cbmchannel · 3 months
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PianoDisciples & Tumaini - DUST (feat. Txosa MusiQ, Dust Mono) http://www.curteboamusica.info/2024/07/pianodisciples-tumaini-dust-feat-txosa.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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sleepy-bunbun-ace · 1 year
cheka kingscholar - 16 years old. second year at RSA. dorm leader of the braveheart dorm. crown prince of the sunset savanna. a kind soul who's down-to-earth and happy-go-lucky. a beloved child.
tumaini - a popular artist on social media sites. his personality shows through his online posts: a loud, brash, and determined young artist. he tries to stay positive but there are some who seem to pick up on the more negative undertones of his posts. recently, his art has been appearing in music videos made by an anonymous music group.
nobody knows that the bright-spirited prince and the artist with dead eyes are the same person. and he really wished it stayed that way.
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trancetales · 1 year
🌓The Veiled World🌗 Character introductions - Residents of Falguard Watch
Its time I introduced some of the characters that I'll eventually get around to telling the stories of! Today I'll be focusing on some of the residents of the town Falguard Watch - a border town established to ease tensions between both sides.
The town is built on a plateau up against a cliffside, and there are two distinct halves; - Shelter, which is closer into the cliffside, and better sheltered from the elements. - Overlook, which is closer to the edge of the plateau, with a wide view over the hills and valleys.
Falguard Watch is located within the continent of Veil, though some of the characters are connected to Lahab, another continent to the south.
So, lets look at a few of those townsfolk who live here:
Selveta Uamea The tired blacksmith from abroad (originally from Lahab), who currently lives in Overlook. After an incident about a year prior, she lost all passion for her work and her cheerful demeaner faded with it. These days, she has very few customers, due to her change in attitude pushing away most people, and only her contract with the town watch allows her to consistently keep herself fed. Constantly beset by the weight of what happened in the past, she struggles with depression and alcohol, and suffers from night terrors almost every night. One of the few things that keeps her going is the support from the very few friends she has left who still stand by her.
Although she has lived in Veil long enough to speak the language fluently, the only thing she can read in Veilan script is her own name.
Camilia Suzette Dewfort A girl who dreams of adventure, currently living a short distance away at the closed mining camp. She loves stories of adventure, but following a misadventure with her father (involving colourblindness and dangerous plants), it is something that she knows she can't live out. After contracting a particular condition, her left arm is always bandaged, and for her own safety, she cannot utilise her own mana for fear of agitating her condition. She used to live in Shelter with her mother, but after her father was kicked out, she was practically housebound so the town wouldn't find out about her condition, until she met Desanka.
As the daughter of an explorer and a physician, she is well educated. Since running away from home, she prefers to go by Suzette.
Desanka Tumaini An orphan girl whose parents were from Lahab, though she has always lived in Veil. Originally, she lived in a small migrant village in the hills, where they were never too well off. As she approached adulthood, their village was raided and most of the people there didn't survive. After this, she found her way to Falguard Watch where she had to survive however she could. During this time, she spent a lot of time learning to steal from the richer people in Shelter, and befriending a pet rat, who she felt kinship to, as people treated her as though she was vermin as well. This continued until she happened to visit the Dewfort household, trying to sneak in the same night that an adventurous girls decided to sneak out.
Desanka cannot read or write at all, despite her attempts to learn. Instead, if she needs anything, she will get Suzette to help her.
Helmi Vind-Ylande The daughter of a Veilan man and a Brymir woman, she is half-Brymir and stands head and shoulders over most other people in town. Her mother was a warrior in an invasion where the hulking Brymir assailed eastern Veil. She tried to raise Helmi to be a savage warrior like she was, but even when she came of age, Helmi struggled to meet expectations. When she finally did take blood, she didn't take it well. Helmi was disowned by her mother after this, and had to fend for herself. Though she was able to handle herself, she wasn't well versed in survival techniques, and soon fell ill from eating meat from an otherworldly creature. To a Veilan, this would be lethal, but her constitution from her Brymir blood kept her going until she was found by Rico de Souza, who would take her in and become her adoptive father.
For a long time, Helmi didn't even realise what writing was, as the Brymir don't use written communication. She also has no sense of taste, which she lost in her time surviving alone.
