and i just. like they really compel me yk??? there’s a lot of complexity there that i just wanna like dig my fingers into
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lunatih · 8 months
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Someday those bitches will kiss.
My take on the future of Quink from The Curious Minds by @allthegoodusernamesaretakenagain
Colouring page under the cut.
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PSA - Also found a copy of 77 Sunset Strip, “88 Bars.” Again, this is downloadable on seriesvault for anyone interested.
@citizenkampbell, some French cuffs for you. 😋
@cheer-deforest-kelley have you seen this one?
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I sent an ask before (did Tumblr eat it? If it didn't 😳)
I finished that fic based on 🐀 anon's ask thingy. I think I might have messed up but it's still worth sharing
Here's the link: https://www.tumblr.com/brandstifter-sys/753347790981267456/a-misunderstanding?source=share
You’re good I was very busy at Pride today and just got home and catching up with asks now but I already put the link in the first ask but another one doesn’t hurt XD /light hearted
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tiktaalic · 2 years
If Netflix kicks me off my parents account well goodbye Netflix hello pirate site dot com
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nicoleiacross · 2 years
[Ghost(Band)] Defective [Links to AO3]
My internet has been out for three days but I will post a fucking fluffery damnit. ...I mean it’s sad but it’s fluffy sad? I’ve had a long three days.
Fandom: Ghost (Band) Rating: General (some swearing, nothing serious) CW: nothing serious Lesser Warnings: headcanon galore, author uses sodo instead of dew, pre-Aether/Sodo? Can be read as fluffy friendship or ship-ship
Summary:  Sodo having an off day isn't rare; just a concern when they have to get Aether to handle it.
A/N: There was a post on tumblr about Sodo being self conscious about how quickly he replaced Ifrit. And I also found a Ritual recording of Devil's Church/Guitar Shenanigans/Cirice were people were boo'ing Sodo. Like I'm sure it was in good fun but it was still like bro is this necessary wtf... 
But anyways, so that happened lmao.
There are some mentions of various headcanon from Mountain regarding a much bigger thing I'm working on but if anyone has questions please never hesitate to ask ♥ Otherwise, as usual, I do not have an editor of any sort, so if you notice typos, please lemme know ♥ Enjoy and thank you for reading /)(\
Extras: Status: Complete! [< AO3 Link] Word Count: ~5.4k
It's a rare occurrence, for Sodo to be so terribly off kilter.
Aether isn't positive when it starts; but, at some point, Sodo starts sticking to the front of the stage, center and left, instead of running up to Swiss or Cirrus as much as he normally does. He's pretty sure they all just assume he's starting to run out of steam—tired, hungry, maybe a combination of both. … Probably tired, because he's not being nearly as cranky as he gets when he's hungry. It would also, for better or worse, account for why he just… freezes up in the middle of Dance Macabre.
There's a brief falter—Copia manages to catch himself before he looks back or stumbles over more than a few words. It keeps some of the attention off of Sodo, at least, and gives him a chance to recover. Rain's closer and goes over to check on him, no different than when he fell and they played it off. Aether's not close enough to join him and running across the stage would probably just make it more obvious. He still shoots a quick glance over his shoulder, just to see if Swiss or Mountain has an idea of what's going on. He can't be positive Mountain isn't trying to get Rain or Sodo's attention; and, Swiss spares them a quick glance before he offers Aether a shrug, never once losing his own beat.
Aether shakes it off and tries to keep his focus on the show before it escalates. Honestly, if it weren't the fact Copia had tripped over the lyrics, he'd assume that it was something staged, to combat the weird rumours that… kinda crop up every once in a while that the instruments aren't live.
He forgets about it fairly quickly, when Rain and Sodo come back down to the front stage and everything seems to be back on track.
