#turning my phone off gonna go play more rdr2
watchyourdigits · 10 months
"It really has been a while, huh?"
"Mhmm. Other than finding the cure, what were you up to all this time?"
"Mercenary work. Drinking. The usual," MacCready replied.
Alice didn't say anything, as if she was waiting for more. He coughed a little, almost hoping she wouldn't hear him continue.
"I, uh, met this woman..."
"She nice?"
He swallowed hard against the lump forming in his throat, "Yeah. Wouldn't want to get on her bad side, though."
"You sure have a thing for the fiery ones, eh?"
He tended to remember Lucy in her gentler moments, but he couldn't forget that she'd been a firecracker too. Smart as a whip, and not scared of a damn thing. Hell, they'd met while fighting off a deathclaw together.
"I guess I have something of a track record."
raise hell - chapter twelve
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emily-strange · 4 years
Sparks Fly
So anyone that’s interested in my writing knows that I’ve currently got two RDR2 fics on the go. Those will still be continued! 
But for the moment I have this shortish Billy Butcher x original female character story that I just have to get out of my head.
I’m not convinced it’ll be any good haha but I’m gonna give it a good go. I’ll be playing around with the timeline a bit and I’m undecided whether I’ll take it to the end of Season 1 or not....I have nothing against Becca but this is a “romance” story for Billy and my OC. Either way though Becca will *never* be mentioned in a negative way. I feel for that woman.
Anyway if you’re still interested! 😂 Here’s Chapter 1!
Please let me know what you think xx
PS. Thank you so much @billybutchersbabe​ for helping me brainstorm and work out the mess in my brain! 😂🙏🏻
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Chapter 1
Pairing: Billy Butcher x OFC
Warnings: Swearing, Violence 
Breathe, Emmy thought, just breathe.
In, out. In, out.
Put one foot in front of the other.
Left, right. Left, right.
She’d never seen so many people. Only on TV. She didn’t even know where she was walking, only that she hoped when she finally collapsed it’d be far enough away.
Emmy did the math in her head, she had about $15 left. Would that pay for somewhere to sleep? Shelters, those are a thing in big cities right? She’d seen that on TV as well….
As she dodges every passer-by, she keeps her head down and hood up. She’s not sure if New York would even get news reports from her insignificant little town but she doesn’t want to risk being recognised. Every glance or look her way threatens to send Emmy into a panic as she fiddles with the torn-up matchbook in her hoodie pocket. Her very old backpack is light on her shoulders as it barely contains anything.
After walking for what feels like days, Emmy finally stopped and took in her surroundings. Big, blinding buildings and dirty sidewalks.  
But, in the distance, smoke.
Before it could even register, Emmy’s feet took her towards the gathering of people one block over who were all congregated to watch a street vendors cart go up in flames. People were throwing buckets of water onto the blaze which was very quickly moving to engulf neighbouring cars.
People are panicking. A man gets too close and the arm of his jacket catches fire. As everyone yells and shouts, Emmy moves slowly through the crowd. Getting closer and closer to the heat. Heat which doesn’t bother her at all.
This is probably what a sauna feels like, she thinks to herself.
Thankfully, in all the panic, no one notices when she removes her hands from her pockets and reaches towards the flames.
Well she thinks no one notices….
As soon as the flames begin to die, Emmy’s feet are lifted from the ground. Before she has time to shout, she’s thrown onto a hard alley floor which smells horrendously like urine.
She tries to scramble to her feet, her backpack hanging low on her arms but she goes flying once again as a fist….or possibly a boot…..collides with her stomach. Emmy gasps for breath on the floor while holding her stomach. She doesn’t dare look up but can see three pairs of legs in front of her.
“What’ve we got ‘ere then lads?” one of the men says while he rips the hood down off of Emmy’s head. Taking a chunk of hair with it. Emmy knows it should have hurt more than it does but the pain in her stomach and the blood running down her face from the fall, are the only things she can properly register.
“Why it’sa little girl! Lookie here.” The same man says and Emmy dares a glimpse up at him and the others. Behind the man who’s currently sneering at her stands a younger one who seems closer to her age. The third guy stands off to the side with his arms crossed.
When the first man goes to land another blow, the younger jumps in quickly.
“Hey, hey! We don’t know if she did anything…..I didn’t see. Did you see? MM did you!?” he glances over to who she can only assume is “MM” who simply answers, “Naw I didn’t see nothin’. Butcher you sure?”
Emmy recoils as “Butcher” lunges forward and picks her off of the floor by fistfuls of hoodie. He smacks her back into the wall, freeing the backpack from her limp arms and shaking the almost-used matchbook from her pocket. When Butcher looks down at his feet and sees the matchbook he gives the others a toothy smirk and throws Emmy back to the ground.
