#tvs barcode scanner
faggotfungus · 10 months
Factory Fan Bass │ 工場扇風機ベース by ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS!
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anam398 · 2 years
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Barcode Scanner | Buy TVS-e Barcode Scanners Online at best prices.
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saniyaspace · 2 years
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TVS-E Barcode Scanner | Buy TVS-e Barcode Scanners Online at best prices.
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ifaakhan · 2 years
Looking for a Barcode Scanner Machine? TVS-e brings you the best Barcode Scanners at Best prices !
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xf-cases-solved · 9 days
S2E5: Duane Barry
Case: Our episode finds us in Virginia. I know this because it is the literal first thing written down in my notes. I'm learning. (No I'm not.)
Anyway. This episode, which takes place in Virginia, is part one of a three part (+ one weird fever dream episode) plot arc that will be extremely relevant to the rest of the overall plot of the X-Files from here on out. Everybody thank Gillian Anderson's daughter Piper for existing, and also Gillian Anderson for putting up with extremely questionable treatment from the show runners while she was pregnant, instead of just rage quitting like I probably would have. (She went back to work 10 days after having a C-section and they LET her, that's fucking INSANE and makes me so mad on her behalf lol.) 
But I digress.
Duane Barry! He might not have had to go film a TV show ten days after major surgery and like, giving life to a human being, but he sure is going through it, huh? Poor dude can't stop getting abducted by aliens. Probably. That, or he is suffering from a violent and unpredictable psychosis. It's one or the other for sure. And that wouldn't really be anybody's problem, except Duane has decided that he's done with the tests and teeth drilling, tyvm, and would like someone else to have a turn, so he captures his psychiatrist and busts out of the mental institution, intending to offer the psych up as tribute to the aliens. Unfortunately for Duane, however, he doesn't actually remember where the aliens said they'd pick him up at, so he hits up a travel agency, which ultimately devolves into him holding three workers plus the psychiatrist hostage.
Enter Mulder and our favorite punkass bitch sidekick, Alex Krycek! 😃 
Mulder, being the alien abductee whisperer that he is, gains Duane's trust, and we are kept on our toes as the episode does a pretty solid job at drawing out the suspense as we (along with Mulder) are ping-ponged back and forth about whether or not Duane is who and what he says he is. By the end of the episode there is still a lingering doubt, BUT, a very unsettling voicemail on Mulder's answering machine tells us we're gonna have bigger things to worry about now.
An agent, who I just now realized I recognize because she played a doctor on ER, asks Mulder to help with a hostage negotiation because he knows things about alien abductions, and then is surprised and irate when he makes the conversation about alien abductions; that same agent makes Krycek get her a grande 2% cappuccino with vanilla, which earns her my eternal love; Scully buys an entire bag of groceries for $11.14, and also breaks the barcode scanner with an unidentified metal implant and then just sort of shrugs at the store clerk and leaves; and a "Mulder, it's me" phone call ends with the sound of screams for help and broken glass, whuh-oh!
Oh, and this is the episode with the red speedo.
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Welcome, friends, to the Abduction Arc!
Does someone die in the cold open: No, but things aren't really going great either. Not that they ever tend to be going great in X-Files' cold opens.
Does Mulder present a slideshow: No. No Mulder+Krycek slideshows 😡
Does the evidence survive the investigation: Ok, so the "case" this time was technically "do the hostage negotiation and get the hostages out alive," so evidence wasn't needed. Ig.
Whodunit: Duane Barry, our favorite kidnapper and alien abductee [citation needed]!
Convictions: Lol, I literally just blew out a sigh and said "ummm" out loud to myself alone in my office, that's embarrassing, but also... we'll come back to this question next episode. 
Did they solve it: Because Mulder did get the hostages out of the building safely, and because I know it's gonna be a minute before he or Scully have any real wins in their lives, I will give them this. 
[how do i determine if a case is solved? check the scale here: x]
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THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: Bulgaria's maternity leave laws. 58 weeks at 90% pay the entire time. In the United States you are lucky if you get six weeks, and even luckier if it's paid. And sometimes your boss makes you film a TV show ten days after giving birth through a giant gaping wound in your abdomen. (I know they were technically filming in Canada at the time, but it's an American TV show, so I'm counting it as United States bullshit.) Anyway, we treat pregnant people terribly! But let's just. Not think about that. Abduction arc time!!
