#sorry for sharing. i might delete it all tomorrow
silverxcristal · 2 years
I'm completely out of the loop here, what did Rebornica do?
I have tried to look for a document that contains information regardless what happened, because I just have one memory attached to fnaf that was... not great, but there were apparently many other things that happened outside of tumblr later on. There used to be a lot of documents with that info but it had been deleted, and the few i found are edited by the autors saying that they have cleared things up and are on a good light with them again, asking to not harrass and just ignore them if needed.
TW under cut for abuse manipulation gaslighting and suicide attempt
But escencially, there were claims of phycological abuse, racism, gaslighting, scamming people, and other things i dont remember clearly. Toxic behaivor in general towards people who were closer to them, and to a extension to their followers, but again most of it had been deleted or "cleared up" so I am uncertain of the current situation. Also most of this happened when they already deleted their Tumblr, or happened on other platforms where I did not follow anymore
The only "close" experience ive had and have seen with my own eyes was when they transfer their fnaf au to a friend not be associated with it anymore, allowing people to still enjoy it and make content of it but asking to not @ them anymore about it (they left the fandom due pressure and lowkey harrasment over everything they did, when you are big people try to take you down, same old story different fandom. I have to remark they were a minor at that time too so the mistakes and the pressure is mmmm [still doesnt justify the shitty actions im about to mention now])
A few months later they snapped after getting fanart of a character they have and being called Vincent rahter than Vinny (they took the guard designs and adapt them into ocs, which confuse some people who didnt knew and this happened) and begin to search in the main tag for art of their au and @ people who still drew art of it (even when they previously gave permission to keep making art), and send people to harrass them to stop, which lead to a few rebrands or deactivations and people coming directly at them to them to talk things in a more civilized way via asks and reblogs (tumblr chat didnt exist back then).
I remember it was a big discussion about "public domain" of the AU since they transfer the rights to somebody else, who later "drop" the AU and allow anybody to be free to make content out of it (from there a bunch of "insprired by reborniverse" aus pop up... including mine. Just dont claim it as yours). It all ended in a big discussion reblog thread where they threaten to kill themselves by jumping of a roof and provide photos of them about to do it
The blog wasnt updated for a few hours... then they delete everything that happened that day and act like nothing happened. This is behaivor that repeat a few times here on tumblr (the whole delete it all and act like it never happened), but there is not enough documentation (there were blogs that dedicated to reblog every single post they made for documentation for this same reason, but they are gone too)
It was so many years ago, and my memory could be failing too so apologizes
But escencially that, I cant provide more
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mooooonnnzz · 1 month
ok HEAR ME OUT?!!!1! Stanley x daughter reader BUT buut the thing is after ford deletes the memory of Stan?l, how would reader react?? What would she do??????? 🤭🤭🤭🤭 EHEHEHEHEHE
Clean Slate
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Stanley Pines x Daughter! Reader
♡ 516 words?!
♡ my shortest work yet
♡ i wanted to post something!! and i rlly liked this request so i did sum short n simple
♡ i have this stanford x kid reader brewing and its soo messy like drama wise, and just overall sad and im so excited to share it
♡ might be coming out tomorrow or wednesday? dunno!
♡ but in the meantime, enjoy some tiny angst!
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⠀➳ When Stan didn’t even recognize Mable when she approached him, you felt your heart crack in two. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing. There was no way he lost his memory, right?
⠀➳ You walked over to Stan. He looked so lost and confused, an expression that you never saw your dad often wear. You gulp down your sobs and introduce yourself. “Hi, Dad.” Your voice is frail and tiny. You knew you wouldn’t be able to stand having your Dad not know who you are, but what if there was a slim chance he remembered you? You’d do anything to take up on that chance.
⠀➳ He looked at you, eyes squinting at you. A moment of recognition flashes in his eyes but it’s lost as fast it came. “Dad?” He repeats, shock riddling his tone.
⠀➳ “I have a kid?” He whispers to the others, jabbing a thumb to you. “Yes, Stanley. This is your daughter, [Name].” Ford said, placing his hand on your shoulder. He thumbed your shoulder in a reassuring manner, but all it did was remind you of how Stan would do the same whenever you were down. It made the gaping hole in your heart ache even more.
⠀➳ “She’s too pretty to be mine. There’s no way!” Even with all his memories lost, he’s still cracking jokes. “Dad…” You throw yourself on him, arms wrapping around him tightly as you sobbed onto his shoulder. Stan’s eyes blew wide in surprise. He wasn’t expecting that from you and it left him speechless.
⠀➳ “I’m sorry, kid.” He says, wrapping a comforting arm around you. “I hope you feel better soon.” He pats your back, the other hand running down your hair.
⠀➳ Pulling away from the hug, you step away from him. You couldn’t bear being around him, knowing that he doesn’t remember you at all. The twins hold onto each of your arms, both quietly sobbing.
⠀⠀➳ On your way to the Mystery Shack, you tried your absolute hardest to jog up his memory by sharing stories of your childhood with him. “There was this one time where for Summerween, I was dressed up as Rupunzel and you were the tower.”
⠀➳ “That sounds like a pretty awesome costume.” He said. “It was. We won the costume competition. Of course, I was too young to remember but I have a photo in my room.” Sharing the memories he doesn’t remember didn’t help much, it just caused you more pain.
⠀➳ “Maybe you should leave him be, dear. I don’t think he’ll remember anything.” Ford tells you. Another stab straight to the heart.
⠀➳ When you got to the very beaten up Mystery Shack, you were quick to run over to your room and with careful steps, you uprooted your little book full of photos of you and Stan from under the rubble.
⠀➳ You and Mable took turns showing him memories of the past and each telling, Stan showed signs of remembering.
⠀➳ Your spirits grew and once he fully recovered his memory, you engulfed him in tight hug. “Please, never forget me ever again!”
⠀➳ “I won’t, pumpkin. I won’t.”
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waitimcomingtoo · 10 months
chapter two: you must like me for me
series masterlist
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You had settled into a sort of routine with Peter. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, you meet up before chemistry and study together in the library. You’d become pretty good friends due to how often you saw each other but had yet to hang out outside of your study sessions. Now that it was mid September, Peter was eager to take your friendship to the next level.
“Good morning.” You greeted Peter as walked into the classroom one day and went straight to the seat beside him. A few of your classmates looked up at you as you passed and snickered, but you payed them no mind.
“Morning. I shared a Google doc with you so we could take notes together. I figured that might help you understand things better.”
“You did?” You asked and opened your laptop. You saw the shared doc and how Peter had already organized and highlighted a few things that you had been confused about during your last tutoring session. You stared at the notes for a minute and blinked in surprise over someone genuinely caring about your grades.
“Is everything okay?” Peter asked you when he noticed you freeze.
“Sorry. I think I just fell in love with you.”
“It’s okay. It happens to me all the time, actually.” Peter replied with a wave of his hand.
“Oh, I bet.” You laughed, making him laugh as well. The professor started class and you took your notes together on the shared doc. Peter noticed you typing things and then deleting them to rewrite them the way Peter had shown you. He smiled to see you using his techniques and looked over at you proudly. When class ended, he was disappointed that your time together was ending as well.
“Do you have class now?” He asked you as he put his backpack on.
“Yeah. In the building next door.” You replied.
“I’ll walk you.” Peter offered, making you smile. As he walked you to your next class, your hands bumped against each others a few times. He never found the courage to take your hand, though you wished he did.
“See you Thursday?” Peter asked once you reached your next class.
“Actually, if you’re not too sick of me, I have a game tomorrow. It’s at 6 on the main field. You totally don’t have to go-“
“I’ll be there.” Peter said immediately.