He sticks around for the final bow, at least; but, that's also when Aether loses track of him. Odd, but not unusual. Sometimes he climbed up on Swiss or Mountain's back instead, tired and overstimulated already. Sometimes he and Rain snuck off to hoard snacks before Cirrus or Aether could stop them—particularly shows that ended later in the day and they had to stop Sodo from trying to go through the venue's entire stock of the little coffee pods. Sometimes he just wanted to run before they were all contained to the tour bus or hotel rooms again. He always came back in time for loading the buses, no matter what he was getting up to.
Regardless, he doesn't think anything of it until they're helping the road crew finish loading the bus. The Ghoulettes are already on the bus—claiming their corner and preparing everyone else's nightly routines. He's not sure where Papa went and it doesn't even occur to him that it might be odd Sodo isn't helping with the stage equipment, in that moment. Probably because he's focused on the way the road Ghouls fuss at him and Swiss, both, despite the fact they always offer the assurance they want to help. A lot of them are… particular about their instruments. Rain, for that matter, is still clinging to his bass, even as he nods off; he fusses—briefly—as Mountain tries to wrestle it free of his grip as gently as possible. Aether goes to help—gently prying Rain's fingers loose with soft words to distract him; reminding him his claws can pierce the guitar case, that it'll be more secure in storage. It ends in the bassist more or less melting against him and whining petulant curses about being tired and making sleepy, empty threats in Mountain's general direction about being careful with his bass.
A silly complaint, when they all know Mountain's been helping load and unload the buses since Papa II's days; but, one they never hold against Rain. They were all particular in their own ways and he, especially, got clingy with the bass every year, like clockwork. It's… a disturbingly good way to keep track of time and know when Copia needs extra comfort, as the anniversary of the brothers' deaths comes and goes.
He's only considered, in passing, as he's doing a final headcount, that maybe that's why Sodo had run out of steam so early in the show. Maybe the anniversary of death was finally starting to affect him, too.
Except, as he's turning to head into the bus—to count who's inside, just as much so he can get out of his uniform—Copia comes around the back of the bus—still in his blue jacket, more than a little frazzled—and catches his shoulder. He kind of hears Swiss mumble an under breathed exhale of, "Oh, boy…" behind him, but he doesn't get long to think on it.
"Aether, I—you know I would not ask this of you, were it not important—please get Sodo."
Aether just stares at his human and slowly turns to do another headcount, relying on feeling the others out that he can't see right away. Swiss is holding Rain up, now, one arm around his waist; Mountain… went back into the venue at some point; it takes him a few seconds to separate the Ghoulettes from each other, so he assumes they've all fallen asleep in a pile, already; the road Ghouls have all climbed into the second bus, but he still takes the time to count them out, individually, just to make sure Sodo didn't sneak into their bus for some reason… and, finally, turns his attention up, finally spotting Sodo huddled up on the roof of their bus. For a split second, he almost thinks he's seeing things; but, a nearby light catches the horns of his mask and confirms that… he is up there and Aether's not actually getting worse at keeping track of people.
Of course, now he has to actually process and acknowledge that… Sodo's on the roof of their bus and he shakes his head a few times.
"Wait—when did he—wait, why me?" His tail flickers down from his waist without him realising it, lashing about anxiously a few times before he notices and hastily pulls it back under his jacket, wrapped firmly around him like a belt. He knows humans have a hard time seeing their features, but he really doesn't want to deal with being the one that happens to get caught. "Rain's much better at handling Sodo—"
"We already tried, Aeth." Swiss sighs and, when Aether finally turns to look back at the pair, he's rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. "Well. Rain tried first…"
"He told me to piss off." Rain adds, his voice slurring a little as he yawns, wide enough his fangs are on display for a moment before he puts his head back against Swiss' shoulder, struggling to stay awake and probably just to stay standing. "Second time I tried, he climbed up the bus… and, when I tried to follow he threatened to eat my face. Helmet included."
Aether wants to point out that he can't… but, they also thought Sodo couldn't bite through an amp. They probably shouldn't make that mistake again.
Instead of focusing on that, he tries to point out that Swiss has better luck with Sodo, too, just to get cut off again.
