#twewy parental entities
gramophoneturtle · 1 year
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New Shoes With a Fashionable Twist!!
Current fashion says camo shoes are in, but the pattern should be vertical, not horizontal. Father approves since he's done this before when he first started wearing his odd rainbow gloves. But now he shifts the pattern himself... will Haz pick up that too? Hmmm.
Inspiration below.
These perfect shoes don't exist you say. Well...
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They do!
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gramophoneturtle · 1 year
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I've got my Eyes on you.
Despite him being an Angel, I've yet to draw him with his wings! So here are Perfectly Normal Angel Wings.
I don't know what the background is supposed to be but the sky is meant to be a little broken cause why not.
Edit: Mother and Father OCs Master Post
I thought about having the skeletal bits staying hidden inside the feathers but Father doesn't care. If he's showing his wings you've earned some trust or whatever but in this case it's trouble.
I haven't quite decided on his wing design but it's a start. Mother's I think will look like what they did in this Composer Neku comic. Father's are inspired by the Jellyfish Noise, so long arm bits that I debated having them all connect, or leave them oddly disjointed like this.
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gramophoneturtle · 1 year
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Glove Shifting.
Coat shifting might happen one day for this sprite, but for now, glove.
Mother and Father OCs Master Post
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gramophoneturtle · 1 year
Mr. Mew Roulette with Mother and Father.
[Video Description: A smiling woman with platinum blond hair wearing a blue vest, white dress shirt and jacket stands there while a black cat plushie hops on and off her shoulder. First a cat with a blond wig appears, then a smiling plain one, then one with sharp eyes and whiskers. Then she glows and is replaced by a man with long dirty blond hair and an orange autumn colored jacket. A cat plushie with a blond wig appears, again and the man looks and smiles at it, then plain, and then finally one with a pale blond wig with a pale blue/purple shirt appears]
Made with LandiTube and SAMMI. I have a Mew Toggle button on my board. I love it. It randomly pulls from all the Mr. Mews that I have and Haz is very lucky, apparently. Chat will also be able to trigger this too.
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I made flipped hair versions of Haz and Joshua because what I might eventually do is depending on the orientation, pick the one with correct orientation, since for my current VTuber position, it's actually flipped. I like having them on the left side, so they face right, so normally, the Mews will be flipped around. Either way it creates even more Mews to pull from. (Yay???)
Mother also has an asymmetric design, but hers is minor enough (hair, vest, jacket) that I don't know if I'll do that for her model.
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gramophoneturtle · 2 years
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One Full Body Sprite for Mother and Father.
I thought I'd have more time to add some alternate poses and expressions but I don't know if I'll be able to anytime soon, so here's another update! I also included the initial doodle when I started solidifying their heights cause they're so adorable!
Mother and Father OCs Master Post
Some notes:
Father loves to change his coat pattern and gloves. For a TWEWY game sprite if he has freedom, he would annoyingly have sprites for each combination of gloves/socks (7) plus 3 variations of coat patterns. And maybe some variations of the faded jeggings pattern. Maybe some sparkles from his hair tie. Since the sprites don't move in game, if he's in the UG and he's "allowed" to change his patterns, then probably every time he changes poses or has a new line of dialogue, his coat pattern & rainbow pattern will cycle to the next one.
If he's not allowed to (ex: the RG, staying low-key in the UG) and still want to mess with people, then he'll be more sneaky and each time his sprite goes off screen and comes back, then it will be on the next pattern. In addition, his glove pattern will cycle to the next one each time it comes out of his coat pockets.
In free floating spaces, it's usually natural to float to eye level of other human like forms. He tends to adjust his floating height a little more than others. He is, perhaps, slightly sensitive about his height, but he won't show it, and while he could wear shoes that make him taller, these sneaker sandals are comfy! Comfort is important! He could probably make himself physically taller but...he doesn't. For some reason.
Mother loathes being in the lower planes like the RG, because she can't let her jacket float freely off her shoulders unless it's a windy day. In the UG she can get away with a little bit of it. So to resist the urge, she'll wear her coat in the RG.
Even though her suit jacket isn't her wings, she treats it like it is, so even though she likes the feeling of the rest of her dressy outfit, she doesn't like wearing her suit jacket because she feels bounded and restricted.
