#anyway. obligatory tags incoming
watchyourdigits · 9 months
"It really has been a while, huh?"
"Mhmm. Other than finding the cure, what were you up to all this time?"
"Mercenary work. Drinking. The usual," MacCready replied.
Alice didn't say anything, as if she was waiting for more. He coughed a little, almost hoping she wouldn't hear him continue.
"I, uh, met this woman..."
"She nice?"
He swallowed hard against the lump forming in his throat, "Yeah. Wouldn't want to get on her bad side, though."
"You sure have a thing for the fiery ones, eh?"
He tended to remember Lucy in her gentler moments, but he couldn't forget that she'd been a firecracker too. Smart as a whip, and not scared of a damn thing. Hell, they'd met while fighting off a deathclaw together.
"I guess I have something of a track record."
raise hell - chapter twelve
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amiharana · 1 year
literally all of them AJBDJWBD ok but 15 has so many soft domestic vibes 🥹🫶 and 17 literally link seeing revali cry for the first time omgg revali finally learning how to be emotionally vulnerable w link
(ask game from here)
since i wrote more of a headcanon list of what both revalink's bedtime routines look like on this post for @noraiir-arts, i'll do a drabble kinda thing that's like a moment in their routines for 15 lol
🛌 15. Going through their bedtime routine.
"i just don't see why it's necessary," link says, watching revali cut open a second sheet mask. he already has one on his own face, carefully spread and applied across his gorgeous tan skin. link thinks it makes revali look like he's shedding a layer. "your skin's already nice."
"how do you think i keep it nice?" revali says, carefully removing the sheet mask out of its packaging. "my skin's very sensitive, you know, it requires quite a lot of maintenance to keep it this refreshed and clear. you're lucky that you only need to shower and splash your face with water to keep it that way. who knows how you survived using 3-in-1 body wash your entire life."
"hey, i didn't know that it was bad for you," link grumbles and crosses his arms. "i thought it was more efficient to have it all in one than have to buy it all separately..."
revali rolls his eyes. "mhm. now lay down, so i can put the face mask on you."
link complies easily, the tension leaving his body and his eyes falling shut as soon as he feels revali's fingers, gentle and warm across his jaw. then suddenly, he feels a layer of ice spreading across his face and he squeaks, flinching.
"stay still," revali says, tapping link's thigh.
"it's cold!" link whines back, squirming. "you didn't tell me the face masks were cold!"
"they're cold because i keep them in the fridge and your body is a piece of the sun that fell onto earth," revali replies. "of course it's going to feel cold."
link continues to shiver until he finally gets used to the feeling of the mask on his face. revali continues adjusting its application, smoothing or stretching it out in some places until he's satisfied with the way it sits. "there we go," revali says softly. "good?"
"mhm," link says. he can barely move his face with the mask on. "how are you able to talk with this shit on?"
"you get used to it," revali replies. he lies down beside link on the bed and intertwines their fingers together. "now, we wait for thirty minutes and let the serum sink in."
"does it really take that long?" link says, nose wrinkling. the mask shifts due to the movement and he reaches up to smooth it back down.
"i've fallen asleep with them on before. but it's better to let it stay on longer than shorter so the skin can absorb it."
link hums and they both fall silent. with their fingers still intertwined, revali rubs his thumb against the base of link's. their room is quiet, except for the sound of music playing softly from link's phone. he complains plenty about how revali takes way too long to get ready for bed, but moments like this where he can participate in it with revali are link's favorite.
"thank you," revali says suddenly.
"hm? for what?" link says. he struggles to enunciate it; talking with a sheet mask on is difficult.
"for doing this with me. you didn't have to." revali's voice is quiet, almost shy.
link wants to smile under the sheet mask, but he doesn't want it to get messed up again so he resists. "it's something you like to do, so i wanna do it with you too."
he feels revali squeeze his hand, a silent "i love you". "just don't fall asleep," revali says out loud instead.
this time, link can't resist smiling. "no promises."
💧 17. Link has never seen Revali cry, so when he does, Link struggles with how to react.
when link comes home, the house is quiet. which is usually how it is, even if revali is home before him, but at least his boyfriend is being quiet somewhere where link can see him as soon as he comes in. at least revali will call back when link announces he's home, but he hasn't and it's making him nervous.
"'vali," link calls, slipping his shoes off and pushing them onto the shoe rack they keep by the door. "where are you~!" still no response. it puts link on edge immediately. "'vali?"
revali isn't in the living room or the kitchen, so link moves further into the house. he's not in the office or in the backyard, but his car was parked in the driveway so he has to be home. the last place revali would be is the bedroom, so there link goes.
but he's not prepared for the sight before him when he does.
revali is seated on the edge of the bed with a leg tucked underneath him, a look of despair and tears marring his face. he turns his head to look up at link when he hears him enter the room, but says nothing, staring and tears continuing to streak down his face.
link feels like his lungs have been severed from his esophagus, the air he's so desperately trying to breathe in blowing his chest up like a balloon instead. he's never seen revali like this; revali, whose natural facial expression is a scowl and narrowed eyes. or revali, who reserves his softest, most loving looks upon link. this expression on revali's face now... it feels like the world has fallen out of balance.
he knows he should go to revali, hold him tight and close, and comfort him like revali would do for him, but link can't move. he's rooted to one spot, eyes wide but unable to tear his gaze away from revali.
link's throat is dry, but he gulps and still attempts to speak. "you okay?"
for a moment, revali continues to stare. then he sniffs and wipes his eyes with the back of his hand. "yeah, i'm fine," he mumbles, looking away.
moving feels impossible, like he's trying to swim through quicksand, but slowly, link moves forward towards revali until he's seated in front of him on the bed. "...you wanna talk about it?"
revali stares blankly into space, unresponsive. a streak of fear wraps itself around link's chest as he searches revali's face, for any change in expression because this is terrifying.
"'vali?" link tries again in a whisper.
and this time, revali looks at him directly. but his face is scrunching up, his eyes welling with tears as he sniffs deeply again. "sorry," he murmurs, "i— just, it's—" fresh tears roll down his cheeks again and a sound that link has never heard before escapes from revali's throat, one that should have never made a home within revali in the first place.
"oh, 'vali," link whispers and he lets his instincts take over. he crawls forward into revali's lap, wrapping his arms around revali's neck and legs around his waist, holding him tightly. that's when the dam finally breaks and revali lets out the most gut-wrenching sound that link has ever heard him make, beginning to shake and cry openly into his shoulder. he holds revali tighter, letting him cry as much as he wants; it's the least that link could do. "it's okay, i'm here, reva."
eventually, revali's crying comes to a stop, but he's still holding link tightly with his arms around his waist, breathing softly against link's neck. link just strokes his hair, pressing kisses to the side of revali's face where he can reach. it's still a couple minutes before revali can find the words to speak again.
"it's the anniversary of my parents' funeral," he murmurs against link's neck. and it makes link stop in his tracks. oh. "i realize that i never actually talked to you about them. i'm sorry."
"that's okay," link murmurs back, continuing to stroke revali's hair. "you don't have to if you don't want to."
revali pauses for a moment. "i want to," he says softly. "i want you to know about them."
his tone somehow makes link's heart flutters. "okay," he replies in similar volume. "i'd like to, as long as you're comfortable talking about it."
"if it's with you, then i am," revali says. he takes a breath before talking again. "both of my parents died when i was six years old. i... don't want to talk about how they did, but i remember being at the funeral. at the time, i didn't really know what was going on but even as a child i understood grief and sadness." revali's voice grows quieter. "they were all i had, but i can barely even remember them. it's pathetic, i know."
"no it's not," link says softly. "you were still really young and it's a traumatic experience. you can't fault yourself for not being able to remember."
"but they were my parents," revali whispers. "they're the people that gave birth to me and were supposed to take care of me, and all i have to remember them by are legal documents and pictures. i can't even do them justice in memories."
link doesn't know what to say at first. it's an incredibly difficult subject to broach, after all. "even if you can't fully remember them," he decides to start, "i think they would love to know that you're trying. they've probably been watching from above and are so proud of you, because you have so much to be proud of, you know? you're so talented and clever and very handsome, might i add—" revali snorts — "they probably would have been proud to see you grew up well even without them. they would still love you."
"you really think that?" revali murmurs.
"the great revali? uncertain about his greatness?" link says teasingly. he pulls back a little to look at revali's face, whose eyes are still red from crying but hold a fond look. "they would, 'vali. anyone would be proud to have you as a son."
after a beat, revali pulls him back into a hug, squeezing him tight. "thank you," revali whispers. "i appreciate it."
"of course," link replies and turns his head to press another kiss to revali's jaw. "i'm here for you always." they're both quiet for a couple more minutes, content with just holding each other close until revali speaks once more.
"i'm sorry, by the way," revali says into the skin of link's neck. "i probably worried you since i wasn't there to greet you."
"that's okay," link says, his eyes closed. "i get it now after you told me. so don't feel bad anymore, i'm here with you now and i always will be, no matter what. i love you, 'vali, more than anything."
"i love you, too, songbird," revali whispers back. "thank you."
link hums. "i'm gonna get some water for you and then how about cuddles?"
"that sounds... nice." revali's face shifts its position under link's chin. "do you have to leave to get the water, though?"
he giggles. "do you wanna come with me to the kitchen, then?"
"i think we should skip the water and go straight to cuddling."
"nuh uh, you have to rehydrate after crying so much. you do the same to me when i cry."
link giggles again and then sits back, pulling on revali's arm. "come on, let's go. the sooner we get water, the sooner we can cuddle." revali rolls his eyes but stands up with link and complies. even after all that, revali is still too weak for link and for his cuddles.