"I tried giving him his vape, already." Swiss shrugs, shifting to where he can kneel and Rain lets out a relieved sigh as he slumps over the other Ghoul's back. Swiss adjusts his hold so he can stand and still carry Rain without too much issue. "Thought he went for a run after final bow, but he was just out here, so… made sense, yeah? He threw it in my face and told me to go back inside. So… we totally believe in you. Have fun."
Swiss is inside the bus before Aether can protest that that hardly constitutes trying! The only reason he doesn't try to yank on Swiss' tail is because he doesn't want to risk hurting Rain.
Copia doesn't… look like he's going to make Aether do it. Copia's still an option himself and Mountain was… well, he could handle the biting and thrashing when Sodo was in a bad mood. Arguably better than Aether could. But, Mountain finally comes out of the venue and up on his side with only a gentle tap on the shoulder as a warning.
"Sodo left his guitar inside." When Aether turns to him, sure enough, the case strap is over Mountain's shoulder and he holds out his free hand, dropping… a substantial number of guitar picks into Aether's hand. "He didn't throw any, except what was on stage from the early ammunition, so far as I can tell. Those are all from his pick guard and strap."
Aether looks down at the pile in his hand and lets out a slow breath through his nose to try mentally preparing himself. If Sodo's already chased everyone else off… and Copia did come from around the bus, which means he probably tried already… Aether's absolutely going to get mauled. But, of the lot, he can probably reduce the damages the easiest without hurting Sodo.
"I'll… try. Can you make sure his guitar gets put up properly?"
Mountain gives a dismissive salute with two fingers before he takes the picks back and heads onto the bus. Sodo's… less possessive of his guitar, but it's still nice seeing the others taking care of instruments that aren't theirs. Aether gives Copia a gentle push towards the bus, "Please, go inside, Papa. I'll take care of Sodo."
Copia still looks worried; but, he nods and—after looking up, one more time, like he's considering calling Sodo down—he heads inside. Mountain comes back out, briefly, to load the guitar into the storage compartment.
"Rain's out cold, so if he bites or starts a fire…" He shrugs one shoulder and gestures, vague and a bit uncertain, towards where Sodo's hiding. "I'll help how I can, if he does, but… there's security cameras everywhere. And we don't have anyone to cover for property damage, anymore…"
Special would definitely make things a lot easier. Not necessarily because he was good at dealing with other Ghouls—honestly, the few times Aether interacted with him, he was probably the most confrontational of the third era. But he was good at containing issues and sweet talking humans into being slightly less worried about any property damage they may have accidentally caused. Omega would've been ideal. Hell, even Alpha or Cowbell—literally any other Fire Ghoul or anyone not Aether. Hes still not sure where he stands with the Fire Ghoul.
Still, it does make him curious and he manages to stop Mountain before he heads back into the bus. "Mountain? How did… you deal with Special? Papa and his predecessor always… mentioned you two used to fight a lot. A lot worse than Sodo and… basically anybody."
He knows Mountain hates talking about it. His tail actually slides down from around his waist, going limp before it curls once around his leg for security. "We… didn't really fight. I mean—yeah, I guess it looked like fighting, but we… were just messing around. We were the youngest by a few decades, compared to everyone else; and, the first two, in a long time, that could actually talk. Earth had his hands full with his band mates and Papa Emeritus' health—the. Primo, I mean—Emeritus I." He flusters for a few seconds and, for the first time, Aether realises how weird everything probably is for Mountain. Having to constantly change how he addressed the humans around him.
He recovers and shrugs again, picking listlessly at his claws. "None of Emeritus I's other Ghouls wanted to deal with Special. That's why I was summoned—because Earth was busy and no one really knew what else they could do about him. My purpose was collateral control, not…" He tails off, attention fixed on the ground for those few seconds too long. Those few seconds it takes Aether to realise that… Mountain didn't really know what he was supposed to do. He wasn't summoned to be part of band, even if he did soak up what he could.
He tries to make a note to talk to him about it, later. Or get Copia involved… or would that be out of line? He's never sure how to handle the older Ghoul.