“Really? You’ll come?”
“I get a free water bottle, don’t I?” Peter asked, making you smile.
“You do. I’ll even sign it for you.” You said with a coy smile.
“I’m gonna hold you to that.” He replied and got a laugh from you.
“See you tomorrow, Peter.” You squeezed his arm before going into your class.
The next day, Peter was seated on the bleachers as the girls soccer team played in front of him. Peters eyes never left you and while he didn’t know much about soccer, he was impressed with how you played. But it didn’t take long for Peter to notice that no one ever passed the ball to you. When you did have the ball, you brought it up the field with ease before passing it over. But when you didn’t have the ball, it seemed like your team mates passed to everyone but you. Peter didn’t know if he should bring it up or not as you ran to him once the game ended.
“Hey. You made it.” You smiled and pulled Peter into a hug. Peter was surprised by the contact but welcomed it and hugged you back.
“Sorry. Sweaty.” You smiled in embarrassment as you pulled away.
“It’s okay. I was cold anyway.” Peter laughed shyly. Three of your teammates walked by and when they saw you talking to Peter, they looked at each other and laughed. Peter watched your smile fade as you took a step back from him.
“Hey guys. Are we doing anything after the game?” You asked them. They looked at each other again before faking smiles.
“Uh, no. I don’t think so.” One of the girls told you.
“Okay. See you at practice, then.” You said and waved to them. The girls didn’t wave back and walked off together. You and Peter walked them them meet up with some more of your teammates in the parking lot and get in the same car. Your smile faded completely as Peter looked at you sympathetically. You looked at Peter to see if he noticed and felt embarrassed when you realized he had.
“Yeah. I kinda knew that was coming.” You laughed sadly to break the awkward silence that had settled.
“Are you guys not friends?” Peter asked quietly.
“We were at first. But everyone thinks I hooked up with Gwen’s boyfriend right after they broke up. Which isn’t true, but hey, why believe me? Her boyfriend said it happened and whatever the jocks say is true apparently.” You said with a roll of your eyes.
“Wait, so Gwen forgave her boyfriend for hooking up with you but didn’t forgive you?” Peter asked.
“Funny how that works, isn’t it?” You smiled sadly. “I knew Gwen two years before she started dating him but none of that mattered. They all believed him over me and rumor ruined our friendship.”
Peter stayed silent as you watched your teammates drive away while music blasted from inside the car. You eyes slowly lowered to the ground and you wiped your face before throwing on a smile.
“They’re not bad people. If I thought a girl went for my boyfriend right after he broke up with me, I wouldn’t like her either. And I definitely wouldn’t want my friends talking to her.”
“Still. It sucks that they exclude you for something you didn’t even do.” Peter replied. You looked and him and smiled at him for understanding.
“Yeah. It does suck.” You agreed. “Thanks for coming to watch me play, Peter.”
“Of course. I had a good time. Even though I don’t get the rules and really wanted you guys to just pick the ball up and throw it sometimes.”
“Well, if you want, I could explain the rules over some ice cream.”
“I would love that.” Peter smiled and extended his arm. You smiled back and linked your arm through his. You brought him to your car and drove to a nearby ice cream shop. You paid for Peters ice cream and winked at him as you handed over your card. He laughed and felt his face turn red.
“Thank you. But the boy is supposed to pay, by the way.” Peter said as you took seats in a corner booth.
“I love that you call yourself a “boy” and never a “man”. It’s cute. And this is my way of thanking you for tutoring me. And for showing up to my game.” You said as you ate a spoonful of your ice cream. Peter blushed at the compliment and cleared his throat to cover it up.
“Well you’re very welcome. I’m happy to do both of those things.” Peter replied. You exchanged smiles with each other which prompted you to scoot closer to Peter.
“So how’d you get so good at chemistry?” You asked him.
“I had a lot of time to study in high school. A lack of friends and romantic prospects really frees up your schedule.” Peter answered.
“You’ve been friends with Ned since high school, right?”
“I have. How’d you know that?”
“I stalked Ned’s Instagram. And was very disappointed to find out you don’t have one. But not as disappointed as I am that you don’t wear those little circle glasses anymore.” You said pointedly.
“Oh God. He has pictures of those up?” Peter cringed.
“Many. And why the face? You looked so cute with your little Harry Potter glasses.” You said and playfully smacked his arm.
“They were not my best look. Although, I don’t think I’ve had my best look yet.”
“You have. It was that white T shirt you wore the first day of school. You made it very hard to pay attention to the syllabus that day.” You replied, making Peter blush once again.
“I’m glad you liked it.” He said quietly. “I liked that black skirt you wore last Tuesday.”
“Did you now?” You raised an eyebrow as you ate another spoonful of ice cream.
“Mhm. Very much so.” He admitted.
“I guess I’ll have to wear it more often.” You replied, and it almost sounded like you were flirting.
“I’d appreciate that. And I think so would everyone who gets to see you that day.” He said in response. You laughed and moved in a little more so that your knees were touching. Once you finished up your ice cream, you drove back to campus and pulled up in front of Peters dorm.
“So, same time in the library tomorrow?” You asked him.
“Yep. I’ll be there.”
“Cool. Goodnight, Peter.” You said with a soft smile.
“Goodnight.” He replied, but didn’t move. He had every intention of kissing you goodnight, just without any of the courage to do so. You were looking at him expectingly, almost like you knew what he was thinking about. Peter leaned in a little, then opened the car door and got out. You waved to him before pulling off and hoped he couldn’t tell you were disappointed.
Your disappointment didn’t last long as you still got to see Peter the next day. You walked into the library and found him sitting at your usually table. As soon as Peter saw you, he noticed you were wearing the black skirt he had just revealed he liked on you.
“Nice skirt.” He smirked as you sat down.
“This old thing?” You asked innocently. He had been worried you were upset with him for not kissing you last night since you didn’t text him like you usually did after hanging out. But seeing you wear the skirt he told you he liked put him at ease.
“Here. I graded your practice test.” He said and handed you a practice test he had given you earlier in the week.
“Holy shit. I really got an 89?” You asked him with a surprised smile.
“You did.” He said proudly. “I told you, once you get the hang of covalent bonds, they get a lot easier to do. The only part that’s still tripping you up is the acids and bases section. But I made you a new study guide that should help you get it down before the test next week. So don’t worry. I’ll get you up to a 90.”
“Peter, I was pulling 60s and 70s before I met you. I’m not worried at all. You’re a seriously great tutor. I can’t thank you enough.” You smiled and put your hand over his. Peter gulped and looked down at your hands before snapping out of it to play it cool.
“I’m only a good tutor because you’re a good student. You obviously want to do well and try your hardest. Sometimes it just takes someone explaining something in a different way.”
“Well no one’s ever taken the time to explain it to me like this. So I appreciate you.” You said and squeezed his hand. Peter felt his face warm up and knew you could tell.
“Well, you’re very welcome.” He said and put his hand over yours. You took this as a challenge and put your other hand on top of his, but he just did the same. You moved your thumb and rested it on top of his hand before giving him a look. Peter just put his thumb on top of yours and you had no moves left.
“You win.” You chuckled and pulled your hands away. Peter did too and felt his blush spread all the way to the tips of his ears. You cleared your throat suddenly and looked at him.
“So, uh, I was thinking.” You began and Peter could sense that you were nervous.
“About what?”
“Maybe instead of doing work tomorrow, we can get food instead.”
“Okay.” Peter shrugged. “Sure.”
“Like a date.” You added, making Peter raise his eyebrows.
“If that’s okay.” You quickly added.
“You know, I really don’t like going on dates with pretty girls. It’s just a thing of mine.” Peter replied, making you smile.
