#tw: car sex
lyricsiamgoingcrazy · 1 month
The other night I cried while thinking of having sex with you
Not out of desire or shame but some subconscious impulse to feel pain
I wiped my tears on my face and neck and the backs of my ears
And said, "Now it's sweat, now it's sweat, it's sweat now"
I can't tell you if I like it, I like it
What happens if I don't like it? I like you
I can't tell you if I like it, I like it
What happens if I don't like it? It's only-
I can't tell you if I like it, I like it
What happens if I don't like it? I like it
I can't tell you if I like it, I like it
What happens if I don't like it? It's only-
It's only sex (it's only sex)
It's only-
It's only sex (no, it's not)
It's only sex
It's only-
It's only sex
It's only sex
It's only-
C'mon, sexual desire, speak!
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hannahssimblr · 5 months
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I shoulder through the front doors into the fresh spring air, still a little breathless with adrenaline, to where Michelle is waiting for me. She looks unhappy. 
“How did it go?” I say. 
“Oh, awful, they were like robots, so intimidating. I didn’t know what they thought of my work, you know? I really thought I’d start crying at one point.”
“Yeah, and that woman was so cold. She was pulling all of these faces at my self portraits and saying they were naive.”
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“Oh, God,” In an attempt at reassurance I start rubbing her arm, “I’m sure they liked plenty things about your work.”
“Oh, I don’t know. I sensed they hated all of it.”
“They couldn’t have, it’s probably just your perception, they… I bet they’re harsh to everyone, you know? They probably don’t want to get anyone's hopes up with there being limited places and all…”
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She looks at me, “Was yours bad too?”
“Awful,” I say without missing a beat, “Same as you, they gave me nothing. It was hard to tell what they really thought of my work, but they didn’t seem overjoyed by any of it to be honest.”
“Oh,” her shoulders relax, “well if they were like that with you then they must be just playing hard ball.”
“I think so.”
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“What if we don’t get in?”
“Well fuck ‘em,” I grin, “We don’t need them. NCAD? Who cares, right? It’s not exactly at the top of our list.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“I usually am.”
“Something else will work out, right?”
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“Of course it will! C’mon, let’s just grab a coffee and chill out,” I drape my arm over her shoulder and walk her around the corner to where I parked the car. 
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The car, the brand new, shiny, blue Volkswagen Polo that my parents got me for my eighteenth birthday, is gleaming under the afternoon sun, one tyre wedged awkwardly against the kerb because I haven’t yet mastered the art of parallel parking when there are two other impatient drivers beeping their horns at me and gesticulating wildly out their windows. 
“He just got his fucking licence, you spas!” Michelle screamed at them from the passenger window as I manoeuvred myself into a gap big enough to house an articulated truck but somehow felt the width of a water closet as soon as I tried to fit my 1.0 litre hatchback into it. I could have told her that firing middle fingers at other drivers left and right wasn’t really doing much to diffuse the situation, but it seemed she was reaching some sort of catharsis from it. She likes that. Screaming, I mean.
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This car has been a point of contention, not because I can’t park it well, but because it was an extravagance I neither needed nor desired. “We live in the city,” I protested when my parents handed me the keys, “I can just take the bus.” But they had this idea that I might like to drive it into school and be the envy of all the other students, poverty stricken losers without parents who can buy them vehicles worth half the average national salary. I told them I can just walk like always, and they didn’t like that. 
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“This is a good present,” said my dad, as though insisting could make it so, “You can drive all over, you won’t have to rely on public transport any more.”
“Did I say I didn’t like public transport?”
“Well, you could get mugged on the bus, someone could pull out a knife and take your phone and all of your money! That kind of thing is happening all over the city lately.”
I showed him my Nokia from 2004 and asked him what kind of person might like to risk prison for it, but he didn’t appreciate that, and it just escalated the argument further. 
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“I’m not going to even live in Ireland in a year, not if I can help it!” I cried with exasperation, after a further ten minutes of his dramatics, “What’s the point?”
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“Sell it then!” he bellowed back, “I don’t care what you do! It’s yours!”
“I just don’t need it! It’s too much. You can use that money for something better.”
“Money? Money is not an issue.”
“Well that car will be wasted just sitting in the driveway.”
“You’ll figure out what to use it for.”
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And I did. I still walk to school, I still take the bus into town most days (when I’m not hauling two A1 portfolio cases along with me), but sometimes, late at night Michelle and I drive up and down the coast. We get ice cream at the drive through, we talk, but mostly I park it in the darkest corner of some car park, sea facing for maximum romance, and we fuck in the passenger seat. Not that I’ve kept track of it by any means, but I’m almost certain I have spent more time having sex in my shiny, blue, Volkswagen Polo than actually driving it. I’m sure it wasn’t Christopher’s intention for it, and it might affect the resale value, but the car has become a haven of sorts, a place where we can go to be alone, at a safe distance from my nosy sister, from Michelle’s anxious father, and perhaps most vitally, from Jen, who has never quite stopped being weirded out by our relationship, even with nine full months to get used to it.
Beginning // Prev // Next
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yuki-of-the-sky · 6 months
My thoughts on Revolutionary girl utena are very intense in a way i wasnt expecting. At first i thought the show to be akin to your normal magical girl show but blatant lesbians. How wrong i was, oh how very wrong i was. Things i wasnt expecting from this show was just how complex and flawed a lot of the characters are and how horrifying akio is. So to explain why i have such intense feelings on this show and its movie im gonna have to tell yall that i am a sexual assault survivor. Back in my teens i was very heavily abused by my now ex boyfriend who did a number of unspeakable and despicable things to me. So when i saw Anthy approach Akio that first time when everything fades to black after she takes off her glasses i immediately had this visceral reaction of horror. I knew what this scene was alluding to and i just felt like i waw back then. In a sense though im glad to see representation of this in a show because i feel seen. Like i can point to this show it someone ever asks me what it was like for me when i was assaulted. The scene where Utena and Akio first have a relation of that form i had a much grosser and more fucked up feeling hit me. Seeing utena talk about what she should make for lunch as she tries to avoid thinking about the situation shes in it just hit me hard. Revolutionary girl utena is very special because representation matter, these horrific and gross things matter. They matter so that people like me dont feel so alone in the world, so that we dont have to feel so ostracized when people find out what has happened to us. Truly i stive for my own revolution where i can be happy and help others. Also as a side the gender fuckery in this show is amazing, Utena's identity is prince and her pronouns are she/ her and i love that about her.
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 7 months
tw for fatphobia, racism, slurs, sexual harassment, death threats, homophobia, and harassment in general. This is extremely disgusting and discretion is advised. I can’t believe this troll had the audacity to say any of this
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also them:
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hm. I wonder why.
just block and report this person in hopes that they can get removed from tumblr please
Also support the original cars blogs they’re reblogging from and spread some positivity to them
(Also, these might be a bit difficult to discern from which is the actual post and which is the screenshots, and I apologize for that)
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drumlincountry · 5 months
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I read this line in a Reddit thread yesterday (~6 hours into a 14 hour stint of travel) and I screenshotted it because like. surely. Surely I was misreading this. Misunderstanding. Who would content warn for suicide in this way? I'll reread tomorrow with my brain functioning. It will make sense then. But no I reread it today and that is still what is happening!! There are so many people in the world.
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terrence-silver · 6 months
Would Terry pay for certain "services" 😉
Because when he was coked out in the 80's I can totally see him paying for those "services" then.
