#tw: botulism
batwynn · 1 year
Just a heads up for folks looking into getting into canning this autumn from a sad person who had way too many tomatoes last year: if you have a cheap stove (or just the common type that many landlords get) where it does not stay consistently at temp, but instead heats then pauses, and heats again… you might not be able to can safely with the usual, large canning pot.
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(Image: A photo of a large black and white speckled canning pot with the metal canning rack.)
To be safe, please test to make sure you can keep a pot at the correct temperature for the period of time you need for whatever canning you’re planning. Always test this before you try canning. Botulism is no joke. Botulism can kill you.
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raccoonzinspace · 1 year
TIL that you should not give babies under 1 year old honey due to a bacteria known as Clostridium. This bacteria can cause infant botulism (floppy baby syndrome).
Yet I heard accounts of doctors treating floppy babies because their mothers tried "home remedies" made from honey. Some of these babies sadly didn't make it, but yet they believe that "honey has never killed babies" despite the evidence being present right in front of their eyes.
Why is it that I know more about babies than these parents despite not having a kid?
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suratan-zir · 1 year
Why am I doing this to myself? What's wrong with me? I'm devastated by the death of a bird I didn't even knew existed four days ago.
TW: suffering and death of an animal
This is (was) Stinky Smellington, this is how we found it: unresponsive, with its eyes closed, on the side of the road.
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It's a common tern (Sterna hirundo), most likely. Google doesn't know a whole lot about these guys, but after doing some research I believe it had avian botulism. This disease causes death by paralysis and has no specific treatment. Most infected birds die, but in rare cases you can nurse it back to health. I knew we should just end its suffering, but I was so, so hoping it would be one of those "rare cases".
The vets in my town said they didn't even know anything about domestic birds. We don't have any wildlife rescues here, in fact there are only a couple of places in the entire country.
For the past few days, I was cleaning it, feeding it and making sure it doesn't choke, letting it "swim" in the bathtub (obviously it couldn't swim, it couldn't even hold its head straight). It quickly stopped being afraid of me and realized I was trying to help. It begun opening its beak voluntarily to help me put food in it. It enjoyed having its head cleaned and scratched.
Today, its heart stopped several times and started again after heart massage. But the last time it stopped completely.
My whole apartment smells like fish. And I am very sad about the death of a random stinky bird. I'm an idiot.
It was a beautiful bird.
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sweetsweetjellybean · 2 years
In the cold November rain Part 6 *18+ MDNI*
Eddie Munson/FemReader  Steve Harrington/FemReader Ao3
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TW: Story runs congruent to events in the show. If you know what happens in season 4, then you'll know how this will end.**Be warned.**18+ Eventually Smut, Angst, High School Fuckery, Drinking, It’s starting to heat up!
Can you have two great loves in a lifetime?
You've had the ideal childhood in Hawkins with your best friend & protector Steve Harrington. When it's ripped away, can you pick up the pieces? Eddie Munson may be able to help.
 A story about the pain of growing up, unrequited love, and loss.
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Thanks To @loveshotzz She is a Goddess spreading prose throughout the lands.
Inspired by @loveshotzz & notes by @eddieandbird  
Part 6/13 Masterlist
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The theme song for the A-Team blared from the TV in the living room where your parents had settled in for the evening. It was your night to do the dinner dishes, and you had just finished. Your homework was done, and you felt restless with nothing to do. The prospect of spending another night with your parents was depressing. You need a distraction, and you know just the thing. You grabbed your keys and told your parents you were going out.
The Hideout was a dive bar where Corroded Coffin played every Tuesday night. The old brick building was set off the road on the way out of town. They were known for their cheap beer and live music. The floor was sticky, the glasses were dirty, and you'd probably contract botulism from the little bowl of free pretzels. You park your Beetle next to Eddie's van in the dirt and gravel parking lot before entering through the nondescript black steel door. You amble over to the bar and slide onto a stool. A cover of "You've got another thing comin'" was blasting from the stage across the room. 
"What can I do for you, pretty lady?" There was only one employee at the Hideout, and that was Lou. He was a local legend, and everyone knew not to cross him.