“Oh no. How unfortunate for me.”
“I know, I know. That’s what all the girls say.” Peter sighed. “But lucky for you, I’m willing to make an exception. Just this once.”
“You’re cute.” You chuckled and Peter felt his face heat up.
“I aim to please.”
“You do.” You told him, making his blush deeper.
“I’m glad you asked me because I’ve been wanting to ask you on a date since we met but I’m kinda a shy guy.” Peter admitted.
“Lucky for you, I always play as Shy Guy in Mario Kart.” You flirted. Peter grinned at the flirtation but it quickly faded when he realized something.
“Wait, you can’t play as Shy Guy in Mario Kart. He just throws cannonballs at you while you race.”
“Clearly you haven’t played any of the games past Mario Kart 7 because I literally play as him all the time.” You said with a playful scoff.
Before Peter could answer, you heard a wolf whistle as the library door opened. You looked over your shoulder and saw Flash Thompson and Harry Osborn looking at you with shit-eating grins. You quickly turned around and Peter watched your eyes fill with panic.
“Uh oh. Looks like Y/n has a new study buddy.” Harry said loudly, earning looks from other students in the library.
“Please, no.” You groaned and started to pack up your books.
“Do you know those guys?” Peter whispered to you.
“Oh, shit.” Flash laughed obnoxiously. “You’re with this guy again? Brad said he saw you with some dork but I didn’t believe it. Since when do you do repeats? I thought you liked to hit it and quit it.”
“Hey Y/n, I could tutor you too if you have some free time. We can talk about payment later.” Harry said and nudged Flash.
“We all know her favorite way to pay.” Flash added, making them both crack up laughing. You rolled your eyes and picked up your bag, prompting Peter do do the same.
“Aw, you’re leaving? I was just gonna offer that Flash and I tutor you together. Have you ever had two guys tutor you at once?” Harry asked and burst out laughing again. The librarian harshly shushed them but they didn’t stop.
“I bet she has. I bet she does that all the time.” Flash said and you and Peter walked towards the library door. You froze when you heard this and sucked in a sharp breath.
“I’ll be right back.” You smiled tightly at Peter before walking over to Flash and Harry.
“Yes?” Harry said innocently.
“That’s enough.” You stated. “You need to stop.”
“Why? You don’t want lover boy finding out what a whore you are? He probably already knows. Everyone knows.” Harry said and narrowed his eyes at you.
“Because you and your moronic teammates spread lies about me.” You replied.
“The only one spreading anything is you.” Flash stated.
“Yeah. Your legs.” Harry added.
“Yeah, I got that, dipshit.“ You scoffed, making Harry gulp in embarrassment.
“Whatever.” Harry scoffed. “Who cares what you say? You’re just a stupid slut.”
You felt tears threaten to spill over your eyes when he used that word. It was the brick they always threw at you, but it hurt just the same every time. You felt dirty every time they called you that and no amount of telling yourself it wasn’t true made you feel clean. Every time one of those stupid boys called you a slut, you felt like they were erasing your name and pinning a scarlet letter in its place. It enveloped you and pushed you out of yourself so all you had ever done and all you’d ever be was a slut.
“Hey, are you guys really offering your tutoring services?” Peter asked as he appeared at your side. You blinked a few times in surprise and looked over at Peter. Harry and Flash exchanged a look before looking back at Peter.
“We might be.” Harry snorted and gave Flash a look.
“That’s really cool. I didn’t know the school let students on academic probation tutor others.” Peter said with such genuine enthusiasm you had you laugh.
“Excuse me?” Flash asked and stepped up to Peter.
“Oh, I just thought you weren’t allowed to play until you got your gpa above a 2.5?” Peter asked and tilted his head to the side. You smiled in surprise as you watched a Peter fight back with a weapon you never thought to use: passive aggression.
“What did you just say to me?” Harry asked and pushed Peter back a little. Before it could escalate, the librarian stepped between you.
“Boys. Out. Now. Don’t make me tell your coach.” The librarian said and pointed towards the door. Harry and Flash shot you a look but knew there was nothing more they could do.
“Whatever. Freaks.” Flash mumbled and headed towards the door. Harry went with him and bumped your shoulder.
“Slut.” He mumbled in your ear.
“Premature balding.” You whispered back. Harry looked genuinely offended and touched the back of his head.
“Uh uh. I meant the hairline.” You told him a before taking Peters arm and leaving the library. You walked far away from the library and ended up on a bench far away from any other students.
“Sorry about that.” You said as the two of you sat down.
“It’s okay. I’m honestly surprised those guys even knew where the library was.” Peter replied. You laughed, but Peter could tell you were deeply hurt over what had happened.
“They’re not true, you know.” You said quietly. Peter looked at you but you were staring at your fingers as you picked at your nail polish to seem busy.
“What isn’t?”
“All those things people say about me. Its not true. I’m not all bad like my reputation.” You said and finally looked at him.
“I never believed it. I like to see things for myself.” Peter told you, making you smile softly.
“So do I.”
“I’ve liked what I’ve seen so far.” Peter added, causing your smile to grow. You looked into his eyes for a moment, then leaned in and kissed him. Once Peters initial shock wore off, he cupped your face and kissed you back. The moment was hidden from the rest of the world and only existed between the two of you. For the first time in a long time, you felt like a slate wiped clean. More importantly, you felt like you again. You pulled out of the kiss after a minute and exchanged shy smiles.
“So have I.” You told him.
“What?” He asked.
“Oh, sorry. I was referring to what you said before. You said you liked what you’ve seen so far. And so have I.”
“Ohhhh. I honestly totally forgot about that. My mind went completely blank during the kiss. It was like that memory wipe thing in Men in Black.” Peter said quickly and realized he was rambling. You laughed and his awkwardness and rested your head on his shoulder.
“As much as I’m enjoying this, I’d hate if I make things worse for you by being seen together.” Peter admitted. You knew he was right and that it would be bad for your brand to be seen with a boy, but in that moment, you didn’t care what anyone had to say about you. Despite the fact that anyone in the school would say otherwise, you had just been kissed for the first time. Nothing was gonna ruin the moment for you.
“Don’t worry about it.” You told him. “I’ll pay the price. You won’t.”
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ciahasnolife · 3 months
I knoooow, I should post the second part of the loscar fic but... I might've or might not have been working on a lestappen omegaverse fic?
So here's a wip of it
So the problem with being an omega while everyone thinks you're an alpha is that they treat you like an alpha. It's not like Max wanted any special treatment, exactly the opposite of that. That's why he hid his secondary gender from the public who just then assumed he's an alpha. With his board shoulders, his careless reputation towards the media and with his bluntness it was logical. Since the FIA and pretty much everyone in the paddock already knew, he doesn't have to tell the world which he is grateful for.
He would hate being pictured as a fragile, weak person who needs someone to take care of him. He is a lot of things but weak is not one of them. But sometimes - just sometimes - when people boo at him for example on the podium at the Miami GP, he just wants to hide in his nest, curled around his boyfriend, who would then draw circles on his back with his other hand soothingly in his hair.
There are two problems with that. One is that he for obvious reasons can't do that and the other is that he doesn't have a boyfriend. He doesn't want to share with anyone that he's an omega because of the fear of them telling the whole world if something goes wrong between them, his father made sure he developed this fear very soon after he presented as an omega. His father was so angry and ashamed of him because of something he couldn't even change. So now, he doesn't really trust anyone except for the ones who already know, not that he would have the time for dating, he's too busy breaking records.
Besides, he wouldn't want anyone else but a certain man with the most charming style you've ever seen and his hot accent, a dream come true. Of course, with a personality and looks like that, the alpha has omegas after himself 24/7. Max couldn't even stand a chance.