Of course he'd pay a sex worker and not just for himself; for others too!
On him!
The masseuse girls in Tahiti, Mamona and her girlfriend, could've been just that for John Kreese at the recommendation of a regular someone who knows they're excellent from personal experience. And his Johnny deserves only the very best --- especially when Johnny's doing a bit blue and needs his mood fixed through quality professionals approved by Terry Silver himself! He wouldn't just drop him into anyone's hands. Massage by the seaside plus a happy ending! What guy wouldn't feel better and drop his self-deprecation after that!? Wouldn't be surprised if the Tahitian resort received explicit and in detail instructions from overseas on how John should be treated and how he likes to be treated from Terry personally, if you get my drift --- and no doubt Terry got off on the fact that he and John technically shared the same ladies. Heck! He was on the phone directly with John while John was having his back rubbed. They even synchronized the fact that they were both in the nude, wrapped in towels, sipping on cool drinks, chit-chatting about REVENGE. It's hilarious.
These dudes are open and proud about it!
I feel they brought it back from their time in the military, if we're honest and it just never went away. You find comfort in working professional girls when you're out fighting in the bush and I think these two kept doing it even after Vietnam in one shape, way or form.
My god, even when Terry's gotten older and dropped the habit of narcotics and other more addictive, hedonistic vices, doubt he's grown out of the habit. His character never really changed; it simply took on a different, more socially-acceptable facade for a brief blip there, but underneath, it's all the same. Do we really think Cheyenne wasn't a higher level 'professional' too? C'mon, now. That was very openly a sugar baby on a payroll having her project kickstarted by him, flat out, and nobody can convince me otherwise.
How about when Terry flat out offers Shannon a 'job' and it's never stated exactly what kind or what this woman could even do for him, but knowing Terry Silver, what he was offering was for sure several shades of shady and he even rubs it into Johnny Lawrence's face later on, how she's a lovely lady. Deserves so much better. He wouldn't just pay an actual sex worker, he'd proposition people who aren't even sex workers to start working for it because nothing's for free, is it? After all, someone has to reimburse the car he so generously borrowed Robby and Tory for prom along with those outfits, yeah? And who's more fitting than Robby's own mother; a woman otherwise in a vulnerable state of mind with a history of addiction herself --- someone perhaps easily exploitable? The ex-wife of John Kreese's golden boy pupil gone rouge? It would be an amazing opportunity to score a point and break the enemy's morale through messing with their woman transactionally, no?
Man's got that pimp and that dog inside of him and you better believe that.
Everyone's a whore with a price and if they ain't, Terry has ways to make them one to suit his own agenda if he wants to, literally and figuratively speaking.
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aes-pbp · 1 year
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The @starkerfestivals Summer bingo prompt was car sex and I really needed a laugh 😂
TS as an Audi R8
PP as a Renault Sport Spider
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fatedefyd · 1 year
   sometimes the deranged little guy driving my clown car of a brain comes up with some pretty funny shit ft. @qicixian​​
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becomingeidolons · 2 years
five years worth of anger
#tw sa#found out that the guy I dated twice and did fwb with after the second time dating#sexually assaulted one of my best friends this past summer#she’s asexual and made that clear when they started dating and several months into the relationship she woke up to him touching her#I’m so disgusted that I had such a close relationship and friendship with him for years and never knew he would do something like that#and I feel partially responsible for what he did to her#because he did a similar thing to a lesser degree when we were together#i was blackout drunk and he was sober. and I slept in his car at a party#he claimed that I tried to initiate sex but he didn’t touch me#and I believed him at the time#but after hearing what he did to her I’ll never be able to trust his word#i keep thinking that if I had pressed him about that#or had a backbone at any point during our relationships#he wouldn’t have had the nerve to do what he did to her#I’m the only one of our friends she’s told#everyone else is still close friends with him because they don’t know#and she doesn’t want anyone to cut him off because of it#but I’m positive that anyone in her life would never speak to him again if they knew he was a rapist#i spent years convincing myself that he was a good guy#that I deserved the way he treated me and that it was my fault#but now I know#he’s the worst hypocrite I’ve ever met#i feel physically sick that I spent so much time caring about him and supporting him#and telling him that he’d never be like his father#just for him to do that#to one of the people I love most in the world#I’ve never been this angry before in my life#and I’ll wait until she’s ready to talk about it#because he deserves for everyone he loves to find out what an irredeemably awful person he is
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xxxcertifiednerdxxx · 2 years
is it actually a song about love or are they saying the word “love” but meaning sex?
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Doeth (Supernatural Drama)
("Doeth" has two meanings: In English, it is an archaic third person form of "to do", but in Welsh, it means "wise".)
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Chapter I
George Root, from a small town in the ceremonial county of Shropshire, England, not far from the Welsh border, was little regarded by his neighbors, which is not to say that they thought poorly of him, but that they thought little about him at all, and such was to his liking.
Root, 42 and for some fifteen years an accountant, would drive a beige car to work and back, take a regular Saturday walk, and otherwise, saw no company of any kind. A frugal man, his wardrobe consisted primarily of hand-me-downs from his father, uncle and grandfather, which Root, having some knowledge of stitching and alterations, had made presentable despite their age.
George's life would have been so routine as to be outside the routine were it not for troublesome neighbors. Oliver S. Allen was pitied by those who vaguely knew him, and despised what few had the misfortune of knowing him well. For purposes of finance and any slight legal difficulties, he spread a story that his wife had died, leaving him alone to take care of his daughter, Kelly.
In truth, Oliver and his wife, Elizabeth, had divorced, with his wife receiving custody of their other daughter, but they were in London, so few locals knew of this. Given the emotional turmoil and an unscrupulous father, Kelly, about thirteen in age, had become much like her father, repeating his bogus tale of Elizabeth's death, and finding particular amusement in pelting George Root's windows with debris to disturb his peace, which the local police dealt with lightly, given that they too believed Oliver's canard.
Root considered contacting a solicitor, but soon, the Allens became the least of his concerns.
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Chapter II
Their small town was given a bit of a stir by the arrival of a film producer of some note, the ambitious Terence Mathis, who, hearing rumors that a coven of witches, perhaps dating back centuries or even millennia, lived in the area, wanted to make cinema, or rather, make money, from the legend.
With a loud, colorful outfit that resembled the gaudiest men of the 1970's, the contrast between Mathis and the quiet Shropshire locale could not have been greater, and he was not well received, least of all by Helen Ford, a very religious woman, head of the choir in the town's only church.
"Excuse me, ma'am. Where do the locals say the Simmer lives?" asked Mathis, referring to the name of both the rumored coven and its leader.
"What business have you with the devil, city man?" asked Helen Ford, very sternly.
"Why, profitable business, of course, but there is no devil, and the only magic is the British Pound."
"Turn to God or you will perish. Simmer knows your mind. She has many times placed hexes on our church, and she has powers like the evil one himself."
"Rank superstition, ma'am, but how about you let me take the risk for you? I'll get Simmer away from you for a while."
Noticing telltale signs from Mathis's fingernails, which she had seen in recovering addicts in a larger city, Ford shook her head.
"You're into drugs too, I see. I cannot help you. You are lost."
Scoffing on the exterior but a bit rattled deep within, Terence, on foot, very quickly and against the lights darted out into traffic. As the Fates would have it, at that moment, George Root was driving homeward from accounting, and in his effort to veer away from the reckless Mathis, struck a pedestrian on the sidewalk.
