ennish · 1 year
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Sunset over the salt flats of Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia
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screwsociety · 1 year
Sunset over the salt flats of Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia
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mamuter · 1 year
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Sunset over the salt flats of Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia
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Sunset over the salt flats of Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia
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cuteofrp · 2 years
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Sunset over the salt flats of Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia
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manessha545 · 9 months
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Uyuni Salt Flat
Salt pan in Bolivia
Salar de Uyuni, amid the Andes in southwest Bolivia, is the world’s largest salt flat. It’s the legacy of a prehistoric lake that went dry, leaving behind a desertlike, nearly 11,000-sq.-km. landscape of bright-white salt, rock formations and cacti-studded islands. Its otherworldly expanse can be observed from central Incahuasi Island. Though wildlife is rare in this unique ecosystem, it harbors many pink flamingos. 
Elevation: 3,663 m (12,018 ft)
Formed by: Evaporation
Location: Daniel Campos Province, Potosí Department
The Salar de Uyuni (Spanish: Salar de Uyuni) is a salar located in the highlands of southwestern Bolivia. It is close to the city of Uyuni, from which it takes its name.
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Oblique satellite image showing the Salar de Uyuni (left), the Salar de Coipasa (right), Lake Poopó (bottom) and the Pacific Ocean (top).
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FishIsland SalarUyuni
This salt expanse is located at an altitude of 3,658 metres. With an area of 10,582 km2, it is the largest salt desert in the world, and accounts for half of the world's mineable lithium reserves. Its dimensions are 150 by 100 kilometers.
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Andean flamingo south of the salar.
The Salar de Uyuni is home to hotels where salt is the main building material for buildings and furniture. These settlements are located at an altitude of 3,000 meters, not far from a chain of high volcanoes including the Tunupa and the Aucanquilcha
Salar de Uyuni - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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filosofoautodidacta · 1 month
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Los Dioses Olvidados ¿Qué fue de Mitra, el dios de la luz? ¿Y de Mani, el profeta de la dualidad? ¿Qué destino encontraron Marduk, el señor de Babilonia, Ñanderu Pa-Patenonde, el creador guaraní, y Temaukel, el ser supremo selk'nam? ¿Dónde se oculta ahora el panteón de los forjadores del mundo primigenio?
¿Quién recuerda a Jepri, el escarabajo divino que se creó a sí mismo? ¿En qué rincón del cosmos baila Kokopelli, el alegre flautista de los desiertos? ¿Qué sombras cobijan a Uzza, Hathor y Nut, las diosas nutricias de mil nombres? ¿Cómo pueden haberse desvanecido estas deidades milenarias, adoradas por incontables multitudes?
No, no han desaparecido. Aún retumba el trueno de Tunupa en mis sueños, y la quena de Viracocha aún endulza los senderos de mis viajes oníricos. En la penumbra de un atardecer lluvioso, todavía puedo vislumbrar la silueta de un anciano tuerto, de andar odínico, acompañado por dos cuervos. En la profundidad de la noche, aún escucho las voces de dioses innominados, tan antiguos que sus nombres se han perdido en el tiempo.
No, no han muerto. Solo duermen, aguardando en un largo letargo la llegada de los caminantes elegidos que los despertarán de su sueño eterno.
Cuando despierten, el mundo florecerá de nuevo, recordando su antigua belleza. Manantiales cristalinos brotarán en los jardines de la tierra prístina. Los bosques reverdecerán, poblados por sus antiguos moradores: sátiros, oréades, unicornios y ninfas. En los mares, el canto de las sirenas extasiará a todas las criaturas, mientras tritones y oceánidas guían el camino hacia los palacios submarinos de Poseidón y Neptuno.
El cielo se llenará con el vuelo majestuoso de dragones, grifos, el fénix y serpientes emplumadas. En los desiertos, los genios despertarán, revelando secretos y tesoros milenarios. Las deidades tutelares de las montañas hablarán, y su voz resonará por toda la tierra. Las quimeras exhalarán el fuego sagrado, y algún peregrino desprevenido se enfrentará al acertijo de la esfinge.
La humanidad recordará su origen, poseerá el elixir sagrado y la piedra filosofal. Para su deleite, todos los secretos del cosmos se revelarán cristalinos, uniéndose al gran ojo, la primera y última deidad.
Mientras tanto, caminante, mientras tanto, soñador, prepárate cada día para contemplar el mundo como nunca antes lo has visto. Porque no imaginas las portentosas maravillas que te aguardan en el umbral de lo desconocido.
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stumbleimg · 2 years
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Salar de Tunupa, 'Uyuni Salt Flats', Bolivia [OC] [3000x4000]
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overpowerlives · 3 months
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Meet Tunupa: Mountain God, available in the World Legends pack. Embark on a thrilling adventure in the Overpower universe!
After more than two decades, BMG & Associates is delighted to unveil a groundbreaking addition that seamlessly merges with the cherished Overpower game. World Legends – Any Hero Essentials paves the way for a world of new opportunities, enabling players to enhance their decks and strategies.
Check our weekly pins on Pinterest to know more about the new Overpower expansion.