Sofia Vestito A knight originally from the Order, which controls the territory to the north. Sofia first arrived in town as part of a squad tasked to investigate the mine near town. She was not among them when they returned, and ordered the mine be closed off permanently. When Sofia was found unconscious, she was unaware of any time having passed when she was awoken, though a lot of it had. Grappling with the loss of her old life, her loyalty to the Order, and a newfound sense of fidelity towards the person who found her, she struggles to find her place in the present day.
Sofia is well educated and literate, but completely unaware of events in the time she was trapped in a coma. She is also very stubborn about trying to handle things herself, with good intentions for making life easier for those she gets close to.
Rico de Souza The proprietor of one of the local inns, The Salty Collier. The business was inhereted from his brother when he passed away from unnatural causes. He then did his best to uphold both The Salty Collier and the side business that came with it. He has a knack for bringing people together, and especially for taking good care of those important to him, though often he tries to keep his involvement to himself where he can. He knows a lot of people, and seems to have ways to get anything done, whether you need a letter carrying half way across the continent, or finding out where a fugitive is hiding. Most people know not to get on his bad side, but nobody seems to actually know why.
Rico is fully literate, and even knows how to write in Lahaban script. He's not the most educated, but he knows where to look for anything he doesn't know himself. Do not cause problems for Helmi, and you'll stay on his good side.
Yvonne Wildwall A retired assassin who used to be an assassin, but retired. She was in the employment of the Kingdom of Falcross, working directly for their military. She ends up retiring when she meets with Rico, who offered her a job working at The Salty Collier. She promply rejected, with no intention of working as a bar maid. However, she did stick around, feeling indebted to Rico. She does end up helping out at the bar during The Shroud, and on specific occasions, but she will always officially tell people that she is retired, and generally doesn't work for pay unless she needs to. Unfortunately, very few people get any retirement funds, but Rico does his best to help when she needs it.
Yvonne has lived in a relatively small world, she knows the places she's been and not a lot more - she's been an assassin for a long time, and her teaching and training didn't go a long way past that skillset. Now that she's intended to quit the profession, that skillset isn't needed, and she's ended up more naive about the world than you might expect.
That will do for now, although there's a couple more people. I might give the Falguard Watch Town Watch their own post though.
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Hero Moniker: Neuron
Civilian Name: Tumaini Ochieng
Name used by narrative: Neuron
Nicknames: Tuma, Tutu (by younger cousins)
Team: Alpha (InFRARED), OUTER
Powers: Telepath
Shifter type: none
Pronouns: he/him
Relationship: Gadget
Song: “No Place Like Home” by Egypt Central
Color: orange
Animal: spiders (spider webs representing telepathy)
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rwizakakiza · 1 year
Tumaini Jipya Ndani ya YESU KRISTO
"KKK 1832"
>>Tunamshukuru MUNGU, tumezungumzia baadhi ya matunda 12 ya ROHO MTAKATIFU, kwanini, tunasema baadhi ya matunda, Mosi matunda ya ROHO MTAKATIFU ni tabia za MUNGU zinazoumbika ndani ya mtu, ili afanane na MUNGU aliye hai ambayo matunda hayo yanampelekea kwenye ukamilifu yaani Utakatifu.
..... Yeye aliyewaita alivyo MTAKATIFU, ninyi nanyi iweni WATAKATIFU katika MWENENDO wenu wote; kwa maana imeandikwa, Mtakuwa watakatifu5kwa kuwa MIMI ni MTAKATIFU.
........1 Pet 1:15‭-‬16......
Tabia zinazokukamilisha ili uwe Mtakatifu ni zaidi ya hizo tulizogusia
>>>Pili maandiko kwenye Barua kwa Wagalatia yanasema
........Juu ya MAMBO KAMA HAYO hakuna sheria.
....... Galatia 5:22‭-‬23......
Msomaji mzuri unaweza kuona kwamba kuna mambo mengine yaani matunda mengine ambayo hayajatajwa, na yenyewe yatakufanya kuwa mkamilifu, yakiumbika na kuwa sehemu ya maisha yako, na hapo yameorodheshwa 9, lakini tumezungumzia 12, kwa kadri ya KKK 1832.
