#thats not even true i started one before the update that i will get to
propertyofkylar · 9 months
confession - m!whitney x gn!pc
spoilers for sneaky update content ;)
Your eyes roamed the crowded school halls as you shuffled through.
It was so annoying that you couldn’t find Whitney when you actually needed him. Most of the time he was just suddenly appearing unexpectedly. But now? You had no idea where he was.
You hadn’t seen your boyfriend since he left you that note, and you half thought that he might be ignoring you. A silly thought, maybe, but Whitney had never been one who dealt with emotions well. What if it had been a mistake?
School hadn't officially begun yet, and you were hoping to find him before classes started. If you had to wait until maths class to see Whitney - well, you honestly weren't sure what you would do.
You shook your head as if to physically rid yourself of those thoughts when you saw a head of blond hair ahead. “Whitney!” You called out.
His head turned and you saw a brief look of surprise and panic cross his face.
Oh, fuck. He totally was avoiding you.
"What's up, slut?" His normal smirk was plastered back on his face as his buddies laughed around him. You quickly caught up to him and leaned in so they couldn't hear.
"Can we, um, talk?" And now you were nervous, too. Great. There was that look of fear again in his eyes before he gave you a short nod.
"Gonna go teach this slut a lesson," Whitney announced to his friends, grabbing your wrist and pulling you away. "You all can fuck off."
He tugged you into a nearby storage closet and suddenly it was just the two of you. You had spent a while thinking about what to say but now your mouth went dry.
You were looking into each other's eyes, neither one wanting to make the first move.
It was starting to drive you crazy when Whitney finally opened his mouth.
"Listen-" he started.
"I love you too," you blurted out, interrupting him. His eyes widened and his mouth opened and closed several times.
"Oh," was all Whitney managed to get out.
"So...yeah," you finished lamely with a shrug. Your eyes went to the floor to avoid the intensity of his gaze.
Suddenly, Whitney's arms were around you in a bone-crushing hug, and you leaned into him, wrapping your arms around him and resting your head against his chest.
He let out a shaky breath and pressed his mouth against your hair.
"I just, I mean," you started, but you realized quickly you had no clue what to say. But it didn't seem like he knew what to say either, so you kept going. "I guess I didn't know you felt that way about me."
Whitney pulled back to look at you, and you could tell even in the dimly-lit closet that his face was bright red.
"You're such a dumb fucking slut," he groaned, rubbing a hand across his face as if to hide from you. "You're nice to me for some fucking reason, and- and you make me happy." It sounded like it almost pained him to say it, but it made you smile. Actually, it made you giggle, which you quickly regretted when you saw the look on his face.
"Shut up. I'm trying to be sincere," he leaned his head against the wall, and you wanted to laugh again at how whiny he was being, but you held back.
"Sorry," you put your hands up.
"Whatever," Whitney folded his arms and looked away from you. "Don't expect more of this mushy shit. And don't expect me to act different."
You nodded - nothing you hadn't already thought about - and took a step closer to him. He gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead. It made you feel warm.
"But I do love you," he mumbled. Actually hearing it from his mouth made you feel all sorts of things. So you leaned up and kissed him. It was tender and filled with love.
You wished you could stay in there like that forever with him, but you remembered that you were at school and needed to make it to science class before Sirris gave you detention. "We should, ah..." you gestured towards the door.
Whitney nodded before swinging the door open and stepping out. The bright fluorescents nearly blinded you after being in the storage closet so long.
"I will see you later, slut," he said, drawing the attention of his friends who were still lingering nearby, but clearly had gotten bored during the time you two were in there. Which was fine, since you weren't too keen on them overhearing such an intimate conversation.
You gave Whitney a smile, and he sent you off with a swift smack to the ass.
That made you smile even harder - it was the way he showed his love.
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suw4 · 4 months
Realisations and Apologies
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Kita Shinsuke from Haikyuu!!
an/tw: just kita being mean. and woahhh no way? a new update? thats crazy. okay have fun reading. sorry if my writing is a little rusty
Masterlist | Haikyuu!! Masterlist
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It is known for Kita Shinsuke to have a strict routine. No matter what obstacles he may encounter, he will never let it disturb his peace. However, there was an annoying bug that had been flying by his ear. Disturbing his line of work. Putting all of this strict timely routine to break. This greatly frustrates the dual haired wing spiker more than the irritating behaviours from the Miya twins.
[Name], a libero whom he met from the volleyball club at Junior High. Someone who he deeply cares for and who returns the same exact feelings towards him. Shinsuke was never the one to like people pitying him. That's another thing that he hates. However, with [Name], it never felt like that. It was like the light that guided his pathway to success. It was normal. Everything felt normal. Maybe that was the reason why he accepted the [h/c] haired's confession.
Unfortunately for the wing spiker, it was a terrible add-on to his routine. No, [Name] is not even in his routine at all. The libero would change Shinsuke's routine frequently. Often asking him out for a date. For practice. For anything. Even if it means to get a small chance to chat with his lover. [Name] only thoughts were that he wanted to spend time with his boyfriend. For Shinsuke, it was disturbing his peace. The dual haired male never thought it would. Ever. Yet, it did. And it was frustrating him more than it should.
Practice just ended, and everyone was walking out of the gymnasium to get home. "Suke~, let's go on a date tonight! What do you think? We should get dinner as well. I'm sure you're exhausted from using that amazing brain of yours for the team," [Name] chuckled, walking side by side with his lover. Reaching down to intertwine his fingers with his. Unexpectedly, Shinsuke yanked his arm away from the other, surprising him. He stared at him in shock, including with a few teammates who were watching from behind.
"Quit it," he blunty demanded before continuing his walk out of the gym. "Ah- Suke? Is something wrong-?"
"Yes. It's you. You're disrupting my routine. Every time you ask me out, you ruin it. So quit it. We have gone to enough dates now," he snapped back. [Name] was taken aback by his boyfriend's sudden change in behaviour. But he tries to laugh it off. "What am I then if I'm not asking you out ever so often?" he teased with a lighthearted laugh. Only get shut down immediately. Completely shut down.
"You're my boyfriend who couldn't do well in the sport that he loves," Suddenly there was ringing in [Name]'s ears. He was left speechless. Eyes widening at Shinsuke's words. The other members were shocked by that as well. That was the first time Shinsuke has ever belittled someone like that. To make it worse, he was talking about his own boyfriend.
"O-Oi, Kita. You can't talk about [Name] like that. He works harder than all of us," Aran called out to him, trying to stop these lovers before a quarrel starts. But it only seemed to add more oil to the fire. "And why is that? With your sloppy receives, there's a reason why you weren't cut out to be our regular libero. Akagi is better than you. You lack intelligence and plays. That's what makes you a bad player. Hence, Akagi is more talented in that area. You just exist to be an unsuccessful subtitute that will drag us down for future roads to nationals,"
A sense of dread filled [Name]'s whole body. Wondering why Shinsuke was saying all this. But it annoys him because it's true. After Junior High, [Name] could not bring out his full potential like he used to. He looks down to his arms, seeing all the red marks from receiving powerful spikes from Aran and the other wonderful hitters in the team. He stayed silent for a moment until another third year spoke up.
Akagi jolted when he heard his name being mentioned. Upon hearing what the team captian had said, he came to [Name]'s aid. "Kita! You shouldn't be harsh to [Name]! He genuinely works hard! Just like the rest of us. He always asks tips from me. He's pretty determined when it comes to his position!" he encouraged the [h/c] head. Patting his back as a way to say that he did well. "A substitute libero," the captian retorted.
"Are you saying that I'm not good enough for this team?" [Name] blurted out. Everyone seemed to visibly shake hearing that. Then, the substitute libero let out an exhilarated sigh. "You're right. I should've worked harder. Sorry, captain',"
"Also," Shinsuke started. Facing the front where the grym doors are. "I would like to break up with you. So please. Don't ever come to me again," he proposed. [Name] could only bite his lower lip harshly. "Woah, isn't that too much, Kita?" Suna furrowed his brows a little. Shinsuke actively ignores him and takes a step forward. Leaving everyone to go home.
The ones left in the gymnasium looked at [Name] in pity. All of them came to his side, trying to comfort him to their best. But [Name] could only brush it off. Pretending that it was one of Inarizaki's harsh critiques.
The very next day, it was lunch period. Both Shinsuke and Omimi were taking out their lunchboxes to eat in class. Omimi looked over to the other. "Are you not going to eat with [Name]? Usually, you two eat together somewhere quiet,"
"[Name] and I have separated," he replied, lifting the lid open. "So it's true then. You guys have broken up," he took a bite from his bento. "So I've heard from [Name]. I've also heard from coach that he had stepped down from volleyball. He said he would rather focus on his studies and that he wished us good luck for nationals,"
"Good for him,"
"Are you not surprised? You two may have broken up, but don't you still care about one another? He relies on you a lot,"
"I know that very well," that puts a tense atmosphere between them. Anyone else in the classroom would feel suffocated. Omimi stared at the other in disbelief. "I misjudged your character, Kita. I never knew you would be this heartless," That was the first time he was ever described by something so negative.
A week has passed and after school practice came around. Everything was going well. Except something was missing. Someone was missing. However, Shinsuke maintains his observation with his current team.
The coach entered the gymnasium with a piece of clothing draped over his arm. He let out a sigh and called the boys for a short meeting. He had informed them that one of the third years had stepped down. "As some of you realise, [Name] has stopped coming to practice. The reason is that he had decided to step down from the club. Due to him studying, he won't be able to be here and watch you guys play at Spring High. I'm just here to deliver a message from him. He only wishes all of you the best for the nationals," he announced. Aside from the boys being freaked out by it, Atsumu was the first one to speak up defensively. "What?! There's no way we can continue without [N/n]!! He's the only one who could receive this guy's spikes!" he argued, pointing at Suna with his thumb. Suna glared at him in return.
"Seriously, why the sudden leave? Is there another reason? He loves volleyball! It's so obvious that you could see it in his face," he continued to ramble on. The coach only shook his head, saying that there was no other reason. Though a few may think they knew the answer. But everything is alleged. The only true reason will come out once [Name] says it with his own mouth.
