#poor mother is looking at the current release of clothing and is just not finding much
gramophoneturtle · 2 years
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Father in some Splatoon 3 gear!
Father would love so much of Splatoon 3 gear. It's like he got himself to make clothes based on his fashion ideas. I've got a couple clothing sets he can swap between, it's so wonderful!
Imagine he's wearing the Pink Dadfoot Sandals for this. I kept his gloves cause how could he not be wearing his gloves!
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pwarkluv · 3 years
❝ idk you yet ❞ - p.js
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park jisung x reader | angsty, fluff | 1.6k words 
WARNINGS | TW: mentions blood, abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, smoking, lowercase au, non-idol au, high school au, badboy!jisung, mature language/cursing, reader is like an angel sent from heaven for him, jisungie just in need of love :(
SUMMARY | being an outcast has him wondering if he’ll ever be happy. cue you, the new girl, stumbling into his life (literally).
AUTHOR’S NOTE | inspired by the song “idk you yet” by alexander23! also AHHH this is my 100 followers special fic :) THANK U LOVES FOR 100 IM SO SHOCKED CJSBFKEJD <33 the writing is a little crappy because i’m currently on my period and my patience for sitting down and writing this went down halfway through lol but I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, ENJOY THIS JISUNG FIC BC JISUNG MY BABIE AND SO ARE YOU GUYS!
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whenever anybody thinks of park jisung, they think of the chains and dark clothing he wears. they think about the faint smell of smoke and men’s cologne that follows him wherever he goes. 
they think of the boy who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. 
but what they don’t think about are bruises on his face he fails to hide whenever he walks into school, the dejected look on his face whenever random people give him disapproving looks, the way his smile slowly faded into a permanent frown wherever he went. 
jisung quickly accepted his reputation at school and in their little town, not having enough energy to feel insecure about it like before.
the only group of people that even remotely cared about the boy were his best friends in the whole entire world, nct dream.
they were outcasts just like him, the most “fucked up group of boys” in their town (the people’s words, not theirs).
see, they were your typical bad boy group straight out of your typical fanfic. bad grades, smoking in their free time, getting into fights, always being late to class; not a single person had hope in them.
but behind their scary and intimidating facade, all seven boys were big softies with misunderstood hearts and difficult backgrounds.
people were just too dense to look into it, only judging them based on their looks and personality on the outside. 
❝ how can you miss someone you’ve never met ❞
love was a foreign thing to jisung, the only form of love he’s ever felt being from his friends. his parents were… interesting to say the least. 
jisung’s father was a hard-core alcoholic, his mother being a major druggie. with no siblings in the house, jisung was usually their main target to push around and beat up.
and so because of this at a young age jisung learned to distance himself from other people and found different ways to release stress.
he started smoking when he was 14, the warm and hazy feeling of the smoke entering his lungs comforting him.
if jisung humored himself enough, maybe smoking could count as his first love. it was always there for him, never leaving him alone even if he wanted to quit. 
he relied on it knowing it was the only constant in his life. 
now of course the boy has heard of proper love, love like in the movies or shitty romance songs he hears on the radio.
and he won’t lie, there were moments he thought about what it felt like to be in love. but he knew that would never happen, at least not in their small town anyways. 
he just wanted to be loved. 
jisung would never admit it but sometimes he’d be jealous of the old couples walking down the street in their own world like it was just them two against the universe. he was jealous of the happy kids running around, their mother’s and father’s fondly smiling at their child. he was jealous of all the “normal” kids in his neighborhood. 
jisung wanted that, craved that. 
but most importantly, the boy wanted love.
❝ cause i need you now but i don’t know you yet ❞
everything hurt. 
his head, his body, his mind, his heart; everything was in pain.
jisung walked down the empty streets of their city, a trail of blood following behind him as he accepted his fate. the boy was 99% sure he had a concussion and at the very least had a few broken ribs. 
he felt like this was the end, and he was ready.
wandering aimlessly around town, you decided to take a late night walk to familiarize yourself around the area. you had just moved into the city a week ago, spending all seven days trying to help your family unpack and rearrange your cozy new home. 
now that you were finally free of the smell of tape and the dust of the boxes, you decided it was best to get to know the place you were living in. 
the autumn air seemed to settle at night as you shivered, cursing yourself for not bringing a jacket of some sort. the sight of a convenience store up ahead of you brought you relief as you rummaged through your pockets wondering if you had enough money for ramen.
your steps became excited as you found a couple dollars, fondly thinking about what type of ramen you should buy. you became so lost in your thoughts you didn’t even notice the poor boy who was staggering in front of you, or the trail of blood he left behind. 
jisung pushed himself to reach the convenience store a couple feet away from him, in desperate need of supplies to at least try and fix himself. 
if it didn’t help in any way then oh well, maybe death was indeed an option. 
grinding his teeth though the pain, he did not expect to feel a small body bump into him. had he been at his regular health, jisung would’ve easily been able to keep still but because of how much blood he was losing the boy was knocked down like a bowling pin.
“holy fuck.” jisung cursed the feeling of the concrete floor colliding with his ribs. he didn’t even notice the girl who had bumped into him sitting on the floor dumbfounded, freaking out over his state.
“oh my fucking god.” the girl said, capturing his attention. jisung glared at the stranger, mentally acknowledging the fact she was pretty. 
but her being pretty won’t get you anywhere, he scolded himself. she’ll leave you just like everyone else.
“a-are you okay?” she said, eyes glancing at his black eye. jisung rolled his eyes, already annoyed. “does it look like i’m okay?” he replied, his deep voice catching the girl off guard. 
“just, fuck off.” jisung said closing his eyes as he laid back down on the floor, knowing he couldn’t force himself to get up anymore. he didn’t even have to open his eyes to know she left, hearing the sound of her footsteps walk away.
the boy sighed as he laid idly on the floor, wondering what sin he committed to lead him to where he is now. not even she wanted to stay, the tears threatening to fall as his thoughts buried him alive.
“why can’t i just die?” jisung said out loud, asking no one but himself.
“because i won’t let you.” a voice replied as jisung forced himself to sit up in confusion. it was the same girl he had bumped into, but this time she had a first aid kit with her. he gave her a lost look despite knowing what she was here to do. 
jisung’s mind just couldn’t wrap around the fact that a total stranger would even bother to help him. 
“now sit up.” she said softly as she bent down to open the box, the boy slowly followed her instructions. “i’m sorry this might sting.” she said though jisung didn’t mind because she was much prettier up close.
the next ten minutes were you trying to fix his wounds against the shitty chairs outside the convenience store.
jisung didn’t even bother mentioning his broken ribs, not wanting you to freak out. you cleaned up what you could and the boy was beyond grateful for that.
you subconsciously rubbed his back in a comforting way whenever you’d apply alcohol to his open wounds, trying to ease the sting. you held his hand for him to hold and though he was a big boy and had a high pain tolerance, he still gave it a squeeze just to keep your hand there.  what the actual fuck is this feeling, jisung asked himself as he watched your determined figure work on him.
it was cold and in order to better work on his wounds, the boy offered to give you his hoodie which strangely had no traces of blood on it. you gladly accepted, the faint smell of blood and his cologne engulfing you up. 
the sight of you in something so big and so him made his chest swell in pride.
jisung couldn’t even formulate a sentence as you cursed at the time once you finished patching him up, fleeing the scene before he could say anything with a small smile, his hoodie still on. 
❝ and can you find me soon because i’m in my head ❞
the thought of your soft hands on his, your voice, your whole presence; everything about you couldn’t seem to leave the poor boy’s mind. it was now monday, and waiting for his class to start already made him want to go home.
if only i got her name, jisung daydreamed with his head resting on the palm of his hand. the classroom was loud and bright, people occasionally giving him looks but the boy didn’t mind. 
“jisungie~ did you hear we have a new kid?” jaemin asked, poking the boy’s cheeks. the boy only gave him a pointed look before sighing. 
“hyung i don’t really care.” jisung replied, looking back out the window. 
jaemin only gave him an offended look before grumbling a bit. “i don’t know maybe you will.” he muttered under his breath as their teacher walked into the room. 
❝ yeah i need you now but i don’t know you yet ❞
their homeroom teacher stood in front of the class, jisung tuning out his voice. the boy once again sighed as his teacher called for their attention, explaining they had a new girl in their class. “now make her feel welcomed,” he said before turning towards the door.
“y/n, please come in.” the teacher said and jisung almost fell out of his seat when he saw you walking through the door with the same smile you gave him a couple days ago.
“hi i’m y/n and i hope we can get along.” you bowed to the class, a familiar hoodie you were wearing catching his attention. 
isn’t that mine, jisung thought to himself as he bit back a smile knowing you kept it all along. 
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secret-kpoplibrary · 3 years
Unexpected Pt. 1
Pairing: Jimin x Reader, Hoseok x Reader & Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: underground fighting- mentions of injuries and blood but nothing too descript and no described violence
Genre: angst
Summary: Working as a medic for the police you've seen your fair share of interesting situations, to say the least. So when you find yourself tasked with helping 3 omegas following an underground fighting ring bust you absolutely don't think any of them would get attached to you, let alone all three. But now that they've decided you're their alpha it seems you've got a few changes to make.
You love your job. It's not the easiest and sometimes you see some pretty terrible things but overall you get to help people and that's why you love your job. You're a  doctor- but you primarily work as an on-call medic for the FBI.
You let out a breath as your leg bounces anxiously. You watch the entrance of the warehouse intently from the passenger seat of the ambulance.
"You have got to calm down dude." Your friend, and coworker, Jaehyun, says from the driver's seat.
"Jae, are you seeing the number of guys they're bringing out? This shit was huge." You look at him, you counted dozens of men in handcuffs being brought out of the building and placed in large transfer busses.
Tonight was a large underground fighting ring bust. Unfortunately, in your work as a medic for the city's Special Task Force, you'd seen too many of them. At least two teams of Medics are always required, in case of injury to officers and to help anyone seriously injured. You learned pretty early on that there were always a handful of fighters that needed medical attention specifically for underground ring busts.
You, along with three other medics, a beta named Jin, an alpha named Taehyung, and another beta named Mark, are currently waiting for news on anyone that might need assistance. Luckily, the raid happened right before the first fight of the night so no one seemed to have any serious injuries tonight so far. Any fighters with non-threatening, pre-existing wounds would be seen by doctors on stand-by at a secondary location after transport.
Out of habit, you unconsciously reapplied your scent-blocking gel to the inside of your nose.
As an alpha, your senses would go haywire if you were to step foot in the building without using it. During the fights omega heat pheromones were released inside the building to rile up the alpha fighters, in order to make the fights more brutal. Most ringmasters used clothes or rags drenched in the scent, passing it around the fighters in the pit. However, you've also seen ringmasters just have omegas in heat on hand during the fights for the same purpose, with the promise of a night of fun for the victor. It makes you sick to your stomach whenever you think about it. Knowing that those poor omegas were treated that way for the entertainment of people that view them as lesser. You were raised to believe that omegas were to be treasured. Your mother had been an omega, and your alpha father had always worshipped the ground she walked on. In fact, your father was never one to treat wolves according to rank. He was fair and just and kind to everyone who deserved it- regardless of their status.
Growing up your parents had told you many times that when you found a mate of your own, be they beta, omega, or even another alpha, it would be the best thing to ever happen to you, and they were to be cherished forever. That they would cherish you just the same. When you were little, you'd always dreamed of the day you would meet your mate. Wondered what they would be like and how you would meet them.
Now, though, at the age of 23, you've learned the harsh reality of being a female alpha; your options are few and far between. You had an urge to protect and care for your significant other that was too strong to hold back, somewhat in the same way male alphas have. It usually doesn't fare you too well when it comes to dating.
Alpha males want someone submissive to them, an omega or a beta. They typically don't take well to your dominant side and it's too difficult for you to fit into the role of submissive mate to another alpha outside of the bedroom.
Female betas and omegas usually don't want you because you can't impregnate them. For most of them, their instincts demand that they carry any young the two of you might possibly want to have, and they know you can't give them that. You've dated a couple but nothing promising.
Male betas, you find also have quite the issue submitting to a woman. Many of them have never met a female alpha as they're not common and they're not sure how to handle it.
Male omegas are the most likely to accept you. They usually don't have any problems with your more dominant behavior in the relationship, except perhaps during their heat. Unfortunately, they are rare, so much so that finding one is next to impossible.
All in all, you've learned enough to kind of give up hope on having a mate. You'd actually considered that if you ever decided to have children, you'd either adopt or get artificially inseminated. Perhaps you'll settle down with a human one day.
Resigning to the fact that you'd likely be mateless doesn't mean you don't get lonely, of course. You often feel like the third wheel around your friends and their mates but you've accepted that it's just part of the hand you've been dealt.
The sudden shout of your name snaps you out of your melancholic thoughts. Jumping into action, you and Jin throw open the ambulance doors and leap to the ground.
Looking towards the entrance, you see Yoongi, a fellow alpha, the Chief of Police, and the leader of tonight's bust- runs up to you.
What's wrong?" You ask as soon as he stops in front of you and Jin.
"We've cleared the building, but Namjoon found three omegas in heat in one of the back rooms. They're roughed up pretty bad. My guess is they were tonight's trophies." He explains, face twisting in disgust.
"Those poor wolves." Jin gasps.
"Alright, bring them out. Jin and I will take care of them. Taehyung and Mark should be able to handle things here since it doesn't seem like you'll be getting much else on the medical side of things." You say. You'd really prefer to go in yourselves, but medics aren't allowed to enter the building unless there's a life-threatening medical emergency. "Good. They should be on their way out soon." Yoongi nods, turning away from you two, to re-enter the building. Just then, Namjoon, Yoongi's second in command, comes rushing out of the building looking pale. Immediately, you go into high alert at the distressed look on his face. A quick glance at Yoongi tells you that he's alert as well.
"Chief, we've got- a bit of a problem." He huffs.
"What is it? What happened?" Yoongi asks.
"It's the omegas. They're putting up a fight. They won't let us take them out of the room. They've barricaded the door shut so we can't enter. All of us have tried releasing calming pheromones, but it's not working. If anything they seem to be getting more agitated." Namjoon explains. Yoongi lets out a curse under his breath.
"They must not be too far into their heats then if they're still lucid enough to be able to fight back. I really don't want to have to give them a command to get them outta there. Those poor guys must be terrified right now." Yoongi runs a hand through his hair as he blows out a breath.
So what do we do?" Namjoon asks.
"Let me try." You suggest.
"You know I don't like sending you guys in there but- we're running out of options with these guys. Go. Namjoon take her in." Yoongi says after a beat.
You're really hoping to coax them out without having to give them any commands but they've gotta come out of there one way or another.
"Here- you might need this." Jin says handing you the med bag he'd grabbed before jumping out of the ambulance.
"Thanks." You nod before following Namjoon into the building.
"I really hope you have better luck than us." Namjoon says when you arrive at the door the omegas are behind.
"Namjoon- you can stay but can you ask the others to clear out? This many people will probably only further intimidate them." You frown.
"You heard her- secure the perimeter and keep your distance." Namjoon orders the other officers in the room. You knock on the door gently before you speak.
"Hello, my name is y/n. I'm a medic. I heard you guys are pretty banged up. If you open the door I can help. I know you're scared. And look I dunno what they did to you- but, I know you guys would be better off coming out and getting some help." You say softly through the door. You're not sure if they'll respond well to you but you have to start somewhere.
"Go away." You hear a voice growl weakly. You can hear someone's breathing- unsteady and shallow but you're pretty sure it's a different person.
"I can't do that okay? At least one of you needs serious medical attention right? Don't let stubbornness kill you." You say.
"We'd rather stubbornness kill us than you guys do it." The same voice says.
"You don't have to die at all. Look the people that hurt you are gone okay? The police took them away. I'm just here to help you but you need to open this door. I don't want to force you but I will if I have to because at least one of you definitely needs medical attention." You keep your voice kind but make it firmer to make sure they understand. There's an extended pause followed by a bunch of movement and eventually, the door swings open. One of them is standing at the door and you just barely see two more behind him. One of them is laying on the ground and the other is kneeling beside him.
"You swear nothing bad will happen?" The one in front of you looks down at you.
"I swear. This is Namjoon, he's part of the police force. The other medics outside are Jin, Taehyung, and Mark- and my ambulance is driven by a man named Jaehyun." You say.
"I'm Hoseok." He says moving out of the doorway so you can see the other two. The one laying down is tall with dark hair, one arm is draped over his midsection and the other holds the hand of the third omega. His features are softer and his hair is blonde. The dark-haired one is clearly in the worst shape. His clothes have bloody tears, he's covered in bruises but it looks like most of his injuries are internal.
"Joon help get him onto the ambulance." You tell him but when he moves to come into the room Hoseok blocks his path.
"Hoseok, this boy needs to get to a medical facility, I can't treat him here." You say.
"We have to go with him." Hoseok demands.
"Fine, but you're both injured I don't want to agitate any of those injuries so let Namjoon carry him out of here. Please." You say.
"Hoseok-" the blonde says softly and Hoseok moves for Namjoon to come in.
"Be careful with him Joon." You warn as he lifts the dark haired man gently. The blonde keeps pace with Namjoon, still holding the other's hand while Hoseok follows with you. Namjoon sets the dark haired one onto the gurney in the ambulance.
"You'll be alright from here?" Namjoon asks.
"Yes Joon, thanks." You nod as he swings the doors clothes.
"Okay this is Jin, he's another medic. Jin this is Hoseok, please check his injuries while I try to stabilize this one."
"On it. Hi Hoseok, nice to meet you." Jin says.
"Hoseok play nice." You say when he growls at Jin. He lets out a protesting whine but settles enough for Jin to check him out.
"Uh- hi, I know your friend is worse off so I won't ask him anything for now but- can you tell me his name? And your yours?" You ask the blonde who's just been quietly watching everything going on.
"I- I'm Jimin and he's Jungkook. Can you help him?" Jimin blinks up at you from his seat.
"I'll do everything I can for him Jimin. I promise." You say looking at him sincerely.
"Okay." He nods.
"How are you doing though? I can get another medic to check you out before we leave if-"
"No. I can wait. Please just take care of Jungkook." Jimin shakes his head.
"Jin or I will tend to you soon okay hon?" You turn your attention back to Jungkook to properly prepare him for the trip to the medical facility. There's not much you can do for him in the ambulance but you check for anything that needs to be immediately tended to. By the time you're done Jin has started checking Jimin out and you slide up into the front seat with Jaehyun.
"How we doing?" Jaehyun asks.
"We can go. They'll be fine til we get there." You tell him.
"Got it." Jaehyun nods.
When you get to the medical facility Jin and Jaehyun carry Jungkook in while Hoseok and Jimin walk in with you.
"Play nice. Please. These people are here to help you. You'll be safe with them." You tell Hoseok and Jimin when nurses surround them to whisk them off to exam rooms.
"Hey- where are the others?" Jin asks.
"Nurses got them in exam rooms. I should-"
"Go home." Jin cuts you off and grabs your shoulders before you can go towards the rooms.
"What? No. I can't go home. I mean bringing them here-"
"Was more than enough on your part. They're in good hands here, you know that. Plus you've been on call for the past what? 48 hours and you're no use to anyone if you pass out frrom exhaustion. You need rest." Jin says.
"Jin- they're flighty I don't know if-"
"If it makes you feel better I'll personally stay here the rest of the night but you seriously need to go to sleep. As your coworker and friend, I'm asking you to please go home. You can check in with them in the morning it'll be fine." Jin assures you.
"I hate you." You glare at him.
"Love you too, sleep well, see you tomorrow!" He says practically shoving you towards the elevator to the garage. You know you could fight him on it but as they say you catch more bees with honey and your coworkers like you better when you don't use your alpha status for little battles. Tonight you'll sleep, tomorrow you'll worry about the omegas- if you need to.
Part 1/???
Tagged Users: @wickedblue34
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utakoi · 4 years
Office Yandere HCs
Pairings: Assistant!Izuku Midoriya, Investor!Shoto Todoroki, Chauffeur!Hitoshi Shinso x Boss!Fem!reader
Summary: Ever wonder what it would be like to be the boss of some office yanderes and basically have a harem? Well, look no further, cause here it is!
