#turning into a monster bird feeding on his own negative emotions would be fun tho
hirokiyuu · 2 years
If your still doing the Prompt list 79+ 98 with dys/sol I think would be fun.
Anger Born of Worry  + Curses 
op i fucking jumped ahead to this one the MOMENT i saw curses. guy who loves fantasy bullshit. guy who LOVES curses
obviously dys is the one thats angry. obviously. obviously. i am thinking abt that one plains boss event where the guy grabs sol after htey stick their feet in the water and dys isl ike. dont EVER Do that again and is sooooo mad bc hes worried <3 but im also torn btwn him being cursed and sol being cursed
actually i think what might be fun is like.......... sol Nearly gets cursed but dys manages to shift it so hes the one getting cursed instead. and in the aftermath dys is really angry sol put themself in a situation where they nearly got cursed and sol is like obviously worried in return and like. i wont lie. idk where i’d go from here. beyond the obvious (go on a quest together to break the curse and also kiss about it) but sometimes thats all u need
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