Mountain shaking his head gets Aether's attention back to the present, "My point was, what worked for our situation… isn't what you need for Sodo. … Also, that you're worrying way too much. You already know how to handle Sodo, Aeth. Just… y'know. Do that thing you do. I promise—despite how much Sodo bitches, it really does work."
He doesn't have a reason to doubt the words; but, he was still maybe hoping for something a little more concrete. How to deal with spontaneous fires or the aggressive biting that could end in one or both of them getting sick. It's not until Mountain closes the door into the bus that he really stops to think about the fact Sodo… probably could hear them. If he was paying attention, he could have, anyways. Which means there's a really good chance he's going to be in a worse mood than Aether was anticipating.
Still, he pulls one more deep breath to prepare himself and rounds to the back of the bus so he can scale the ladder. He knows Mountain mentioned security cameras, but he's really hoping they're closer to the venue and don't have a great view of the bus, because the first thing he notices—after the fact that Sodo hadn't bothered getting out of his uniform and the tight ball he's sitting in does not look comfortable—is that his tail is out and curled around his body, with the spade tucked over his shoulder and against his neck, like a small source of comfort.
Aether's careful as he moves across the bus—careful to keep his footing, just as much as he's keeping an eye on Sodo. Appropriately, because the moment he gets too close, he sees the tips of Sodo's horn starting to glow a faint orange and emit a warning of smoke. Even so, his voice is… quiet.
"I'm not in the mood, Aether. Go away."
"I just want to talk, Sodo—or… or not." He's really glad he's still far enough back that Sodo's tail doesn't reach him, even when it uncoils from his body in a single, sharp motion, like he's trying to lash out. A warning, more than a threat; but, one Aether takes to heart and carefully sits down just out of range of the tail. "I'm fine just sitting here, if you don't want to talk."
There's a small stretch of silence before his tail slowly coils back around his body, tighter if possible, and Aether almost hears him grumble out a dismissive whatever. His horns slowly cool off until they're the ashen white again and Aether ends up wandering, in passing, just how many times Sodo's set them on fire for them to be that colour. He has… some vague memory of the horns being grey at some point… or maybe that was just a temporary mask while they tried to figure out how to get his to fit properly on the broken horn.
He knows the thoughts are just a desperate distraction from how much potential danger he's in… and maybe to distract him from how… absolutely miserable Sodo feels. He really wishes he'd asked Omega more about how to differentiate between intiution for the others' state of being and his own perceptions, because he's… really not positive he isn't just projecting the emotion, based on how non-responsive Sodo's been most of the evening.
The silence—and, in some capacity, the patience and perseverence to not leave Sodo to his own devices, finally makes the smaller Ghoul raises his head from where it's been pushed against his knees. He's still quiet for a spell longer; but, he's at least turned so he can face Aether and scooted forward a little bit. Aether's still out of range of his tail—he thinks—but it's… progress. It's also making him realise that he's not projecting and, even if he is, Sodo actually does look as miserable as he feels.
Before Aether can try to bridge the silence, Sodo finally speaks up, his attention off to the side so he doesn't have to make direct eye contact.
"Papa needs to replace me."
Aether just stares at him, trying desperately to actually process the words. They… the words themselves make sense. He understands what Sodo's telling him. But he also has absolutely no idea what the Hell he's on about.
He must be quiet for too long because Sodo raises his head, briefly, before quickly ducking it once more, his tongue darting out in a nervous gesture to wet his lip. Something he picked up around the Ministry, no doubt, but still a sign he's a lot worse off than he's letting on. "He does. He should have when Al—" He freezes up before the name fully forms and a shudder makes it look like he's trying to shake off. "When… when my horn was damaged." His left hand goes up, finger tips hovering near the left horn, just shy of touching it. He never really recovered from the trauma of his horn being clipped, even when the masks give the illusion of a full horn. "I'm defective—he doesn't need a deffective Ghoul, especially as Papa, he—"
"--Sodo—wait, what the fuck, Sodo, slow down." Sodo's mouth snaps shut and his hands go back to his lap, fingers curled tight in his pants. His tail's wound around his neck, tight enough that Aether almost worries he's going to hurt himself before he remembers they don't… actually need to breathe. He takes a slow breath, trying to get back on track and figure out where the idea even came from. "Who the fuck called you defective?"