Warnings: smut !!18+ ONLY!! (spunking in food + masturbation + dirty thoughts + oral), yandere themes (noncon)
A/N: Bc my brain kept me up at night with this concept and has made it’s final decision on turning a one shot I was in the middle of writing into a series, I decided to write some messy hcs to take a lil breather from long works (evn tho this is kinda long already). Also, if you think this is the last you’ll hear about office yanderes, no no no, I have some other thoughts for other characters
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Assistant!Midoriya Izuku
He is over the moon to hold a position that’s the closest to you
Out of your entire yandere office harem, he gets to spend the most time with you
He also definitely has an advantage since he practically schedules your entire day
For example, Shoto constantly tries to schedule one-on-one meetings with you in the guise of it being a matter of business, but Izuku cock blocks him by filling your day with a bunch of other events in order to make the meetings as short as possible, and sometimes, even cuts them out completely
He doesn’t like doing it often tho since he knows you can get too stressed with too much going on so he reluctantly has to give away some time for you to meet with the other yanderes (he’s still kind of a sweet and considerate bby as a yandere)
Will not give you personal space
Stands close to you during meetings, constantly visits your office to work (even tho his personal office is right next to yours), etc etc
Even if you don’t ask him to, he will fetch your meals and give you snacks throughout the day because he wants to take care of you and show how sweet he is (also because he wants you to imagine how good of a boyfriend he’d be if you just gave him a chance)
Now let’s get to the part that just popped up into my mind and inspired this entire post: if he can hide his cum somewhere in your food, he will do it
That coffee he gave you that tasted a little salty? Izuku spunked inside it.
The sandwich he bought that seemed to have more mayo than usual? He spunked in that, too
Whatever you think doesn’t taste right, it’s definitely because of Izuku
// // // // //
Izuku is thankful for his job because of two specific things: he gets to interact with you for most of the day and his office has a built in personal bathroom.
If he were to be forced to use the regular employee restroom, his lewd acts would have been exposed immediately by anyone who happened to walk in; he was never the best at holding his moans and grunts while jacking himself off after all.
In the privacy of his own bathroom, he could be as loud as he wants with both his breathy, pleasure-ridden voice and the slick sounds of him stroking his lube-covered cock. In fact, he’s even trying to be as loud as possible. 
Since your office is right next to his, there’s a small chance that you may be able to hear him through the walls. He can visualize you entering his office, concern decorating your features, wondering what he could possibly be doing to make such noises. If you were to open his bathroom door, you’d be met by the sight of Izuku sitting on the lid of the toilet, his hand vigorously pumping up and down his shaft. 
And he wouldn’t stop.
He’d just keep going, all the while staring at you right in the eye. He wonders what you’d do then. Would you just stay frozen at your spot, being unable to take your eyes off of him? Or maybe you’d get on your knees, completely turned on and ready to have a taste of his cum? What if you were actually more dominant than he thought and you’d just dig your heels into his dick, punishing him for slacking off his job by not letting him find release?
Fuck, any of those scenarios would be fine by him. 
Unfortunately, as he gets close to reaching his peak, you don’t come into his office at all. That’s alright, though.
He’ll just settle with spunking into your coffee, for now.
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Investor!Shoto Todoroki
Needs your attention
Like I said earlier, Shoto will keep trying to schedule meetings with you in the guise of it being a matter of business 
really, he just wants to spend time with you
During the meetings, he will also try to convince you to fire Izuku so that he can get rid of who he deems as someone deliberately keeping the two of you apart (which, for once, is a pretty spot on theory from Shoto)
Will try to spoil you with gifts and make excuses or pass it off as a casual thing so you don’t reject it or deem it as inappropriate for a workplace relationship
The beautiful bouquet of flowers? He was buying flowers for his mother on the way over and  the flower shop had a 2 for 1 deal so why not?
These gourmet chocolates? A fellow business partner of his gave him a box as thanks for his investment. Unfortunately, he’s allergic to one of the ingredients, but it would just be a waste to throw them out, no?
This exquisite diamond necklace? weLL-
You get the point (also, these gifts are definitely inspired by romance movies he saw his sister watching while growing up cuz oof he did not know any means of romance until he met you)
He aims to schedule his meetings with you around lunch time so that he has an excuse to treat you for lunch
He loves providing for you AKA he loves providing for you and showing off how he has the means to take care of you (much like Izuku)
If you were to become his wife, you wouldn’t have to work another day in your life
You can just stay at home and relax
Maybe you can even cook him breakfast and pack lunch for him before he works
That’s basically his dream
He wants you to stay home, waiting for your sweet husband to come back from work
Basically, he’ll take care of your every need, and he means EVERY need
// // // // //
It’s one of those nights again.
Shoto can’t sleep because he’s plagued by thoughts of you. Today, you weren’t able to meet him for lunch because you already had a flood of other appointments to attend (he was willing to bet his entire fortune that it’s because of your stupid assistant’s scheduling that you weren’t able to make it). 
So, needless to say, he was pent up. He can only hop that you fall in love with him sooner. Did his charms just not work on you? Do you not like the cool stoic type? Maybe he just wasn’t giving you the right gifts. Were they not expensive enough to impress you? Not expensive enough to show he could provide for you?
He knows he can take care of you so well. You would never have to work another day in your life. You can just stay home, surrounded by luxurious gifts and servants who’ll be at your beck and call while you wait for his return. 
And once he actually did come home after a long day of work? You’d be bathed in affection. Kisses, hugs, cuddles... and more.
You’d want him just as much as he wants you, right? 
His poor wife, lonely and deprived of the one person she loves for such long hours. He’s got to show that he’s sorry for neglecting you. 
Pushing you down onto the bed, he’d run his hands all over your body, massaging your shoulders, pinching your hardening nipples, brushing over your sensitive thighs... And since he’s also quite needy, he’d be grinding down his still-clothed cock on your pussy, showing off that he’s missed you, too.
Shoto doesn’t even think he’d have the patience to take off your clothes. He’d just keep dry humping you, desperate for his own release. The thin cloth preventing the both of you from making actual skin-on-skin contact would make such great friction. He can practically feel it now.
... And yup, the feeling was definitely not just from his imagination. Without even needing to glance down, Shoto already knows that his thoughts of you has caused him to pop a boner. 
Hopefully, a quick jerk off session can tire him out enough to fall asleep, but with how much his hard cock throbbed, he doubted it.
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Chauffeur!Hitoshi Shinso
2nd most envied out of your office harem for his job (he’s right next to Izuku)
Why? Well 1 - he gets one on one time with you daily and 2 - that one on one time is him and you in an enclosed space
Sure, he may not get as much time with you as the others, but he sure makes the best use of it
He’ll be chatting you up, getting to know you personally in order to make the atmosphere less awkward between the two of you (tbh, because he gives off standoffish and cold vibes, y’all are gonna be kinda tense when he’s just gotten his job as a chauffeur)
and he does it so discreetly
He’ll start the conversation of lightly, talking about the weather, how busy you’re going to be that day...
and then somehow it just transitions onto friendlier and more personal topics such as your favorite places to eat, what hobbies you’ve been trying out lately, etc
And he uses that info to his advantage
If he senses that you’re feeling stressed or down, he will drive you over to your favorite places and remind you that you should relax
But not only does he get brownie points for that, but would you really be so mean as to make him wait for you while you eat a meal or walk around the mall when he’s the one who’s trying so hard to cheer you up?
Of course not, you’re going to invite him and thank him for considering how you’re feeling
And if not, well, that’s okay, too, he understands (so long as he gets his brownie points)
As the boss of your own company, you’d often be asked out to meetings or social gatherings that involve drinking
Shinso’s always there whenever you get shit faced, and happily so
You’re drunk and you’re not gonna remember it the next morning, anyway... so why would he waste such a golden opportunity?
// // // // //
Shit, you feel great on his body.
Currently, Shinso is living out one of the best moments of his life. He’d come to pick you up from a drinking session with some investors and was ecstatic to find you drunk out of your mind. Hell, you could barely even slur out your orders for him to drive you home. Now, you’re pressed up against him as he holds you up and guides you to the car. 
Testing out the waters, he cheekily squeezes the flesh of your ass. If you were conscious enough to reprimand him for it, then he could easily just apologize and pass it off as an accident since you were stumbling around so much. 
And if you didn’t mention anything... well then, that was the single indicator he needed to know that you wouldn’t remember anything once you woke up in the morning. 
To his delight, you barely reacted to his touch and even let out a high-pitched giggle at his actions. As quickly as he possibly could, he opens up the back of the limousine and pushes you inside. You plop down onto the seat with a huff, completely inebriated. 
You don’t even register when Shinso crawls in and nudges himself in between your legs. 
When the door slams shut, you flinch a little, prompting Shinso to massage your thighs in an attempt to soothe you. He gazes at you lovingly as you look down at him with your dilated pupils. Fuck, you look way too innocent and adorable for what he’s about to do. 
Quick with his hands, he pulls down your waistband and completely exposes your sex. Before diving into his meal, he places light kisses that trail from your calf all the way up to your thighs. He wishes he could leave marks on your skin, but he wouldn’t want you to panic the next morning when you see clusters of purple and blue spread out all over your legs. 
He eats you out like a man starved, slobbering all over your pussy. All the while, you’re making such cute noises for him. When you gush all over his face, he’s happily lapping it all up, trying not to waste a single drop. 
Once you’ve come down, he dresses you back up as if nothing happened, which, in your mind tomorrow, nothing did. 
Shinso hesitates when he’s about to slide the panties back onto you. Maybe he could get away with just a little souvenir?
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
Cupid’s Arrow + Cynar + blue twist + ice
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Includes — Oikawa Tōru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Matsukawa Issei, Hanamaki Takahiro, Kunimi Akira, Kindaichi Yūtarō
Warnings: incest (biological and pseudo/step), in an AU where you’re the sister of all of them, absent parents, Omegaverse, knotting, oral (m. and f. receiving), spitroasting, double vaginal penetration, creampie(s), dubcon/noncon (it’s implied)
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As the only omega to Iwaizumi Akirhiro it was up to you to take care of your brothers when your parents left to go on a vacation, just the two of them. Your father had married several women, aiming to increase his wealth and fortune through business contracts that bled into marriage contracts, with you and your biological brother being the first children from his first wife. Hajime and you were close and as close can be, always having each other’s backs. Then Oikawa Aimi came into your lives and then your mother was hardly ever seen, and you got a new brother. Then, it repeated itself as if your father couldn’t be satisfied with just one woman or he got a woman pregnant and had to quickly arrange marriage to avoid scandals.
It felt like they were never there for you.
When the door shuts and they leave to go on vacation, you’re well aware your duties start then. Tōru begs for you to play with him, your favorite younger brother, while Takahiro begs for you to make him a strawberry cake. Akira and Yūtarō are the youngest, but they aim to have your attention all to themselves, as well. Hajime is the only who breaks them up, as he is not only the eldest but also the most dominant alpha. Letting you go off to do what you need to do, he forces them to stay busy and leave you alone.
Well, he tries.
Throughout the day, you find each of your darling brothers beside you and inside you. Hajime isn’t much better, but he waits until you’re done with everything, always the best for last. Issei is the first, he always is, since he misses out on Hajime’s wrath and goes to the kitchen for some breakfast. His stature looms over yours, arms caging you in as he lazily grins down at you. Hands stop what they’re doing, putting down the dishes and washing the soapy suds off your hands before you turn towards him, ready to ask what he would like for breakfast.
“You, what else?” He leans down to press a kiss to your forehead, a sweet and wholesome gesture, yet his wandering hands speak a different tune. Large hands dive into your shorts, past the waistband of your panties and his fingers slide into your slick pussy, already accumulating a bit of arousal. His lips move down, his legs bending into a kneeling position until he’s on the floor, his nose pressed into your flimsy shorts. He makes quick work of them, pulling them down and away, hiking you onto the counter to give him more room to have access to you. Fingers go back to the slick, spreading your folds for his awaiting eyes as you close your eyes and turn your head. The scent wafting off Issei in waves is intense, the whole house can probably smell it, despite how large it is.
A tongue presses to your clit, lips covering it and sucking as you squeak from the sensation. So caught up in your thoughts, you forgot about the position you are currently in. Issei doesn’t want your attention anywhere else, dark eyes looking up at you as he presses his tongue against your sensitive skin, lips sucking on your clit as his fingers dive in and out of you, prepping you for something much, much bigger.
Issei doesn’t let you finish on his fingers and mouth, much preferring to feel your walls spasming around is cock and his knot. His attire consists of sweatpants, easily pulled down with his boxers for his cock to spring free as it bounces against his abdomen, precum beads dripping down the shaft. The scene doesn’t last long, your head being forced back as he nudges it up with his nose, placing his head in the crook as he pushes himself into your cunt. He’s large and thick, his knot is always the hardest to take, but you accept it without any qualms. It’s wrong, you know it is, but you learned a long time ago that they won’t listen to you, so it’s better to keep your mouth shut.
Issei picks up his pace, your cunt squelching with every thrust he gives as his hips slam into yours, large hands keeping him hunched over you as they hold onto the counter. His force feels like it should be shaking the house, but you just hold onto his broad shoulders and take all he can and will give you, hoping his seed won’t take. With a final thrust and a growl, he pushes his knot past your barriers as his mouth covers yours, muffling an ear-piercing scream as he plugs you full. Your insides tingle with the stretch, the added pleasure of his load inside you as your walls gush around his cock, milking him dry as your high rises and falls.
The day is similar in that sense, having Tōru and Takahiro join you in the laundry room, the alpha bending you over the clothes you just folded so he can inspect your pussy, still full and dripping from Issei’s load. Takahiro takes your mouth, his fingers slipping between your lips and spreading your jaw wide, his cock hard and ready to go. He’s only a beta, so he is usually asking for blowjobs since he can’t accidentally orally knot you. Tōru, who presented as an alpha, takes your cunt, his cock hard and already plunging into your depths that has you jerking forward. The perfect opportunity for Takahiro to shove your open mouth on his cock, tip bumping in the back of your throat as you try to not throw up.
They’re both relentless, but they work in tandem as they don’t force your body in two different directions at once. As Tōru thrusts up into you, your head bobs down on Takahiro’s cock, then vice versa. It’s a overwhelmingly full feeling, their scents buzzing in the air around you as you feel yourself drowning in pleasure. With Takahiro’s grip on your hair tight and taut, he keeps your pace on him steady until he feels your tongue swiping over the underside of his head, the most sensitive area on his cock. It’s the final straw, a loud groan as he pushes you on his cock and coats your throat in his cum. Tōru isn’t far behind, his grip tightening on your hips as he slams into you once more, his knot getting caught inside you and a moan, high-pitched and loud, erupts in your ear. Tōru and Issei’s seed is mixed together, plugged by Tōru’s knot as Takahiro presses a kiss to your lips, tongue swiping over the white liquid spilling from your lips.
Akira and Yūtarō will then join you for lunch, the two betas asking for more food because they’re hardly ever sated with just food. You don’t respond to them, you just let their hands roam your body and dip between your legs. With Yūtarō holding you up, proving he can be just as strong as the other alphas in your life, he lets you drop down on his hard cock, with Akira pushing his cock right in beside his brother. They alternate between who thrusts up into you and who’s pulling out, only to push back into you. Legs spread wide open by Akira’s hands, with Yūtarō’s hands helping to lift you and up on both of their cocks, your pussy on full display for the two of them.
Sensitivity ripples through you, the sensation of being absolutely filled to the brim running over your spine as you throw your head back, on Yūtarō’s shoulder, walls clamping around their cocks as they find their own release in your sensitivity. Without the knot, they pull out to let the loads ooze from you, spilling onto Yūtarō’s lap and down the chair. “That was delicious, thank you,” Akira says, pressing a swift peck to your forehead. You still don’t say anything, moving to continue your duties around the house, legs unstable and feeling like jelly.
At the end of the day, Hajime holds you in your bed as you cry. He’s the only one who sees your discomfort, he’s the only one who lets you have a say, but you never tell him no. As the only person there for you, you find it rude to tell him no, letting his frustrations of how his undisciplined brother’s act on your poor pussy, squelching sounds and moans from your bedroom. Water clings to your hair from the shower, a daily cleanse to get rid of everyone’s seed inside you. Hajime refills you, keeping you nice and warm with his own cum, keeping you nice and folded for his cock to spread you open and his arms to keep your legs up. His knot drips from your previous releases on his cock, sending you to three orgasms before he even gets close to his own.
“I love you, I love you so much,” he murmurs, lips pressed to your cheek. You whimper out that you love him, too, you love your nii-san, your beloved big brother, but it’s quickly ruined by the squeal of pleasure as he forces his knot into your cunt, filling you out to the brim as he fills you up. Hot liquid splashed against your walls, your insides eagerly eating it up as they cream on his cock. “I love you, my precious little sister,” a kiss to your lips, loving eyes finding yours. “Don’t ever forget that you were mine first.”
You don’t have the heart to tell him that’s not what you want.
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bbugyu · 3 years
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of all the views you had seen, there was little that could compare to him.
6.2k | cavalry captain!jeonghan x gn pyro!reader, genshin impact au, fluff, adventure, drinking, so much flirting, mentions of trauma, honestly this is the sweetest i'm ever gonna write jeonghan
happy inazuma release day!!! it's your local kaeya trash, because i predictably fall for gay bastards that lie straight to my face (example: jeonghan), and i'm here to give you a fic i wrote AGES ago and just polished up a bit to celebrate the release of what is likely going to be my FAVORITE region in genshin impact. i'm japanese so 😅 i have a soft spot. if there's any other gaymer carats out there, enjoy this one. if not, sorry! you can actually probably still read this and understand it for the most part, though you might miss a bit of context of the landscape and the lore.
ps. go tell @babiemingoo that wonwoo xinqiu 🤭
your work with the adventurer's guild was always efficient. you received your commissions, you carried them out, then returned for your reward, usually before the sun had even peaked. the rest of your day was generally spent either basking in the eternal sun of mondstadt, feeding cats in inazuma, or enjoying a hard earned meal in liyue, depending on where you decided to stay that week, finding board and paying for it with the commission you had earned that day. your tendency to wander came less from choice and more from nature - you could call yourself a nomad, but generally, you just got bored, and preferred seeing everything teyvat had to offer rather than settling in one place. adventuring was simply what you were meant to do, your mother had told you at a young age.
she, too, had wandered for most of her youth, and didn't stop just because you had come into her life. you remembered getting scooped up because you had wandered off a bit too close to the railing at wangshu inn as a toddler, playing with dogs at the docks of liyue harbor. you remembered the ludi harpastum and the first time you had ever had a sweet honey roast, and the way it made your eyes grow ten times in size before you dug in for more.
when your vision was bestowed upon you, you already knew how to use a sword. it was important, your mother told you, that you knew how to protect yourself. she had a vision as well, younger even than you had, and you had come to recognize the static in the air as a sign that she was angry - whether it was because of an altercation with someone on your journey or because you had secretly eaten the last hashbrown without consulting her first.
she used her vision and a sturdy blade she had owned since before you were born to protect the two of you on the road, but when she felt you were old enough, she taught you how to weild. a two handed weapon that was far too big for you when you were only fourteen, but when your reckless abandon got paired with a spark, you suddenly became far more dangerous than even your own mother. she scolded you for nearly starting a forest fire when you tried to pair the two skills for the first time after receiving your vision, and you both agreed that training was a beach activity from then on.
your mother settled eventually, after you were old and skilled enough to take on the road alone, pulling the many favors she had gathered in her travels to build a home in a small neighborhood south of liyue harbor, nestled in the foothills of mount tianheng, where you visited as often as your wandering allowed.
you had become much better with your vision. more careful but just as hot. quick to scan situations and strategize in the moment, hardly taking a second before jumping into action, slaying hilichurls like you were getting paid. well, you were, you supposed, but you had been doing this long before you had discovered the benefit of joining the guild. you were good at it. you were built for adventure, but revelled in leisure. there was good reason you were able to take afternoons off, and you milked every last second of it.
"you're back in town?"
you grinned, leaning your sword against the wall and dropping your bag off your shoulders before settling at the bar. "for now."
rubin often served you alcohol - when you were in mondstadt, at least, however often that may be - but never questioned you deeply. he would ask how your travels were, and listen to your stories from regions beyond his knowledge, of the cultures that he had only heard of from people like you. he enjoyed them just about as much as any, if not a little more, purely because your tenacious personality brought something more to the table. he wondered, though, how long you intended to keep living day by day, sleeping in different beds every week.
"what's wrong with sleeping in different beds?" you teased, laughing into your wine glass. "if i didn't know any better, i'd think you were shaming me, rube."
rubin simply laughed, knowing your tone by now. "i just wonder if you ever intend on digging in your roots, or if you'll continue travelling forever."
"if i dig roots, you may never see me again. is that what you want?"
"what," he said. "you don't like mondstadt?"
"i love monstadt," you assured him. "but i also love inazuma. and my mother is in liyue, though she might be upset with me if i try to settle too close to her. perhaps natlan would suit me more?" you shrugged finally, the door behind you opening as you finished with "i suppose i'll settle when i've found a reason to love one place more than the rest."
rubin shook his head, a chuckle falling from his lips. "a wanderer through and through." his attention was quickly drawn to the man entering the bar. "ah, captain! the usual?"