“Look man, I didn’t see her start no fire. But if you’re gonna do somethin, do it now, we gotta go.” MM says.
“Hey! S’not everyday we find ourselves a wannabe Lamplighter. She may know somethin.” Butcher says as he throws Emmy’s backpack towards them, “Hughie have a gander in there.”
MM grumbles under his breath and looks out of the alley to see if anyone’s taking any notice of them. However the fire, which still sizzles, is keeping attention away from them and Emmy. As Butcher picks her back up, Emmy feels vomit rising up into her mouth and doesn’t even try to avoiding hitting him in the chest with it. Butcher looks at his chest for a second before muttering a “are you fuckin kidding me?” and slamming her round again to be held on the wall.
“There’s nothing but, but clothes in here. And like, ten bucks. Butcher I think she’s homeless.” Hughie says somewhat timidly, looking like he could bolt at any moment.
Butcher looks at Emmy and takes in her appearance. She’s clearly mid 20’s, 25+ if he had to guess and she’s pale. Extremely pale. Making the blood and bruises forming on her face that much more distinctive. He tips her lolling head back and makes note of older cuts and bruises around her eyes. Those he did not do. His split second of curiosity is fleeting before he’s back to business.
“Now why don’t you tell us what ya have against pretzels? Or is it the corndogs you dislike so much?” Butcher mocks as the others hover behind him.
Emmy opens her mouth to speak but finds it difficult, causing Butcher to scoff, “Come on now luv, I know ya small but even you should be able ta take a beating.”
She puts her hands on the arms of his jacket to try and feel a bit more stable and pushes the words out past the pain.
“I….can’t….can’t start…..fires…..” she heaves and begins to cough. She wheezes as she takes in another breath, “I…was...putting it out.”
Emmy see’s the very minor tell of confusion on Billy’s face and that’s only because she’s so close to it right now. His eyelashes are so long….
“Hey, look at this.” Hughie says from behind Butcher and brings his phone in front Emmy’s face. Butcher watches a shaky video of the fire blazing with some teenage boys, behind the camera, laughing and cheering, “It’s all over twitter. Apparently cops already have the, the guys who started it. Just some dumb kids.”
Hughie steps back with MM and Butcher sighs before dropping Emmy to the ground, “Alright. Well. Guess it’s ya lucky day.”
“You can’t just leave her like this!” Hughie implores, causing MM to groan.
“What you wanna play nurse maid?” Butcher bites back and makes a move to leave the alley.
“No but we need to at least get her to the hospital!” Hughie replies and moves to crouch in front of Emmy who gasps, “No!”.
Butcher gestures to Emmy and holds his arms out wide in a winning stance.
“See! Supe don’t wanna be coddled so,” he makes a popping sound with his mouth and gestures out of the alley with his thumb “let’s get back ta business.”
Hughie ignores Butcher and kneels in front of Emmy who, while holding her stomach with one arm, reaches out for the matchbook with the other. She gets herself onto her knees with the help of Hughie.
“Look, we can get you some help.” MM says, clearly ignoring Butcher’s order as well, causing the man to groan a string of low “fucks”.
Doubled over, Emmy fiddles with the matchbook in her hands. Maybe this is where it’s supposed to end, she thinks. Maybe she was never really meant to escape…..but she’ll be damned if she’s made to go back.
“They’ll find me….” She says loud enough for the three men to hear, still struggling through her injuries, “if you take me to a hospital….they’ll find me…..”
Butcher, who’d been tapping his foot in aggravation, becomes intrigued enough to stop and turn back to the others.
“And who’re ‘they’?” he asks.
Emmy stops fidgeting and looks up at Butcher at the end of the alley. Her defeated face crumples into tears and she wipes the wet, bloodied mess onto the back of her sleeve.
She shakes her head and turns to him saying quietly, “Just finish what you started.”
“’scuse me?” Butcher asks without betraying a hint of his actual thoughts or feelings. He does however glance his eyes down to the match Emmy is holding near the broken book, “Hughie, get up” Butcher says evenly without moving his position at all. Hughie relents and moves over to stand with MM who watches the exchange between Butcher and the young woman silently.
“Please….I….just finish it. You want to. I know you do….you hate me….I don’t know why, but you do” Emmy strikes the match against the book causing a small flame. She cusps her hand over the flame, taking it from the match into the palm of her hand.
Butcher, unfazed by her ability slowly stalks his way over to where she’s huddled on the floor.
“Whatca doin there Sparky?” Butcher asks while Hughie and MM back off.
Emmy shakes her head as more tears fall, causing the fire to splutter and shrink in size. She returns her free hand to her stomach and tries to square her shoulders. Butcher recognises her attempt to try and seem resolute but also has to laugh. She obviously doesn’t know Billy Butcher.
The flame in her hand grows again to the size of a baseball, cracking and sending splinters of fire off in different directions. Almost like a fiery electric current.
