#tumblr didn’t let me post the clip in a reblog so new post w the old one linked it is ig🤷
nothinmuch6 · 6 months
He’s still doing it btw!!
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saint-patrice · 5 years
Can you do the picture thing with pasta?
i can indeed my friend! 😎 i love our czech noodle boy with all my heart, so let’s get this show on the road:
see here for other posts like this one! i am also taking requests for ‘em :)
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i’m putting this photo first because i found it to be personally and deeply transformative. i have always adored pastrnak, but was on the fence for a while as to whether i also found him physically attractive. this picture give me an aggressive shove off of said fence, and i then proceeded to land in a pile of my own feelings for this man. not that he even needs it in the first place, but that shirt is doing miraculous things
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🎶 walk, walk fashion baby, work it move that bitch crazy🎶 despite his teammates’ best efforts to take the piss out of him for it, pasta really is our resident fashion icon, and i love that. this suit is stunning, and i’m usually iffy about suits w sneakers, but it actually looks rather lovely on this occasion. i now feel inspired to go find a pair of renaissance-looking floral trousers of my very own
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joyous!! a beautiful ray of sunshine!!!! we are so lucky to have him, i really really love the energy and ~vibe~ he seems to bring to the team. my sample size of one (me) perhaps makes my findings unreliable, but i do believe that it is scientfically impossible to not smile when looking at pasta smiling
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i go completely apeshit every time i see pastrnak’s tattoo - it’s absolutely gorgeous. if i remember correctly (please holler at me if i’m wrong), a lot of it is in memory of his father too, which is really nice. pasta is an amazing player in his own right, but when you hear about his childhood and what he had to work through, i think it makes you appreciate what he’s managed to achieve - especially at such a young age - all that much more. we’re proud of you pasta!!
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noodle man says gay rights. fuck yeah!
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is there a shortage of snacks in the nhl?? why does everyone feel the need to munch on their equipment??? i’m so confused. whatever the case, this is hella cute, and makes me smile like an utter fool 
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oh no, there he goes :(
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sometimes i’m having a bad day and then i remember this picture exists and you know what? smiles is better. pasta would make a good life coach. it will not solve your problems, but sometimes just putting on a smile can make them seem a bit easier. anon i’m so sorry, you probably just wanted a lighthearted photo post but here we are, getting very philosophical. blame pasta. tl;dr, smiles is better and david pastrnak is amazing
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what locker room shenanigans are these boys getting up to? and do i even want to know? this post was a blessing from the bruins instagram tbh. also uhhh boy’s got some fuckin legs jesus h christ 👀 watch where you’re putting those things
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oh my god!!!! who let him look this good holy shit. i think navy might be pasta’s colour, and i can totally get on board with the navy/coral combo too. absolute style king, through and through
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this is, i think, my absolute favourite pasta lewk. it’s fairly simple, but i love the colour scheme (see my above point), and the matching waistcoat + jacket really make it. i am also smitten with those shoes for some reason. plus i think the headband is literally just so good???? like hell yes, i am very much here for all of pasta’s hair accessorising 
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something in me feels like pasta frequently gets in mild trouble with the bruins pr team because he is just slightly chaotic. case and point: mr pastrnak just distributing gatorade thingys to the audience at the all star skills event lmaoooo i love him
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the grey shirt is back - be still my beating heart. oh lord. he looks so fucking good. i cannot stop looking at this
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okay so pasta literally scores the dirtiest, sexiest goals i’ve ever seen. do yourself a favour and look up some compilations on youtube. thank me later, because every single one of them is fucking delightful, with the occasional one honestly getting me a bit hot and bothered 
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i wouldn’t put it past him to just walk into td garden on a tuesday in april with this getup 
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this is a strong candidate for my favourite social media interaction ever. “hey spaghetti man” is such a strong opener and i think it gave me whiplash, but nothing can be as iconic as “it calls style in europe”. sometimes that’s my response when my friend gives me a look for wearing an outlandish shirt or loud pants - they have no idea what i’m actually referencing, and also we live in europe, so they usually just try to ignore it. this is also a good photo in general, pasta looks v cute. i can only assume those jorts (let’s call them as they are, folks) were intact when he bought them but his legs, as we can see, are so powerful that they broke free 🤷🏻‍♀️
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i mean this is like,, very sexy of him to look like that and that’s all i think i can safely say about this gif, at least on this new pg website tumblr has tried to create…
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i reblogged this with the tag #oh…….worm? and i stand by that. like, sir?? hello??? do you have any idea what you’re doing to me???? i just cannot catch a break from this man’s sheer beauty 