"please," the decorated man said, quickly taking a seat beside you despite the rest of the bar being available. "would you like another, wanderer?"
you eyed him cautiously, studying what you could see if his face around the black eyepatch, gaze skimming down his elaborate clothing before looking down at your emptied drink. "sure."
"another for your wandering friend, rubin, on my tab, please." your brain swirled, considering the brief information you had been given and wondered how you had never managed to meet this regular during your past visits. "are you just drinking dandelion wine, or something more fun?"
"more fun?" you asked. "what are you drinking, then?"
"well, a death after noon, of course," he stated. "don't tell me you haven't had one."
you blinked at him. "i haven't."
you turned towards rubin when he laughed at the back and forth. "shall i make two, then?"
"definitely," your new drinking buddy said, then gestured to you. "you trust my taste, right?"
you said nothing, but he accepted your silent smile as an agreeance. "captain," you said finally, thinking of how rubin had addressed him. "of?"
the man turned towards you, his elbow planted on the bar and his cheek on a fist. despite his get up, he had a playful smirk across his lips. "you mean, my reputation doesn't precede me? you really are a wanderer. everyone in mondstadt knows my name."
"everyone but me," you corrected. "as i'm currently in mondstadt."
his teeth shone behind his smirking lips before he sat up straight. "well, allow me to introduce myself." he saluted, his arm extending from his side at an angle - a salute you recognized from the guards around the city. "i am jeonghan, the cavalry captain of the knights of favonius."
"ah, the knights," you smiled briefly, before letting your eyes wander as you thought, crossing your arms over the bar. "i don't see much of a cavalry in the city, though."
he let out an amused exhale. "so i have a bit more free time these days."
"i'm sure the acting grand master is jealous of all your free time," you teased. "poor guy, looks like he's staving off a panic attack every time i see him. you should probably help him more."
"so," he sighed, leaning against the bar again. "you know of the acting grand master but not me?"
"jihoon?" you asked. "of course i know of him. he's all anyone ever talks about around here."
jeonghan nodded once, thanking rubin when he placed two drinks before you. "people talk about me, also, you know."
your lips stuck out in a pout. "jeonghan, you said? doesn't ring a bell."
he rolled his eyes and picked up his drink, holding it out for you to cheers against. you giggled, clinking your glass against his before taking a sip. the golden liquid was sweet, but not like the dandelion wine you had grown to love in this region. it had more depth, a subtle bitterness to it, and a refreshing bubble. you stared after the glass when it left your lips, then looked over to find jeonghan grinning at you.
"i see why it's your usual," you said, taking another sip before placing the glass on the bar. "i could drink too many."
"will you?" he asked.
"not tonight," you replied coolly. "i haven't asked sana to put me up at the guild yet, and if i get there too late, i'll get a cot instead of a bed. unless rubin finally wants to come clean about something?"
the bartender laughed. "how many times do i have to tell you? we don't even have rooms to board."
you squinted at him. "i know there's something upstairs. i'll learn your secrets one day, rube."
"i wouldn't be a very good bartender if i didn't know how to keep them."
"so you're in the guild?" jeonghan asked as rubin attended to another patron. "an adventuring wanderer."
you smiled vaguely at him. "i am. i have to pay for my travels somehow."
he shrugged. "there's other ways to make money. probably more profitable, too."
you eyed his teasing smirk. "i'm not sure i know what you're implying."
"as a captain of the knights of favonius, i assure you, i'm implying nothing at all," he said, exhaling sharply and adjusting on his stool. he leaned over towards you before speaking in a quieter tone. "but as jeonghan, i think you know exactly what i'm implying."
you only laughed, recognizing the thinly veiled attempt to worm a secret out of you. "i outgrew those means a long time ago. besides, when mora gets tight, i can always board up with my mother. i like liyue enough."
jeonghan studied you as you drank again. "liyue's home, is it?'
"for her, yes," you said, looking over to him, but you found yourself looking away again when his steely blue gaze met yours. you thought carefully about how much of yourself you were willing to reveal to this stranger, especially considering how important he was in the rule of the city. "she was a wanderer, too, and ended up falling in love with liyue harbor."
jeonghan made note of the way your face softened as you spoke about your mother. "and what about you?"
you met his intent look again, thinking about how his covered eye somehow made him even more intimidating. perhaps that was its purpose. "what about me?"
"what have you fallen in love with?"
a smile crept onto your lips as you processed his question. "oh, archons, what have i not fallen in love with? the smell of the open ocean in inazuma, the breathtaking temples in sumeru - have you ever been to waterfall city?"
jeonghan merely shook his head at you, the corners of his mouth turning upwards as he put his cheek on a fist again, leaning against the bar. "beautiful?"
you exhaled, eyes wide as you thought of the towering falls and the light mist that covered the city, trying to come up with an apt description. "humbling. there's nothing like it."
he watched your expression, head tilting further. "what a wonderful way to describe a place. tell me more."
your gaze went to him, then away briefly, feeling suddenly shy as you noticed his look. "about waterfall city?"
he shrugged a fur covered shoulder, shaking his head lightly. "about anywhere. describe your world, wanderer. i'd like to hear whatever you have to say."
you wondered if the heat that ran through you was because of the alcohol or the man, but you just took another drink and cleared your throat lightly, thinking of more places you had discovered in your travels. you thought of qingce village, one of your favorite places to visit, because the people are kind and welcoming and the fields are so beautiful. you told him about a tea shop owned by an old man - he insisted you call him pops so fiercely that you weren't even sure you had caught his given name - and it was probably the most relaxing cup of tea you ever had.
"it's been a while since i've gone," you sighed. "i think i'm overdue for a chat with pops and his tea."
jeonghan was smiling when you looked at him again. "the tea in liyue is unmatched," he said, reaching for his drink. before taking another sip, he gestured for you to continue.
so you did. you told him about sakura pond, about celestia city, about the volcanic black beaches. you told him liyue had your favorite people, but inazuma had your favorite food. he clicked his tongue at you.
"what about mondstadt? do we have one of your favorites?"
you smiled, genuinely. "sunsets. the night sky is different here than it is anywhere else. i think mondstadt is the closest we can get to the stars without joining the archons."
jeonghan studied you briefly, his blue eye flicking over your face as you finished your drink. "i think that's an apt observation. it seems your eyes are always wide."
"i travel for the views," you exhaled. "i don't plan on missing any."
he thought a second. "have you been to starsnatch cliff?"
your eyes lit up. "not in years," you said, in complete shock that you could have forgotten such a place. you pushed from the bar slightly, turning towards him, and he noticed the flash of a red gem strapped to your right thigh for the first time. "my mother took me there when i was a kid, but i haven't gone since."
"it never gets old," he said, sipping at the end of his drink. "i've yet to see that view and not be in awe."
"i'll go before i leave mondstadt again," you decided.
he looked to you. "when will that be?"
you sighed. "not sure, yet."
he just chuckled. "would you like another drink?"
"oh, no," you said, standing and stretching your spine. "i should make my leave. i don't like sleeping on cots. i just came by to let my ol' pal rube know i was in town again."
jeonghan watched you pull your pack onto your back, grabbing the handle of your sheathed claymore from where it was leaning against the wall next to the bar. "perhaps i'll see you again tomorrow?"
you looked at him, a vague smile on your lips as you strapped your sword back on. "perhaps you will, captain."
"jeonghan," he corrected. "but i don't believe you ever shared your name?"
"that was by design, captain," you said, and he swore he caught a glint in your eye as you bid rubin a farewell and stepped out of the angel's share.
jeonghan spun back around on his stool, immediately looking to rubin. "do you know their name?"
"no, sir," he said, looking at the closed door. "they've never said."
jeonghan's gaze went to the empty glass you had left behind, thinking about your stories, your sword, and the signifier of your vision on your thigh. "fascinating."
you got lucky - sana had a private room for you, and said you were welcome to rent it for your stay. she said not many people were travelling to mondstadt these days, and that more often than not, the adventurer's barracks in headquarters went unused. ever since the fatui had holed up in the grand goth hotel, it had been harder for you to make extended stays in mondstadt, but it seemed that something was telling you to stick around longer than usual. you laid on the hard mattress - a feeling that was more comforting than most, thanks to your continuous travels - and thought of the charming captain that had made a night of questioning you. you wondered if he really had any interest in anything you had to say, or if he had been hoping for details about something pertinent to an investigation.
you packed a lighter bag in the morning, only bringing along the essentials as you set out for your commissions for the day. that afternoon, you wandered around mondstadt and asked questions. questions about the simultaneously well-discussed and mysterious cavalry captain that had listened to your tales of travel, and answers came easier than expected, though they didn't contain all the details you were looking for. that night, you waited up at the angel's share to brag about your newfound knowledge to the captain that never showed, and you did your best to not let that hurt your ego.
the next day, you made a detour on your way back to the city after completing your commissions, stopping by springvale to enjoy a well deserved lunch and catch up with some locals. you sat in the grass with a skewer of grilled meat, watching the windmills of mondstadt steadily spin in the distance as time passed, thinking about how rubin had asked you if you didn't like it here.
you did, you decided. mondstadt felt different than anywhere else you had been. untouched, almost. wilder. freer. despite being born in inazuma, your first memories being in celestia, or your mother being in liyue, mondstadt felt comfortable. felt like a home. you wondered to yourself what that might mean.
sana greeted you happily when you returned much later than you normally did. she told you to go ahead to the guild and come back, filing away your reports and retrieving your rewards. you dropped off your things in your rented room, quickly, practically galloping back down the steps towards the entrance of the city to continue your conversation with the adventurer guilds' mighty receptionist without your sword weighing you down. you crossed your arms on the counter, comfortably lounging as you chatted with her, having always enjoyed her conversations more than most. like rubin, she was a reason mondstadt always felt comfortable.
"fancy meeting you here," an all too familiar voice said, and you pulled your eyes from sana to find jeonghan leaning his side against the counter next to you.
"good evening, cavalry captain!" sana chirped, placing your reward - your room free already removed - on the counter and bowing politely. "can i help you with anything today?"
his icy gaze flickered from your lightly curved lips towards sana. "oh, no, my dear. i'm just coming back from an investigation near springvale"
"interesting," you said, eyeing him. "i was just there and didn't see you."
"i wouldn't be very good at my job if you did, wanderer," he grinned. "knight business, you wouldn't understand. got the assignment yesterday."
"ah," you shifted to your side to face him, making him eye the vision on your thigh. "is that why you never showed? rubin was worried."
he looked you up and down. "rubin was, huh?"
you rolled your eyes and adjusted your posture to face away from his smirk. sana looked between the two of you twice before clearing her throat as quietly as possible, making jeonghan let out a chuckle before he directed his attention to the guild's receptionist.
"how goes holding the post, sana?"
she looked almost frightened when the attention was directed back to her. "good, captain! in fact, one of our most capable adventurers-" she gestured to you, "-just returned from taking care of some of our more difficult commissions - no one else would take them."
jeonghan looked at you. "why did sana have to tell your secret?"
your eyebrows quirked upwards. "what secret?"
"that you're good at this. shouldn't you be bragging?"
a chuckle spilled from your lips, and jeonghan watched you as you looked away. "i'm not the bragging type."
he studied you a moment. "what type are you, then?"
you considered the question, wondering exactly how to answer. what type were you? if not a teller, than surely you must be a shower, but that didn't seem right either. you exhaled. "the quiet type. see you later, sana."
he laughed, pushing off the counter as you tucked your mora into your waist bag, wishing sana a good evening and following you towards the fountain. "you sure talk a lot for being the quiet type."
a smirk landed itself on your lips as he fell into step beside you. "maybe private is a better description."
"that one i can see," jeonghan said, looking over to you. he thought of how you had spent nearly an hour telling him about the best views in teyvat, yet he still didn't know the most basic information about you. "do you share your name with anyone?"
you thought. "my mother."
he scoffed. "anyone else?"
you looked to the sky. "rubin."
"wrong," he retorted. "he doesn't know your name, either."
you laughed, looking over to him as you came up to the fountain, spinning and sitting back on the ledge. "you asked?"
"of course i asked," he said, planting one foot on the ledge beside you and placing his arms on his knee. "i asked other people, too. almost everyone knows you, but they don't know anything about you. bits and pieces, but never the full picture."
you just smiled up at him from your relaxed posture on the concrete. "what's wrong with a little intrigue?"
he just smiled back at you. "nothing. i tend to keep a bit myself. did you know there's a large number of people in this city that were shocked when i said you wield a claymore?"
you hummed, dipping the tips of your fingers into the fountain. "did you know there's a large number of people in this city that consider you the most eligible bachelor in not only mondstadt, but in all of teyvat?"
his lips parted slightly as you spoke. "so you snooped, too."
"i was bored yesterday. it wasn't hard," you exhaled. you flicked a drop of water towards his foot. "jeonghan yoon, the cavalry captain of the knights of favonius since he was only nineteen. who loves wine and whose adopted brother runs the biggest winery in teyvat, yet they're hardly ever seen speaking. who comes from a far off land on a different continent, but has come to love mondstadt like it was his home. who wears an eyepatch but has never told anyone why."
he chuckled at the assessment and pulled his foot off the ledge to sit beside you. "so when do i get to learn about you?"
"i told you about me yesterday," you said.
"you told me about teyvat," he corrected. "and while i was able to infer some things about your character, i still know close to nothing about you."
you thought for a moment, realizing no one had ever noticed how little you truly shared despite always being willing to tell stories. "sometimes it feels like i am teyvat. it's hard to think of things that are just about me."
"you could start with that vision," he said, nodding at the strap across your thigh. you looked down at it, exhaling.
"what's there to tell? you know what it means, and that's more teyvat than me, too."
he leaned back on a hand, looking you up and down in curiosity. "how old were you."
you chewed your cheek. "fourteen. you?"
his lip quirked upwards. "sixteen."
you bumped his shoulder with yours playfully. "beat you."
he laughed. "how'd it happen?"
you paused. "you go first."
he just chuckled and looked away, watching a dog wander past the general store. "another day, then."
"no fun," you sighed, brushing your hands together as you leaned forward. "what about the eyepatch?"
he met your eyes, mouth slanted in a smirk. "another day."
you clicked your tongue. "if you wanna learn about me, you have to be willing to give up some details, too. i value a fair trade."
"then stop asking questions that you know i won't share the answer to." jeonghan noticed the color of the sky, then suddenly pulled a pocket watch out, checking it quickly to confirm that there was enough time and stood. "come with me?"
you stared up at him. "where?"
he grinned, extending a hand to help you to your feet. "you said mondstadt's sunsets were your favorite, correct?"
you generally weren't prone to following mysterious men into back corridors, but jeonghan easily convinced you with no words at all that sneaking around the sight line of the acting grand master was completely normal behavior, sushing you with a grin as you giggled, taking refuge around a corner after the two of you made it up to the second floor of the favonius headquarters. he tugged your hand with his, pulling you into a steep maintenance staircase behind a door.
"this feels like it's against some rules," you said, climbing the stairs behind him.
"nonsense," he said, looking back at you and grinning. "are you suggesting that a knight of favonius would break rules just to impress a mysterious traveler?"
you laughed quietly, wondering if he really meant that he wanted to impress you. "not most, but maybe this one."
he only thought for a split second. "if anyone asks, we're on official knight business."
he opened the door and you found the sky again, beginning to glow orange as the edge of the sun began to hide behind the cliffs. you stared in awe at the way the few fluffy clouds reflected pink and gold, then readjusted your focus when jeonghan spoke again.
"i hope you aren't afraid of heights," he said, walking over to the parapets that surrounded you. "the best view requires a bit of a climb."
you looked up at the tower, and while it wasn't much higher than where you stood, you also recognized that you were well above most of mondstadt already. "you climb up there?"
he paused, studying you. "we don't have to, we can just sit on a merlon-"
"no, we can climb," you said, walking over to where he was and eyeing the small gap between the parapet and the adjacent roof. "hop over?"
he laughed, stepping over the gap and holding a hand out for you. "watch your step."
and though you didn't need it, you accepted the hand anyways, and it stayed on yours as you walked over the roof to the tower, as if making sure you didn't misstep several stories in the air.
"would you like to go first?" he asked. "i'll catch you if you fall."
you rolled your eyes at him, dropping your hand from his grip. "you go first. i want to see where the handholds are."
he just grinned at you. "very well," he said, tugging on the wrists of his fingerless gloves to make sure they were taught against his skin before taking hold of a brick. you watched him as he took foothold after foothold, and he resisted the urge to show off by speedily scaling the wall in favor of making sure you had the chance to see where he gripped. when he reached the opening in the tower, he pulled himself up and spun around, exhaling with a grin as he seated himself at the ledge with his legs dangling above you.
"your turn."
you adjusted your waist bag as you sighed in amused annoyance, spinning it to be behind you and out of your hips' way to climb the wall. it wasn't much - a couple meters, maybe - and you had definitely climbed further, but jeonghan's presence made you slightly nervous. that nervousness, however, just fueled you to prove yourself.
you scaled the wall easily, making jeonghan whistle and jokingly call you some kind of adventurer, and your only hesitation came when his hand was in your face. despite your initial inclination to ignore it, you put your left hand in his, allowing him to help you pull yourself up on the ledge and sit beside him.
"impressive," he commented.
you laughed, brushing off your hands. "you, too."
"c'mon," he said, gesturing his head over his shoulder before making moves to stand. "the view's on the other side."
you sighed, looking over the view of mondstadt shrouded in golden light as he stood and walked to the other ledge. "never a moment of rest with you."
"if you want to miss the sunset, be my guest."
you leaned back on your hands and laughed, pulling your gaze away from the city to look at where jeonghan had seated himself on the other end of the tower, and subsequently the view of the rolling hills beyond him that were glowing golden in the evening sun. you blinked for a second, realizing you hadn't seen the sunset the night before, and quickly got to your feet to join him before you missed this one, too.
he gave you a soft smile when you sat beside him, and you briefly wondered how many he had in his repertoire. the wind was stronger higher, whipping gently through his hair and alleviating any uncomfortable warmth you may have had from exerting yourself on the way up. you watched the dregs of sunlight skip across the grassy hills and the sky turn deep orange and bright pink, feet swinging lightly over the edge of the tower.
"i was fighting with my brother," he said suddenly, causing you to look at him with a start before you realized he was telling you about his vision. there was a slight smile on his face as he looked out on the fields. "hyungwon. it was bad. he already had his - he's a pyro, like you - and we were both young and stupid and just lost our dad. we were sword fighting and it came to me when i needed it. it probably saved my life, honestly."
you blinked at him. "you think he would have killed you?'
he exhaled, leaning back on his hands. "i think if the roles had been reversed, i would have tried to kill him, too. i'm grateful it didn't go that way, though." he coughed abruptly, clearing his throat. "we're on speaking terms, and i do love him as a brother, but i generally avoid him."
you let that thought ruminate as you watched the sun sink, halfway beyond the horizon. "my father was in a gang in inazuma, but my mom ran away when she found out she was pregnant. didn't want to raise a kid in that world, i guess? we ran into him when i got older and he wasn't very understanding." you paused, remembering the detail too well. "they were going to take her vision. that's what they did to traitors. probably take me, too. they weren't expecting me to start setting fires."
jeonghan's gaze was on you as yours was on the horizon. "just a couple of survivors."
you looked over at him, a smirk on your lips. "a couple?"
he laughed waving at your implication, thinking he would have said the same thing in an attempt to fluster you just as you were to him. "like, more than one and less than four."
you only laughed back. "fortune favors the weak, i suppose. the archons saw we needed help and extended a fig branch."
"is that what it was?" he asked, a laugh on his lips. "we were both fighting people. that's hardly an offer of peace."
"look for the deeper meaning, jeonghan. we were fighting for our lives," you pointed out, and he realized it was the first time you had addressed him by his name rather than his title. "i was fighting for family. for freedom. is that not the greatest pursuit of peace?"
he watched you as you pulled your knees to your chest, putting your feet on the edge of the stonework surface you sat on. he studied the way the golden rays lit your skin and made your eyes sparkle. "i suppose so."
you paused in that moment for a long while, and jeonghan allowed the comfortable silence as the two of you watched the sun disappear beyond the cliffs of mondstadt. the sky was turning a deep shade of purple when you told him your name, and jeonghan thought that it was quite possibly the best news he had ever received, but he kept that joy to himself as he confirmed your name, and you rolled your eyes.
"are you gonna answer my other question now?"
he scoffed. "about the eyepatch? is it really that interesting?"
"not any more interesting than my name," you retorted.
