#tumblr is outing me as a self reblogger............... so sad
everswift · 2 years
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I posted 1,766 times in 2022
That's 667 more posts than 2021!
350 posts created (20%)
1,416 posts reblogged (80%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,464 of my posts in 2022
Only 17% of my posts had no tags
#taylor swift - 669 posts
#queue - 231 posts
#ask - 86 posts
#anonymous - 84 posts
#yumi lives in delusion - 78 posts
#portuguese tag - 40 posts
#does she mouth fu queue forever - 29 posts
#the eras tour - 18 posts
#ticketmaster - 15 posts
#not taylor - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#my favorite doctor was incredible from the first appt. he was like “i don’t care if you go to another doctor. i’ll just ask you to text me +
My Top Posts in 2022:
can't talk right now i'm busy thinking about taylor swift changing her costume halfway through a performance in the AMAs
152 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
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✨ me and karma vibe like that ✨
230 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
ppl who have only been in the fandom for an era shocked that taylor swift is known for reinventing herself every single time she releases a new album… i'm so sorry for you…
262 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
the year is 2015. your dash is someone self-reblogging a selfie 20 times because they thought taylor was online. your inbox is 10 people who don't follow you guilt-tripping you into reblogging their open letter to taylor. locals don't realize the lyrics to blank space are satire. taylor swift likes an edit you made and you die instantly
844 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
sometimes i think about how after her first record came out taylor swift would open for big country musicians and stay till the middle of the night in the venues to say hi and give autographs to anyone who wanted to meet her. sometimes i think about taylor swift on her first headlining tour looking out for kids in her merch, literally stopping her car to greet them. sometimes i think about how a kid met her at a grocery store but had no camera so taylor took a picture of them herself and then mailed it to her. sometimes i think about how she never held a paid meet and greet in her entire career. sometimes i think about how in the macy's meet and greet when wonderstruck came out a little kid got too nervous to go up to her in the little stage that was set up for taking pictures so taylor came down to say hi. sometimes i think about taylor swift being understandably uncomfortable about people waiting outside her home to meet her but being kind and taking pictures when there's small children because they're not responsible for their parents' invasion of privacy. sometimes i think about taylor swift telling “shut up” and standing up to her security team to say hello to fans
1,062 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cherry-bomb-ships · 3 years
How did you get to be so popular with blog? Mine is dead and no one bothers to interact with me when I try my best to interact with them and seeing your blog makes my blog so sad in comparison. 😔
Oh, I'm a popular blog? That's news to me 😳 But hey, even if I'm not the best with advice I want to tell you not to give up hope!! Honestly I've been around on self ship Tumblr for almost 3 years now so I've had a lotta time to get to know ppl and I guess make a name for myself? Also you're doing the right thing by interacting with others, but something else you should try is putting your posts in some main tags! I know the Ordeal of Being Known can be terrifying, but using the self ship tag or even your f/o's main tag can definitely help you out. Plus, if you make some relatable and rebloggable self ship posts, having something spread around definitely helps people come check out your blog!
Honestly it's mostly just luck and persistence, but don't be discouraged and give up hope!
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constant-meh · 2 years
personal [2:43am 20/12/21]
i wonder if i can publish this but like only for myself. something i've always loved about tumblr its the lack of punctuation. v nice.
anyway, i don't know why i had this sudden urge to post. i'll use this blog as a diary so i can come back in the future and see where my head was. i just did that with some older posts, searching through the tags, and man. what a trip. i can't believe i've been struggling with the same stuff for the last 6 FUCKNG YEARS. amazing. at least i can say im constant at comething right??
currently listening to night shift as i write this (by lucy dacus) by the way
what are some of the struggles that have remained constant u may ask?
- comphet: i just read a post that i reblogged (sp?) in like 2014 about how confusing sexuality was. and now that i know more i know it reffered to comhet. now with the rise of tiktok and its scarily accurate and tailor-made fyp i saw a lot of vids about comphet. at least its nice knowing so many, and i mean SO MANY people feel exactly the same as i do.
-lewks: judging by the tags i used when i used to reblogg pretty people, i used to struggle a lot with self image. and its not like i needed to see those tags to know i did, but i had forgotten. and those feelings are back babyyy. i had gotten over them for a while there, but my mind is cyclical it seems.
i think those are the big ones.
some things have changed as well. i don't struggle with anxiety as much. AS MUCH. it still creeps up every once in a while. but now i manage it differently. i'll talk more about that some day, in more detail. also...i think i had self diagnosed myself as depressed???i mean, i can't blame past me. i did really want to off myself lol those feeling have been back as well in this second part of the year. got kinda scary for a moment. i mean i wouldn't ever actually do it of course but i was SAD with capital letters. thats also something ill talk about in another post.
another thihng that has changed too is i don't feel as lonely anymore. i have friends, and i need alone time a lot more now. idk why.
anywhoooo, just watched wild child and its SUCH A GOOD MOVIE. ahh, i don't know what about it reminded me of tumblr's existence but i'm glad.
im gonna start using this as i've found out some people use insta. i mean, ive seen how they use like a burner account and post every day so at the end of the year they have kind of like a 'wrapped' version of their year. i really liked that idea. but i'm a text girlie it seems. i've always been the type to need to get out her thoughts in writing.
i still haven't decided whether to make these public or not. i haven't really used this in such a long time that i don't even know what kind of followers i had. all fandoms i guess.
