#ttp s3
miss-kookiio · 1 year
Young Darling
A Prince, who fell into despair at age 16
I am actually so proud of this, I absolutely love him. This is my fan design for young Darling before he imprisoned the fairy queen
Once a beloved Young prince turned to madness after his family fell ill.
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If you wish to use this as an icon, or post them anywhere else. Please please please credit me
Thank you~
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lamyaasfaraini · 3 months
My BFF finally tied the knot!
Akhirnya tgl 11 februari tiba juga. Fiuh~ dari 4 hari yg lalu nunik ngeluhin sakit karena kelelahan persiapan nikahannya sampe diinfus ke RS tp ngga sampe dirawat. Pas dirumah katanya ttp lungse, haduuh gmn ini mau kiwin malah sakit jd ikut kepikiran kannn. Pas hari H dah pasrahin aja cenah bismillah aja.
Semuanya serba kebetulan sih long weekend jadi liburan di rumah ortu pas jg venue nikahan nunik di resto ponyo cinunuk. Iya di cinunuk jauh dari rumahnya di kopo. Begitulah kalo nikah dadakan dan pgnnya undangan sedikit jadi yg kosong ya jauh gpp dah begitu katanya wkwk. Pas kan dari rumah uber deket bgt. Sekitar 4km kayanya kesana tuh.
Karena kita bestie datang dong yaa dari akad jam 8. Satset dangdos dulu, siapin baju sendokir siapin baju suamik. Gasss jam 8 kurang. Lala indri dah duluan dtg katanya jalanan kosong bgt alhamdulillah yaah. Di venue ada 3 yg nikah, janur kuningnya ada 3 iya tempatnya luas. Dulu pernah kesana jg ke nikahan temen kampus. Bbrp tahun kemudian kesini lg. Pas aku dtg pas bgt nunik baru jalan menuju meja akad. Tetiba hati ini bergetar dan air mata ngeyembeng gilsssss tahan jgn nangis tahaaan. Alhamdulillah lancar ijab kobulnya. SAH YA! Poto2 dululah yaa
Maju dikit kesana, menyapa ortunya nunik dulu dan kaka2nya nunik. Monanges akuu memeluk mama nina mamanya nunik, blio megang kedua pipiku kek ke anaknya sendiri yg udah lama ngga ktemu gt haa mama nina sehat2 yaa! Trus nanyain suami dan anak dmn? Suami lg duduk disana, anak dititip. Nanya kabar bapakku jg.. Lalu kak niki selalu hangat dari dulu, beda sama kak neil kaka ke 2 nunik yg agak cool haha. Kak niki selalu mention nama aku kalo ktemu tadi pun sama. Duh kak, kaka kecengan aku since kelas 2 SMP wkwkwk. Dulu liat kak niki ngambil raport nunik edan ketje beud, rambut gondrong kek rekti the sigit versi kacamataan dan agak geek gmn geto pake jaket jeans yaampun sampe inget bgt. Anak itb, s2 di malay, s3 di jepang.. Jiniyeus lah!
Betulan tamu undangannya dikit, secukupnya suasana kondusif, tempat duduk aman da di resto, dekorpun simple, sederhana pokonya. Bahkan nunik cuma pake 1 baju penganten, warna putih pas akad dipake sampe resepsi. Dia jg nge cut waktu yg dikasih jatahnya sampe jam 14.00 tapi jadi cuma sampe jam 12.00. Yessss cukup memang nikah mah begitu aja yg penting sah dan setelah resepsinya yaa memulai bahtera rumah tangga yg ngga mudah itu. Semangaaaaat gaisss menghadapi sukadukanya yaa!
Ini foto di pelaminan, bersama ortunya haha ku ngga sadar. Nunik cantikkkk wlpn lg sakit, seger manten.. Gapake make up aja dah cantik alami diamah mirip asmirandah hahaha.
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Foto team hore yg cuma bisa heureuy gabisa seriyeus ah elah
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Selamat nik, lega lah abis resepsi mah.. Walaupun masuk fase baru dalam hidup semoga adaptasinya lancar yaa less drama, happier! Samawa till jannah. Loveeee youuuu my bff ❤️
Btw capturean tadi pagi, indri nyuruh cpt2 soalnya kak niki lg speech cenah wkwk dasar. Itu maksudnya "mya" yah malah "mua" si typo aja da males diedit napasih kesel.