“Just…end it…I….I don’t want to hurt you. But I will” Emmy wheezes and Butcher continues his slow approach, ignoring the sound of his name from the other two men.
“You’ll hurt me…if I don’t kill ya?” Butcher asks and Emmy sniffs and nods. Butcher looks to the others, nods and shrugs like it’s the most reasonable request in the world.
The last thing Emmy see’s is a large black boot in front of her face before everything goes dark.
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verai-marcel · 4 years
Tech Support (RDR2 Fanfic, Arthur x F!Reader, Neighbor AU, Chapter 1 of 2, 18+)
Summary: With most people stuck at home by the government’s orders, Arthur and Eliza agree to keep Isaac at Eliza’s house for his safety, since Arthur still works outside and could contract the illness that is sweeping through the country. You offer to help Arthur set up a webcam for him to be able to speak to his son online, and he is ever so grateful for your help.
Author’s Notes: With the increase in the use of video conferencing lately, I had an idea of how Arthur & IT Tech!Reader could spend some more time together.
Tags: dual honor Arthur, smut, tech things; High Honor: fluff, romance, caring Arthur, supportive Arthur; Low Honor: stuck, pushy Arthur, horny Arthur, light role play
AO3 Link is here, angel.
Side A - High Honor
Word Count: 1737
You were sitting on your bed, browsing the news when you heard a knock on the door. Cautiously approaching the door, you peeked out the peephole.
You saw Arthur, scratching the back of his head as he looked upwards.
You opened the door; if it had been anyone else, you would have grabbed a robe to throw over your lounge shorts and your tank top, but Arthur had seen so much more of you at this point.
“Hi Arthur!”
“Hey there, darlin’,” he greeted. “Um, could you help me with something? Uh, that is, if you got some time.”
“What do you need?”
“Can you help me set up a webcam? I don’t know where to start,” he said, shuffling a bit.
You smiled. “Of course, sweetie. Do you have one yet, or do you need to get one?”
“I need to get one. I don’t even know if my computer will handle one, anyway.”
You cocked your head at his statement. “Um, let me see your computer.”
You had no idea that there were still laptops out there without built in cameras or microphones, but apparently Arthur had one. It looked old too; he had pulled it out of his closet and dusted it off, literally. When you booted it up, you found that it was running Windows 8, which made you laugh.
“What’s so funny?”
“This… this is like some kind of technological relic.”
“Will it still work?”
You managed to get it working, but with his old battery, you had to crawl under Arthur’s desk and hook up the power cord, fish it up behind his desk, and set up his laptop with the old webcam that you had lying around your apartment. You rigged together a cord organizer with some of Isaac's Lego bricks.
"There you go. You need help with the software too?" 
Arthur nodded sheepishly. “Yeah, if you don’t mind.”
With only one chair in his room, Arthur patted his lap. You smiled and sat on his thigh while you went through the different settings and set everything up before helping him with the video software itself. 
By the end, Arthur was itching to try it. He texted Eliza, and within minutes, he set up his first video call. 
As you moved to let Arthur have his call, he wrapped his arm around you to hold you in place.
“Please, stay,” he said, looking up at you with those irresistible eyes of his.
You sighed. “Alright, but only because I miss Isaac too,” you said cheekily. You threw on one of his hoodies, since you weren’t wearing a bra and you wanted to be a least somewhat decent during the video call.
He hit the call button.
"Hi Daddy!"
Isaac's smiling face showed up on the screen, and you smiled back. You hadn't seen him in a while and you missed him. He paused for a moment, then called out your name happily. 
"Why are you sitting on Daddy's lap?" 
Arthur wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "Because she's Daddy's girlfriend now."
Isaac's jaw dropped. There was a moment of silence, and you weren't sure how he was taking the news. 
You shouldn't have been worried. 
"Does that mean you'll be my second mommy some day?" 
"We'll see, pumpkin," you said hesitantly, but Isaac just smiled happily.
“I hope so, because I love you.”
“I love you too, kiddo,” you said as your heart melted and your eyes filled with tears. You had been babysitting Isaac for over a year now, and you felt incredibly blessed to have his trust.
You had excused yourself soon after, escaping to the living room to let them have dad and son time on their own. Sitting on the sofa, you couldn’t stop smiling, replaying Isaac’s reaction in your head while you scrolled through some news articles on your phone.
After some time, you heard Arthur come out of his room. He plopped down on the sofa next to you, his face lit up with a happy grin.
“Thank you,” he said as he kissed your cheek. “That made him real happy. And me too.”
You kissed him back. And kissed him again. And again. Soon you were straddling his lap, your arms wrapped around his neck, his hands roaming your back and your rear, his tongue practically down your throat as you rolled your hips against the bulge forming in his pants. 