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b-a-pigeon · 1 year
Experimenting with restructuring the Patreon (obligatory self-promo but it's probably a mess since I'm changing the tiers) & I'm super curious what people like to see on authors' Patreons !
It frankly has not been our top priority but I kinda want to pivot more towards promoting it since it would be nice to have more stable/reliable income lol. Anyway...
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sol1loqu1st · 5 months
(obligatory disclaimer that this is my subjective opinion and i am stating none of this as Fact and i recognize that sometimes a book is simply Not For Me)
anyway incoming g.t.n (censored to avoid fandom tags) criticism lol
i do still intend to read the sequel books (esp. now that i've got a kindle and an active drive to read more books) but i think in order to do that i need to admit that i really did not like g/deon the n/nth and feel like the plot was boring and didnt make sense, the worldbuilding felt really thin and based more on a collection of (admittedly very cool) aesthetics than an actual solid foundation, and while the characters were really interesting and distinct from each other, i couldn't help but feel like most of them were really one dimensional and didn't have a lot of depth. also i feel like the book being from the pov of a character who Simply Does Not Care About Anything until like, the very end, doesn't really help matters, because she cares so little that 90% of the plot happens completely offscreen while gideon is off just being snarky and acting like a Cool Tumblr Protagonist and it's just like. not that interesting. if your pov character doesnt give a fuck about what's going on to the extent where she doesn't even know what's going on, why should i care? idk i just was genuinely really unimpressed and while i hope to enjoy the sequels more i don't think i will ever particularly enjoy book 1 and i think even if the sequels end up being my favorite books in the world, the first book in a series should stand well enough on its own to actually make me want to read the rest of the series? i kinda just felt like telling the author to read something that isnt h/mestuck (also censored to avoid fandom tags) the whole time
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #110.1: Hassan of the Hundred Personas #1: Asako
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Today on Fate and Phantasms, we’ll begin our exhaustive look into the various lives of the Hundred Personas, and how best to represent them in D&D 5e. If we hurry we should be able to squeeze 3 Hassans in each week, meaning we’ll be done in time for Halloween!
We’re just messing with you- we’ll get all 100 Hassans into a 20 level build if it kills us.
Check out the Hundred Personas’ build breakdown below the cut, or their character sheet over here!
Next up: You have chosen...wisely.
Race and Background
The body that housed the Hundred Personas in life was almost certainly human, but we’re not limited by spritework like FGO is- that means we can account for all 100 personalities taking the reigns instead of just having one main character talking. To make this a bit easier, you’re going to be a Changeling. This gives you +1 Dexterity and +2 Charisma, as well as Changeling Instincts. This would normally give you two skills we’re getting anyway, but thanks to Tasha’s we can swap it out for Any two skills. As one hundred people, you have some leeway in what skills you pick, but I’d suggest focusing on intelligence and wisdom based ones- you’ll be good enough at the other skills to make up for it.
Of course the big selling point of the Changeling is its ability to Change Appearance. As an action, you can change your appearance and voice, as well as gender, race, height, and weight (as long as you stay the same size). You can’t turn into creatures you haven’t seen, and you can’t add or remove limbs (sorry if you were hoping for centaur Hassans). You stay in this new form until you change appearance again or die. Sure, in FGO all the Hassans are human, but why would that be the case in D&D? Toss some extra races in there for flavor, why not?
Similarly, you could probably pick any background you want, but for the sake of consistency we’ll get Acolyte again to match Cursed Arm. This gives you Insight and Religion proficiencies.
Ability Scores
We’re using point buy again, but for the exact opposite reason most people normally do- we’re not minmaxing, we’re maxminning for optimal coverage. When your specialty is Literally Everything, you can’t afford a negative modifier. Make Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma 13, and Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom 12. You’re not the strongest servants out there, but you are the most well-rounded.
Class Levels
1. Rogue 1: Technically there’s better classes for you to start than rogue, but they get a lot of skills, and skills are your bag. You get proficiency in Dexterity and Intelligence saving throws, as well as four rogue skills. Again, any skill are technically fine, but I highly recommend at least picking up Stealth and Deception. You’re all assassins, and if you can keep the fact that all 100 Hassans share a body a secret you’ll be a lot more intimidating.
To make your skill domination even more complete, first level rogues get Expertise, doubling the proficiency bonus of two skills. Again, I highly recommend Stealth and Deception for this. You can also make a Sneak Attack against creatures you have advantage over or are otherwise occupied as long as you’re using a finesse weapon, adding 1d6 damage to the attack.
You also get Thieves’ Cant, and unlike every other rogue we’ve made you can actually use it, since you’ve got 99 accomplices built in with you. Communication’s important in any relationship, especially when you can’t leave.
2. Fighter 1: You probably have some idea where we’re going with this. For now, you get a fighting style. Gozul the Strong isn’t that delicate, so grab Unarmed Fighting to get him some solid damage. It’s not synergistic, but these kinds of disagreements are inevitable in group projects. 
The good news is while one of you is out fighting, the rest of you can spend your bonus action on a Second Wind for a bit of healing once per short rest.
3. Fighter 2: Another benefit to being multiple people is ganging up on idiots who think they’re in a one on one fight. Thanks to Action Surge, you can take two actions in a single turn once per short rest. That’s almost like being two people, right?
4. Fighter 3: I can see that wasn’t enough for you. I get it, you’re a discerning customer. That’s fine though; feast your eyes on the Echo Knight! This subclass lets you Manifest Echo as a bonus action, creating a copy of yourself that you can attack through. I’d argue that as a changeling any one of your forms could still count as a copy of you, but that’s a fight you’ll have to wage with your DM. You can also Unleash Incarnation a number of times per long rest equal to your Constitution Modifier, adding an extra attack from your echo when you take the attack action. ...Don’t expect to use that too often.
Echos have an AC of 14 plus your proficiency bonus and 1 hit point, making them slightly harder to kill than you were in Zero. They use your saves, and you can swap places with them as a bonus action plus 15′ of movement.
5. Rogue 2: We got the obligatory subclass out of the way, so now we can focus back on your main class. Your fighter levels just gave you a great reason to use your bonus action, but your new Cunning Action gives you even more flexibility, letting you dash, disengage, or hide as a bonus action.
6. Rogue 3: We have one subclass, what’s the harm of another? As a Phantom rogue, your Dissociative Identity Disorder comes to the forefront. You hear Whispers in your Head, giving you one skill or tool proficiency that can be changed at the end of a short rest, giving you incredible flexibility. You can also use Wails from the Grave, which I couldn’t think of a good renaming for, to deal half your sneak attack dice in necrotic damage to another creature after using your sneak attack on someone. Imagine this as another you popping out to make the most of the opportunity. You can use this a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus.
You also get Steady Aim, exchanging your movement for advantage on your next attack. This uses your bonus action, but it basically gives you free advantage with your Echo. Remember, it only shuts down your movement. You’ve got 99 other bodies ready to go.
Also, your sneak attack reaches 2d6.
7. Bard 1: I don’t really have a flavor justification for this one. I guess you could get philosophical and point out how the self is just a story we tell ourselves to make sense of what we do, but that’s reaching. 
Anyway, you get proficiency in any one skill, Bardic Inspiration, some d6 you can pass to allies as a bonus action to give them a bonus on attacks, checks, and saves, and Spells that are cast with Charisma. 
Grab Minor Illusion for another way to make a copy of yourself, Message to keep things quiet on missions, Comprehend Languages because let’s be honest at least one of you probably has heard of Duolingo by now, Feather Fall and Longstrider to keep up with Cursed Arm, and Healing Word. Medicine is a skill in this game, so you’ve got to have a bit of healing.
8. Fighter 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to round up your Strength, and put the other point into Dexterity for later.
9. Bard 2: Second level bards get one of the three reasons we came here: Jack of All Trades. This feature adds half your proficiency to nonproficient skill checks, so the few things you’re not good at, you’re still good at. You also get a Song of Rest, adding 1d6 to healing done at short rests while you’re in the party. Not... totally in character, but it was free. Your friends can also add your Magical Inspiration to their healing and damaging spells now.
Speaking of spells- it doesn’t matter what you get this level, we’re swapping it out next level anyway.
10. Bard 3: Your last subclass is Lore Bard for three more skill proficiencies as well as Cutting Words, letting you spend a use of inspiration as a reaction to reduce an incoming attack by 1d6, possibly making it miss you. You also get another round of Expertise for two skills of your choice.
Your last spells are Enhance Ability to make your skills even more powerful, giving the target advantage on one kind of skill check for the duration. If your DM allows UA, you can also grab Mirror Image to make three copies of yourself that will take damage for you.
11. Fighter 5: Fifth level fighters get an Extra Attack with each attack action. There’s two of you fighting- two attacks should be the minimum.
12. Fighter 6: Use this ASI to become a Skill Expert. This feat rounds out your Dexterity, and gives you one skill proficiency and expertise with one skill.
13. Fighter 7: Our last stop in the fighter class gives you an Echo Avatar, letting you see and hear through your echo for up to 10 minutes. While this is effective, your echo has a range of 1000 feet. The Hundred Hassans made for an effective spy network in Fate Zero, and now they do in D&D as well.
14. Rogue 4: Use your next ASI to gain some more Strength so you and Gozul can tag-team enemies effectively.
15. Rogue 5: At fifth level your sneak attack grows to 3d6, and you can make an Uncanny Dodge as a reaction to halve the damage of a single incoming attack.
16. Rogue 6: You gain Expertise in two more skills, pick whichever are the most effective by this point.
17. Rogue 7: Your sneak attack is now 4d6, and you get a big bonus to your echo’s (and your) survivability thanks to your Evasion. When you make a dexterity saving throw to avoid damage, failures deal half damage and successes deal no damage at all.