Everyone took notice of the clothing that their coach had. It was a jersey, freshly washed and dried. They read the number on it. Number 16. The number that [Name] wore. For some reason, that made everyone's heart feel heavy. While a certain someone felt extremely guilty.
There Shinsuke was. Standing in front of his ex-boyfriend's house. It has come to a realisation how [Name] would rarely allow him to get into his house. He has been there once. Never been there again. It felt a little foreign for the male. But that's not the main reason why he's there.
He stepped forward and gave a couple of knocks. Footsteps came fading it, making blood rush through his body. A little tinge of hope that the [h/c] head would answer. The door clicked, and a long screech sounded. It wasn't [Name] who answered the door, but his father.
"Kita Shinsuke? What are you doing here?" the male asked with a raised brow. "Is [Name] home?" he took a bow before asking. "Yes. He is. Studying his in his room. I'm so glad he stepped down from volleyball. Surely, who wants their son to go through something he can't do? Sure, he used to be a prodigy, but it's better if he focused on his studies. I'm also glad that you were able to get him to leave that club. How did you do it?" he smiled, placing his hand on his hips. That only made Shinsuke eat his guts. He couldn't say much from that. He didn't dare to explain how much he hurt his son from saying unnecessary things.
The dual haired shook his head. "Can I speak with [Name] for a moment?" he politely asked. "Of course. He has been in his room for all day long right after he came back from school. He has been quiet as usual. I'm sure he's tired. Oh. Speak of the devil," he trailed off, hearing someone climbing down the stairs. "Oh. Kita?" [Name] mumbled, walking towards his father. He gave him a look as a signal for him to leave them alone. After the older male left, he smiled at the wing spiker. "What are you doing here?"
"I would like to talk to you, [Name]," Shinsuke fiddled his fingers a little. His body seem to be itching to move. "I'm sorry, Kita but--" the taller male was about to deny but the other leap himself into a tight hug with him. [Name] was a little dumbfounded but didn't return the hug.
Everyone now was in [Name]'s bedroom. Everyone meaning the whole volleyball club members. Apparently, all of then were stalking Shinsuke and ended up there. Currently, they were kneeling on the floor while Shinsuke and [Name] sat on the bed. "We're sorry, [N/n]!!" Atsumu wept. "We? Who's we? You dragged us here!" Osamu exclaimed, hitting his twin's head with his fist. The others seemingly nodding in agreement. "[N/n]... Why did you leave us? Don't you love volleyball anymore? Do you hate us now?!" the blonde twin whined while crawling up to the older's legs. He sighed heavily and glanced to the side. "I don't hate you guys. I left because I rather focus on my future,"
"Volleyball isn't part of your future anymore?" the younger ask. His shoulders fell, exhausted. "Volleyball is no longer fun if you're not good at it," Some of them furrowed their brows at that statement. "Of course. For the ones that happened to be there that day, no, it wasn't because of Kita. He only made me realised how much I hate volleyball," he paused for a moment, sensing his ex's subtle shift on the bed. "Some of you think Kita breaking up with me was wrong-"
"YOU GUYS BROKE UP??" Atsumu yelled. "You idiot, obviously they are. [N/n] calls him Kita now," his twin shoved him. The rest only sighed heavily in annoyance. "As I was saying, I agree with you. It was horrible. Never felt so shitty in my entire life. At the worst time of my life too," he sighed, rubbing down his thighs. That piqued everyone's interest. Questioning onto their senior's life.
"My parents have never been so supported of me playing Volleyball. Everyday they discourage me but I had every one of you to keep my spirits up. Until as of late. Exams are coming close and my parents has bugging me excessively about quitting the club. It was getting to me to the point I couldn't play as how I used to. So when Kita told me that all of that, it felt like I didn't have no ways to move on," he ended his explanation there. Silence dominated the atmosphere.
Arms suddenly wrapped around the older's neck. It was Shinsuke's. Pulling him into another hug. "I'm sorry, [Name]," he uttered, tightening his embrace. The other exhaled as he melted into the hug, wrapping his arms back. "I shouldn't have said that about you. You are an amazing volleyball player. An amazing libero. An amazing boyfriend too," he mumbled into the crook of the [h/c]'s neck. The male could feel his skin feeling a little wet.
That was the first time in a while where Shinsuke said more than one sentence. Other than the time when he literally berated his own boyfriend right in front of his teammates. Overwhelm filled [Name] as he grabbed a fistful of the back of other's jacket and began sobbing. This triggered the boys to tear up as well. One by one, they stood up from their spot and hug the two. Slowly building up a group hug.
In the end, everyone went home. [Name] and Shinsuke called. The dual haired initiated the call first. Apologizing and apologizing. This time he was careful with his words. The two finally made up and got together again.
The next day, [Name] showed up for the team's practice hours. However, he was only there to send Shinsuke to the gym since he had already made the decision to stop playing for the team and focused on his education instead. He had to leave right after but Atsumu had found himself clinging onto him. Begging him to not leave. [Name] eventually gave in and watched them play for a few minutes.
Shinsuke stood by his boyfriend with a water bottle in hand. He silently slid his fingers in between the taller male's. Locking it in hold. He didn't say anything but [Name] could still feel the guilt radiating off of him. Then he felt weight leaning onto him. Shinsuke laying his head onto his shoulders. "Are you tired?" he asked. The volleyball player only nodded. He hummed softly. "Okay. If you don't mind, I will pick you up once it's finished. Or do you want to keep sticking to your routine?" A gentle squeeze from their connected hands gave him the answer that he needed. So, he hummed once more. "Okay then. I'll pick you up once it's over," he says, turning to look at his lover and leaned down for a simple peck on the head. A small smile reached Kita Shinsuke's lips.
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fcknstar · 1 year
,, the innocence is gone "
pairings : gf!ethanlandry x fem!reader ( vesper )
summary : what happens when history tends to repeat himself?
content warnings : violence, betrayal, obsession.
**lowercase intended**
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" ghostface would be attractive if he didnt kill.. " you voiced out, in your own world when the whole group turned to face you in shock. 
" uhm.. i think thats a bit far fetch dont you think? " mindy cringed. 
how can the thought of someone with a mask pull your heartstrings, or even turn you on.
" i mean, in my opinion he could be pretty hot. " you shrugged. 
the group wasnt new on your interests in slashers, criminals. you figured that it was always the attractive ones who killed. they just found it weird considering you, mindy, the carpenter sisters and chad nearly got killed by one. 
" coping mechanisms. " quinn laughed the tension off, with the rest awkwardly nodding. 
ever since ethan joined the group, you have been nothing but attached. how did a good looking guy - a snack - be so lonely. you thought he had someone in his mind, the one you knew you couldnt occupy. but he did. you. but he soon swallowed the feeling down to focus on his mission. he knew he had to kill you, so why did your existence crumble him. making him question about his true intentions. 
" i had econ! " he defended himself as mindy analyzed ethan. 
you saw ethan leaving the apartment so you did trust him. 
" mindy, he did leave the apartment, remember? " you whispered, eyes closed as you listened to the rustling sounds around you. 
" see? " 
" vesper, you are next in my list- " 
" what? just because i defended him doesnt make me the killer. and you know for a fact i would never considering the fucking shit weve been through! " you couldnt believe your ears, your own best friend not trusting you. 
" mindy, i think you are over- analysing everything right now. " sam sighed. she trusted you, even if she knew she couldn't trust anyone. but youve been there for her and tara since day one. 
" fine, but ethan is still on the top of my list. " ethan bringing his hands up in defeat. giving him a lopsided smile, he returned a sad smile back.
everyone were starting to turn their backs on their own people, those that had to relive such traumatic moments. 
" hello? " 
" hey, ves! i was wondering if you could head down to the library? i need your help. " your friends voice begging for a yes to come out from you. instead a -
" no, im sorry. im with ethan right now, catching up on some shit i dont understand. ill try to come down as soon as possible though! " ethans eyes darting to your face. he loved the way you said his name. how sweet and soft youd say it, as if he was a fragile doll you had to take care off. 
" oh man, alright sure! just text me - update me yea! bye! " a sigh was heard from the other side. 
" bye love~ " you giggled. you were often flirtatious with your closest friends. ethan - not knowing the gender of the caller, narrowed his eyes. 
" so sorry about that- " 
" who was that? " ethan couldnt help but ask. he just had to know. if you couldnt be his, you shouldn't be anyones. 
" lana, she needed help with something. i dont know. " ethan nodded. 
ethan has yet to leave your side since the van. he needed to be with you as long as he could before he killed you, as him or as ghostface. so when gale brought you and the others down to the shrine, you realized ethans hand around your wrist. 
looking up at him, him smiled. 
" cant let you leave my sight knowing youd go crazy over this stuff. might lose you on the way. " you chuckled. 
looking over the items, you couldn't help but wonder how did someone collect items that was about six years ago - or even more. walking up on stage, you grazed every piece of black robe that could be filled with blood. this was a new feeling and you liked it. 
" remember how you said that ghostface was attractive, i get how someone might like him. " ethan blurted out. 
" haha very funny eth. " rolling your eyes, knowing that he's just trying to annoy you. 
" i mean look at amber freeman. she was hot. quite literally. "
you stopped at amber freemans robe, such events replaying. 
" welcome to act three. " you stumbled backwards watching as she aimed the gun at you.
" its sad that that pretty face will be gone to waste. " amber made a pouty face. you liked amber, maybe more than just a friend. of course you found her attractive, even with her reveal. but you couldnt.
it felt as if someone took your heart out, squeezed it and pushed it back in. you had to digest so many information and your dumb brain couldnt handle it. you didnt want it to happen again, knowing you couldnt take another heart break.
" ves? " ethan placed an arm on your shoulder. 