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Bentar narsis dulu karena gapernah makeapan jadi berasa pgn selfie atuh gais. Pengambilannya beda cahaya jadi tone nya beda jg atas dan bawah. Pake cushion somethinc nya adikku aaah suka bingiiittt masih keliatan necurel deh. Selfienya pasca kondangan, udah kecampur oily wkwk lupa harusnya tadi pagi yaa msh fresh..
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fagreenmsr · 10 months
Place I Want to Visit
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Kalo ngomong soal mimpi, Fauziah ini nggak akan pernah ada habis nya. Bahkan mungkin tiap hari selalu ada mimpi2 baru. Tempat yg ingin dikunjungi. Oke pertama, prioritas ku adalah aku mau ke mekkah dan madinah untuk menjalankan rukun islam yang ke lima (Ibadah Haji). This one, i really fight for right now. Dikit2 aku tabung uang ku buat bener2 aku berusaha berangkat kesana. Aku mau beribadah disana bersama dengan ibu, bapak, adek2, dan suami ku. Aku juga mau one day anak2 ku bisa berangkat juga. Yang kedua, aku mau ke tempat dimana aku juga mau melanjutkan pendidikan tinggi ku (S2, S3) negara (tempat) yg aku pgn bgt kunjungi untuk S2 iti chicago university, King’s Collage Univ, dan Ecole Politechnique, masing2 di negara (US, UK, dan Prancis). Aku bahkan punya banyak mimpi2 lanjutan saat menempuh pendidikan disana. Ada 1 negara yg aku juga jadikan prioritas pgn bgt kesana adalah jepang. Lanjut S2 adalah impian yg aku juga sangat usahakan, jepang juga jd list teratas. Tapi rasanya untuk belajar bahasa nya aku antara bisa nggak bisa wkwk.
Merasakan salju, kehidupan bermasyarakat, menimba ilmu, kehidupan ekonomi, teknologi, dan belajar bahasa adalah hal yg ingin bgt aku ambil proses nya. Visit ke disneyland jg salah satu impian ku. mungkin nggak perlu jauh2 dulu, disneyland singapore dlm waktu dekat. I also have a dream i can work outside my country buat dapet cuan halal yang banyakkkkk. Punya passive income sewain apartment disana. Aku punya mimpi ikut suami ku kerja di luar negeri sama abang di australia. Tepatnya di melbourne atau sidney. Aku melahirkan 2 anak laki-laki dan perempuan disana. Di RS terbaik, dokter perempuan dan ditemani bapak ibu, mama dan bapak mertua, adik ipar, adik2 ku, dan tentunya suami ku.  Aku punya kehidupan private tapi intimate. 10 tahun hidup disana untuk nabung dan investasi masa tua ku. Build my own business with my loyal, sweet, charm, brave, good-looking, strong, lovely, religious, good manner husband (abang). 
Ya allah, aku nggak pernah mau lama diluar negeri. Seindah indah nya salju, negara maju adidaya dan semua impian masa kecil ku aku ttp mau menghabiskan waktu ku nnt bersama orang yg aku sayang dan sayang dgn ku di Indonesia.’
Aku punya banyak list dream place i really want to go there the most bahkan udh aku list di IG hahahaha. Terakhir aku juga mau keliling ke semua tempat tercantik dan terbaik di Indonesia. Punya banyak cerita yg nnt nya aku bisa ceritakan ke anak2 ku nnt. Idk why, Bali dan jogja jd tempat yg aku pgn bgt jadikan sbgi tempat di masa tua ku. But at the end of the day, aku ttp bakal ikut sama suami ku dimana pun dia berada.
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putritidurdairy · 6 years
Me to my self~
Alhamdulilah.. hari ini begitu menyenangkan, terharu, senang campur sedih, but tentunyaa bangga untuk yg pertma kalinya pada diri sendiri. 12 tahun telah usai S3(SD, SMP, SMA) hihiii ga nyangka sama diri sendiri everyday ngeluh tpi bisa lewatin smuanyaa. 12 tahun terindah dlm hidup banyak teman , banyak pelajaran malah rasanya mau jadi anak SMA aja terus, krna di masa SMA paling bnyk ngabisin waktu buat memperbanyak kenangan sama teman-teman. bahkan sampai nolak buat g kuliah, krna emg rsnya passion buat kuliah di diri sendiri tuh g ada, "ngapain lagi sih kuliah, capek ah bnyk tugas buang" waktu ga sih?" ..