>>Kuhusiana kwa kina na YESU KRISTO kutakufanya uzae matunda mengi zaidi. Tukumbuke kuna matunda ya ROHO MTAKATIFU na Matunda ya UTUMISHI wako. Yote mawili yanahitaji tuhusiane na BWANA YESU KRISTO kwa kina sana, maana bila YESU KRISTO, sisi hatuwezi chochote. YESU anasema
...... Kaeni ndani yangu, nami ndani yenu. Kama vile tawi lisivyoweza kuzaa peke yake, lisipokaa ndani ya mzabibu; kadhalika nanyi, msipokaa ndani yangu. Mimi ni mzabibu; ninyi ni matawi, akaaye ndani yangu nami ndani yake, huyo huzaa sana; maana PASIPO MIMI, NINYI HAMWEZI KUFANYA NENO LO LOTE.
.......Yohana 15:1- 8....
Jiunganishe na BWANA YESU, ili umzalie MATUNDA yadumuyo na upate uzima wa milele.
💬.... Tutaendelea jumatatu........
"Tunda la Roho ni Upendo, Furaha, Amani, Uvumilivu, Utu wema, Fadhili, Uaminifu, Upole, Kiasi; Juu ya mambo kama hayo hakuna sheria. Tukiishi kwa Roho, na tuenende kwa Roho.
Galatia 5:22 - 25
@2023 the greatest Glory for me.
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stinkyhyena9000 · 1 year
What are your favourite headcanons for Harry x Darius? (And maybe treat us to some individual headcanons if you have the time!)
Ooohoohoooooo I'll gladly answer this
♫ Okay so starting off with their favorite music genres: Harry really like's R&B meanwhile Darius really likes pop. They gladly listen to each other's music though.
♫ They are roommates. (Ohmygod they were roommates). Despite having awards in Redshore City, they still only live an apartment because 1. Darius isn't actually that good and 2. Harry doesn't make all that much money from his shows.
♫ They definitely love the view though. I mean, who wouldn't be absolutely enamored by the lights of the city?
♫ Darius likes to call Harry Moonpie because he reminds him of the night sky, what with his black fur and his shiny crystals like the stars.
♫ Likewise, Harry calls him Sunshine, because he reminds him of the sun
♫ Darius also helped Harry take care of his hair. It's much healthier now, although Darius refuses to spill the secrets to his perfect hair
♫ If they're not eating take-out, Harry is usually the one who cooks. Especially after the "ramen incident" (Darius forgot to put water in his ramen and it caught fire)
♫ Darius is actually one of the few people that know Harry's real name. Harry is actually just a stay name!
♫ Darius likes to call Harry's name to annoy him <33 (lovingly)
♫ Harry likes to thinking of Darius as his bodyguard sometimes, as he's always quick to protect Harry when someone insults him or threatens him.
♫ Darius helps Harry take care of him physical health, meanwhile Harry helps Darius practice mental health
♫ Darius likes to ask to be hypnotized "for funsies". Harry outright refuses to do it to him.
♫ Harry's real name is Tumaini
♫ They both take things literally. Darius because he's a little stupid, and Harry because he's autistic.
♫ They're bi4bi t4t btw
♫ Harry has a lot of angst surrounding his family and feeling like he disappointed them, especially after losing them. Darius of course tries to help calm him down.
♫ Of course one of his methods includes snuggling down in bed and watching a movie or TV show (reality shows are their favorite)
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We are happy to hear that through our Cultures of Resistance Awards, Tumaini Festival launched the Youth Impact Program this year!
The Youth Impact Program aims to facilitate positive behavior change among refugee youth, ensuring a healthy and responsible lifestyle that will contribute to the economic growth of the Dzaleka community and the well-being of the world.
Implemented by Tumaini Letu, this program is designed to create platforms for self-development and amplify refugee youths’ voices through workshops, debates, conferences, and talent shows. These activities will empower them to address the issues affecting them and their fellow youth in the host community. The program’s inaugural event was held on July 1st.
Everyone is invited to join this incredible journey to uplift and empower the refugee youth at Dzaleka!