He's… different and erratic, sure; but, he's not defective. "Why would you think Papa needs to replace you? He doesn't and we both know he isn't going to."
"He needs to." Sodo insists and, for a long stretch of uncomfortable silence, that's the only argument he makes. One Aether can't—and doesn't try to—counter, if only because he's still… really confused.
He's pretty sure it wasn't Imperator. As harsh as she was with most Ghouls, she… tolerated them, specifically, more than she did any of the others. Because they were there to make Copia shine and she wanted him to succeed. So long as they helped with that, she… tolerated them, and that should have included Sodo. So he's fairly positive it wasn't her and, by extension, he's pretty sure it wasn't Nihil, either. He never interacted with the Ghouls, so long as he could avoid it.
He's certain the man—ghost? … Whatever he constituted as, now, Aether's positive he doesn't hate the Ghouls or even dislike them, really… they're just a reminder of what happened to his sons. The band, in general, is a glaring reminder of what he's lost.
None of the other Ghouls would've said anything that negative. Even when they bullied each other, they made sure to keep it light hearted and apologise when a line was crossed.
He can't think of anyone else that would've planted the idea—even Alpha, in the short time Sodo had warmed up to being around him, had ever spoken badly of him. Sodo may have annoyed him, it was just that. Eager and annoying, but always in an… endearing and weirdly affectionate way.
So, Aether finally bites the bullet and tries to get more information. "Sodo… you know Papa isn't going to replace you without a good reason. And there isn't one, so why do you think he needs to?"
"There's plenty of good reasons." For how vague he's being, he's still quick to argue. "I messed up—I keep messing up. Papa doesn't need that, he needs things to be perfect, it has to be perfect—"
Maybe it is Imperator. But that still doesn't feel right, despite the fact it sounds right.
"Nothing needs to be perfect. We all make mistakes and, frankly, you don't make that many."
Sodo's tail finally unwinds from his neck and for a split second, Aether's almost worried he's about to get struck by it; but, it just starts flickering about anxiously and he's again reminded to be extremely worried about the potential security cameras. Hopefully it just looks like a malfunction or trick of light and shadow. Unfortunately—or, maybe fortunately, because he immediately pulls his tail back to his body, wrapping it in his hands tight enough that it has to hurt—Sodo seems to realise he's made a mistake and makes a distressed noise in his throat.
"That was an accident and you know our void forms are… weird."
None of them really understand it. Mountain tried to explain what he'd learned from older Ghouls about how humans perceive them—about how it was really only the upper clergy or people with the Papal Eye that could see them properly. But none of them understand why or how. Regardless, Sodo specifically knows that there's always… some convenience that keeps them hidden, even if they are all waiting for the day that isn't true. Which is apparently what Sodo's focusing on.
"I missed my cue."
Okay, yes, that was still weird. But, not the weirdest thing that's ever happened.
"Ifrit's missed his cue, before."
For some reason that makes him go tense and Aether… might be figuring out where some of the need for perfection is coming from. Even as a temporary stand-in, he remembers Sodo fretting about the missed cue. Bothering Ifrit incessantly to make sure that wasn't why he was replaced, when they all knew Ifrit was temporary. He'd taken it in stride and tried to assure Sodo as much, Aether just… thought that was the end of it. He amends the statement, quickly.
"We all missed our cue for Hunter's Moon a while ago. Papa wasn't mad at us." Exasperated, maybe, and the audience had seemed amused. He relaxes. A little. … Enough he's stopped pulling his tail tighter than it already is wrapped around his hands.
"I fell on stage."
That was… years ago. But, he doesn't bring attention to that.