and then , ttp memutuskan untuk daftar kuliah walau sempat bergelut sm diri sendiri ngotot gmau kuliah :(
waktu selalu berjalan, akhirnya aku mencoba untuk daftar kuliah di slh satu fakultas yg ada di manado. ~ngotot g kuliah, tpi ttp mndftr kuliah wkwk
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claycamhoover · 2 years
How To Use Microsoft Azure To Host A Minecraft Server
If you've ever been interested, here is a way to set up your own Minecraft Server using Microsoft Azure. Depending on what you use to play Minecraft, such as Windows 10 PCs or Macs, there are many reasons why you might choose to use Microsoft Azure to host Minecraft Servers instead of your own.
Here's a quick list:
- No installation is required to choose a preconfigured Minecraft server virtual computer to launch from Azure Marketplace. - Select from a range VM sizes to suit your needs and budget. You can choose between limiting your home network access and exposing your home network network to the internet by running a server on your personal machine. - Avoid hardware costs - pay for a VM when you need it and shut it down when you don't. Whitelist trusted players so you can connect from anywhere without having to deal with firewalls or port forwarding. Azure Storage Service provides disks that are backed up by Azure Storage Service, so you don't have to worry about losing data or hardware failure. - If your machine is damaged beyond repair, you can simply delete it and install another one. You can always start over if you back up your entire world.
Now that you know why Azure is so great, let's look at the steps required to set up your Minecraft Server.
1. Set up a Mojang profile and purchase Minecraft. These are required to play Minecraft, and to successfully set up a Minecraft Server.
2. Get a Microsoft Azure account. Get a Microsoft Azure account and get a free trial.
3. Select the Minecraft Server Virtual Machine from the Azure Marketplace.
4. Click "Create Virtual Machine".
5. Next, log in to your Microsoft Azure Account. Click "Create"
6. Here are some important configuration steps that you will need to take (some are optional).
Choose a name and upload an ssh key to access your server. minecraft servers
7. Click "Create", and Azure will create your Minecraft Server. (This may take several minutes so wait!
8. Once that's done your Minecraft server is ready. In order to connect to your server in Minecraft, use the URL and Port 25565 like this: Minecraftservername.cloudapp.net:25565
9. If you do not have the latest Minecraft version, you might get an error message warning you to update your Minecraft server. Make sure you have the most recent Minecraft Server version installed.
10. You can log into your server to update and manage other settings using SSH (available only on Linux or Mac), or PuTTY (available only on Windows). Windows 10's Anniversary Update will bring Bash and SSH to Windows 10.
11. After logging into your Minecraft server with you username and password, go to the folder of your Minecraft Server "cd /srv/minecraft_server".
12. CURL can be used to download the most current Minecraft server. Currently, this would be "sudo curl -remote-name ttps://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/1.10/minecraft_server.1.10.jar". Here is the link that you use to download the most up-to-date server version.
13. You can edit the ops.json file while you are logged in to our server by placing it in the correct folder. You can edit the file using nano like this: "sudo nano ops.json". Use your Minecraft username and unique ID to edit the file. To find your Minecraft unique ID, click here
[ "uuid": "uuid", "name": "minecraft_username", "level": 4 ]
14. All you need to do now is to save the file. Save the file using CTRL + o and exit Nano with CTRL + + x. You can also edit your "server.properties" file in order to further manage different configuration settings on your server. More details about your Minecraft server properties can be found at the Minecraft Wiki.
15. In order to use the current version of Minecraft Server that you downloaded, you need to edit the service configuration using Nano like this: "sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/minecraft-server.service". You will need to refer to the Minecraft Server's new version here (see below).
16. Now all you have left to do is save the file, and exit Nano.
17. Next, you will just need to stop and restart the Minecraft Server service. You may also need "systemctl darmon-reload" to reload the systemd. To restart the service, run "systemctl restart mincraft-server".
18. It may take some time for the service's restart to complete. After restarting the service, you can refresh it in your Minecraft client. Then, connect to your server to begin creating on your Minecraft Server.
19. Hooray! Congratulations! You now have your Minecraft Server running on Microsoft Azure.
If you run into any problems or need help with error messages, be sure to visit the Minecraft Wiki on "Setting up a server" for more information and help. The Minecraft Wiki also has helpful information on configuring and managing Minecraft server configuration settings.