"completely untrue," jeonghan insisted. "i've never been so excited to be told a secret, and i get told a lot of secrets."
you eyed his smile warily. "my name may be unknown, but it's no secret."
he sighed and shook his head lightly. "you really wanna know the reason i wear it? it's probably not as dramatic as you're hoping."
"yet you hide it?"
he laughed. "what's wrong with a little intrigue?"
you looked away, recognizing the parrot of your own words. "whatever you say, captain."
"no!" he whined and grabbed your arm, making you start and look at him with big eyes. "you just started calling me jeonghan, don't go back to captain."
you stared at him, only breaking to laugh, dropping your legs over the edge again. "you won't show me what's under the eyepatch, so i thought we weren't on first name basis."
his hand on your bicep was warm and gentle, but his gaze was piercing as he thought it over for a bit longer. you did your best to hold it, but you felt yourself shrinking when he quietly muttered, "go on, then."
it took you a second to register what he meant, and you reached out slowly, fingers hesitating before they brushed upon his cheekbone. jeonghan closed his eyes, resigning to your touch as you gently lifted the eyepatch. his eyes opened again, slowly, and you thought your heart might have skipped a beat.
"like chocolate," you commented, and a smile spread across his lips.
"that's the kindest reaction i've gotten."
your fingers fell upon his temple, brushing down gently as you inspected his singular brown eye. "since birth?"
he nodded, his eyes flicking down to your lips briefly before he spoke. "heterochromia. it's a characteristic of my family."
you studied his face. "not the one here?"
he sighed. "not the one here."
the icy blue of jeonghan's eye had always struck something in you. it made him mysterious. commanding. it felt like he saw more than you despite having one eye covered. but now, you felt warm. you felt his gentleness. there was comfort hidden away behind that black patch, and you told him that you understood why the cavalry captain had chosen to hide the eye he did.
but to you, he was willing to show anything that would keep you around longer, he said.
"why me?" you asked, studying his expression when he looked away. the sun had retreated behind the hills, leaving the sky a deep blue.
jeonghan didn't respond right away, and you wondered if he himself even knew the answer. "we're birds of a feather, you and i."
you looked out to the view again, watching the subtle movements of the wild hills. "did you travel much before you came here?"
"it was all i knew," he told you. "i was thirteen when my father left me here."
your neck snapped, your eyes on his profile when he leaned back on his hands. "left you?"
he almost laughed, a smile on his lips when his eyes met yours. "i was slowing him down, i suppose. hyungwon's father found me and took me in."
"so you stayed?"
"i didn't always want to," he assured you. "i had the itch to leave for years. as soon as i was able, i always told myself." he paused, eyes dropping. "then father died. then hyungwon turned down his position with the knights. and i was their second choice."
you pursed your lips. "you stayed for a job."
he laughed. "it's not that simple."
you smiled at him, enjoying the warmth of his eyes on yours as the sky cooled. "are you sure we're birds of a feather?"
"listen," he said, getting off his hands and brushing them off on his thighs. "i accepted the job so that i could set the story straight. i didn't want to run from the people that believed that hyungwon tried to kill me to avenge our father."
you studied him. "i'm sorry."
"don't be," he said, nudging your shoulder. "i was still planning on leaving, but then i fell in love."
you looked away, trying to sort out the way your stomach flipped. "are they still around?"
"not with a person," he laughed, then nodded towards the now dark hills. "with the views. besides, i get free reign whenever i leave for missions. i have fun adventuring, and come home to the best sunsets in teyvat. there are worse places to call home."
your eyes scanned the horizon, remembering the brilliant rays of sun you had just seen skip across it. "that is tempting."
"how tempting?" he asked.
you thought on that for a moment. "almost as much as a death after noon right now."
jeonghan laughed, slightly proud that he had hooked you on his favorite drink. "shall we go see rubin, then?"
you hummed, smiling at the captain. "as long as i don't have to sit alone again."
"that's a promise," he told you as he stood, holding out a hand that you took without hesitation, though he withheld his intention to make sure you were never alone again.
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djarinbarnes · 3 years
inmarcesible - maxwell lord
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Pairings: Maxwell Lord x female reader
Rating: Explicit, 18+
Warnings: fingering, handjob, degradation (slut), overstimulation, age gap, my poor attempt at writing sub-space, creampie, cum eating... pwp. maybe a little daddy kink.
Word count: 2.8k
Summary: imma let this one speak for itself.
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inmarcesible · everlasting
There’s a party going on upstairs, but you couldn’t be bothered. The only person you were somewhat interested in was Max Lord, your mother’s business associate. You’d always had an eye for the man, and when they decided to create the business together, you’d been overjoyed.
You were finally going to be able to see Max more, even though he never acknowledged your presence. A girl could dream, though. You’ve tried to go to bed a long time ago, but with the buzz of the party going on upstairs, you knew you weren’t going to be able to sleep.
Clad in only your silk robe, you were currently drawing tight circles around your clit, your room completely darkened out to give you more room to imagine. You imagined Max, there was no hiding that. You didn’t even feel bad when you whimpered out his name slightly.
You did however feel bad when your door opened, and none other than Maxwell Lord himself slipped into your bedroom. You held your breath as he spoke hushed into the phone, trying to possibly calm down someone on the other end of the line. “Yeah, let’s go ahead and make the change, it’s alright.”
You suck in a breath as his low voice, the tone of it making your pussy clench around nothing. “No, no, that’s okay, you weren’t bothering me. I’m just glad we got it sorted.” he spoke again, and you were so close to letting out a whimper at just the sound of him.
“Could you, um… Just go ahead and send them an email, letting them know you talked to me?” You almost felt bad for eavesdropping on his conversation, but you couldn’t help it. He was in your bedroom after all. Maybe he didn’t know this was your bedroom. How the fuck would he know.
“Alright, great. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Alright. Bye.” You hear him sigh before you decide to let your presence be known, turning on the lamp beside your bed. You literally see him jump as he turns around quickly. “Oh my god, you startled me.”
“What are you doing in my room…?” you try to tease him a bit, but he doesn’t bite the bait. He apologizes, before he’s making his way toward the door.
“No, no… I was just at the party and.. I needed to take a phone call.” You nod slowly as you watch him, your robe covering you just slightly, but you know your pebbled nipples are showing through the thin material. “I work with your mom... She mentioned that she had a daughter, but I never expected… You to... be here. Were you just… sitting in the dark, listening to my conversation?”
You grin before you nod slowly, tugging your lip in between your teeth. “Well it is my room, so yeah I was just sitting in the dark…” you try to play it cool, try not to let what you were doing known, but then again… He was in your bedroom, and you were so horny just looking at him drenched the sheets beneath you.
“Well… I’m heading back upstairs. Sorry for the interruption.”
“No, stay…” you lean forward on the bed, patting the seat in front of you. “Sit down.” You watch him as he shuffles over to your bed, sitting down on the edge of it. You let your hand reach out, running it over the back of his button-down. You briefly wonder where he’s left his suit jacket.
“Your mother’s probably gonna wonder where I am, I should be… getting back upstairs.” He tries, but you’re swift in diverting his attention, as you move up beside him, sitting with your legs crossed, your robe still covering your body.
“Do you like my robe, Max?” you ask him, sliding your hand over the material on your arm, watching him as he finally notices your nipples budding through the fabric. You smile as you hear a slight tremble in his voice as he speaks.
“Yeah… I do. I do like your robe… Very much… Is that silk?” His hand softly darts out, and while he’s touching the fabric of the sleeve, you swiftly undo the knot around your middle, baring your sternum and the soft swells of your breasts, the expanse of your stomach and your shaven mound.
“Hey hey hey, I didn’t tell you to open it, I just said it was beautiful-” You slowly draw the fabric off your shoulder, baring your left breast to him completely as his eyes widen. “Jesus Christ, what are you…” You lean backward slightly, spreading your legs just a bit for him, your aching center pulsing under his intense stare.
“Please, Max…” you whimper out, desperate for him to touch you. You may be coming on strong, but you were sure that he would take the bait. You found yourself hard to resist after all, and you secretly hoped Max felt the same way.
“Were you doing things while you watched me? From the looks of things… It seems like you were kind of excited to see me…” The last words are merely a whimper as he takes in your swollen, glistening folds, and you moan out at his words. “God, look at you… You’re so… swollen.”
You reach out your hand grasps his, pulling it towards your aching core, but as soon as it comes into contact with your folds, he jerks it back as if his fingers had touched a burning stove top. “Fuck I can’t, just… Close that robe and I’m gonna head back upstairs and we can pretend this didn’t happen…” He rises from the bed quickly, but your grip on him is firm as you pull him back down.
“But Max… I need a man with your experience. I’ve been a good girl. Please?” You smirk at him, batting your eyelashes. You know he’s got a soft spot for you, it’s easy to see within his eyes as he overthinks everything. You pout slightly when he continues to speak.
“What do you mean with my experience?” It’s almost like he’s offended at your words, but when you explain to him what you mean, he’s simply nodding, and you really do hope he’s going to change his mind about fucking you, because you truly are desperate.
“Alright listen, I… Really gotta head back upstairs, I…” He moans out as your hand comes in contact with his hard cock underneath the fabric of his pants, and you know all common sense has left him with just one touch from you.
“Is this really what you want?” You nod with your lip tugged in between your teeth. “Fuck… Can I feel how wet you are? Huh?” You whimper as he slides his fingers between your folds, swiping them through your slick before dipping in two digits at the same time. You whine out at the slight stretch, but it’s so good.
“My god, you’re so fucking wet, aren’t you? You’re a little slut for me, aren’t you? God…” He starts thrusting his fingers slowly, before picking up the pace, the palm of your hand rubbing over his still clothed erection. He tries to bite back a moan, but you hear it.
“You were just watching me, huh? Touching this little wet cunt while I was on the phone?” You whimper as he curls his fingers inside you, pressing roughly against the spongy patch inside you. You grip his clothed erection tightly, letting out a deep moan as his fingers picked up the pace.
“Take it out, come on, be a good girl for me.” You open his pants and he aids you in pushing them down his thighs, freeing his erected cock from its confinements, taking in the size of it as you weigh it in your hand. “Spit on it, come on now,” he breathes and you lean over him slightly, before spitting into your palm, wrapping it around his cock again.
Your hand is moving quickly, stroking his hard member eagerly as his fingers continue their assault within you. He grunts as your thumb swipes over the head of it, and you let out a moan as his fingers rub over your clit. “That’s a good girl… Such a good girl…” you whimper at the praise.
“What do you want an experienced man to do with your cunt, huh?” He breathes before the hand buried in your bed sheets tightens. “Fuck that feels so good, god damn.” He shifts slightly and you whimper as he reangles his fingers slightly. “Fuck you can barely wrap your fingers all around it…”
You feel yourself releasing a good amount of slick at his words, and you find yourself getting lost in his praise. “Kiss me, Max, please.” you whimper and he gives in, leaning over your body, caging you in as his lips attach themselves to yours. His lips are soft and plump, but at the same time rough against your parted ones.
“Fuck, I need to stretch your little pussy out even more if I’m gonna try to fit inside of you, huh baby?” It’s so hot, the way he says it, and you feel yourself coming closer to the edge as he adds a third finger into your heat, the squelching sound from your pussy filling the room. You can’t do much other than enjoy it, you can barely keep up the pace at which you’re tugging at his cock.
“Come on, keep going baby,” he whispers against your lips, his free hand ripping the robe the rest of the way off of you before he leans back slightly, his fingers still working into you as he looks over your heaving chest, and the way his fingers disappear all the way into you. “Fuck, you’re so fucking gorgeous baby… If only your mother knew what a little slut you are, huh?”
You whimper at his words, the degradation turning you on so much you can’t even tell wrong from right anymore. You’re lost in the pleasure as his thumb works on your clit, his fingers on against your walls and his lips attaching themselves to your hardened nipples. “Fuck, your tits were sculpted by the gods themselves.”
You whimper as his fingers draw you over the edge, your cum coating his fingers as he continues to push them in and out of you at a rapid pace, keeping your orgasm lingering in your system for as long as possible, your vision blackening completely.
“Fuck your little pussy is gripping my fingers so tightly, fuuuck.” he breathes as he urges your hand to keep moving over his cock in tight strokes, his hand on top of yours, tightening around yours. “Stroke that big cock, yeah, feel how it twitches for you.” He groans out as he sucks one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking and nibbling eagerly at your sensitive bud.
“Oh my fucking god...” you whimper out at his fingers still moving inside of you, the slick seeping from your cunt and into your sheets as his lips are sucking on your breasts, switching in between your nipples. You can feel the overstimulation easily, it doesn’t take long before you’re a whimpering mess below him.
“Fuck, bend over, get on your knees for me, come on.” He breathes as he finally retracts his fingers from your pussy, and you scatter around on your bed, quickly getting on your knees in front of him while he removes his button-down, throwing it on your bed before he pushes his pants further down on his thighs.
“God fucking damn,” he groans as he forcefully pulls you closer to the edge of the bed, his hand gripping his cock tightly before he slaps it against your clit a few times, swiping it through your folds, making you cry out. The pressure in your abdomen is still very much present, and you need release desperately. You whine out as he finally pushes into you deeply, all the way on the first thrust.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck you’re so fucking tight for me, baby...” His hands are on the globes of your ass, spreading your cheeks apart as he sets a quick pace, desperate to make you cum again and again. You cry out when his hand comes down upon your cheek forcefully, leaving a very red, prominent mark in its wake.
“Yeah, go on baby, rub your clit for me.” He grunts out as your fingers tighten in the bed sheets, and you whine out as they let the fabric go, desperately seeking in between your legs to feel where his thick cock is moving in and out of you at a rapid pace. You let out a guttural moan as your fingers rub rapid and tight circles on your clit, embarrassingly quickly throwing you over the edge.
“You were so ready to come, weren’t you? Fucking watching me in the dark? Yeah I feel the desperation in your cunt, you little slut.” he groans behind you and you let your eyes roll back into your head, his hips continuing their rapid, unforgiving pace at which they were slamming against yours. “Fuck yeah, god you’re so fucking tight around my cock, baby…”
You whimper as his hand comes down on your cheek again, drawing tears to your eyes as he re-angles you slightly, hitting your cervix with every thrust. You cry out at the pain, but you quickly come to find that you actually enjoy the pain he’s causing you. God damn it feels like heaven.
His hands collect your arms behind your back, holding you up in the crooks of your elbows as he keeps up his relentless thrusts, making you see stars, your head feeling heavier and heavier as he continues to force pleasure onto you. You’re sure you’re going to collapse at some point, but Max’s hands are insistent on keeping you upright as he fucks you.
“Yeah, that’s it, my sweet slut…” he groans out as he feels your walls flutter around him again, more than ready to draw another orgasm from your already spent body. “Can feel how much you want to come, so fucking desperate for me, aren’t you?” he grunts out and you whimper, not able to form any words at the moment.
“Yeah, bet you were just imagining me fucking the living shit out of you when you were touching yourself earlier, huh?” Again, you can do nothing but let out a weak whimper to let him know he was absolutely right. You’d admired him for so long, and in that time developed something that was way more than a crush. And now here he was, fucking your brains out.
You whine out when you feel his hips slap against yours harder, his fingers tightening on your arms before he lets you go, and you fall forward. His fingers dig themselves into your hips as he chases his orgasm, throwing you over the edge as well in the search of it. Everything blackens again, your mind clouding with lust as you let out a scream, your thighs trembling against his as he holds his hips snug against yours as he cums.
“Fuck yes, you like that, huh? Feeling my cum deep inside you?” he groans out as he watches your eyes roll back into your head, your upper body resting against your bed as he keeps your hips snug against his, not wanting a single drop of cum to leave you prematurely. He groans as he finally pulls out of you, admiring your fluttering hole as you breathe, trying to calm yourself.
He tugs his bottom lip in between his teeth as he watches your cunt clench around nothing, and he almost cries out when his cum slowly makes its way out of you, gliding down the length of your clit before it drips onto the mattress below you. “Such a good girl.” he breathes as he steps closer to you, before getting on his knees behind you.
His tongue licks a broad stripe up between your lips, following the trail of his cum before he makes a good job at cleaning you with his tongue. Your breathing is jerky along with your body, the oversenstiveness taking over you for good. He makes sure you’re all clean before he helps you under the covers, planting a kiss against your forehead as your eyes flutter shut.
“Thank you, daddy.” you whisper as he pulls back to get dressed, and he notices your breathing coming to soft puffs, letting him know you were fast asleep before he finishes dressing himself, making himself presentable in your vanity mirror. He runs a hand through his blond streaks, drying the corners of his mouth before he leans down to you again, pressing another kiss to your slightly parted lips.
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goffilolo · 3 years
Revival of Midoriya Izuku: Chapter 4 "My depression may be chronic, but my ass is iconic"
I bet you didn't think you were ever gonna see an update. well neither did I. What can I say? writing with a broken hand is a struggle.
Link to the fic on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16929483/chapters/81090403
Izuku’s first day of high school was interesting, to say the least, or it would’ve been if he actually went to school instead of spreading mayhem amongst UA’s first years. Shinjuku Metropolitan has been rather lenient in regards to his attendance or lack of thereof, thanks to whatever bullshit Shin wrote to the school on his behalf to ensure that the faculty would accommodate his ‘condition’. Which is just fancy wording for ‘I got a get out of school card’. Truth be told, this is probably the best thing that the doctor has ever done for him since Izuku was nowhere near ready to return to mainstream education, not after everything that has happened in middle school. The last thing he needed were looks of pity and guilt-induced niceties from people who otherwise had no problem laughing at his misfortune.
So instead Izuku has decided to spend his time productively - if you could count tormenting your ex-childhood friend and having an accidental family reunion as such.
Uncle Shouta always had a bit of a mean streak to him, although it never really felt as such when Izuku himself interacted with him. From what little of his childhood he could remember that didn’t involve trauma and discrimination, his uncle was a somewhat kind, but grumpy man. He believed in a brand of tough love - that somehow did not correspond with the way his mother raised him in the slightest and went above and beyond for things and people he held close to his heart. Sure they haven’t seen each other since Izuku was 4, but if his uncle’s empty threats from today’s Quirk Apprehension Test are anything to go by, not much has changed.
Which brings him back to now; sitting in an empty classroom that he does not belong to - a school that he does not belong to, writing down his ever-so-detailed notes about the quirks he will only be able to admire from afar. Not much has changed , indeed.
It almost feels like a betrayal. Almost , being the operative word, because he has no reason to cling onto the things that he no longer cares about - should no longer care about, for they had died along with him that day on the roof, and were properly buried within the four walls that Izuku called his own during his stay in the hospital.
But well...looks like today Izuku is in a mood to dig up old corpses.
Metaphorically, that is.
“God, you’re still here!”
“Kacchan we’ve talked about this” he replied, rather dramatically “God is dead and all that’s left is me”
Kacchan clearly did not appreciate his superior sense of humour, if the lack of response is anything to go by. “No seriously, why are you still here?”
“I could ask you the same”
“I actually study here you fuckwit!” the blond exclaimed in his ever explosive fashion “Besides I had to come back and get my change of clothes since that demonic pet of yours was sitting on them when we were all leaving for the test”
“Huh, that actually reminds me...where’s Bandit?”
“Oi, don’t change the subject you shitty Deku” replied Bakugou, as he kicked one of the chairs over towards the desk that was currently occupied by Izuku and slumped down in it in a way that would perhaps appear as non-caring to absolutely no one “I didn’t know your uncle was a pro-hero.”
Ah, so that’s what he was bothered about.
“That makes the two of us”
“Wait, really?!”
“Honestly Kacchan! Did you really think that IF I knew my uncle was a pro-hero that I would be able to ever shut up about it?”
“No way in hell!”
Well, now that the topic of his uncle has been cleared up, there wasn’t much else to talk about, at least not much that wouldn’t result in collateral damage or a Bakugou shitshow 2.0. Both of the boys were well aware of it of course, but let it never be said that either of them could be stopped by things like common sense, especially when it came to avoiding conversational land mines.
“So...what are you scribbling over here?” asked Bakugou in a rather poor and possibly the most awkward attempt at establishing small talk that has ever been known to man and sheep kind alike.
“Ok, no! That is not happening” snapped Izuku, who very much saw where this was going and was having none of it “We are NOT having a civil conversation!”
“Why the fuck not?!” replied the blond, his anger as booming and apparent as his quirk.
“Because that is not something we DO Kacchan!” shouted the teen, banging his hands against the desk, his notebook long forgotten.
“Well, maybe we should?!” exclaimed Bakugou, who was quick to anger, yet quicker to notice his ex-friend’s unusual mood as he tried to make an effort to de-escalate the situation.