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(gif via @gaudreau) oh my god i actually love him - he really is our little ray of sunshine 💖 i don’t even know what tf he’s doing but he’s so cute so it does not matter. this also reminds me of that one clip of him doing the macarena in front of a green screen while wearing his skates for some media thing
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this is like the only goddamn gif i could find of it but pasta passing the empty net goal to bergy during his 1000th game is one of the sweetest things i’ve ever seen anyone do on the ice???? it was just a little gesture but i think it’s a testament to the team dynamic, as well at the type of person pasta is (ie lovely). sometimes i tear up thinking about this game if truth be told (yes i’m a baby leave me alone)
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i know i said i liked the blue suit the Most but this is a close second,, that is such a crisp fit he looks so mf good mmmmmmmm . also what a lovable buffoon 
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handsome man alert !!!! this is not a very good picture to demonstrate the fact, but pasta has really nice eyes like i’m legitimately jealous >:(
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(gif via @formulaice7) a better man would have been able to pick just one of these to include, but better men are off doing something far more productive than this, so you are stuck with me, who is chronically indecisive. but i saw these gifs and my only reaction was “oh fuck” and i do believe that is appropriate. maybe it’s just my weird opinion, but one thing sexier than shirtless? almost shirtless. (but i mean there’s plenty of fully shirtless pasta out there if u want it) the hand hanging on that hook is also kinda getting to me. he is just very beautiful
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sometimes i wonder why the majority of the nhl has no personality and then i remember - david pastrnak is literally hoarding it all…!
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lads, it’s official: this is the only photo i need to look at for the rest of my life. if this is not the energy you are bringing, i don’t want to fw you
and here ends my very first david pastrnak lovepost - thank you for the request anon, i hope you enjoy!!! :) i love pasta with all my little heart so i really loved doing this one and in all honesty could probably be talked into doing another one pretty easily if anyone is interested, bc there’s a lot of photos and gifs i didn’t use (i don’t want to make these like 50 photos long yknow). as mentioned at the top of the post, feel free to send me any requests you may have!!
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The Brave Project
Hello Everyone!
So, with Playlist Live and Vidcon having passed, I’ve been seeing a lot of people posting how they’re bummed out they didn’t get into the Dan and Phil m&g, or how they’ll never get to meet them or say anything to them, and I just wanted to say; I feel ya.
And then I had an idea.
What if there was a way for us all to come together, as one big phamily and share some of our stories with these two guys called Dan and Phil who met each other on the internet and have created this entire world?
And so was born The Brave Project!!!!
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I know a lot of us have gone through some things in our lives or continue to deal with obstacles day to day that make life hard, and Dan and Phil really have, and continue to, help us with that. It’s difficult to get this message across in a youtube comment or a tweet or w/e, never knowing if they see it in the flood of other comments, etc.
So I am proposing a collaborative effort on behalf of everyone touched by these two. The song “Brave” by Sarah Bareilles is one that strikes a chord deep in my heart, and I think it would make a fitting underscore to the message. Here’s what I’d like to do:
- Submit me a photo or short video clip of yourself holding a sign that says #phandom and #iambrave - On that sign, write a *short* message to Dan and Phil about something that you have overcome in your life either through the support of the phandom or simply by their influence. - It can be as deep as seeking help for mental illness, coming out to your friends and family, leaving an abusive relationship, etc, or as simple as applying for a college/university you didn’t think you had a shot at, asking out your crush, trying something new like art or writing, etc. - you don’t have to show your face or include your name if that makes you uncomfortable - you can include links to your own social media (DeviantArt, tumblr, twitter, etc) if you want other people involved to check out your page (don’t expect dnp to, but I’m a whore for shameless self promotion), but in the description of the video I will list the Tumblr urls of anyone who contributes (unless requested not to). - be creative! Include some fan art on your sign, show off your penmanship skills, do some crazy awesome make up, whatever you want! This is supposed to make us all feel good!
Once I have received submissions I will compile them into a video with the song “Brave”, and post it on youtube.
Hopefully, not only will this bring members of the phandom phamily together, but will *eventually* get back to Dan and Phil so that they can see even more of what the true impact they’ve had on us is. For those of us who may never get the chance to tell them in person how important they are, I think this would be a nice way to show it :)
Any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to send me a message or an ask on or off anon and I’d be happy to answer it!
Also, reblog this post to try and spread it around to as many people as possible! Let’s get the entire phandom involved in this one guys!
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brekineee · 8 years
hi I love the haken set you just made! do you have favorite gif-makers here?