General Total Stats:
(green means stat has changed since last ep; red means new stat added to list)
Total Cases *Definitively* Solved So Far: 15 (not even gonna bother restarting the streak tho. y'all just hang in there for a bit, i'm sure things will start looking up soon. ish. probably)
Total Number of "Mulder/Scully, It's Me": 9 (three in total, and the last one ends poorly)
Total Number of Times Scully Has Conveniently Not Seen Something Crucial: 6
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Been in Mortal Danger: 9 ½ (could have easily been shot at any time) 
Total Number of Times Scully Has Been in Mortal Danger: 9 (went back and forth on this, bc i know how this whole arc ends, but i think that if we look at this episode alone, and don't skip ahead, being kidnapped by a mentally unstable person who is known to be violent definitely counts as being in mortal danger)
Total Number of Sexually Charged, Uncomfortably Intimate, and/or Flirty Moments Between Friendly Coworkers: 14 (no, but dw, this stat is gonna get some mileage here soon)
Total Number of Autopsies Scully Has Performed On Screen: 5 (gdi. i had a funny one liner, but i know for a fact there is at least one person reading these in real time with their first watch-through, so i am trying very hard not to make jokes that are spoilery 🤐)
Total Number of Times Scully Plays Doctor: 2
Total Number of Times Mulder Talks to an Informant: 18 (no X 😔)
Total Number of Times People Making Out in a Car Are Hurt or Killed: 2
Total Number of Times Someone Correctly Guesses a Password: 3 
Total Number of (Plot Relevant) Nosebleeds: 5
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Tasted/Sniffed/Touched Something Questionable Without Following Proper Safety Procedures: 3 (no, but he did repeatedly break hostage negotiation protocol, which is similar in spirit if not practice)
Total Number of Times Someone Says "Trust No One": 3 
Total Number of Times Someone Says "I Want to Believe": 4
Total Number of Times Someone Says "The Truth is Out There": 2 
Total Number of Cigarettes Cigarette Smoking Man Has Smoked: 9
Total Number of Maggie Scully Sightings: 1
Total Number of Lone Gunmen Sightings: 2
Total Number of Alex Krycek Sightings: 2!!!!!! (get that coffee, you loser)
Total Number of Times I Had to Look Up What State the Episode Takes Place in Even Though I Literally Just Watched It: 11½ (i wrote that shit down like a person without an attention deficit disorder, hell yeah 😎)
Total Number of Times I Had to Look at an Episode's Wikipedia Page to Fill This Out Because It Was Fucking Confusing and/or Too Boring for Me to Pay Attention: 5
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erigold13261 · 2 months
For some reason I think it would be rad if [IBN] played "unconventional" instruments
like an electric fan harp (aka a fan made to act like a guitar) or using CRT TVs to make sound or a barcode scanner
kinda like this video
I've seen this before! But only on tumblr! Thank you so much for sending me their youtube channel!!!
But honestly, yea, I can see them doing that. Especially since Carna does not see being in a band as a life career and just as a hobby so fae would be having a lot of fun with this instead of doing anything legitimate and conventional.
And honestly I can see Synthia having the same mentality. He would probably be so fucking done with traditional music (especially full EDM) and want to just have fun.
Both of those two have enough money that they never have to actually work hard to make it (Synthia already made his own wealth, that was not something Sharon kept from him because she didn't want any ties after he grew up, so all the money he made is his and his alone. And Carna comes from a family who would absolutely help faer no matter what so no need to ever get a job because faer family is so family-oriented that it could be seen as toxic and enabling for someone like Carna).
And then Riko I can see as having some money from family, but not nearly as rich as Carna and Synthia, as well as not having as much of a musical background as the other two so wouldn't have burnout from traditional style music. However, she absolutely is a little silly and would love playing "instruments" like that!
So yea, I can honestly see these three playing music like that video! Especially since Carna already would have some mechanical know-how since Neon would make sure all his kids have the basic ability to fix themselves (or at least know what is wrong with them and can communicate that. I would say that only Purl-Hew, and possibly Eloni and Rin, would actually know how to fix the rest of 1010 and siblings other than Neon J or special mechanics on stand by if they break down. But hey! Carna would know how to make a makeshift guitar out of a CCTV lol).