Maybe someone will suggest she can carry the suit jacket in her arms. She would probably still make it blow in the (maybe non-existent) wind slightly, but at least it wouldn't feel restrictive.
For floating jacket sprites, they would probably be dramatic with her poses. I don't think they'd change as much as Father's clothing patterns do, but maybe they do too. I don't want them to be too distracting...but...perhaps that's ok for her.
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gramophoneturtle · 2 years
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Prove Your Support, Fellow CAT Fan!
Composer Neku AU + Parental Entities: Neku meets Joshua's his assigned Parents.
Despite how Father still seems enthusiastic about CAT, he's extremely furious at what Hanekoma did. He won't deny or forget the influence of CAT's work (and still loves all cat aligned things), so Neku learns pretty quickly that's the safe side of the Producer to talk about when he comes up in conversation.
I like to believe Mother and Father are in trouble right now, and for Mother, part of her punishment is to look after Neku because her superiors can tell that she doesn't want to. This also serves as another chance to prove her worth. If Neku pulls another Joshua...stunt, it will not go well for her.
I hadn't intended to start showing off parts of Mother and Father's less human forms and only make them ominous here, but here's just a little bit more! Specifically I'm starting with something more organic like Noise. For Mother, something brutal, with claws, so for the moment, I'm pulling inspiration from the Bear Noise. For Father, something fluid and floaty, so like Jellyfish Noise.
As an aside, I just learned the Bear Noise sprites have paw pads! It's...strangely adorable. But we don't say that to Mother. And we don't think about perception when you see the claw from the outside vs the inside.
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I really love having a more skeletal design for alternate Angel forms, even though they have been shown with feathered wings and Reapers have the skeletal wings. There are the Noise feathers but maybe one is better suited for lower plane things... Regardless, I love skeletal/abstract forms so that's what we're going to get until we know more!
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gramophoneturtle · 1 year
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Submitted by Darumi_Spark (Twitter)/DarkRumia (Twitch) 
Drew the socks lol
Will draw Father at a later date.
For a bit of background about the Father Mew - it’s one of the Mr. Mews in the Mew Roulette for my stream.
[Image Id: A woman with platinum blonde hair tied back in a ponytail stands above the viewer, looking down at them with her arms crossed and her red-brown eyes glowing while holding a black cat stuffed animal. She’s dressed in a white dress shirt, blue vest, white dress pants, blue dress shoes with a white suit jacket resting on her shoulders. Her necktie is purple and blue, and her socks are barely visible, showing a white and teal diamond pattern with light blue stitching. 
The black cat stuffed animal has bright pink eyes, a long dirty blonde wig tied with a blue fluffy hair tie, two miss-matched rainbow arm warmers, and a bright pink tail warmer. Behind her, abstract darkened tall city buildings loom above her, with blue skies and white fluffy clouds circling high above.]
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gramophoneturtle · 2 years
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Comforts for Father.
In which Angels can imprint-like feelings on another. It's not guaranteed to replace how the other was feeling before, and you could probably force an override, but your results may not be healthy in the long term.
In this case, Mother is offering something soothing while she works. Father can accept it or ignore it. And it's tied to her jacket too since it's not only her clothing but maybe like a part of her? I dunno about that part. But he could probably wander off with it and feel the calming effects for a quite a while as if she was still nearby.
Mother and Father OCs Master Post
Some original background about this scenario: This post A Healthy Dose of Chaos AU and is from a timeline where Father a) has a crush on Hanekoma and b) confesses to him and c) gets rejected. After the rejection he starts wearing a bear hat which is only brightly coloured because I don't know what its design will be yet. The cyan will remind me...or it will be the design.
I say it's from almost from another timeline because I'm not as keen on Father having a crush on Hanekoma anymore, but I figured I should share it. Regardless of what led to this, this might be the first or one of the few times Mother has done something like this, which is why Father is surprised.
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gramophoneturtle · 2 years
Mother and Father TWEWY OCs
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A Master Post of Mother and Father, two TWEWY OCs that are Joshua's parents. I've split the list into what is spoiler free and what contains spoilers, but they involve post/late game TWEWY/NTWEWY spoilers so proceed with caution!