" sorry? " 
" you alright? " you nodded, afraid that your voice might crack. 
you coped up with everything by searching on slashers, even learning their tactics. it was interesting to say the least. you soon became obsessed with one you didnt even acknowledge. you should have known.
sam and tara pulled you behind them as ghostface removed his mask, revealing ethan. 
his gloomy face was replaced with a menacing smile. you tuned everything out, realizing that everything this happening again. fuck, you thought. ethan was a shy dorky guy, and now standing in front of you is a killer that you liked. oddly enough, you didn't feel betrayed or even hurt. he looked hot, with his hair sticking to his forehead and his breathing heavy. thoughts of blood on his face couldnt help but flood your mind. you just didnt want to die. not yet. 
you didn't even realize when ethans rounding the corner, near the glass display you and sam were standing at. 
you being the closest one, he pulled you, placing the knife against your neck. 
" fuck, eth- " your voice died down in your throat when you felt him press the knife further into your neck. 
" no- " sam and tara wanted to run towards you when quinn stopped them. 
" no, no you little fuckers, you aren't going anywhere. " before walking towards them, ethan walked with you, following quinns steps. your back against his front, you felt his heart thumping hard. probably due to adrenaline. you were going to die. tonight. in the hands of ethan. 
quinn lunged forwards before tara smacked quinn with a brick, knocking her out. 
that was when bailey aimed the gun towards the sisters. 
" you brought a brick to a gun fight.. quite sad isnt it. that you have to die this way. "
" sam- " out of instinct, you jolted forward, forgetting the knife against your neck. you had cut your neck slightly, as you pushed yourself further behind against ethan. 
" you sweet dumb thing. too stupid to not realize that you may cut yourself. " ethan pouted before pulling you away from the others. 
sam and tara saw ethan pushing you forward with the knife against your back. shit, they thought. 
before you could even ask him where he was bringing you, he stabbed you in the arm. 
" ive always wanted to stick something in you, ves! " he smiled victoriously.
" fuck you, eth! " you breathed.
" is that an offer? " shaking his head, he continued, "since i like you, ill spare you. " 
he has made up his mind.
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a.n : have been vv obsessed lately, requests coming soon <3
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freakrenaissance · 1 year
It's gonna be quite the undertaking....it'll probably take me a few weeks...but I thought I'd use the remainder of Valentine's Day for a true labor of love.
Still plugging away!!! Thanks so much to all who have liked & reblogged this monster of a list! I won't stop til all my faves are saved here...these masterpieces deserve it! (Check the bottom of the post for the date/time of latest update)
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I'm gonna start categorizing alllll the juicy fanfic I'm collecting, so it's easier for me & my tribe to finds what we needs.
The artistry. My goodness. The hellsite we're all addicted to doesn't always show us the goods (tags, searches...you're still left wanting), so, it's high time i created my own card catalogue
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I'm going to tag all my lovelies, my faves, & try to categorize them accordingly. Bear in mind, I'm NOT Tumblr savvy, even though i've been on this site for YEARS, so if you take issue with anything, please, POLITELY let me know. Also, if you don't wanna be a part of my lists, feel free to shoot me a message, & I'll remove ya, np ;)
Enjoy!!! & Please, like, share & REBLOG!!!!!!!! & remember: HEED ALL WARNINGS! ALL FICS ARE RATED E, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED
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Pedro Pascal Characters
Pedro is my love. Has been since before that dark day In King's Landing ...These are the fics that I can't live without:
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The Mandalorian/Din Djarin
Fic Rec Lists:
Din - @amorevolousfaith
First Class to Tatooine - @mandosmistress
multi part fic that has made the wait for season 3 an absolute JOY! Fills in every gap in the most delicious ways
Look - @omgreally
one shot - Touch-starved din, making me weak
Dosed - @absurdthirst
one of my all time favorite sex pollen fics!!! sooo delish
Hard Candy - @ezrasbirdie
possessive, bodyguard Din. Need i say more?
You became all the things I wished for, all the things I hoped - @charnelhouse
This entire series! Domestic din at his FINEST
Shared (ft. Paz Vizsla) - @javier-pena
delicously depraved, & exactly where i wanna be. lil dark...mind your warnings. but, omg, what a fave,,,,i've read this so many times! lol
Tattoo My Heart - @mandosmistress
I loooove this fic! our favorite bounty hunter, getting all tatted up & being sexy...I've read this countless times...definitely a fave
i’ve flown too close to the sun - @charnelhouse
One of my all time favorite Din series! That's it. That's the rec. Go check it out immediately!!!
Tie Me Up, Hold Me Down - @mandosmistress
younger din, showing off his knot-tying skills. Dominant & delish
Ner Yaim (My Home) - @dindjarindiaries (G)
A rare bit of fluff. Domestic DIn is my jam...this is adorbs
Carry Me To Safety - @221bshrlocked
More of Din & a lil lactation. this is a series, & I highly recommend going back & reading the whole thing (I'm about to start it all over again) this gem has it ALL
Lord Mandalore - @babybugwrites
Teasing the king in public...ill advised :) Smut ensues. Sign me up!!!
Chemical Feelings - @absurdthirst
One of my all time favorite sex pollen fics! (I should probably just make a whole sex pollen list lol)
Bred - @absurdthirst
One of the best Alpha Din fics in the galaxy. Including shenanigans from our favorite lil baby green bean.
Stuck - @omgreally
Trapped in a small space with our bounty hunter. What's the opposite of claustrophobia? This is one of my faves to reread right here
Marcus Moreno
Frankie "Catfish" Morales
Take Care of You - @whiskeynwriting
Edging Frankie. Sooo perfect
View - @say-al0e
Long distance lovin with Frankie
Ezra (Prospect)
A Girl Walks Into a Bookshop (T) - @oonajaeadira
Bookshop owner Ezra. I think thats nuff said <3
Jack "Whiskey" Daniels
Oberyn Martell
Marcus Pike
Pizza Comes Third - @whataperfectwasteoftime
Marcus finds your nipple clamps at work...then dreams come true lol,,,i love everything about this gem
Good to Know - @221bshrlocked
New Boyfriend Marcus. Size & age difference kink...sooo sweet!
Javier Pena
Dieter Bravo
A Little Like Strip Poker - @mandosmistress
DIrty, & delicious Dieter at his FINEST! The first Dieter fic I ever read, & still one of my faves
Hubris - @javier-pena
A lil hate sex with asshole Dieter. I adore this (every) version of him
In The Script - @the-fic-baker
Running lines with cocky, asshole Dieter. Love this! lol
Measurements - @boliv-jenta
Working on set with asshole Dieter...Gotta go reread every part of this!
Mr. Ben / SNL Pedro
Maxwell Lord
Joel Miller
"The Thief"
Pero Tovar
David York
'Aw, why are you shy now?' - @danidrabbles
I think this was the first time I ever read a Dave fic, & Omg, i was instantly hooked. So intense & delish
Javier Gutierrez
Chris Evans Characters
Oh, Chris. Yes, captain, my captain. It truly is America's ass :) These fics vary in their intensity...be forewarned. There's something very saucy about seeing the golden boy all tarnished ;)
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Steve Rogers (AU)
Silent Whispers (i) - @bonky-n-steeb
Lumberjack Alpha!Steve. I need him to be real :P Completed trilogy!
Captain America
Curtis Everett
Ransom Drysdale
Ari Levinson
Lloyd Hansen
Andy Barber
Chris Evans RPF
Sebastian Stan Characters
The winter soldier is the part of a lifetime...but i'm still salty that the mcu stole him from once upon a time. He was a sexy ass mad hatter. gotta find all the jefferson fics!!!
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Bucky Barnes / The Winter Soldier
honey, there is no right way (i) - @bonky-n-steeb
Sugar daddy, mob AU Bucky. This has so many layers of awesomeness, I can't even begin. Just go read it :)
nothing holding me back - @bonky-n-steeb
Alpha Bucky being sooo sweet & sexy! Roomies in Love!!!
A Proper Welcome - @navybrat817
More Alpha Bucky, with a special guest...this is one of my faves!
no sweeter innocence - @bonky-n-steeb
Another fave! Dom Bucky corrupting Tony's daughter....sooo yum!
Dinner and Diatribes - @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
A dark, regency AU for your pleasure..this is a stunning series!
Whiteout - @dilemmaontwolegs
Oh, to get stuck in a storm with Bucky Barnes...Let it snow, baby!!!
Make You Mine - @bonky-n-steeb
Alpha Bucky, all emotionally wounded...until he takes what he deserves. omg, I love this fic!
None Like You - @bonky-n-steeb
Football (soccer) player bucky, being all dominant in the locker room. this baby is delish. & i love his character in this!! It's a series...settle in :)
I'm a Fiend & You're All I Need - @bonky-n-steeb
Getting hubby Bucky to go harder...an embarrassment of riches lol Dominant Bucky deliciousness
Nick Fowler
Trust Me - @navybrat817
A lil Dominant Nick, with a sprinkle of feels. SO delish
Jefferson / The Mad Hatter
Oscar Isaac Characters
Mercy. I fell in love with this marvelous actor before i even knew what he looked like! I still can't believe he was apocalypse in x-men. & then you get a look at him?! Good gravy. Him & my hubby pedro together. My dreams have come true.
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Poe Dameron
Santiago Garcia
Tom Hiddleston Characters
This one was a sleeper lol...out of nowhere he attacked me with those cheekbones & that accent....very friggin Loki
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Jurassic Park Characters
One of my first fandoms EVER! I cut my teeth on dinosaurs, just like a normal kid....then things got nastay! lol Sometimes i'm in the mood for the OG, sometimes i want Owen & Claire. Here's a collection of my faves.
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Owen Grady & Claire Dearing
Maisie Lockwood
Alan Grant & Ellie Satler
Ian Malcolm
Doctor Who (These will mostly involve my river)
Right Person, Wrong Time - 11 x River Song - @mnemosyne-musing
Sugar Baby with Your Champagne Eyes - 12 x River Song @mygalfriday
Miscellaneous Characters:
My Love is Vengeance - Bruce Wayne- @charnelhouse
(more coming sooooooon. gtg back to orders, & i'm very tired. stay tuned for more updates!!!)
