#tua s2 bts
ded-and-gonne · 2 years
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tua-five · 1 month
Hey, hi, so I'll start off by saying I literally wrote this whole thing about a line in s4. The last one and how not enough people talk about it and I literally stopped after I was done, went out of the app, came back, and I flipping didn't hit restore draft and it's gone. And I'm not trying to rewrite all of that. Maybe another time.
Somewhat related...
I need all the editors.
Someone, please.
I was listening to my Playlist and had a vision.
You know Aidan's song 4th of July?
Memories made in the time that we had Memories fade, but the best ones will last As time moves on, I keep lookin' back At all that we had
Do you remember the times that you and I laughed? Do you remember the days spent layin' in the grass? 'Cause now it's been years, but I keep lookin' back The good and the bad
Specifically that. So... like... I need a TUA edit to this. Either the characters, the cast, or all combined. I envision the "laughs" to be bloopers or interviews or something or if it were to go the show route just literally any time that they laughed. Which isn't a lot, but like maybe the s2 dance scene. "The days spent laying in the grass" I really only have one specific picture in my head. The s3 bts pic where they're all hugging.
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This one.
And then like, "cause it's been years now and I keep lookin back" it'd be like, s1 or when they started to now. You know?
I don't know. This just popped into my head and I was like, I need this, but I can't edit to save my life.
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sharkneto · 1 year
I’m convinced you’re the only person with a correct view on tua season 3. Even though it wasn’t as good as s1 some people have no reading comprehension and it drive s me crazy
Ah, Season 3. Like, I get it, I think, where people who don't like it are coming from. It's got some wack choices (...just like s2. And s1 but we didn't have anything to compare it to so it's my Beloved Golden Season). I'm not going to force anyone to change their minds on it - if you like it you like it, if you don't you don't. People like what they like.
But, because you're asking me so my opinion is most important in this instance - it's not bad! I do like it! It's got fantastic character moments (Five and Lila, Five and Klaus, Luther and Viktor, Diego and Lila, Allison and Viktor, Klaus and Sparrow Ben...). It's got Reggie being a lil weirdo. It's got Sparrow Ben. I love the wedding at the end of the world with my whole heart - it's such a human thing to do it makes me ache. I love that Five's song choice when facing the actual end of the world is to sing "I've Had the Time of My Life" because he's with his family! I actually really like Allison's spiral, I think it makes perfect sense for her as a character and where she was at and my only regret for it is the backlash Allison and Emmy got from it. The characters are what I'm here for, and I can be very forgiving as long as I get to hang out with my guys more. And I don't even think I need to be that forgiving to S3!
There are like... four specific things I don't like in S3 (Founder Five plot, Sloane, Lila pregnant, Oblivion Guardians). Aidan is so fucking good in the Founder plot that I'm happy to logic my way into an interpretation of it that I like better. Sloane is... there. She's rather two-dimensional so that makes it also easy to not be that bothered by her. She's there! Luther likes her! I don't need more! Which is good, because they don't really give more! The last two are just things I wish they hadn't done, or had done differently, but they did and so that's just how it is. I can focus on that and be mad or I can look at the stuff I liked and have fun.
I think my biggest strength coming into S3 was I didn't have too much for expectations, good or bad, which is a thing I'm trying to repeat for S4 by avoiding spoilers. I think the maddest I got about S3 coming in was finding out Diego was a dad - I hated that Stan was his kid. It didn't make any fucking sense. And! Look what good being mad about that did for me! Stan wasn't even his kid! I got mad over nothing! Like, still mad Lila is pregnant so Diego will be dad, but that at least will make sense - I don't dislike Dad!Diego, I dislike SuddenDad!Diego with a teen. But, what I'm trying to get at with that example, is I did that to myself. I made myself mad based on info promos gave me and I extrapolated to a conclusion rather than actually waiting to see what the show was going to do, and it did color my enjoyment watching until the Stan Reveal.
You cannot extrapolate what the fuck TUA is going to do. It's too bonkers, the writing isn't consistent enough. It's gonna do its own thing. I think trying to dig into the promos and BTS content for S4 to predict what it will be is setting yourself up for failure. If that's your jam, do not stop! You do you! I, however, am combating this by actively just Not Thinking About It. I love this show and its characters and I want to give myself the fairest chance to enjoy and love what its finale will be.
Like S3, S4 is going to be what it's going to be. I might love it, I might hate it. I'm probably going to love some of it and hate some of it. All I can hope is I love more than I hate and me coming in with concrete ideas of what it's going to be only gives me more things to hate when what actually happens inevitably doesn't align. Why do that to myself?
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andwiththatileave · 4 years
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I want someone to look at me the way Justin looks at the camera
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feralnumberfive · 4 years
Here’s the transcript for the different takes/practices of the scene of Lila and the Hargreeves in the barn in 2x10 from Aidan’s video. Just a heads up that I’m not going to copy repeating lines on their own, but only when they fit in with the different dialogue from the takes 
*putting it undercut since it’s going to be a bit lengthy*
First, here’s the original to compare (starting off where the Hargreeves enter the barn): 
Diego: Cause you’re one of us. The Handler stole you, Lila. Just like our asshole father took all of us
Lila: No. It’s not the same thing
Diego: You’re right. Because he didn’t have our parents murdered. Listen to me, Lila. You were born October 1st, 1989, the same day as all of us
Lila: Stay back!