Suddenly he picked you up in his muscular arms and carried you to the bedroom. Laying you down, he pulled his shirt off, just as you pulled his hoodie off and threw it aside.
“Yer wearin’ the same thing you were when we first…”
You looked down and laughed. Same lounge shorts, same tank top. “You like it though, right?” You winked at him.
He laughed as he dropped his pants and kicked off his boxers, climbing into bed with you. “I sure do,” he said as he kissed around the neckline of your tank top. Taking your breasts in his hands and squeezing them, he nuzzled the valley between them. “So soft.”
Arthur then traveled down your body, his hands snaking up the legs of your shorts to stroke you through your panties. “Gettin’ a little wet down here. Maybe we should take these off.”
You smirked as you took off your shorts & underwear off, but as you moved to take off your tank top, Arthur stopped you. When you looked at him, a little confused, he just gave you a guilty grin.
“I like seein’ that tank top on you,” he said, reaching out to squeeze your nipples. “I like seein’ these through the fabric.”
“You naughty boy,” you teased.
He just chuckled before scooting back and lowering himself between your legs, his mouth immediately going for your core. His tongue was hot against your nether lips as he sucked and licked around you, not quite giving you enough pressure where you wanted. You jerked your hips upwards, but he grabbed a hold of your hips and held you in place. He was ridiculously strong, his arms like lead weights against your pitiful attempts to get closer to his lips. Instead, he teased you with soft laps and gentle kisses against your folds.
“Fuck me, goddammit,” you cursed as he swirled his tongue around your nub for the fiftieth time without giving you enough of his touch.
“Bad girl,” he crooned, and suddenly you found yourself flipped onto your stomach. “Behave, or I won’t give you a reward.”
You whined, but stayed still as he spread your legs slightly and crawled up your body. His lips kissed a trail up your back to your neck, to your ear, to your temple. His hips rolled, his cock sliding between your cheeks tauntingly before he angled himself down to enter your wet pussy, slowly pushing forward until his cock filled you fully. He lay on top of you, his breaths in your ear growing heavy with need as he began to slide in and out.
“My sweet angel,” he whispered in your ear as he made love to you from behind. “You goin’ to be good for me?”
“Yes, yes, fuck yes,” you moaned.
He gently pulled out of you and turned you over. You wrapped your legs around him as he entered you once more, lovingly rolling his hips to a languid rhythm, looking you in the eyes as he made love to you.
“Yer so beautiful,” he murmured as he sped up, his thrusts became more erratic, his movements uncontrolled as he gave in to his desire and chased his pleasure.
“I want to watch you come,” he requested, and as he lifted himself up onto his knees so he could watch your whole body, you reached down to touch yourself, stroking your clit and grabbing your own breasts to heighten your pleasure.
“Arthur,” you breathed. “You’re so fucking hot, you’re gonna make me come so hard…”
“Goin’ to fill you up, angel,” he rasped as his hips thrust harder into you. “You feel so good…”
Your body tensed. Your breaths grew ragged. And like a firework bursting into the sky, you came apart, your cries mixed with curses as you felt the pure pleasure coursing through your veins. And all the while, Arthur watched you, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he controlled himself, pumping into you with long, strong strokes as you rode out your climax.
As you started to catch your breath, Arthur reached down to stroke your clit, and you nearly screamed. 
“Too much, too much!” you cried out.
He smiled as he pressed on your clit just a bit, making you writhe from the sensation.
“Damn,” he muttered before falling upon you, his face next to yours, his hips suddenly pistoning into you like a jackhammer. “Love seein’ you like this,” he huffed, short of breath as he picked up speed.
He moaned your name before he came, his cock filling you up, his come spilling out of you as he thrust once more, pushing as far inside of you as he possibly could before finally relaxing and rolling off of you.
You looked over at him; his face was relaxed, a smile on his lips, and his eyes, full of tenderness were directed at you. 
“I…” he started to say, then trailed off.
He rolled over to face you fully. His hand went up to hold your cheek, his thumb caressing your skin.
Looking up at him, you noticed he was looking a little forlorn.
“You alright?”
He suddenly pulled you into his arms and held you tightly.
“I miss my boy, s’all.”
You hugged him back. “I know, me too. He’ll be back soon, don’t worry,” you said, trying to soothe him, rubbing his back.
“I know he can’t be here all the time, but I wish you were always here with me,” he said quietly. “Would you… would you consider movin’ in together with me?”
When you were too shocked to answer, Arthur pulled away. “Don’t have to answer me now,” he said quickly. “Jus’ puttin’ it out there. If we lived together…”
He didn’t have to say it.
Then I won’t have to be alone.
You pressed your forehead against his. “Give me some time, Arthur.”
He nodded. “Alright. I’ll wait.”
But you knew right away.
You knew in your heart, you had already said yes.