18. Rogue 8: Use this ASI to bump up your Constitution for more health and another unleashed incarnation per long rest.
19. Rogue 9: Ninth level phantoms can make Tokens of the Departed as a reaction when a creature dies near you. While holding one of these trinkets, you have advantage on death and constitution saves, and you can destroy a soul trinket to gain one of two effects- either a free use of Wails from the Grave, or you can ask the spirit trapped within a question. I really don’t have a good way to flavor the latter option though-maybe a temporary form of introjection, but that’s really stretching. You should probably just use it to stab people more.
20. Rogue 10: Your capstone level is another ASI. Bump up your Dexterity for a higher AC and better knife skills.
You have one of the strongest skill checks so far- if you pick your proficiencies the way I did in the character sheet, you’ll only have one skill with a modifier below a +5, and with Enhance Ability and planning, you’ll have advantage on any important checks. You can also use your phantom proficiency to pick up niche skills that other builds wouldn’t bother to have. Laugh all you want, but the one time you need chef’s tools proficiencies, you’ll be ready.
You are great at being a spy. You have an amazing stealth score, and can use your Echo Avatar to sneak into places and teleport a thousand feet at a time. You can also squeeze info out of the dead, and could probably disguise yourself as any random occupation you could think of.
Rogues and Echo Knights mix together very well. Your echos have a lot more survivability than regular fighters, and they help you get off your sneak attacks much easier, and the extra attacks don’t hurt either. You also get plenty of HP from your fighter levels, and can mix that together with a rogue’s evasion techniques. (Also, your echo has good AC, so your cutting words can be very effective to keep it around) 
We’re one level short of Reliable Talent, which is a must-have for a skill focused build. I would almost recommend getting rid of the last fighter level to grab it.
Your spells are pretty useful, but you don’t have many spell slots, so you’ll have to be careful.
The game’s got way too many tools for one swappable proficiency to cover them all, so even with your best attempts, sometimes you’ll just be bad at something. The horror.
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larularo · 3 years
Obligatory “Incoming Non-Sims Posts” Alert!
I’m queuing Dragon Age: Inquisition posts, so if you’re not interested, you can block the tag #nonsims! 
I won’t post majority of the screenshots, as it’s a self-insert Inquisitor anyway hey don’t judge I reserve the RIGHT to be delusional
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thedizzydinosaur · 6 years
White noise fan fiction: The Cynn vs parenthood
Chapter one: little miracles
 The biggest fear for anyone who has children is said children going missing.
One child going missing on there way home from school bad enough, but a whole spate of children going missing in the space of a week?
That was nightmare inducing.
So when series of abductions rocked Edonia, RIT put on the case very quickly. Yesterday quickly.
A trail of missing kids, suspicious produce vans, and the footage from a freshly installed domestic cctv system led them to a small warehouse, set in the far corner of an industrial estate, just outside city limits, which by all means was seemingly abandoned. No lights, no sound. Just the wind, the rain, and the sounds of other businesses going about their day to day business in the back ground.
But, the RIT team was patient. Very patient. Intel said that they buyer was gong to be arriving soon to pick up the live cargo.
And just before sun set, they did.
A white van, displaying the logo of a produce company from the next island over reversed up to the cargo dock, the driver hopping out to open the bay doors and back the van in some more. As they did, RIT moved in closer- stealth was a key factor here. Traffickers liked there emergency teleport spells, and one small slip would be catastrophic.
The two with wings hopped silently onto the roof, finding a skylight, they watched as the traffickers, 5 of them in total, from a range of species, dragged a whimpering line of children out of some storage containers. The children where paraded past the buyer, who inspected them each individually, inspecting there age, breed, and how much they were worth, arguing with the trafficker every now and then over little details.
With each second, RIT crept into position, using hand signals and walkie talkies to communicate and finalise the trap.
Inside the warehouse, Money was estranged.
RIT pounced.
“Well, that was easy.” Teige carrol said breezily, pushing the last of the traffickers, and grumpy looking jackalope with a broken antler, into the waiting police riot van. The whole operation had gone down with out a hitch.  with the traffickers being taken by surprise, they had had no time to activate any of the teili spells, or to destroy any evidence. They had been tackled, cuffed and had there magic bound in under a minuet buy the 7 strong RIT team, and the buyer had not gotten far, being slammed into the floor by a 6’10 ball of grey fluff and fury called Hawk press the moment they tried to run for the van. The same van that was now loaded on the back of a tow truck, on its way to the local police compound for forensic tests.
They were having a bad day.
 Once the prisoners had been bagged and tagged, all eyes when back to the gaggle of children that where now sitting on the cold cement floor, watching there rescuers with looks of awe, tinged with just a little bit of fear.
Captain James Marinos turned to the rest of his team. It was important that this kids where taken to a safe, warm place for medical attention before they were reunited with there families.
“PRESS, CARROL, yes, you two! Keep an eye on these kids. VINCENT! You and Pascelli fetch the Minibus AND TURN THE HEATING ON- not all of us have thick fur to keep us warm. Murry, you go with the cops, fill in any info they need, we will pick you up on our way through. I will call back to base the give them the good news, and tell them to contact parents. NOW SNAP TO IT!”
RIT snapped to it.
Hope and hearth hospital was used to having trafficking victims brought through there doors for treatment, being the largest nonhuman hospital in the symphony archipelago. Once Marinos had given them the heads up to the large group of preteens (there was 15 children in total, aged between 5 and 12) was heading there way, one of the paediatric wards was quickly isolated for the children to reside in. 15 beds, for 15 kids, with a small army of nurses to preform health checks and provide food and cuddles where needed.
It was a small miracle that none of the kids had been hurt physically in any way, apart from some bruises and one damaged ego. They where lucky. Very lucky.
Hawk and Teige where still on kid watch duty, and they both looked rather out of place, in there dark blue uniforms, stormy feathers and inky fur, ageist the bright and cheerful, flowers and happy critter wall murals that set the children wards apart from the rest of the rather bland hospital. The two of them guarded the only door into this particular ward, keeping an eye on the coming and goings of the staff in there purple scrubs.
“so, sunshine. Ever been in the kiddies ward before?”
“nope. You?”
“me? Ahhhhh, no. One of me sisters? Yup” Teige yawned, scratching at one of his curved ram horns. They had been on the go since before sun up, and now it was late. In mid-summer. They were tired.
“what she do?” hawk shuffled his wings, stretching his wings a little, trying not to yawn himself.
“lets just say that the words ‘hey, watch this!’ was part of it. Ma was at work, so guess who had to take her stupid butt to hospital.  …….Stop laughing sunshine. Not everyone has self-healing sisters.”  
“annnnd there one of the reasons that I an’t ever been to the kiddies ward. That and Em would’ve never been able to foot the bill.”
“ahh, point.”
A commotion from the doors behind them, leading out to rest of the hospital. Hawk glanced back through the windows on the (closed) doors and winced slightly. Teige cocked his head in response to hawks expression.
The rest of the RIT squad had arrived, along with 13 rounds of panicky parents.
Ironically, it took longer to get the parents to settle down then it did the children in the first place. But once the panicky round of ‘oh gods thank the heavens you are all right you are so grounded for eternity we love you’ where over and done with, the ward matron laid down the law. The kids where to be staying for at least the next 12 hours for observation (just in case. it was standed practice for all incoming trafficking victims, young or old), and would be given an obligatory tetanus vaccine before they left (also just in case, you never know). Parents could stay, but there where no space for spare beds. Please keep that in mind.
Once the announcements where over, and the ruckus had calmed down, most of the parents of the older children opted to go back to their homes, safe in the knowledge that there kids where safe and sound at the hospital. They would be good for one night- and it gave them time to inform other family members of the good news. That left 7 of the 13 sets to pull up some plush chairs that had been provided, so that they could stay the night with there little ones.
A relieved calm settled over the ward as the children and most of the remaining adults drifted of the sleep. The nurses on duty switched shifts, and Hawk and Teige where told, in polite terms, to go and get some shut eye in one of the adjoining rooms. They would need to be back at the hospital with the rest of the RIT squad with in 8 or so hours anyway to finish up the paperwork that needed to be done (report writing was the worse part of the job, in both opinions). So they both decided to catch some sleep where they were instead.
“ we could still go bother Vlad” Tiege grumbled snuggling His stoat form into a pillow. The room the two of them had borrowed was not huge, and was probably a little office at some point. It was just big enough for Hawk to stretch out his 6’10 frame, wings and all. It was still kind of snug, but it was not the worse place that the two of them had slept. This room had air con, for example.
“An’ why would we do that, this place is comfy enough” Hawk settled into the small pile of blankets and pillows that had been provided, smiling at the thought of the friendly spirit He called his roommate, and the brilliant cooking that the two of them would whip up some nights. Chuckling, Hawk reached over and promptly dumped one of the thin, but very warm blankets on Teige, covering the grumpy phooka completely. Teige’s lamp like eyes glared out from under the edge of blanket, glaring at the younger, taller man. Hawk grinned at him. Teige huffed and curled up under the blanket. He started fell asleep and snoring almost instantly.
Hawk settled down into his makeshift bed, still smiling. It was late. He was tired. But they had saved some kids, and stopped the traffickers from getting away. All in all. A good, productive day.  The rest of there squad had been summoned back to base, for a debriefing, but they had been asked to stay by some of the staff. Hope and Hearth did have a security team, but it had been agreed that the presence of the two of them would be a good way to reassure the children when they woke up. It gave peace of mind to the parents as well. The hospital had to provide somewhere to sleep in return.
It would do for the night. Besides, there was a much nicer bed waiting for him back at Vlad’s. and at his wonderful boyfriends..