Last updated: 2024-02-11 - A Supportive Trans Parent
General - Spoiler free
Mother Live2D VTuber Demo
Father Live2D VTuber Demo
Father Live2D VTuber Updated (2023-01)
Father and Mother - LandiTube PNGTubers [2023-08-24]
Pattern on Father's Gloves and Socks
Father wearing some Splatoon 3 clothes
Halloween Costumes 2022
Father and Kitten in a Mood
Mother for an Ask Doodle
Father for an Ask Doodle
Haz's Fashionable Shoes
Father's Glove Shifting (hand up sprite) [23-09-14]
Father and Null hug [23-12-25]
A Supportive Trans Parent [24-02-11]
General - Spoilers
Introduction post
Cycling of Coat and Gloves
Height Chart [WIP]
Height Chart/1st Full Body Sprite + being in LP opinions
Father action pose practice with his coat tassels
Mother action pose practice with her suit jacket
Father pose practice, clothing layering, Noise symbol
Father has an unhealthy obsession with cat shaped Souls
Father's Splatoon 3 Locker
Cat Comcatibility
Some Mother WIP/Abandoned Drawings (2022)
Father's Wings
Q & A with Mother and Father from October [2023-11-04]
Family Stuff - Spoilers
Craft An Angel
Haz's New Shoes
Totally Not A Gift On A Totally Not Special Day
Mother and Father Are Watching
Comforts for Father
Forgive Me (Father and Joshua post TWEWY) [2023-12-17]
A Composer History Lesson for Joshua (Null) [2023-10-22]
Composer Neku - Spoilers
Meeting the Parents
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gramophoneturtle · 11 months
Q&A with Mother and Father (and Null!)
Here is a Q&A from a stream I had for my OCs in October. For Q&As that require extra backstory for my OCs that I haven't covered on Tumblr, the additional context is given after the answer.
I plan on having dedicated Q&A streams in the future for my OCs every once in a while and then post the questions and answers here. Also, I haven't announced this before, but if folks have questions for my OCs, my ask box on Tumblr should be open!
Mother and Father OCs Master Post
Null was asked about too, since I've spoken about them on stream. Null is the nickname for the Composer that was "introduced" in the Composer History Lesson comic. They are the Composer that Father worked under when he was a Reaper. Father is currently on poor terms with Null, and despite Null also not on great terms with Father, their crush on him still remains that developed sometime during Father's mid/late time as a Reaper. Null's pronouns are they/he, with a preference with they.
The Questions:
What sort of jobs would Mother and Father have within the Higher Plane?
What does Father like to cook? Can Mother cook, like, a bowl of cereal?
What were Mother and Father's first impressions of each other?
Did you ever decide if the Coat was a living being or not, in the end?
Do Mother and Father have favourite or preferred colours?
What are some things Null likes about Father?
How good are Mother and Father with technology?
What did Mother and Father think of Megs? Are they sad he’s gone?
If Mother or Father were not involved in the Higher Plane, what sort of jobs to you think they would have?
Would Null still love Father if he was a worm?
1. What sort of jobs would Mother and Father have within the Higher Plane?
Outside of them both being Parental Entities who (should be) monitoring their Children, Mother researches the state of the Higher Plane and other timelines. Father enjoys the lower plane life like cats, Mews, CAT and fashion. He still likes to keep in touch with his human roots. He helps Mother out with her research from time to time.
2. What does Father like to cook? Can Mother cook, like, a bowl of cereal?
Father is a fan of seasoned/flavourful meals and likes to mix things up - just like his fashion. He also wants people to enjoy their meals, but also be healthy (leftover from being a human parent). Mother can follow a recipe, but can mess up the odd step easily and then everything is a bit off. She will at least make sure the kitchen won't explode. Remember when she created Hazuki, but he ended up with long hair by accident? Yeah, like that. (Bit of Father backstory: Father had (at least) two children while he was a human before he died. He looked after house things which included making meals for certain picky/unusual diet requirements for his children. He learned to balance making sure meals are healthy and that his family liked his cooking. This was the initial random "fact" I gave for Father that led to this Q&A stream.)
