funtiimefreddy · 5 months
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do NOT let vincent trip sit
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shinewonder · 11 months
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random things
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truecobblepot · 1 year
I am so sorry, I'm ashamed, it won't happen again, I promise.🧍🏻‍♀️
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cvltmvtt · 10 months
Re-draws of some horrible monstrosities I created when I was small and revolting!!
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[Click for better quality]
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trinitythewolf · 5 months
Zombieeee lovvvveeee
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spooky-narwhal · 1 year
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Here's someone's archive of the 2019 revival that I thought I should put here.
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⚠️Warning: implied cannibalism‼️⚠️
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I wanted to show him
that he can be mine forever
i did it. ♥︎
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thegoldfiles · 1 year
hi im the person who made the Thompson oc doc that was covered in Mali's Reb video. just a disclaimer: i still think Rebs messed up a lot and i do think they were abusive to people. i don't think being a minor/young adult is an excuse for their behavior. i wasn't really sure what the extent of it was as i lost track a while ago. i had no idea it was THIS bad. i only knew a small portion of it that was being covered. i also had no clue my embarrassing cringe oc theft document was still being spread around THIS YEAR, no one asked or approached me. i was lucky enough to catch Ponder going over my doc during a livestream (i watch Ponder and their livestreams) and i approached Mali about it. im sorry to anyone that was affected by Rebs. i still think Rebs deserved the criticism for things they actually did wrong. i had honestly thought i deleted that document because it got buried. i wish the people who viewed the video wouldn't get the idea that just because i made that document means Rebs is somehow 100% innocent from everything they're being accused of. hopefully in part 2 more of the serious accusations will be covered :') i don't mind my username/identity being uncensored in the video, only because i still draw Thompson to this day and i think my art and character is recognizable.
Your art is so good??? Hello???
I love your style, I'm sorry 😂
Anyway, I really wish that Ponder at least would've approached you first before going over that document, what a shame honestly, but oh well.
I'm really glad that you say these things as they should, Rebs/Bones definitely isn't an innocent person (as they're an abuser), and I hope that Mali will listen to the advice I gave for part 2 (that was here)
TW: n*zi mentions going forward:
But yeah, the main thing with the n*zi glorification from Bones/Rebs was that they drew inklings that were harvesting salmonids, and they were also going to harvest other inklings too, which would've caused a mass genocide (don't forget the n*zi creeper in a comic too!)... Honestly it (with the Inklings) sounds pretty similar to the things the n*zis did, and I can see the similarities with that myself, and I really don't like it...
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fierycatfish · 1 year
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Purple toast man idk
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pyrolatta · 2 years
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shinewonder · 1 year
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the olden days
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theramusen · 7 months
Lol fuck you rebornica *steals Vinny* this is mine now loserrrr…
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I do NOT wanna retype all that so I just screenshot my messages on discord because I am LAZY and ONLY CARE ABOUT STEALING FROM REBORNICA /hj.
But yea uh, Vinny is mine now thats my boy he’s my guy my dude and my homie and I hope you all like him.
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strykingback · 5 months
Hey, I just wanted to offer some encouragement to you because I know you’re having a hard time.
I’ve had someone on one of my fanfics tell me the same thing that you were told according to one of your posts. Telling somebody to do something like that is horrible, and you don’t deserve to be told anything of the sort.
You are valued, and your presence is valid. If the person who told you such a thing can’t see that, they clearly have serious issues to work through.
You are important, and you are enough.
brief tw for ableist language (Note- It was not said by me. It was someone else who said it)
And he was right........I barely can write shit. Not to mention I was getting fucked up by this guy... and I couldnt even reply to it until I deleted the whole damn story because I planned on replying to it but I fucking couldn't because I knew full well he was going to bite back ten times as harder than I could. I just ended up giving him that satisfaction. Like he even said that all my characters were shitty what does that say about my blog... they're all OC's and everytime I introduce one and try to get something going they get ignored. I just want to hang up the coat right then and there cause the RWBY RP community is dead to shit..