“Oh? Should we really? !” sneered Izuku, feeling the kind of anger and disdain he hasn’t felt in a long time, not since that fateful day in the ward.
“That’s rich coming from you” he continued as he stood up form the chair, unable to keep still in his fury as he circled the classroom “All you ever did was shout at me, insult me and throw baseless accusations at me left and right for god knows how long, but suddenly YOU want to have a conversation with me? Isn’t it enough that we kinda talked about our feelings that one time when I was still stuck in the psych ward?!”
Honestly, what do you expect Kacchan?” asked Izuku, feeling raw and hysteric and all kinds of wrong, spilling his metaphorical guts to his ex-bully/friend “That we will just start having normal conversations like nothing ever happened, act like we’re friends or some shit? Because let’s be honest, we haven’t been friends for a very long time, that ship has sunk long before I even attempted suicide! ”
“Don’t you think I know that?!” screamed Bakugou, feeling equally angry, but mostly out of his depth in the situation. He expected Deku to possibly mock him for his awkward attempts at small talk. What the blond didn’t expect was for him to snap, in a way that was somewhat familiar but not quite, as even the few times they’ve spoken back when Izuku was in the hospital or when he got released, his tempter felt controlled in a way it was not at the moment. Katsuki wasn’t sure what exactly triggered such a strong response, but he was not looking forward to having another fight, at least not one initiated by him.
“I’m not trying to pretend it didn’t happen” he explained “I just want to move forward. I’m not the same asshole I was last year and neither are you, so I don’t want to be stuck on how things used to be ! It makes me feel like I’m going nowhere.”
“Ok! Fine! You wanna talk?! Then let me fuckin TELL you something! You asked me what I was ‘scribbling’ over here?” exclaims Izuku, as he stomps his way back towards the desk and snatches his notebook, waving it aggressively in front of Bakugou “IT’S THE SAME STUFF I’VE BEEN SCRIBBLING THE ENTIRE GODDAMN TIME!” he screamed “Those quirk analysis notebooks you used to mock me for? It’s another one of those because as it turns out  I still AM the same asshole I was last year! Now then, can YOU tell ME how many of those I’ve had?”
“Thirteen…” mutters Bakugou, feeling like he’s walking into a proverbial trap.
“Good boy, you can count! Now, can you tell me what number does it say on this one?” sneers Izuku sarcastically as he points once again at the notebook in question.
“Is this a trick question? There’s fuckin nothing on it”
“EXACTLY! And you want to know why?” screamed the distressed teen, no longer feeling angry, but tired and vulnerable, unable to stop himself from having a conversation he didn’t even want to be a part of “Because these notes used to serve a purpose, a purpose I no longer have. Hero Analysis for the Future , to be exact. But guess what Kacchan…” he whispered, no longer looking at the red eyes that used to bring him so much pain “...I no longer have a future…”
The blond hung his head in shame as he listened to his childhood friend break down in tears while hiding his face behind the very notebook that started their argument, all the while Trash Bandit who woke up due to their screaming was trying to get his owner’s attention with pathetically quiet ‘baaah’s.
“You have the right to be angry with me, after all this shit I put you through” stated Bakugou after what felt like an endless silence broken only by Izuku’s stuttering sobs. He never thought of himself as a coward, but at this moment he could not find enough bravery to sit face to face with the crying teen.
“I KNOW that you shithead-” replied Izuku as he shakily tried to take a breath in between the sobs “-but what good is that gonna do?! You’ve actually admitted that the way you treated me was wrong, hell you even voluntarily went to therapy! You’re basically going through a whole-ass redemption arc and what do I do? * sob * I’m still stuck in the past and I can’t let go of my grudges, which isn’t doing me or you any favours. I’ve told you to get your shit together, and this is exactly what you’re trying to do and instead of being h-* hic *- happy for you I’m mad-”
His rant broke off as he took another breath with tears still rolling down the freckled cheeks despite the boy’s best efforts. Izuku slumped down in his seat and with shaking hands he took out a cigarette and lighter from his backpack that was still hanging by the hook on the side of the desk. And although putting the cigarette in his mouth was relatively easy, lighting it was another matter. As Izuku grew more frustrated with the quiver in his hands, so did Bakugou. The blond became impatient as he grumbled “give it here damn it” much more quietly and gently than he normally would’ve done as he leaned forward, all the while grabbing the other teen by his shoulder with one hand, as he used to the other to quickly light the cigarette with a small explosion. Izuku’s flinch at the sudden but familiar noise and heat did not go unnoticed.
To say that Izuku was shocked by his ex-friend’s action would’ve been an understatement, but he was pleased nonetheless. If anything it proved his point that Kacchan was trying to be nicer to him, even if the attempts were somewhat awkward. The freckled teen, feeling only marginally better, leaned back in his chair facing the ceiling as he continued to blow circles of smoke up into the air, trying to regain his original train of thought.
“You’d think they would have a fire alarm in here or something” mused Bakugou as he stared at the disappearing circles.
“Hmm” replied Izuku, absentmindedly “You’d think”
The silence has once again stretched between the 2 boys, although this time it felt less oppressive in its need to be filled. Bakugou was happy to wait for Deku to finish what he started, it was the least the blond could do seeing as he was at fault for the current state of things between them.
“I’m so fuckin angry...” stated Izuku as he crashed the burnt out cigarette against the desk, which Bakugou conviniently ignored seeing as the desk was his. “I’m so fuckin angry-” he repeated despite his tone and words not matching at all “-because this proves that you could’ve gotten your shit together this whole time” he continues while gesturing vaguely between the two of them.
“You could’ve stopped this bullshit and apologised to me!” exclaims Izuku in a tone that is half resigned and half accusing “You could’ve spared me the misery, and yet you didn’t. I feel like I’ve suffered for nothing-”
“You did!” interrupted the blond.
“You’ve suffered for nothing” clarified Bakugou “There’s literally NO good reason for you to have gone through even half the shit you did”
“I dunno about that Kacchan” teased Izuku “I’m pretty sure the reason is sitting right in front of me”
“I said no good reason damn it, don’t go around twisting my words you fuckin Deku!”
And Izuku couldn’t help but break out in laughter, because he was pretty sure that this was the first time ever that Bakugou had made a joke at his own expense and this moment was going to live in his brain rent free from now on.
“Oh God, Kacchan-” he wheezed, trying to stop himself from laughing “You were right, you really aren't the same asshole that you were last year!”
“I sure fuckin hope not” replied Bakgou who was just as close to laughing “Otherwise I would’ve had to demand refund for all of those shitty therapy sessions”
“Look at us Kacchan” said Izuku, his laugh now subdued “We’re still a fuckin mess”
“I guess we are” agreed the blond as he stared down at his friend’s notebook in a thoughtful expression.
After the truthfully embarrassing heart-to-heart with Kacchan, Izuku wanted to do nothing more than sink into the void for the next eternity, or at least until he gets his reminder text that he’s running late for yet another therapy session. Unfortunately neither of these options were viable seeing as he was on a self-appointed mission to catch up to his uncle. The boy hoped that uncle Shouta would still be somewhere on the premises seeing as his ugly-ass sleeping bag was still in the classroom. Izuku used that to his advantage as he gave the sleeping bag to Bandit who promptly sniffed it and began to follow the scent of a premature-midlife-crisis. Who knew that sheep could make such good hounds?
Bandit had dutifully led their owner through an ever inconvenient maze of corridors, which eventually ended with the two entering the teacher’s lounge like they had every right to be there (which they kinda did, shoutout to Nedzu!). As expected, Izuku’s uncle was in the lounge, surrounded by fellow members of staff as they tried (unsuccessfully, at least by Izuku’s standards) to get any information out of him regarding his class this year. Uncle Shouta for the most part looked like he’d rather be doing anything else and so Izuku has made an executive decision to insert himself obnoxiously into the situation.
“In my humble opinion-” he said, as he sat down next to his uncle, while Bandit jumped up on his lap “that Mineta kid should’ve been expelled. Like, we get it uncle, he has potential ” continued Izuku, as he spat the word distastefully “But how far is that potential gonna get him when all he does is harass the entire female population, like every other mediocre straight guy with self awareness of a sea cucumber?”
“A sea cucumber? Really?” asked uncle Shouta, sounding like the unimpressed bitch that he is.
“I mean don’t get me wrong” he continues, completely ignoring the unnecessary commentary “Straight people are already embarrassing as they are, but this guy is on another level, the kinda level that usually leads to a straight jacket, am I right?! Hah- I just made a pun!”
“The little listener does have a point, Shouta” replied Present Mic.
“Also, did he just say uncle ? Shouta, is there anything you’d like to tell us?” asked Midnight, you know, like a traitor.
It wasn’t until they walked past the gates of the school that his uncle finally stopped in his tracks to voice at least a portion of the questions that have been bubbling in his mind since the impromptu family reunion with his nephew.
“Izuku” says Shouta, with as much concern as an uncle-who-you-haven’t-seen-in-almost-a-decade is allowed to voice “What the fuck?”
“Look, I heard that question far too often in my lifetime, mostly from my therapist, so you’re gonna have to be a bit more specific” replies Izuku sounding like the unimpressed bitch that he hopes to evolve into through the sheer power of genetics and generational trauma.
“Look kid-” says the hobo looking man that has the privilege of being related to Izuku as he puts his hands together, takes a deep breath and prays to whichever God he believes is not yet dead for some guidance on how to handle this “-as much as I’d love to elaborate on the sheer amount of confusion I am experiencing right now due to your questionable way of life, I do actually have to go on a patrol so this conversation is gonna have to be postponed. In the meanwhile give your mother my regards, and I’ll hopefully see you in the near future when you decide once again to wreak havoc in my classroom.”
“No” replies the freckled teen in a total disregard for other people’s prior engagements, thus truly earning his title of a problem child.
“What do you mean no ? Izuku, I have a job to do!”
Instead of replying, Izuku has decided to simply pull a pro-gamer move, by quickly taking out a familiar pair of handcuffs from the side pocket of his backpack, cuffing one side to his uncle’s hand and the other to his own. That on its own is probably not particularly impressive, however it is the speed of the action that has earned it the title of a pro-gamer move, which Izuku is quite proud of. His uncle on the other hand is definitely less so, looking at his cuffed wrist like it has somewhat betrayed him.
“Please tell me you did not just do that”
“I did not just do that”
After wasting about 10 minutes of his life on fruitless struggle of trying to get the handcuffs off like an untrained dog trying to chew off its own leash, Aizawa Shouta; the underground hero Eraserhead, the infamous Erasure Hero has slumped in defeat, internally swearing to himself to one day get revenge on his unruly nephew.
“God, I am so going to have a talk with my sister about this” he says, as if a threat of authority had any meaning to the green headed teen.
“Yeah, no shit, that’s the whole point, we’re going to my house now” replies the teen, completely disregarding any attempt at ‘ an adult asserting their authority ’ over him.
“I still have to go on a patrol tonight” repeats Shouta, as if it was somewhat relevant.
“That sounds like a you problem”
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
Tonight’s Showing
Part 1 [CURRENT]
Part 2
DT: @bargledblocks my beloved <3 and @snapdragonfirefly my beloved <3
------------The screaming and yelling tore into his mind, filling him with pain. The screams, Tommy’s screams, called out to him, begging for him to save him. He didn’t want to leave the boy there, he never even dreamed of such a thing! That stupid security issue that occured a week ago had started all this, and Sam hated every bit of it. He didn’t know what to do in the situation. What was there to do? 
His eyes widened at the tone of Tommy’s voice coming through to him from the communicator. Tommy sounded terrified. He couldn’t do it, he couldn’t wait any longer. Rushing through the halls towards the main cell, Sam was fully prepared to get Tommy out of there. Fueled by the screams, he stumbled into the room, flipping the switch to undo the lava. His fear and adrenaline only grew the moment the screams fell silent. Why was Tommy silent? Before he could even see the lava fall, however, a bright light momentarily blinded him. Upon regaining his sight and senses, he was quick to draw his weapon, only to realize he had no weapons or armor on him. The only thing he had were his everyday clothes.
“Why am I here? Where is here?”
He quickly turned around to see that he was not alone in this confusing predicament. Everyone from the server was appearing into the strange room, all panicked and confused. Ranboo quickly rushed to check on Tubbo, who appeared to be digging around his pockets for some form of protection. Ghostbur, Techno, and Phil stuck close to each other, the latter two wary and ready to fight. Heck, even Drista was there! Everyone was the same, armorless and weaponless. Everyone, including-
Everyone turned to watch as Sapnap’s fist flew threw the air, connecting to a familiar mask. Dream. Dream struggled against Sapnap for a moment, his mask as crazed as his movements. Before the two could exchange any more punches, an invisible force separated the former friends. As the two regained their senses, everyone could get a good look at the freed prisoner. Whether the blood on him was from the altercation with Sapnap or not, no one knew. Standing there, mask facing mask, Drista could only stare as she questioned her older brother.
“What did you do?”
“He did something despicable and disgusting.”
The unfamiliar voice caught everyone’s attention, causing them to turn and face the direction of it. Standing there was a petite woman, watching them. Studying all their expressions, she snorted as she turned to face Dream, who was trying to walk forward. 
“Don’t even try leaving that small area, Dream, you can’t. Then again, I’d enjoy seeing you struggle, Bitch Boy.”
“Who are you?”
“Didn’t Tommy tell you guys? Wait, I forgot that none of you ever took him seriously when he mentioned me. The name’s Clara, I’m the lady in the sky.”
Lani played with her fingers, unsure of what to say or do. Sticking close to her brother, she gathered her confidence before speaking to the mysterious “lady in the sky”.
“Excuse me? Clara? Did you bring us here?”
“Yes! Well, with a little help, of course.”
Clara smiled as a grand being glitched into the room, his white orb of a head spinning in delight. Stopping the orb from spinning, his shoulders shook in joy as his prominent ‘XD’ presented itself to everyone there. Techno and Phil pressed their lips together as they shared a knowing look, obviously not expecting to see the god once again.
“Oh, you make me blush, Clara.”
“I do no such thing, we both know that. Did you give unhacked access for the others to join us?”
“Yes, they should be here any moment now.”
Just then, a dark door emerged from the ground. Watched as the knob twisted and jiggled, the residents of the server didn’t know what to expect. When the door opened, however, they could only watch in confusion. Everyone, that is, aside from Phil and Techno, who happily rushed to her side.
Said woman smiled and giggled as Phil gathered her in his arms, planting kisses on her face as his broken wings flapped in excitement. Her own wings, white and pure, happily fluttered behind her as she returned the gesture. Pulling away, she turned to face Techno, a hand on his face as she smiled.
“And how is my eldest child?”
“Eh, you know. Here and there.”
“Here and there, indeed.”
“I’m sorry, what is going on here.”
Quackity watched the scene unfold in genuine confusion. Who was this lady named Kristin? Why was she so important to both Phil and Techno? Where did she even come from? He wasn’t the only one confused, pretty much everyone in the room was. Smiling as she stood in front of both men, Kristin hummed as she extended her arms in a welcoming manner.
“My apologies, I forgot to introduce myself! Hello, my name is Kristin! I’m the wife of Phil, as well as the mother of Technoblade, Wilbur, and Tommy! I’m also Death itself.”
“I’m sorry, Philza Minecraft fucked death?!”
“Wait, Techno is Phil’s kid?! I thought they were just business partners!”
“Business partners? I thought they were just besties!”
“I’m still not over the fact that Techno is related to Wilbur and Tommy.”
“I knew about Tommy being brothers with those two, as well as being Phil’s son, but I didn’t know about death being his mother! You’d think he’d tell me, given that I’m his best friend!”
“You knew?!”
“And you never corrected us?!”
“Thought it was just a dumb inside joke.”
Ignoring the chaos caused by those around her, Kristin made her way to Fundy, who was frozen in uncertainty. Smiling as she placed her hands on both sides of his face, Kristin gave the fox hybrid a sincere greeting.
“My my, what a lovely young man. It’s finally great to meet you, Fundy. Look at you, I’m so proud to call you my first grandchild.”
She knew that her words caused her husband to flinch, it’s what she intended. As much as she loved and adored her significant other, she did find it sad that Fundy was denied the right to be loved. He deserved to feel loved and important, because he was.
“I can’t wait to learn all about you during the free periods! Oh! Speaking of grandchildren, silly me.”
They watched as Kristin made her way back to her opened door. Peering in, she spoke out in a gentle voice.
“Twins? Can you two please come out? Grandma will make sure no one hurts you two.”
Everyone watched as two small figures made their way out of the door, tiny hands holding onto one another. Watching as the door disappeared back into the ground, the twins turned to face Kristin. Humming, she gathered the two in her arms as she presented them to the room.
“Family, not family, meet Clementine and William-”
“-I’m sorry, love. Meet Clementine and Wilbur! They’re technically Tommy’s children, born from the debris of his star.”
“I’m sorry, his star?”
“That will be revealed soon enough, no worries.”
Clementine just glared at the occupants of the room, her pigtailed hair bouncing as she turned to make sure everyone saw her expression. Wilbur, on the other hand, opted to hide behind his curled hair, painted in the same blond color as his sister’s. 
“Did he name his son after his dead brother? Because if so, that did not age well-”
“Fuck you!”
Everyone watched with apaled expressions as Clementine glared Dream down, flipping him off with her tiny fingers. Kristin shook her head in mock annoyance as Clara belted out in laughter, XD following in suit. Doing her best to regain her composure, Clara spoke up once again.
“Oh my Me, she certainly is Tommy’s daughter.”
“Well, as much as I don’t enjoy hearing my youngest son and my only granddaughter curse out their issues, she did do it in her brother’s and uncle’s honor, so I’ll let it slide.”
“Go on, go sit with your cousin.”
Kristin set the twins down back on the ground, smiling as Clementine immediately took her brother’s hand in her own. Pulling him along, the two happily ran up to Fundy, smiling as they did so. The moment was interrupted by Quackity, who was unsure of everything.
“As great as witnessing this family reunion was, why are we all here?”
Sam nodded as he agreed with Quackity, speaking up as he gave Dream a pointed look.
“Not to be rude, but I agree. Something happened back in the prison, and I haven’t been able to see what.”
“Ah, yes. That is exactly why we’re here. Kristin, XD, if you will.”
The two nodded at Clara before taking each other’s hands. Closing her eyes, Kristin began mumbling as XD stood there, waiting. Once Kristin finished her mumbling, XD released one of his hands from her, drawing invisible signs on the air. Once he was done, both deities gave a synchronized nod. Rumbling was heard as a tunnel emerged out of nothing. A train emerged from it, coming to a sudden stop. As the doors slowly opened, everyone froze as they watched the occupants walk out, confused and cautious. 
“And me, MD!”
Before anyone else could make a move or sound, Clara spoke up once more.
“As much as I want more of these sweet reunions to occur, we really do need to get a move on. Now, I am very tired of everyone treating my poor starchild with such unjust unfairness. Don’t get me wrong, Tommy does make mistakes and his narrative is in his perspective, but come on! Blaming everything on him? This is getting ridiculous at this point! Now, you are all going to sit here and feel and hear everything he did! I, alongside Kristin and XD, will be monitoring you all. And Dream? Don’t make me go over there.”
Without warning, the environment completely changed. The group suddenly found themselves in the vast emptiness of space. They didn’t know what they were looking for, no one but Kristin. Said woman could only grimace as she nodded to herself, unconsciously touching her stomach.
“I remember this.”
“Remember what-?”
The group turned to see another Kristin scream out in pain, her hand resting on the bump of the belly. They watched as she tried to take a step, only to double down in pain again.
Phil grimaced as he leaned away from his wife, who laughed as she kept sikeing him out with her fist. Wilbur snickered at the sight. Turning back to the scene before them, they watched as Clara quickly rushed to Kristin’s sign, obviously not enjoying her distress.
“Clara, I- Ah! I don’t think- think I can make it to the bo-OOOOOOAH! The boys! I know I promised, but I can’t.”
“Phil will understand, dear. Breathe with me, in and out, okay? I don’t know a thing about human childbirth, but I know starchildbirth. Allow me to help, okay? I don’t like to see you in pain, and neither would your husband or sons.”
Clara pulled out a small orb from her pocket, holding it in the palm of her hand. Gently holding it against Kristin’s belly. Closing her eyes, she mumbled as the dull like of the orb brightened, growing in size as it did so.
“What is she doing?”
“That orb in my hand? That’s a dying star that I collected that morning. I’m using it to dub Tommy a starchild so that Kristin wouldn’t struggle with giving birth.”
Kristin let out a sigh of relief, her screams and sobs subsiding. Taking deep breaths to try and calm herself, she rubbed her face as she tried to wipe away her tears. Mumbling out a thank you, she watched as Clara extended the bright orb to her.