The pedestrian, Agnes Patala, originally Agni Patala, of Indian heritage, beloved among the townsfolk, passed away at 38 of her injuries.
Root was too stunned to express anything. He continued his routine, but now his eyes were dead. Someone, someone preying on the weak, sensed George Root's state of mind and sought to take full advantage of it.
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Chapter III
When word reached the Shropshire town that, less than ten miles away, Terence Mathis had passed away of an overdose, Helen Ford again shook her head sadly, telling the congregation that, "She whose name we do not speak took down this wayward soul. Be sober before the LORD."
Helen referred, of course, to Simmer, and soon, dressed in black, with a black star on her forehead, Agnes Amber, the one called Simmer, walked into the town, and everyone, even the police, even the dogs and cats, fled at her approach. A full-figured woman of about five and thirty, she walked briskly until she stood in front of the home of George Root, and Root's pet cat fled, causing Simmer to laugh in a cruel tone.
Simmer would again and again approach Root's home, ring his doorbell, then leave, until finally, Root reluctantly opened his front door.
"I am of the earth. My card."
A card, decorated with pentagrams, read, "Resh Annwn", which read as gibberish to Root but was a mix of Hebrew and Welsh.
"Birch tree, do not fail me…"
Simmer pointed a wand, evidently of birch, at Root's forehead. The next he knew, George, a teetotaler, was suffering the effects of a hangover, and was quite certain that he had been intimate with the stranger.
George managed not to miss work, nor even be late, but his haggard appearance was noted by coworkers as highly unusual for the normally neat, disciplined Root.
Meanwhile, the chaos continued in the once sleepy town: Oliver S. Allen had died, of unknown causes, in his sleep. Helen Ford again asserted before the congregation that it was Simmer's work. Oliver's death, in turn, devastated his already troubled daughter Kelly, who ran away from authorities and became the town's first homeless citizen.
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Chapter IV
By this time, George Root, unable to face the outside world anymore, had taken to working remotely, via computer, his sole comfort in life now being his cat, Tao, so named because his fur resembled the Taijitu. George, like Tao, now spent most of his time sleeping.
After three months time, George finally found it in him to step out his front door again and go for the Saturday walk by which townsfolk had one literally set their clocks. The town he saw was not, however, the little town he had known. Police had lost control of the now unruly traffic, and the first to interact with Root was Kelly Allen, who tried but failed to pick his pocket, having become a street urchin and thief.
As George mournfully sauntered onward, a man of considerable stature and dignity, and eccentricity also, being dressed in Victorian gentleman's clothing, seemed to be awaiting him on the sidewalk.
"Do you want something?"
"I know of you and Simmer, but I bring hope."
"What has hope to do with anything?"
"You do not realize the seriousness of what happened," said the strange man, "For Simmer is with child by you, and for reasons you cannot bear to know, the child could be the son of perdition, the scourge of the world."
"You mean the Beast or something?"
"In a manner of speaking, yes. But the hope is in this bottle."
The mysterious man took out a bottle of liquor.
"I hardly think that becoming an alcoholic would lessen my troubles, sir."
"No, it is not to drink. It is firewater, an Americanism, or so we must call it if it is to work. You must destroy the bottle, and your child will be like any other, not the one to fear."
With nothing to lose, George Root ambled back home and bid the stranger enter.
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Chapter V
"The conditions are not right yet, but if my friends… ah, there it is…"
The stranger seemed pleased that, from the sound on the windows, outside it had begun to rain quite heavily. He directed Root, the latter unsure of what to make of any of this, back outside.
Kelly Allen, dirty and barefoot, was just then running off with a gnome statue from Root's front lawn.
"Pay that no mind. We must focus," said the Victorian visitor, who began to say something in Latin, of which Root understood very little.
The man then directed Root to hurl down and break the bottle of "firewater" on his front walkway, which George did.
"It is done."
"What is your name, incidentally?" asked Root, drenched from the rain and from the "firewater" on his shoes.
Though George asked nearly everyone he knew, none of them knew who Raphael was, nor did anyone know of a man matching his description, neither among the locals, nor among regular visitors.
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Chapter VI
Two years later, George Root, having recovered such that he was back to his old routine, was one day astounded to see who appeared to be Agnes Amber pushing a stroller, but Amber was not Simmer, but a commonplace citizen just pushing a stroller.
Root parked his car, and approached her on foot, trying to settle in his mind what his eyes were seeing.
"Excuse me. Sorry to trouble you, but I believe we may have met," was Root's stumbling introduction.
"I don't think so…" replied a confused Amber.
"You see… there's no easy way to say this: I think I am this child's father."
"That's possible, seeing as how I have no memory of that night, and you do look like him in the eyes at that."
It became obvious to George Root, the more he spoke to Agnes Amber, that she remembered nothing of whoever and whatever she had once been. This, thought Root, must have been the effects of whatever Raphael did.
Little by little, the two, with Agnes as nothing sinister, just a struggling, single mother, reached an understanding, and genetic tests proved that yes, Root was the father of the sixteen-month-old boy in the stroller, Angelo by name.
Agnes Amber wanted to move into George's place, along with Angelo, but Root was reluctant.
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Chapter VII
As Root and Amber discussed their future, torrential rain beat on the roof of George's home, as Tao slept soundly. curled up in a corner.
"I want to do the right thing by Angelo, but I am very fixed in my habits. I may not be what you are looking for in a husband."
"Who said 'husband'? We could just live together."
"After what I have been through, if we were to live as if married, I would, for my peace of mind and soul, need to have us under the sign of the Cross."
"All right, then, will you marry me?" asked Agnes in reply.
"I hide nothing. I am not one for intimacy. It is not part of my routine," explained Root, "My one foray into it, which was rather too grotesque to describe, was most unpleasant, but even if not for this, no, I cannot."
With further terms, such as no alcohol on the premises, thus began an unlikely Marriage: Unlikely for George Root, in that he was a likely lifelong bachelor, and unlikely for Agnes Amber, up to then a woman of far from abstemious habits, now living as the Shakers once had.
More improbable still, Agnes Amber was fully accepted now by the townsfolk, who no longer feared her, as only George Root seemed to have any memory of her ever being out of the ordinary.
While the small Shropshire gathering mostly returned to its tranquil norm, Kelly Allen remained homeless and, by seventeen, a feral one, with several crimes of violence by now. She often looked at Amber and Root's home in bitter envy, wishing she could have such a home, and a family once more. To Kelly, the rain George now loved was a curse, given that she lived outdoors, and her mischief always escalated when the weather was less than fair.
On the first anniversary of his Marriage to Agnes, George found, to his astonishment, a photograph, lying on the floor, of the man he knew as Raphael, the one who had, so far as he knew, broken some dreadful spell. Agnes, however, did not recognize the man, nor did anyone else in town. Tao, the housecat, though, seemed, in his own way, to recognize or acknowledge something about the photo, or perhaps the man.
The end.
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greywoodrpg · 5 months
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𝕞𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕙 𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕦𝕩
he was born thirty-two years ago, is a werewolf, lives in wolf crossing as a mechanic at bolt’s auto repair shop, and is in no pack. he looks an awful lot like matt daddario.