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grapenehifics · 2 years
Chapter 54
(Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40473339/chapters/110804568#workskin)
For a very short period of time right at the beginning of this chapter I managed to remember that Anakin still volunteers Friday nights at the YMCA! (That will end pretty soon though. The man has two paying jobs, a teenager, a wife, and a baby on the way. He's getting a little too busy. Which is too bad because part of the point of the Y was to keep him exercising and give him an excuse to hang out with Rex every week.)
I wanted this very much to feel lived-in. So, we don't see this BBQ at Cody's house, but it happened.
Seems pretty typical that Ahsoka got up early on a Sunday to do yoga and Anakin went back to bed.
Depending on where you sit (i.e. if it's shaded or not) Sunday day games at Dodger Stadium can be an absolute blast. Clayton Kershaw seems to pitch a lot of Sunday day games, for whatever reason.
And here's Obi-Wan's obligatory panic attack about how Ahsoka got him a Father's day gift even though he's not her father. (Isn't he though???)
Rex was the one who actually played baseball in high school and college but he's just enjoying watching Anakin faff around and try to answer Ahsoka's questions about some of the more obscure rules.
My favorite thing to eat at Dodger stadium isn't actually a Dodger dog, but the chocolate malts that come in a paper cup and you eat with a tongue depressor. The closest substitute I've ever found outside of Dodger stadium is a chocolate frosty from Wendy's, but you'd have to eat it outside in the blazing hot sun and somehow make it also taste vaguely like plywood to really get the full experience.
...And now it's Padme's turn to be unintentionally insensitive to Satine! In Padme's defense, though, using the barcode scanners to put things on a gift registery is really fun.
Time to meet Mr. Plo and his son Wolffe! Plo Koon Customizing is based on Roman Customizing, which was the garage in the 90's Disney TV show Brotherly Love (which holds up surprisingly well, if you can manage to find episodes to watch).
First toxoplasmosis, now mercury in fish! Pregnancy is truly a minefield.
Bail and Mon in this story are based on the campaign advisors who work with Leslie Knope to get her elected to city council in Parks & Rec. I can't remember their names on the show though? Do they even get names?
Actually the only reason I know what model UN is, is also because of Parks & Rec. I, uh, don't think my school had that. (I was on our quiz bowl team, though.)
I wish now I'd used the Ahsoka/Obi-Wan/Satine group text more; they're a hoot to write.
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subashmani · 4 months
Mastering Your QPOS Restaurant Billing Machine: A Guide for Thrissur Restaurateurs
Running a successful restaurant involves keeping a smooth flow not just in the kitchen, but also at the billing counter. If you've recently invested in a QPOS Billing Machine in Thrissur from TVS ELECTRONICS LTD - BYJU'S COMPUTERS, you might be wondering how to get the most out of it. Don't worry, this guide will walk you through the basics of using your QPOS system, making your life (and your staff's lives!) a whole lot easier.
Getting Started with Your QPOS:
First things first, familiarize yourself with the hardware. Your QPOS system likely comes with a touchscreen monitor, a printer for receipts, and a barcode scanner (if applicable). It's also likely pre-loaded with software designed specifically for restaurant billing. This software will have its own user interface, so take some time to explore the buttons and menus. Most QPOS systems are quite intuitive, but if you get stuck, don't hesitate to reach out to TVS ELECTRONICS LTD - BYJU'S COMPUTERS for assistance.
Taking Orders and Billing Like a Pro:
Now for the fun part! When a customer places their order, you can simply input it into the QPOS system. Many systems allow you to search for menu items by name or category, making the process quick and efficient. You can even add modifiers (think extra cheese or a side salad) with just a few taps. Once the order is complete, the system will calculate the total bill automatically, including taxes and any service charges.
Payment Options Made Easy:
The beauty of a POS Billing Machine in Thrissur is that it streamlines the payment process. Most QPOS systems accept cash, credit cards, and even mobile wallets. This gives your customers the flexibility to pay in whatever way they prefer, reducing wait times and keeping the line moving.