“Here he is, a healthy little boy! He’ll shine brighter than the sun, I’m certain of it.”
Kristin smiled as she took the orb into her own hands, watching as the light dimmed, revealing the newly born child. Tufts of blond hair poked out of his head as she adjusted the blanket. Kristin couldn’t help but let more tears fall as she held him close, kissing his forehead.
“He already looks so much like his father. Oh, Phil will be upset that he missed this.”
“Go and see your family, I’ll cover your shift for you.”
“Thank you.”
Kristin summoned a door, adjusting her youngest son as she walked through it. Navigating through the dark void, she came across another door. Opening the door, she stepped outside into a secluded area in the woods. Walking down the path, she approached the cozy cottage that proudly stood there. Knocking on the door, she cooed at the child in her arms as she waited for the door to open.
“Meet your son, Phil. He looks so much like you.”
The group watched as Phil dropped everything in his hands, startling his sons from the other room. Holding his newborn son and wife in his arms, he wept tears of joy as a tiny Wilbur and Techno rushed in, prepared for the worst. Seeing that it was only their mother, their worried looks morphed into joyful expressions.
“My boys! Come, meet your new brother.”
The two boys staggered for a bit, eyes widening at the revelation of the newest addition of the family. Watching as Phil and Kristin stared down at the bundle with great love and joy, they couldn’t help but feel excited at the sight. 
“Can we hold him?”
“Of course, just be gentle with him, okay boys?”
The twins carefully cradled the bundle in both their arms, working together to keep him safe and secure in their arms. Watching the sleeping child, they were in awe at the sight.’
“He has golden hair! Just like papa!”
“Gold! Gold! Gold!”
Kristin and Phil both laughed as they watched, joy and love filling them. Humming, Phil spoke up in a gentle tone.
“Well? What’re you two gonna name him?”
The twins just watched their baby brother as he slept soundly in their arms. Suddenly, startling the twins, their new brother yawned and squirmed in their arms. Rubbing his eyes with his tiny fists, he blinked his eyes open for the first time. Blinking up at them, he tilted his head as he squirmed. It wasn’t until Wilbur spoke up that he reacted.
“Tommy. Let’s call him Tommy.”
Everyone gasped as the feeling of immense love and wonder filled them, something they weren’t prepared for. Doing their best to cope with the feeling, they watched as the baby let out gurgles of giggles, reaching for his brothers. It was only then that they realized that Tommy was a very emotion-driven person, and they were going to feel every bit of that.
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coochiequeens · 3 years
Heide Spence, a mother of two, said she does not remember a time in her life since getting her first menstrual cycle at age 10 when she did not suffer from painful period complications.
"I wouldn’t have a period for months at a time and then I would get one and it would look like a crime scene because it was so much blood," Spence, now 40, told "Good Morning America." "I would travel to work with a change of clothes because I would go from home to work 15 minutes away and would have bled through an overnight pad."
Spence, of New Jersey, said she was told by doctors over the years that her symptoms were nothing to worry about, or that one heavy period was just the result of her not having a period the months before.
Being a young, single mom on Medicaid at the time only made things harder, according to Spence.
"Taking care of my health was at the bottom of my priority list because at some jobs I worked at I didn’t have PTO [paid time off]," she said. "If I didn’t work, I wouldn’t get paid. I couldn’t afford to miss a week of work for an ablation surgery or procedure."
Five years ago, in 2017, Spence said she reached a breaking point.
"I had bled for a month. I was exhausted and I went to a new doctor," she said. "I told her, 'I can’t keep doing this. I don’t have the energy to go to work. I can’t be an effective mother to my kids. I can’t afford to take time off work.'"
The doctor performed a biopsy on Spence, which detected endometrial cancer, a common type of uterine cancer.
"She was like, 'I need to get you into surgery as soon as possible,'" Spence recalled the doctor saying. "That was just crazy for me, and very life-changing. I don't know what could have happened if I had not had that wit's end moment."
Though endometrial cancer is slightly more common in white women, Black women have a 90% higher mortality rate with the disease, due in part to the advanced stage at which they often receive a diagnosis, according to a 2020 study published in JAMA Network Open.
It's a similar story for cervical cancer and breast cancer too. A study released in January that looked at women in Georgia found Black women are more likely than white women to be diagnosed at a later stage of cervical cancer and are nearly one-and-a-half times more likely to die of the disease.
With breast cancer, Black women are younger at diagnosis and are more likely to be diagnosed with aggressive or advanced forms of breast cancer, compared to white women. Among all racial and ethnic groups, Black women are more likely to die from breast cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute.
Among other health disparities, Black women have the highest rate of obesity compared to other groups, according to the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, and nearly 50% of Black women ages 20 and older have heart disease, according to the American Heart Association.
When giving birth, Black women are three times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related cause than white women, according to the CDC.
Following her cancer diagnosis, at age 36, Spence underwent a hysterectomy, which she said she felt like was her only option.
The experience, she said, changed how she approaches her health.
"I definitely prioritize my health more," said Spence. "I definitely seek out help and I tend to ask to see a minority doctor now."
A problem with a long history.
From the early days of slavery onto segregation, the data threads a line to current poor health outcomes among Black women.
One study released in 2017 found that among women who currently had breast cancer, Black women who were born in a state with Jim Crow laws at the time faced a higher risk of being diagnosed with more severe breast cancer tumors.
The mistrust of the medical community among Black people traces all the way back to examples like Henrietta Lacks, an African-American womanwhose cells were collected from her body and used for medical research without her consent in 1951. Decades earlier, in the 1930s, 600 Black men were unknowingly recruited into U.S. Public Health study on syphilis at the Tuskegee Institute, which continued for 40 years.
More recently, a study of over 500 medical students and residents found that half held at least one false belief about biological differences between Black and white patients, like the myth that Black patients have a higher pain tolerance, according to the study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
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gt-newbie · 3 years
Hey, ever since finding out about G/t, I wanted to try my hands at writing and I've been sitting on an idea for months. Only now, after a lot of anxiety and stress for it, I've decided to try it. I'm pretty new to writing in general, so I'm sorry if it sucks ass.
Our Place (1/??)
[Vifnep Altau (the borrower)]
Things couldn't possibly get any worse. I'm at the end of my line with my hunger and I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I can't go down because of some rodents scurrying around and at my current strength, I can't possibly climb up anymore. I'd just fall to my death, though I'm not sure if that would be a faster, better death. My only escape now...is through the crack in the wall right in front of me...leading into a human's appartment...
I was never trained for borrowing. In her worries of keeping me safe, my mother never trained me in those arts, which doomed me. However, I only have myself to blame for trying, getting found by Harvey and.....
There's no time to dwell on the past. I grab my grappling hook made from a safety pin and rope and prepare myself to enter the human's habitat, both physically and mentally. The crack leads into an open cupboard mounted on the wall filled with plates, glasses and the likes. To my dismay, the human is still around, focused on his computer turned the other way from me. My heart's pounding out of my chest, but if I'm fast, grab a crumb of bread or 2 and leave, I'll be fed for a day.
I plant the pin firmly into the cupboard and begin my descend. As I go down, I can't help but look back and forth between the human and the large drop under me. My only hope was that the pin would stay firmly in place and not break. My prayers were answered, as it wasn't the pin, but the rope to snap, forcing my way down with a loud thump. My entire body hurts, but I dont think anything's broken. That's not my most immediate concern however, hearing the human getting out of his creaking chair. He heard me.
I dont have a lot of time, and in my frantic panic, I try to hide behind a pepper mill. The footsteps are getting louder and louder all the while I hug my legs more and more, trying to be as small as possible not to be seen. Who am I kidding though? He's gonna find me and for all I know, he could be worse than Harvey.
I'm almost begging for a quick death.
[Brandon Mccoy (the human)]
While browsing some internet sites and not contributing to society, I hear something small fall behind me, followed by a soft yelp. The neighbours mentioned having a rodent situation, so the little rascals probably made their way into my walls as well. Should've fixed that hole in the wall months ago instead of hiding it with some plates and thinking "That'll do".
I stand up to go and find the rat and trap it with a box to release it outside, but to my surprise, I find a pin with some string wedged into the cupboard with the hole, and looking down, more string. In my confusion, in the corner of my eye, I spot something behind the pepper mill. Something... purple and shaking. Though I'd love to joke around with that description, I grab the mill and nearly drop it again from the sight. I know what I'm seeing, but I can't comprehend it.
On my counter sits a small human, trembling, looking up terrified at me. He has purple hair, is riddled with scars, has a lean stature and is dressed in stitched up, overgrown grey clothes. The longer I look, the more tiny steps he takes back.
"Uhh...hello?" I say, quietly waving my hand. That was the final straw for him as he makes a break for it.
"H-Hey, wait. I dont mean any harm" but it's futile. He keeps on running and eventually makes his way to the microwave, hiding behind it.
I almost try to move the microwave to see him, but quickly realise that would scare him even more. Instead, I look at him from a distance through the crack. He's hugging his legs tightly and seems to be crying. My heart aches at this.
"I swear, I dont mean any harm...you look pretty malnourished. Would you like some food?" but every word I say just makes the situation worse, his crying becoming more and more frantic, all the while he tries to wipe them on a pink bandana around his neck. I suppose actions speak louder than words, so I go to get him some food and look for something small enough to hold water.
Of course I'm also wondering about how to get to know more about him without terrifying the poor thing.
Next part
Thanks to @kaseysgtnonsense and @mryield for supporting me with my stupid shit.
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an-anaemic-pen · 3 years
Dance of the Little Swan I.iii
Dance of the Harpy
Prelude || Overture
Summary: The Jötnar were thought to be long-since-gone within the mortal realm. Amidst all of her fakery, Mommy Fortuna holds Loki, trapped in birth from and far from what he once considered home, as well as another little treasure: a swan maiden.
(Yes, this is a crossover, but the Last Unicorn is fairly minimal plot-wise and it’s largely a Loki fic)
Relationships: F/M (Loki/Original Female Character, Molly Grue/Schmendrick)
Rating: M (Graphic Depictions of Violence, Sexual Content)
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Loki’s skin had returned to its usual color after a few days.
The little girl attracted much attention, and Mommy Fortuna was making quite a profit—not that Ceana even  knew anything about how the hag handled her money. The only thing she knew was that Mommy Fortuna looked something brushing against happier than usual and Ruhk had asked for a raise.
They’d been carted across the land for about a week since she and Loki had last spoken.
One night, Ceana had woken up to find his crimson eyes watching her  far  too intently.
She had not slept as well since.
The carts were rattling down a dirt path between two of the larger towns. Out of nowhere, there was a loud screech.
Ceana’s gaze bolted upward. In the cloudy evening sky, she saw a silhouette; the most terrifying silhouette she could possibly imagine. Of course, she’d heard of the harpy in tales, but never imagined she’d come across one in real life.
She was circling the caravan like a hawk, her eye beedy.
By work of the witch’s magic, the cloak, pinned at the tip of her cage, fell down in one movement. Ceana was left in darkness. The cage rattled more as the horses grew uneasy.
Anticipation was pressing against her being. Her heart was pounding, and she sat frozen, barely able to breathe as she waited for the attack. Harpies had keen senses of smell, didn’t they? Could she smell Ceana beneath the covering?
It did not matter, Ceana knew, because the Jötunn would most certainly find her to be a perfect meal.
The harpy cried out, and adrenaline spiked her system.
Ceana squirmed around the prison, desperately reaching out in an attempt to grab the covering and see what was going on. She was able to lift it up enough to see the front of the caravan was—
It had halted, her cart stopping not long after. She heard another cry, a loud crash, and the splintering of wood. Ceana rushed to the other side of her prison, looking to the back of the caravan.
The giant creature had landed atop Loki’s cart, her sheer mass breaking the roof of his prison. She spread her wings, knocking the cart over as she lifted off. Ceana covered her cage, curling up in a ball and wrapping her arms around her head.
Smaller prey would surely not be as enticing as the horses, who were far more substantial than she. If she had the luck to escape the harpy alive, perhaps she could escape Loki without losing a limb, as well. Ceana hoped her luck could hold out for that long, especially after being so poor for the period of time she had been imprisoned.
It felt like the horse was attempting to break free of his holds. Ceana’s cage fell from its base, knocking her to the ground. She could feel her body bruising as she slammed against the metal.
The world outside her dark little haven was muffled havoc. She could hear grunts and garbled yells, they were Ruhk’s, she realized, as well as Mommy Fortuna calling out spells. A grotesque squelch entered her ears as the witch’s voice was rather abruptly cut off.
Chills ran along her entire body. Ceana felt faint.
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“Awaken, swan.”
Ceana did not wish to. The world of sleep was quiet and warm, and she did not have to deal with the poking hands of those in the crowd. An icy palm touched her shoulder, and Ceana’s eyes flickered open. She lurched away from the freezing touch, banging her head against something hard.
“Stay still, lest you wish to die,” the voice was demanding, yet also surprisingly gentle.
After a few moments of awkward half-staring and much blinking, Ceana was able to get her eyes to focus. The clouds had cleared to reveal the sun. The blazing sunset framed him, the orange a sharp contrast to his blue skin.
Ceana was still inside her cage, and her cloak felt like it had been draped over her form.  He has seen me, then.
She stared at him with wide eyes as he reached through the door of her cage, which looked to have been forced open since the lock was broken, and flinched when he touched her. He had not done so since the ship, and she expected his palm to be cold, but it felt…  normal —if that was the correct phrase.
Ceana did something at least akin to relax when he next spoke. “You are hurt,” he said.
Ceana’s eyes followed his arm to where he was lifting her shin to inspect it. Only now did she notice the large scrape across her skin and realize how much it hurt. Her head panged and she carefully lifted her hand.
Her arm didn’t hurt outside the dull ache caused by a bruise, and she gingerly felt the pain on her head. Thankfully, it was just a bump; her mother had always called them goose-eggs. The memory made her smile softly—she missed her family.
Loki ripped off a large section of the cloak and Ceana yelped in surprise; he flinched at the volume of her voice. She immediately held the remaining cover closer against her.
“Must you  scream  when I am trying to  help you?” He proceeded to grab her leg.
When Ceana attempted to kick him, he simply gripped her tighter. She struggled against him with all of her might—not that there  was  much. So, he grabbed her foot with his free hand, pinning her against the cold metal of the cage.
“Don’t eat me!” Ceana yelped and tried to scramble back. She had been hoping she would sound threatening, or at least defensive, but it came out as more of a plea.
He barked out a laugh. “Perhaps I won’t if you sit still.”
The ‘perhaps’ was all it took for her to be subdued. She hadn’t been eaten by the harpy, so perhaps her luck would hold out.
“Good.” He wrapped her lower leg in the scrap of cloth, tying it tightly enough that it wouldn’t come loose, but not so tightly that it was uncomfortable.
Then, he offered her his hand.
Ceana looked at it, half dumbfounded that she was still alive.
“Would you like me to leave you in the cage to starve?”
Ceana only had half her mind when she answered: “no.”
“No,  Your Highness.”
She bit her lip. He  had just helped her, as he said he would. “No, Your Highness.” She wrapped the cloak around her as best as she could before hesitantly taking his hand. Against his blue palm, her hands appeared even smaller and more delicate.
Loki hoisted her up, one hand holding hers while the other wrapped carefully around her waist. Ceana couldn’t tell whether it was to help support her and keep her body covered by the cloak, or to have an excuse to touch her. Perhaps it was both? She didn’t know much about mortal men, let alone  Jötnar.
Once she was safely out of the cage, Loki released his grasp. Ceana noticed him avert his gaze and she took the chance to rearrange the cloth into a makeshift dress of sorts. She grabbed the covering of her cage, splayed out across the grass in a disheveled heap, and wrapped it around her shoulders as an extra layer.
Then, she heard a quiet sob.
It wasn’t coming from Loki, of course, but from the general direction he was standing in, relative to Ceana. She took a few steps towards the noise, limping slightly as she went.
  “You’re welcome.”
She raised her hand dismissively. Ceana knew she’d probably pay for that later, but she felt a maternal urge rise from somewhere within—gods only knew where—and she  needed  to find what was causing that sound.
She heard Loki not-so-subtly mutter “ungrateful wretch,” but she ignored it.
Ceana attempted to hurry her pace, and her foot got caught in the cloak’s trailing hem. She tripped, tumbling to the ground most ungracefully. The grass swished as someone walked past her. Then, the sobbing grew louder.
By the time Ceana was able to gain her footing again, the Jötunn had wrangled a small being from a cart’s wreckage and was carrying the screaming thing over to her. She realized it was the little girl, who was currently trying desperately to free herself from the tight grasp of the Jötunn.
He shoved the child into her arms and Ceana attempted to comfort her. When the screeching thing wouldn’t relax in her arms, Ceana put her down on the ground. She only had a minimal amount of experience with human children—her younger sisters were in swan form until they fully matured.
“Hey, hey, hey.” She began to shush the child—Annie, she decided to call her—and gently put her hands on the little one’s shoulders. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
Ceana glanced behind her. Loki was rummaging through the dead body that once belonged to Ruhk, his hands getting covered in blood as he sifted through the carnage.
Ceana opted to turn Annie around so the already-traumatized child would not see, shifting, so she was still in front of her. Then, she reached out, wiping away the tears streaming from Annie’s big blue eyes. Her hair was strawberry blonde, and she looked as she had before Mommy Fortuna had cast the illusion.
Ceana assumed that the old hag had gotten what she deserved.
“I know I’m not your mamma, but I can take care of you until we find her.” Ceana did not even know if the poor girl had a mother.
Annie seemed to begin to realize that Ceana was not going to hurt her, and ran into her arms, burying her face into Ceana’s chest.
She smiled softly, running her fingers through Annie’s tangled hair and picking out wood chips. The fact the girl had managed to survive with a just a few scrapes and bruises was a miracle, and Ceana found herself thanking the gods.
She glanced at Loki, who had moved on to another one of Mommy Fortuna’s henchmen.
Now that her racing heart was beginning to start the process of slowing down, Ceana realized that she felt…  free.  She had not felt that way since Mommy Fortuna had taken her feather.
Her sisters never told her about their hearts feeling confined after they were married. If she ever saw them again, she would have to ask them.
The feeling of freedom did not last long, however. She could hear Loki looting the bodies as Annie’s sobs quieted and the little one fell asleep. Annie was not at all heavy, but it felt like a moose had settled its weight upon her chest, and Ceana had to catch her breath for a moment.
She turned to the Jötunn. He was smiling.
He held up a woven garment of twigs which Ceana had used to make an armband; a small tail feather had been attached before she turned for the first time. Now, the feather was broken, snapped in two and barely hanging together where it was still held in one piece.
Loki walked up to her. When she tried to take her feather, he snatched it away. “For now, little swan, you are  mine.”
Her sisters had told her marriage was a wonderful thing. It was part of the legend—as long as the swan maiden put her feather out, a good, loving man would find it and become her husband. She would be bound it him, but he would be good to her. It was a fair trade, Ceana had thought. A male counterpart of her kind did not exist, so it was necessary for the maidens to find husbands.
But her feather had not brought her a good husband—it had not brought her a husband at all, and now, she was bound to a Jötunn who claimed he was the God of Lies. The weight over her heart told Ceana that Loki would  not  be good in any way.
“Come, swan, we must leave.” It was practically a purr. He knew the power he now held, dangling it over her head like a piece of bait.
Ceana pulled Annie against her, picking the child up and cradling her as she stood. Loki, thankfully, helped her up, but Ceana tore her arm from his grasp. The little child did not stir.
“We must find a brook to clean your wound. While you were addling about hugging that thing, I found the food supply and packed as much as I can carry.”
“Am I not going to carry it,  Your Highness?”  Ceana wasn’t exactly sure as to where the snark had come from, or why she was asking in the first place.
“You are  weak,  and it would slow us down. Do you recognize this area?”
She did not want to answer him. So, she didn’t. The legend dictated that she could not leave him, but she did not have to obey his every command, either.
“Speak,  unless you want me to make you my next meal.” He bared his teeth.
Her heart skipped a beat, and Ceana held onto Annie a little tighter. “No, I don’t know where we are.”
“Address me with my given title.”
“No, Your Highness.”
“The entire sentence.”
“Are you serious?”
“Do not question me,  swan—”
“Your Highness, you  are  aware that I have a name, correct?”
He scoffed. “Of course, Ǣsbiǫrndóttir. I merely figured you would not wish to grow too…  personal.” He cupped her face with his hand, his thumb running over her lower lip and sending icy relief to it. She could feel how swollen it was near the corner, most likely from accidentally biting herself while tumbling around in the cage.