Hawk fell asleep with the images of star studded bedding and hairless cats in his mind.
so, this is my first time writing anything like this. ... i think its going well
Based off of @thephooka s characters and comic! 
5 notes · View notes
vesperlord · 7 years
My In Depth Analysis of all the songs on the RWBY Soundtrack
Volume 1:
This Will Be The Day: "I may be small but I can fuck you up" 
Red Like Roses Part 1: "Basic Info about everyone" 
Mirror Mirror: "I'm lonely and my life sucks" 
I Burn: "I'm a badass and I know it." 
Red Like Roses Part 2: “MOM WHY”
Gold: "My sister is the most important thing in the world to me" 
I May Fall: "Someday I'm gonna die, but you won't be the one to kill me!"
Wings: "You had a shit life but you're with friends now"
Volume 2:
Time To Say Goodbye: "Shit will get real, and we need to be ready." 
Die: "Shit has gotten real, and we aren't ready." 
Shine: "Shit, I'm in love" 
Dream Come True: A combination of "Notice me Jaune!" and "Weiss diss track"
All My Days: "My sister has always been the most important thing to me" 
Boop: "Shit, I'm in love" 
Sacrifice: "I'm not gonna die for you."
Volume 3:
It's My Turn: "Fuck you dad" 
Not Fall In Love With You: "Shit, I'm in love"
Neon: "I'm better than everyone" 
Mirror Mirror Part II: "Fuck you dad" 
When It Falls: "Shit will go down and you can't stop it"
I'm The One: "We had fucked up pasts but we're still gonna murder you"
Divide: "You done fucked up, and I'm gonna fuck you up even more."
Cold:  "Goodbye Pyrrha/Monty"
Volume 4:
Let's Just Live: "Life fucking sucks, but we need to move forward anyway" 
Like Morning Follows Night: "Stay away from me, my life sucks!" combined with "I know your life sucks,  but I'm still standing by your side." 
Bad Luck Charm: "My life fucking sucks, you shouldn't get close to me" 
This Life Is Mine: "Fuck you dad"
Home: "I don't know what's gonna happen next, but I'm with my friends so it's all good." 
Armed and Ready: "PUNS" combined with "Adam you done fucked up" 
Lusus Nauture: "The Grimm are beautiful" combined with "I'm not crazy!"
Bmblb: "The sweetest love song on the RWBY Soundtrack. Literally."
Volume 5:
The Triumph: "Life fucking sucks, but we're gonna kick some ass so it's all good" 
Ignite: "Prepare to get punched." 
The Path of Isolation: "My life fucking sucks." 
Smile: "I’m gonna smile while I kick ass and take revenge"
All Things Must Die: “You’re fucked.”
(No Initial Impression to “All That Matters” because I’m lazy. Thanks to @blake-wukong for sending me what we had of the lyrics though!)
The Triumph:  "Life fucking sucks, but we're gonna kick some ass so it's all good. Hope you’re ready to die, assholes.”
Ignite: “Don’t fuck with me, my sister, my friends, my dad, my uncle, my dog, my bike, or my pet rock EVER AGAIN, or I will make sure there’s nothing left of you to bury. Featuring unexpected but most certainly not unwelcome jazz!”
The Path TO Isolation (I initially fucked it up, I know): “My life REALLY FUCKING SUCKS, SOMEONE HELP ME. Also, obligatory fuck you dad.”
Smile: “My daughter, racists exist. FUCK THEIR SHIT UP.”
All Things Must Die: “Sorry, did I say ‘You’re fucked’? What I meant was ‘The “You’re fucked” meter is broken.’ I hope you wrote your will.”
All That Matters: “Stick around this time, for fuck’s sake!”
This Time: “VIVA LA REVOLUTION! Only this time, better!”
Volume 6:
Lionized: "Adam n-" "ADAM YES"
Rising: “We're back and we're badass!”
Miracle: "A miracle would be nice, but we'll hang in until we get one... Which might be a while..."
One Thing: “You got my [lover/father figure/best friend/whatever you interpret Roman and Neo as being] killed, I’m gonna fucking kill you!” 
Forever Fall: [Analysis unavailable due to heavy crying]
Big Metal Shoe: “Caroline Cordovin Diss Track”
Indomitable: "They can take our lives, but they can never take our silver eyes!” (Except for crocodile faunus. They can and will take your silver eyes.)
Lionized: “Adam may have been a shitty person but goddamn he was a great villain and got a fucking amazing villain song to go with it. Rest in pieces motherfucker.”
Rising: “You thought the bits from the opening were awesome? You haven’t seen shit yet!”
Miracle: “A miracle would be nice. But until we get one, WE’VE GOT METAL”
One Thing: "So that Neo and Cinder alliance. It’s most certainly gonna be long-lasting. No impending betrayal when the time is right. None at all whatsoever.”
Forever Fall: [heavy sobbing because the playlist I was listening to had this placed right after Indomitable and GOD DAMMIT THIS SONG IS EMOTIONAL ENOUGH]
Big Metal Shoe: “WHO DARED THE WILLIAMS TO CRAM EVERY FAIRY TALE REFERENCE POSSIBLE INTO ONE SONG. Because I’d like to thank you, this song is great.”
Indomitable:  I... don’t really have anything funny to say about this song. Not because I dislike it, far from it. But... just, give it a listen.
Nevermore: “Adam Y-” “ADAM. NO. DIE.”
Armed and Ready Acoustic Remix: Beehaw if it was a song
EDIT 2: All Things Must Die and This Time analysed. Note that all V5 songs are subject to change based on the subject of the full songs. (Also I completely missed the lyrics to the song that played during the RWBY reunion, but if anyone has them I would be very grateful.)
EDIT 3: Updated for the full release of the V5 songs! I decided to move This Time down to “Full Song Analysis” because it’s the full song, we got the whole thing in the credits of Episode 14. Anyway, don’t mind me while I scream into the void about HOW FUCKING AWESOME THIS SEASON’S SOUNDTRACK IS.
EDIT 4: I just got First. I love Volume 6. I love the soundtrack. I CAN’T WAIT ANOTHER YEAR FOR MORE RWBY PLEASE RT- oh hey there’s comics and novels and world guides and all sorts of shit that’s hopefully coming out this year! (Dan DiDio if you lay a FINGER ON THESE COMICS I WILL NOT HESITATE TO-). 
Also, with this edit, due to us getting a Neo song, I will be deleting the tags that begged for requested such a song, because clearly, Rooster Teeth saw my shitpost and decided to acquiesce to my demands.
Also did some minor touch-ups, like bolding some text and shit because I personally prefer it that way.
EDIT 5: Oh boy Volume 6′s soundtrack is here, and it is a fucking roller coaster of emotions. Added all the full song analyses and moved Nevermore down there. Now I will return to hibernate until Volume 7 comes out.
2K notes · View notes
ggdbonlineshop-blog · 5 years
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Tip cheap car insurance in northern ireland for young drivers
"Tip cheap car insurance in northern ireland for young drivers
Tip cheap car insurance in northern ireland for young drivers
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Did sombody know how much is car insurance in hawaii state?
how much is auto insurance in hawaii state? medium monthly? for new car?
How much do i pay for teen auto insurance on a 2010 car?
my parents just got me a 2010 nissan versa! :) its not from the dealership, so we wouldn't have to pay full coverage, just the basic law coverage. i need an estimate on how much it will be a month. my parents aren't helping me that well with anything, they want me to just be on my own already so pleaseeee,help. i can't do this myself :(""
How much money i need to start up car insurance business?
ok im licensed, i have office with experienced sales people , company name gaico , how much cash on hand i need to cover losses (lets say i signed 100 customers allready to gaico)""
Can someone convince me Car insurance isn't a complete waste of money.?
I'm only just turning 18 so I've never bought insurance myself my whole life. My stance on insurance is this: You might not have full coverage, they'll try to weasel out of paying you AND you might go for years without getting into an accident. In that time, if you pool up the money you'd have spent on car insurance you'd be able to pay for a car accident anyways. Now I'm just pulling this out of my butt, I don't have much of a basis on saying these things other than its just how i feel about it all, which is why I'm here. What creases me the most out of all this is that i hear car insurance for people my age is high, they treat us all the same and were not given a chance. Apparently no one sees age discrimination if it were slapped on to their face. They force you to have car insurance in Ontario which to me sounds a little ridiculous because i thought insurance was a service, an offer provided by companies, not an obligatory contract the government makes you pay for even if you don't want it. You can see my clear disposition against it at all, quite frankly i about don't wanna drive at all at this point. Though I want to be convinced because Canada's winters are cold, and modern life today kind of requires you to have your own mode of transportation.""
How much is motorbike insurance for a 125cc bike roughly?
I know it's had to predict, but im looking to buy a bike soon. Im 18 years old, live in south-west London, have a full driving license for 1 year now. (some factors they might consider) thanks.""
I got a car accident for the first time.. how much my insurance will go up?
This is first time I caused the accident and I had someone rear me before which came out as it wasnt my fault.... but accident that I caused I hit a school bus thankfully there were ...show more
What kind of insurance should I get?
I need dental braces but can't afford them. Is there dental insurance that I can get so that I wont have to spend so much out of pocket??
Want the cheapest and most affordable insurance in Florida (Tampa) !!!?
He guys, I'm 19 years old and just received my driving license this week. I want to insure my car that I just bought recently , would someone tell me a name of a company that offer an affordable insurance for student ? Just to let you know , some people say that there is no differences between insurance companies prices. but actually that is WRONG !!!>>>>> Some companies try to get customers by cheap prices > please let me know if you have experiences this situation.""
Corvette insurance. i need full coverage for a 1977. not collectors.where is the cheapest???????????????????
i will get collectors insurance in 2 months. right now i need full coverage to get the loan, transfer to me, and get it done friday. please help.""
