paulomachado1-blog · 2 years
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Quando a Ciência encontra a Gastronomia @scwcbcn ! Delegação brasileira muito bem representada com as Chefs Denise Rohnelt @letrassaborosas e @ajoycegalvao . Parabéns @pere_castells por mais este grande congresso gastronômico em Barcelona. #ciência #gastronomia #barcelona #tucupi #cozinhabrasileira #cozinhaamazonica @maniocabrasil (en Universitat de Barcelona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkrPbjest6Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ironbcrn · 11 months
Tucupi is the craziest thing ever. Can't believe this indigenous dude took a poisonous root and said “might taste delicious as a soup”. 10/10.
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brasilsabores · 2 months
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Pato no Tucupi: Um Clássico da Amazônia!
Se tem um prato que é a cara da Amazônia, é o pato no tucupi! Com seu molho rico e aromático, é uma verdadeira explosão de sabores. Vamos aprender a fazer essa delícia?
- 1 pato inteiro (cortado em pedaços)
- 500ml de tucupi (caldo extraído da mandioca)
- 1 cebola grande picada
- 4 dentes de alho picados
- 2 pimentas-de-cheiro (ou a gosto)
- 1 maço de folhas de jambu (se não encontrar, pode usar espinafre)
- Sal a gosto
- Azeite ou óleo para refogar
Vamos Cozinhar!
1. Preparando o Pato: Comece temperando os pedaços de pato com sal, alho e um pouco de pimenta. Deixe marinar por pelo menos 30 minutos.
2. Refogando os Ingredientes: Em uma panela grande, aqueça o azeite e refogue a cebola até ficar transparente. Adicione os pedaços de pato e doure todos os lados.
3. Cozinhando no Tucupi: Depois que o pato estiver dourado, adicione o tucupi à panela. Deixe cozinhar em fogo baixo por cerca de 1 hora ou até que a carne esteja macia. Mexa ocasionalmente para não grudar.
4. Adicionando Folhas: Quando o pato estiver quase pronto, adicione as folhas de jambu (ou espinafre) e as pimentas-de-cheiro. Cozinhe por mais 5 a 10 minutos.
5. Hora de Servir: O prato está pronto! Sirva quente com arroz branco ou até mesmo com farofa para acompanhar. O molho do tucupi é incrível e combina perfeitamente!
E aí está! Um delicioso pato no tucupi que vai deixar todo mundo querendo mais! Aproveita essa receita e compartilha com quem você ama. Se precisar de mais dicas ou quiser conversar sobre outros pratos, estou aqui!
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(Desculpa, eu TIVE que fazer isso)
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Here's my piece for @suenitos dteam worldwide collab featuring Dream and George having a tacacá, a typical Brazilian dish from the Amazon region made with tucupi broth, cassava gum, shrimp and jambu
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I was very excited to participate in this collab, imagining any foreign character in a Brazilian context is a lot of fun for me, and being able to do this with some of the dteam was incredible, so I decided to go further and portray elements of the the culture of the northern region of Brazil (the region of where I'm from)
Fun fact: I speedrun to finish this drawing at the beginning of the month because I was going away on a trip for the rest of the month and couldn't bring my sketchbook or any drawing materials with me, so this photo has been in my gallery since the 4th of this month
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
Since y'all loved the "Curse of RA 𓀀 𓀁 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆 𓀇 𓀈 𓀉 𓀊 𓀋 𓀌 𓀍 𓀎 𓀏 𓀐 𓀑 𓀒 𓀓 𓀔 𓀕 𓀖 𓀗 𓀘 𓀙 𓀚 𓀛 𓀜 𓀝 𓀞 𓀟 𓀠 𓀡 𓀢 𓀣 𓀤 𓀥 𓀦 𓀧 𓀨 𓀩 𓀪" post so much, here's a couple more funny ways the Brazilians are dealing with loss
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"I'm gonna bang pans in front of your house, stay alert"
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"Todays dinner is roasted duck"
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"Quackity I'm just saying that if the eggs don't come back, you're going with them"
(pictures of 'duck in tucupi', a regional dish in brazil)
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idollete · 6 months
diva infelizmente eles não podem comer a gente então quais comidas do brasil cada um deles iam gostar mais?