The point is, that when people whistle or boo at him, he just wants to hide away. Under the covers or preferably behind the alpha but of course in those moments he can't do either.
So when he's about to do his interview, which he doesn't want either and if neither the fans are interested, they could all just leave it, but no, the fans have to boo at him and whistle and make him feel bad because neither of the Ferrari drivers could catch him, he couldn't be more grateful for Charles to shush them. And if he's being completely honest, it makes him fall for the monégasque even more.
He shoots a quick smile at the other and does his interview then goes on with his day like he always does on quali days. Team debrief, stay in with GP to find the perfect strategy for tomorrow's race, go back to the hotel, get the scent blockers off and go shower. What he doesn't expect is a message waiting for him as he gets out of the shower from someone who makes his heart flutter.
Hey, just wanted to check on you, if you're okay?
I know that the Italian fans can be a bit harsh on everyone who isn't at Ferrari.
I'm sorry they're so mean to you :(
And Max can't believe his eyes. Because one, did Charles really waste even a minute on texting him instead of basking in the love of the Tifosi and two, was that a sad face?
He just shakes his head and replies.
Yeah, everything's alright.
Thanks for shushing them, means a lot
The last bit gets deleted before he sends it. Not like it doesn't mean a lot, he's just afraid that he's giving away too much and the younger will learn about his embarrassingly huge crush on him.
He doesn't think too much of it though just makes his way over to his suitcase to get a fresh pair of boxers out of it.
But as he goes back to the bed and picks his phone back up with his WhatsApp with the monégasque still open, he sees the three dots pop up and then disappear only to reappear seconds later.
It makes the omega curious because even if they’ve been on good terms, friends even with the other for a while now they don't really talk outside the track on race weekend so the first message was already unexpected just as it was also sweet of the alpha to check on him, Max can't even take a guess on what the other would want from him.
As he was thinking the text finally came in so he checks it with a bit too much enthusiasm. And Max once again can't believe his eyes.
Which hotel you're staying at?
Just as he goes to reply, another bubble comes up.
Fuck, no, that sounded weird.
I meant if I could come over to keep you company and I could also get away from the fans waiting for my every move under my window.
It is of course okay if you want to be alone I totally understand that too
Just thought we could hang out a for a bit play
With each mesaage his eyes open wider. Surely Charles finally lost his mind. I was only a matter of time anyway with the shitbox he has under him. He, however, doesn't want to be rude so he sends out a message that - hopefully - doesn't give away too much of how excited he is.
Sure, I have my FIFA on me if you're in the mood of losing
He can only hope that the other gets the joke because Max has been told that he's a dry texter several times. But today, luck decided to be on his side.
Ooh, it's on
Send the address, Verstappen
If you dare;)
And with a grin that could blind the Tifosi camping outside the alpha's hotel, Max sends the address.
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izayoichan · 7 months
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The future of this blog, kinda part two? (sorry for the wall of text.. again!) It's been a lot of trying to find the love for sims again for me, trying to find the fun. But I have come to the conclusion, that right now, it just is not. I have not uppdated, opened, touched the for anything but taking a couple of screenshots because I comissioned poses so I wanted to use them, or I just felt (stupidly I guess) that I had to so this blog had sims content. That is what this blog is to me, its linked with sims, the story I started creating with them, and friends that also love sims. But like mentioned, for me the fun of sims is gone. (Thank you EA, for constantly making sims worse and worse and boring to the point where it's for me just not worth spending energy on). So I will from tomorrow let what I have left of the story that's already written post twice a day until it's done. I will at the same time share all the last sims screenshots I have lying around that I have kept to myself because spoilers and me having the need to be a little secrety, and when that is all posted and ended, I will make a post with a new blog, a new start for me to find my fun again. I don't want to delete what is here, because I am actually proud of it, that I managed to share and write a story for the first time. So instead I am making a new blog, where I will post random screenshots, random things I find, reblog more stuff that I find pretty and so on. I am working on going back to streaming for fun as well, but that will take time and some effort as I want certain things, and I want to do them right and properly. (Live 2d avatars are not easy, cheap or fast to have done!) So the progress on that might be on my new blog as well, and maybe when time comes, I will have clips of sillness and me grumbling and cursing the game while I once more fail miserably at Elden Ring. Yes, I will still follow a lot of the same people, because although my relationship with sims is (for now) at an end, I still love your stories, and your little pixel figures. I am not breaking away from that, I am breaking away from my own stuff. Do I feel like I let people down, a little, but I know that's just how my brain works and that this is doing what is best for me outweighs that worry. (specially after talking to some people about it for some input, and them saying I should do what it best for me. See I am listening!) A little health update at the end, for those interrested: I am slowly doing better, new doctor and new scans have brought more understanding, more peace of mind, and I am back on most of my pain meds, which means my body is slowly stabalizing into a new place. Not quite as good as I was before "hell year" started, but also not as bad as I have been. I'll take every step in the right direction with a big smile on my face.
So for now, enjoy the sims content that will come. And when the time comes, perhaps I will be seeing a lot of you on the new page as well!
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oraclekleo · 11 days
I'm BACK (for good this time)
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Hello my dear followers and random visitors of this blog!
So! I'm finally back from the cottage, this time for good as the autumn is starting and it's getting cold and rainy. My city flat is much better suited for such a weather 😂
How have you been throughout the summer? Did you go for a vacation or holiday somewhere interesting? Have you experienced something exciting? You can share!
I hope you all had at least some fun during the hot summer.
I managed to rest, relax and miraculously my hair is also getting better. It was at the verge of baldness but finally it's thickening again. Yay! Still short, though. And I'll probably keep it that way, at least for the rest of the recovery time. Some women simply weren't born to be damsels in distress with flowing mane of hair on their head. Some of us are born for practical pixie cut and doing everything on their own 🤣 (I'm still envious of those thick long hair, to my shame 😂)
And what's in the store for the upcoming days?
I'm going to reinvent my life and go on a job hunt but this time focusing more on things that are important for me personally and not following other people's expectations. It turned out to lead to disappointment and bordering burnout on my side. No more of that!
The above is more like my personal mission but there are also news for you on this blog. I have several ideas for games, PACs and other fun activities. Look forward to that! We might start tomorrow but I don't want you to have false hopes. It's a "might" for the moment. 😁
I have also decided to start with a clean inbox. I'm gonna be deleting the old requests. I know several of you were waiting for their readings for some of the old games but I'm afraid I'm out of that mindset. I can only promise to hold better executed games in future where everyone will get their result. I'm genuinely sorry for letting you down like this.
I'll hold a poll for you to choose a fandom or better say soul family name for our little community around this blog. I already have some suggestions in my inbox but you can send more. What fandom name would you pick for the fans of this blog?
The paid readings are open and currently I even have time to take requests. Feel free to check the rules and contact me.
You are also still welcome to join our little Discord, if you want to.
That's the main summary. You can always come and ask me anything you are interested in. 😛
Thank you everyone for sticking around and being supportive and encouraging! 💖
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myalchod · 1 month
For the writer ask: 9, 18, 19, any or all, please and thank you! 💜
9. start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted? Last fic I posted was make a mercy out of me. File created 11 June, though I think I started noodling about it as soon as prompts went up and might have started as much as a week earlier, and fic posted 19 June. Considering I had to change things quite a bit, I'm surprised it only took me two weeks, but sometimes the brainrot goes fast.
