they--slash--them · 7 months
no idea if this actually still works in the year of the rabbit? 2023 but if it does that'd be so cool esp bc you can download only original posts woah yeah 👍
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eigwayne · 19 days
This is the program I was using to backup my blog last weekend. I had used an older version before but it had been a looong while, but I was able to jump back into it pretty easily by using the documentation in Github.
Basically you download the file, extract it, and can run the program. Inside, you add blogs to the list and download. I had to add my blog to the queue as well before it started, even though I just had the one blog to work with, so keep an eye on that. As I mentioned, my blog backup created 20 gigs of backup (and took a few hours) but I have had this thing for a long time and have almost 16000 posts. If your blog is smaller in post count, it should take less time and space, but it's kind of a "make sure it's running and then walk away and do something else for a bit" sort of project.
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jasperjv · 1 month
I've successfully downloaded an archive of my Tumblr blog. Thanks TumblThree.
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autistic-sidestep · 8 months
so bc im insane i went through the official fhr blog for all the tumblr-exclusive stories (at least the ones i could find) and turned them all into pdfs, does anyone want them lol
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rainbowgaez · 4 months
this backup has been processing for almost a week
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blazingcobaltx · 7 months
You know, every time I felt genuinely inclined to throw money at Tumblr some news would come out about staff or the site that made the idea of giving it money very unsavoury. TERF mods, inconsistent censorship, new features that made it clear they were NOT listening to the userbase. But not even in hindsight I can say what Tumblr should and shouldn't have done. It feels a bit too easy to call for a staff overhaul as much as I'd like that. Part of me wishes this site was good enough to advertise on so it would pay for itself, because it's just incredibly hard to convince people who used a free product to now start paying for it. But it's unattractiveness to advertisers is one of its main charms, too.
Anyways, build your own site with Neocities and back shit up.
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dragoncarrion · 7 months
can the built in tumblr blog export function give me a progress bar idk whats going on in there
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gawddamn bro
Tumblr media
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galaxywarp · 7 months
Hi! If you don’t mind me asking, how did you make your blog backup?
officially you can go to the url https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/[YOUR BLOG NAME HERE] and export your blog. it takes some time depending on how big your blog is but youll get an email alert that a ZIP file is ready for you to download
Tumblr media
in addition to this i use this app called TumblThree:
TumblThree is extremely useful for archiving tumblr -- you can archive any blog you want as well as tracked tags and likes. i highly recommend it
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carlyraejepsans · 2 months
I’m sorry to bother but I could really use you/your followers help. You reblogged that “TumblThree” link to backup your blog and this is the first time I’ve had the computer to do it and I know I really need to. But the problem is I’m completely computer illiterate (I was an iPad baby) and I have no idea how or where to even start. The only tutorial that I could find said to “extract zip file and run its execution” but even that is complete gibberish to me. Again I know this isn’t your problem or anything but I would really appreciate the help if you/your followers can give it
(Sending again bc the app likes to eat my asks, sorry if you got this twice)
^ shout-out if anyone can help!
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cellarspider · 2 years
Alright, taking a break from whatever the hell else has been going on with my tumblr this morning
If you have a Twitter account that contains anything you want to save, back it up now.
As of 10:30 AM ET November 18, The company has lost pretty much every employee who isn't stuck there on a work visa, because they’ve been offered three months salary as a severance package, rather than having to deal with the ever-spiraling disaster that a certain new CEO has caused.
Company badge access has been turned off because the new management is terrified that people might sabotage systems, but because payroll and accounting departments may not actually have anybody left, they don't know who's actually working for them anymore. At the same time, employees who've quit report that they still have computer access to internal systems, because whoever was doing that may also have left. There are entire teams of engineers in vital areas of the company that are completely gone.
The general consensus among ex-employees and outside experts is that Twitter is going to coast until it hits a snag, then break down. It's unclear whether anybody will be able to get it working again if that happens. We don't know when this might happen, but it may be as soon as Sunday, because that's when the World Cup starts. Last time the World Cup was on, the average volume of tweets per minute doubled, an increase in traffic that the site may not be able to account for right now. Things may be able to run on autopilot, but we simply don't know.