""Are you prepared to pay 10-11-13% of your income for $1100-1300 deductible health insurance, not copay?""
Will you go to the doctor more if another large percentage of your income is taken from your check and you still have to pay for office visits until you have paid $1100 to $1300 deductible before your insurance kicks in each year? http://www.bcbst.com/learn/affordability/04-639GovernmentMandatedBenefits.pdf Skip to page 16 to see the summary. This is a report by Blue Cross Blue Shield, a nonprofit health insurance provider. Government interventions causes health care costs to rise, not go down. http://www.quick-online-insurance-quote.com/blog/2009/05/13/what-is-the-average-price-of-health-insurance/ Why doesn't the government talk about the price each American will pay for government run health care plans?""
I am 19 and want to get my own car insurance and put my car in my name?
I'm 19 years old and have had my license for 3 years now. i do have a prior wreck and what not. i did a quote on progressive and it came out pretty decent. i would be getting off of my parent's insurance. anyways what i really wanna know is how do i go about doing this? what are the average costs of putting a first car in my name and is it more expensive then just tax tags and title stuff? just let me know anything you know about this! and if you have any experience in this, please tell me the story! and any advice as well! thank you!""
What if my parents don't have insurance?
Well my i just found out since my dad got fired, we don't have insurance anymore and i can't go to the orthodontist any more either. I'm wondering why couldn't we just buy permanent insurance so we don't have to deal with this in case one of them looses a job. Shouldn't the whole affordable act thing make health insurance cost less? Or has it not I'm only 16 so i have no clue.""
Is fully comprehensive insurance worth paying on a 1000 car?
I'm a 39 year old driver who's had a full licence since the age of 17, I have full no claims and although I've been involved in 2 accidents neither of them were my fault (fingers crossed I'm not to speak too soon). I'm only buying a car worth 1000 and the difference in cost between fully comp and 3rd party, fire & theft makes it worth thinking about going for the latter as the fully comp is 609 with 250 excess and TPFT 480 with 250 excess. Does anyone know, if I was involved in an accident cause by a 3rd party driver can I claim from their insurance? I remember on my 2nd accident (about 14 years ago before the recent technology) although I got all the details of the registration and the driver he gave me incorrect details and the DVLA never actually found him as the car had been in between owners. However I was put in contact with a type of agency who assist in these cases and I got reimbursed for my car and neither did it affect my insurance. How am I covered 3rd party if I have an accident that's the fault of the 3rd party? Logically I'm thinking that I can claim for my car from their insurance? Any advice appreciated, would you go fully comp or TPFT?""
What's average price for moped insurance?
thinking of a getting a 125cc cobra, i'm 18 and recently passed my CBT. Can anyone please tell me how much i'd be looking at paying?""
Will a cracked windshield raise my auto insurance rates?
well i am going to get my windshield repaired. it has a crack the size of a dime. it happend about a month ago and i worried that it will get bigger with the hot weather. anyway, i called my insurance company. they are sending someone out to repair it. i am 18 years old but i am on my parents plan. i also have a gpa over a 3.0. my family and i have no record of any accidents whatsoever. my parents just bought me the car on the end of march :( do u think my rates will go up? almost forgot! my insurance company is geico and i live in california""
Car insurance for young drivers?
I was wondering what insurers provide the most favourable quotes for an 18old male like myself? The cheapest car insurance quote I could get was 2262, on an independant insurance website. The comparison websites are useless, I just get results of 3000 or more. I am asking if I can get cheaper than this figure? or should I just selttle for 2262?""
I'm a 17 year old guy wanting to earn some extra money to help pay car insurance what can i do?
I'm a 17 year old guy i'm looking at an extra way of earning some money sensibly to help pay towards my monthly car insurance i already hold a day job any help would be appreciated thanks
Car insurance in the uk?
Anybody no any good cheap companys in the uk??
Estimated Insurance cost for 1990 trans am?
Im turning 16 soon and am close to getting my license. Im planning on driving my dads 90 trans am w/ a 5.7 liter engine and automatic trans. Problem is, he thinks insurance is gonna cost a **** load. Does anyone know on average what the insurance price would be. The car will go under my dads name, ill just be an added driver. Plus, another car available for me to get 70 240z w/ a 6 cyl engine and 5-speed trans. Which one will have a cheaper insurance rate?""
How much is car insurance for teenagers?
I've been trying to find the answer for awhile now, but all I find are websites that have paragraphs of information that I don't care too much about. Could you just give me an average number?""
Need car insurance but dont have title?
ok.. i have have a car, its mine but its not in my name and it will be very very hard to get it in my name(i dont feel like explaining). i need insurance very bad or ima have to pay a huge fine. is there a way i can get insurance without the title? please help""
Affordable health insurance?
i am 34 , i pay over 400.00 a month , im single , does anyone know of some possible cheaper insurance . does anyone know of better insurance that i can afford . please help , male nonsmoker also""
Insurance companies for a 18 year old new driver?
Ive just recently passed and im in need of a insurance company good for me. Money is tight as im a student and so i need something cheap. Ive been on money supermarket and its hasn't helped much.
What is the average cost of health insurance for a small design firm with 3-5 full time salaried employees?
I'm looking to start a design firm, but want to be able to give my employees the opportunity to have full health care coverage.""
Nicotine/cotinine test for life insurance?
I haven't smoke for 5 weeks. In about 2 weeks I might have to take a nicotine/cotinine test to get life insurance. Will I be able to pass the test for life insurance.
Tip cheap car insurance in northern ireland for young drivers
Tip cheap car insurance in northern ireland for young drivers
Where's the best place to get health insurance?
I was hoping that someone with experience could tell me whether buying insurance through the Maryland offered program or through a direct insure such as united healthcare or blue cross blue shield would be the better deal. Looks like a 80/20 silver plan is about $205/month trough Maryland with a $1500 deductible. I'm hoping to find an affordable 90/10 plan or better. If you have any suggestions or know recommendations please let me know! I'm new to this health insurance stuff...
Help with Insurance questions?
Hi, I am 22 and just got the red P in July in NSW. I want to buy a car driving to uni. I dont have much money, I just want to buy a car below AUD$5K, is it possible to ...show more""
Has anyone tried the Ameriprise Auto insurance? How do you rate their service compared to other insurance co?
They have a tie-up with Costco and offers a very good rate compared to AAA, Farmers, etc. I signed up with esurance who has a excellent rate but after 6 months, they are raising the premium by more than 30%. A feedback or review on Ameriprise will aid me in decision making. Thanks!""
Can i get car insurance without owning a car?
Before the smart *** answers come in, let me explain. I looked up this subject and saw many people saying that's stupid, why would you want insurance on something you don't own . This is not the point. I'm a full time college student in Massachusetts and take the train around to get to places because its easier that way living in the city. It's illegal to drive here without car insurance. So could i get coverage driving a parents or friends vehicle? My parents don't have the money to add me onto their policy so i want to know if i could get my own, almost like a non owner policy, and be covered driving their vehicle in case anything ever happened? I heard that as long as you have the owners permission, you're covered. that doesn't sound right though.""
Should I go without health insurance for a year?
Next month I am about to go through open enrollment through my employer. This year health insurance was expensive. The took about $120 out of my pay check. To get more income next year, should I skip health insurance for at least one year.""
Know of Affordable Insurance for unemployed NJ resident?
My wife just lost her job due to downsizing and she carried the insurance. Our insurance expires the end of October. I cant signup at my job until January. We can COBRA but it will cost around $900 a month which we certainly wont have since shes unemployed and wouldnt have even if she WAS employed. Anyone know if there is a more affordable option? Does unemployed have some kind of health insurance? We have 2 young children so not having insurance isnt an option. Please REAL Replies Only!!! No SPAM!
Teen insurance for a car!!!!!! 10pts?
Ok. For Christmas.. I'm getting a 2007 Toyota Camry. I Live in Florida, I was wondering what's the cheapest insurance I could get ? I don't want to pay for expensive insurance.. I will need full coverage I'm guessing? I'm 16. If I just add my car too my grandmothers insurance will that be cheaper ?? Thanks ????""
Rent insurance for tenants?
I am soon to be renting a property with my fiancee and I want to find out about rent insurance. I found a company online that provides insurance for tenants that pays the rent in case of job loss, etc. but now I can't find it. Do such companies exist, and where can I get such insurance? Can anyone recommend any?""
Is it cheaper if I put a car in my parents name?
Im buying my first car. Im 18 and a male living in new york. Im going on my parents car insurance no matter what, but does it matter whose name the car is in? Would it be more ...show more""
What are best and/or most affordable insurance companies?
In Oregon. And does anyone know the minimum if I am 21 and have had one accident? For 1996 Ford Taurus car Thanks
Know where to get affordable health insurance for student and family?
I am a full time student, married with three kids. My husband is self employed and I am wanting to work part time so I can study. Does anyone know where to get affordable health insurance? My college doesn't offer health insurance and neither one of us will be able to get it through an employer.""
Who does cheap moped insurance in the uk?
im 16 and just got a moped, im just looking for my cheapest option. any suggestions?""
Whats the cheapest insurance for a moped in ireland?
i think age is important in this so im 17. im desperate to get some form of transport and my dad sais he will help get me a moped/scooter when i pass my driving test and theory test. but first he wants me to find out how expensive insurance would be on this vehicle. whats the cheapest possible? links would be much appreciated. thanks a million
From who can I get the cheapest car insurance?
I'm 18 and I've only have my liscense for about a year. I'm trying to insure my 1990 325i BMW for the least possible amount. Any advice?
Car insurance confusion?
