#twas a group effort akdjjesjjxkw
ntt-react-and-memes · 2 years
ntt reacts to modern fan interpretations of them
Wally: "EXCUSE ME?!?!" He's gone completely red in the face. He dramatically drops his phone to the floor. "I AM NOT GAY, ESPECIALLY NOT FOR DICK!" He angrily storms out.
Kory: "None of these are even about me." She's very confused about the mustard obsession and why she hangs out with Jason (who she thought was dead but cool he's alive but also why is she there to just mom him he's Dick's brother???) She's sad that the only thing people seem interested in writing with her is romantic love or platonic love with ppl she doesn't know. Where's Donna? Raven? Her family??? The Mar'i fanart makes her very happy though and she decides to block half the internet and focus on that.
Dick: Refuses to talk to anyone about how much incestuous stuff he saw, and Kory takes him aside and tells him to go to therapy again. He doesn't know who half these people are and he is terrified to go home because he doesn't want his family tree looking more like a wreath. "Where the heck are the Titans? And who the fuck is Tim and why would I send a depressed teenager to Arkham while simultaneously hugging everyone I see and guzzling cereal??? It makes no sense!" *cries*
Raven: "I don't really care for those clothes. Azar! How can she bear to wear pants they are so uncomfortable!" *reads more* "I thought I was past the age of high school on Earth? I'm in college?" *reads more* *awkwardly side-eyes Gar* *evaporates into smoke* She comes to terms with this information by assuring herself Rachel Roth is not her, she's Raven, and will always be Raven. No need to worry about such trivial matters.
Vic: his eye twitches. "What do you mean i barely know the Titans? I don't have anyone else?!?" He sees something about being a founding member of the JLA and nearly passes away because "whoever wrote that is a dumbass who didn't do a lick of research"
Donna: she has mixed feelings because she loves that her relationship with Dick is explored, but no one's really exploring her. "And why isn't [redacted] there? My relationship with him is just so [redacted because Marv is a creep]." She searches around for opinions on [redacted] and realizes she needs to think about some things. The mention of her dating Kyle confuses her because who tf is he and she vomits slightly over being shipped with her friends dead brother.
Joey: He's happy because there's not so much stuff as the others, and at first believes he's been spared. Then vomits in his mouth because who tf would ship him with his friend's dead 15 yr old brother??? He cries at the fact the most popular relationship in his tag is Dick shipped with his dead brother, and joins Dick in therapy.
Gar: "I'm dating Raven??? Sweeeet!" He turns into a bird and swirls around the sky, then proceeds to harass Raven, asking her to be his girlfriend every time they interact.
~~ Bonus ~~
Roy: "Excuse me what the fuck?" He's pretty freaking disturbed that he's dating someone 6-7 years younger than him, is a complete idiot apparently, and accused of slut shaming Dick. "I'm raising a whole ass child-" Lian waves "-you'd think people would realize I can tie my shoes!" He goes on, covering baby Lian's ears. "And who the fuck changes someone's addiction-
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