Learn more about our support of the Tumaini Festival through our award here:
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umbas-blog · 5 months
Warumi 8:25 inasema: *_“Lakini tukitumainia kile tusichokiona, twakingojea kwa saburi.”_* Mstari huu ni sehemu ya Warumi sura ya 8, ambapo mtume Paulo anazungumza juu ya uzima katika Roho. kinyume na maisha katika mwili.
*Katika kifungu hiki,* Paulo anawahimiza waamini kuwa na tumaini thabiti kwa Mungu, hata wakati hali zinaonekana kuwa kinyume.
● Tumaini la Kikristo linategemea kumtumaini Mungu na ahadi zake, hata ikiwa bado hazijatimizwa.
● Ni kungoja kwa bidii na kwa kudumu, kwa msingi wa imani katika Mungu na uaminifu wake.
*Paulo anasisitiza umuhimu wa uvumilivu katika kungoja ahadi za Mungu zitimie.* Waumini wanapaswa kubaki imara katika imani yao, hata mambo yanapoonekana kuwa magumu au majibu yanachelewa kuja. Ni wito wa kumwamini na kuwa na subira na Mungu, tukijua kwamba Yeye ni mwaminifu kutimiza yale aliyoahidi.
*Katika muktadha mpana wa Warumi,* Paulo anasisitiza umuhimu wa imani katika Yesu Kristo kwa ajili ya kuhesabiwa haki na kutakaswa kwa waamini. Kwa hiyo tumaini katika Mungu linahusiana kwa ukaribu na imani katika Yesu Kristo na kutumaini kazi yake ya kuokoa.
*Kwa muhtasari,* Warumi 8:25 inatutia moyo kudumisha tumaini thabiti katika Mungu, kudumu katika imani, na kungoja kwa uhakika utimizo wa ahadi zake, hata kama hautokei mara moja. Ni wito wa uvumilivu, uaminifu na ustahimilivu katika kutembea kwetu na Mungu.
*_Mchungaji Umba wa Bondo Kazadi._*
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cbmchannel · 7 months
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Joyce Omondi - TENA NA TENA (feat. Pst. Tumaini) https://www.curteboamusica.info/2024/03/joyce-omondi-tena-na-tena-feat-pst.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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findjobseasy · 7 months
Job title: Accounting Practice Manager Company: Tumaini Job description: CV to [email protected]. Alternatively, you can visit our website at , where you can view... Expected salary: R350000 - 430000 per year Location: Cape Town, Western Cape Job date: Sat, 03 Feb 2024 23:17:41 GMT Apply for the job now! [ad_2]
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mateoshija · 8 months
Mpendane ninyi kwa ninyi...kwa tumaini, mkifurahi
Kwa pendo la udugu, mpendane ninyi kwa ninyi; kwa heshima mkiwatanguliza wenzenu;kwa bidii, si walegevu; mkiwa na juhudi katika roho zenu; mkimtumikia Bwana;kwa tumaini, mkifurahi; katika dhiki, mkisubiri; katika kusali, mkidumu; Warumi 12:10-12
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positivedevelopment · 10 months
Monthly Roundup November 2023
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Arts empowering refugees and migrants
"The story of the Tumaini Festival (‘Tumaini’ means ‘hope’ in Swahili) - the world's first and only arts festival hosted in a refugee camp - is a testament not only to refugees’ spirit of resilience but also to their capacity for creativity, expression and joie de vivre, as members of a group often defined by what they seek rather than what they bring."
“I use the transforming power of the arts and films as a refugee to tell untold stories, build empathy, and boost refugee voices,” says Bichano, a Congolese refugee who founded the World Refuge Film in Uganda’s Nakivale Refugee Settlement.
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Canada Bans Elephant Ivory & Rhino Horn Trade
A major win for animals! Canada has banned domestic trade in elephant ivory and rhino horn, including the import of hunting trophies containing these parts, a critical step in protecting these endangered species. The ban comes as the Jane Goodall Act makes its way through the Senate. The landmark legislation represents some of the strongest for animal protection in the world and, if passed, would phase out elephant captivity in Canada.