Hi i'm 18 and my driving test is coming up soon and i always look for quotes on cars to see for the future. My mum said she will possibly give me her car and get a new one if i pass. But on insurance quotes for the car i will be getting i will be the main driver but not the policy holder or registered keeper as i still live at home with her and she will still use the car to go shopping and things like that but I will drive that car the majority of the time. So because i am the main driver on this quote and will drive it predominantly it is not fronting? However my mums no claims will be put on this quote as opposed to her other car so is that still ok? And who will get the no claims bonus at the end of the quote the main driver or the policy holder and if its the main driver will my mum still be able to use her no claims on another car if i gain my own? Sorry for all the questions i just want to make sure i'm not going to be breaking the law on any possible quotes i may take out Thanks in advance.
My medicaid that i used for my pregnancy had expired...? here in texas?
back in august of 2011 & i no longer have insurance. what do i do now? i called my health plan & they said i gotta apply again but i don't know where i can get the application. i really need insurance cause i got upcoming appointments for me & if i don't have insurance, i'm not gonna be able to afford the expenses. anyone know where i can get the application for medicaid here in texas?""
Tickets & Insurance Question?
I drive a 2000 Camry the insurance is in my aunts name........ So my question is if i got a ticket will the rates go up? If the insurance on the vehicle i drive is in her name will the rates go up if i get a ticket? Her name is also on the title of the car
Car Insurance?
I'm going to get my license next month but my parents told me I can't get a car, which I am in terms with. However, they did say I could occasionally borrow their cars when they aren't busy or at work or something like that. Would it be okay if I did this but I don't have the insurance for the cars under my name? Will they still be covered if someone hits me or something? And would this be legal?""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a teen?
I'm 17 now, but planning on getting my bike at 18. I'm thinking about getting a Kawaski Ninja 250R or a 500R sports bike.I live in California.""
How too lower car insurance?
this is a extension to my previous question. Im 17 years old and want too buy a 2008 honda civic EX. I would like too start making payments on the car before i head off too college next year. So i need to convince my parents that it wont increase there insurance rates. My dad owns a 1976 jetta and i thought he could put me down as the driver of the jetta and put him as the driver of the 2008 civic so the insurance rates wont go up. is that a good idea ? Any other ideas how i can lower insurance rates? thanks
""I am 66 years old, can I get health insurance??? how about medicare???} how dan I proceed?""
I am 66 years old, can I get health insurance??? how about medicare???} how dan I proceed?""
""If u wrote-off a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
If u wrote-off a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
Honda cbr250 insurance vs Kawasaki Ninja 250r?
If anyone could tell me the insurance rates for both bikes for a 16 year old male rider. I live in Ontario but any canadian rates, or american rates would be appreciated. Rates per year or per month is what I am looking for. If you can give the rates for both bikes or just one bike it would be appreciated. Thanks.""
Health insurance in Texas for low income families?
My dad recently lost his job, but has an existing medical condition, an ex-wife, and 5 kids to support. I don't know much about the health insurance options in Texas, but I'm looking for a program that will allow my family to be insured for cheap... something like Arizona's AHCCCS health insurance for low income people""
""After the insurance adjuster gives an estimate on the damages on my car, whats the next step?""
My car was hit by a van and the vans insurance company is paying for everything. I recently got a call from a body shop saying they received the estimate cost for the damage of my car. My question is: if I find another body shop to fix my car for less then the insurance company estimated, what happens with the left over money? Do they keep it or I do?""
Tip cheap car insurance in northern ireland for young drivers
Tip cheap car insurance in northern ireland for young drivers
Poll: Do you have health insurance?
Do you think you have a 'good' insurance plan?
How much is auto insurance for a simple car?PLEASE HELP?
a 2000 honda prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and full cover?if you know please givr me a estimate amount,thanks ps im 16
I need my car on the road to get me to work but the insurance is way to high?
Im 18 year old and need my car on the road to get myself to work but the insurance is about 2500 or higher. Does anyone know a company that deals with young drivers or knows a way around it to make it cheaper.
How much would insurance group 7 be?
would just like an estimate how much insurance group 7 is
""Which one is cheaper, car insurance or motorbike insurance ?
where can i find cheap insurance policy for vehicles ?
So I'm a little confused about car insurance.?
So when the feeloaders who are generally poor and cannot afford car insurance, don't buy car insurance, which way is cheaper??? The gov't taxing me to purchase car insurance from the insurance companies for these freeloaders ? OR the insurance company simply raising my rates to cover the freeloaders ? You see, it seems to me that adding an additional layer of gov't beauracracy would cost more, but I have been told I am wrong. Am I wrong?""
Need car insurance help!?
Weird/awful situation. Co-signed on car loan with a longtime friend when he broke off and started his own business. His business tanked, as did his personal life. Lost his job, his business, everything. He's now about a year behind in payments, and the bank is coming after me. Since it's destroying my credit (and life), I'm paying off the loan. The bad news continues. Apparently he loaned the car to his brother, that has disappered and isn't returning it, and the car is nowhere to be found. So now I own nothing. Worse, I'm terrified that whoever has the car could wreck it, and I'm liable. So now I have to get insurance, for a car I don't have possession of, and report it stolen. Who in the world would ever insure me???? Help! What do I do???????""
What is the best and cheap motorbike insurance I can get?
Hi everyone. I'm buying a motorbike soon and wanna know the cheap and best motorbike insurance I can get. I'm 17 and getting a 125cc motorbike and just wanna know the cheap and best I can get thanks you.
How to reduce my car insurance?
Hey people, I'm 18, living with parents, just got my licence in the UK about 4 months ago. So I went out today and bought a 1.0 engine size KIA PICANTO. Heres the annoying part...we've been looking for insurance within our budget (realistically 1500p/a), All companies we've looked at have been giving us quotes of about 3500 which I find astonishing for a 1.0!! We've tried confused, admiral, churchill and compare the market. We've tried putting my parents as the main drivers and its still too expensive. Looks like pass plus is also useless! However, its the latest edition. It's a 2011 KIA picanto....do you think maybe if I returned the car and purchased something from 2004-05, insurance would drop to a reasonable rate? I do have loads of friends who managed to get car insurance below 1000!! Many thanks""
""Imported Sports Car - Whats cheaper to insure? Registration in my name, or my parents name?""
I have just purchased an imported sports car in Australia worth $18,000. I am 21 (under 25 means huge insurance here). I AM going to get the cars insured in my parents name. But the thing which determines (on paper) as to whether I am the primary driver, or my parents are, is who ever the car is REGISTERED under. My question is....would insurance be cheaper if my car was registered under my name, or my parents? And by how much? Thanks!""
Does my auto liability insurance cover me while driving a rental car?
I am going on vacation in Florida and am renting a car. I have auto collision coverage through my credit card company but want to know if my regular liability insurance covers me while driving a rental too or do I need special insurance?
How should i best pay car insurance?
Okay, so I'm trying to understand car insurance. It says my premium is $833.75 which I guess is the total amount for the insurance for the entire year. I pay $157/month for the full year which is $1000 over that premium. Is that correct? Can I change my month to month plan to annual and just pay the rest of what I owe up front to save me money? Why does it cost so much more month to month?""
Looking for an insurance company to insure me using VIN/chassis number?
I have bought a beeline Veloce GT50 49cc scooter (still in shop till insured) i cant get plates on it until i give them my insurance documents but im finding it hard to get an insurer to insure me online using the VIN Number / Chassis Number. so im stuck in a loop. no bike untill insurance is had and no insurance untill licence plate number is inserted onto online forms. This is for uk provisional so no answers from outside of uk please. thanks
Student health insurance in California...?
I am a full-time student who desperately needs health insurance. I posted a similar question but haven't received any answers. My job won't offer any health benefits for a whole year (Wal-Mart). I buy Concerta from the pharmacy. My college offers no health insurance and nobody I talked to knew what to tell me. Can anyone recommend a plan? My job is only part-time so I need something cheap or affordable that will help cover my medication. Please help. I have no idea how to do this. D:
Why is the health care bill being compared to car insurance?
No one is forced to drive, but we are forced to buy health insurance?""
""Did not want to renew the car insurance, they did it anyway.?""
Our car insurance was expiring on the 28th of may. We had all the premium paid by the end of march. At the end of april we got rid of the car. Couple of days later we received renewal documents from the insurance company. We have been with those company for 2 years, we didn' t make any claims. For the past 2 years we were paying 102 pounds a month. The renewal documents were saying that we only got the 1 year NCB and that our monthly instalment is going to be 140 pounds a month. I rang them on the 6th of may and said that first of all we have 2years of NCB and we want the documents from them proving that , second of all I have asked how come the instalment went from 100 pounds to 140 pounds a month the nice guy explained that there was a mistake (in their system 1 year of NBC was showing) and now it has been sorted and we are going to receive the proof of 2 years NBC and the monthly instalment is going to be 100 pounds. I thanked the guy and said that we do not wish to extend the insurance and I am only waiting for the 2years of NBC. He said ok and I thought it was sorted. We went on holiday abroad on 21st of May and got back on the 7th of June and imagine my surprise when in the post I have found the letter from insurance company with the certificate of insurance enclosed and them thanking me for deciding to stay with them and saying that my monthly instalment is 130 pounds!!! (because apparently i decided not to the the brakedown cover that i had before!!!!) I decided to call them first thing in the morning, but befor I did it i checked my account and of course they have already debited it with 130 pounds. I called them and the woman there explained that they were never informed of not extending the policy and that of course they have it registered that i phoned on the 6th of may with questions but they called me and left a message on my voicemail and apparently i never rang them back. She explained that all I have to do is to send the certificate of motor insurance back and then i will get the money. So i did. Once they got it they rang me saying that now they want the proof of selling/scrapping the car, WHY???I do not think it is any of their business. Especially that as far as I am concerned I am not cancelling the policy , I never wanted it. It is all their fault they did not listen. Can I do something about it, I have also got the funny feeling they are not going to give me full refund that they are gonna come up with something.""