“I'm fillin' up my glass but it's always hollow Full of poison, I'm sick of the poison Wish I had somethin' to live for tomorrow.”
tw: death, drugs, sex work, car accident
Micah was born into an unhappy marriage. Seven years after his sister was born, he felt at times he was born to try and save the marriage, which didn’t work. When Micah was seven their parents finally decided to end their marriage once and for all. Micah’s sister went and lived with their dad while Micah moved to New Orleans with his mother. Micah’s mother fell into a spell of depression that often left Micah to fend for himself. Micah didn’t have contact with his sister or dad after the divorce. A few times he would ask his mom if could ring them or write to them, but this often resulted in his mom flying into fits of rage. Micah soon stopped asking, knowing that if dad and sister wanted to, they would get in touch themselves. Which they never did.
As Micah grew older, his mother seemed to resent him more and more. One time Micah was in the basement, trying to find a sleeping bag for a camping trip he was due to go on and he came across an old family album. Curious to see what his other halves looked like; he looked through it. Micah came to learn he was a spitting image of his dad, right down to his shaggy black hair. His sister on the other hand, was a stranger. He couldn’t find himself in her face, couldn’t place her in any of his memories. Micah wanting to know more about these people, took the album and went up to his mom to ask about them. Micah quickly learned that was a bad idea, his mother flew into a rage. Tell Micah he had no right to snoop through things that had nothing to do with him. She snatched the photo album away from him before she raised her hand and slapped him across the face.  Micah, in shock and disbelief that his mother had laid hands on him, just quietly disappeared in his room. The photo album was soon forgotten.
When Micah was fourteen, social services stepped in and took Micah away from his mom. Who deemed her to be an unfit parent, the house was never cleaned. Micah stopped attending school as he soon became responsible for trying to keep food on the table. His mother wasn’t interested in being his mum, quite often Micah would find her curled up in her bed clutching a letter that he wasn’t allowed to read. Little did Micah know that was a letter from his sister telling them his dad had passed away.  Micah ended up in the foster system, as they couldn’t find any other family for him.  Micah often ran away from the houses he was placed in. He hated them, the people he was placed with didn’t care for him, they only wanted the money the government provided.
Eventually the foster home stopped reporting Micah as missing, and just collecting the money. Micah started to live on the streets doing what he could to survive. He joined a gang that seemed open and willing to give him a chance. It was a roof over his head, and he got food in his belly. But that soon soured, and Micah was soon selling drugs and his body to appease the leader and contribute to what they were doing for him. By the time Micah turned sixteen, he was even more lost and alone. The leader of the gang had taken a shine to him, and was more often than not, by his side. Servicing more high-end clients, making more and more money for them. But it wasn’t enough for West, the leader who felt Micah could do more. So, one night during a full moon, West took Micah to an underground club, where he forced Micah to take the bite. West said it would make Micah more desirable to his clients but would also be extra protection for West.
Finally, when Micah turned eighteen, he escaped his life and escaped New Orleans. He outgrew West, who no longer found him appealing and didn’t care either way if he stayed or not. Micah packed what little belongings he had and left. He drifted from town to town, before he found a nice small town, Fairhope, Alabama . He got a job at the local bar, waiting tables and the bar. Micah also found love with a lovely dark-haired girl named Quinn. Micah felt his life was starting to make sense, things were shifting and settling. Micah went to night school, to better himself. He and Quinn moved in together and were starting a life together.  Within a year, Quinn fell pregnant, the two young parents were happy with the thought of having their own little family, but also worried about how they would make ends meet. That worry soon faded when Quinn gave birth to a happy healthy girl. Three lived happily, enjoying the life of being first-time parents and everything seemed to be right with the world. Until it wasn’t. Two years after Maddie was born, Quinn was coming home from a shopping trip. Maddie was strapped in the backseat; they had enjoyed a wonderful day out but that crashed down when a drunk driver ran a red light and slammed into the side of Quinn’s car. Killing the two instantly.  Micah’s life once again fell apart, and he was again lost and alone. He knew he couldn’t stay in Fairhope, where they built up so many memories. So, he packed up and left, not looking back as he tried to find his place in the world again. 
“what power did he attain when settling in greywood?”
Electrokinesis- The supernatural power to create, manipulate, and absorb electricity.
penned by... bec
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gemstarstarlight · 9 months
What do borrowing things from your roommate and having sex have in common?
They both require enthusiastic consent.
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warsinmyhead · 1 year
HIT PAUSE: Thank you to everyone who has helped me with testing out Marina!
Recently it hit me as I started writing threads that she may be more dirty than Hiro who used to hold the title of being likely to spam the dashboard with thirst requests or moaning he needs *that* kind of attention.
If you're 18+, please see under the cut as I've written out some thoughts/headcanons about her preferences and desires. Avoid if you're not of age or if this type of content doesn't interest you.
TW: Sex, Vampire changing, Taking Vows, Kinks
Her family never saw sex as shameful, but her parents expected her and her sister to try to save themselves for marriage. Her sister didn't keep to that, but Marina did "die" a virgin when her maker turned her. (He did not force himself on her sexually at any point, but Marina did flee in case something could have happened.)
Before she began training to become a nun, her sister shared secretly that she had sex with someone at college. Marina swore to keep her secret and take it to the grave, while her sister spilled all of the explicit details of the experience.
Prior to entering the church, Marina had wondered what sex was like and whether it was as exciting as it was talked about. Naturally, the church suggested she ignore the temptation because she was giving herself to God. (Albeit one of her mentors had a witty sense of humor and joked that some of the faithful female saints technically experienced sexual ecstasy when they were chosen by God.)
After going on the run from her maker, Marina kept to herself but she did do some exploring on her own to understand her body and what she wanted.
The first time she visited an adult shop, she was a little overwhelmed and confused about it existing. (This was around the 1970s.) The clerk was very helpful and tried to explain things to her and why there were so many choices out there in the market. (Up until that point, she relied on her fingers and baths or the shower head. On rare occasion, maybe she would have sex with someone who offered up blood to sustain her, but she's picky about doing that.)
If she does feed on someone while having sex, it can heighten the other person's emotions and she has experienced moments where the sex can get more heated or passionate in the moment. Again, she's selective about mixing feeding and sex together since she would like to not do one-time instances.
One of her earliest sexual encounters was with a god who was a modern day Cupid. He persuaded her to hook-up in a car, despite her slight concern about being caught. (They weren't surprisingly!)
After running into a certain soldier in a library who helped her get a book down from the highest shelf (RIP being short), Marina has contemplated/considered library sex and trying to not get caught.
She cannot conceive as a vampire because they become sterile when turned. She's not opposed to someone she likes coming in her. It's hard for her to describe, but something about someone losing control in the moment and coming in her excites her. So if she likes you, please give her the damn creampies.
Likes: Creampies, Library sex, height differences, soft sex, shower/bath sex, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, riding
Curious about: Anal, squirting, rough sex
Not interested: Degradation, cliche roleplay especially about vampire stereotypes, blowjobs (because unlike stereotypical vampire folklore, her fangs do not retract and she doesn't want to scrape up someone), DD/LG, Facials
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sugume · 8 months
( TW ) f!Reader, Breeding kink, unprotected sex, cream pie, cum inflation, hair pulling, sex toys, overstimulation, stepdad!Toji, daddy kink, overstimulation
Featuring: Gojo Satoru, Toji Fushiguro, Geto Suguru & Choso Kamo
authors note: repost bc tumblr took it down for no reason...
