#tvn lovely runner
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i'm back to fixate on this moment, again.
look at how sunjae's expression completely transforms once he realizes that sol DOES love him as much, (if not more than) he loves her. that he's not just a problem to be rid of, for her; not an uncomfortable experience, or a traumatic memory.
he's wonderstruck at this epiphany — you can see his whole face soften, his mouth tighten as he chokes back tears, his eyes sweeten (and sober) into dark honey. the only girl he's ever loved actually loves him BACK: has gone against fate to try and save him.
what is death in the face of such commitment?
i marvel at the spare beauty of this confession: it's not ornate, or flowery, or overly elaborate. it simply is — just like sunjae. just like his love for sol.
"please keep liking me," he says. "if i die saving you, that's fine with me." such plain, earnest sentences — yet staggering in their immensity. this is the simple, sweeping grace of sunjae's confession — it doesn't need to be dressed in pretty words. all it needs is to exist.
this is what sunjae means: live with me, love with me, and dying will be worth it. it will have been a privilege to die because of you — my last moments will have been in service of my love. all my time was yours anyway.
this, followed by the gentlest of all kisses, to seal their unspoken promise. a kiss they will both remember — because their universes finally align.
because they belong to each other.
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pinkiech · 2 months
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Lovely Runner 선재 업고 튀어 (2024) Ep. 11
"Sun Jae, it's all over. We have a future now."
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kdramaaaaa · 2 months
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They ran into each other's lives in every timeline 🥺
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aestheticallysxx · 1 month
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"There was a rainshower on the day I saw her for the first time. She put a yellow umbrella over me with a smile. I couldn't breathe because my heart was fluttering. As if I forgot how to breathe."
| Lovely Runner (2024)
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rebtrovert-girl · 4 months
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Loser in love - Ryu Seon-jae
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factorygirlsstuff · 4 months
I always love the he fell first trope
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This changes everything.
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one of my favourite ✨dimple couple✨
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octoberdiariesx · 4 months
I just watched Lovely Runner first episode and I want to give Im Seol the biggest hug 🥺
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apricotluvr · 2 months
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this scene with sunjae and sol's halmeoni was so beautiful, it made me tear up.
i firmly believe she's the literal personification of fate in this story — the silent force that guided both sol and sunjae throughout their journey.
destiny herself put her warm hand on sunjae's heart and wished him well — blessed him with a long and happy life.
'live brightly,' her smile seems to say. 'let your love breathe freely now. you are safe.'
it's exactly the confirmation sunjae needs to let the last of his fear go: you can see his face crumple with sheer relief, the staggering realization that his life is his own now; forever linked to sol.
his tears of gratitude at the promise of a shimmering future; rich with possibility.
just gorgeous writing, all around. i'm in awe.
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pinkiech · 2 months
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Lovely Runner 선재 업고 튀어 (2024) Final Ep.
"You're a gift from sky." -Ryu Sun Jae
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kdramaaaaa · 2 months
Lovely Runner, Ep14
In the alternate life, he first fell in love with her script, then her 🥹❤️
He fell in love with her all over again. Her laugh, their love story, her persistence 😭 I love them your honor
Writer-nim, please give them a happy ending 🙏 As Sun Jae said, "That's a sad ending. I don't like that ending."
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aestheticallysxx · 2 months
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“It rained when I saw you for the first time.”
Lovely Runner (2024) | Episode 2
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coffeetraces · 2 months
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we open the final episode with a 34-year-old clingy 6-foot baby
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factorygirlsstuff · 4 months
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✌️ 🫶🏼
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a man in love 🎀✨💐💫💕
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