"Rain has. So has Swiss. Emeritus III did. A lot. According to Papa and Omega."
That actually gives Sodo pause, before he grumbles out an agreement. "Okay, yeah, that's a good point…"
Aether actually smiles a little and carefully scoots forward until he's close enough he can reach over and start to gently unwind Sodo's tail from the death grip he has on it. Sodo doesn't bother resisting or even hissing and Aether is remotely worried about his tail suddenly lashing out, anymore. Once he's succeeded in freeing it from Sodo, he keeps the spade in his hand, gently rubbing his thumb over the curved bit to try calming him down a little more.
He knows there's more and being patient has worked so far.
"... I—" He finally seems to have run out of other excuses to hide behind and Aether gives an encouraging hum for him to continue. "I'm… … it's really stupid, just—why can't I just be replaced with someone better?"
Aether releases his tail before it pulls too hard. It writhes about before finding its way back into Sodo's grip, his hands gripping the length and pulling and twisting it again.
"Sodo… no one wants to replace you, why would you want that? Do you think we do?" He shakes his head, sharply. There's no hesitation, so it's… no one in the immediate grouping. Which he was pretty certain of before, but it's nice to have confirmation. "Do… you want to be replaced? Ignoring whoever you think wants you replaced… do you want to be replaced?"
The pause is concerning, but Sodo still shakes his head, again, after a stretch of contemplation. "No—I… I don't, but… defective equipment should be replaced. Shouldn’t it?"
"Equipment, yes. You are not equipment, though." It still doesn't sound like Imperator. Maybe someone else around the Ministry? But not… necessarily her.
"But, they—I don't… care if they like you more, but I—but if they don't like me, then… then what if that's stopping people from coming to Rituals, I don't want to be responsible for that, people are supposed to enjoy what we do, if they don't—if I'm why they don't, I—"
Aether doesn't stop him. The circles are making less and less sense, the more he frets and his horns are starting to glow again as he works himself up. All Aether can do is grab his hands to get him to stop for a minute. It works, thankfully; Sodo freezes up immediately and his mouth snaps shut. It gives Aether a chance to try processing.
Someone… didn't like him… and that was enough to be considered a defect? If "they" like Aether more and it's in regards to the Rituals, he… has to be talking about the attendees. But that's never stopped him before. Not like this.
"Sodo, I—what even are you talking about? They love you. I mean—yeah, things get chaotic sometimes, but it works for you. For us—th-the band! Us as in the band!" He shakes his head, sharply, to get back on track. "My point was, people love that energy and you—"
It's probably pretty damn obvious when it finally hits him. He thinks Sodo whines and is trying to get his hands free of Aether's grip; but, Aether's mind is an hour in the past as it finally hits him why the Ritual was so… odd in the second half.
It started during the guitar battle. It always starts during the guitar battle—what began as Sodo tuning his guitar for Cirice to give Papa a chance to change his outfit, it's… them, now. It let Sodo get some of the overstimulated energy out when things were otherwise slow; it let Aether be that little bit more aggressive, even if they did blow it out of proportions sometimes; and, most importantly, it was just… fun. A small bit they got to share, instead of sharing the whole stage.
Getting the audience involved was a fun bonus. Dragging Rain in on occasions was a fun bonus. Dragging anyone else in was a fun bonus, but it was mostly for them.
There were… instances, of course. One of the unfortunate parts of being Ghouls, was they were… very attuned to things around them. For their own safety. For their summoner's safety. Even with the foam ear plugs and specially designed pieces to feed them their cues and protect their hearing weren't… always as efficient as they could be. They could still hear things from the outside. Useful to listen for threats.
Less useful when the crowds were… negative. He's heard stories from older Rituals. When Primo had been Papa. He remembers Earth telling them about it, at Mountain's insistance. He's heard it a few times at their own Rituals, but usually in… good fun. At least, he interpreted it as good fun and… Sodo usually did.