🔗 Website: https://overpowercardgame.com
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viagemdaloba · 1 year
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O Salar de Uyuni nada mais é que um deserto de sal, o maior do mundo, que ocupa uma área superior a 12 mil km² em plena Cordilheira dos Andes, mas estava frio huahuahuahuahua 🇧🇴
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Ainda do Salar é possível ver o Vulcão Tunupa, consegui aproximar e tirar uma foto. E não conseguimos um pôr de sol do deserto, mas valeu cada minuto. 🇧🇴
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dushyantvarma1 · 1 year
Seven hidden gems around the world you should explore | Dushyant Varma
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Dushyant Varma Shillong - If you enjoy traveling and are constantly looking for new and exciting places to visit, you should look into these seven undiscovered destinations worldwide. These locations might not be as well-known as some of the top tourist attractions in the world, but they are worth a trip.
Puglia, Italy:
In the southeast of Italy, close to the Adriatic Sea, is the area of Puglia. The region is renowned for its stunning coastline, historic olive trees, and whitewashed hill towns. Puglia is frequently disregarded in favor of more well-known Italian tourist locations like Tuscany or the Amalfi Coast, but visitors who make an effort will be rewarded with outstanding cuisine, wine, and culture.
Bari, the area's capital, is a thriving port city that acts as a point of entry to the rest of it. Visitors have the option of taking a ferry to surrounding locations like Greece or Croatia, exploring the ancient town's historical past, or tasting the regional cuisine.
Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia: 
The largest salt flat in the world, the Salar de Uyuni, is situated in southwest Bolivia. As far as the eye can see, this bizarre natural wonder is a wide expanse of blindingly white salt crusts. The salt flat changes into a massive mirror during the rainy season, reflecting the sky and producing a breathtaking visual illusion that seems almost extraterrestrial.
The Salar de Uyuni is home to unusual fauna, such as pink flamingos and the Andean fox, in addition to its strange terrain. The salt flats can be explored on foot, by bicycle, or by 4x4 vehicle, with many stops to soak in the stunning views and shoot some absolutely amazing pictures. Other points of interest nearby are the Tunupa Volcano and the picturesque village of Colchani, where tourists may discover how salt is traditionally harvested from the flats.
San Blas Islands, Panama: 
The San Blas Islands are a group of more than 365 tiny islands in the Caribbean Sea, off the northeastern coast of Panama. The indigenous Kuna Yala people, who have lived on these islands for millennia and still follow their traditional way of life, call them home.
The San Blas Islands are renowned for their immaculate white sand beaches, clean waters, and colorful coral reefs that are excellent for diving and snorkeling. The Kuna Yala culture, which includes traditional crafts like molas (colorful embroidered textiles), can also be learned about by visiting the nearby settlements.
One of their distinctive features is the remoteness and unspoiled character of the San Blas Islands, which can only be reached by boat or small plane. They are therefore the ideal vacation spot for people who want to avoid the throng and experience a genuine tropical paradise.
Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, China:
After visiting Zhangjiajie National Forest Dushyant Varma maharani bagh says, In China's Hunan province, there is a beautiful natural beauty called Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. This park is well-known for its enormous sandstone pillars, which served as the model for the film Avatar's floating mountains. Hiking trails within the park allow visitors to see the breathtaking mountain and woodland scenery. The glass-bottomed bridge, which crosses a narrow canyon and gives guests an exciting experience, is one of the park's most well-known attractions.
In addition to its stunning natural surroundings, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is home to numerous historic sites and old temples, giving the area a rich cultural legacy. The Tujia ethnic minority group, which has lived in the region for generations, has distinct customs and traditions that can be learned about by visitors. In general, the park is a must-visit location for outdoorsy and nature-loving tourists.
Petra, Jordan:
Jordan's southwest desert is home to the historic city of Petra. It got the moniker "Rose City" due to its distinctive architecture carved into the red sandstone cliffs. The Treasury, which is carved into the rock face and is one of the most photographed places on earth, is the most well-known building in Petra.
Dushyant Varma southern avenue says This city was a significant commercial center for spices, silks, and other opulent items when it was built as the Nabataean Kingdom's capital in the fourth century BC. The amphitheater, the monastery, and the royal tombs are just a few of the historic ruins that may be explored by travelers to Petra. The site also provides insight into the Nabataean way of life by preserving remnants of their agricultural and water management techniques.
Palawan Island, Philippines:
The western Philippines' Palawan Island is a tropical haven. It is a well-liked vacation spot for beachgoers and nature enthusiasts due to its pure waters, spotless beaches, and verdant woodlands. The wildlife on the island is highly diversified and includes species like the blue-naped parrot, Philippine mouse-deer, and the Palawan peacock-pheasant.
The Puerto Princesa Underground River, a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a navigable underground river and a magnificent limestone cave system is one of the most well-liked sights on Palawan Island. On a boat tour through the river, tourists may see the unusual rock formations and the creatures that live in the cave.