Read more about theJane Goodall Act HERE
Take action today and show your support! Add your name to tell government ministers and Senate caucus leaders to support the Jane Goodall Act HERE
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Art for conservation: Kenya’s Retiti Elephant Sanctuary needs Support
"Thirteen orphaned elephants will be released back into the wild from the Retiti Sanctuary in the coming months, but they are short of funds to ensure the process will go smoothly.
Vital Impacts, a non-profit organization using art and storytelling to support conservation, is making a push to raise money for the sanctuary through the sale of incredible wildlife photographs."
To buy prints go to vitalimpacts.org, to watch Ami Vitale’s film Shaba visit www.shabafilm.org and to view the work of the Retiti Elephant Sanctuary: www.reteti.org.
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I will be on a short break until January 2024, until then take care of yourself and others.
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rwizakakiza · 1 year
Tumaini Jipya Ndani ya YESU KRISTO
"KKK 1832"
Juzi tuliona ili uweze kumzalia MUNGU matunda yadumuyo, lazima ukae ndani ya YESU, na YESU akae ndani yako yaani uwe umeungana kabisa na YESU KRISTO, na utaratibu wa kuungana na YESU KRISTO ni kukaa.
....... Yohana 15:1-8.......
>>>Kwa kawaida mtu ukikaa chini, huna uwezo wa kujitetea yaani huwezi kutumia uwezo wako ulionao kupambana, ukiwa umekaa hapa unahitaji msaada wa kusaidiwa kupiganiwa, sio wewe kupigana maana huna uwezo wa kupigana.
....... Ndio maana ametumia lugha ya kukaa, akimaniisha Unamwihitaji BWANA YESU akusaidie kushinda kila kitu na kila hali,...... Hajasema uwe ndani ya YESU...... Ukiwa ndani ya YESU, unaweza kusimama, kukimbia, kuruka, nk, kwa maana unaweza kutumia uwezo wako (Elimu, cheo, karama, vipawa, uzuri, nk, kupambana au kutatua hali au jambo, lakini kuna mengine yatagota pamoja kwamba utatumia Elimu au nafasi yako kufanya baadhi ya vitu
....... Hauwezi kununua Uzima wa milele,...... Hauwezi kununua upendo...... Hauwezi kununua Amani,....... Hauwezi kununua furaha, ambayo ni matunda ya ROHO MTAKATIFU.
..... Hivyo ndio maana anasema, ili nizae matunda yadumuyo, lazima nikae ndani ya YESU KRISTO, ili NISITEGEMEE uwezo wangu, akili zangu, karama, vipaji, Elimu, nk, Ila naweza kuvitumia ila nisivitegemee, bali nimtegemee YESU KRISTO kwa kila kitu, yaani nikae ndani ya YESU KRISTO.
>>>Dalili za kugundua umekaa ndani ya YESU KRISTO Ni kuzaa matunda yanayodumu, ndiyo yatakayokutambulisha.
...... Mathayo 7:15-20.....
Matunda yadumuyo na yenye kukutambulisha ambayo tutaangalia Matunda 12 amboyo ni baadhi kwa maana yapo zaidi, Tuanze na Tunda la kwanza......
💬.... Tutaendelea jumatatu........
"Tunda la Roho ni Upendo, Furaha, Amani, Uvumilivu, Utu wema, Fadhili, Uaminifu, Upole, Kiasi; Juu ya mambo kama hayo hakuna sheria. Tukiishi kwa Roho, na tuenende kwa Roho.
Galatia 5:22‭-‬25
@2023 the greatest Glory for me.
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trancetales · 10 months
Happy STS! If your characters were royalty what would their epithets be? (think like Queen Susan the Gentle from Chronicles of Narnia or Queen Margo the Destroyer and King Quentin the Moderately Socially Maladjusted from The Magicians)
So I've been sitting on this one for a while, because I was wracking my head trying to work out what people would call people as a title, but eventually, I realised the problem was with the cast I was looking at. And, its been quite a while since I touched on my Falguard Watch cast, so I'm gonna go for them.
First up, we have Camilia Suzette Dewfort. She has a few notable traits, like her adventurous nature and her positivity, but she also has an arm which is host to a parasitic plant. And lets face it, that's what people would talk about. So she'd probably end up being called "Queen Camilia the Verdant", even though she prefers to go by Suzette.