Oh speaking of the RWBY fandom who is well known for being the most toxic fandom ever in this goddamn world. A hardcore fan even said it best to me themselves: "I'm nothing more but a retard that doesn't know writing when I see it on the wall." like do you know how fucking deep that stings hearing that word being thrown at me.. after being called that in Elementary school for just being weird.... and having a Spec. Ed class....made me feel even more alienated to that word..... now to see that word again used on me in a malicious manner... oh how I wish I had just went off on them right then and there, but I'm too nice.
Ah thats another fact about me. Being too nice because in the end I get easily manipulated. Thats how I manipulated by people like Rebornica/Mx.Bones. I was such a huge fan of their art until my ass had to fall deep in that hole and be used as an attack dog all because of my kindness. Maybe thats why I'm so scared of actually speaking too much in a discord server or creating deep bonds with people, cause they can take advantage of my kindness right then and there and use me for their own malicious needs as without proper judgement such as hearing both sides of the story for me to try and find a way for both parties to be at peace with each other.
Then theres the fact that even though I try to be that one person to try and calm an argument down its how I get fucked right after. And boy howdy it happened to me and I lost a a very very great roleplaying friend but a very firm friend who could create a story better than I could. Even when I try to replicate it as best as I can it just explodes in my face. Remember that RP PSA post I made... yeah. while it was not related to the situation I talked about it happened last year in Summer and just the fact I could get singled-out amongst everyone else over shit that is beyond my control.
I just want to go back to being a kid when I was more happier... always having a smile on my face. Filled with imagination, always excited when Toonami turned on for the 2005 Summer. Miguzi showing Code Lyoko. My friends from Elementary School hanging out with me before I moved away....
If I could say one thing to my younger self is that: "Please be good and strong before this world breaks you down."
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silverxcristal · 1 year
I'm completely out of the loop here, what did Rebornica do?
I have tried to look for a document that contains information regardless what happened, because I just have one memory attached to fnaf that was... not great, but there were apparently many other things that happened outside of tumblr later on. There used to be a lot of documents with that info but it had been deleted, and the few i found are edited by the autors saying that they have cleared things up and are on a good light with them again, asking to not harrass and just ignore them if needed.
TW under cut for abuse manipulation gaslighting and suicide attempt
But escencially, there were claims of phycological abuse, racism, gaslighting, scamming people, and other things i dont remember clearly. Toxic behaivor in general towards people who were closer to them, and to a extension to their followers, but again most of it had been deleted or "cleared up" so I am uncertain of the current situation. Also most of this happened when they already deleted their Tumblr, or happened on other platforms where I did not follow anymore
The only "close" experience ive had and have seen with my own eyes was when they transfer their fnaf au to a friend not be associated with it anymore, allowing people to still enjoy it and make content of it but asking to not @ them anymore about it (they left the fandom due pressure and lowkey harrasment over everything they did, when you are big people try to take you down, same old story different fandom. I have to remark they were a minor at that time too so the mistakes and the pressure is mmmm [still doesnt justify the shitty actions im about to mention now])
A few months later they snapped after getting fanart of a character they have and being called Vincent rahter than Vinny (they took the guard designs and adapt them into ocs, which confuse some people who didnt knew and this happened) and begin to search in the main tag for art of their au and @ people who still drew art of it (even when they previously gave permission to keep making art), and send people to harrass them to stop, which lead to a few rebrands or deactivations and people coming directly at them to them to talk things in a more civilized way via asks and reblogs (tumblr chat didnt exist back then).
I remember it was a big discussion about "public domain" of the AU since they transfer the rights to somebody else, who later "drop" the AU and allow anybody to be free to make content out of it (from there a bunch of "insprired by reborniverse" aus pop up... including mine. Just dont claim it as yours). It all ended in a big discussion reblog thread where they threaten to kill themselves by jumping of a roof and provide photos of them about to do it
The blog wasnt updated for a few hours... then they delete everything that happened that day and act like nothing happened. This is behaivor that repeat a few times here on tumblr (the whole delete it all and act like it never happened), but there is not enough documentation (there were blogs that dedicated to reblog every single post they made for documentation for this same reason, but they are gone too)
It was so many years ago, and my memory could be failing too so apologizes
But escencially that, I cant provide more
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trinitythewolf · 5 months
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 Zombie Jeremy
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