Beyond the Basics:
Your QPOS system can do much more than just process bills. Many systems offer features like inventory management, employee time tracking, and even customer relationship management (CRM) tools. Explore these features to see how they can benefit your restaurant.
Mastering your QPOS restaurant billing machine is a surefire way to boost efficiency and improve your customer experience. With a little practice, you'll be a POS pro in no time! Remember, TVS ELECTRONICS LTD - BYJU'S COMPUTERS is always there to assist you with any questions you might have about your QPOS system. Now get out there and conquer the Vadodara restaurant scene!
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adhdemongirl · 4 months
You know that video of adude making music with a barcode scanner? Apearantly they are a whole group, including instruments made out of CRT TVs and repurposed fans and I think I found heaven
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yelenaparker22 · 8 months
How Mobile Applications are Beneficial from Business Prospective
A mobile application, commonly referred to as an app, is a software program designed to run on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, and is developed by mobile application development companies in Sri Lanka. These applications are created to perform specific tasks or provide specific functions for users. Mobile apps can be downloaded and installed from app stores, which are digital platforms where users can browse, discover, and download various applications.
Mobile application development serves a wide range of purposes, and their uses can vary greatly depending on the type of app and its intended functionality. Here are some common categories and purposes of mobile applications:
Productivity Apps: These apps help users manage and organise tasks, schedules, and work-related activities. Examples include calendar apps, note-taking apps, and to-do list apps.
Communication Apps: Messaging apps, email clients, and video conferencing apps fall under this category, facilitating communication between individuals or groups.
Social Media Apps: These apps enable users to connect, share, and interact with others online. Examples include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Entertainment Apps: These apps provide users with various forms of entertainment, such as streaming services for music, movies, TV shows, and games.
Utilities: Utility apps serve practical purposes, offering tools like calculators, flashlights, barcode scanners, and more.
Navigation and Maps Apps: Apps like Google Maps and Waze help users navigate and find directions, locate places of interest, and plan routes.
Health and Fitness Apps: These apps focus on helping users maintain a healthy lifestyle by providing features like workout tracking, calorie counting, and health monitoring.
Shopping Apps: Mobile commerce apps allow users to browse and purchase goods or services online. Examples include Amazon, eBay, and various retail store apps.
Educational Apps: Apps designed for learning purposes, ranging from language learning to academic subjects, provide interactive and engaging educational content.
News and Information Apps: Apps from news organisations and content aggregators keep users informed about current events, trends, and topics of interest.
These are just a few examples, and the mobile app landscape is diverse, with new applications constantly being developed by those who offer mobile and web development services, to meet evolving user needs. The widespread use of mobile apps has transformed the way people access information, communicate, and carry out various tasks in their daily lives.
How are mobile apps beneficial from a business perspective?
Mobile apps can offer numerous benefits to businesses, contributing to their growth, customer engagement, and operational efficiency. Here are several ways in which mobile apps can be advantageous from a business perspective:
Enhanced Customer Engagement:
Mobile apps provide a direct and personalised channel for businesses to engage with their customers.
Push notifications enable real-time communication and can be used to promote offers, discounts, and important updates.
Increased Accessibility:
Apps make it convenient for customers to access a business's products or services from anywhere, at any time, using their mobile devices.
Brand Visibility and Recognition:
Having a mobile app can increase brand visibility and recognition. The app icon on a user's device serves as a constant reminder of the brand.
Improved Customer Loyalty:
Loyalty programs and rewards can be integrated into mobile apps, encouraging repeat business and fostering customer loyalty.
Streamlined Sales and Marketing:
Mobile apps facilitate direct sales through mobile commerce features, eliminating the need for customers to visit a physical store or website.
In-app analytics and user data can help businesses refine their marketing strategies and target specific customer segments.
Enhanced User Experience:
Mobile apps can be designed with user-friendly interfaces, providing a smoother and more enjoyable experience compared to mobile websites.
Efficient Customer Support:
In-app customer support features, such as chat or help desks, allow businesses to address customer queries and issues promptly, improving overall customer satisfaction.
Data Collection and Analysis:
Mobile apps can collect valuable user data, enabling businesses to gain insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and trends.