But, with the anniversary of the deaths coming up, it… makes sense he wouldn't have today. Not if he was already anxious about being replaced.
Aether… might feel a little bad that Sodo immediately flinches and backs up when he stands. But, he waits for him to still again and makes sure Sodo can see his hands when he moves this time. As much as Aether—and most of them, really—have filled out in the new uniforms, it just makes Sodo look even smaller than before. Especially when he tries to curl in on himself; but, it also just makes it easier for Aether to pick him up, sit back down without hurting either of them, and situate Sodo in his lap so his back is flush to Aether's chest. The comfort of a full body hug without the anxiety that came with people seeing him vulnerable.
As expected, Sodo goes rigid immediately and Aether's full expecting to get elbowed or headbutted. But, he also isn't surprised when Sodo just curls tighter into himself, wrapping around Aether's arms. He still doesn't have a full grasp on how hugs work, but it's his version and that's what matters. Aether doesn't bring attention to the stuttered attempts to regulate his breathing and just nuzzles gently at the back of his neck.
"There's always going to be someone who doesn't like us. But that does not make you defective and you do not need to be replaced. The only thing you need to do is the best you can. And when you can't just let us—… let… me know. Let me help. I don't want you replaced. No one wants you replaced."
It takes a while longer for them to move. It's mostly just getting Sodo calm enough that he won't be anxious going into the bus if anyone's still awake. Most of it, admittedly, is Aether being extra snuggly; nuzzling at his neck and mumbling affirmations and praise for all of the things he's amazing at. At least five for every perceived flaw, even when Sodo flusters and mumbles that he's being ridiculous, his tail is still betraying how pleased he is. Things that can be revisited and reaffirmed when he's in a better headspace, when they can… maybe have a full conversation about them, that isn't just Aether trying to figure out where they stand.
All things for later.
Everyone's asleep when they do get down into the bus. He gives Sodo a gentle push and quiet direction to go change out of his uniform, he'll take care of setting up a nest. Copia's passed out at one of the tables, with Swiss draped over him. Aether shuffles over, hoping that putting a blanket over them won't actually wake either—especially Copia—and nearly swears when Swiss sits up.
"Mmm… Aeth? Oh… cool, you survived. Great job. … He okay?"
Okay seems like a stretch. Still, Aether offers a smile and tips his head towards the closed off portion fo the bus they keep clothes in. "Maybe not right now, but… he will be. Just needs some rest."
"Knew you could do it. Told Papa not to worry…" He cuts off with a wide yawn and just snuggles back up to the human. It is really impressive Copia doesn't wake up once… and maybe a little concerning. But, something to focus on later. "You get some sleep, too. You're gonna have your hands full later."
Swiss is out cold again before Aether can ask for any sort of explanation. He just goes back to dropping a bunch of blankets and pillows in a corner that's out of the way from everyone and starts pulling his own uniform off with the intent to just change into something quick once Sodo comes back out… except when he does shuffle out—in a sweater he probably stole out of Aether's stash, given his inability to keep the shirt on both shoulders—he holds out Aether's normal sleep wear on tour and disappears back with his uniform. Aether's… not sure when Sodo learned what he sleeps in. But, he doesn't question it and just pulls the shirt and shorts on and lays out on the edge of the pile of blankets and pillows.
When Sodo finally joins him, he spends probably five minutes wriggling around to find a comfortable spot to sleep and figure out how many blankets he wants to be wrapped up in. Once he finally stills, facing Aether, he just stares, quietly, until Aether finally moves close enough he doesn't have to move Sodo too much to be flush against him.
Sodo immediately relaxes and buries himself further in the coccoon he's made himself, until only his right horn is peeking out. The left one does, a little bit, and Aether gives the jagged edge a gentle kiss before he settles. It gets a small wriggle, but nothing more.
They can deal with the rest in the morning or… whenever it comes.
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mirrorbent · 2 years
Mirrorbent Update!
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In this two-page update, we remember the fact that this entire shitshow started because Piolet wanted to get revenge on Virian for exploding her computer that one time (while also chasing everyone out of her lawnring).