4:59am est 02/15/23 - started
10:00am est 04/06/23 - last updated
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twsthc · 2 months
savanaclaw headcanons and projection 🦁
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...this is what the poll from like last week was for. sorry heartslabyul and diasomnia fans teehee </3
⚠️ warnings: self harm, eating disorders
last updated: may 4, 2024
Leona is actually the twst character I've drawn the most
I hc all beastmen to have fur everywhere thats elastic and akin to mink skin
You know the texture of squishmallows? It's like that.
╰Doesn't include the thick hair in other places (head, facial, armpits, chest, pubes, etc)
Lots of scars in general + healed dermis self harm scars on thighs
Has a flat nose like a cat
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Savanaclaw mom/big sister...
Overstimulating thunderstorm? Go whine to Leona. Diasomnia students bothering you? Get leona to deal with them. Your food is too hot? Cry to Leona.
During freshman year she was way more outgoing and extroverted but eventually She mellowed out (depression moment)
She used to change hairstyles a lot before settling on freeform dreads
Also got into way more fights back then (also how she became housewarden)
Now she is (kind of) calm. Tranquil. At peace. Has depressive episodes. Relaxed.
Mostly does her own thing, and if that "thing" isn't sleeping it's some other bullshit the underclassmen roped her into
╰While wandering the castle one day, Leona stumbled upon the servants quarters. They taught him life skills (mending clothes, cooking, etc :3)
Despite being a big sis figure if she doesn't want to do something she Will Not.
And if she does do it afterall it's because she gets something out of it.
NPD, GAD, PDD (persistent depressive disorder)
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🇺🇸🇧🇷 UNLABLED + TRANS MAN (he/him)
Similarly to Leona he has a furry textured skin
Though his body hair is more coarse and longer due to him being a hyena
He has a lazy eye and tipped ear similar to Ed from The Lion King
Probably my second most drawn twst character :3
Healed epidermis self harm scars on inner wrists 🥶
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He's like the cooler afrolatino Luke Blovad
He's either winning the idgaf wars or dying on the battlefield
Has an insane collection of weird shirts from thrift stores
And he makes it work every single time! his outfits go crazy!
More connected to his AADOS/Gullah side than his Brazilian side
Though he does speak Portugese!
In fact, he speaks multiple languages because polyglots are marketable
The type of person to take a half empty bottle of ketchup and rotting apple from an empty ass fridge and make dinner happen
Constantly going to Scarabia to snag their party leftovers
Used to be a scene kid!!!! This is canon and true!!!! Pls trust me
diabetes, GAD, MDD, undiagnosed ADHD
triggering content ahead !!
he has bulimia nervosa
╰fun fact! a lot of food insecure people have eating disorders
self harmed a lot from the ages from 10-12 before eventually stopping at 13
he stopped after his grandma found out and started checking his arms regularly (#projecting)
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WAY thicker fur than leona and ruggie
Trims his body hair a lot because he overheats in savanaclaw easily
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The type of guy to be totally in love with the world and nature
They're just like. Wow. We were put on a spinning rock. With food to eat, and water drink, and air to breathe. I love being alive.
Had a little garden back at home and named every single plant
Remembers small things about people and brings them up in conversation
╰Hey dude I got you a Chipotle bowl. How did I remember your exact order? You told me. Yeah, I know it was a year ago, but--
Random but I think he dresses how Tupac did
Not even to be tough
But because he's a black suburban kid
(I'm a black city kid but this is probably how black suburban kids dress trust)
Loooves chewing on things. Has one of those chew necklaces
Autistic with botany and physical health special interest
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enden-k · 3 months
Can I ask what makes Arlecchino evil? I'm v much a villain enjoyer and like some morally greyness, but I genuinely didn't pick up on a lot of bad stuff with Arlecchino. She was super helpful during Fontaine and seemed to be the only powerful person who cared about helping the common folk when the water levels were rising.
I'm not here to start an argument, just wanna expand my view 🙏
dw didnt think u want to argue! i will also use this to say i wont tolerate arguments, this goes for everyone here
i will talk about sensitive themes under the cut (mentions of when i was groomed/emotionally abused by my adoptive father/mentions of abuse/grooming in general) so if someones not good with this, be warned please and dont click for your emotional comfort.
i really love arlecchino (theres also difficult, personal reasons ig) and id rather wait for her to arrive to get more information than we have so far through other characters/side quests/main quest but well.
her goals aligned with ours in the fontaine quest which is why we have the impression shes a good/nice person, especially considering our other meetings with the harbingers we met so far (signora, childe, scara, dottore) and the situations. shes very calm and diplomatic (lets see how it changes in the next update when we fight her)
but we shouldnt forget how the travellers on their toes the entire time/everytime they come in contact with arle. its because shes a harbinger after all. shes a danger. her graceful politeness and calmness is supposed to have you on guard, make your hairs rise. shes mentioned to be manipulative and shes manipulating others to achieve what she wants by being nice and calm. she has ulterior motives. we should be careful. this is my impression based on my own gaming experience and idk if it was the same w others, but bc of us being on guard around her i was always prepared for her to turn on us until the end of the main quest.
anw, arle is supposed to be intimidating and have you wary. even tho she comes off as nice and polite, having done good and helped in the main story. its bc thats what she wanted and you happened to have the same goal. also lets not forget scaras and childes thoughts about her which already tells a lot
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she has two sides. the one we saw in the quest, the graceful, calm, polite face to get what she wants. and the other, the one scara and childe talk about here, the one they call "crazy"
not to mention her codename, "the knave". what does it mean? servant. what else does it mean? "dishonest/deceitful man". basically, swindler. isnt it perfect?
shes manipulative and whatever her "true" nature is, we dont know (yet). she may have "good intentions" here or there but will achieve them no matter what it takes.
as for the thing you can consider as bad; the house of the hearth is an orphanage that raises children into fatui agents. only those who have potential join the ranks while the others are kept close (its not known whats done with them afaik). theyre basically grooming/raising child soldiers/spies.
before the sensitive stuff comes up, for the ppl who dont want to proceed, arlecchino fools/manipulates you into thinking shes a nice person/good parent. its amazing and so in character for her. its also scary how some ppl cant see the abuse/manipulation unless you went through this too or well. just actually read and realize it.
arlecchino is an emotionally manipulative parental figure. now, this is coming from someone who went through heavy abuse/was groomed by their adoptive father who was extremely manipulative and i spot so many things very well known to me. others who went through the same get this feeling. these signs you immediately recognize.
you get punished for the tiniest mistakes and when you get loved, it makes you forget all that was done to you, just for that tiny bit of affection you crave. you try to do your best, to do everything asked and expected of you, not to disappoint the only parent you have and youre dependent on, to be a good kid deserving of love and when you slip up youre in shambles. there was a time i did a tiny mistake by accident and my father said to me in the coldest voice "you broke my trust" and i remember so vividly how it broke me, how i cried until i got sick. i was physically abused before and none of it hurt me more than this. it still gets to me after all those years. emotional manipulation is cruel
what im trying to say is, she came in a time of need. taken as a savior while it just is one abuser swapped out with another. like my adoptive father having me dependent, giving me love i never received and being everything i wanted, making me believe hes everything i need, a common thing abusers do. wanting to do everything youre asked of and do it good, the fear of disappointing and being punished, believing you deserved it bc its your fault and treating your abuser like a savior, being conditioned. this is whats happening.
now, arle genuinely loves and protects her children; its very clear that the life of the children matter to her the most (look at childes line and freminet/lynette etc) - she was one of them too after all. so, its possible to love and still do these. moral greyness etcetc
anyway idk if its understandable or if i can explain it in proper words while maintaining a good distance so ill add the voicelines of the siblings heavily implying this, and also a tweet adressing this that brings it to proper words, better than i can say
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tweet here bc tmblr doesnt insert the link properly
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gamergirlshelby · 2 months
alright this is a theory that i've had in mind for a while but im finally gonna go into the details of it since i am once again thinking about this amazing game again.
i first want to note however that this will be going into MAJOR MAJOR spoilers for Pokemon Rejuvenation, a game that I recommend extremely highly to anyone who is into fangames so please check it out, the level of detail and quality thats been put into it still amazes me and i am very excited and patiently waiting for the next update to be ready!
i'll also be taking screenshots from Dred's videos showcasing the content, so i recommend checking out their channel.
anyways without further ado, the theory will be under the readmore.
My theory will be going into the idea that the Paragon and Renegade routes are connected, and the idea that the Interceptors from each route are working on getting the best possible ending for at least one of them.
And this idea all came to mind from this line said by the player:
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Now my theory is the They that the Renegade Interceptor (will shorten to RI for brevity) is the Paragon Interceptor (will shorten to PI) and their timeline.
The RI knows that what they're doing is for not, as they will be erased, but there is still a version of the world and all their friends that gets to live on.
But the question is, how exactly are the two helping one another? By giving the other the tools that are needed to accomplish their goals. The RI had built the Red Chain, and the PI along with Melia created the Obliteration Spell or the End of Night.
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And the way Melia talks about the creation of the spell mentions that it had been necessary, likely being necessary for the plan with the RI. And after re-watching the entire Renegade Karma files, there is no scene or dialogue that implies the RI had created a version of the spell to use, especially not while working with M2, who goes on to question what the heck the spell even is, deducing that it is total annihilation.
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sorry for the red lines i'll retype the quote from M2 here: "You spent all of the time gathering those Red Games. And after all that time crafting the red chain you just decided to yeet it into space?"
But the thing is the chain wasn't just yeeted into space. It was delivered somewhere.
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And that somewhere I think is the Paragon timeline. As similarly to the End of Night, the Red Chain is never crafted in the Paragon timeline, but it is still used to restrain Tiempa. And I have a hunch that the Lake Guardians are loosely aware of what the interceptors have done as if you go to find and catch them in the Paragon route, they hop out of the small rifts as they did in Renegade, and all have this text:
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Now why would the PI steal the red gem components from the Lake Guardians? Its shown in PLA that if you pass their trials normally you would be able to get the pieces gifted to you so why would they not do that off screen? Its cause they weren't even the ones to take the red gems. It was the RI.