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“Fuck Love, you’re sucking me so good.” Satoru groans, struggling to not crash the car. During dinner, you two kept passing each other such heated looks that even your friends commented on the tension. Earlier today, you got a notification from your health app that you were ovulating. Satoru jumped on you as soon you told him, he wanted to stay in all day and fuck, but your guys’ friends blew up his phone reminding him of the promises you both made to them. After dinner you couldn't keep your hands off each other, you were desperate for his cum and Satoru was desperate to breed you. “Don’t cum ‘Toru.” You warn before sticking his cock back in your mouth. “Can’t help it Love, mouth too fuckin’ good,” he says, sighing in relief when he pulls onto your street, clicking the button in his car that opens the garage. He barely has the chance to take the keys out of the ignition before you pull him out of the car. “Don’t have time to make it up to the bed, just fuck me right here.” You demand, leaning over the car and presenting Satoru with your ass. Satoru pulls your dress up and shoves his cock into your pussy. He reaches over your hip to stimulate your clit. “‘Toru, just cum in me, I don't care ‘bout gettin’ off.” You move your ass in perfect sync with his hips. “You sure Love–” “Breed me ‘Toru!” You moan, feeling his cum fill you up. You drop your head to the still-warm hood of the car, finally able to catch your breath now that his load was deep in your cunt. “C’mon Love, let's finish this in the bedroom.” 
You peak over the corner of the hallway, winking at Toji who was busy talking to your mother. ‘Come fuck me.’ Your mouth once you catch his attention before running back up the stairs, careful not to make any noises. You told your mom that you weren't feeling well, that during the drive back from college you must’ve caught something. In all honestly, you just wanted a chance to freely fuck your stepdad without your mother coming in and out of your room. Specifically, you wanted to be bred by him, and the best way to keep his cum in you was to use several pillows and put them under your ass so his cum didn’t spill out, hence why you didn't want your mom to barge into your room. Thank God she's a germaphobe. You strip out the Pj set you threw on and lay yourself face down, ass up. Your stepdad’s favorite position. As expected, you hear your stepdad softly shut the door a few minutes later. “Desperate now, are we?” He grips your hips. “Always desperate for you Daddy.” you mumble into the bed. “Huh,” he slaps your ass before pulling you up by the hair. “Didn’t hear you slut.” “Said ‘m always desperate for you Daddy, even prepared myself with the dildo you bought me.” You whimper. “Such a good girl,” He pulls his hard cock out of his slacks, gives it a few tugs before stuffing your cunt to the brim. “Now take this dick slut.” He pushes your head down into your lilac duvet. You try and fail to be silent when his dick hits that special spot every time he goes deep enough. “You okay in there, y/n?” You hear your mother's muffled voice through the door. You clench down on your daddy's dick in surprise, causing him to fuck you faster. “Y/n?” “Y-yes mom, I'm fine, just go away p-please.” You gasp out, throwing your head back into the bed in ecstasy when you hear her mumble and walk away. “Daddy, 'm cumming! Cum with me!” You whisper-yell. “Gonna fill this pussy, get you so full of my seed you can never leave this house again.” He grunts, slamming into you at a bruising pace. “Yes, please Daddy, fill me up!” You orgasm and Toji follows suit, filling you with so much cum it spills out.  
“I'm so full Sugu.” You mumble, dazed. You fight the urge to close your eyes and fall back into Suguru’s big, warm chest. “Wake up sweet girl. ‘M not done yet.” He mumbles into your sweaty neck. “B-but Sugu–” “Shush Lovebug, one more time.” Suguru looks over your shoulder to see where you two are connected. He plugged you up good, but after so many loads a trickle of his cum slowly travels down his almost empty balls. “O-one more.” You grab his chin and kiss him sweetly. He rubs your noses together before grabbing your hips and moving you down the shaft of his cock. He pays close attention to not pull you over the tip of his cock. You hold onto your stomach, feeling it protrude slightly more than normal, Sugu’s cock and cum inflating you. You feel like a cum filled, flesh light as Sugu moves you to his liking. It’s hard to believe he has more cum in him. “Fuck Lovebug, you feel so warm and tight.” He mummers, giving you a few more neck kisses. You lean closer into him. Right now, you want to live in his skin. “Love you Sugu, can’t wait ta have your baby.” “I Love you too, can’t wait to see you carryin’ my child.” He grips your hips tighter at the thought.  “‘bout to fuck another load into you sweet girl, you wan’ it?” “Yes please, more than anything.” You rest your head back into his shoulder. He shrugs at your head until your mouth is close enough to kiss. He slams your hips down and cums as you two make out and whisper sweet nothings. 
“Again, Baby.” Choso holds the vibrator to your clit. You arch your back and forget the fact that you have nipple clamps on. You scream when the clamps move. Your entire body is sensitive, Choso came up with the idea to simulate you to the max when you said you wanted to have his baby, that you wanted him to breed to and fill you to the brim with his cum. You readily agreed to his idea because you knew that the more orgasms you had the better chance you had to get pregnant, something about the virginal walls relaxing when women orgasm. Now though, you’re regretting it. Choso’s been holding the vibrator on your clit for the last hour and every time you think you’ve gone numb to the sensation; he finds a way to make you cum harder than the last. “N-no Choso, ‘m done down, I've cum as I can, wan’ you to fuckmenow!” You slur your words, the pleasure making you lightheaded. “One more Babygirl.” He soothes you, rubbing your stomach and imagining what you’d look like full of his cum. Beautiful, you’d look beautiful. “At least fuck me while you give me another orgasm!” You argue, staring at him with glossed-over puppy eyes. Choso gives in and situates himself between your legs, still holding the vibrator over your clit. You sigh happily when he sets the vibrator down and thrust his cock in you. You thought you were completely numb down there but the feeling of Choso thrusting into your hole that’s been contracting nothing felt godly. Adding that with the vibrator that he put back on your clit, you come immediately. “Choso!” You scream clenching around him so tight he can’t help cumming. “Fuck! ‘M filling you up so good baby!” 
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aurorawritestoescape · 2 months
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SWEET CHERRY || Joel Miller x f!reader || 4,8k
Summary: Joel takes your virginity. Gently, slowly, talking you through it.
Tw: 18+ mdni, smut, fluff, pwp, big not specified legal age gap, virginity loss, insecure reader, soft!Joel, soft!dom vibes, praise kink, size kink, mirror sex, f/m oral, fingering, unprotected piv (wrap it up), creampie, aftercare. Pics are only for the mood, reader has no physical description.
A/n: here’s my first virginity loss fic, friends! Hope you will like it❤️ Joel whispers ‘thank you’ into @milla-frenchy ‘s ear for beta-ing😘 Dividers by @saradika-graphics 💕
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Joel is waiting for you in his truck, parked a block away from your house. He told you once that you didn’t want anyone to see you with an old man like himself. You kissed his scruffy cheek that time and assured him that he wasn’t old. Yes, he was older than you, much much older but you were an adult, very mature for your age and also you didn’t care. You loved him.
Joel is a real man, not like the silly boys who always try to pick you up. He looks like a real man, with gray patches in his stubble, his tired piercing eyes and wrinkles around them that you love to kiss so much. His body, big and broad, can easily envelop you whole like a warm cloud. The cloud usually smells like cigarettes and whiskey but you tell yourself, "he smells like a real man," and when you nuzzle his neck, that scent alone makes you soak your panties.
You hop into his truck with the happiest smile on your face, excitement and nerves swirling in your stomach. You’re wearing a red lacy set to show him how mature you are underneath his favorite dress, white with little red cherries on it. Joel always compliments you when you wear it and makes sure to kiss every single cherry on your chest.
