#tsundere whitney lives on bitch
propertyofkylar · 1 year
confession - m!whitney x gn!pc
spoilers for sneaky update content ;)
Your eyes roamed the crowded school halls as you shuffled through.
It was so annoying that you couldn’t find Whitney when you actually needed him. Most of the time he was just suddenly appearing unexpectedly. But now? You had no idea where he was.
You hadn’t seen your boyfriend since he left you that note, and you half thought that he might be ignoring you. A silly thought, maybe, but Whitney had never been one who dealt with emotions well. What if it had been a mistake?
School hadn't officially begun yet, and you were hoping to find him before classes started. If you had to wait until maths class to see Whitney - well, you honestly weren't sure what you would do.
You shook your head as if to physically rid yourself of those thoughts when you saw a head of blond hair ahead. “Whitney!” You called out.
His head turned and you saw a brief look of surprise and panic cross his face.
Oh, fuck. He totally was avoiding you.
"What's up, slut?" His normal smirk was plastered back on his face as his buddies laughed around him. You quickly caught up to him and leaned in so they couldn't hear.
"Can we, um, talk?" And now you were nervous, too. Great. There was that look of fear again in his eyes before he gave you a short nod.
"Gonna go teach this slut a lesson," Whitney announced to his friends, grabbing your wrist and pulling you away. "You all can fuck off."
He tugged you into a nearby storage closet and suddenly it was just the two of you. You had spent a while thinking about what to say but now your mouth went dry.
You were looking into each other's eyes, neither one wanting to make the first move.
It was starting to drive you crazy when Whitney finally opened his mouth.
"Listen-" he started.
"I love you too," you blurted out, interrupting him. His eyes widened and his mouth opened and closed several times.
"Oh," was all Whitney managed to get out.
"So...yeah," you finished lamely with a shrug. Your eyes went to the floor to avoid the intensity of his gaze.
Suddenly, Whitney's arms were around you in a bone-crushing hug, and you leaned into him, wrapping your arms around him and resting your head against his chest.
He let out a shaky breath and pressed his mouth against your hair.
"I just, I mean," you started, but you realized quickly you had no clue what to say. But it didn't seem like he knew what to say either, so you kept going. "I guess I didn't know you felt that way about me."
Whitney pulled back to look at you, and you could tell even in the dimly-lit closet that his face was bright red.
"You're such a dumb fucking slut," he groaned, rubbing a hand across his face as if to hide from you. "You're nice to me for some fucking reason, and- and you make me happy." It sounded like it almost pained him to say it, but it made you smile. Actually, it made you giggle, which you quickly regretted when you saw the look on his face.
"Shut up. I'm trying to be sincere," he leaned his head against the wall, and you wanted to laugh again at how whiny he was being, but you held back.
"Sorry," you put your hands up.
"Whatever," Whitney folded his arms and looked away from you. "Don't expect more of this mushy shit. And don't expect me to act different."
You nodded - nothing you hadn't already thought about - and took a step closer to him. He gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead. It made you feel warm.
"But I do love you," he mumbled. Actually hearing it from his mouth made you feel all sorts of things. So you leaned up and kissed him. It was tender and filled with love.
You wished you could stay in there like that forever with him, but you remembered that you were at school and needed to make it to science class before Sirris gave you detention. "We should, ah..." you gestured towards the door.
Whitney nodded before swinging the door open and stepping out. The bright fluorescents nearly blinded you after being in the storage closet so long.
"I will see you later, slut," he said, drawing the attention of his friends who were still lingering nearby, but clearly had gotten bored during the time you two were in there. Which was fine, since you weren't too keen on them overhearing such an intimate conversation.
You gave Whitney a smile, and he sent you off with a swift smack to the ass.
That made you smile even harder - it was the way he showed his love.
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amalaeus · 5 months
Kylar/Robin/Sydney/Whitney HCs
Kylar V. Tepes
Black curly hair, the fringe is longer at the back because that boy does not maintain his damn looks for shit
Neon/Bright Green eyes
Malnourished twink-twunk (Becomes a twunk-hunk after PC rehabilitates their ass)
Excels in Science + Art, shit in everything else
Surprisingly really good at fighting, nerfed by their malnutrition
Unkempt, but does bathe everyday like a normal person
Clothing preference: Black hoodie and jeans/skirt, that's it.
Submissive, but once you get their breeding kink going they WILL top TOP you (Not exactly be a hard dom, but would get on top and try their best)
Rich RICH, could live off of his inheritance for a solid 50 years or so after his parents' incapacitance
On that note, would probably get along with Mickey (1 computer with 6 monitors? Implies that Kylar has surveillance over the city)(Definitely make a profit off of it)
V O Y E U R, breeder/bred, sub-leaning SWITCH, overstimulation kink
Older!Kylar or a Kylar with more Whitney influence would have neon green peekaboo highlight and a rattail (the Furina from Genshi impact kind)
Older Kylar, or Kylar currently would definitely get a Prince Albert if PC asked.
Robin O. Campbell
Fluffy brown hair, Blue eyes, KPOP looking ass hair (see image)
Average in school, only gets up to slightly above average at high confidence
Gaming + Anime addict (if the crossdressing isn't enough of an indicator-)
This is crack but, imagine if they were s illegitimate child of royalty- (Never gets a proper job even after going through Bailey, stays a virgin despite the brothel??)(They also has a $400 console in the early game, I doubt they'd have been able to save very much because he already starts out with $2k rent, they're definitely getting sponsored somewhere)(Would explain why they're protected but not fully)
Childhood friends with PC
Has been paying Bailey's fine longer than PC has
Older than PC by a few months-1 year
Trained in using a taser, brings a taser around
Vanilla, but a huge somniphiliac
Tumblr media
Sydney J. Hyde (Goes by Sydney Jekyll pure, Sydney Hyde corrupted)
Has Coloboma, hence the need for glasses
Twunk-Hunk (From cloister + all the church chores)
Great in school, honors/exempted from classes
Writer, both on people and the actual hobby
Would write sacraments, then moved to the carnality of PC's temptation
Adept in combat, like, scarily good at it (cloister)
Best/Favorite subject's English
Clothing preference: All 3 academia aesthetics: Dark, Light and Messy
Good singer, Corrupted!Sydney is very into Hozier, Faithful!Sydney only listens to church songs (The classical ones)
Corrupt!Sydney is just them letting loose all that repressed lust, or breaking out of whatever bullshit hypnosis Harper put them through
Masochist, DOMINANT, overstimulation kink, dom + top leaning SWITCH
Last name HC TBA LMAO
Twunk-Hunk (hunk-leaning)
Lowkey gymrat (does it for looks)
Pierced lobes, upper lobes and helixes (Only wears earrings on one ear)
Dirty blonde hair, brown eyes
M!Whitney sounds like Bakugou but shouts less
Actually excels in school and academia, only held back because they missed too much class
Can fight, but unlike Kylar and Sydney, they wouldn't kill (sure being tossed into the underground brothel is as good as being dead, but I don't think they fathomed what happens in the underground brothel until they were kidnapped instead)
Their whole schtick is more or less just them letting out their frustrations with life, his connection to the underworld is shallow at best (due to the kidnapper switching it up so fast in the dismissal event)
Honestly? The ultimate tsundere, genuinely thinks that the shit he does is how to be popular and get bitches
EXHIBITIONIST, VOYEUR, ORAL FIXATION, DOMINANT SWITCH, humiliation kink (giving), public sex enthusiast, pillow princess
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