Diego: Hey! Hey, stop! Wait. Wait. Hey! Lila? Lila, stop
Lila: I trusted you. I got you a job, I even introduced you to my mother, and then you took off on me
Diego: Well that’s because I needed to save the world! She’s using you, Lila. The Handler. 
Lila: You’re wrong. She raised me. She loves me
Luther: Yeah, you know what? Love shouldn’t have to hurt this much
Lila: *gags*
Luther: All right, I tried
Five: He’s right. We have to kill her
Diego: Hey! Five! Five, stop. I got it. Hey, Lila. Truth? She’s dangerous. And you’re scared of what she’ll do with all that new power. That’s why you dragged me to the Commission. Because I know what it’s like to love dangerous people. Difference is......they love me back
Lila: Shut up
Diego: The only thing she loves is power. Now, the minute she can’t use you, she will turn on you, and deep down, I know you know that
Lila: You don’t know me, Diego
Diego: Don’t I? I know that we can be your family.......if you just let us
1 (2:15)
*dialogue up until this point is the same*
Diego: No, no, no, no! Lila, stop! She’s-
Lila: Stop what? You started it!
Diego: I started it? You’re the one that “honey-pied” me at the asylum!
2 (2:43)
*dialogue up until this point is the same*
Five: She never cared about the flower merchants. She was just there for you. She wanted you all to herself
*dialogue up until this point is the same*
Diego: No! Hey! Lila, stop! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hey! Hey! Over here, over here. Easy. Just stop
Lila: Stop what? You started this!
Diego: No- I started it? No. You “honey-pied” me at the asylum!
Lila: Yeah, but then you “honey-pied” me in condition!
Diego: No! I did not “honey-pie” *unintelligible*
Lila: Yeah, okay. I trusted you, okay? I-I-I got you a job, I even introduced you to my mother, and then you took off on me!
Diego: No, I only took off cause I had to save the world!
Allison: Do we need to be here for this lover’s quarrel?
Diego: Wha-
Luther: Yeah, she’s right. Diego, move back
Diego: No! Okay? Look, we’re on the same side here alright? We don’t have to do this
Lila: Yeah the orphan freak side! Nice try, pass!
Diego: Hey-
Allison: Y’know it’s actually not that bad once you get used to it
Luther: Actually the uniforms weren’t great
Klaus: Yeah and this one occasionally destroys centerpieces and the whole world
Vanya: Oh my god, we get it!
Diego: She’s using you Lila, the Handler
Lila: No you are all trying to use me! It won’t work, sh-she chose me, sh-she raised me, she loves me! 
Luther: Yeah, you know what? Love shouldn’t be this hard
Lila: *gags*
Luther: Alright, I tried
Five: He’s right. Let’s kill her!
Diego: Hey, stop! Hey! Hey! I got this. Truce? Hey! She’s dangerous. And you’re scared of what she’ll do with that new power. That’s why you dragged my ass to the Commission. Because *chuckles* I know what it’s like to love dangerous people. The difference is I-........they love me back
Lila: Shut your mouth* (*I can’t exactly make out what she’s saying)
Diego: The only thing she loves is power, and the minute she can’t use you she will turn on you. Deep down, I know you know that
*dialogue after this is the same*
3 (5:36)
Luther: *cut off* -she’s right Diego, move back
Diego: No! No, no no, we don’t have to do this
*skips forward*
Allison: *cut off* -that bad once you get used to it
Luther: I think the uniforms weren’t great
Klaus: Yeah and she keeps destroying the world, every now and again!
*dialogue is the same up until this point*
Diego: No! Five, Five! I got this. Truce? Hey, truce?
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wonderchica05 · 2 years
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I’ve seen this pic from the S2 table read so many times and it always makes me giggle because this was at the very very beginning of the season, when they first met, and David and Ritu are further away from each other than we EVER see them in any other picture after this one lol.
Then TODAY I discovered this version-
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Oh, David lol. You tried. We see you.
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losercowboy · 4 years
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more BTS of the umbrella academy s2 !!
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robmesheehan · 3 years
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“Did you know that Grace and I are actually best friends?” - Lila Pitts.
(I am well aware that this is a BTS photo and not canon at all)
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dreamywavy · 4 years
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bloody five hargreeves - aidan gallagher bts
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@justinmin: one of my favorite things to do is watch them do these 10-second scenes. they're small moments, but every one of them is locked-in and laser-focused. their gaits, reactions, rhythms, cadences — all unique to each of their respective characters. i could watch them all day. (and i did. i’m a ghost.) also, shoutout to @di_smallone for crouching down/hiding in the corner of the elevator to open and close the doors. we truly have the best crew ever.
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This is canon now, right?? ❤️
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mysterydisposition · 4 years
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this is the content im living for
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feralnumberfive · 3 years
I need to know what was happening in that bts pic of a S2 promo with Diego, Klaus, Five, and Ben at a table
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evesbeve · 4 years
Behind The Scenes of TUA: Elevator Scene ☂️
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