How do college students pay for car insurance ?
I have always been curious since it cost so much.
What is the average monthly insurance cost for a Box Truck or Commercial Vehicle?
I'd rather not give any companies my personal information, so can anyone give me an monthly estimate for box truck insurance?""
What is the statue regarding insurance rating for minnesota?
the owner of the house i rented want to add a car to his insurance policy which he already had 2 cars. He lives upstairs, i rented downstairs. When he called american family insurance, the agent said he can't have that car under his name because the new car has to be rated under my name because i am younger. He said something about minnesota statue law required him to do that and won't rate under the owner. Can a person has more than one car insured and not have anything to do with the renter that live there. thanks.""
Do I have to respond to a insureance quote?
So today I got a insurance quote from 21st Century Insurance and it says Response requested by: Dec.4,2910 DO I really have to respond?""
Is it a good idea to combine my car insurance with home owners insurance?
With Farmers Insurance? Is there a catch to it, since it sounds too good to be true. My old policy is only liability and covers around $15,000 per accidents, (monthly is $43.00). The new policy covers 100,000 per accidents and up to 300,000 (Monthly is $45.00). I was told there is a discount for the homeowners insurance too if i add all the cars in (3). And only saved $100. But with all the car insurance Were paying for, am i really saving anything?? I am confused??""
""How much is the fine when a cop pull you over and dont have licence,insurance and tags!?
My uncle got pull over by a cop and gave him a fine without taking his car away(he got lucky) he didnt have a license or insurance and somebody stole his tag! he's not a resident or a citizen somebody know how much is that fine????he still have to go court but i wonder how much is going to be????
Car insurance for learner driver UK?
I am considering to buy a car before I pass my test. Without buying the car first I can't get a quote online. I understand insurance is not much differenet for a learner driver and someone that just passed their test. Anyone knows how much roughly insurance cost for a learner driver? Thinking of getting a 2002-2003 ford focus, and I am a female 27 years of age if that makes any difference.""
Good Health Insurance for individual?
I'd like to know if there are any affordable health insurances that can cover, at least in most part, doctor visits, low cost prescriptions and sometimes specialist visits. I don't go to the doctor very often, I can spend a year or more without a visit but I still need the insurance. I have a part-time job which doesn't offer me any benefits so I'm on a budget when it comes to health insurance. I am still considered dependent but a family health plan is not an option at the moment. Any good health insurance that is affordable with a part time job in Florida?""
Driving without car insurance?
I'm curious, how many people do you think drive without car insurance and have you ever driven without insurance. I ask because the other day I was browsing on here and long story short, there was a woman who got into an accident that she claimed was not her fault but proceeded to say that she didn't have insurance and wanted to know what would happen. I was baffled because I don't know what would truely posses someone to drive without having insurance. I mean, I would be so scared of the consequences to even gather up the balls to get behind a wheel. It's like driving while intoxicated---it's just asking for trouble.""
Tip cheap car insurance in northern ireland for young drivers
Tip cheap car insurance in northern ireland for young drivers
I was in a car accident. My car was deem a total lost. The insurance towed my car away. I waited 1 year?
trying to get my claim paid. Today I received a letter from some car auction center, stating that I had to go get my car or they will charge me storage per day. now my car was a honda 05 I originally finaced the car and still owe money on the car. like 13000. The insurance company is not paying my claim. The finance company gave me a charge off on my credit. Now If I go pick up this car. is the car now mines? I do not have the title. How do I get the title.""
How much is it to add 16 year old girl to car insurance that is a good student.?
good student discount
A question about car insurance?
I recently got a statement from my insurance company saying that they can no longer support me because I got two tickets over the past three years (one was highway speeding, the other was a ticket given to me by a police officer who fabricated the location of infraction... I argued this in coiurt but I think I was not heard properly). I am paying around $ 1500... is it likely that I will be able to get cheaper car insurance somewhere else or is it pretty much the same everywhere?""
""On average what would cost more, Universal Health care or Insurance premiums?
per person which would cost more?
Car Insurance prices???????????????
I am turning 18 soon and will take the written exam. After that, I will try to get a licence. Now my question is, for a first time driver at 18 years old, how much would car insurance usually cost for a '97 Nissan Altima with I'd say no more than 10-20 hours of driving per week? I also have good grades and I think some insurance companies give you up to 15% off for that. Thanks!""
Do i need full insurance if I finance a car?
I have 2500 I want to put down on a car that cost 5000 Do I need full insurance? I live in NY
Would Hillary Clinton health care insurance plan be like the law for car insurance?
The law for car insurance says: everybody who has a car has to buy private insurance for that car . Would the law for health insurance be similar if Hillary Clinton is elected president: everybody who has a body has to buy private heath insurance for that body . Will it be like that or have I misunderstood her plan? Please explain it to me.
I just bout 2 motorcycles and I am looking for a cheap place to get insurance through... Any suggestions??????
It's a 2007 yamaha and a 2005 suzuki, and I'm not getting anywhere with these insurance quotes. They are outrageous!!!""
Do rich people need health insurance?
I would prefer that wealthy people answer this question so that I get the facts and not theory. Anywho, I am wondering if rich people not only need health insurance, but, do they even carry it? I always think of insurance as a scam that doesn't live up to their end of the bargain if they think your going to cost too much, like a catastrophic health issue for instance.""
TSC Direct Car Insurance?
Does anyone have any experience with this insurance? I have seen lots of ads for it on the subway. Got a quote today from the website and it is waaaayyy less than what my boyfriend is paying with Geico. Good reviews? Bad reviews?
""Cheapest car for insurance, and also cheapest insurance company in uk?""
hi, I have just passed my driving test, so I am looking to buy a car. As I am a new driver, I would like to get some tips and help about choosing a car that is cheap to insure and also a cheap insurance company. to give u an idea I have around 2000 to 2500 pounds to spare for a car and insurance. do u think it would be possible with my budget Please help.... thanks.""
""I got a problem, my daughter just got her drivers license and because I could get cheaper insurance with?""
another company, I switched insurance companies. Needless to say yesterday when she was backing out of our car port she hit the carport pole and scratched my car pretty bad and knocked some trim off. The scratch bothers me the most because it's long and down to the metal and paint is chipping off. Can anyone tell me how I can fix this with out filing a claim?""
About how much will ensureance cost me?
Heyy ya'll, I'm 15 (ill be 16 next month) and I'm saving to buy a car next year! My mom says since I'm young they're going to charge me more for insurance, so what I want to know is about how much will they charge me a month since ill be 17 when I buy the the car?""
Is there any cheap health insurance that have good coverage in california ?
Is there any cheap health insurance that have good coverage in california ?
Does any one knows if a time requirement exist that you have to notify your car insurance co. if you're hit?
My car was hit in a parking lot. the other driver told me to get an estimate for the damages and he will write a check. if the cost is too high, his insurance co will pay. do I have to tell mey insureance co. about this? is there a minimum time that I have to tell my insureance co? thank you.""
Car Insurance Company Refuses to Insure my Brother!?
So, my brother got into a car accident about 3 years ago. He was driving his car and a motorcyclist ran into him doing around 90 mph, causing the bike to flip and the guy on the bike to dismount and skid across the freeway. The motorcyclist was lucky he didn't get run over or killed. It was deemed by both the insurance companies that it was the motorcyclists fault and when the motorcyclist tried to sue our insurance company, we got a letter from our attorney that the case had been dismissed and no further action was needed. Today, we got a call out of the blue from Mercury saying my brother couldn't be on the insurance anymore because they had settled with the motorcyclist for $100,000 and basically, if we didn't get him off the insurance, my whole family would be removed. We didn't receive any notification that Mercury was planning on paying this guy out or that our rates would be altered. We called the attorney's office but he wasn't in and we explained the situation and the receptionist said they might of just settled anyway without letting us know even though this whole thing wasn't even my brother's fault. My question is, if the accident was the fault of the motorcyclist and when the motorcyclist initially sued and was denied a settlement (there was no mention of a settlement on the attorney's letter; it just said that it was dismissed), how and why would Mercury give this jacka$$ $100,000 and deny my brother coverage? It's all very confusing and any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!""
Car accident advice California?
Today i was in a car accident and it was not me fault i was sandwiched in between two cars i contacted insurance company of mines and said wait for there insurance to contact you any advice on what steps i should take now
How much will my insurance go up after one accident if i backed into somebody but barely scratched their car?
How much will my insurance go up after one accident if i backed into somebody but barely scratched their car?
What is the best motorcycle insurance for military personnel?
i am joining the military and i was wondering what insurance company offers the best rates for motorcycle insurance for a 19 year old male?
I am 17 how can I get cheap car insurance?
I have an ac cobra with a LS3 V8 in it. Is there a way to get cheap insurance. Could I get my dad to get insurance for the car from another country allowing anyone to drive the car insured?
Will my car insurance rate increase if my car is stolen and never recovered?
I also have GAP insurance.
First time Insurance Buyer!?
My parents recently told me that I have to pay for my own insurance (Damn economy). I would be driving a 2005 Chevrolet Suburban and a 2004ish Suzuki Sedan. Sorry I don't know the makes and my parents don't want to tell me because they are afraid I am giving away their emails to all of the insurance companies. I am 16 years old, and have a 3.3 GPA. I noticed another answer somebody said attach to the parents. My mom was rear-ended and has 1 moving violation, my dad has been accident/ticket free for 40 years, if that makes a difference at all.""