And in my opinion is the dialogue from the failed world segments, but I will be taking special note of what Karma says during the Renegade section.
I will be dissecting the whole dialogue which I have linked to in Dred's video which I will be linking to the timestamp here (if it didn't work the conversation starts at 37:48 and goes on to around 39:03)
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"But to be confined through the laws of space and time... This is not possible. I will break these rules. We will move forward." This quote at the end I think is the smoking gun. Karma in an attempt to start again and create the perfect base for the true happy ending had caused there to be a connection between time and space, allowing for the two interceptors to connect. I think that this rewind might have been the initial timeline before Paragon Melia took the place of M2 in the Failed World, and after the rewind happened M2 had been moved to the Renegade timeline, allowing for Paragon Melia to more easily take her place, come up with a plan with the host for the Interceptor, and create the happy ending.
Now I speculate that Karma and the supposed World Shatterer will likely play as a final sort of threat to the story after the Xen Raid and how the Rejuv Team handles that will definitely be something I'm looking forward too.
If anyone has any possible supplementary information or ideas I'd love to hear them and I'd be happy to hear about anyone's other theories about what could be going on in the story. Anyways thank you for reading this long long theory post and again I'd love to hear thoughts on it!
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the-kaiju-family · 1 month
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Hello! Question for you, are their any other Kaiju's? And do Kaiju's powers vary between person to person, if they have any? Thats all! Get a good sleep!
Hello! so so sorry for the late reply, I've been working on designs and my art app keeps erasing all of my progress so I'll have to answer your question via text and screenshots that I have :< I'll def update when i have more art coming out.
Starting off we have:
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Liu'er mihou: The Tribes leader
The infamous six eared shadow king has the ability to create a entire ecosystem to wilt and bend to fit his tribes life style. This is hidden behind a even larger almost dome like bubble that is made up of the tribes sacred caves that hold crystals of the dead, giving it a dark purple and black color as the shadows make it constantly spin, blocking out the outside world and protecting the people inside. These crystals hold memories of the past loved ones and where it is a time to mourn and remember those who have passed on to live their next life. These memorabilia also play key roles in ones birth where they are given a stone to proudly wear for their life and given when they die, letting them rest peacefully with their ancestors. (unfortunately this is all i could save before the crash, will update later!)
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The Six eared Kaiju has a outside reputation for being a ruthless cannibal and is hungry for power. How this may be true when he was still growing out of his youth, this chief has gone soft as he found peace with his three cubs that were born from his now late wife. Liu'er has the ability to spread out a net of shadow demons to hunt or search for important things both inside and outside of his territory, however he can only go so far before he starts getting hallucinations. He is, as you may think, a ageless and immortal, able to live out the centuries. However, he is still vulnerable to death and can fall in battle. Liu'er still has the same smoke/shadow abilities as he dose in LMK. After getting into a unbreakable truce with the Ice-Bone kaiju, he has the unfortunate capability to create things out of ice, but his tribe and family helped make it worth it, especially during the summers. The lead Huntress
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The Chief's daughter: Rose/Rosie (As this is my self insert i will be using first person for her but that will vary) Being the Chief's oldest and first born cub, there was already a lot of pressure and praise from the tribe. It wasn't until the day that marked me 14 years of age, that my father pushed me more to do outside activities rather than just playing with the local children of the tribe. Similar to my mother, I has a deep connection with the forest witch led me to inevitably get my very first kill and get me into training to be a huntress. Abilities are slightly different from my fathers as it had evolved. Things like being able to walk into shadows and come out to the other side of the territory were a main one that he has to become accustomed to.
However, things like the smog/smokescreen that was laced with freezing temperatures made my father realized that his truce had a genetic effect on him.
The sonic screech that was so loud it was silent was something that i had developed when i became a hunter, it was something that was taught to me by my mother to help stun prey and get a clean kill. The guard and the Healer
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The Twins: Rumble and Savage Most twins argue who was born first, but for the case of these two, they were born mere seconds apart! Rumble, the one on the left, had earned his spot as a territory guard when he completed his ceremony when he killed a rabid bat that was infecting the fruit supply and making the people ill. He has yet to develop abilities other than shadow travel due to him needing to create some of his own as to make him more of a threat and less predictable. Savage, the one of the left, had gotten his rank as the tribes healer after he managed to kill a unknown creature to the land. Seeing how nobody knew of this creature and how it had rows upon rows of teeth, he was granted the highest praising job as healer, learning little from his mother and is currently being taught by the tribes elders.
The celestial dragon
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Ne Zha Found by the Shadow tribes daughter when he was injured, Ne Zha is forever in her debt for not killing him during the struggling and harsh winters they were currently going through. After he killed himself on the mortal realm, Ne Zha had gotten a curse by Ao Bing's father that left him permanently as a Lung dragon, payback for murdering his son Infront of the entire dragon clan. He currently is a rare sighting in the Celestial realm and spends most of his time in the waters of the garden of the Jade emperors palace. Ne Zha has the unique ability to breathe pink and yellow fire that can turn a scalding white if he is angered enough. Sightings say that his flames resemble a storm of petals and leave a root like burn on his victims. Ne Zha can create sharp, body piercing, daggers with local lotus flora that he can control or summon on command of needed. When he is hit with great force petals may also generate. Ne Zha can conjure a protective magic barrier, which serves as a defense against incoming attacks for both himself and others. He also has little familiars
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The Yin and Yang Tribe and The Star Tribe
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Not much is known about these two tribes other than that they live extremely close to one another and live in peace.
Again, I am so so so Sorry this didnt get out sooner but I will do my best to get the Sun Tribe out next! -
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cyle · 1 year
i feel like your response to that person was a little dismissive towards the group who doesnt want these updates that make our experience worse, which is probably larger then you anticipate. adding entire new features isnt too complicated, but a toggle to turn them off if you dont want them is? 'millions' of us are here using this site because we like the way it currently is as a blogging site, continuing to force change on us and becoming more and more like the other social media sites isnt going to do anything except alienate your core audience while pandering to the people who couldnt care less because they already have their websites of choice. adding a page in the settings called 'feature toggles' is not unnecessary bloat compared to a desktop-only tamagachi horse no one asked for. (i do like the horse sorry for martyring him) tumblr live shows pandering thats concerning for your core audience in terms of the direction this site is going now that its started to regain popularity, because theres a direct and widely documented conflict between who youre pandering to and your core userbase.
i apologize for coming off as dismissive, i didn't intend that. i have a lot of the same feelings as you -- change is disruptive and can be annoying to adjust to, especially when it's something you care about a lot. i use tumblr all day every day, i'm right there with you. i also get blindsided by some of the changes we decide to experiment with, and my initial reaction is to reject them. but usually i get to live with these kinds of new features for weeks or months before you do (i work here), so my perspective on them has already had a chance to shift.
but to me, you're not wrong here, but you're not fully right either. there's a cool book called "crossing the chasm" which describes a conundrum that a lot of products fall into, in which they get stuck in a period of non-growth or anti-growth and become unsustainable. the only way out of this is to "cross the chasm", which typically means building and exploring ideas that are related to what initially made the product successful, but need to be translated to a wider audience for sustainable growth to happen. (that's a very very basic summary.)
the tumblr of today looks nothing like the tumblr i joined back in 2009, or even the tumblr that existed in 2015 when i got a job here, and the tumblr five years from now is not going to look anything like it does today. that kind of change is inevitable, if the history of online spaces is any indication. when that change stops happening, usually that's a sign of true collapse.
to your point: there's a core idea about what tumblr "is" that resonates with a lot of people. but if it's going to survive long term, more work is necessary. some people who use tumblr every day (like me and you) aren't going to like some of those changes, but hopefully you do end up liking enough of them to stick around. and we need your feedback to help us figure out what's working and what isn't, so please keep giving it.
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nolongeractive-lol · 1 year
My Mega-Ultimate Guide To Law Of Assumption!
If I miss anything feel free to reblog and tell me :-) this is my first post so I’m a bit nervous lmao
Table Of Contents
1. LOA TEMRS W/ Meaning
(Got some of these off Google lmao)
3D = The reality that we see
4D = The reality in our heads (our imagination)
Affirmations = positive statements in the present tense that relate to what it is you want to manifest
Wish Fulfilled = A state where you know your wish has been granted
Placebo = Every time you do something/Something happens it makes your desire happen (Example: Every time I touch my skin my skin becomes 10x clearer)
Scripting = Writing about your desire as if they have already been reached
Repetition = Repeating
2. Law Of Assumption Meaning
(Again, off google)
The Law of Assumption states that whatever you assume as true becomes your reality. So the key to using the Law of Assumption to manifest your desires is to assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled
So basically if you assume you get 500 dollars every day, you’ll get 500 dollars everyday!
3. What You Need To Manifest
You literally need nothing else but your mind to manifest! You don’t need to talk, twerk, write (you can but it’s optional), read a dictionary, nah, nope, not even close! You literally, literally, LITERALLY don’t need to lift a finger! All you really need is a desire in mind! Then just KNOW it’s yours! Because it is sweetheart!
4. Illogical Manifestations
But I want manifest something illogical! Can I still do it?
Yes! Like who tf said you couldn’t? I get it, because we are taught from a young age that superpowers and shit don’t exist, but I’m here to Tell you…they do, if you believe they do! Now I know what your thinking “THATS BULL!” but let me tell you, there are many, many, many success stories of people manifesting so many illogical things! Superpowers, Being not human, hell! I heard someone manifested being able to stay alive without eating! If THEY can manifest all that shit, why can’t you?!
5. Why The Law Works
Because it’s the law…like dude, it has to work
Think about this…
Robbing banks is illegal, so we don’t want to do that! It’s against the law. If we do we will be wanted for the rest of our lives!
Same thing with the law! Not getting our desire is against the law! So we HAVE to get our desires! No matter what!