"I'd like a Budweiser, please?" You ask with a sweet smile.
"How old are you, Doll?" Lou says with suspicious eyes.
"Nineteen." Lou crosses his arms over his chest. "Come on, Lou. I'm just here to see the band."
"Alright. But no more than two." 
"Thanks, Lou," you say, taking the bottle. You leave a few bills for Lou and bring your beer to a round table in front of the stage. Eddie doesn't notice you at first. His eyes are closed, his fingers deftly moving up and down the frets of his guitar. You take the time to drink him in. His feet are planted a little more than shoulder-width apart, the guitar strapped to his broad shoulders, coming to rest at his narrow hips. You can see the muscles of his arms flexing under his tight shirt as his head bounces in time with the music. He throws his head back, lights above making him luminous, the tip of his tongue sneaking out to trace his top lip. You press your thighs together. He looks like a god. 
His eyelids open, and those blazing umber eyes meet yours. He doesn't miss a note as he moves closer to the edge of the stage, holding your gaze, his lips twisting into a cocky smirk. The song ends, and you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding. You clap and cheer. Eddie gives you a slight bow before launching into another song. You spend the rest of his set nursing your beer and trading smoldering looks. It feels ten degrees warmer than when you first arrived. You take off your cardigan and retrieve your second beer. The band works on packing up, and the bar is starting to empty when Eddie sits beside you. He is covered in a light sheen of sweat. 
"Princess, I never dreamed of seeing you in such a third-rate establishment." 
"Watch it, Eddie," Lou calls out from the bar.
"Sorry, Lou," Eddie says, giving him a little wave.
"So what happened? Did you get lost on your way to a ball?"
"I heard this band had a really hot guitar player, so I thought I'd check it out myself." You tear little pieces of the label of your beer bottle.
"Jeff will be pleased to hear it," Eddie says as the rest of the band join you at the table. "Guard your virtue, gentleman. The Princess here has a thing for musicians."
You roll your eyes, and fortunately, Jeff decides to come to your rescue. "Jesus, leave her alone, Eddie." He takes a pull of his beer. "So what did you think? Any good?"
"Are you kidding? You guys are amazing! I knew you would be good, but I'm totally blown away. You should be playing in Indianapolis or something." You continue to heap praise on them. The other boys can't hide their pleased smiles. The conversation turns to different topics and continues until Lou flicks the lights, kicking you out. You walk with them outside, promising to come back to listen to them play soon. You lean against Eddie's van and wave as their cars leave the lot.
"Nice Job, Princess. Now they're all half in love with you." Eddie says, coming to a stop in front of you, standing close, getting in your space.
"Oh yeah? What about you?" Your hand comes up to rest on his chest. 
"Eh, love's not my thing." He takes your hand off his chest, bringing it back down to your side but not letting it go. "I prefer to travel the countryside spreading the gospel of Metallica, leaving a trail of wet panties and broken hearts in my wake."
"I bet," you say with a laugh. "Is that why you haven't kissed me again?" His lips pull into an enigmatic smile. "So that's why you're here. Are you feeling horny tonight, Your Highness?" Your cheeks warm as you blush. "No. I'm just curious."
"Well, curiosity killed the cat." He crowds you in further, and one of his legs slots between yours. You're sure he can feel the warmth between your legs on his thigh. "Don't worry, Eddie. I take very good care of my cat."
His eyes are gleaming, and you can see the puff of his breaths in the chilly night air. "If there is something you want, Princess. All you have to do is take it." His thigh pushes into you, grinding the seam of your jeans against your clit. A gasp leaves your mouth, and your hips thrust forward, trying to chase the feeling. "And what if I want to give?" You ask, taking his hand and placing his palm over your breast. His thumb circles your nipple, and you roll your hips, riding his thigh. Your breath is audible, and you hold his eyes as you move. His mouth is hovering over yours. "What are we doing?" He mumbles, maybe to himself. His lips begin their descent.
"Christ, Eddie, take it somewhere else, or I'll get the hose," Lou calls out as he walks around the building, taking the trash out.