Next, there's Desanka Tumaini, the homeless thief, at least when we first meet her. A little tricky, because one assumes that wouldn't be the case if she were royalty, or if she was, nobody would honour her with an epithet. But its easy enough to just give her one, so she'd probably be "Desanka the Impoverished".
Then there's Helmi Vind-Ylande, who is tricky because she's a Brymir living in Veil. If she had an epithet in Brym, it'd be quite different to one she was given in Veil. In keeping with the others though, I'll go with Veil. So she'd probably be "Queen Helmi the Gentle". In Brym, it'd be something far less complimentary.
And lastly for this, Sofia Vestito. Now, I'm going to drop the royalty thing for her. She is a knight, and would have no desire to rule. Instead, she would devote herself to the service of whichever of the above was monarch. That being the case, she would be "Sofia the Steadfast". Unless Helmi was monarch, in which case she would be "Sofia the Devoted".
I actually had a lot of trouble with this one for some reason, but when I swapped over to this cast, it became a fair bit easier. Thanks for the ask, K!
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mincedoaths · 11 months
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last update: 12/16/23
ukweli roach. 38. trans man. he/him. ┊┊ cerberus corp has been searching for BAKARI KHAN-WILLIAMS. the public doesn’t know that they are the wanted EO dubbed HAVOC because of BALLISTIC PSIONICS gifted by BULLYING GONE WRONG. having been an extra ordinary since 1999, they’re doing a good job at hiding VESTIBULAR MIGRAINS, NOSEBLEEDS, BLURRED VISSION, & SHAKING SPELLS. when they aren’t working their day job as an ACCOUNTANT, they are fond of PEOPLE-WATCHING and are never seen without A CD PLAYER WITH ‘1001 RELAXTION TECHNIQUES: GUIDED MEDITATION FOR PHYSICAL & SPIRITUAL WELLNESS’ IN THE TRAY. at first glance they seem PROFESSIONAL & COURTEOUS, though their co-workers know them to also be CLOSED OFF & UPTIGHT.  they consider themself a VALUED MEMBER OF SOCIETY but cerberus corp sees them as an unknown VILLAIN┊┊
name: bakari khan-williams | nicknames: the hermit (by his co-workers) | age:  38 | date of birth: march 15, 1985 answer | zodiac: pisces sun, capricorn moon, cancer rising | place of birth:  mills, wyoming | current residence:  manhattan | gender:  trans man | pronouns:  he/him | sexuality:  demisexual | occupation:  accountant | faceclaim:  ukweli roach | height:  5'11" | tattoos: n/a | piercings:  n/a
distinguishing features:  a constant kicked puppy look in his eyes, a vertical scar on his right temple positive traits:  hardworking, loyal, meticulous negative traits:  oversensitive, timid, pessimistic, flighty labels / tropes:  the nondescript, extreme doormat, bad powers good people, chronic villainy, i just want to be normal, beware the quiet ones, afraid of their own strength, angst nuke, i am a monster, person of mass destruction, repression never ends well character inspiration: shigeo kageyama/mob (mob psycho 100), ??? (mob psycho 100), carrie white (carrie), dark phoenix (x-men) likes: quiet places, the rain, asmr, reading, dislikes:  crowds, the subway, loud noises, nosy people fears:  losing control hobbies:  people watching, collecting first edition books, puzzles habits:  fidgeting, avoiding eye contact
near death experience… 
[ tw bullying, violence, child death, bodily harm, blood, gore ]
Bakari has heard that there are EO’s out there with the ability to remove entire years of memories from people’s mind with a single touch, a single meeting of eyes from across a busy street; these are nightmare scenarios for others, but would a dream come true for him.
He wishes more than anything that the events from twenty-four years ago could be ripped out of the deepest crevices of his brain where their roots have spread to the center of his being. It’s a fool’s wish for deliverance, he knows this. There is no salvation for the wicked and Bakari won his seat in hell in that barn all those years ago. But if Cain was condemned to wander the Earth forever, what would Bakari’s punishment be when fratricide was only the beginning of his long list of sins?
The murder who weeps at the graves of his victims is more vile than the apathetic one in the eyes of society. And the fact that he truly never meant to hurt anyone is irrelevant.