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic In no particular order, things that pop into mind: medieval abortifacients and the Catholic church's historical attitude towards them, different ways of constructing ciphers, bat- and bird-wing rehabilitation, Pony Express travel timelines, reconstructive hand surgery, asphyxia timelines and what effects it'll have ... and a whole hell of a lot more about the Franco-Spanish war in general and the Fronde in particular than I ever anticipated. Yes, I am all too aware of how many of those things are whumpy. Not sorry!
18. if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic I do, in part because you never know if they'll be useful for something else, which means I have a metric fucktonne of word things I've saved. And I know this says sentence or paragraph, but because I'm in a stabby sort of mood and I don't think I'll ever be able to use this for anything else ... this is from make a mercy out of me, from the part that I had to change because Canon, and this is your one and only warning for pain. 😘
“Saul.” He turns to her; she’s standing with her back to the window, moonlight silvering her golden hair and throwing her half into shadow where it slants across the room. They had stood like this months before, when this all began, on a night that seems impossibly different, feeling the first rumblings of the seismic shift that awaited them. But whatever tomorrow brings they will face it together, and he can take solace in that. “No.” It takes a moment to register the word, another to realise that she’s answered his thought. He has known her for most of his life; sometimes he thinks he knows her better than he does himself. And that means that the single syllable tells him what is about to come. “Farah —” he protests, but it dies in his throat as her mind wraps around his. The bond has always been a comfort before, her presence a reassurance, but not now. Not like this. Don’t do this, he thinks, because she has taken his words and he has no other way to fight her — and fight he must, because his fairy has always seen herself as expendable and he can’t do this without her, he can’t, he’s lost too much and one more thing will break him — Silence, within and without, answers him — silence, and a complicated tangle of emotions, guilt and fear and love and something that might be an apology all weighing like a stone in his chest before they are muffled, the connection between them obscured in a way it hasn’t been since he first properly noticed it. It feels strange but no less so than his mind: every thought is like pushing through exhaustion, an almost impossible effort. Easier to sleep, he thinks. Easier by far to close his eyes, to let himself drift, until he can recover, to sink down … (All he knows is the silver moonlight, then nothing more.)
[ ask me another? ]
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hellooooo oml i am like drinking so i might ot be the most sensical rn but hello. helloo
i commissioned you ocne and idk how many comms you get so this might be sooo obvious who i am but !!!! your art is so lovely. its so beautifl. i look at it and i see a painting. i see a visison. i look at the piece you made for me and feel like i robbed you with the costs for how it has shifted and tken a new place in my heart. i look at it so fondly bc how can you make something so beautiful ??? oml the skill and dedication you have put into honing your craft astounds me. it takes my breath away. sometimes i feel jealous for not knowing you bc i wish i could peel back your skin and peer into your brain and learn what churns in your head and how you generate your ideas and just. how much effort goes into making such beautiful things
oml and your writing HHAH. i went into the new lycorris radiata fic prologue recently (i can[t believe you deleted the original chap one i lovoveeed that thing king) (it took me like five attempts to speel king right) and i love the changes. i was writing a review in my notes app about it and i was painstaking lygoing through it all and i think i was liikkek??? 600 words in /?? and my phone had the audacity to nottt translates my notes over when i changed phones as if i haven't been working on my review for a week. fml.
but it is so beaitufl. you write like a fairytale. this issooo embarrassig and i'm gonna wake up tomorrow so embarrassed for sending this and feeling so parascial lmao but your art is truly beautiful. its like a microcosm of everything that makes you you even if i dont know you adn tyu build this tneous connection between the reader and the author and the stry and it leaves me in awe. you wrrite like a fairytale. the description is beautiful the characterisation is awe-inspiring and it creates a little place in my ribs where i think back on it and go wow. ths is the kind of story i will think back on for years to come.
SORRY I AM thteee sappiest drunk everr. we've arely talked this is sooo embarrassing but idk. yiour arrt is so gorgeous and i hope you know that. hope you wake up ever morning and you know you've put something so beautifyl out into the world and there is something who dearly anticipates every next word and who thinks your art is beautiful and your writing has changed somethingi nme. i love avra. i love vyla.d i love every word i've read and i wish i could share that oherently in my original review that i lsot but alas.
i'm so sorry LMAMO this will probably bee sooo weird for you to recieve frma strangero ntumbulr. i so need to sober up but its just so breathtaking. your brain is breath taking. i cannot wait for the day you next update or share art or do anything creative bc your wriitng is beautiful your art is beautiful and i smm sooso grateful you shared it with the world. is so beautiful i cannot help but believe you yourslef must be beautiful bc who else could create the kind of art you do
ok im done now im not reading thiisi ober nd i have no idea how long it actually is LMAOA i wish you the best strangerr. you are the kind of person someone would yearn to know (sorry i probs sound sooo parasocial haaha0 and i hope you are soo well
I’m screaming and crying and throwing up and I’m tearing off my clothes so I can run into the woods and howl at the moon and turn into a canine beast
This is
Everything to me, drunk anon, you are everything to me. I will one day get a printer so I can print this ask out, and I will post a YouTube video of me eating the entire thing, with no cuts, and no audio. Full on mukbang. Because I need this to be a part of my soul. And people will argue that consuming something does not integrate it into you forever but I would rather this be a part of me for only a short while than never at all
This has me feral and insane, you’re so sweet about me and you write in such a poetic prose I need you to write some kind of fiction now.
For this alone I will draw you a thousand pieces of art, using my own blood sweat and tears as my materials if I must. You are everything, Anon.
I wish that review still existed simply so I could read more of your words because if this is you drunk then I cannot imagine how you talk sober.
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Hey i sorry for asking but can you tell me what's going on with au3
Hey! Sorry it took me a bit to get this, I wanted to hunt down some details. So AO3 is fine right now. They had that attack, they’ve recovered. KOSA is most likely going to die on the floor but I shared that video and link because I think it’s important for fans to speak up. It’s the same representatives that tried to pass EARN IT for the past 3-ish years. Fanfic has had a history with censorship and a unique site like AO3 should be protected. It hasn’t always been like this. Before AO3 there used to be fic purges on other sites like Wattpad and fanfic.net. Back when I just finished high school, about 2012 I went through one of the purges and lost some of my favorite fics forever. There’s also the infamous Anne Rice crack down on any fics of her books (she’s better now but it’s definitely a black spot on her record for us gothic literature fans) and Lucasfilm shutting down Star Wars fanfics. They have a strangle hold on the content and characters, cutting down fan made works.
If it isn’t copyright stuff it’s censorship of explicit material. Sex, gratuitous violence, shipping characters, and difficult subjects all raged against ‘for the sake of the children!’ Honestly it’s puritans bullshit since a lot of that material is about the lgbtq+ community. Nevermind that there is and have been tagging and warning systems and things can get flagged for not using those systems. No one likes a surprise dead dove on their doorstep after all. Regardless, some sites like fanfic would rather just do a mass delete of fics over a certain rating. I know the fics I lost I wouldn’t have considered “unsafe” it was just the violence of the the shows they were based off of! I like horror! I’m still angry! That’s why you’ll see older fanfic fans downloading and saving their fics like they are Schmiegel finding the ring! It’s because we remember losing them.
So to us AO3 is a safe haven that allows us the express ourselves and enjoy our fandoms free without worry that tomorrow they might all be gone because an author or studio got pissed or the puritans found their pitchforks again.
Anyway, here’s a video that breaks down the history of fanfic and fan spaces. Be kind and protect your fics!