Your head falls forward to giggle against his chest. "Sorry, Lou," Eddie calls out, raising a hand in the air. "You're going to be the death of me, you know that? Utter destruction." He kisses your forehead. "Go get in your car and lock the doors." He steps back, and you slide past him, digging the keys out of your pockets. "Good Girl. I'll see you tomorrow." 
"Goodnight, Eddie."
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Part 7      
Tag List @boomhauer @onlyangel-444 @breehumbles @myobmaya @arsenicred
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localspacelesbian · 4 years
you ever google types of poison to figure out how these himbos on a kids show died and you're like were they murdered? I'm not saying they were murdered, but what if they were murdered? unrelated, do you think the fbi guy in my phone is gonna be worried about me?
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jinxedshapeshifter · 2 years
So I didn’t know how many uses there are for Botox. Not just is it used in plastic/cosmetic surgery, but it’s also used to treat overactive muscles and migraines, among other things.
Botox has botulinum toxin in it. Y’know, the thing that is the reason you’re not supposed to give honey to babies.
Basically you wouldn’t catch me using Botox in a million years because botulism sounds like a fucking horrifying way to die
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dreamingoftinystars · 2 years
all I want is chickpeas right now but my stupid little brain is telling me that if I eat anything out of a can I will get botulism and then die so in fact cannot eat chickpeas and as such cannot eat anything
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moonwalkertrance · 6 years
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This white supremacist in the coast guard was planning to kill Trump’s “enemies”
A Coast Guard lieutenant and self-described white nationalist who was arrested in Maryland last week was plotting to kill a long list of prominent journalists and Democratic politicians, as well as professors, judges and what he called “leftists in general,” federal prosecutors said in a court filing.
Lt. Christopher Paul Hasson was arrested Friday on charges of illegal gun possession, but prosecutors said in a filing on Tuesday that the charges were just the “proverbial tip of the iceberg.”
In the filing, which argues that Lieutenant Hasson should be held until he is tried, prosecutors described him as a “domestic terrorist” and said he intended “to murder innocent civilians on a scale rarely seen in this country.”
Prosecutors quoted a letter to friends that he drafted in 2017 and that the authorities found on his computer. In it, Lieutenant Hasson, who works as an acquisitions officer at Coast Guard headquarters in Washington, wrote: “I am dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on the earth. I think a plague would be most successful but how do I acquire the needed / Spanish flu, botulism, anthrax not sure yet but will find something.”
In the last month, prosecutors said, the lieutenant drew up a list of prominent figures he called “traitors” and wanted to kill, including many well-known anchors and hosts on the CNN and MSNBC news networks and a number of Democratic elected officials. The list included, among others, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Maxine Waters, Senator Richard Blumenthal, whom he referred to as “Sen blumen jew,” and many of the senators running for president.
He had recently performed internet searches seeking information about whether senators and Supreme Court justices receive Secret Service protection, the memo said.
In the letter quoted by prosecutors, Lieutenant Hasson wrote about wanting to start a race war, and pondered the best way to do it. “Much blood will have to be spilled to get whitey off the couch,” he wrote.
He mused about taking advantage of some already tense issue, like the 2016 standoff between in Oregon protesters and the Bureau of Land Management. “Please send me your violence that I may unleash it onto their heads. Guide my hate to make a lasting impression on this world,” he said in the letter.
Lieutenant Hasson served in the Marine Corps from 1988 to 1993, then approximately two years on active duty in the Army National Guard. He has held his Coast Guard job since 2016, according to court documents.
He began stockpiling weapons in 2017, the authorities said. When his cramped basement apartment in Silver Spring, Md., was searched, they said, federal agents found a cache of 15 assault rifles, shotguns and handguns and more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition that the lieutenant had amassed over two years.
A Coast Guard spokesman confirmed on Wednesday that one of its service members had been arrested, but declined to comment on the case. “Because this is an open investigation, the Coast Guard has no further details at this time,” the spokesman said.
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localspacelesbian · 4 years
you ever google types of poison to figure out how these himbos on a kids show died and you're like were they murdered? I'm not saying they were murdered, but what if they were murdered? unrelated, do you think the fbi guy in my phone is gonna be worried about me?
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