6. Motivation
Take what I just told you, let it sink in…
You can get anything you want with your mind! Sounds crazy right? But it’s real! So why aren’t you applying what you know into your life?! Don’t be afraid of your desires! You want them for a reason! Also! (For the people that do this)
Like dude! You already know everything! JUST MANIFEST IT ALREADY! ITS LITERALLY AS EASY AS 123!
7. How I Unknowingly Manifested Wind Powers
This was way fucking before I know about the law, or any laws…
So I believed in magic and powers and shit because I wanted to, it seemed fun! That was until my friend’s introduced me to superpowers!
So then I decided that I wanted wind powers (since I’m a Libra). So every single day I would go outside and practice. No matter what my mom said or anyone said, my one belief was.
I have wind powers, and if I keep practicing I’ll strengthen them!
So after a while I was able to do wind blasts (in a way) it was so cool! Of course it took a while because another belief I had was that it would take a while…see where I’m getting at?
My beliefs had an impact on my manifestation
But no matter what the limiting belief was
I still got my desire (my wind powers)
8. Ideas Of Things To Manifest (Won’t Update)
Glow up
Go to Hogwarts (in your cr, it’s possible)
Time travel
Being a siren/mermaid/merman
Being a vampire
Being a fairy/pixie
A new season for your favorite show
Manifest any illness away
Revise the death of a pet or human
Revise your grades
Manifest a certain video game
Manifest being a billionaire
Manifest your reality shift
Manifest your respawn
Revise your trauma (if you have any)
Manifest magic into your life
Manifest a fairy godmother or fair godfather
Manifest being a decedent of royalty
Manifest a magical wardrobe
Manifest a secret room in your house
Manifest a lucid dream
Manifest your dream skills
Manifest a palace/castle/mansion/house (works even if your underage)
Manifest stranger things
Manifest a superpower
Manifest going into the void
Manifest meeting a celebrity
Manifest your LIFA APP
Manifest infinite currency in your fav game!
9. Extras (quick info)
You can manifest as fast as overnight or even faster!
It doesn’t matter what it is! You can breathe in space if you want to!
Do what you need to do to manifest (script, methods, meditate, repetition of affs, subliminals, ignoring the 3D, etc) no matter what, your desire is there! It’s yours!
It doesn’t matter what anyone else says about manifestation, they aren’t manifesting your desire! You are!
Don’t depend on others, you know what to do already!
So with that out the way
This was my mega ultimate guide on manifesting! I hope you learned something! Happy manifesting!
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thegeminisage · 6 months
sigh. tng update time. tuesday we did "sarek" and last night i sadly watched "menage a troi" on my own.
sarek: the fact that they mentioned his "son's wedding" once near the beginning and never clarified distracted me for the entire episode until i could google it. and google gave me no answers except to say that he married saavik in some semi-canonical novel. i hate that because saavik was his student (i guess aos had him right after all...) and also because of whatever horrible and weird thing they had going on in search for spock. WHICH BY THE WAY BROKE PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED CANON don't get me started
anyway, aside from that, this episode fucking ruled
i love the concept of vulcan dementia just being vulcan emotionalism. i wonder if it's genetic. i wonder if spock would've gotten it had he lived longer. i kind of wish spock had been the one following sarek around containing his emotions even though i wouldn't wish that fate on him cuz then i would've gotten to see him :(
less thrilled about the new wife. they could have had someone else play amanda if her real actress wasn't available (and she wasn't dead, i checked). if people live for like 150 years in the future there simply wasn't long enough for her to die and for sarek to have gotten remarried, especially if vulcans bond for life (which i guess was implied in some interpretations of amok time but not canonized).
actually, if sarek had once been bonded to someone as spock was to t'pring, how did HE wind up with a human wife...did he get remarried so quickly because of pon farr or does that wind down as vulcans get older...so many questions which will never be answered
anyway, i loved the sudden bursts of anger, it was so fun. uh except for beverly hitting her kid but it wasnt Her so we can move past it. especially thrilled with riker and picard almost getting into it
SAREK CRYING? ok king. i wish we had gotten to see spock cry and not in that deleted tmp scene
i loved picard's nerdery of him also. that makes the mind meld very fun. the rituals are literally intricate. also, "we shall always have the best parts of each other inside of us" i HOPE THATS TRUE FOR SPOCK AND KIRK AND BONES. i read an excerpt from a novel. well. i don't want to talk about it
anyway, picard calling out to spock and amanda...maybe i did well up a little at the mention of spock's name. who can say!!!!!
menage a troi: SSSSSSSSSSSIGH
ok, so i grabbed this one by myself because the summary looked bad and we're trying to finish s3 before chr*stmas fucks up all our social plans. no matter how bad the summary was, the actual episode was WORSE
i have three good things to say about this episode actually. the first was that i like that deanna yelled at her mom again, although this time i know better than to expect it to stick. the second was that i LOOOOVED deanna and riker's little date outfits. extremely charming. and finally i loved when lwaxana handed riker that horrible looking vegetable and he ate it with only mild reluctance. king is literally down to clown.
the rest of this ep was garbage. i know we didn't actually see any sex happen but i feel like they implied pretty heavily that the ferengi fucked her, possibly even multiple times. and like it's funny! ha ha ha look at the crazy situations this eccentric lady gets into! ha ha ha look at her and deanna having to run around naked!
somehow, this was the worst lwaxana episode yet. idk why i actually expected them to do a little better in s3. like, if i was gene roddenberry and they did this to my WIFE on MY SHOW. but you can put even odds on it being his idea or him getting off to it. his horrible little fetish fuel.
cherry on top was lwaxana's self-sacrifice at the end where she stays behind to let deanna escape sex slavery or whatever. which one felt like a classic narcissist parent thing and two wasn't even real - it was an excuse for picard to do badly-acted poetry on the bridge to pretend to be her jealous lover to get them to let her go. and then after all that she goes right back to sexually harassing HIM. because it's funny! ha ha ha!
anyway, it's a shame they had wes's little arc as the b plot of this episode because it was fine and feels important continuity wise, and yet every list on earth will rightfully suggest this episode get skipped because it fucking sucks.
tonight, the last two episodes of season 3 - "transfigurations" and "best of both worlds part i." i already know picard gets BORGED in the finale because i've known that since i was a baby and i am WAITING!!! they fucjing blue balled me in the first borg ep and i am MORE than ready for some brainwashed cyborg action. palette cleanser after lwaxana troi episodes.
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littlefroginthegarden · 7 months
Sold to Heartsteel 1/24
its a liiiittle bit late but whatever... im trying to write an advents calendar fic, theres some buffer but ill write during the month so im also open to input if you have any good ideas :)
hope you enjoy!
Tags: semi-ironic adaptation of 'sold to one direction' trope so yeah theres obv selling involved, angst, fluff, friendship, romance, maybe smut, mlm, transmasc character, some transphobia but mostly just parents being shit but nothing explicit or slurs or stuff, yeah i think thats about it, ill update this if anything changes xoxo
Part 1
Hi, my name is Hwei and I’m a misunderstood artist. Well, that’s not exactly true. My Parents hate my art and they think it’s just a waste of time. But under the name DemonBrush I’m known all around the world, my art account just recently hit two million followers. Which didn’t help me at all in my real life. I’ve been 18 now for a few months but my parents still act like I’m 16. I haven’t finished school yet and I can’t move out because my anxiety has made working impossible so far. My parents don’t allow me to get therapy or meds and I’m on their insurance so there’s nothing I can do. I sigh and try to think about something else but looking out my small window into the dark December morning isn’t helping. I go and pull the curtains, turn on my fairy lights and sit at my small desk that is crammed between the bed and the heavy wooden dresser. 
My reflection stares at me in the mirror, dark shadows under my amethyst eyes, a sign that I slept terribly, once again. The nightmares wouldn’t leave me alone. I sigh and start doing my makeup, nothing bright, just some smudged dark eyeshadow and black eyeliner on my waterline. My mom was probably gonna complain again but I don’t care. Last week she told me “People might think you’re gay!” Yeah, sure mom. I mean, why do you think I have all these Heartsteel posters hanging in my room? Because I love their one song so much? But when she says "gay" she means "lesbian". She would have an aneurysm if I tried to explain to her that I’m trans. And then she would probably throw me out. As if she could read my thoughts, I hear her shouting from downstairs “Come down immediately, Hwa! I can hear that you’re up.”
I throw on a black oversized hoodie that matches my skinny jeans (also black) and put my dark juniper green hair in a messy bun before I run downstairs as quick as I can. Better not make mom wait, she’s awful enough as is.
When I enter the kitchen, I almost bump into a large man in a suit that is standing next to my mom.
“Oh fuck, sorry!” I quickly say, getting a death stare from my mom but for once she doesn’t even berate me for swearing. She just looks between me and this dude, who was wearing dark sunglasses (in December!) for some fucking reason.
“Who is this?” I ask after a few moments of awkward silence.
“My name is Mr. Mundo, nice to meet you, Hwa.” His voice fits his impressive stature perfectly.
My mother steps forward and puts her hand on my shoulder, looking at me more seriously than I have ever seen her. “You know that we haven’t had the easiest time since dad lost his job. And since you refuse to work and pay your share, we had no other choice.”
“What do you mean? What choice?” I ask, slowly starting to panic.
“You’ll go with Mr. Mundo, he has a job for you where you’ll work for six months. You’ll get a room and food and the money goes to pay back all the debt you owe us.”
“Debt? What do I owe you?”
“Darling, you've been living and eating here for free for 18 years!”
“This is insane!” I yell at her. “You’re selling me? You are a monster!”
“Selling? It’s just temporary honey, and it’s a decent job, don’t make it sound worse than it is!”
“You can’t do that, I’m an adult, you can’t force me!” At this point I’m full on panicking. This can’t be happening, it should just be another nightmare. But I know it’s real. My nightmares are way different.
“You are right and nobody is forcing you. But think about this, it would give you the perfect opportunity to get some good job experiences while at the same time helping out your family! Also –” she adds “if you don’t take this offer then you’ll have to pack your bags, we can’t pay for you any longer.”