3. What were Mother and Father's first impressions of each other?
Mother was amused by this strange Angel she had to work with. He did his job, so she didn't mind. He's a Parent for a reason, so she trusted in that. She didn't understand his antics and didn't acknowledge his odd behaviour other than like a blink or an "Ok, about <the actual topic>...". Because of this Father thought Mother disliked him because he failed to get a reaction out of her when he dressed or acted quite differently. Some Angels did reacted as he expected, some didn't, but he wanted to find out if she could react to him at all. As he kept failing, be began believing that their relationship would be strictly professional with no room for friendship. Over time they learned how the other worked. Father learned that Mother would treat him the same no matter how he acted or dressed, as long as he was honest. Mother began asking Father questions about his interests and especially about the lower planes, allowing conversations to go beyond work. Father found a lot of comfort in Mother treating him as he is and that she does value him. They learned to read how the other shows appreciation, because it's not always in the way they expected it. Mother has grown to like his antics and is curious as to what he'll do next - although if she'll ever tell him is a mystery, partially because she doesn't realize that telling him is something she should communicate to him. They've grown to be good co-workers/roommates/friends whatever the heck they are now.
4. Did you ever decide if the Coat was a living being or not, in the end?
I don't know. I like to think of Mother's coat as her wings most of the time. But I also want to draw her with her coat and wings. So maybe it's another pair of wings. But she can also use it as a weapon, so a bird/robot being would also make sense. But whatever it is, it's a comfort item for her. (There was an idea that her coat could transform into a bird/robot being that was only discussed on stream some time ago.)
5. Do Mother and Father have favourite or preferred colours?
Mother - her vest colour - a purple/blue/indigo. For Father, I usually associate him with a dark orange/amber like his coat or pink because of his eyes. But I don’t know if he actually has one. (Null though? Green. Easy. And therefore, Father may have a bias against an green as a favourite because of Null. And yes, Father does still like his green shirt.) Maybe Mother likes cooler colours and Father likes warmer colours? (Post stream thoughts - It’s the powder blue color of his jeggings that call to me for Father. I don’t know why exactly. Or like his hair tie. It might be left over from his temporary chosen name relating to snow or his “codename” being Winter. Codename aka calling a character Winter that I based on Father because I didn't want to call them Father. And Father may have "the end is inevitable" mindset, so his autumn coat surrounding his frosty view seems appropriate. Or something.)
6. What are some things Null likes about Father? :3
Oh boy. Some backstory! They didn't have a good first proper introduction. Father couldn't say with full confidence that he wanted to come back to life, despite having a family to return to, and Null was not going spend a reincarnation on someone who wasn't fully committed to coming back to life. Null took the option of reincarnating away from Father, and he hated them for it. (And himself, for not being able to fully commit.) During Father's time as a Reaper, Father fully realized and embraced that he was trans and started transitioning. He had Null's full support and help which helped bridge the gap between them. Despite Null's own non-binary gender identity, well, I'm not going to say transition was easy for Father, but having Null's support and openness was something Father had never experienced before. Null grew to appreciate their time with Father, even when their topics shifted to more mundane topics. It became a casual comfort that Null hadn't realized he felt with lower plane beings before. When the attack in that History Lesson comic happened, Father was there with Null, and all Null could think of in the moment was making sure Father was safe, despite the risk that Father may have been apart of the attack (more on that another time). It was then that Null realized they had grown too attached to this Reaper. At that point, Null was invested in seeing if he could help improve Father's life...even if he never became an Angel. They just wanted to help this Reaper, and keep him safe, if they could without overstepping their role. (My aromantic self can't pinpoint what Null in particular likes about Father - they just...like Father's company. He's respectful, attentive, caring and...interesting? I dunno. I don't think Null is aromantic, even though all my OCs are on that spectrum by default. Father is somewhere in the grey or demi or...desino(?) romantic area - can like someome but it's not often, usually requires a bond and when it happens it's not in the "romantic" way. Mother is in the apothiromantic area - no desire or attraction, and is a little repulsed by it or is neutral, depending on the fluxation at the time. I'm pretty sure.)
7. How good are Mother and Father with technology?
Mother is pretty knowledgeable with technology. She would have the latest flip/fold smartphone thing and it customized to her comfort and liking. Father has a decent grasp on technology. He can use a smartphone no problem. I feel like all Angels have a good grasp on technology. Depending on the relation between technology and how the world is structured (Joshua's phone + number usage as a partner, Minamimoto's "the world is made of numbers", Hanekoma making phone apps that can take pictures of the past, stuff in NEO) it might just be something you "gain" when you ascend, if you weren't a tech person before. However, what if there was an Angel that was awful with tech... Hmm.