Hello anon~ sorry for the late reply. Thank you so much! It means a lot to me when people say that they enjoy my gifs. ♡ 
Noooow it’s time for me to compliment other fellow gif-makers -this might be a long post-
I’ll start off with my main favorites also some of the people I consider close friends on tumblr;;
@saltykong - Goodness gracious, god bless Riri’s beautiful gifs. ♡ Her coloring is always 10/10, her text is unique, and overall her gifs are super duper smooth!! I always look forward to see hers on my dash, especially when it comes to her beloved Binnie ones! [x]
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@tranquies - MY BABABABABABABY RICA ♡ I seriously wish she was more confident in her gif making, because she’s so good at it and she hasn’t even been doing it for that long! I’m always looking forward to seeing the occasional Hakyeon gifs from her always want to be the first to reblog them too. Give her a round of applause for making beautiful gifs, even with only one hand LOL [x]
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@smilange - ahh yes..Celine. That one meme friend I never thought I would need. ♡ Okay, first of all, her coloring IS SO BEAUTIFUL like…it’s like the good kind of dark coloring? & her sharpening on the gifs…even better!! She knows how to color everything so well?? Like??? & I don’t get to see her gifs as often as others, so they’re a good surprise to see once in a while ;D (You know I had to use a gif from my fav gifset from you :3c ) [x]
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♡ NOW…Let’s get on to my fav soft gif-makers. (In other words, their colorings) ♡
@ottokaji-vixx - ONE OF THE SOFTEST PEOPLE I’VE EVER MET MAKING THE SOFTEST GIFS! ♡ Seriously wow, your gifs are such a blessing, I hope you know that!! Always picking the cutest clips to gif too~ [x]
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@chyogi - I s2g SO FREAKING SOFT AND SMOOTH AND HD KCBBKVCL ♡ Your gifs always have such a pastel and aesthetically pleasing look to them. ALSO, not only does she make VIXX gifs, but BTS ones too! Always refreshing to see a diff group with the same beautiful PSDs on them! [x]
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@royalbins - Oh my gosh… I love this girl’s gifs so much. SERIOUSLY LOOK AT HOW SMOOTH THIS IS?? & ofc her coloring always on point. ♡ Not even sure what else to say other than an amazing gif-maker like the rest on this list!! (I absolutely adore this gifset just letting you know ;D) [x]
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@kenbinnie - I just recently started following this person because of a certain beautiful Jaehwan gifset they made….IT’S SO PRETTY AND…ofc soft haha ;D & their text is adorable as well~♡ [x]
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@kongsook - ANOTHER SOFTIE~♡ Similar to in the gif, I could just eat their gifsets up! They’re always extremely pretty;; pastel but at the same time…vibrant? Idek how to describe, I just love them!! [x]
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♡ Now I’ll talk about the fast gif-makers (the ones that end up giffing new VIXX content the quickest) ♡
@nxnight - I’M NOT SURE HOW BERNICE DOES IT, BUT SHE’S ALWAYS FIRST TO HAKYEON GIF MAKING & HAKYEON POSTS IN GENERAL. She writes the cutest captions too ♡ Even though she’s fast, her gifs turn out perfect 100% of the time!! I hope everyone can appreciate her gifs as much as I do ;D (had to use this gif, it’s so hilarious HAHA) [x]
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@hansanghyuked - if I’m not seeing Bernice’s gifs first, It’s Annie’s is that the first time I’ve called you by your name? LOL. She’s very speedy when it comes to gif-making the newest VIXX videos, but ofc she does it very well! She always adds a nice sharpened effect to her gifs!! But seriously, I see her beautiful gifs EVERYWHERE. No wonder, since they’re so good~♡ She also has so many different blogs, idk how she’s able to make gifs and keep them all active ;w; (P.S. your haken blog is a blessing dear x]
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@shit-vixx-say / achahakyeon: Angel’s gifs = amazing ♡ She’s always up to date with the newest VIXX content and like the others, is very fast when it comes to making gifs of them. Her coloring is so pretty too?? She has that coloring that is darker, but not a bad kind of dark? Kinda like what I said about Celine’s. She also does so many omg…She’s currently doing daily gifs as a countdown for #happyKENday, so good luck to her~ can’t wait to see all those pretty gifs on my dash! [x]
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I’m getting wayy too lazy now, so I’ll just mention a few other blogs here that I like as well: @chained-up-taekwoon (making gifs almost daily omg..I salute you for that) , @hongbins-wife (daily hongbin god bless), @ch-y , (soft, smooth, shiny gifs ckcvlckbvcl),  @sprouthyuk (one of the best vixx shitposters, but still amazing at gifs like wow get you a blog that can do both)
Sorry if I didn’t add you ;w; I tried my best to mention my favorites, no hard feelings! 
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