Today is the day Joel is going to pop your cherry. You’re going to lose your virginity to the love of your life.
Joel greets you with a soft kiss, and while you’re a little hazy from his taste in your mouth, he starts the car.
“Where are we going?” you ask but you don’t really care. You’d go anywhere with him.
“A motel, baby. Only the best for ya.”
You almost squeal at the idea of you two having a whole room to yourselves. You usually spend time in his truck or he drives you to the outskirts of the town, far from the prying eyes. You love it there— lying on the soft grass and stargazing with his strong arms wrapped around you.
Joel is a man and men have needs so you give him a handie now and then but he never makes you do anything you don’t want to. He’s a gentleman.
He’s getting a room while you’re waiting for him outside of the reception, nervously pacing a spot at the parking lot. What if you fuck up and he sees that you’re just a silly girl, too young for him? What if it hurts too much? You’ve practiced with a toy but you know he’s much bigger.
You’re chewing on your lower lip, widened eyes glued to the ground, and miss the moment when Joel comes up to you.
"Penny for your thoughts, sweetheart?" he cups your cheek, searching for your eyes, and you smile, enjoying the warmth of his giant palm in spite of the Texas sun, beating down on you both.
"Just a little nervous," you admit, looking up at his handsome face. Joel gives you an understanding smile and his gruff voice immediately calms you down when he says,
"Don't be, darlin’. I'll be gentle with you. And we can stop whenever you want."
“‘k,” you mumble with a nod and take a deep breath. You want it and you know, it will be perfect.
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The motel room smells like cigarette smoke and old furniture but you don’t mind. You don’t care about its peeling off wallpaper, the flickering lights in the bathroom or the stained bedding with a pattern that looks like spider webs. You’re staring at it with disgust on your face, wondering who would choose such an ugly cover.
Two big hands on your hips bring you back from your thoughts and move you around. Joel locks eyes with you, his gaze piercing and curious.
“You’re so quiet today, babygirl. Sure you wanna do this?”
“Yes, Joel. Please,” you reply hastily, scared he’ll change his mind.
He gives you a little smile and pinches your chin between his thick fingers. His touch, his scent, his gaze, everything about him washes away your fears and worries. He’s huge and safe and you trust him to make this day special. For the both of you.
He leans down and kisses you, his lips warm and slightly chafed, his stubble and scruffy beard rubbing your sensitive skin but you’re enjoying him too much to notice. Like a little flower you are reaching up to your only sun - him. You’re drunk on the sensation of his tongue, licking assertively into your moaning mouth. Your pussy tingles and you feel yourself gush more and more. With Joel’s lips brushing the corner of your mouth you hear him whisper, “Ready, sweetheart?”
You nod, rubbing your cheek against his and then follow him to the bed, your little hand in his, giant, warm.
Joel sits down and you stand between his spread thighs. You nervously shift on your feet under his dark gaze as he looks you up and down and bucks his hips. His bulge is huge and you swallow loudly.
“Can I take your dress off, babygirl?”
With a quiet ‘yes’ you turn around so he could unzip you. You’re facing a mirror now, hanging on a wardrobe door, eyes locked with your reflection. Fear and anxiety paint your features so you take a deep breath again, not wanting to look like a scared little mouse. You want him to see you ready for what you two are about to do.
You giggle when Joel’s knuckles graze your soft skin, tickling you, gliding down along your back as your body erupts in goosebumps. Joel acknowledges your reaction with a soft chuckle and then his warm lips press to your exposed waist. You smile, helping him take your dress off.
“Fuck,” Joel mumbles as you turn around to face him, “I’m sorry, darlin’,” he apologises for the cursing as his obsidian eyes are gliding over your body, wrapped in the red lace as if you’re a present gifted to him. “You’re making my head spin. Are ya wearin’ it for me, baby?”
You reply with a shy ‘yes’ and he groans, palming himself.
“Naughty girl. Killing me over here,” he fake complains, wetting his lower lip.
His lustful gaze, barely noticeable shaking of his gruff voice, his bulge growing in his jeans— all the signs of his desire make your heart sing and core burn with need.
“Please, Joel.” You press your thighs together, desperate for any pressure, and he nods,
“Yes, babygirl, I know, I know. Let’s make you feel good.”
His palms placed on your hips turn you around, so you’d face the mirror again, and he pulls you down on his lap. You bite your lip, when his stiffness twitches under your left asscheek, and take a sharp breath, being reminded of how huge his cock is. Will you be able to take him?
As if reading your mind, Joel rasps against your shoulder,
“I’m big, honey, but ain’t nothing to worry about. We gonna get ya ready, yeah?”
“Yes, Joel, I trust you.”
“‘s good, babygirl. Jus’ relax and let me do the work.”
You whimper, imagining ‘the work’ he’s about to do. With a hum Joel places his hands on your inner thighs and spreads them apart. You lift your head from his hands to the reflection of you two in the mirror. You’re sitting on his lap, so small in comparison with his huge frame. He’s nuzzling the crease of your neck, and your nipples perk up under the thin fabric of your bra. His scent, his body make your pussy melt into your panties and your fear you’re going to soak them through and stain his jeans.
Your gasp breaks the silence in the room when you see and feel his hand slither to the apex of your thighs. With one arm wrapped around your waist, Joel cups your clothed pussy with the other hand and you breathe out his name.
“Yes, sweetheart, I’m right here. Fuck, ya soaked.” He gently sucks on your neck, stroking your seam with his thumb through a red lace, covering your pussy. You mewl and wriggle in his lap impatiently and he growls, when his cock twitches under your ass.
“Shh, I’ve got you, baby.”
His thumb slides under your panties and he pulls the gusset to the side exposing your wet folds to his and your eyes in the mirror.
He’s never gone that far, never seen you like this and your whole body vibrates with a heady mix of excitement and nerves. Your cheeks burn as embarrassment adds to all the emotions that are swirling in your stomach. You’ve never been that exposed for anyone, no one has ever witnessed your wet desire, coating your folds. As if sensing your discomfort Joel starts whispering words of reassurance in your ear, his gaze set on your glistening cunt in the mirror.
“Look at this pretty pussy, fuck, she’s beautiful. You’re beautiful, sweetheart.”
You whine, trying to close your legs but he stops you, his hand pressing on your inner thigh, rubbing your skin there.
“She’s crying for me, see? My cock’s cryin’ for her too. And I’ll make her feel good, baby. Gonna make her drool even more.”
You nod, fluttering your eyes shut at the sensations of his thick fingers grazing your hardening clit just barely. Suddenly Joel slightly bites on your earlobe and rasps,
“Open your eyes, babygirl. Want you to see how I’m gonna make you come.”
You do what he says and see the hand rise up from your belly to your chest and he pulls your bra down, exposing your breasts. He groans at the sight of your pebbled nipples and kneads your tit with his warm palm.
The other hand returns to your soft pussy and he starts stroking your twitching clit with his thumb.
He’s playing you like his guitar, making you sing for him with a calloused pad of his finger, brushing over your bud up and down, up and down, like it’s a string of his favorite instrument, at the same time twitching your nipples. His movements are slow and gentle but precise and determined, and you’re reduced to a moaning crying mess in a matter of seconds.
“Please, please, please— ,” you’re begging, barely breathing, lips brushing his scruffy cheek. You can’t watch him and you in the mirror anymore, it’s too much for your mind, for your eyes. You try to pace yourself, nuzzling his face.