But that wasn’t entirely true, was it? He had meant to hurt those boys in ‘99, as he laid in the scratchy hay, gray matter and blood leaking out of the dent in skull from where his head had knocked into the metal grapple of his father’s tractor when they had pushed him. His younger brother, Tumaini, was screaming, begging for help and Bakari felt rage like he had before boil up in his heart. He wanted to kill those boys, wanted to maim them, wished for the power to erase those older boys from existence as everything faded to black.
It was just a shame that, at fourteen, he had no concept of friendly fire.
[ /end of tw ]
power…  Bakari has been cursed with Ballistic Psionics; psychic-based powers that can only cause harm and destruction (telekinetic explosions, blasts, repulsion, crushing). His powers work in a roughly 25 foot radius of him.
Hypothetically speaking, eye contact with a target would allow him to focus his powers on a single person but he has never used his powers (willingly) since his NDE.
drawbacks / vulnerabilities…  His powers are volatile and he has no control over them. High stress/strong emotions trigger them and the more upset he is the more devastating they become.
Because he is constantly repressing his powers, using them is painful and feels like an intense migraine that leaves him with nosebleeds, blurred vision and shaking spells.
Though the violent force of his ability is very power full, he is otherwise a normal human and thus susceptible to anything that could harm any non-EO. Think of him as a glass canon.
codename…  'Havoc' is the codename given to the mysterious EO after the seemingly random destruction they have left in their wake throughout the years. So far, the name and devastation have not been tied back to Bakari.
003.  EXTRA
He was home schooled by his British mother so he has an English accent though he was born and raised in the U.S.A.
The small town he grew up in did not have any reported EOs prior to Bakari's NDE so most of the people living there were incredibly afraid of him and avoided him and his family as much as possible.
[ tw child death, child abuse via neglect ] After the death of his younger brother, Bakari's relationship with his parents became incredible strained. And after he became a legal adult they pretty much washed their hands of him.
[ /end of tw ]
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belifii · 1 year
En Tanzanie, une mystérieuse maladie fait 5 morts. La présidente de la Tanzanie, Samia Suluhu Hassan, lors d'une conférence de presse à Pretoria le 16 mars. Une enquête médicale est ouverte en tanzanie, après la découverte d'une mystérieuse maladie "transmissible" qui a déjà tué cinq personnes. Mystérieuse maladie fait 5 morts en Tanzanie Photo d'Alexandre Douguine prise dans son studio de télévision, le 11 août 2016 à Moscou Une découverte qui intervient après une épidémie du virus Ebola dans l'Ouganda voisin. La Tanzanie a demandé à des experts médicaux d'enquêter sur une mystérieuse maladie "transmissible" qui a déjà fait cinq morts dans le pays, ont annoncé les autorités. A lire aussi Qui-est-ce que la maladie cœliaque ou Intolérance au gluten Cette maladie a été détectée chez "sept personnes avec des symptômes tels que fièvre, vomissements, hémorragies et insuffisance rénale", a détaillé le ministère de la Santé dans un communiqué diffusé tard jeudi soir. Une région en proie aux épidémies militant Kemi Seba déprogrammé d'une émission de La Chaîne Parlementaire française Les experts médicaux ont été dépêchés dans la région de Kagera (nord-ouest) frontalière de l'Ouganda pour enquêter sur cette maladie "transmissible", a déclaré une responsable de la Santé, Tumaini Nagu. "Des échantillons ont été prélevés sur les patients et les morts pour identifier la source et le type de maladie", a-t-elle dit dans un communiqué, en appelant la population au calme. L'Ouganda a déclaré la fin de l'épidémie en janvier 76 Sénégalais rapatriés de Tunisie et de Lybie Cette affaire survient après un épisode épidémique du virus Ebola en Ouganda, qui a duré presque quatre mois et fait 55 morts.  L'an dernier, la Tanzanie avait identifié une épidémie de leptospirose, ou "maladie du rat", qui avait fait trois morts dans la région de Lindi (sud-est). A lire aussi Maladie cœliaque ou l'intolérance au gluten : définition, causes et facteurs favorisants Cette maladie bactérienne, transmise à l'homme par certains mammifères, se propage par l'eau ou la nourriture contaminée par l'urine d'animaux infectés.
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