8. What did Mother and Father think of Megs? :3c Are they sad he’s gone? :’[
If Megumi had a good relationship with Joshua as the secret reports say, and if that’s considered higher than normal, then I think Mother and Father would think positively of him. I don’t know how much they would have personally known Megumi, so there might not be much of personal connection/loss. Mother is sad that they lost a potential good Soul, in general.  Initially Father didn’t particular care, but once Father had his wake up call with Joshua (see a future comic where Father confronts Joshua regarding the last Game Joshua played in TWEWY OG) and if Joshua showed signs of missing Megumi, especially when compared to the other Conductors like Uzuki, well, Father grew to respect Megumi in retrospect.
9. If Mother or Father were not involved in the Higher Plane, what sort of jobs to you think they would have?
Father from his original time period would probably help out with whatever job his family did. Textiles maybe, to keep a thread of fashion in his history. Otherwise, household things, looking after the family, etc.. For the modern day, Mother would probably be involved in some tech job. Maybe using mathematical and logic based knowledge. I'm uncertain if Father wants to work in fashion. Father loves talking to people - maybe run a cat cafe? Or maybe work in a thrift store.
10. Would Null still love Father if he was a worm?
If Father was literally a worm, probably not. They could still be good friends. Father would still have to be human shaped for Null to fall in love him. If Father’s Noise form was a worm, well, then no problem.
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gramophoneturtle · 2 years
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Father in some Splatoon 3 gear!
Father would love so much of Splatoon 3 gear. It's like he got himself to make clothes based on his fashion ideas. I've got a couple clothing sets he can swap between, it's so wonderful!
Imagine he's wearing the Pink Dadfoot Sandals for this. I kept his gloves cause how could he not be wearing his gloves!
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gramophoneturtle · 2 years
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WIP of what started as nailing down Mother and Father's heights but is now turning into some sprites! We also have a very rare sight of Mother actually wearing her coat (she hates it) as opposed to having it draped over her shoulders. I had planned Father to be shorter for a while now and I think I've settled on his height finally.
I included other characters' sprites that Mother and Father have and will interact with. Hanekoma's height was guess work from linking Minamimoto's NEO and anime height to get Hanekoma's game height based on his anime height.
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gramophoneturtle · 2 years
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Father's Splatoon 3 Locker
When I posted this on the bird app I had called this my TWEWY and NTWEWY themed locker in Splatoon 3, but really, it's Father's locker.
Spoilers below telling how it relates to each character/TWEWY:
An Angel with Mother and Father's weapons
Planes/Shibuya River
Reapers Game skull and cross bones
Mother's shoes & "furby" (if you've seen/heard the horror furby choir singing that will give you a sneak peak)
Father's phone (it's totally modern it even has phone charms!)
Haz's shoes
Father/NEO's rainbow by book spines
Father's hat, shirt, and shoes for his Splatoon gear. Post NEO AU he starts wearing a beanie for reasons
Joshua's umbrella
CAT/cat fan mini shrine: Coffee mugs. CAT suitcase. Hanekoma's (old? extra? forgotten about?) sunglasses
Inner door is just to offset all the scary-ness that Angels totally are not. But also Father's seemly varying and inconsistent emotions
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gramophoneturtle · 2 years
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Father is actually really good with cats, but today the mood is "No."
Father and Mother OCs Master Post
Reference notes below.
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First image is the reference, second is the first frame of the video. I wish I had it. I found it on the bird app and took screenshots for drawing (and thought the app was going to die very soon). The photos were saved Nov 17. I went through my likes around that date. No luck. If anyone knows the video please let me know! It's adorable and I would love to properly reference it.
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gramophoneturtle · 2 years
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Notes from stream about Father's sorta rainbow gloves and socks. We've decided that Father's socks will be in reverse order from his gloves. Hurrah for chaos! Order is from wrist to fingertips and from ankles to toes.
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gramophoneturtle · 2 years
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Happy Halloween from Ghost Mother and Zombie Father!
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