Chapter 2 - Low Honor
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verai-marcel · 5 years
Playing Dress-up (RDR2 Fanfic, Arthur x Fem!Reader, Neighbor AU, Part 2 of 2, 18+)
Part 1, the High Honor version over here.
Tags:  roleplay, rough sex, consensual dubious consent, overstimulation
AO3 Link is right here, sweetheart.
Side B: Low Honor
"Trick or treat!" 
You took one look at Isaac's adorable face with his squishy cheeks and his cute fireman costume, and a giant grin appeared on your face. 
"You get all the treats!" you squealed as you took a big handful of candy and dumped it into his pumpkin bucket. 
"Do I get a treat too?" 
Looking over at Arthur, you stopped breathing for a second. Wearing an obviously fake cop uniform, it fit him a little tightly, showing off his biceps and broad shoulders. You were instantly jealous of any woman who might see him tonight.
“I don’t know, are you going to be a good cop?”
He gave you a naughty grin. “Maybe. Guess we’ll find out.”
Isaac pulled on his hand. “Daddy, let’s go!”
Arthur looked down at his son and smiled. “Alright, alright, let’s go.” He looked up at you and winked. “See ya around, pretty lady.”
“Yah, bye bye pretty lady!”
You just laughed and shook your head at Arthur as you waved bye to Isaac, and watched father and son, hand in hand, walk down the steps to the other apartments for trick-or-treating. Ducking back inside and making sure your light was on for the little kids, you sat on your couch and decided to read one of your erotica novels on your Kindle as you waited for trick-or-treaters for the night.
It was 9PM, and the last trick-or-treater had come and gone half an hour ago. You went to hit the light switch for the porch light, when there was a sudden knock on your door.
Looking through the peephole, you saw Arthur, still in his cop costume, standing at your door.
You opened it and poked your head out. “Hey, what’s up?”
Arthur smiled mischievously before he spoke. “Ma’am, I’m gonna have to search your place. Heard you were hidin' somethin' in here.”
You grinned back. “Oh? What could I possibly be hiding?”
He stepped into your apartment, locking the door behind him as he stalked towards you, putting on the air of an intimidating man. It sent a thrill through your body. He followed you as you walked backwards until you hit a wall. His hands thumped on either side of your head, trapping you.
“Hidin' a drug. I’ll need to search you.”
You looked up at him, blinking innocently. “Oh, sir, how do you intend to do that?”
Arthur just grinned. “Strip.”
You slowly started taking off your shirt, your bra, your jeans, and your panties, all under his watchful gaze that grew hungrier with each passing moment. Then he ran his hands over your body, from your shoulders, down the sides of your breasts, to your stomach, to your hips, and then gently spreading your legs apart just enough to slip a finger between them and start pleasuring you.
“Wet already? Maybe you’ve taken the drug already. I’m gonna have to taste test.” He leaned forward and kissed you slowly, taking his time to invade you with his tongue. All the while, he kept stroking you intimately, making you dripping wet. He brought his fingers to his lips and licked them while keeping his eyes locked on yours.
“Naughty girl. You’ve taken the drug. I’ll have to take you in.” He stepped even closer to you. “Unless you make it worth my while.”
You glanced down towards the bulge in his pants and bit your lip as you looked back up at him. “I’ll do whatever you want, sir, just don’t take me to jail.”
Arthur’s carnal smirk lit you on fire. His voice dipped low as he ordered,  “Turn around, assume the position.”
You did as he ordered, putting your hands on the wall, and stuck your ass out. “Like this?”
You heard him unzip his pants, felt him rubbing the tip of his cock around your folds and up around your core before he forced himself inside of you. 
“Oh, fuck,” you groaned. “You’re too big!”
He grabbed your hair and pulled. “Should’ve thought of that before you said you’d do anythin’ I want.” 
And without any further foreplay, he fucked you against the wall, his hand letting go of your hair and wrapping around your throat, his other hand gripping your ass, spanking you every once in a while so he could hear you squeal.
“That’s right, you’ll be my whore, won’tcha?”
“Please, please, just let me go afterwards.”
He chuckled. “Maybe. Maybe I want more.” He shoved you up against the wall and fucked you harder. “Maybe you need to be punished for bein’ such a bad girl.”
Your heart was pounding and your pussy was aching from being taken so forcefully in such a sinful way that you just moaned, unable to form coherent thoughts, let alone words. Arthur licked your earlobe and growled into your ear, reaching down to stroke you once more, drawing a hard climax from your willing body. The wave of bliss that crashed through you left you crying out pitifully, your hips spasming against the wall as Arthur continued to jackhammer into you, not letting you have a moment’s rest.
As you started to crumple down the wall, he picked you up and carried you to your bed, where he set you down and kneeled between your legs. Holding himself up on one hand, wanting you to feel small beneath his imposing body, he thumbed your sensitive bud, watching you writhe helplessly under him.