Analysing this data can help businesses make informed decisions and tailor their products or services to better meet customer needs.
Competitive Advantage:
In industries where mobile apps are not yet widespread, having a well-designed and functional app can provide a competitive advantage over competitors.
Operational Efficiency:
For internal use, mobile apps can enhance operational efficiency by providing tools for employees to access information, collaborate, and perform tasks on the go.
Geo-Targeting and Location-Based Services:
Businesses can leverage the location-aware features of mobile devices to offer location-specific content, promotions, or services, enhancing the relevance of their offerings.
Monetisation Opportunities:
Apps can be monetised directly through sales, in-app purchases, or subscription models, providing additional revenue streams for the business.
Mobile apps have become integral to modern business strategies, enabling companies to connect with their audience in innovative ways and adapt to the evolving digital landscape. The success of a mobile app often depends on its functionality, usability, and how well it addresses the needs of both the business and its customers.
What are the challenges involved in developing a mobile app?
Developing a mobile app can be a rewarding process, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Here are some common challenges faced during the mobile app development process:
Platform Fragmentation: The diversity of mobile devices and operating systems (iOS, Android) leads to platform fragmentation. Developers need to ensure compatibility and optimal performance across various devices and OS versions.
User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design: Designing an intuitive and aesthetically pleasing UI/UX is crucial. Balancing functionality with simplicity can be challenging, and user feedback may be necessary for refinement.
Performance Optimisation: Ensuring the app performs well on different devices and under various network conditions is essential. Resource-intensive features, such as graphics and animations, may impact performance.
Security Concerns: Mobile apps often handle sensitive user data, making security a top priority. Protecting against data breaches, unauthorised access, and other security threats requires careful implementation of security measures.
Integration with Third-Party Services: Many apps rely on third-party services and APIs for functionalities such as payment processing, social media integration, and location services. Coordinating with external services and maintaining compatibility can be challenging.
Cross-Platform Development: Developing an app for both iOS and Android can be time-consuming and may require separate codebases. Cross-platform frameworks aim to address this, but challenges such as performance optimisation and platform-specific nuances still exist.
Testing and Quality Assurance: Thorough testing is crucial to identify and fix bugs, ensure compatibility, and validate the app's functionality. Testing across various devices, screen sizes, and network conditions can be time-consuming.
App Store Approval Process: Submitting an app-to-app stores (such as the Apple App Store or Google Play Store) involves a review process. Adhering to their guidelines, addressing feedback, and meeting specific requirements can be challenging.
User Acquisition and Retention: Attracting users to download and use the app is a significant challenge. Furthermore, retaining users and keeping them engaged requires ongoing efforts, such as providing regular updates and new features.
Scalability: As the user base grows, the app must be scalable to handle increased traffic and data loads. Ensuring the backend infrastructure can scale appropriately is crucial for a seamless user experience.
Legal and Compliance Issues: Mobile apps must comply with legal regulations, including data protection laws and app store policies. Failure to adhere to these regulations can lead to legal challenges and app store rejection.
Post-Launch Support and Maintenance: After the app is launched, ongoing support is necessary for bug fixes, updates, and addressing user feedback. Ensuring the app remains compatible with evolving mobile operating systems is an ongoing concern.
In addition to the above, businesses may also need to carry out mobile SEO optimization through reputed SEO companies in Sri Lanka, in order to create more visibility for their app.
Addressing these challenges requires careful planning, collaboration between development and design teams, and a commitment to ongoing improvement. Successful mobile app development involves a combination of technical expertise, user-centric design, and adaptability to industry and technological changes.
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sanjeet97 · 9 months
In the digital age, where new technologies permeate every aspect of our lives
Innovation has become an important driver of innovation and development. Digitization, simply put, is converting analog information into digital format. By organizing information into discrete units of data called bits, it becomes accessible, shareable, and easily processed by computers and other digital devices. We will explore its impact on all businesses and its role within the wider context of digital transformation.
The Process of Digitization
Digitization is the process of converting analog signals or information to a digital format. Encoding, a procedure that makes this conversion possible, gives computers the ability to comprehend and handle the data. The digitizing process involves a number of standard procedures.