“If you stayed off the booze you could.” I press through my teeth, anger winning over panic.
She just ignores it and tells me “Please Honey, think about it. If you go with Mr. Mundo at least you’ll have a roof and food. We just want what’s best for you! You’ll thank us in a few years, mark my words.” With this she turns around and leaves me alone in the kitchen with this absolute hunk of a man.
“Go pack your stuff, we leave in an hour.” He hands me a big suitcase before sinking down onto the washed-out red leather couch in the living room, turning the TV on, unfazed by all of this as if it was his daily job. Which it probably was.
Still in shock, I go back to my room and just stare at the mirror for a solid minute. I still haven’t processed what just happened but I start throwing my most important stuff into the suitcase. I have a lot of clothes but most of them are from my parents and I hate wearing them. So it’s not too difficult to fit all my favorite pieces into the suitcase, some skinny jeans, flowy tops and hoodies and of course accessories, I can’t leave my choker collection here. Then I go to my bed and from under the mattress I pull my binder. I put it under all the other things so it won’t be visible if my mom checks my suitcase. She would freak out. I gather the rest of the stuff, making sure I have my laptop, makeup and favorite books, and check the time. I still have 15 minutes left but at this point, the quicker I’m gone the better. I grab the heavy suitcase and try to carry it down the stairs. Two steps in I nearly slip and the suitcase crashes onto the step with a loud Thud. Before I’m even up I can hear heavy steps on the stairs.
Mr. Mundo grabs the suitcase without saying a word and carries it down. I awkwardly follow him, hoping my mom is distracted and hasn’t noticed the commotion. For once I seem to be lucky, she’s nowhere to be seen. At the door, Mr. Mundo turns around and asks me “Are you sure that you have everything? You won’t be able to come back here anytime soon.”
“Yeah I’m not planning on doing that anyways. Can we go?” I ask impatiently.
He doesn’t answer and just opens the door and walks down the driveway towards the black car with darkened windows that is waiting at the end of it. He puts my suitcase in the back of it with ease and opens the door in the back, gesturing for me to get in. I hesitate for a second, but when I can hear the front door of the house open again, I quickly get in before I can hear whatever my mother wants to tell me. He slams the door behind me and gets into the driver’s seat, which I can’t even see from back here because there’s a divider between the front and the back of the car. Like in a limousine. Or a cop car. It feels more like the latter, like I’m a prisoner.
The car rumbles to life and even though the windows are heavily tinted, I can see the shadows of trees racing past us. Where are we going?
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yours-drooly · 9 months
I was thinking of trying some light bdsm to start with my wife. We've never done it before, but sex, when it happens, has been getting repetitive and dull, at least for me. Any advice? And feel free to post this publicly if you like afterwards.
Thank you so much for the ask! It's been the most interesting one so far!
My first advice is: don't cling to any expectations how kink/bdsm should to be. I find many people to be scared or overwhelmed because they think bdsm is only 'real bdsm' if it ends with someone tied up in a dungeon, covered in whip marks and candle wax. Especially social media like the bdsm community here on tumblr can make it seem like there are certain standards to meet. There are not. It's entirely up to you. It's your game and you're making all the rules. That's actually the fun part about it.
My second advice is: Figure out what you might like (this refers to all partners icluded). Might bondage be for you? If yes, are you more a handcuff person, a rope person or a silk scarf person? How about sensory play? Or role play? You don't have to be exactly sure if you really like it, but you should be eager to try. In my opinion light bondage and sensory deprivation are a good start to explore you and your partners dynamic.
As soon as you've figured out a few things you'd like to try, get smart about them! Read, watch, listen or whatever your preferred way of gaining knowledge is. There's a lot of stuff that can go wrong or can be done in a wrong way (e.g. Impactplay), so better prepare for it in advance than causing any kind of damage.
Additionally you can start shopping tools and toys. Maybe sexy outfits aswell. In my experience that's already quite the adventure if you do it together with your partner. Shopping for things (even if it's just looking at them online) can be a huge source of inspiration and the cause of many good conversations with your partner. It also builds a lot of eager anticipation.
Third advice: Think about what you don't like and what might scare or trigger you. AND THEN DISCUSS IT WITH YOUR PARTNER. This might be the most important advice: everything and I mean literally everything has to be discussed with your partner. Your lower back is fucked? Talk about it. You're scared of the dark? Talk about it. Your feet are so tickelish you might break your partners nose when they suck on your toes? Talk about it. Discuss limits and how far they can be pushed. And then settle for a safe word.
Fourth advice: Don't take everything too serious. Especially when you are new to bdsm, not everything is going to work out as expected. You might trip, you might dislike stuff or the dirty talk might not come as naturally. That's alright. We've all started there. In bdsm there's often a tendency to be all serious and 'dark'. If you like it that way, thats fine, but there has to be room for you and your partners true personality. And for mistakes. Otherwise neither you or your partner will feel secure or good.
Hope that helps. ❤️
Have as SHITLOAD of fun and keep me updated if you like
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kncrowder88 · 1 month
Alright, Garcy fans, I've been considering that AU engaged idea of mine some more and I honestly think it would work so well. There is a lot of ideas I recall from back when I was so obsessed with the show I was helping with the saving of it and planning the saving of it and all that ... anyways I remember Garcy fans loving the idea of Flynn sneaking into Lucy's lectures before he stole the mothership.
It is rather true that we don't get a lot of things concluded within the series but thats okay this is why fanfic exist. So, lets say we go with this idea of upon the return from the Hindenburg with Lucy getting back home and learning all this new shocking things about her changed life ... we also get Flynn getting a phone call, from Noah (lets no take the Carol route, she wouldn't put herself that close that early - and its clear in the show that Rittenhouse has a means of monitoring the changes).
Noah is very likely a Rittenhouse member as well - it would make sense that Carol Preston wants her kid engaged to and having a future with another Rittenhouse member, keep that 'royal' line going. We never even got Noah's last name for all we know he was actually a direct line descendant of the Rittenhouse family. Which honestly, would go in line with some of the stuff we saw later in the series. Anyways, back to the AU stuff .... basically the returns happened. Lucy walking through her door calling for Amy. Jump to Flynn back as well and walking through his bunker or wherever he's landed, a phone starts ringing. Back to Lucy, calling for Amy, heading through her house. Back to Flynn, diary in his hand. Maybe Anthony behind him in the background going for the phone on the table - confused as he looks at it, maybe one of the other goons doing this. Then back to Lucy as she finally gets that turn point where its her mom and not Amy and she's stunned because her mum is well. Then back to Flynn and someone telling him the phone is for him, he's turning because who calls him. He doesn't know anyone who would want to call him. Not here, not in the present. They only have a phone for needs of the mission and honestly he cant deny his goons a chance for untraceable calls to their families if they ever asked - he'd get asking. This sort of thing just keeps repeating and repeating bouncing between the two - I could see it on the screen. Playing and playing. Until its Carol Preston asking about Lucy's ring and Noah on the line with Flynn asking him out for beers, making a joke about bachelor days (but not making it clear whose bachelor days - Noahs or Flynns?) Then jump into the Lincoln episode and all that chaos. Flynn processing having a friend/person/someone close enough to want to get beers with him in his life. Lucy processing the loss of her sister and gain of a fiance. Rufus and Wyatt trying to figure out how to help Lucy process her sister being gone. Because how do you help someone just disappearing - not dying just never existing - and they dont even know she's engaged yet. And not to mention that she so easily just seemed to shove it aside when the history date was mentioned and jumped into the mission like it was so easy, and they dont get that.
Then of course, you have the encounters that would happen that mission. Lucy with Robert Lincoln, talking to him, and the way that Flynn would engage with her. The conversations. Her frustration. His boiling under the surface of "WHY DIDNT SHE WRITE ABOUT NOAH?!" And just all of that. Only for the mission to be over and them to get back and Noah is bringing him to a house, a nice house, and Lucy is returning home - her mother frustrated she is late to her own party and how dare she ask about her father on this day - and Lucy is turning from that because she cant and there in the doorway he stands. Noah's left him to go find her mum - update her of course its his job - and she's just there staring at Garcia Flynn in her house and all he could say is
"I guess its me who is getting engaged not Noah." and all she can say is
"You have got to be kidding me"
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hellcatinnc · 9 months
Piofiore Fated Memories - Nicola Francesca Review
Includes Spoilers...
I was going to write this with all the guys from Piofiore but I just can't do it there is so much for me to say and share pics that I'm sure tumblr will block me using too many pics so going to do each guy from there as separate reviews as I do their route. So far I only did Nicola and I only plan to do the good routes because I know the bad routes are super dark.
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This man grabbed my attention from the moment he first winked I have such a thing for flirty guys so "Hello Nicola" my journey I was ready to begin with this beautiful green eyed sexy man. He isn't as flirty as I'm used to but there is something so attractive in how he caries himself and how he talks to Lili. You can tell he cares so much about Dante and has been there for him since they were little this is so honorable of him and shows true loyalty.
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His genuine need to protect Lili from the start is so sweet and gentle you can't help but love this man. He talks about being part of the mafia and don't get me wrong he has a rough side but I think he starts falling for Lili even before he realizes it. He lets his walls down so fast its not hard to see how they are so connected and the fact they have in common not the best childhood.
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He gets jealous easily but I think thats because Lili is the first person who has come into his life that could truly be his and I think he is scared he could lose that.
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He goes out of his way to try to give Dante his life and get him out of the mafia and yes he betrays them which I really am glad they clear up in the end because he really did everything for Dante. That being said there was a strong bond between them that even Dante wanted Nicola to go to her when she was in danger. There was alot of ups and downs between these 2 but over everything he chose Lili even before his own life.
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The way he tenderly touches her is breath taking to watch. For a man who spends his life killing people the way he holds her the way he touches her is so sweet makes your heart melt watching how he interacts with her.
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The moment he gave in and kissed her the first time was like magic you felt yourself rooting them on then when he does this it was like awww moment. He had never wanted for anything or anyone besides to take care of Dante so when she was willing to give her life to save his he lost it. The battle he had been fighting to not hear her say she loves him and to not feel her touch his walls instantly crashed and she had his heart from there on out.