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lindszeppelin · 5 months
I hope this is okay to share. You seem like a safe space for people to share their thoughts without being attacked. I’m not looking forward to tomorrow tbh…A part of me does hope Austin doesn’t go but then there’s a part of me that feels it’s possible he might be. Everywhere I turn there’s shippers freaking out because she’s confirmed to be there so they just know that Austin will be there and they will walk the carpet together. It’s also so annoying how she feeds into the shippers and media with making everything about Austin (filming her book thing with his award and books in the background). It would be nice to just be able to enjoy Austin and what he’s doing in his career. It’s so hard to do that with there always being talk about Kaia and this relationship. Sorry for ranting a little. This fandom is just frustrating sometimes. I’m gonna try and not be online tomorrow.
The shippers are the loud ones because they bully everyone else into silence, or deleting their accounts, or running them out of the fandom because it's fucking insane to be apart of this bullshit any longer. There is no proof or evidence Austin will be there tomorrow. if he is, that's fine. There is however a little bit more evidence to suggest that he won't be there tomorrow. If you have to disconnect to not deal with the weirdos in this fandom then please by all means, your inner peace is more important.
And honestly there are bigger things that are more important in the world right now than whether Austin is gonna go to the Met Gala. Like, let the shippers be obsessed in their little vacuum that they created for themselves. The Met Gala is just a day for seeing what outfits celebrities are wearing. It's basically a time for celebs to get some PR work done.
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karizard-ao3 · 1 year
Clueless Teens is such a long story. Reading it, I was wondering if you had tidbits or ideas that you thought about but didn’t write in, or maybe written ideas that didn’t make it to the final version? Or even your your headcanons about it? Thanks!
Actually, yes! I do have a separate doc where I put deleted scenes I thought I might be able to revive and put in the fic later. I ended up writing and scrapping a lot of little bits that just didn't work, and even ended up having to redo part ten entirely, because what I had planned when i started writing Clueless Teens just wasn't right for the characters when I got to the end of it. They'd changed too much.
I've actually considered a few times whether to share any of the deleted scenes, so I'll take this as a sign and share one with you all now!
Deleted Scenes From Armin's House
(context: Armin is getting ready for his date with Sandra)
Armin had been concerned that it would be weird hanging out with Eren and Mikasa now that they were going out, but nothing had really changed except that they kept finding excuses to mention that they were together and Eren may or may not have superglued Mikasa’s palm to his, because they were pretty much always holding hands. They were both over at Armin's apartment now, helping him pick out what to wear for his date with Sandra the next evening. Armin really only wanted Mikasa's input, but Eren was the one sharing his opinions while Mikasa quietly looked through Armin's clothes.
"I mean, you can't go wrong with a button up, right?" said Eren, the boy who did not own a single t-shirt because his mommy did not buy them for him. 
"We're going to the arcade," said Armin. "Wouldn't a button up be a little formal?"
"Not if it's plaid!" said Eren. 
"I really just want to know which of my clothes make me look the most… You know. Hunky."
"Oh, I don't know then," said Eren.
"What do you think, Mikasa?" Armin asked. 
Mikasa looked over her shoulder at him. "Do you own anything besides cargo pants?"
"No," said Armin.
She sighed and went back to rummaging through his bureau. 
"What's wrong with my pants?" demanded Armin.
She just shook her head. 
"You should get some Dickies," said Eren.
"You don't even shop for your own clothes!" Armin protested. "Why should I listen to you?"
"I don't know. My mom just bought me some and they're really comfortable and I think they look pretty good on me," said Eren, sullenly.
"They do look good on you," said Mikasa. "You looked really hot when you wore them on Tuesday."
Eren turned bright pink. "So, yeah. I was just thinking you should get some Dickies," he said, a goofy smile spreading across his face.
Mikasa gave up on Armin's clothes and sat down on the edge of his bed. Eren plopped down next to her and took her hand. "I don't know how I'm supposed to pick an outfit for you when everything you own is fourteen variations of the exact same thing and then a random assortment of different sized suits," Mikasa said. "Why do you own so many suits?"
"My aunt has gotten married a lot," explained Armin. 
"Just wear whatever's clean and has the least wrinkles, I guess," said Mikasa. "Sorry I couldn't be more helpful."
Armin sighed. "Thanks for trying."
"So what are we going to do tomorrow?" Eren asked Mikasa. "I still have a bunch of gift cards. I can take you out to dinner."
"Don't you want to save them?" she asked.
Eren shook his head. "My grandma will just send me more. She wins them at Bingo."
"Dinner sounds good," said Mikasa. "Do you want to hang out at my house for a bit first? …Before my parents get home?” She batted her eyelashes coyly.
"Yeah," said Eren, raising his eyebrows suggestively. Mikasa giggled.
Armin was a little bit grossed out and a little bit jealous, but he didn’t say anything. He was mostly happy for them. They’d been dancing around their feelings for almost the entire school year, and now they were finally together. He wished that things had worked out a little bit more like that for him with Annie, but he guessed that was life. Besides, Sandra seemed really nice. She was a big Naruto fan and she liked playing video games, which were both huge plusses, she thought Armin was funny, and, most importantly, she wanted a boyfriend. Armin wanted to be a boyfriend. He’d gotten a bit of a taste during all of his not-dates with Annie, and he liked the feeling. 
(context: Eren and Mikasa are holding hands non-stop and Armin is a little fed up with them)
It would have been cute, Armin supposed, but Mikasa was supposed to be filming for her YouTube channel right now and it was hard to game one-handed. 
“Why can’t I play Animal Crossing?” Mikasa complained. “It’s so cute.”
“People don’t want to watch you play Animal Crossing,” said Armin, trying to be patient. “They want to watch you play Call of Duty.”
“What about Zelda?” said Mikasa as Armin rolled his eyes. Mikasa glared at him. “You don’t let me play the games I’m interested in.”
“You only like them because they look cute,” accused Armin. “You don’t know anything about the gameplay.”
“Well, yeah,” said Mikasa.
“Meanwhile, I’m working hard trying to get you fans.”
“Well, I want fans who like the same games I do,” grumbled Mikasa. 
Armin threw up his hands. “Okay, fine..”
(context: Eren and Mikasa are obnoxious and dumb)
"Oh, by the way," said Mikasa. "My boyfriend and I were wondering, if your date goes well, do you want to go on a double date together next weekend?"
"Your boyfriend?" said Armin, sarcastically. "Do I know him?"
Mikasa frowned at him, looking perplexed. "It's Eren," she said.
"Yeah, she's talking about me," said Eren, glaring aggressively. "Who did you think she was going out with?"
"Did we not tell you we got together, Armin?" asked Mikasa, looking worried. "It happened on Sunday."
"I'm literally holding her hand right now," Eren continued, building himself up into a rant. "I thought you were smart."
Armin cackled, interrupting Eren as he was preparing to really lay it on him. Eren clapped his mouth shut, looking flustered. "I'll ask Sandra what she thinks," Armin said.
"Okay," said Mikasa. "Just let us know."
"Hey, are you and Annie still friends?" Eren asked.
And that's it for now! I have to go to the dentist, so I just picked a section really fast. I hope you enjoyed it!
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riality-check · 1 year
Rambling thoughts about Father’s Day and grief (of sorts) that I’ll probably delete in the morning because I need to stop oversharing on the internet.
My father’s mother died in January, when I was four. It kicked off the worst year in my family’s life, the details of which I won’t share. I got sick, then better. My father got sicker in a different way, and it took him a lot more to get better. My sister was not old enough to go to school. My mother was trying desperately to hold us all together.
And the spiral started with that one death.
Just like I don’t remember everything falling apart that year, I don’t remember my grandmother dying. I remember her alive, bits and pieces of her sitting in a chair and commenting idle things as my sister and I ran around her, but I don’t remember her dying.
The first time I was aware of it, that my grandmother died, was when my mother said it to explain why my father was crying in the middle of our living room floor.
I had never seen him cry before. I was in pre school, I was already able to read, and I thought it was impossible for my father to cry.