agustín: adoraria as comidas do norte e nordeste (e isso é meio óbvio pq o divo já foi pro rn e EU ADORO ESSA TOUR DELE AQUI NO BR AFFFFFFFFFF), ele adoraria uma caranguejada ou um vatapá, ia comer até lamber os dedos
matías: um pratão de feijoada e uma coquinha bem gelada depois (eu sei que coca não é br mas esse é um grande combo)
esteban: galinha caipira e mugunzá (e eu não preciso nem explicar, ele é igual a menino do interior meio tapado meio lesado)
fran: coxinha, açaí, brigadeiro ou alguma coisa que vai em outro extremo, tipo pato no tucupi
santi: pão de queijo
simón: acarajé e biscoito de polvilho beeem carioquinha
fernando: arroz carreteiro
pipe: churrasco bem br, no espeto, com farofa e vinagrete (plus: ele ia ficar tão apaixonado que ia falar com a boca cheia, cuspindo farofa pra tudo que é canto KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK)
não faço ideia do que o enzo comeria, gente, mas vou dizer que qualquer versão vegana de pratos do norte/nordeste também
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littleseasalt · 1 year
brazilians got both a richarlyson mention AND a pato no tucupi mention
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cupuasu · 17 days
one of the first gringos i made friends with irl was this hongkong missionary guy and i wanted him to try one of our local foods (tacacá) which is "spicy" because it has jambu in it, a plant that makes your mouth buzz and tucupi, a broth that can be poisonous if done wrong.
he said he is good with spicy stuff so i didn't worry about it lol but i swear he went white and started sweating so much... poor guy...
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lgbtiba · 1 year
So today i made the mistake of going on Twitter and saw that gringos were throwing hissy fits because of brazilians making memes and jokes like "Today luch is duck soup" or going to Quack's house to hit pans in front of his doorstep, calling it ""hate"" and """""death threats"""". Very interesting how when a gringo account tweets "brazilian jumpscare" to a picture of a monkey i don't hear a WORD about it from non brazilians. Very interesting indeed.
Apart from the blatant xenophobia and racism diguised as white knighting for the CC's, it is very much a cultural/community diference i don't see the ones whining lifting a finger to try to understand.
I only realized how bad yall's fandom parasocialism is when i started frequenting gringo spaces especially on mcyt, it's not everyone of course or even really a majority but it's like you guys treat streamers like celebrities or something. When i was watching Cellbit's RPG Twitter was only "I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL HIM" "CELLBIT YOU MOTEHRFUCKER BETTER SLEEP WITH ONE EYE OPEN TONIGHT" and now Pato no Tucupi (brazilian dish with duck as the main ingredient) is cosidered a heavy death threat because Quackity is a duck irl apparently?
It just saddens me how a project that aims to unite communities has such a rotten side of the community, i can only hope going forward QSMP can help with making this type of prejudice less common, idk.
Simplesmente o mimimi de gringo burro 🍷🗿
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louissatturi · 1 year
Forever saying that quackity needs to pay for everybodys therapy and that they need to eat Pato no tucupi
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burlveneer-music · 1 year
My WVUD playlist and stream, 9/4/2023
Gaye Su Akyol - Love Buzz Tapan - Inner Voice (feat. Ognen Zlatanov) Mehmet Ali Sanlikol & Whatsnext - Estarabim (feat, Anat Cohen, Antonio Sanchez and Miguel Zenón) Das Rad - Buzz Line BurningTapes - Everybody Gets Hit In the Mouth Sometime Ghost of Vroom - Pay the Man Temp-Illusion - Clem Fandango Eight Foot Manchild - Endeathenator Brownout - Fairies Wear Boots Brass Against - Testify CV Vision - Die Reise ins Innere The Ventures - Second Sun Desumanos - Pato no tucupi Hearing Things - Tortuga Atomic Mosquitos - The Liquidators Fay Victor - Signs (A Question For Sages Everywhere) Sanam - Bell Jaimie Branch - take over the world Don Kapot & Fulco Ottervanger - Kapot Nog Bruikbaar Tō Yō - Twin Mountains BKO - Bko Kagni Blaak Heat - Mola Mamad Djan
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nancyheart11 · 1 year
It's pretty normal around here actually. It's called tucupi, which is the poisonous liquid extracted from cassava. Tucupi is widely used in cooking and can also be drunk.
And it is the main cause of the death of many foreigners too o3o
A whole family died drinking tucupi
Looking up the Wiki it sounds really interesting!
does it taste good? what kind of meals do you pair it with? why is it yellow?
I'm not really surprised to hear that people come and overestimate what they can handle. (you better not be drinking too much you silly goose)
Isn't it cool how many things we humans can eat without dying? nature is so funky like that.
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fireheartwraith · 1 year
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
Bad: dont attack quackity for the eggs being gone!!
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(Pato no tucupi/'duck in tucupi' is a regional dish in brazil)
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cnwnoticias · 1 year
Escolas usam rede social e produtos locais para alimentação saudável
Popularmente chamada de “pão da Amazônia”, a mandioca é usada na região para fabricação de pé de moleque, salgados e bolos. É a substituta recorrente da farinha de trigo. A tapioca, iguaria popular no país, é feita com a fécula de mandioca. Com o tucupi, caldo da raiz da mandioca, são feitos pratos típicos da cultura local, como o tacacá. Na Escola Estadual Professor Benício Leão, em Manaus, 431…
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silvercaptain24 · 1 year
Tucupi is rich in hydrocyanic acid, which can be deadly for those who are not used to drinking it o3o
Aaaaaaaaaannnnd there it is
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