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1. Scanning
Scanning is the process of converting a paper document into a digital document. We refer to this procedure as scanning. This is typically accomplished with a scanner, which changes the image to a bitmap file format, which is just a collection of pixels representing the image. appears as. 
2. Audio and Video Digitization
Audio and video digitization is the process of turning analog audio and video recordings into digital formats. This makes it possible to store, modify, and play back video content from webcams, movies, TV shows, talks, and music digitally.
3. Data Digitization
Transforming numerical data into digital data is the process of data digitalization. This makes gathering and analyzing the data simple. Weather forecasting, banking, and scientific research are just a few of the industries that frequently employ data digitalization.
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Examples of Digitization
Digitization has converted many types of information into digital representations, making it more accessible and manageable. Here are some common types of information that can be digitized.
Text: Books, articles, contracts, and other written documents can be digitized, allowing for easy storage, searchability, and sharing.
Images: Photos, artwork, medical images, and other visual content can be converted into digital formats, making them easier to archive and distribute.
Audio: Music, speeches, interviews, and other audio recordings can be digitized, enabling digital storage, editing, and playback.
Video: Movies, TV shows, webcam footage, and other video recordings can be digitized, facilitating digital storage, editing, and streaming.
Data: Numeric data from sensors, financial records, weather data, and other sources can be digitized, enabling easier storage, analysis, and processing.
Barcodes and QR Codes: Barcodes and quick response (QR) codes can be scanned and converted into a digital format, making them machine-readable and facilitating.
For More Information visit on Digital W Wizard
For more Blog’s visit here
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popmusicu · 1 year
Satic Melodies
Static Melodies
“Buy it, use it, break it, fix it, trash it, change it, mail, upgrade it. Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it, snap it, work it, quick erase it.”
That’s how Daft Punk’s Technologic begins. To some, those might just be some catchy lyrics from a snappy song, but the first two lines of Technologic faithfully represent the creative ethos of the Japanese collective Electronicos Fantasticos.
Born from founder Ei Wada’s childhood dream of a musical festival taking place underneath a tube TV, Electronicos Fantasticos aims to repurpose old electronic appliances and use them as novel electromagnetic instruments. Everything from fans to barcodes and the static of CRTs has been used by the group to reinterpret what electronic music can be. Guided by the collective’s mission to give new life to electrical appliances and transform them into electronic instruments, Electronicos Fantasticos has amassed a number of instruments that, along with its 70 members, make the group comparable to an electronic orchestra.
From their origin in Tokyo’s art expo scene, the group has now performed in multiple expositions across Japan and abroad including European music festivals such as Austria’s prestigious Art Electronica. Their cutting-edge approach to instrument creation is not only innovative but also environmentally friendly as it repurposes old appliances that would otherwise be discarded.
One of their premier instruments is the barcoder. This electronic instrument generates sounds by connecting scan-signals of a barcode scanner directly to a powered speaker rather than to a cash register. Furthermore, these barcodes can interpret pretty much anything with lines, including striped shirts. The group has also turned CRT TVs into instruments by picking up the electric static from the TV with coils wrapped around their legs to send the signals to conventional guitar amps. This way, they have managed to make a TV drum whose sound profile changes depending on the number of stripes being displayed by the TV, with the number of stripes indicating the instrument’s intensity. One such performance that mixes together both instruments revolves around a dancer with a barcoded dress where members of the group interpret the barcodes imprinted onto the fabric while the drums function as a backing piece.
Electronicos Fantasticos’ performances are not only innovative but also visually stunning. The group’s use of old appliances and technology creates a unique aesthetic that is both retro and futuristic. The performances are a testament to the group’s creativity and ingenuity, as they are able to create music from unconventional sources. Thus, they encapsulate what people in the past thought music would be like in the far future.