“Yes, baby, I’ll make you come, soon. So soon,” he replies to your pleas as his tongue licks your lower lip and you open your mouth, letting him in. He’s kissing you passionately as he shifts his hand a little, making his fingers cover your sopping hole while his thumb is playing with your clit.
Joel traces your entrance with his middle finger and then slowly pushes it in. You gasp at the sensation and your walls clench hard around it, as he’s inserting it to the knuckle.
“Already warm and wet. Good girl.”
You dare to glance in the mirror and you see him plunge his digit in and out of your tight weeping hole, slowly, with a steady rhythm.
“Have ya been practicing like I asked you, babygirl?”
“Yes,” you reply with your brows pulled together and mouth slightly opened.
“Yeah, I see that,” he smiles into your cheek, “ya taking me well. We can add another one.”
As soon as he says it, his index finger joins the middle one in your slicked up channel and you feel the stretch, though it burns just a little, and you smile with relief.
Joel continues fingering you, and, to your horror, you hear squelching sounds, coming from your pussy. The pleasure is growing but you mewl with embarrassment, “Oh, no.”
Joel’s quick to comfort you, whispering in your ear,
“‘s a great sound, babygirl. Means she’s ready for me. All this juice gonna help me slide right inside ya.”
You nod and tilt your head back, resting it on his shoulder. Your eyes flutter shut as his movements take you higher with every pump. Everything disappears, what’s left is only you and him, his fingers in your pussy, his broad chest at your back, his thick cock pulsating under your ass. You're so gone with ecstasy, that you don’t notice the third finger inserted into your widening hole.
“Gonna make you come now, sweetheart,” Joel gruffs and curves his fingers. He starts shaking his hand, not moving his digits in and out but keeping them hooked into your pussy, making vibrations with his hand. He’s hitting your clit with the heel of his palm and soon you unravel, crying and shaking so hard he has to keep you on his lap, holding you with his strong arm wrapped around your torso. Your face is twisted in euphoria but you don’t see it, your surroundings morph into a burst of fireworks behind your eyelids. Of course you had good orgasms before but never such a hard one.
Joel hums with satisfaction, kissing your temple, your cheek, your half opened lips, mumbling,
“That’s my girl… yeah, c’mon… god, she’s squeezing me hard… perfect little pussy.”
He’s embracing you tight through the aftershocks and when you finally still, he cups your sloppy cunt and holds it, keeping it warm as his whole body slightly sways from side to side. The motion is lulling you to sleep. Pleasant tingling in your body, his arms, which are giving you comfort, his heart, beating with a steady rhythm against your back, all of it makes your eyes close and you fall into darkness.
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Joel wakes you up with a kiss on your lips as if you’re his Sleeping Beauty. You’re lying on the motel bed and your Prince Charming’s hard cock is poking your thigh. Joel got undressed while you were out and as you sit up, rubbing your eyes, you can’t help but ogle his tan chest with dark hair, gray patches here and there, his broad shoulders, his soft belly and a gorgeous cock. It’s long and thick and your pussy clenches with a mixture of fear and arousal. His red wet tip makes you want to wrap your lips around it but you’re too shy to ask.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you mumble. “How long was I asleep?”
“Don’t worry. Just a few minutes. And my eyes are over here,” Joel says with a chuckle and you realize that you’ve been talking to his cock the whole time. You smile, raising your eyes to his, feeling your cheeks heat up and he rubs your shoulder,
“‘s ok, sweetie. You can look.”
He brings his hand to his bobbing member and gives it a few pumps. You see a clear drop of precum bead and involuntarily lick your lips.
He notices it and smirks, “oh, baby.”
You get bold and ask with your eyes only, they dart from his cock to his eyes.
“Yes, baby, you can play with it a little. But not too long. ‘m afraid I’ll come too soon like that and we need to put it in your needy pussy first, yeah?”
You nod and hastily sit on your hinges, getting comfortable. You hover your mouth over his glistening mushroom and then wrap your lips around it. Your tongue gently dances over the slit as you drink his salty juice. The taste sends a new surge of arousal to your entrance and you shift on your knees, feeling wetness pool between your folds and thighs. Like a shark feeling blood, Joel brings his hand to your ass and glides his palm over the globes of your cheeks and then slides his hand between your messy folds. You push your hips back, rubbing yourself against his palm and at the same time taking him further into your mouth, licking the underside sloppily, drooling over his stiffness.
“Oh, fuck, hnggg,” you hear Joel’s groan and then he slightly slaps your folds, getting your attention.
“Easy, baby, or I’m gonna feed ya all of my cum. And we want it here today,” he gives your pussy another light slap from the back and you moan, pulling away from his cock.
The next second he sits up and hastily says,
“I want one more orgasm from you. And we’ll be good to go.”
His hands gently push you to lie down and he helps to slide your bra and panties off. You take a sharp breath when the air of the room hits your soaked folds, your pussy getting completely exposed to him.
“Look at you,” Joel’s dark gaze is taking in your naked breasts, a heaving belly, and a puffy cunt, dripping for him onto the sheets.
He brings his calloused palm to your throat and slowly glides it down, barely touching your chest, grazes your perked up nipples, then moves down to your stomach and the mound and then slithers between your thighs. He cups your pussy again and you whimper when he places his index and middle finger on your folds and presses your clit between them with his thick digits. He starts rubbing it over your pussy lips, moving his hand up and down, and you moan. Your eyes roll back as you concentrate on another orgasm building but soon they open wide when you feel his mouth on your folds and clit.
He flicks the peeking out bud with his tongue and sucks on it. Then he pulls his fingers away, gets comfortable between your thighs and starts licking you in earnest, rubbing your clit with the flat of his wet hot tongue. You clutch his graying curls with your fingers and hold on to him, afraid to float away, because of the immense pleasure he’s giving you.
“Ahh, Joel— please— so good— oh my god,” a string of moans and pleas is leaving your mouth, but he slaps the side of your ass and growls into your throbbing cunt,
“Wanna come? Take it from me, babygirl, c’mon.” With that he opens his mouth with his tongue sticking out and starts moving your hips up and down, as your pussy is grinding against his strong muscle. Then his hands leave you and you whine.
“I said, use me. Use my mouth, babygirl,” Joel commands and, desperate for another release, you swiftly follow his order and begin moving your hips up and down, making your dripping cunt roll against his tongue, lips, mustache and scruffy chin, chasing your high, feverishly.
A content smile tugs at his slicked up lips when he sees you take control, using him for your pleasure, and he hums with satisfaction when soon you are wriggling on the bed, moaning loudly, as waves of euphoria ripple through your body. You almost sob from the intensity, not able to believe how hard you come with him, as if everything before was bleak and dull and now you finally see the colors around you.
“Joel,” you murmur, your voice is barely audible, and he climbs up your body before taking you in his big strong arms. He’s hot and big against you, all around you, and you nuzzle his hairy chest for a few seconds, catching your breath and resting.
He mumbles his praise against your temple, “my good girl—did so good—came so hard for me.”
You smile and weakly raise your face to his,
“Am I ready, Joel? I want—.”
“Yes, baby? What do you want?”
“You know.”
He pinches your chin between his fingers, keeping your eyes locked with his.
“Wanna hear you say it? Need you to say it.”
“I want you inside me?”
“Are you asking?” he breathes out a chuckle.
“No, Joel. I want you to fuck me.”
“Jesus, babygirl. Ok.”