Happy new year!! Next update might get delayed in some way, but we're looking at the end of the Upd8 Heck (for real this time). the "one update a month" thing might or might not be a "main computer's like 12-13 years old" thing sadly
Links in the notes!
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thisonlyguy-49 · 1 year
Helluva Guns A’ Blazin’! - Chapter 3: Murder Family on AO3
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Chapters: 4/?
Fandom: Helluva Boss (Web Series)
Rating: Mature (Violence, Language, and Sexual Themes)
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Gun Violence, Angst, Angst/Comfort, Slight Sex
Genre: Comedy/Drama
Major Characters: Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, Loona, Joey Galore (Helluva Boss OC), Verosika Mayday, Stolas Goetia, Stella Goetia, Octavia Geotia, Evangeline Howlosa (Helluva Boss OC)
Relationships: Blitzo/Stolas Goetia, Moxxie/Millie, Joey Galone/Evengeline Howlosa, Blitzo & Moxxie, Moxxie & Joey Galore, Millie & Joey Galore, Loona & Joey Galore, Stolas Goetia and Octavia Goetia, Joey Galore and I.M.P
Additional Tags: My First Fanfic, Blitzo Being Blitzo, Blitzo is Bad At Feelings, Alternative Universe - Canon Divergence, OC-Insert AU, Sometimes a Musical and Sometimes Not, Fights, Blood and Violence
Story Summery: A fresh start from the past is all Joey Galore ever wants, to see more beyond his childhood home and make a mark for himself in Hell. But fate decided to have different plans for him… and their names are the Immediate Murderer Professionals. Read the story following a foulmouth ex-performer turned boss, a kind and good-hearted weapons expert, a ruthless Imp with the thirst for blood, a gothic hellhound with zero care for anyone else, and our main Imp who tries to make out alive. Whether it’s murder or drama, Joey will embark on crazy misadventures both in and out of his newfound job, while unintentionally getting his new ‘family’ wrapped up into his past.
Chapter Summary:
When the Immediate Murderer Professionals tackle with murdering a homicide survivor, the task ends up growing into something more horrifying than they realize.
Warning: For Murder and Naked Owl!
Chapter Preview:
There is never a choice for where mortals arrive to once leaving the living world, their destinations dependent on both the good and bad of the deeds committed throughout the course of time spent on Earth. 
You are either a kind and friendly citizen who aims for his goals fairly and believes in doing the right thing, or a sleazy and cunning scumbag who finds selfish pleasure in the suffering of others as they cheat their way to success. Human beings are creatures with positive and negative aspects, in which they can show to the public and reveal a person’s true colors. 
A living soul’s actions can be outweighed when it involves whether they chose to help others or put them in harm’s way. The most sinister of misdeeds done at any point in a lifetime might even have already set their fate in solid stone, unable to be changed nor to be restored to its purest. It’s the sad truth indeed, and we can just accept it as that. 
Spirits who find salvation at I.M.P are not just sinners, but rather sinners with unfinished business. According to the ad for the company, the long-curvy horned imp named Blitzø specified that their clients are either horrendous people who want someone dead for their own personal pleasure, or rather souls that got screwed over by another and sending them here to Hell.
Today, their latest client was proof of the latter factor.
Mrs. Mayberry, a joyous school teacher that taught kids ages 6 - 9. One day while she was singing along with the children in her room, she was reminded that it was her husband’s birthday at the time. But as she was calling her husband via her computer, she found out a shocking secret in her bedroom: Her own husband was cheating on her with another woman. She recalled hearing the sexual moans of pleasure and lust heard from both the room and the computer. The teacher widened with fury over her husband’s betrayal, rage boiling through her bursting veins like a volcanic eruption. Her hot-headed emotions remained to get the best of Mrs. Mayberry, as she decided what she believed was the only solution to her problem.
Link available above! Any comments, kudos, and/or bookmarks are all welcome! Reblogs here are welcome as well!
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