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Product Description TVS Barcode Scanner has a smart build and a design which makes it light in weight and durable. It a handheld scanner that makes the performance of the scanner fast and simple. Our scanner has a top trigger button that is one of its unique features. It enables smooth operation and doesn’t require pressure to be applied to trigger a scan. This barcode scanner has a higher depth-of-field that goes up to 300 mm. This depth enables decoding from longer distances with the help of its 2500 pixels resolution. This scanner has an in-built Auto-scan mode for user convenience. This auto-scan mode enables hands-free operation that makes it easy and satisfying to use. The barcode scanner can function at 330 scans per second speed for faster customer checkouts. It has a first read feature with a high success rate required to boost your business. The barcode scanner is engineered with a 1D linear imager to scan complex barcodes with ease and accuracy. It is competent enough to decode barcodes from less than two feet away. Enabled with ultra scan-decoding technology Increased resolution of 2500 pixels Auto-scan mode enables hands-free operation Higher depth-of-field up to 300 mm enables decoding from longer distances [ad_2]
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albertacash · 2 years
Point of Sale Cash Register | Cash Register Sales and Service- Alberta Cash Register
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Things to Consider When Choosing Cash Register for Sale 
An instrument for tracking and storing financial transactions is a cash register. A cash register for sale most frequent uses are to determine a customer's total purchase and to provide a record of the sale. It is typically used by shops, eateries, and other companies that accept cash payments.
A client display, a cash drawer for holding currency, and a keyboard or touchpad for entering data are all common components of cash registers. Some of them also include built-in tools for keeping track of sales information or managing inventories.
What Things You Need to Consider When Choosing a Cash Register?
More detailed reports
More data can be swiftly stored and managed by retail cash register systems than by a conventional cash register. Due to this, managers and business owners may easily access critical reports from every lane or terminal from a single place, typically the back office. Point-of-sale systems also give you the option to instantly pull reports from any terminal, providing you with the most recent data on sales, items, time logs, and other things.
Security features 
By looking for these basic security features, you can keep your cash, checks, and electronic payment information secure. Cash and checks will be protected from illegal access via a lockable drawer. Unwanted users will be prevented from using the money via a password function. Additionally, a nearby cash drop box can be set up to safely keep huge sums of money.
Improve accuracy
Think about how many mistakes people make when manually entering sales data into a POS cash register software system. Consider how much more money you could earn if those mistakes were less frequent. A point of sale system excels in this situation.
Why should you consider using a POS system?
So why use POS systems for businesses? Here are a few of the typical causes:
Your firm might benefit from a touch screen cash register system. You have better control over how your firm is run thanks to it. You can accurately track which products you've sold on a daily or monthly basis, how many products are in the warehouse, or how much money you've made with the correct POS system.
It enables better analytical thinking and planning.
In order to more accurately predict future trends and your company's needs, POS systems make it simpler to keep track of your inventory, observe and evaluate movements and tendencies in sales operations, and analyze your sales reports and other data.
It allows increasing your business efficiency. 
POS systems unquestionably speed up the process of managing the paperwork for your business. It helps in managing orders and bills, sales numbers, and reports easily. Thanks to many features, such as barcode scanners or credit card terminals, a POS system not only improves the productivity of the office environment but also the everyday sales environment.
It's critical to select the correct cash register for your business because it may simplify operations and improve employee productivity. You can choose the ideal cash register for your company's needs from a variety of cash registers offered by TVS Electronics. By making it simpler for clients to make purchases and giving them a quicker means to pay for those goods, cash register for sale can aid in enhancing customer service.
