whencyclopedia · 1 year
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Inca Civilization
The Inca civilization flourished in ancient Peru between c. 1400 and 1533 CE. The Inca Empire eventually extended across western South America from Quito in the north to Santiago in the south. It was the largest empire ever seen in the Americas and the largest in the world at that time.
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vintagegeekculture · 1 year
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Fate Magazine advertisement, 1973.
Fate started off as a Shaver Mystery mag created by Raymond Palmer, but when that strange mass hysteria started to die down as much as other fixations of the era (Dean Drive, Dianetics) it switched to being an all around paranormal magazine.
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mirkokosmos · 4 months
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whencyclopedfr · 5 months
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Cuzco (Cusco ou Qosqo) était la capitale religieuse et administrative de l'empire inca qui s'épanouit dans l'ancien Pérou entre 1400 et 1534. Les Incas contrôlaient un territoire allant de Quito à Santiago, ce qui faisait d'eux le plus grand empire jamais vu dans les Amériques et le plus grand au monde à cette époque. Cuzco, qui comptait jusqu'à 150 000 habitants à son apogée, avait la forme d'un puma et était dominée par de beaux édifices et palais, dont le plus riche était le complexe sacré de Coricancha, recouvert d'or et constellé d'émeraudes, qui comprenait un temple dédié au dieu soleil inca, Inti. Cuzco est inscrite au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO.
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love-me-some-mcog · 2 years
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Mysterious Cities of Gold S01E34
“The Great Battle”
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whencyclopedes · 2 years
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Arte incaico
El arte de la civilización incaica de Perú (c. 1425-1532) produjo algunas de las mejores obras jamás realizadas en la América antigua. El arte incaico se aprecia sobre todo en la metalistería muy pulida, la cerámica y, sobre todo, los textiles, que los propios incas consideraban la forma de arte más prestigiosa.
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2t2r · 3 years
Apukunag Tianan - des sculptures des dieux anciens des Andes
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/apukunag-tianan-des-sculptures-des-dieux-anciens-des-andes/
Apukunag Tianan - des sculptures des dieux anciens des Andes
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lostpeace · 2 years
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The true final boss, Entity Viracocha,
Rejecting both the Inti Alliance and Congregation of Supay, the protagonist takes on Viracocha himself to prove their friend Pachacamac is worthy of the position of creator god.
We’re almost done with New World!
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mindfulldsliving · 3 days
Jesus Christ’s Visit to Nephites: Key Insights from 3 Nephi 10-11
Jesus Christ appeared to the people of Nephi in the land of Bountiful, marking one of the most profound events in the entire Book of Mormon. It's a moment that reflects not only a fulfillment of prophecy but also a reassurance of divine presence and love
Jesus Christ’s Appearance in 3 Nephi: Insights and Parallels In the sacred narrative of 3 Nephi 10-11, we find a transformative moment that forever shaped Nephite history and Christian theology. Jesus Christ appeared to the people of Nephi in the land of Bountiful, marking one of the most profound events in the entire Book of Mormon. It’s a moment that reflects not only a fulfillment of prophecy…
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amanitacz · 21 days
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Model of the Gate of the Sun in the Tiwanaku.
Link to see more about this model on Turbosquid.com:
Link to the whole gallery:
Link to the software:
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volkkrieger · 3 months
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BAKTUN 13: HISTORIA ALTERNATIVA DE SHUUMATSU NO VALKYRIE - LA IRA DE LA BESTIA parte 2 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1440447893-baktun-13-historia-alternativa-de-shuumatsu-no?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Volkwolfgang901 Los dioses supremos de las culturas americanas, están sumamente ofendidos ya que Zeus no los tomo en cuenta para la celebración del Juicio final de la Humanidad, y el posterior Ragnarok, por lo que el gran dios Mexica de la guerra Huitzilopochtli organizara un torneo para demostrar que su panteón mexica no es inferior a los olímpicos.
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hawazilian · 7 months
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whencyclopedfr · 1 year
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Religion Inca
Pour les Incas, comme pour beaucoup d'autres cultures anciennes, la religion était inséparable de la politique, de l'histoire et de la société en général. Tous les aspects de la vie communautaire étaient étroitement liés aux croyances religieuses, des mariages à l'agriculture, du gouvernement aux enterrements. On pensait que les dieux et les ancêtres des Incas influençaient les succès et les échecs de toute nature dans la vie.
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nkpouto · 2 years
“But the most extraordinary and profoundly moving of the traits of Viracocha, this nobly conceived Peruvian rendition of the universal god, is the detail that is peculiarly his own, namely that of the tears. The living waters are the tears of God. Herewith the world-discrediting insight of the monk, "All life is sorrowful," is combined with the world-begetting affirmative of the father: "Life must be!" In full awareness of the life anguish of the creatures of his hand, in full consciousness of the roaring wilderness of pains, the brain-splitting fires of the deluded, self-ravaging, lustful, angry universe of his creation, this divinity acquiesces in the deed of supplying life to life. To withhold the seminal waters would be to annihilate; yet to give them forth is to create this world that we know. For the essence of time is flux, dissolution of the momentarily existent; and the essence of life is time. In his mercy, in his love for the forms of time, this demiurgic man of men yields countenance to the sea of pangs; but in his full awareness of what he is doing, the seminal waters of the life that he gives are the tears of his eyes.”
The Hero With A Thousand Faces
-Joseph Campbell
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whencyclopedes · 6 months
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Momias incas
La civilización inca de Perú, como muchas otras culturas andinas antiguas, momificaba a muchos de sus muertos y los enterraba con materiales valiosos tales como joyas de metales preciosos, cerámica fina y tejidos suntuosos. Periódicamente también se sacaba a las momias importantes de sus tumbas para participar en ceremonias, donde también se les ofrecía comida como si todavía fuesen personas vivas. Las momias (mallki) que no han sido presa de los saqueadores en la mayoría de casos se han preservado excelentemente, gracias al clima seco de la región andina, y proporcionan una visión única sobre la cultura, las prácticas religiosas y la vida diaria de los incas.
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tenth-sentence · 2 years
These Spanish victories cannot be written off as due merely to the help of Native American allies, to the psychological novelty of Spanish weapons and horses, or (as is often claimed) to the Incas' mistaking Spaniards for their returning god Viracocha.
"Guns, Germs and Steel: A Short History of Everybody for the Last 13,000 Years" - Jared Diamond
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