It felt oddly intimate to have a hand cupping her cheek, so Ceana turned away. He lowered his hand, eyes glowering, and began to walk towards the sun.
Ceana decided to make the best out of a bad situation. “Do you plan on traveling all night? It would be best to remain here until the morning.”
The Jötunn looked at her, pondered, then spoke. “Very well. Find a place to put the child, then set up a camp while I will go collect wood. We leave at dawn.” Then, he walked away.
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It was a small fire, but the Jötunn, no surprise, stayed far away. Annie was still sound asleep, curled up amidst one of the covers. Loki had been kind enough to drag all of the bodies into one of the largest coverings, wrapping them up so they were out of sight. He said he would set them alight once they left.
Ceana was unlucky to have seen the remains of the witch. She now stared at the fire, trying to burn the image of the blood and various gore-ish organs out of her memory.
“What do you know of this place?”
Ceana looked up but said nothing.
“It was not a request, swan.”
Her lips pursed and she sighed in annoyance. “Not much, Your Highness.”
“I require the  actual information,  not a rough amount.”
Her eyebrow cocked, and Ceana blinked. “The way these people talk tells me that we are in Scotland. I would say we are somewhere in the highlands.”
“Is there anything else?”
“I know a few tales that are common across the land, if you would like to hear them.”
He seemed genuinely interested. Ceana did not believe him. “What creatures do you know of?”
She thought of every story she had heard while in the colder months, when she migrated south to stay with warmer weather. “I’ve heard of the Loch Ness Monster, Kelpies, and Selkies many times, as well as the Sídhe and spirits known as Fuathan. More uncommonly, I’ve heard of the three Siths, and only a couple of tales of the unicorn and the Sluagh.”
“Tell me of these creatures.”
“The Loch Ness Monster is a serpent-like monster. Not much is known about her other than her location. Kelpies are water spirits that appear as horses, luring their victims to ride them, then taking them off into the waters to drown them. Selkies are similar to those like myself, except they are seals, rather than swans, and the Sídhe are little humans the size of my smallest finger with wings, known for their work of mischief. I believe Fuathan are spirits in general, as I have not heard them be specified.”
“What of the three Siths? Are they something akin to the Nornir?”
Annie stirred and Ceana placed her hand lightly on the girl’s upper arm, soothing her back to sleep. She shook her head when Annie relaxed again. “The siths are three phantoms, unrelated other than the fact they all hail from the highlands. I do not know what their individual names are, but they are malevolent spirits.”
“What do you know of the Unicorn?”
Ceana blinked and followed Loki as he got up from the makeshift cloak he had made from one of the coverings—which Ceana, of course, was tasked with carrying when he grew too hot—and threw a plank of wood on the fire. He hissed when a wayward ember landed on his leg. He flicked it away and stalked back to where he had originally been, settling down on his cloak.
“Unicorns are rare creatures. They can only be seen by other magical creatures and pure-of-heart virgins. They hold rejuvenating magic unlike any other, and even the smallest amount of dust from a crushed horn can cure any illness or curse.”
“And the Sluagh?”
Chills ran down her spine. She had only heard one tale of the Sluagh, from an estranged man at the coast on her first migration being able to turn human. She and her sisters were resting on a beach when she turned into a maiden, walking around and growing more adjusted to her arms and un-webbed toes.
She’d run into the man, who didn’t seem to notice that she was completely uncovered, and he had gripped her by the shoulders desperately. “Beware the Sluagh,” he’d said, “vicious, vicious things, the restless dead coming from the west. You won’t make it out alive—not a pretty thing like you. No, the strongest warriors barely escape their hunger.”
Ceana had taken his shaking hands in hers. “Hunger?”
He’d leaned in so close their noses brushed against each other. “Flesh,” he’d whispered. “Warm, soft, human flesh.” He’d collapsed after that.
Ceana had promptly called her sisters and her mother, who had come with them. She’d pronounced him dead, and they’d flown off after that.
Ceana had not seen any Sluagh. Or perhaps she had and just hadn’t realized it; the man hadn’t exactly told her what they looked like.
“They are vicious flesh-eaters, Your Highness. Only the strongest of warriors barely escape them.”
“Flesh-eaters?” He barked out a laugh. Ceana briefly wondered as to why a supposed god’s laugh was so harsh. “I suppose every land has their legends.”
“You do not believe they are real?”
Loki sighed and lay down on his back. He absent-mindedly played with the broken feather, still attached to her armband. As if on impulse, he ripped the feather from the twigs and threw the woven article into Ceana’s lap. “You may keep that part; I have no use for it.”
“You did not answer my question, Your Highness.”
She barely noticed his crimson irises flicker in her direction. “I am a prince of the Nine Realms, girl,  I answer to none.”
She licked her lips, only then realizing how thirsty she was.  It will have to wait.  She didn’t want to leave Annie alone with the creature who might still eat both of them.  Power in numbers. She settled down, wrapping her cloak around her body like a cocoon and closing her eyes. She tried to ignore the innate and unmistakable sense that she was being watched.
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fancyfade · 3 years
so ive been debating editing chapter 3 on my fanfic to make 1 scene line up more from canon. (chapter 3 is this one, where the characters deal with the aftermath of battle for the cowl, Tim finds out Damian’s Robin, and Dick and Damian move to the penthouse)
I’m debating making the Tim finding out Damian’s Robin scene a little more canon compliant along what happened in Red Robin (link) for a few reasons, the main of which is in the scenes that I’m writing next (like... chapter 47 lol), Tim and Dick do have to talk about what transpired when Dick made Damian Robin. Potential reasons for change
In my fic Tim kind of just left on his own without a push, but I’m not sure if Tim would have left on such bad terms if there wasn’t the complication of Damian antagonizing him and him feeling as if Dick was picking Damian over him (even though in the comic we saw Dick trying to de-escalate and get Tim’s back, it still felt that way to Tim)
I dislike the way some of this was handled in the comic and I can’t really comment on it in my fic if I just retcon it out
it seems fair-er I guess if Tim is allowed to have flaws just like Cass and Damian and Dick all have flaws in this fic. i know many tim stans think otherwise, but punching a ten-year-old victim of child abuse in the face out of anger is wrong.
the con side is obviously this involves Damian getting hit and that kid has been through so much already. I’m really trying to figure out how it works with character dynamics vs like. give the poor kid a break-ness.
anyway if I did decide to replace the current chapter 3, this is what it would be replaced with (only the first scene, the second would be the same). If you are a reader of the fic feel free to leave your comments. I would do an “oh and I edited chapter 3″ note before the relevant stuff was mentioned if I go through with this, I wouldn’t like expect everyone to know what happened. Some of the dialogue is not like exactly like in canon (cuz thats boring and also to match with what I wrote the first time) but the feeling/ beats should be similar
Gotham’s finally had a bit of lull in the violence, and Dick is just wondering how he’s going to do this.
He’s accepted that Damian’s his responsibility – seeing the kid shot in the chest made that perfectly clear, as much as he would’ve liked it to be otherwise. He felt like he was way too young to be watching out for a kid in any capacity other than cool older brother, especially a kid who’s as difficult to get along with as Damian. He was a great fighter, of course, and he knew it – Dick’s not sure he’s ever heard the kid be humble about anything. To make things worse, Dick feels like he’s constantly stuck in the middle between Damian and the kid he actually views as his younger brother – Tim, who Damian tried to kill. Evidence in point:
“Robin?!” Tim asks once he’s gotten back on his feet and Dick's explained his plan – away from Damian, who's still recovering from surgery.
“You made Damian Robin?!” Tim asks again.
Dick sighs. He’s in the cave, in a Batman costume he feels doesn’t fit right at all with the cowl off, and Tim’s still in his regular clothes. He has no idea how to explain this to Tim – no idea how to make him feel like he’s not being replaced. Dick never wanted to be the one doing the replacing – he remembers how much it hurt to find out that Jason was Robin from the papers, and that was after he officially stopped being Robin. Tim never quit – and Dick’s not about to make him – but he has to come home to the guy who tried to kill him getting his name.
“Tim, I know this looks bad, but Damian needs this.”
“Remember when we thought Bruce was going to retire after Crisis?” Tim asks. “Batman and Robin was supposed to be us. You and me. Not you and the psychopath that tried to kill me.”
“Tim, you’re not my sidekick, you’re my partner – ” Dick takes a step towards Tim with his hand out, prepared to offer sympathy, but Tim shakes him off angrily.
“Obviously not!”
“And Damian needs me way more than you do. If we don’t keep an eye on him, he’s going to kill again.”
Tim scowls intensely. “That should really not be an endorsement for being Robin, Dick! He’s a killer! He belongs in jail!” Tim swallows a little and then lowers his voice out of shouting range. “Dick, he didn’t try to kill me because he for some reason thought it was the only way to stop me from doing something bad, as far as I can tell he just wanted to replace me. We’re talking about someone with absolutely no sense of right or wrong.”
“Of course he doesn’t have a sense of right or wrong. He’s a ten-year-old child who was raised as an assassin from birth!”
“Lots of our villains have really sad or sympathetic reasons for doing crime, that doesn’t mean we team up with them.”
“Are you serious?” Dick asks. “This isn’t the same, Tim.”
“How not?”
“Well for one,” calls Damian's voice from the stairs, and Dick can't help but cringe and think not now – “I'm a lot better than them.”
Dick's cringe only intensifies when he turns around to see what Damian is wearing. His new Robin costume.
Tim's hands clench into fists the instant he sees Damian. Dick knows he has to de-escalate things quick before Tim and Damian have another fight.
“Damian,” Dick says, trying to keep himself carefully neutral-sounding. “Shouldn't you be resting?”
Damian lifts his head up slightly so his nose is in the air, and walks down the stairs almost normally. There's only a little hesitation in the twist of his torso, a little stiffness of his right arm.
Either he's zoned out of his mind on painkillers or depressingly good at masking his pain for a ten-year-old.
“Please,” Damian says. “I was trained in the League of Shadows. Do you really think an over-the-hill ex-Robin could put me down?”
Tim's fist clenches further, and so Dick says, letting a bit more urgency slip into his voice, “Damian, shut up. Now.”
Damian puts his left hand on his hips and looks intentionally at Tim. He adds, “I'm not Drake – ”
He's barely got the word out before Tim leaps forward and punches him in the face. Dick's out of his seat, grabbing Tim to hold him back, who is still distressingly struggling against him, like he wants to keep up the assault despite the fact that Damian fell to the floor.
“My name is Tim Wayne!” Tim shouts as Dick is still holding him back.
Damian gingerly sits up. Dick prepares to release Tim, prepares to stop Damian if he has to, if he decides to get revenge. But he doesn't. He just briefly braces his right side with his left hand before wiping the blood off his face.
“I let you get that shot in, Drake,” Damian says, again dropping intentional emphasis on Tim's original last name.
As he does, Tim struggles forward.
“Tim, back off!” Dick says, because Tim still isn't cooling down –
“I want you to feel good about yourself,” Damian continues.
Tim seems to relax his stance slightly, so Dick, possibly in an error of judgment, lets Tim go. But Tim doesn't try to attack Damian again, he just shakes Dick off and starts stomping away. “You want me to back off? Fine.”
He's going for the exit.
If he leaves –
Dick can't chase him. He's not sure that he can leave Damian alone –
“Tim, wait!” Dick says, taking a step forward. “Bruce is gone. But I still need you.”
“For what?” asks Damian and damn it is there anything this kid isn't going to try to ruin?
“Shut up, Damian,” Dick says again, even though as far as he knows he's just going to wind up pushing Damian away too –
And Tim leaves.
Dick turns to look at Damian. The kid's already back to his feet, like nothing happened, and Dick takes a step forward to inspect the injury – though he's really more worried about the gunshot wound than Tim's punch. Both Tim and Damian had wound up injured pretty badly during the chaos that gripped Gotham in the rumors of Batman’s death. As his new and not-improved version of Batman, Jason had tried to kill them both, which Dick is way less than pleased about. He’d been kind of hoping that they could talk Jason down, but this seems like a line he doesn’t know if Jason can ever un-cross. He shot a ten year old in the chest.
Damian grabs Dick's wrist as he reaches out.
“Are you all right?” Dick asks.
Damian scoffs. “You're worried about Drake? I've been hit harder sparring my mother.”
“I was thinking about the gunshot.” Alfred had said the primary damage was blood loss and a punctured lung (well, traumatic pneumothorax, but Dick knew what he meant) and given the kid a minimum of four weeks downtime to heal.
It's hard to tell due to the domino mask, but Damian adopts the position of a kid who's rolling their eyes, head slightly tilted to the side with a loll. “It's not enough to impersonate Batman, now you want to impersonate my mother?”
Dick doesn't know how to approach the mother thing, so he doesn't even try. He just explains the logic for being Batman – (and there is logic behind it. It's not like he wanted this). “Someone has to step up and convince Gotham things can get back to normal,” Dick says. “And serial killer Batman wasn't going to cut it.”
“Did you at least take care of him?” Damian asks.
Dick knows that Damian isn't actually worried about Jason's wellbeing, so he says, “Do you mean 'did I kill him'?”
“Tt. Obviously.”
“Obviously not.”
Damian presses his lips together in a thin line.
Dick might as well get this out of the way now. He's going to have to sometime. “Alfred wants you out of the field for four weeks.”
“That's preposterous!” Damian shouts, and as he shouts, he coughs. He rubs his chest quickly and then glowers at Dick when he sees him staring.
“Damian, you could have died.”
“I didn’t.”
Jeez, doesn’t this kid have any sense of his own mortality? Though, Dick supposes, growing up around Lazarus Pits and a centuries old grandfather might make that impossible.
“I’m not a fool, Grayson, I know I’m not capable of healing instantaneously. I’ll take a break for one week,” he offers, like it’s a huge concession on his part.
“Four weeks,” Dick says.
“What about you?” Damian asks. “Didn’t you get injured?”
“Not as badly.”
“Are you taking a break?”
“Someone needs to convince Gotham that Batman’s not dead,” Dick says. Also, he doesn’t want to take a break. He doesn’t want to be alone with his thoughts. Losing Bruce. Failing Tim.
“Tt. Then I don’t need one either. I’m younger. I heal faster.”
Dick actually has no clue whether that’s true, because he’s not a doctor, but he knows that people usually say kids heal faster.
Dick swings his arms a little, trying to feel them out. They’re still stiff, and as they move, a jolt of pain shoots through him. Even when he’s not moving, his shoulder is still sore. He knows that he might get injured going into the field like this and that it’s not a smart decision – last time he went into the field while still healing, he wound up blowing his secret identity to Blockbuster.
He decides that at least if he’s going into the field, he won’t tell Barbara and Alfred about it. Okay, so that’s probably not the smartest of his plans. Most plans that you have to hide from people who care about you aren't smart.
“I’ll take a week long break with you,” Dick concedes. “And we can see how fast you’re healing.” The second part is a lie, of course. He's not going to supersede Alfred's orders on medical matters.
Dick sighs a little. He figures that while they’re both on bed-rest duty, though, he can try to figure out how to set things up so they can operate effectively once they get a clean bill of health.
“How do you feel about not living in the manor?” Dick asks.
“Kicking me out already?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, I wouldn’t be living here either,” Dick says. It’s true. He’d rather not feel like he’s living in all of Bruce’s old places, wearing Bruce’s old costume, … replacing him, essentially. He needs a place he can clear his head.
“Where would you live then?” Damian asks skeptically.
Dick shrugs. “The penthouse, maybe. Bruce already made a bunker nearby, so we could operate out of there pretty easily.”
Damian narrows his eyes. “Why do you keep saying ‘we’?”
Because you are ten and not ready to live on your own. But Dick just says, “Well, you’re Robin now, right? That means you’re pretty much obligated to team up with Batman.”
“Batman isn’t here, Grayson. He never will be again, no matter how much you play dress-up.”
Charming kid. Like Dick didn’t already know that.
“You know I operate effectively alone, right?” Damian continues. “I don’t need to be hand-held and babysat like all of Father’s previous partners.”
Dick figures that it’d be a jerk move to remind Damian he just almost died and therefore really shouldn’t be on his own. Instead, he says, “Well, Alfred’s staying with me, so unless you want to get all your food and clean the house by yourself, you have to put up with me.”
“Tt . I don’t need a servant. I’ll just eat at restaurants.”
“On who’s money?”
“In the event of his death, my father’s assets should have transferred to me. His blood son.”
Oh boy. Dick rubs his face. “Does this have to be a thing, Damian? No one’s doubting your capacity to take care of yourself but I think it’d really be easier if we were operating out of the same building. “
A long silence on Damian’s part. “Fine,” he says eventually. “I’ll allow you to stay at my penthouse.”
My penthouse. Of course. But Dick takes it. “All right,” he says. “Let’s move in.”
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misscorn · 4 years
Day 5
Favorite Couple
Surprise, surprise my favorite couple is Ritsu and Masamune LMAO so let's keep the nostalgia going @sihjrweek (again if you haven't then read my previous entries for context ❤)
"I won't be able to hang out after school tomorrow." Ritsu said, currently dressing and desperately wishing that his Senpai would STOP staring at him. However, Saga was perfectly content to stay naked under his covers and watch Ritsu put on his clothes. Of course, the older teen would've preferred that Ritsu keep them off and spend the night, but it was a school night and Ritsu's mother wouldn't allow it.
"Why not?" Saga asked, sitting up. It had been almost two weeks since White Day, the jar of stars on Saga's nightstand, some of them obviously unfolded and refolded. Although Saga was still understandably irked about his boyfriend having a literal fiancée (even if Ritsu insisted she wasn't one) he spent as much time with Ritsu as he possibly could. That included hanging out in the library after class every day. Maybe Saga was becoming a little clingy or needy, but he didn't care.
"My parents want to spend the day with me tomorrow since it's my birthday." Ritsu shrugged. He had finished dressing and now he had moved on to trying to fix his hair.
"Tomorrow's your birthday? Why didn't you tell me it was coming up?!" Saga asked. He had no time to plan anything! He had no present, no cake, no way to celebrate!
"Honestly, I sort of forgot my birthday was coming up until my mom said something yesterday. It's not really something I ever think about." Ritsu said, not seeing what the big deal was.
Saga huffed. "Well, start thinking about it, moron. I want to do something with you for your birthday." He said. "Let's celebrate over the weekend."
Ritsu blushed, flattered by the unexpected offer. "W-We don't have to do something, Senpai. I'm happy just seeing you." He said.
Crap, why did he have to say such cute shit like that? It made Saga want to yank him right back into bed and kiss him breathless.
"You see me almost everyday. I wanna do something more special than that." Saga said. He didn't like that it wouldn't be on Ritsu's actual birthday, but at least it gave him a little more time to prepare. He watched as Ritsu opened his mouth to protest. "Please?" Saga spoke softly before the brunette even got the chance.
"O-O-Okay." Ritsu agreed, a little caught off guard by the gentle 'please'.
"Come over on Saturday. You can spend the night."
Ritsu nodded. "I'll see you Saturday then." He said, trying not to think too deeply about what 'spending the night' would hold, otherwise he'd become a flustered mess.
"Wait, c'mere." Saga said after Ritsu grabbed his bag, clearly ready to leave.
Ritsu shuffled closer to the bed and Saga grabbed his hand before pulling him down to give him one last kiss. "Love you."
Ritsu predictably turned cherry red. "Y-you can't just sneak attack me like that!"
"What about that was sneaky?"
"Y-You know what I mean!" Ritsu quickly tried to put distance between them, but Saga held his hand tightly.
"Say it back."
"S-S-Stop teasing me!" Ritsu was not at all used to hearing Saga say the L word yet. It also seemed like every day Saga was becoming more affectionate. Not that Ritsu disliked it! Quite the opposite in fact! His poor heart just couldn't take it.
"Not letting you go till you say it." Saga said, leaving a few kisses on Ritsu's hand. Maybe if he embarrassed Ritsu enough he'd get the response he was looking for.
Ritsu's knees almost gave out from such a simple, but intimate action. "I-I can b-barely talk at all when y-you do things like that!"
'Damn it. I really don't want him to leave.' Saga thought. "You're sure you can't spend the night tonight?" He asked.
"My mother would kill me for even thinking about it." Ritsu said.
Saga sighed and flopped on to his back, still holding Ritsu's hand. "Fiiiiine."
"So...you have to let me go..." Ritsu reminded him, half-trying to wiggle his way out of his grip.
"You have to say it back first." Saga said.
"I-I love you too."
Saga, although he didn't want to, released Ritsu's hand. "See you Saturday. Around 12 sound good? We can have lunch together."
Ritsu nodded in confirmation, deciding to be just a little bold and kiss Saga's cheek before running off quickly.