For More Info Visit : http://albertacashregister.com/
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maiosx · 2 years
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Watching the game awards and learning about unreal engine 5.1
so yeah this replaced hollywood.. 70 dollar games that blind you with flashy environments and it took them like 60 years to render foliage without cardboard in high distances. The whole idea of console gaming is fake entitlement and emotional dependency from game companies that make Jedi survivor look like a guy at Walmart with a barcode scanner seem like the everyday guy is just that.. a survivor of corporate greed being sold 70 dollar lightbox environments and dad simulators.. and when you walk at Walmart the consoles are hidden, the iPhones are locked, and the tvs all look straight out of 2013 still. I already played bioshock.. don’t need the rip-off version that comes with the non-existent PS5
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skybirdplate · 2 years
Motorola mcs tuner
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Ibm rackmount console with rail set quality METAL unit $200 NEC MultiSync PA242W 24" 1920 x 1200 VGA DVI HDMI DP LED Monitor with touchscreen option $200 HP LA2205wg 22'' led LCD Monitor 1680 x 1050 VGA DVI-D USB DisplayPort led monitor $80ġ0 inch touchscreen $100 13 inch elo touchscreen $100 15 inch $100 19 inch touch $130 22 touch $150 32 touch $300Ĥ9 inch touch $300 elo 46 inch touchscreen $700 ViewSonic VG2439m LED 24" Widescreen LED $99 many unitsĬoby 19" TFT LCD TV with side loading dvd $50
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SMART ID422w Smart Podium Interactive Display w/ Pen $130Įlo TouchSystem ET1519LM 15.6" HD LCD Touch Desktop Monitor DVI VGA - 8 units touchscreen monitor $100 SMART Podium SP524-NB Podium 524 Interactive Pen Pro 24" 1080p Display $200 Laptop adapters : lenovo toshiba dell hp acer and all thers $20 macbook adapter $30 zĭell 23" Full HD 1080p LED Monitor With VGA & DVI-D Connectors E2311Hĭell E207WFPC 20" Widescreen LCD Flat Panel Monitor 1680x1050 many units $50 Panasonic toughbook cf31 i3-2310 2.1ghz 8g 500g bluetooth touchscreen win10 pro Many PC and MAC for SALE ruggedized touchscreen laptop $350 Panasonic toughbook cf-h2fbbkcff WIFI/4G/RFID/GPS/2D Barcode/Finger/webcamm i5-3427 4 gig 640gig +docking station keep in mind this is touchscreen with rfid and 2d barcode scanners $400 Panasonic toughbook cf74 2 gig 120 gig core2 duo 2.4 wifi $200 Panasonic cf-31 toughbook i3 2310 4gig 320 gig $350 ruggedized laptop $350 Toshiba satelite pro s500 i3 m330 4g 500 g webcam wifi dvdrw $130 LAPTOP hp core 2 d duo $50 macbook $60 macbook pro $199ĭell 2100 laptop with win10 pro and license sticker webcam wifi $70 Memory : 72pin pc133 ddr1 ddr2 ddr3 4g ddr3 ecc $15 8g ecc $30 16 g ecc $50 2g non ecc ddr3 $10 4g non ecc ddr3 $25 sodimmsĬables : sata scsi serial parallel usb ethernet coax fibre optic vga dvi displayport hdmiĥ00 watt pc power supply $20 585w $30m 600w $30 1600w $100 many units Video cards regular and low profile $30 to $50 cpus $10+ dvdrw $10Ĭards : ethernet network cards sound cards serial parallel scsi sas raid wifi I5 system complete with win 10 pro sticker 3.3 ghz 8 gig 750 gig dvdrw small footprint $120ĭell Wyse 3040 Thin Client 2GB 8GB WiFi WYSE3040 N10D NEW SEALED quadcore many units $120ĪDVANTECH ARK 1503 FANLESS PC INTEL ATOM D525, WIN 7 PRO 64, WiFi, AC Power SILENT FANLESS COMPUTER $190ĥ00 gig sata $15 750g $20 1tb $25 2tb$45 3tb $60 also sas drives 2.5 and 3.5 1tb $40 2tb $60 inch hundreds of hard drives available also scsi ide Hp i5 tower 3.2 ghz 8 gig 750 gig win10 pro $120 Lenovo thinkcenter m83 4th gen i5 3ghz with 8 gig 1 tb $200 Hp z400 workstation 2.67 ghz quadcore xeon 10g 1tb win10 pro with license sticker nvidea quadro video card $250 32 gig 1 tb win 10 pro with license $490ĭell precision t3500 12g 1 tb dvdrw x5645 hexcore 2.4ghz win10 pro $280
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Hp z800 workstation xeon 2 x e5645 hexcore (12 cores) 2.4 ghz 48g ddr3 1.5tb $400 Hp i7-3770 3.4ghaz 8g 1tb dvdrw win 10pro with license sticker 3rd gen i7 !! $280ĭell Wyse 3040 Thin Client 2GB 8GB WiFi WYSE3040 N10D NEW SEALED $120 20 units PC: basic core 2 duo machine small footprint or tower $50 complete win 7 pro 10 pro license Symon Netlite II 16 x 192 LED Display Sign with ethernet usb and serial + mounting brackets led sign digital signage
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