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He was so protective and the fact he was scared to leave her behind tells so much volume about his character and how genuine deep down he is everything else is for show to scare people as he needs to. The moment he gave in to his pleasure with her he couldn't get enough. This man is one of them insatiable men trying to keep their sex drive fed is going to be a task but I'm sure she will enjoy every moment. Then the moment he confesses he is in love with her I had tears in my eyes I was so happy.
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Then there is the one other that was so sexy in the short story area after when he says "Good Girl" I melted...
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The fight that ended it all he was even sexy when he made it clear to Roberto the shitty psycho cop that she was his. Of course jealous motherfucker couldn't handle it and when he tried to hurt Lili Nicola lost it and shot him cold blooded no thoughts just knew he wanted him dead more than any other. His love for Lili and Dante will be the reason he will kill someone with no remorse. That being said its one thing I love about him because honestly there are a few people close in my life and I would do anything to protect them no matter what. This is what you call a loyal man and that makes him already one of my favorites. Will he be my number one favorite for this game only time will tell but he does have a good happy ending route.
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evansbby · 10 months
Hi girlie it's hopped off the shower girl after seeing the poyt 5 notif❤️❤️ FIRST OFF I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT WOW. NEVER HAVE I READ A FIC IN SUCH URGENCY. You just happened to update during one of my morning classes and I swear I did gymnastics just so be able to read that shit😭 I finished the quiz quicker than everyone and passed early so I could run off to read it. And OH MY GOD. Words can't describe how much I loved this fic. During the first scene w peter and omega, I could barely hold my shit. The fact that omega told him that she wanted to stay w Steve🥹🥹 and honestly I felt a little bad for peter but when he kissed her???? Oh hell nah. And when Steve arrived all fucking furious w veins popping out of his forehead and all of that??? God, I was so relieved. I was a little scared when he started beating up Peter because I think that was the first time I really saw him go blind with rage (except the last time he beat up Peter on pt 2 ig). But I loved, loved, loved, LOVED how he immediately stopped and held himself back after hearing Omegas words, after hearing she won't forgive him if he continues. I was so touched by his character development because in the past he never even listened to her. It really showed that he was willing to change for her and it broke my heart seeing him break down in the car after hearing Peters words (which were true. He deserved to hear them even if he is trying to get better. He was the biggest piece of shit to omega for no damn reason and made her life hell) and omega scenting him in hopes to calm him down because that's what calmed her down🥹🥹 and it actually working. I feel like that scene kinda humanizes him for me.
During their drive to her omegas childhood home, I literally felt awkward with them in the car and the atmosphere just felt so new to mee. I felt like I was seeing a different side of both the characters I loved that I've never seen before, especially with Steve trying to be more light hearted and gentle with her. We really see Steve's insecure side too and how much he really cares when omega answers his question if she still loved peter and his relief when she says no. I also adore omega for learning to stand her ground and setting boundaries like THATS MY BABYGIRL (even if she's me). That's why it broke me when she got to her childhood home and realized that no one was home, that her mom has possibly left but she couldn't even fathom that idea so she just denied it and made herself believe that her mom was just working another job and she's just coming home late and with Steve being so concerned but he gave in and decided to wait an hour for her. It was so sweet yet heartbreaking when he decided to go through her childhood stuff, it was adorable that he kept the pictures of her in his pocket and lightheartedly started reading the journal of his baby omega but the moment he got to the part where her mom's boyfriends were staring at her. Like he finally found out the reason why she always wears the hoodies he hates so much and I really wonder how he felt then and I hope he feels like shit. Seeing omegas relationship with her mom honestly hit home for me. I kinda have a similar mom but she's more present in my life. She deserves so much better than just a mom that leaves her for her boyfriends. and when I found out that she just wrote a note for omega WHAT A BITCH. Seeing her break down like that in her childhood home felt like her lowest point in the series (besides the tub scene) with the only difference that Steve was actually giving her love and hope. I just couldn't get over when Steve said "I'll hire the best investigator to find her" and "FUCK THEM BOTH, I WANT YOU." finally!!!! I was rooting for them so bad. Steve's desperate response when omega said she wanted to die was so satisfying to me. Mans was so scared that he changed his entire personality. He promised her that he'll change for her and their baby🥹🥹 that's the sweetest shit I've ever heard.
And ugh my thoughts are so jumbled up rn but there was this one scene I loved when omega saw Steve blushing after he called her cute. Ahhhhhhhhh. That's what I've wanted from him from the start. Why couldn't he just be a gentleman and charm omega???? He's such an asshole.
STEVES MOMMY IS MY FAV CHARACTER. I love her. She's omegas first mother figure and friend. I was a bit scared of how the parents meeting would go but I knew I had nothing to fear the moment she was introduced. She's just such a strong and motherly role figure that omega always needed. She's just, ugh. I adore the fact that she's so understanding towards her and treats her like her own daughter. We also find out that omega was the first girl that Steve brought home!! But when Steve arrives and her mom immediately gasps and comments on his shaved head. Steve is just such a mommy's boy, I've never seen him act like that. You mean to tell me that that asshole from 4 fics ago was this?? Their little banter and Steve's worry for his mom showing and how he's afraid to visit her because he's afraid to see what cancer has done to her. And Steve's mom trying to act strong for Steve😭 I was bawling. It just hurt so much. We just saw so much domestic omega and Steve during their entire stay. It just felt so light like I wasn't stressing out every second.
Also the sex in the shower?? With Steve being a menace and talking to omegas coochie😺😺 like okay. I almost forgot he was a fucking freak. He was sooo butthurt when omega couldn't say I love u back and I kinda hated him for a bit when he left her with her thoughts, knowing just how broken she was and she thought that he was actually leaving her but we know that he can't do that. The man can't live with her. and when he finally came back to comfort omega, at least he was self aware enough to know that he thinks he doesn't deserve her but that he'll never let her go. Every little bit of him just apologizing and genuinely changing for her, little by little to be better for her and be the man she deserves just fills me with so much joy. I never thought we'd get here.
Both of them visiting the doctor's office and knowing that everything would be fine. They were both so anxious and nervous but they're so happy to have their baby and each other🥹🥹 omegas fears of being her mom finally coming down after she sees her baby and promises that she'll never leave her. Omegas the mom we all deserve fr.
One of my favorite scenes was... STEVE BEATING BUCKYS ASS THAT BITCH DESERVED. I WISH I COULD'VE KICKED HIS NUTSACKS TOO. I knew he was a fucking creep and I was Bucky's biggest hater from DAY 1. You had it coming bitch!!!!! And thank God for omega for standing up to that miserable bitch. Like yeah! He's just an insecure piece of shit. "He always gets better cars blah blah blah" bro?? I wanted to slap him for every word he said. I was waiting for this bitch to get beat up. FUCK YOU BUCKY. Thank fuck for Steve beating him up.
Aside from all of that, I was just living for the tenderness in the last parts. They're finally happy and content being with each other, with Steve finally treating her like a person and making her feel the love she so deserved. I actually appreciate that he did a proper engagement and didn't just leave it at the sweaty ass locker room. His entire speechhhhh. And omega finally marking him. She trusted him enough🥹It just felt so well earned to me. Like he didn't change overnight, he didn't suddenly become a new person. It happened gradually, just like how it does in real life. It felt bittersweet to know that one of my favorite fics of all time is ending but I'm glad that it's ending on a good note with baby rosie (cutest baby ever), mama omega, and daddy Steve. I'm definitely rooting for them and I'm sure omega will overcome her darkness one day one step at a time.
Thank you for writing this masterpiece of a fic. To this day, this is the most touching piece of literary work that I've ever read and I never really imagined that I would say that about a fanfic. But this was literally life changing for me. And there were so many scenes that just hit home for me especially with omega struggling with her self esteem and her relationship with her mom. This was the only time I was really on the tip of my toes waiting for it to be published and following through. I loved interacting with Steve and I loved interacting with YOU. You're the one who made this entire thing possible. Thank you so much. I know it must've been tiring to keep the hype going and having the motivation to write. I know cause I'm a writer too and I know just how difficult it is. Thank you for diligently reading all the asks too. I feel like no heartfelt message goes unnoticed by you and it really gives me the courage to give more feedback to my fav fics because I was honestly kinda nervous beforehand. I hope you take a good rest because damn. 37.4k? I'd die before I wrote that much. and I'm looking forward to your future works and I know I'll eat all of them up.
Thank you for all your hard work ❤️❤️❤️!!!
SHOWER GIRL YOU ARE LITERALLY ICONIC AND ILY! And the fact that you sent another long ask after this one??? With more feedback??? GIRL!!!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹 (I’ll answer that one too, and ofc will tag you as 🚿 anon hehe)
So you’re actually one of the first people to comment on how ew it was when Peter kissed her! It just gave off weird vibes, like it was a competition to him and he was losing to Steve and so he kissed her. Idk…. When I wrote it that’s I intended it to be, like that kiss did not have pure intentions. Maybe it was desperate which is understandable but still… nope 👎🏼
Ahhh I love how you caught on to the awkward vibes in the car! In a way, they were starting fresh in their relationship. Before this, it was more about lust and sex but now… they’ve opened up to each other and Steve respects her a bit more and actually treats her like a person… so ofc it’s awkward at first! He doesn’t know how to act! Neither does she 😭😭😭 but they try their best! It was one of my fav scenes to write.
ALSO YES! After omega’s breakdown, Steve was literally so scared of losing her that hE CHANGED HIS WHOLE PERSONALITY like you put it perfectly he literally made it his main objective to change his personality to become a better alpha so he could make her happy again 🥹🥹🥺🥺 UGH PLS
Shower anon, I really really appreciate this review. Like you don’t even understand. I feel like you understood exactly what I was trying to convey and I love that you commented on almost every single part 🥹🥹 it seriously means the most to me. 💖💖💖
ily 🚿🚿🚿🚿
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