But there he was. Six feet tall, but he felt smaller than me.
So, I did what any four year old would have done: I put my arms around him and I said, “It’s okay, Daddy. We can get you a new mommy.”
I didn’t understand, then, why that made him cry harder.
I don’t know why I’m thinking about this today. Nearly fifteen years have passed. I FaceTimed my father today, and we talked about the Red Sox.
We always start off by talking about the Red Sox during baseball season.
It’s odd to think about grief on a holiday where I can celebrate someone who’s still with me, especially when that grief isn’t mine.
I don’t think you can really grieve someone you didn’t know all that well. So, I don’t think I’m grieving my grandmother. I think I might be finally understanding just a fraction of how my father felt, sitting there on the living room floor, with his daughter telling him with full confidence that the impossible can happen.
It’s 10 PM. I’m sitting outside, listening to Bruce Springsteen, and typing this up.
I’ve never cried while writing something before.
I don’t know what the point of this is. I think it might be an apology of sorts.
Sorry, Dad, for making the same mistake that every other kid makes. For failing to understand the distinction between cruelty and kindness.
I promise I’ll study tomorrow. I’ll get a B+ in my class. Hopefully.
Happy Father’s Day. I know you’ll never see this because there’s no way in hell I’m letting you know about this specific social media presence, but:
I love you.
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doukeshi-kun · 2 years
i'm kinda venting ab my blog here. sorry im really upset
honestly now i'm no longer happy with the blog. i can't fucking brain how my explicit smut drabbles did not get flagged and hidden while my fluff suggestive fic did. it's very unfair and i'm seriously upset at this. it did not appear on the tag (1) and it got flagged (2) immediately after. absurd and ridiculous. i'm considering to delete doukeshi-writes and restart it or something. but restarting is not easy either. (edit : oh i was mistaken. both did get flagged. so fuck both of you.)
this drains my excitement wholly. i don't feel happy posting thing while constantly being wary about my fics getting hidden and flagged. i hate everything that happened to that blog. i started doukeshi-writes to start anew from beandaifuku. and then all this bullshit is happening. it was good for the first several weeks. now it is not.
i don't want to leave yet because i know i still enjoy this hobby but i really hate what happened. two or three fics flagged? okay fine. whatever. i take it. if it is flagged weeks and months after i posted it, i could care less. but it is flagged just barely 30 minutes in. on a fluff suggestive fic. and the thing is only my NIKOLAI FICS got flagged 30 minutes after posting. the jjk drabbles, bsd drabbles, they're usually got flagged when i don't care about them anymore — like weeks and months after.
i know about “don't write for notes, just write for yourself blablabla” but i posted them to share. i wrote them to share. if what i spend my time on ended up not reaching audiences, then i might just keep it in my secret stash from the get go. i know when a post get flagged, the notes and the engagement decrease dramatically. i witnessed it in my activity bar in beandaifuku. one of my jjk scenarios that had been posted still received atleast 20 new notes per day months after. until it was flagged, it barely gets 10 notes per day. probably 5, 7... fucking 1. not to mention people don't reblog things so that's one factor of not getting anything.
this is very stupid. it's not even mixed feelings atp. i hate community labels and i hate this (doukeshi-writes) blog. 10/10 experience! would never do it again!
i will go study and then sleep. see you tomorrow for nikolai anime debut — if i'm happy enough to open this god forsaken app
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alans-snz · 2 years
Formerly ilov/eal/an/rickm/an/sff
Had to remake my blog since a vanilla "friend" I shared my old blog to in the past ratted me out. Gonna refollow people here and repost as much stuff I had saved.
I deleted in a panic though, forgetting I wrote the vast majority of (if not all) my drabbles on Tumblr itself so I didn't have them saved...Gonna have to remake a lot unless I can find old reblogs
If I forget to follow you again, sorry! I'm very forgetful, just let me know!
Important notes/rules below the following links and below the cut.
General Snz
Snz Art
Gen/shin (Snz)
All My Works (Stories, Wavs, Art)
Snz Audio
Snz Scenarios
Snz Video
My Stories
Old Wavs
All Wavs
Important Notes/Rules
I cannot say this enough. Even if your blog is solely for lurking and you don't post or reblog anything on your blog, please put your age in your bio. 18+ is not enough. Please at least put your age range if you are not comfortable sharing your exact age. If you don't, I will have to assume you aren't sharing your age because you're a minor, and I will block you. It might sound harsh, but this is a kink blog, and I will not tolerate minors here.
There will be absolutely no exceptions to this. If you are a minor (under the age of 18) or your blog is non-kink related, do not interact. I don't care if you are 17 turning 18 tomorrow, this is kink stuff and I do not want minors here.
I have no problem with non-kink blogs, however I do a lot to try my hardest to keep my content only on snzblr, so I don't want it being seen by vanillas due to a reblog from a non-kink blog. So if you are looking at my content on a non-kink blog, please be respectful and just lurk.
2. Tagging emeto content (if applicable)
If we are moots or you interact with my content in general, please tag any emeto content, whether it's your own or someone else's that you reblog with "emeto tw," because I am severely emetophobic.
If your blog name has emeto words in it or your account is mainly emetophilic, please respectfully don't interact. I don't have any issues with you looking at my content, but I check all my notifications and the pages of everyone who likes, reblogs, etc to make sure people are of age, etc, so just don't physically interact so I don't have to see the words and we will be good.
This is because even the words are triggering to me, so even seeing words like v* will make me anxious. So please, have respect and tag things if you regularly interact with my content, and if your blog name includes emeto words, please just lurk and do not interact. Thanks for your understanding.
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starjxsung · 8 days
Babe is such a universal thing, I think I’m going to start calling you honey! Honey is one of my personal favorites heheheh
I’m so sorry you went through so much star I hope you’re doing well and I can’t wait for you to be able to make that cake ahhh please send me pics! Also on the applying it’s best to stay in the job your in because it’s so true it’s hard to apply and see if you even get the job especially me as someone who’s still trying to apply and no luck ugh
What’s your love language??? Mine is words of affirmations I love telling people I care that i appreciate them so much
I don’t remember if someone had asked this before but has an anon actually tried to get with you like I know most of anons flirt with you a lot and you flirt with us and we made a mutual connection by even talking out of tumblr but like has an anon actually tried to take your flirting to the next level ie actually thought you were trying to get into a relationship????