“Ah, ah, too much!”
Arthur laughed. “Never enough, darlin’.” He kissed you aggressively, swallowing your whimpers and pleas. “I’m gonna make you cum until you pass out.”
He made good on his promise as he fingered you relentlessly, watching for your climax. When you were about to let go, he replaced his fingers with his cock and rode you hard, making you come around him once more. Then he pulled out of you and played with you again, the cycle of pleasure making you lose all track of time as he kept you under him, even as you bucked away from his fingers, so oversensitized that even when he blew on your core, you mewled pathetically, begging for mercy.
Every time you climaxed, he was inside of you, thrusting hard, training your body to come with his cock inside of you, and you soon found yourself feeling so very empty whenever he pulled out of you.
“Please, please Arthur, come inside me!”
“You want it?”
“Yes, please!”
“Then come for me. One more time.”
You desperately chased after one more climax, and all it took was for Arthur to wrap his huge hand around your neck and whisper in you ear.
“My pretty lil’ fuck toy, yer so good, so good…”
You let out a strangled sob as you came for the umpteenth time, you body barely spasming, it was so wrung out by this point. But you felt Arthur’s grip on you tighten as he thrust harder into you, his eyes staring intently at you as he moaned.
“Fuck, darlin’, gonna fill you up…”
His hips pumped a few more times before he just pressed himself tightly against you, his chest heaving as he let out a few long breaths. You could feel him twitching inside of you, emptying all of his cum inside of your pussy.
You blinked your eyes a few times, and fell asleep as Arthur pulled his softening dick out of you, chuckling at your exhausted state.
You woke up, sore and naked in your bed. Arthur was snoring next to you, his arm wrapped around your waist. Sometime after you had fallen asleep, he had stripped off his costume and was lying next to you in just his boxers.
Reaching out for your phone on the nightstand, you looked at the clock. 8:30AM.
Arthur sat straight up. “Wha…. what is it?”
You scrambled out of bed. “I’m fucking late for sign in, I should’ve been online half an hour ago!”
Arthur just laughed. “Oh, is that all?” He stretched. “I’ll get goin’, I got today off to run errands.”
While you scrambled around throwing a shirt and yoga pants, he pulled on his white shirt and pants and picked up his cop uniform shirt. Grabbing you for a hug, he kissed your forehead.
“Relax darlin’, it ain’t the end of the world. Just sign in and do some extra work after. Okay?”
You took a deep breath and nodded. He was right, running around like a beheaded chicken wasn’t going to help anyone. You smiled up at him. “Thanks. Have a good day, officer.”
He grinned. “I’ll let you go this time, but I may need to check in on you again. Maybe tonight?”
You nodded and gave him a sly grin. “Maybe tonight.”
Smacking your ass on his way out, he waved goodbye and went back to his apartment.
Shaking your head and smiling despite yourself, you settled in for the last workday of the week, looking forward to tonight.
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verai-marcel · 5 years
i love your writing! i would like to request something to satisfy both my lust for Arthur and my teacher kink. like, Arthur is the hot art professor, and the reader gets caught like playing on her phone in class or something and Arthur uses it as an excuse to punish them 👀
Defying Discipline (RDR2 Fic, 18+ ONLY)
Summary: After several years in the workforce, you decide to go back to get your Master’s degree. Unfortunately, you need some requisites first, so you take some night classes at your local community college. When you show some attitude to the local art professor, he takes your discipline into his own hands.
Author’s Notes: It would be easy to make the reader college-aged. But NO. That’s cliche. Let’s do this the HARD way. (Heh, I made a JOKE.). But really, I just wanted to imagine getting boned by Arthur. My dear anon who requested this, I hope this hits your professor kink hard, because it hit mine with a goddamn nuke.
Tags: low honor Arthur, art professor Arthur, modern AU, rough sex, punishing sex, classroom sex, dirty talk, coercion, dubcon, female reader, face slapping, little bit of crying, face fucking
Find it on AO3 here.
You had been working for seven years after college, rising the ranks at a graphic design firm and getting better and better with each assignment. But you had hit a wall. You failed to get promoted this past round, and your mentor at work had suggested getting your Master’s degree to get ahead.
When you had researched grad programs, you found that because you had a different major in college, you had to take some prerequisite courses, much to your annoyance. You knew how to sketch, you knew how to use negative space, you knew these things. But the graduate program you wanted to get into didn’t accept your portfolio as a substitute; you had to take the courses.
So here you were, sitting in a classroom with a bunch of freshmen, ready to start a drawing class that was going to be a snooze fest.
That is, until the professor walked in.