Please explain how universal life insurance works in details?
is it the same as variable insurance wherein you can increase or decrease your insurance coverage for the same premium or universal life have a fix premium for a given age and amount and if you want to increase your coverage, you just add a yearly term insurance?How do you increase its coverage? Will it affects the premium if you want additional coverage? I understand variable life insurance has a range of minimum to maximum coverages for a given premium, is it the same with universal life?please explain in details how the entire process works.""
What insurance is needed for rental car in California?
My son leaves Ireland tomorrow Sat 17th Nov to fly to San Diego. He has rented a car to drive to Seattle - everything appears to be arranged. But I want to check he has adequate car insurance that is needed/required? He is over 25 years and has normal Travel Insurance.
Emancipated 16 year old car insurance help?
I am currently living with my parents and am soon to be emancipated. I was looking at some geico quotes, turned out for minimal coverage was 475$ per month. This was outragous and obviously way to much for any one to be able to afford. To have the type of coverage i would like was 10,000$ per year, the numbers were staggering. Anyway my question is it possible to get insurance at 16 years old on your own for a resonable price. If so with what car insurance company. I have a 3.0 and a perfect driving record, i do drive a camero z28 so i understand its going to be a little higher than average....""
Tip cheap car insurance in northern ireland for young drivers
Tip cheap car insurance in northern ireland for young drivers
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giveuselife-blog · 7 years
Video games: Why Incentives to deter Pre-Owned Gaming Are Lousy
New Post has been published on https://giveuselife.org/defeating-used-video-games-why-incentives-to-deter-pre-owned-gaming-are-lousy/
Video games: Why Incentives to deter Pre-Owned Gaming Are Lousy
Do you buy your Games second-hand? Then you are an entire cheapskate and the scum of the gaming enterprise. You are worse than any pirate sailing the high seas of warez. Or as a minimum, that’s what publishers need us to think. Whether you’ve got the right to promote the goods you’ve got purchased is inappropriate: the sale of used Games is unfavorable the Games enterprise.
When a brand new game is traded in or sold to a sports store, that money is then kept via the retailer instead of achieving the palms of the hardworking developer who spent blood, sweat and tears on creating their delight and pleasure. The same recreation might be bought and offered numerous times and it can be argued that those purchases are an ability sale which has been stolen from the game companies themselves. It’s far authentic that you don’t listen to the music or film enterprise complaining approximately their 2d-hand losses, but does developing an album or a film evaluate to the quantity of cash and effort spent on growing a Triple-A recreation identify? As always, It is the customer that comes to a decision Whether or not a game is well worth its $50 fee tag, and frequently they decide to go with a pre-owned charge alternatively.
Rubbish Incentives for brand spanking new Purchases
recreation organizations already utilize some of the methods to advantage more money after the discharge in their Games inside the form of downloadable content (DLC) and there are actually incentives to shopping for new. Pre-order bonuses appear to be famous proper now with many Video games inclusive of codes for additional DLC or unique in-recreation bonuses.
We’ll be taking a study some of the garbage incentives presented by using publishers to inspire new purchases and what alternatives would be more welcome.
One of a kind DLC & Pre-Order Bonuses: Gamers are not new to the concept of receiving bonuses within creditors editions and so on, however, more currently we have been seeing quite a few greater freebies within new Games or as part of pre-ordering an identity. Most of that is in-sport DLC, which include new weapons and armor, new maps or various other beauty additions which don’t truly add that ton to the game. In fact, Maximum of these things you can likely live without. I don’t actually need the Blood Dragon Armor in Dragon Age Origins and I can live without a tattoo set in Fable 3, thanks very a good deal. I’d pass as a long way to mention that DLC armor is one of the Maximum unnecessary examples of a DLC incentive, ever. Despite the fact that perhaps no longer as useless as the pony Armor from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
In a few cases, the DLC offered is a bit extra big. some Games offer quests or missions, and this appears like more of a ‘thank you’ bonus. Bioware has taken this one step in addition by imparting a DLC transport carrier in Mass Impact 2 and Dragon Age 2. This service permits gamers to down load a sequence of unfastened gadgets, as well as get admission to paid DLC. In Mass Effect 2, this blanketed a few more facet-quests and One of a kind armor/weapons (Groan). A participant can also upload a brand new person to their recreation squad, Zaeed, and he got here with his own loyalty undertaking as well as some small areas to explore plus a brand new weapon. At the same time as this is a higher incentive and adds greater to the game if you did not buy Mass Effect 2 new, then getting a keep of Zaeed would cost you 1200 Microsoft Factors ($15). Yikes.
The fee and really worth of DLC is something to speak about at a later factor, but to choose the exceptional of future DLC, evaluate it to the Undead Nightmare p.C. from Purple Useless Redemption. For handiest 800 Microsoft Factors ($10), an entire new unmarried Participant recreation is unlocked which rivals the unique recreation. It’s a beautiful example of pleasant DLC.
Online Passes: Now this appears to be an interesting/worrying fashion in latest Games, delete as appropriate. All of it started with EA as they delivered the idea of an ‘Online Bypass’ for a number of their fundamental titles, which include Lifeless Area 2, The Sims 3, Madden NFL 11, and so on. This Online Pass is a one-time code which gives access to On-line multiplayer capability within their Video games. What this means is that you are restrained from gambling Online except you both purchase the sport new, and for that reason have a Pass code, or you spend $10 on obtaining this Bypass if you’re unfortunate enough to buy the sports 2d-hand.
a few agencies have already started to take in this machine, along with Ubisoft, Codemasters, Warner, THQ and now Sony. Sony can be following the identical trend by means of offering a code at $10 for second-hand Game enthusiasts and this initiative will start with the release of Resistance three.
At the same time as On upon line passes are a great approach to create earnings from potentially misplaced income, they’re additionally as an alternative demanding as they penalize 2d-hand Gamers, efficaciously stripping away a chunk of sports content from the Participant. In a few cases, the online part of the sport is an awful lot bigger than the obligatory tale mode and if you’re already paying for offerings like Xbox stay Gold or PlayStation Plus, then it simply adds on an extra fee.
Un-resettable recreation Saves: Now this ‘incentive’ in reality does take the cake. inside the current Resident Evil Mercenaries name by way of Capcom on the 3DS, players are prevented from erasing their shop data. This means that the sport cannot b, commenced from scratch and looks to be a right away assault in opposition to 2d-hand Video games. Now, it isn’t always a big deal in Mercenaries 3D, as this information more or less interprets into excessive ratings and a few unlockables, but believe if this system was used in other free car games, such as an RPG? What if you purchased a second-hand recreation which was already completed? As a result of this pass, Most rental shops are unwilling to stock Mercenaries 3-D.
However, the worst thing about un-resettable free car games is that it additionally penalizes Gamers who have sold the sport new, as they’re prevented from resetting their game data if they want.
What is the Opportunity?
So, if these incentives which encourage us to purchase brand-spanking new free car games are not operating, or are ‘barely crap’ at quality, then what’s the Alternative?
Membership Nintendo: Nintendo offers a number of the more interesting incentives for new purchases. Every new recreation comes with a card which may be redeemed for Factors within the ‘Club Nintendo’ carrier. Right here, Game enthusiasts can spend their Factors on a wide variety of collectible Nintendo merchandise, starting from posters to garb. There are hundreds of objects which can be stored for. In no way thoughts that some of the better gadgets require a handful of Factors and possibly ten hundred Wii’s, getting physical objects on your loyalty is a pretty neat concept.
imagine if you may be presented with Microsoft Points to spend on XBLA free car games? Or perhaps you could spend those Points on real world objects, including control pads, or posters? I would love to see real rewards as an incentive rather than a few shoddy in-game armor.
Informal & Virtual free car games There is a purpose why digitally downloadable Video games, inclusive of those on XBLA or PSN as well as mobile gaming, have come to be so popular. They provide a high-quality gaming experience for a reasonably-priced charge. All of those offerings have grown over the years, from selling small retro Video games to fully-fledged gaming reports which are huge sufficient to make many complete-priced Games weep. I recognize I might quicker have Limbo on my Xbox than a few dodgy Kinect version of Carnival Games, and It’s lots greater cost for cash too.
cell and indie Video games are persevering with to grow and plenty of game builders are already aware that smaller free car games are an A on lternative to big finances titles. This does not imply We’re going to see the stop of Triple-A Video games, however, it does re-compare the cost of such free car games
Lower the one’s Fees: truth is, now not anyone can afford to buy a complete priced video game. We are dwelling in tight times, and with a few titles selling for as tons as $60, for lots, It is a case of purchase cheap or omit out. a few Video games are pretty frankly not really worth $50 and are reduced to half of fee in a reply of weeks on. Even digitally disbursed titles can price just as an awful lot if not more than their retail counterparts. Pre-owned Games are famous due to the fact they are inexpensive. Simple, genuinely.
Whilst it seems tha, certain game shops are taking gain of the recognition of used free car games to maximize their earnings, in particular as their pre-owned choice seems pretty overpriced anyway, pre-owned titles also are the lifeline for smaller unbiased outlets that struggle against the bigger chain stores. We all understand that desire gives the high-quality deal for customers, Whether or not selling new or used free car games.
On-line retailers inclusive of Amazon and Play.Com provide Decrease Expenses nonetheless, however, I’d hate to look these update the magic of major street buying. But, if retailers can offer better offers on new titles, then maybe this can inspire income.
So What’s Subsequent?
possibly the Video games enterprise wishes to reconsider their half-baked incentives and observe the motives why Gamers might sooner buy a 2d-hand game than fork out the coins for a shiny new copy. The industry additionally wishes to shake off the idea that 2nd-hand Game enthusiasts are the enemy. We’re now not pirates, we haven’t stolen a recreation. We’re just clients. However, the real trouble lies with the one’s shops who maximize their own greed on the fee of the industry.
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