A little life update on my end: anxiety really sucks, it’s making me lose sleep by waking up every hour and it’s messing with me a lot making me feel like my friendships are just one sided and that they rather be with other people than me. It’s not helping either that this anon on my tumblr has been saying mean things about me and criticizing the way I write ( it usually doesn’t affect me but rn with how I am mentally it kinda is) but it’s getting so bad that opening my phone and seeing notifications just makes me want to puke
NO BC HONEY IS SOOO CUUUUUUTE it feels like marriage vibes frfr I love it 🤞🥹
I WILLLL POST PICS OF JILIX CAKE TOMORROW PROBABLY I actually bought one of those mini birthday cakes and it’s been sitting in my fridge for like 3 days so it probably tastes like shit now but it’s SOOOO CUTE IM SO EXCITED 💓 Ughhhhh I know exactly what you mean the job market sucks ASSSSSS rn I just know it’s gonna be an ordeal but I’m definitely still looking at what’s out there and seeing if there’s anything I can transition into that might be a little easier bc my work load right now is the fucking worst :(
Love language HMMMM I think it’s words of affirmation for myself, and then for others I’m really partial to gift giving 💞 I loooove being the kind of person who just finds something cute online and sends it to someone or surprises them w it! I order my sister little desserts sometimes since she lives in another city or sometimes I get random shit for my parents or friends bc it reminds me of them I just love seeing people’s reactions to gifts 🥹
The anon question hahaha yesssss I was in a kinda long situationship type thing w an anon on here and it ended really badly. I truly wish her nothing but the best now and we’re no longer on talking terms, but I’m always grateful for the people I have the pleasure of being in romantic relationships/situationships with even if they end badly ! I hope she finds what she’s looking for eventually
Also I’m so sorry to hear about your anxiety :((( I’m kind of in the same boat rn (literally just picked up my antidepressants today slayyy) but holy fuck wym there’s an anon sending you hate?? Hello?????? That is so fucked up oh my god I’ve gotten my fair share of anon hate on here but please just delete any messages you get and don’t even give them the time of day. It’s so fucked up they’d stoop so low and hide behind an anonymous profile to send hate to random people. What have they even been saying to you? If you need to send me anything privately on discord pls feel free to do so :( I’m so sorry this is happening my love you don’t deserve this at all and it’s gross people would think to do that. I love you so so much please ignore those losers
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popbloganddropit · 6 months
Eternal Sunshine - Ariana Grande
Initial thoughts: Going to do my best with the track titles all being lowercase, but cut me some slack if autocorrect puts in some proper capitalization. we can’t be friends was an immediate standout. I was a little bored by the first half of the album on first listen. I’m not a person who is going to “cancel” an artist for cheating. That’s your personal life, the public will never have the full story, and there are far more problematic actions an artist can commit than being messy in your or someone else’s home. However, at first listen, I feel like I need to be cheering it on to fully vibe with what’s being presented to me. That’s perhaps a bit far for me as a more casual listener and not a Stan. At the same time, honesty is refreshing, there’s not a coverup job going on here.
1. intro (end of the world) is a beautiful intro track that sets the stage for the album. Morality aside, I love “Then I had this interaction I've been thinking 'bout for like five weeks. Wonder if he's thinking 'bout it too and smiling. Wonder if he knows that that's been what's inspiring me. Wonder if he's judging me like I am right now.” A cute little crush, got me kicking my feet. And “If the sun refused to shine. Baby, would I still be your lover? Would you want me there? If the moon went dark tonight. And if it all ended tomorrow. Would I be the one on your mind, your mind, your mind? And if it all ended tomorrow, would you be the one on mine?” To be clear, this is almost all of the lyrics on the track. A true set up for this album, and she’s not making excuses, just sharing her side. Gorgeous instrumental and obviously the great harmony stacks you can always expect from Ariana. 4/5
2. bye- I think bye might have been a better lead single than “yes, and?” (Which I would honestly maybe delete from the album). I might love this song more for revealing this conversation:
Tumblr media
Not lyrically complex, but catchy enough to stick in your head. 3/5
3. don’t wanna break up again- Obligatory “it’s wild to feel like your marriage is a situationship”. This feels like a song that needs to exist narratively than a song that needs to exist because there was a melody or hook or lyric or other essential song part that someone needed to get out. “I wanted to write a song about x” instead of “a song came from within me that tells x story”. The first way doesn’t always make for bad song but it rarely makes for a great one. “Hope you won’t regret me, hope you still think fondly of our little life,” is a very sweet sentiment and more of that throughout the track would have taken it up a notch. It feels a little repetitive without the hook or insight to earn it. 2.5/5
4. saturn returns interlude- maybe I haven’t watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind recently enough, but this album has so far not done enough for me to need an interlude. 3/5
5. eternal sunshine- a catchy enough litle bop. “Hope you feel alright when you’re in her,” made me do an aural double take the first time. There’s some questionable rhyme schemes here (rhyming “sorry” with “sorry”), but i can look past it because the bridge is excellent.
“Won't break, can't shake
This fate, rewrite
Deep breaths, tight chest
Life, death, rewind”
Chanted like a mantra. Love the choice to repeat it again at the end, it really elevates this song for me despite the parts that are not to my taste. 3.5/5
6. supernatural- if you’re not here for a horny Ariana ditty, I don’t know what you’re listening to an AG record for. The tone on this chorus is heavenly. It’s not a song to scream in your car with the windows down, it’s a quiet, rainy night doing love spells type of song and I’m personally bewitched by it. 4.5/5
7. true story- A bite back at the haters with not enough bite. Ariana sounds amazing, this is a sound I would love more of from her, but lyrically, it’s just not doing it for me. She’ll play the villain if we need her to, but I DON’T need her to, I’m just not being provided with any narrative that suggests she’s not at least a little bit the bad guy (the married father is more the bad guy, to be clear, but I don’t think I’ll be incorporating my thoughts into a Wicked soundtrack review). If it’s not any of my business, make a less personal album. I’ll listen to Into You all day long, I don’t need the music to be tied to your personal life. But if you’re going to, you need to either fully play into the villain role or tell me your side that makes you not one. 3/5
8. the boy is mine- re-listened to Brandy and Monica first because it had been too long and I needed to refresh to properly form an opinion here. The original is honestly 90’s RnB perfection. Huge shoes to fill. Questionable from the start that it’s not a duet.
Narratively, I think Ari is still playing the villain here. If I separate the outside story, the verses and chorus are approaching the greatness of the original. They don’t quite reach it, but who could expect that? A nice homage to an era that’s clearly inspired Grande’s music. The bridge is a letdown compared to the rest, unfortunately. It sounds like it was left in when no better ideas were brought to the table. Narratively, again, I’m not sure this goes far enough into the villain persona, but doesn’t do enough to give us an explanation for why the villianous ways are justified. It’s the reason the bridge is so frustrating. Don’t take accountability in your villain era (and don’t say you’re not usually like this. Come on, girl). 3/5
9. yes, and?- Taylor Swift has finally improved her lead single choices and all the other pop girlies have decided to pick the worst song on the album to put out as a teaser. Break My Soul ended up working for me in the context of Renaissance. This doesn’t. It still feels as throwaway within the album as it did when it first released. It’s catchy enough, but adds nothing musically or to the story that feels needed. 1.5/5
10. we can’t be friends (wait for your love)- YES. A sick beat, beautiful vocals, an extended pause after saying, “silence”. This song has everything. A favorite for me, it fills your whole ear while Ariana’s soft vocals keep the song feeling a little understated. Dreamy perfection 5/5
11. i wish i hated you- an interesting and unique melody. A beautiful, contemplative break up song where Ariana wishes she hated her former love, that they had been meaner, that there was a finger to point, but sometimes things just don’t work. This song does, though! 4.5/5
12. imperfect for you- an acceptance that a relationship is not between two perfect people under ideal circumstances, but works anyway. An ear worm of a chorus for something so contemplative and produced perfectly to match the “fucked up, anxious” chorus. A song to sway to as the world burns. 4.5/5
13. ordinary things- Nonna’s advice is the best part of this song. The three songs prior to this really work for me sonically and narratively, and this otherwise just feels like it doesn’t hit quite deep enough to end an introspective album on. 2.5/5
Final thoughts:
There are some excellent highs here but also some middle of the road snoozers, as well as a confusing narrative. Sonically, this album feels cohesive without being repetitive and thusly the rounded score will be rounded up. Average was 3.42, which we will round up to a 3.5/5 stars.
What’s next?
I know there was a slightly deluxe quickly pushed out, assuming there’s a full deluxe to follow, I’ll cover those all then, otherwise it’ll just have to wait until a light week (and the girls are not leaving many light weeks this spring)! Bleachers up next with Kacey Musgraves hopefully soon to follow. A tiny gap this Friday before Beyonce hopefully lassos breath from my lungs once again, so maybe we will have room to squeeze in a little extra somewhere.
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