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digimonandpokemon · 2 years
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"I want to look across the breakfast table when I'm 102 and see you starring back at me,"
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rumir-has-it · 4 years
How to Woo a Girl - A Guide by Cecily
Continually fake getting kidnapped so she’ll come save you
Contribute to saving the kingdom by acting as a distraction
Pretend you’re over her and date someone else but make it obvious you’re dating someone else
Sing at her dad about how being different is good
Cry to yourself about how you just want to be worthy of love
Die right in front of her
Let Despair use your thoughts to make her sad and consume her
Get revived along with everyone else
Just be yourself
She’ll ask you on a date eventually :)
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dualswordskings · 3 years
listen i love The Light, it's a really good song and it's very important, but everytime i listen to it i just imagine Rupert being like this and i can't take it seriously
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cosmiic-fool · 4 years
thinking about how i ship percy jr. and prince darling even though they had zero (0) interactions in the entire season 😔😔
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spoopdeedoop · 4 years
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lil bitty porridge emoticon aka. me after s3
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fluctuating-fanby · 4 years
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"All my life I've been picturing a person who could make all my wishes come true. And I don't know much but I 'm pretty freaking certain that the person that I pictured was you..."
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miss-kookiio · 1 year
Good Guys Finish First (Reprise) 
【Orchestra Arrangement Cover】
repost since I posted the link wrong last time *sobs* Enjoy~
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lamyaasfaraini · 8 months
Our Fav series, coming soon!
Sex Education S4. Lupin S3
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Series Favorit aku dan bapak @sagarmatha13 nih! Setelah nunggu tiap tahunnya. Akhirnya season baru tinggal menghitung hari/minggu yeaaaayyyyy..
Setelah kemarin2 kita nonton series thai yg menurut kita gajelas karena mungkin otak kita ganyampe buat dark jokes nya org thai hahaha monmaap nih, sering ketiduran akutu. Kalo suami sampe slesei lah krn penasaran, pas dah tamat blio blg "apaan sih gajelas" wkwkwk. Padahal udah bnyk watchlist tapi ttp bingung aja mau nonton apa haha.
Tapiiii mingdep ngga bingung lagi, Sex Education Season 4 mau tayaaangggg huaaaa. Sukaaaa bgtttt sama series komedi nak sekulah ini! Pokonya semua dpt lah heartwarming, love story, friendship, parenting, education (ttg sex ofc haha!) tp sex nya gapenting, alur ceritanya lebih menariiikkk! Karakter2nya jg bikin kita "sayang" sama mereka, bawaannya pgn gabung ikut geng mreka gitu wkwk. Paling suka si BFF Otis x Eric ih aduh inimah duo cayangan akooo luvvvvv.. Cuma buatku yg msh ngga sreg dgn adegan2 per-lgbt-an suka disturbing sih kalo ada scene2 dewasa heuuu. Jadi suka agak kami skip hehe. Akhirnya sih S4 ini ternyata season finale hiks! Sad ngga sih. Setelah thn kmrn kita bye2 jg sama money heist skrg kudu bye2 sama sex edu. Tapi kalo series di panjang2in jg kdg ngeselin ya alurnya jd berantakan kemana2, belom lg tiap akhir season di gantung parah gmn ngga kepikiran haha. Yasudahlah emg cukup sampe S4 aja, semoga berakhir dgn memuaskan yah! Jgn kaya Game of Thrones.. Ah sudah lah jgn bahas GOT, endingnya kuciwa bgt..
Lupin Season 3! Omggg ini kayanya series Netflix pertama kita yg kita tonton haha. Seruuu sih ini, mind blowing bgt adegan2nya tuh, ngga terlalu banyak darderdor mainannya tricky abis haha. Inimah kita dr POV pencuri sbg leadnya, cemana coba kan gabanget jg kalo ketangkep. Kek si Joe di series You, gilasih Joe mah. Pgnnya ditangkap aja diamah sadis teuing. Kalo Lupin jgn plissss wkwk. Sampe lupa lagi S2 terakhir kek mana, nanti suka ada recapnya sih. Oke awal Okt mah bentar lg, abis Sex Edu lanjut Lupin!
Oke bapak, siapin cemilan buat nobar malem???
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Darling, circa episode 4: I came out here to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now
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airplanetunez · 4 years
“I don’t want to use the c word but you’re being a real chad right now” askdjkfsks
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muorny · 4 years
Maybe I have a bad sense of humor but I totally have been cheered up by Barrabas song
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