All eyes went to him; his swagger just generated a masculinity that even affected you. The strength in his arms couldn’t be hidden by the blue striped Oxford shirt, with two buttons undone at the top, revealing just a tease of his broad chest. His sleeves were rolled up, and his jeans were fitting very nicely on his hips. Did this man know what he was doing?
And then he turned to face the class. His face peppered with a five o’clock shadow that made him look a bit rough, with full, kissable lips that quirked in a lopsided smile as he surveyed the class. His eyes were a unique color, and you felt yourself drawn in before you quickly shook your head. Okay, at least the professor was hot. But he didn’t look much older than you, so you didn’t expect much.
“Name’s Arthur Morgan. You can call me Arthur, or Professor Morgan if you like, though I’m not a fan of formalities.”
He looked at each student as he spoke, and when his eyes reached you, he paused for a split second longer than the others. The heat from his gaze lingered in your mind as he continued to gaze at the rest of the class.
“Okay then, let’s begin.”
You sat and watched the other students file out of the classroom, feeling somewhat chastened by Professor Morgan’s final comment to you during the sketching session.
“Please stay after class,” he had said quietly into your ear. You had sighed then, knowing that you had been a complete ass. You were sick of all the sycophantic questions during the lecture portion, so you had started answering them, but after a few too many answers, the professor had called you out on it, asking that you let him do his job. So you had shut your mouth and doodled until it was time to sketch the fruit bowl in the center of the room.
Now everyone was gone, he turned and walked towards you as you packed up your things.
“You’re quite knowledgeable. Why are you here?” he asked, standing a mere foot from you, looking intimidating as hell.
“I need the credit for grad school,” you said.
“And of all the sections you coulda signed up for, why this one?” His voice dropped, his tone lower.
“It fit my work schedule,” you mumbled, not liking where this line of conversation was going.
“Then maybe you should be good, or I will insist that you drop this class,” he nearly growled.
Shit, you hadn’t realized how pissed off he was. His glare was intense, and you gulped.
“I… I’ll be good,” you said.
“I’ll hold ya to yer word,” he drawled, stepping aside to let you leave. You hurried away into the night air, looking back to see him watching you from the doorway, an inscrutable look on his face.
Of course, you tried to be good. But three weeks later, after a particularly bad day at work, you were back to your snarky ways. Arthur had to eventually ask you to quiet down or leave the classroom, and when everyone looked at you, glaring, you mumbled an apology and shut your mouth again.
And once again, while everyone was sketching a collection of vases in the center of the room, he came up to you and asked you to stay afterwards.
So here you were again, watching everyone leave.
Except this time, once the last student had left, the professor locked the door behind them. You immediately stood up. That was a bad sign.
He started to stalk towards you, and you instinctively backed away.
“Look, I’m sorry Arthur—”
“That’s Professor Morgan, fer you,” he rumbled, stepping closer to you, making you press your back against the wall.
You swallowed. Oh, he was really pissed. “Professor Morgan, I’m sorry, I had a bad day at work, and I let it get to me here, and that wasn’t professional, and I’ll be good, please don’t drop me from the class,” you begged, all in one breath. You really couldn’t afford to slow down your grad school plans any further.
His lips quirked upward for a second. “I like the sound of ya beggin’,” he said, barely above a whisper. He tipped your chin up with his forefinger, caressing your lower lip with his thumb. “Convince me not to drop you.”
Something simmered in his gaze. You glanced past him at the door.
“Oh, you can go. But you ain’t comin’ back if you do,” he said, chuckling darkly. “Your choice.”
You glared at him.
“Maybe I need to keep you in line.” He took another step closer to you, his body only millimeters away from yours. You felt the hard outline in his pants brush against your thigh, and your body reacted without your consent, a heat pooling between your legs.
“If you wanted to fuck, you could’ve had any of those other students,” you said, not believing this was happening; you didn’t have a body that men generally enjoyed, at least in your experience. “All those girls were staring at you with hearts in their eyes.”
“Not interested. Like you said, they’re girls.” He grabbed you by the hips and pressed his body against yours. “I want a woman.” His grip tightened on you as he kissed you, his tongue invading your mouth, scorching you with the heat of his desire.
“We can’t do this,” you mumbled, but incredibly turned on.
He reached up under your shirt, pulling down your bra, and palming your breasts. You let out a moan before you could stop yourself.
“We’re both adults. We can do what we want. So, you stayin’?”
It was hard to think as his fingers pinched and teased your nipples. You managed to nod.
“Good. I think you need to make up for your disrespect,” he said before he grabbed your throat and forced you to your knees. Unzipping his fly, he pulled out his thick cock and stroked himself a couple of times before nudging your lips with the tip. “Open up.”
You took his shaft into your mouth and nearly choked when he pushed in. He held your head still as he thrust into you, making you gag and drool. He was rough, his hands digging into your hair and tugging on you as he used you like a sex doll. You reached up to his thighs and tried pushing him away to give yourself a moment to breathe, but he was too strong, and just kept shoving himself in and out of your wet mouth.