anywhooo. thats it for now. byeee :)
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whenemmafallsinlove · 5 years
(1) You're tired of people asking you to reblog their posts? Well, I am tired of self reblogs. How about that? I think it's insanely rude to ridicule people who've never been noticed before for trying to get a bit of Taylor's attention. I think the problem is self reblogging by people who've been noticed before and are followed by Taylor. You're tired of DMs? I am tired of selfies being reblogged fifty fucking times. You don't have to reblog our posts if you don't want to but please don't make
(continued: us feel bad about trying. I completely agree when you say Tumblr or being a fan is about more than us being noticed but I hate how this narrative never includes these bigs accounts with tons of notices who instead of trying to help out a fellow Swiftie keep trying to get attention every time Taylor's online. That's just the culture of the Swiftie fandom now sadly, everybody wants to be noticed, and I wish it didn't exist but it does. A lot of these people who want you to reblog their posts are ones who've never met her or seen her live because they're from these countries Taylor doesn't seem to branch out to. Why do people want to meet Taylor or their idols? To thank them, for happiness. And since that's not possible for people like us, we take to Tumblr. Tell me now, is that so wrong? I'm not trying to sound condescending and if my words prove otherwise, I'm really sorry. I love your account and your content, I'm just trying to offer a fresh perspective, hope you understand. I used to ask people to reblog my posts. However, I haven't done that in two years because the way people responded was very sad. I was literally verbally abused. After all of that, I've given up, I've made peace with the fact that I won't ever see Taylor, live or in person. And there's no hope for me, for people from third world countries where even Spotify isn't available. We can't even afford to fly to places . So please be a little empathetic towards us, Tumblr's all we have.)
Okay, this is a lot and I’m not quite sure I’ll do a good job of expressing myself but hear me out.
First things first, I think I’ve proven to be pretty outspoken about my dislike for self-reblogging. I also used to be a self-reblogger and it was obnoxious and no fun and not what this website is about. So yes, I too am done with self-reblogging. A lot of the time, the people who ask me for reblog ARE self-rebloggers. They tend to be a package deal.
Second, the way people come into my DMs and give me copy-and-paste messages begging for reblogs honestly just makes me feel used. This website is a hobby. It’s not about getting noticed. Getting noticed is super exciting, yes, and I hope you all get the chance to experience it! But asking for reblogs a) almost never works and b) just tries to use the blogger you’re DMing as a means to an end, which isn’t very kind.
Third, the way people on here try to get noticed by Taylor perpetuates the idea that she is a prize to be won, her attention seen as a trophy to put on the shelf. She is a human. She is a songwriter. Bottom line, we are here to celebrate and enjoy her music together, and create friendships out of it. The fact that she comes online sometimes to join us in that is very special, but constantly making everything about getting her attention just isn’t okay, in my opinion.
Nothing gives anyone an excuse to treat others unkindly. You shouldn’t have been verbally abused and I’m sorry that happened to you.
Additionally, I sincerely hope Taylor continues to broaden her horizons and tour more countries, reaching more and more incredible international fans! I will keep supporting the efforts we as a fandom are making for her to do that.
That does not, however, mean it is my or anyone else’s responsibility to get other people noticed. I hope you understand what I mean. 💗
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femmetay · 5 years
I completely agree with what you just said about self reblogging. I think if people who haven’t been noticed/haven’t met Taylor do it once or twice when she’s online it’s fine, but doing so excessively or if those who have met Taylor are self reblogging then I think it’s really selfish to the others who haven’t met or been noticed by her. Idk if that makes sense but I just wanted to say I completely agree with you
thank you! it does make sense! i don’t think it’s wrong for people who haven’t met taylor or haven’t been noticed by her to self reblog when she comes on, but clogging her dashboard like that is just so crazy, i can’t even imagine what it looks like for taylor when almost every person is doing that!! i think if anyone should be self-reblogging it’s people who haven’t been noticed, and i also think it’s a little sad that the only time taylor can truly enjoy tumblr in the same kind of way that we do is when she is silently lurking and doesn’t reveal that she’s online...
i just think taylor coming online to tumblr is the equivalent of the fans who were pushing other fans out of the way to meet taylor (again) at the iheartradio awards. there’s really rotten self-serving people out there who don’t care if they break someone’s heart by robbing them of their opportunity to meet taylor and they’re going to keep behaving the way that gets them what *they* want and they’ll never care who they step on in the process. i only wish taylor was capable of giving notice to the quieter ones in the fandom, but it’s probably impossible for her to see their posts buried into oblivion underneath self-rebloggers so i honestly, really, truly can’t blame her. okay i ranted too much im done now but thank u for agreeing with me
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dreamingswift · 5 years
Alright I was trying to not say anything but I need to rant I have been seeing some harsh posts about chain posts and self reblogging and it just makes me sad, yes I’m gonna be a “pop tart” right now
I was thinking and really.. are chain posts really the worst thing ever? No they’re not and I think they’re actually good annoying as they may be. I think some blogs do this because they want to bring fandom together. Or want to feel part of something. In real life they may not have many friends or feel lonely and want to participate in something besides just making their own posts that maybe get 1 note. Now I don’t care for chain posts and I have said so in the past but I realize now how hurtful it looks. Some people just want some friends and want to be part of something. Now there’s other ways to make friends but they may feel intimidated but they see a post everyone’s participating in and think hey maybe I can join in on this :)
I know when I first started I would see chain posts and join too cause I thought it was *FUN* remember when we used to have FUN on here??
And about self rebloggers, lots of people do it and I think all of us have done it Atleast once especially when we first started our blogs. I believe it has got out of hand a little since Taylor joined tumblr but I don’t think it’s ever going to stop, if u really want people to reblog other people but themselves maybe send ur post to them, cause they might not have seen it! And just know if u read this u can send me a reblog request to my DMs any time and not feel bad about it. I don’t know what else to tell you, I wish I could make a blog specifically to get people noticed and have Taylor be following it. But I can’t and it makes me really really insanely sad that I can’t help everyone
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