#tw: frog
the-metatron · 9 months
hello how are you?
Not well, unfortunately. I've been nauseous ever since I returned from my trip to 1978, vomiting every morning.
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At first, I thought I had simply overextended myself. What with beating both the Twelfth Doctor and Missy in strip poker, then collecting my spoils as the victor, while travelling in the TARDIS, and then dancing with and later punishing Zeus over a several period.
But then @scribe-proxy-and-deadpan-snarker suggested I pee on this frog in order to determine the cause of my illness.
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A bit unconventional, I admit, but I've been known to try everything twice. So, I will try and report back with what I find out. Wish me luck!
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lightrookiearchive · 1 year
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( accurate photo of me settling in to finally write those starters i promised , colourised , 2023 )
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landoframbles · 29 days
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She may be a limited-time friend, but I love her sm! I think She'd be their little hype friend, even during unexpected times.
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unbothered · 1 year
Zero out of zero doctors recommend these frog earrings. That's 100% of the doctors we asked.
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aliazen · 3 months
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"State-of-the-art Prototype"
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3cosmicfrogs · 7 months
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oh 12.65 litres of blood clinging to the outside of my body, we're really in it now
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markscherz · 1 year
Found your account from one of my mutuals reblogging that one mini frog post, could I learn about some fucked up frogs :D
Everybody is always banging on about Pipa pipa. Nobody is ever talking about how fucked up Hemiphractidae reproduction is
Like, they range from concealed carry, like this Gastrotheca orophylax
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which they achieve with a pouch that has a weird ass opening (lack of hyphenation intentional) (not actually anywhere near the cloaca of the frog) (this has earned them the common name 'marsupial frogs' for a very obvious reason)
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…to open carry, like this Fritziana goeldii
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which hatch out but remain glued on until developing sufficiently, like this Cryptobatrachus boulengeri
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Pretty fucked up, if you ask me.
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electrozeistyking · 1 year
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These are all over the span of one week. I figured I'd put them in one place instead of posting them like rapid fire.
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tiredbread · 6 months
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one tadpole marked as 'released'. It's just you left
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womenaremymew · 3 months
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this photo makes me wanna throw up 😭
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dramaism · 2 months
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A giant tree fell in the forest and no one was around to hear it.
Go Min Si as Yoo Seong Ha The Frog (2024) Official Trailer
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laismoura-art · 4 months
Ok so...
Twice now i’ve seen people approach @elsa-fogen about a take that is “Alastor is in hell because of Voodoo” (the latest one basically saying he is in hell solemnly because of Voodoo”) and I can’t help but feel there’s reeks of religious intolerance from his take (even if it’s not intentional) cause let’s not forget, Voodoo is a religion (main one in places such as Haiti and Gana), and it’s often stigmatised and viewed through the wrong light. So you all can understand how a take like this could rub someone the wrong way and be deemed as religious intolerance.
But as I know this fandom is PAINFULLY stubborn and probably will want to keep exploring this take even if it makes some people uncomfortable (take the people who refuse to acknowledge Alastor as aro and the people who refuse to stop calling Alastor a wendigo for instance) I would like to offer an alternative take: 
See, I’m not from Voodoo and it’s not that big of a religion here in Brazil, however, we do have two other religions here that are similar/derivatives from Voodoo (Candomblé and Umbanda) and face similar prejudices, so I’m making this based mostly on these two but know that it also applies to Voodoo. 
In Umbanda, we have a higher god, the Orixás (entities that provide guidance and protection) and we have spirits, these spirits divide in different groups and offer advices and guidance to all types of people, there are spirits that look after women, children, grieving parents and even the lost (such as drug addicts).
But as we have good spirits, we also have bad ones. they are popularly known as “espiritos de porco” (pig spirits) who are usually mischievous and even ill intended spirits that might loom over you if they feel a bad energy coming from you or if you are spiritually unprotected and they will start to cause you misfortune and even make you feel weak and sick.
Some ill-intended people use these bad spirits against people they want to harm, the bad spirits may guide them in performing a ritual or maybe the spirit will loom on this targeted person. 
It’s (partly) due to people like this that these religions have such bad reputation, but these people basically perform their religion in a corrupted way! Umbanda is a religion that connects you with nature and guides you spiritually, it’s deeply connected with healing practises (mentally, physically and spiritually), but as I said, like EVERY other religion, it can be corrupted and used to harm.
I think the best use of “corrupt vs proper use of religion” I’ve seen comes from Disney's The Princess and the Frog. People usually remember Dr Facilier better, who used Voodoo against his enemies and to harvest power (much like a certain deer man we all know and love) but we also had Mama Odie (which is a real figure in voodoo, mind you. Also present in Umbanda, a Mama Odie is sort of a priestess of the religion) notice how she is a much more accurate representation of the religion, she lives in contact with nature, she performs her rituals and prayers in the wide while dancing with a very positive energy around, and she wears white (which is the most recommended colour to wear during rituals, as it’s a neutral colour and pleases all Orixás). 
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So as you can see, there’s good voodoo practicants and bad ones, and in the end it’s all about how you use your religion, if you use it as you were taught, with pure intentions, seeking guidance and protection of good spirits and Orixás, or in a corrupt way, surrounding yourself with bad spirits and helping them spread their bad energy. 
So what I am hoping with all this is is that people put a stop to “Alastor is evil because he uses Voodoo” and adopt the “Alastor is evil because he does malpractice of Voodoo” which is a much more accurate to reality and respectful take. 
I’d even like to offer a headcanon of my own: 
That Alastor's mom was from Voodoo (maybe even was a Mama Odie herself) and taught Alastor all she knew and he corrupted her teachings and started using them for evil (perhaps even to aid him in his killing) and THAT, that corruption, was what sent him to hell, and true redemption for him would not to give up his powers/forsake his religion but actually to go back to his roots and use his powers for good (perhaps in a way that he ends up healing/saving someone (hopefully Charlie or Rosie)👀
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agere-pngs · 3 months
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(Some) Green Jellycats
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liberaljane · 1 year
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Magical Froggy is here to Guide You!
Digital illustration of a wizard witch frog sitting on a purple potion bottle. There’s liquid inside with text overlay that reads, ‘diet culture is a bunch of hocus pocus’
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3cosmicfrogs · 8 months
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"We are fashioned creatures, but half made up."
More of the franken-verse because i keep rotating the dog metaphors... previous art 1 and art 2. I am running out of quotes.
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rolex-kaard · 13 days
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my stupid dogs
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