Finally he stopped and dragged you up by your neck again. Looking down at you with saliva dripping from your lips, he smeared it over your chin with his thumb.
“Now, you keep interruptin’ me durin’ class, I’ll fuck your throat afterwards. Am I clear?”
You were silent, glaring up at him stubbornly.
He slapped your face. Not hard, but it surprised you. “Am. I. Clear?” he snarled.
“Yes, Professor,” you answered hoarsely.
“Beg. How much do you wanna stay?”
“I really need to stay, please, I’ll do anything, just let me stay,” you pleaded.
He slapped you again, and then shoved you towards the desk. Bending you over, he lifted up your skirt and pulled your panties to one side. Pushing one finger inside of your already wet slit, he laughed darkly.
“Such a slutty body, wet from suckin’ me off. You want more, darlin?”
You were silent, embarrassed and ashamed of your body’s wanton reaction to this man. He was threatening to drop you from the class! You should be angry! But instead, as he slipped a second finger inside of you and started to thumb your clit, you just moaned and stuck your ass out a bit higher to give him easier access to you.
He took his fingers out and rubbed your ass. “So good to hold onto,” he murmured as he grabbed you and squeezed your flesh. “Bet it makes a nice sound too.”
“What’s that mean?” you asked, just as he spanked you hard. You squeaked in surprise.
“That’s what I mean,” he said, and spanked you again and again. “I’m gonna spank you until you learn your place.”
“My? Place?” Each word of your question was punctuated by a spank.
“Yeah, your place. Bent over, takin’ my cock.”
You were offended for a half second before you felt the tip of him delving into you, his girth splitting you open as he pushed deeper inside you. All you could do was moan and breathe hard as you tried to relax your body enough to take his thickness, but it had been so long, and you knew you were tight. You panted as you straddled the line between pleasure and pain, blinking back tears.
“That’s right, cry, darlin’. You been a bad woman tonight, haven’t ya?”
You sniffed and rubbed your eyes on your arms as Arthur filled you up, his hips pushed up against your ass, his body crushing you against the desk. He nibbled on your neck, and breathed on your ear.
“You on the pill?”
You nodded. You hadn’t been on any dates in a while, but you liked the regularity of the pill.
“Good,” was all he said before he pulled back out and slammed back into you, starting a brutal pace as he fucked you against the desk, making you cry out with each thrust. You were worried that someone would come back to the classroom and find you, but Arthur didn’t seem to care, the table banging with his movements. He grabbed your arms, linking your wrists together in his big hand and pulling you back, using your arms like the reins of a horse. Every once in a while, he’d smack your ass, just to hear you yelp.
Eventually he wrapped a hand around your neck as he gripped your hip with the other and took you harder, pushing you against the cold metal. “You like takin’ it rough?”
“You want my cum?”
“Yes, please, use me Professor!”
He growled, letting go of your neck and grabbing your hips with both hands as he pumped wildly into you before you felt him release inside of you, hot seed spilling from his cock deep into your pussy.
“Fuck, such a good slut,” he groaned as he shoved himself as deep as he could go and stayed still, letting himself grow soft while still inside of you. As he slipped out, he took a step back and let out a shaky laugh. “Damn. Haven’t fucked that hard in a while.”
You lay on his desk, panting hard, feeling his cum start to drip out of you and slide down your thigh. When he flipped you over and shoved his cum back inside of you, you gasped. Pulling your legs up onto his shoulders so that your ass was up in the air, he started to thumb your clit with one hand, and fondled your breast with the other.
“Lemme watch you come, darlin’,” he rumbled, and played with your clit and nipples as you writhed on the desk, his hands on you too much stimulation after being fucked so thoroughly. Your legs tensed, your back arched, and you came with his fingers rubbing you, pressing down as you screamed, forcing your body into convulsions with the added pressure on your already sensitive clit.
As you fell back down to earth, gasping hard and trying to remember why you were here, Arthur let your legs down off his shoulders, and went to grab a paper towel and ran it under some water before handing it to you. As you cleaned yourself up, you looked at him, cleaning himself off and tucking himself back into his pants.
“So… can I stay, Professor?” you asked, hesitantly.
He turned back to you and gave you the sexiest smile. Bending over you, he kissed you gently, cradling your head in his hand.
“Sure,” he said, his voice deep and husky, an after-sex kind of voice. “As long as you stay after every time.”
End Notes: I tried to write the body type as generic as possible so my readers of all body types can imagine themselves. Hopefully that came through in my writing. Also, maybe I’m a freak, but I really got myself hot and bothered with this one. Maybe I’m just a glutton for dirty, hard punishment? Hope you enjoyed this!
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