His face gets serious and he moves to the top of the bed with you in his arms and leans against the headboard. You try to slide off him but he manhandles you to straddle his thighs.
“Jus’ sit in my lap like that,” he gruffs, pressing his chest to yours. You look down and see his cock, nesting between your bodies. The tip smears precum on your belly and you whine with desire.
“It’s so big, Joel. What if I can’t take it?”
“You can. I stretched your pussy good. And we’ll stop if it hurts, ‘k?”
You nod and lightly roll your hips against his hard cock and heavy balls under your entrance.
“Hngg, stop it, little minx. You’ll make me spill the goods too early.”
You give him a mischievous smile and then peck his lips to apologize for your naughtiness but he doesn’t let you pull away and holds you tight, his tongue breaching your lips and stealing your kiss with hunger and love. So much love that you drown in it, in the feeling of his body, his hot skin pressed to yours, his mighty manhood throbbing just for you.
Not breaking the kiss, Joel lifts your body up with his arm around your waist and his hand guides his fat cock to your entrance. Soon you feel his tip nudge your wet hole and he slowly lowers you, spreading your folds with his fat head.
“Hnggg,” Joel roars and his chest vibrates against your squished up breasts. You take a sharp breath as his tip is filling you. A thought flashes in your mind, “it’s not that bad, I can take him,” but he keeps going and soon you’re whining, as your walls spread, your pussy trying to adjust to his girth and you start panting against his lips.
“Joel, it hurts,” you mewl and he stops spearing you with his cock.
“Shhh… you’re doin’ so good, babygirl. Jus’ need to go a little deeper.”
He kisses your lips, you both breathing heavily, as you are trying to fight the dull pain, licking at your core, and Joel is gathering all his strength to keep himself from plunging his cock as deep as possible.
“Fuck, ya tight. Never felt anything like this sweet cunt, baby,” he groans through gritted teeth, “Shoulda done it earlier. Coulda been balls deep in you every day by now.”
“Oh, Joel,” you whimper at his filthy words but the fire burning your insides is slowly morphing into pleasure, as he begins fucking up into you, getting deeper inch by inch. Your nails dig into his biceps, the sensation so overwhelming you’re afraid you might faint. Joel’s lips brush your cheek as he mumbles through the panting,
“Can you— hnggg, sit on my cock, sweetie, don’t wanna hurt ya, c’mon,” he grunts as his hands roam your body, sliding to your ass as he spreads your cheeks and you feel the air cooling your soaked folds and holes.
“Yeah, ok, I’ll try.”
You’d do anything for him right now. In need of his support, you take his face between your sweaty palms and search for his hazy eyes. Your thumbs rub his scruffy cheeks as you’re getting lost in his dark lustful eyes and, knowing that your pussy is close to swallowing his cock fully, you take a final step. You lower your body, piercing your crying cunt with his manhood. His big balls twitch, flush with your ass, and you gasp at the fullness you’re experiencing. You both moan loudly before Joel’s mouth crushes against yours and he’s drinking your whimpers, returning them with his own grunts.
“Fuckin’ hell, baby, you’re perfect for my cock,” Joel is praising you but the adrenaline coursing in your veins pulls you down into the pits of euphoria and you barely hear him. Your gaze falls to the place where you two are joined, your folds spread widely around his glistening base, surrounded by dark wet hair, and the sight, the sensation make you bite your lower lip till you taste metal on your tongue. You flutter your eyes shut but Joel calls for you,
“Baby, come back to me.”
You look at his face twisted in pleasure as he grunts, “Gonna fuck you now, darlin’. Can’t wait anymore.”
You nod and his hands slither under your ass before he starts moving you up and down his cock, your tight cunt massaging it. His strong arms lift you so easily, his muscles bulging as you’re holding on to them.
Joel’s forehead is covered in sweat, some of his curls sticking to it, as he’s groaning and swearing, pushing his member into you again and again.
You softly mewl with every kisshis tip is giving to your cervix, and you revel in the pleasure when he reaches something hidden and ecstatic inside your core.
“Gonna come, Joel!” you almost cry out, as he is taking you higher.
“Not yet, babygirl. Want you to fuck yourself on my cock. Ride me.”
“How? I— I don’t know if I can,” you breathe out, your eyebrows pulled together, as your gaze darts between his eyes.
“Jus’ bounce on it, like that.” Joel grabs your hips with his bear hands and shows you how to do it, guiding you. You follow his movements and soon you’re lifting and lowering your hips, pussy sliding up and down his huge manhood, as Joel leans back on the headboard and watches you work his cock, his eyes hazy but fully focused on you.
To steady yourself you brace your hands on his broad chest and scratch his skin with your nails, when your pussy starts clamping around a man’s cock for the first time in your life. You sob through moans, as euphoria is shaking your body and Joel’s hands keep you from falling off him, when you’re trembling hard in his lap.
“Yes, yes—I’m here, baby—I gotch ya—ahhh, keep squeezing my cock— your little cunt is drooling all over me— shit, gonna come—“ he chokes on his words and you suddenly feel warmth spread inside your contracting pussy. It’s such a great sensation when he fills up your already full cunt and you don’t stop jumping on his cock, churning his warm load deep inside you, squelching sounds mixing with Joel’s grunts and your whimpers.
Your juices and his cum soon cover your folds and asscheeks and his thighs get cold and slippery, coated with your joined liquids. You feel filthy and it turns you on so much, that it makes your head spin.
“Joel, hold me, please,” you beg, lowering your torso on his heaving chest and he squirts the last ropes of his cum inside you, his big arms wrapped around your heated up body.
You both descend from your highs, holding each other close, his chest making your whole body rise and fall, his lips pressed to the top of your head.
You’re quiet, completely spent, your limbs tingling as you’re focused on the sensation of your body — a twitch of his cock still buried deep in your cunt, your pussy slightly sore clutching his softening manhood, his skin hot against yours, his warm hands gliding over your back.
“My good girl. So brave. Took me so well.”
You smile at his praise, sighing happily, trying to memorize this moment forever.
“How are you feelin’? You hurtin’?” Joel asks.
“No,” you softly reply, “a little sore but it’s ok.”
“Good. Good,” Joel coos, “Let’s clean you up.”
You nod and he carefully lifts you off his lap, as his cock slides out of your stretched hole, and a trickle of his creamy cum tickles your folds. He lays you down on the bed and gets up with a grunt to get you a wet towel.
When he’s back, you want to take it from him but he shakes his head and cleans you up himself, his movements slow and gentle. His hands wrapped in the soft fabric glide over your skin, attentive to how oversensitive you are.
You watch him take care of you, hearts in your eyes, and you almost physically sense love expand in your chest. Joel’s taking more and more space inside you with every moment your gaze is set on him, every second you breathe. A thought creeps up in your mind, “what if he leaves me? What if this magic that happened between us never repeats?” Tears well up in your eyes as fear grips your heart. But you blink them away hurriedly, scared to worry him. Today is perfect and you want it to stay this way.
You reach your arms to Joel and he joins you on the bed, embracing you in his strong arms. You raise your face to his and he kisses you, wiping away your fears with every caress of his lips.
“Thank you, babygirl. For giving yourself to me. My perfect girl,” he mumbles against your lips.
You hug him as tight as you can, and not believing how lucky you’re, you whisper, nuzzling his neck, “Thank you for making my first time perfect, Joel.”
Soon you fall asleep in his arms, wishing to be with him forever.
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