Bay of Islands, New Zealand: 
In the very north of New Zealand's North Island is the breathtaking marine park known as The Bay of Islands. It is a well-liked vacation spot for lovers of boating and water activities due to its clear waters, white sand beaches, and more than 140 islands. To explore the islands, go fishing, or even swim with dolphins, tourists can join a boat excursion.
The Maori people of New Zealand, the country's indigenous inhabitants, have several culturally significant locations around the Bay of Islands, which is also rich in history. The Waitangi Treaty Grounds, where the Treaty of Waitangi was negotiated between the British Crown and Maori chiefs in 1840, is a great place for tourists to learn about Maori culture and history.
These undiscovered jewels provide one-of-a-kind and extraordinary travel encounters that are certain to make an impact. 
Want more information visit the Dushyant Varma website.
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shamanflavio · 2 years
A Cosmogony of Simplicity
Within minutes a crow lands in a branch about 10 feet ahead of me and just looks at me. It's hard to describe, but from the way it was looking at me I knew it was saying: "What are you doing here so far off from where you belong? Want to get back to your
One of the exquisite characteristics of the Andean Cosmogony is its simplicity to express a tradition of wisdom, resilience, harmony and love. There are some legends of Tunupa Wiracocha (the creator god) communicating with local people and his message was/is always simple, direct and practical. Nothing had to be deciphered or discussed with others. To this day there is no need for…
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compassgr · 4 years
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Αν έχετε σαν όνειρο να ταξιδέψετε σε άλλους πλανήτες, υπάρχει ένα «απόκοσμο» μέρος στην Γη που θα σας προετοιμάσει κατάλληλα ώστε να πραγματοποιήσετε το όνειρό σας. Βρίσκεται σε υψόμετρο 3.650 μ. από την επιφάνεια της θάλασσας, στα υψίπεδα της νοτιοδυτικής Βολιβίας, στη Νότια Αμερική και ονομάζεται Salar de Uyuni. Οι ποσότητες αλατιού που περιέχει η λίμνη υπολογίζονται σε περίπου 10 δισ. τόνους - πρόκειται για τη μεγαλύτερη έκταση αλατιού στη Γη. Οι αντικατοπτρισμοί που προσφέρει είναι μαγευτικοί και το τοπίο μοιάζει να είναι «εξωγήινο». Οι ερευνητές υποστηρίζουν ότι όταν βρέχει και υπάρχει νερό στη λίμνη, αποτελεί το μεγαλύτερο καθρέφτη του πλανήτη. Σε μικρή απόσταση από τις όχθες της λίμνης είναι κτισμένη η μικρή ομώνυμη πόλη Uyuni. Διαθέτοντας ικανοποιητική τουριστική υποδομή, προσφέρεται ως ορμητήριο για την εξερεύνηση της αλατοθάλασσας. • COMPASS | We care www.compassteam.gr [email protected] | (+30) 231 0818111 • #compassgr #uyuni #salardeuyuni #saltflat #salt #potosi #bolivia #adventure #adventuretravel #adventureseeker #wanderlust #salar #largestmirror #tunupa #cacti #flamingo #traincemetery #travelaroundtheworld #wecare #miracle #oruro Credits: cnn.gr (at Salar de Uyuni) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAXchhYpFiN/?igshid=1r4b01vb0j9uj
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davidmesquivel · 5 years
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codigoocultocom · 3 years
Tunupa «El Profeta del Rayo»
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Tunupa «El Profeta del Rayo»
Hoy vamos a reseñar una de las figuras más controversiales de la cosmogonía andina, el mítico Tunupa. Su nombre se pierde en la noche de los tiempos, tornando difícil reconstruir sus andanzas. Para muchos estudiosos Tunupa representa tan solo una manifestación de la naturaleza, más tarde corporizada como personaje legendario. Otros historiadores, sin embargo, reclaman […]
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tolecimydo · 4 years
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Był sierpień 2008 roku. Znaliśmy się co prawda już od 3 miesięcy, ale byliśmy dopiero po kilku 'oficjalnych' randkach, gdy Arek z rozbrajającą szczerością oznajmił, że leci do Boliwii wejść na 5 wulkanów w Andach. Licancabur, Uturunku, Tunupa...od samych nazw kręciło mi się w głowie. Poleciał, a że było to jeszcze w erze przedinstagramowo-fejsbukowej to tylko z wysyłanych naprędce smsów, i to też tylko wtedy gdy akurat wjeżdżał w zasięg sieci komórkowej, dowiadywałam się, że żyje i że ma się dobrze. Nie było go miesiąc. Wrócił zakochany w Boliwii, wulkanach, wspinaczce i wysokich górach. A ja w nim...O tej pierwszej miłości opowie jutro w naszej cotygodniowej audycji w @gdyniaradio . Słuchajcie, bo będzie arcyciekawie. Stay tuned! #boliwia #licancabur #uturunku #tunupa #natgeopl #earthporn🌎 #wulkany #losandes #gdynia #gdyniamojemiasto #audycjaradiowa #podrozemaleiduze #audycjapodroznicza #torosbravossueltos #wysokiegóry #wspinaczkawysokogórska #laguna (w: Bolivia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_nNHVfhCJb/?igshid=1o2i765i3xqhe
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