How to back up your Twitter data
Twitter has an official data backup method. This saves all your private messages, et cetera. However, I've seen people reporting over the past week that this service may take days to send you your archive.
One outside option is TumblThree, which works within minutes. It can't download your private information, and it can't access private twitter accounts. But give it a twitter user's URL, and it'll grab all available public tweets, videos and images. It doesn't download quoted tweets either, just your own.
Apart from that, make sure to save who you're following over there, and find out if they have any other sites or usernames you can find them at. Don't lose things that bring you joy.
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liveandletrain · 7 months
What I'm Doing Now
With tumblr's death knells imminent, (though not immediate, we do have time, barring unforseen disaster)
I'm also on Pillowfort and Dreamwidth under the same username (LiveAndLetRain) both of those accounts are years old so I'm brushing the dust off and will probably be copying my stuff over to there.
I am archiving my main and all my sideblogs, so even if tumblr goes down suddenly next week (unlikely) I won't be losing anything.
A couple of options to do that, for those looking for it.
I'm also on Discord, also as LiveAndLetRain. If anyone is interested in at least touching base on there just as another level of communication shoot me a dm on here first pls.
And of course, my AO3. Which in the light of everything I will be unlocking so that it is visible without an account, chatbot scraping be damned. I'm on there as CaraLee (Baby Rain's Internet name) with LiveAndLetRain as a pseud.
The biggest loss when any site goes down is always the community we build on it, I know over the years I've met a lot of wonderful people on here. "Met" in this case meaning everything from "we've met irl since and talk every day" to "we've been liking and reblogging each other's posts for five years but have never spoken directly.
I'm not leaving tumblr. I'll be on here until it's burned itself to the ground and the ashes blow away in the wind. But I'm also preparing for when that happens.
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lakesbian · 4 months
trying to download my tumblr blog using tumblthree because i love having Backups and so on and so forth and im running into some issues figuring out how to get the textposts downloaded and not just the images but the main thing is that watching the preview screen for the images is like autism blasting myself because its 100 flashing images of alec vasil or infinity train as econd
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everyarjuna · 7 months
In the wake of the news regarding Tumblr's staff and the website's increasingly poor financial viability (and thus the site possibly coming to the end of its lifespan, whenever that will be), I encourage everyone who wants to preserve the archive here on their own devices to use TumblThree to do so. I entertained the idea of hosting all this stuff elsewhere like a Git/Neocities site, but as things are I still don't really even have the time to do frame-by-frame screenshot exports of the newer PVs Arjuna has appeared in. If you want to, go ahead. Fight in my steed. Create the Arjuna haven you want to see...
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florencewellch · 7 months
Hi love can you tell me how to make a backup of my blog?
This tutorial explains how to do it and here's where you can download tumblthree app:
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vintageweddingdresses · 2 months
I block all empty and stagnant blogs! You should be making a contribution to the community here, NOT just harvesting pictures!
I collect and scan the bridal gown ads from vintage bridal magazines. My collection spans the 70's to the late 90's. I scan at high resolution on professional equipment. The versions posted here are much smaller to fit within Tumblr's posting guidelines. I'm looking for a way (easy and cheap) to share the high resolution scans. If anyone has any ideas, please message me.
Tumblr (stupidly) changes the original file name, so I've added the magazine name and date in the upper left corner of each image. you'll have to view the image at 100% to read it.
I enjoy chatting with other fans of vintage bridals.
Just for laughs, my entire collection (as of March 2024) is 457 GB's and contains 54,909 files. That's a LOT of scanning. This includes some scans from a couple of other fans who also collect and scan older magazines (yes, I'm talking about you David).
Downloading all of them one at a time is much too time consuming. There is a nice little free program that downloads entire blogs at the click of a button. Do a search for 'Tumblthree'. It's in this geeky place called Github, but the program is straight forward and easy to use. Did I mention that it's free? Please message me if you want the direct link. By the way, does anyone remember 'Sylvia's Bridal Image Parlour' on Geocities? And speaking of Geocities, here's my original 'Bridelover' link site on Geocities 25 years ago…
So ya….I've been at this a long time. (updated 5 April, 2024)
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