Shit, that brat! Doing something cute like that and running away before Saga could grab him.
'Saturday.' Saga reminded himself before groaning. 'Fuck, what am I even gonna do for Saturday?'
The next day Saga decided to skip the library at the end of classes since Ritsu wouldn't even be there. Plus, he needed to use his free time to try to find a present for him. He felt like a book was a safe bet, but that was also just way too obvious. Still, the bookstore wasn't a bad place to start.
Saga took his time looking through titles, eventually reaching for a book. His hand ended up meeting another and he pulled away, looking over to see who was trying to get the same novel.
Kohinata An.
Saga couldn't help but to frown. Why, why of all people did it have to be her? Ritsu had told Saga that An knew about them, which didn't bother the upperclassman, but he still didn't want to see her.
"Oh, hello, Saga Senpai." An said before giving a knowing smile. "You're here to shop for Richan too, aren't you?" She had been invited to by Youko Onodera to spend the day with them and Ritsu for his birthday, but she had politely declined. She knew it was just a way for Youko to try to set them up.
Saga tried not to look too terribly annoyed at the question. She was Ritsu's friend, of course she knew when his birthday was and of course she'd be getting him a present, but something about it still bothered him.
"Yeah." He answered.
"Richan's sooooo hard to shop for. Every year I try to keep an eye out for something he might like, but I always end up resorting to books." She laughed, but slowly lost her smile when Saga did not react. "Um, Saga Senpai, I..." She trailed off.
"What?" He asked, hoping she'd leave him alone soon.
An hesitated, wanting apologize for what happened on White Day, but instead she smiled and grabbed the book off the shelf. She held it out to him. "You should get Richan this book. He's been reading a lot more fantasy novels lately and I've heard a lot of good things about this one. He'll love it."
Saga slowly took the book out of her hands. "...thanks."
An nodded. "Oh and, one more thing." She said before making herself look as stern as she possibly could. "If you ever hurt Richan, you'll be sorry. So you better treat him right!"
Saga was a little dumbstruck by that, having expected some declaration of rivalry instead, so he only nodded.
Still, that was enough to satisfy An. "Good. Have a nice day, Senpai." She said before taking her leave.
Maybe this An girl wasn't too terrible...
Saga would still keep an eye on her, but he supposed she wasn't the conniving boyfriend stealing witch he suspected her of being.
He looked down at the book he was holding, deciding to get it along with a new horror novel release. Ritsu didn't seem like the type to like that kind of thing, but Saga had been proven wrong by Ritsu's extensive collection of horror books.
'He reads horror but not shoujo...make it make sense.' Saga shook his head at the thought, leaving the store after making his purchases. He stopped in a bakery, getting a small strawberry cake for the two of them to share before heading home to work on his last gift. He needed as much time as he could possibly get for that one.
Once Saturday came, Saga tried to hide how excited he was to celebrate with Ritsu. He felt like such an idiot being so happy over something like this. He hoped Ritsu was just as happy.
"You're sure this is where you wanna go for lunch? We can go anywhere you want, it'll be my treat." Saga said, the two of them entering Pandaway together.
"Y-You don't have to-"
"I want to." Saga interuppted, not letting Ritsu try to talk him out of here.
"I want to eat here." Ritsu assured him. "I like this place, it reminds me of our first d-date." He admitted before he looked at Saga nervously. "That...was a date, right?"
"What else would you call it?" Saga asked as the two of them got in line.
"I just wanted to make sure." Ritsu said, now embarrassed for asking.
Saga just hummed in response. Ritsu was always asking things like that, but Saga hoped he'd be able to quell these insecurities of his.
"Want me to order for you?" Saga asked.
"That's even more embarrassing than stumbling and stuttering over my order." Ritsu said. "Besides, I'm a little more prepared than I was the first time." He added, determined to redeem himself.
Saga held back a laugh and shrugged. "Alright, if you say so."
The two soon got to the front, Saga ordering first. Ritsu ordered afterward, only panicking one or two times when he hadn't heard the employee correctly, but he actually managed to get through the process without wanting to die. Saga paid for them both before Ritsu could even attempt to pay for himself.
The teens sat across from one another with their food, eating and talking casually.
"What did you end up doing with your parents for your birthday?" Saga asked before taking a bite of his sandwich.
"Oh, it was actually really cool! My dad set up for me to meet the author Sumi Ryouichi. When I stopped completely panicking I got to talk to him about his books, including one that's in the works right now." Ritsu said with a bright smile. "After that we went to some fancy dinner, which was nice, but not really my thing." He added with a laugh.
"How the hell did your dad set that up?" Saga asked. He knew Ritsu's parents were wealthy, but what sort of connections did they have?
"My dad's company publishes Sumi Sensei's novels."
"Your dad's what?"
Ritsu frowned and furrowed his eyebrows a little bit. Had they not talked about this before? "My dad's company, Onodera Publishing."
"Yeah...like...my name?" Ritsu didn't understand what was confusing about this.
"Onodera...not Oda?"
Ritsu paled. No. Nonononono, this wasn't really happening! "Did I not ever properly introduce myself to you?" Ritsu squeaked out.
"No. I knew your name from the library cards. Are you telling me your name isn't Oda Ritsu?" Saga asked. Well, this was probably the most random and creative way to make Saga feel like the worst boyfriend ever. He hadn't even known Ritsu's actual name!
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Ritsu apologized quickly. "I-I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote down that name, I didn't want to seem like a stalker and write my real name, b-but now I realize that doesn't really make any sense." Ritsu put his face in his hands, wanting to hide forever.
"First a fiancée, now a fake name and you're suddenly an heir to a publishing company. You're not gonna tell me you're on the run from the cops next or anything like that, are you?"
"Of course not!" Ritsu hastily denied, not yet realizing that Saga was only teasing him. "I'm sorry, I swear I didn't hide this intentionally, I-"
"I know." Saga assured. He knew his boyfriend flip flopped between laser focused determination and totally scatterbrained, so he wasn't too mad about this. "But it would've been sort of funny if I still didn't know and found out after ten years or something." Saga said. That would've been quite a story.
"That would not be funny, that would be mortifying." Ritsu pouted.
Saga just chuckled and resisted the urge to reach over and ruffle his hair.
Once they finished eating and threw out their trash, Saga spoke up. "I was thinking we could go see the cherry blossom trees. If that's something you'd like."
Ritsu smiled. "I'd love to!" He said. "I love doing anything as long as it's with Senpai."
Saga held back the desire to frown. Why did Ritsu have to say cute things like that when he couldn't kiss him? He settled for reaching out and holding his hand.
"H-Hey!" Ritsu was quick to protest, but Saga held on.
"You can't just say something like that and not expect consequences." Saga said. "Come on, let's go." He walked, still holding Ritsu's hand.
Ritsu attempted to free himself a few more times, but to no avail, especially since him flailing his arm brought more attention than just the two of them holding hands.
Plus, not wanting to lose Ritsu among the other cherry blossom viewers was a good enough excuse to hold on to him. The crowd wasn't incredibly thick, but it was a pretty popular activity and it was a weekend as well, so there was a steady amount of visitors.
The flowers were in full bloom, painting the view a gentle shade of pink.
"I've never been cherry blossom viewing before." Saga admitted.
"Really?" Ritsu looked away from the flora, looking to his Senpai instead in surprise.
"Yeah. I'm glad I'm seeing them for the first time with you."
Ritsu turned as pinker than the petals around them. "W-Why do you always have to tease me?"
"I'm not teasing." Saga frowned a little. "I'm serious."
Ritsu looked away from him, unable to meet his eyes out of embarrassment. "Well...I-I'm glad you're with me too." He said softly, giving Saga's hand a slight squeeze.
Ba dump
Fuck, Saga didn't know if he'd ever be able to admit it out loud, but Ritsu was able to make his heart pound way too easily.
'I want to do this with him every year.' Saga thought. There was so much Saga wanted to do with Ritsu in general. He could only hope that he'd get the opportunity.
"Let's head back." Saga said after the two had been strolling together for a while. "I wanna kiss you and if I try to do that here you'll freak out."
Too late, Ritsu was already freaking out. "Y-Y-You can't just say something like that!"
Saga just shrugged. He was trying to be more open about his feelings, even if those feelings embarrassed the hell out of Ritsu.
"S-Seriously, it's like you're trying to kill me." Ritsu complained with a pout.
"Would love be such a bad way to die?"
Ack! The L word again!
"Yes!" Ritsu huffed.
Saga laughed.
Ritsu felt his entire body heat up. His Senpai...LAUGHED. He couldn't recall a time that he had heard his Senpai laugh before. He wanted to hear it more often, wanted to see him smile like that every day and be the reason for it.
"C-Come on, let's just go." Ritsu said quickly before he became overwhelmed with such thoughts.
Once they arrived back at the older teen's house, Saga took the opportunity to kiss Ritsu, just as he said he would.
"Sit. I'll get the cake and presents." Saga said after he pulled away.
Ritsu went to tell his Senpai that he shouldn't have gone through all that trouble, but he knew Saga would just insist that he had wanted to do this. So, instead Ritsu sat and said hello to Sorata, scratching under his chin. The cat curled up in his lap as Ritsu continued to give him attention.
Saga didn't take long, bringing the cake and presents into the living room. Sorata and Ritsu were definitely a cute sight together, making Saga smile a bit.
"Thank you so much for all this, Senpai." Ritsu said after they had cut the cake and he had opened his gifts. He was admittedly very exciting about his two new reads, even if that made him feel like a nerd. Plus, they were books that Senpai got for him, so that made them even more special.
"There's one more thing." Saga said. "It's in my room." He stood and left, heading up the stairs as Ritsu waited and distracted himself with keeping Sorata from eating the leftover cake.
Saga soon came back down, holding something behind his back. "So, I sort of stole your idea and I didn't have much time to get as good as you with the paper folding, but..." Saga brought a jar full of paper stars forward. They were pink like cherry blossom petals. He sat back down next to Ritsu as he spoke. "I noticed you still look so...shocked whenever I tell you I love you. Even now you're always saying stuff like 'we're dating right?' when I keep telling you how I feel. So, I thought that this might be a nice reminder. If you ever start doubting my feelings for you, you can read as many as it takes for you to stop doubting. This is real, Ritsu. What we have and what I feel for you is real and I don't want you to forget that." Saga said, handing the jar over. "These are only some of the reasons, though." He added, thinking there weren't nearly enough stars.
"Some?" Ritsu stared at the stars. This jar full was only some of the reasons Saga loved him? This couldn't be real.
"Well I couldn't fit all of them. I didn't have enough time." Saga said. "Because someone didn't tell me their birthday was coming up."
Ritsu just smiled. "Thank you." He said, excited to read all the little messages inside the stars, but he'd wait till he was alone so he didn't melt into a puddle right in front of Saga.
"Mm. Happy birthday. I love you."
"I love you too."
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hiscyarika · 5 years
Word Count: 1.9k
Pairing: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) x Reader
Summary: The Mandalorian returns to the Razor Crest after a particularly long hunt.
Warning(s): None
Ambiance: “Sleep Songs” - Deep Sleep Music Collective
A/N: Some wonderful anon asked for family bonding. I was more than happy to oblige. To that anon, I hope this was what you were looking for. Also, this was inspired by a list of prompts that @mandoispunk​ posted a few days ago.
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You sigh softly and lean against the door to Din’s sleeping quarters. He’d come back in from a hunt a little over an hour ago, more beaten and bruised than you’d liked but nothing life threatening. You’d taken care of his wounds as much as you were able, and finally he’d fallen asleep after sitting with him for a few minutes. You hope he stays that way for a while. It seems like the only time he gets enough sleep is when his body has reached—or exceeded—every human limit. You can’t remember the last time you saw him truly at ease, if you had ever seen it at all.
Soft chittering meets your ears, and you smile as you look to see the child at your feet, his little hands curled around the fabric of your pants. His eyelids are drooping over his big, dark eyes and his ears are lowered. You know that look. The poor thing is exhausted.
He’s been restless since Din left for the hunt, and it had only gotten worse with each passing day. It always breaks your heart to see him so concerned for his father figure, and you’d wished that there was a way to reassure him that everything would be alright. You’ve found that the only thing you can do is hide your own worry. The Mandalorian is nothing if not efficient, so for him to have been gone for three days had been adequate cause for concern. You’d known though, that your worry would only make things worse for the kid.
The little one leans against your leg, practically hugging it, and you scoop him gently from the floor and into your arms. He snuggles into your chest and closes his eyes, clearly just as ready for sleep as his father had been. You take him into the other room where his pod is, laying him down carefully and then covering him with his blanket. To make sure that he’s truly asleep, you stay with him for a few minutes. Clearly though, he’s out cold.
You smile softly to yourself, flicking off the light and leaving the child to sleep in peace. You head back into the cockpit, looking out the windscreen of the Razor Crest. Night has fallen over the small swamp planet that Din had tracked his target to. As you stand there you feel your own fatigue settling into your bones. It’s heavy and you close your eyes. Though you have never minded being left with the child, it certainly isn’t an easy task. Knowing that you need your rest too, you head back to Din’s quarters.
He’s still asleep when you open the door, his slow, rhythmic breathing coming through the modulator of his helmet. He doesn’t normally sleep with it on, but usually when he comes to bed you’re already asleep or he’s able to keep his face hidden in the sheer darkness of the room. Regardless, you won’t be the one to take it off of him. You won’t startle him that way.
You shed your jacket and your boots, curling lightly up against his side to prevent the jarring of his injuries. His body heat is enough to keep you warm, so you forgo the blanket. Just moments after you settle down and close your eyes, you’re fast asleep, able to rest now that Din is home and your little family unit is safe and whole again.
Your eyes open when you hear soft cooing not far from you. With your eyes adjusted to the dark, you can vaguely make out the form of the child through your bleary vision. You move to rub the sleep from your eyes, only to find that Din has wrapped his arms securely around your torso in his sleep. It takes you a moment, but you’re able to untangle yourself from his grasp.
You sit up on the cot, able to see now that the kid is trying to climb into the bed with you and Din. “Come here, little one,” you murmur. After you pick him up from the floor, the kid coos softly up at you. You stroke his ear gently, then stand and start back towards his pod. It’s not that you’re against him staying in bed with you and Din, you’re just not sure how well that would work given the limited space and Din’s injured state.
The child makes a soft noise of protest as you carry him into the other room and flick the light on. You blink against the sudden, harsh brightness. “I know you missed him, but tonight we need to just let him sleep,” you whisper, hoping that you won’t have any trouble getting him to go back to bed in his pod. Being awake in the middle of the night this way isn’t good for anyone.
You adjust the child in your arms, beginning to pace around the small room in hopes that the motion will lull him back to sleep. All the while, you murmur softly and soothingly to him. Talking to him is usually enough to comfort him. But he continues to look up at you with wide eyes. He clearly has no intentions of falling asleep for you.
You cease your pacing and instead begin to sway with him, humming a soft melody to him. It’s an old tune from your childhood, one that you have long forgotten the words to. Your memory of your mother is foggy at best, but despite the hazy recollection, you still remember the gentle way that she used to sing to you at night. Storms had always kept you awake and restless at night. Her song had never failed to put you to sleep.
You swear to yourself that the song must have some magical ability, because soon the child is fast asleep in your arms again. A fond smile graces your lips, but you continue to hum to him, wanting to make sure that he’ll stay asleep as you lay him back down in his pod.  
After a few minutes, you tuck the baby back into his bed, letting out a soft sigh of relief. You’ll have to make sure that he gets plenty of quality time with Din in the morning.
Din leans against the doorway of the child’s room, smiling as he watches the gentle way you handle the child. He doesn’t recognize the tune you’re humming, but he too finds the rich sound comforting. The sight makes his chest swell in a way that he can’t quite describe, not that he’s ever been good with words. Seeing you with the kid this way stirs something in him though. It’s appreciation. It’s admiration.
It’s love.
He never expected to feel this way about you when he first brought you onto the Razor Crest. He never expected for you to stay this long. Then again, he’d thought the same about the child. And yet here he is, watching you treat the child as if he were your own. The perfect mother figure.
The perfect family.
He prays to the Maker that you’ll never leave.
Din stands up straight again, taking a step towards you. You startle at the sound, immediately turning to face him. You relax again when you realize that it’s him. Stifle a giggle at the sight of him in only his clothes but still wearing the helmet.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you,” you murmur,”He came in and then decided he didn’t want to go back to sleep.”
Din shakes his head. “It’s alright. As long as he’s taken care of,” he replies. He takes you into his arms then, tucking your head under his chin and closing his eyes.
You rest your head on his shoulder, humming softly in content. “He missed you. He’s gonna be your shadow for the next few days.”
“That I can handle,” he says. “We’ll stay here for another day, and then head in to drop off the bounty.” His captured target is currently sitting in the hull of the ship, secured in carbonite.
You smile softly, glad that he’s decided to give himself a day before going back to the Guild. “Good. We could all use a day to recoup,” you tell him.
“Yeah. Come on, let’s get back to bed,” he murmurs, running a hand down your back before he releases you. You stand up straight again, but your brows furrow in confusion as he lets out the exasperated sigh you’ve heard more times than you can count.
You see that he’s looking behind you, and you know before you turn around that the kid is awake again.
He looks up at you and Din with narrowed eyes, clearly unhappy that he’s been left alone again. The sigh that escapes your lips matches the Mandalorian’s. ”Go back to bed, Din. I’ve got him,” you say, turning your head to look at him over your shoulder.
Wordlessly, Din steps forward until he’s in front of the child’s pod, and you feel your eyes burning a little as the baby’s expression softens and he raises his arms. All he wants is his father. It melts your heart to see just how much the little creature loves the Mandalorian.
“Alright. Come here you little womp rat,” Din says, lifting the baby from the pod and holding him close to his chest. He turns to you then. “I guess we’ve gotta make some room.”
You smile and nod, the same fond smile that had graced your lips before. “I’m sure we can make it work.”
You walk with Din back into his quarters, taking the child from him after he’s shut the door. In the pitch darkness, you can’t see a thing.
You feel one arm snake around your waist and his other hand cup your cheek. Seconds later, his lips are pressed to yours, though he’s mindful of the child between the two of you. The contact fills you with warmth and your lips linger for a few moments. You’ve missed him too.
He guides you down to the cot, lying down with his chest pressed to your back. The baby is curled up to you, held in place by your arm and then Din’s on top of it. A light snore emanates from the little creature.
“Well, that didn’t take long,” Din muses behind you.
“I told you. He missed you. He doesn’t like it when you’re gone. He worries about you,” you reply.
Gentle, warm kisses start at your shoulder and continue up along your collarbone until Din buries his face in the crook of your neck. You can feel the stubble that’s grown on his jaw since he’s been gone. His soft curls brush against your face. “I’m glad to be back…,” he mumbles, his warm breath tickling your skin.
You close your eyes, ready to sleep in peace now that you have both your Mandalorian and your adopted child with you. “Goodnight, Din...,” you breathe.
“Goodnight, cyar’ika,” he barely manages to reply. And then you’re both asleep, more at ease than either of you have been in a long time.
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smediumsmeatbae · 4 years
You Only Hear What You Want
PAIRING: Ransom Drysdale × Reader SUMMARY: Ransom is at a party with his girlfriend and spots you.  WARNINGS: Ransom trying to get into your pants, flirting, Ransom’s cheating ass, swearing, drinking, a bit of angst WORDS: 1430 A/N:  This (not) drunk drabble is from @the-ce-horniest-book-club with the prompt: “No, no, see, I think if you're committed to somebody, you don't allow yourself to find perfection in someone else.” To be fair, I was a bit drunk when I asked for the prompt list so hopefully that counts? This is my first fic writing for our favorite bad boy in a sweater and I have to say I loved writing him! His POV was so much fun.  You do not have my permission to post this anywhere else. As always, likes/reblogs/comments are appreciated
The scotch that Ransom sipped from the glass didn't seem to be enough to keep his mind occupied. He was at a work party his grandfather was hosting for his newest book. Harlan had insisted that Ransom come, so he could mingle with publishing insiders and try to make some contacts. Harlan was forever trying to get Ransom to “make something of his life”, but as far as Ransom was concerned, he was. He did what he wanted, he fucked who he wanted, he had all the best clothes, cars, and houses. Why would he want to work when he already had everything he needed? That’s what Harlan didn't get about Ransom. He liked to claim that he knew his grandson so well, that Ransom reminded him so much of himself when he was Ransom’s age. If that were true, then he would stop trying to make him go to these asinine parties and just let him be.   
He declined the invitation, initially. Ransome told Harlan that he would rather be dead than go to one of his awful parties. But then both Harlan and his mother threatened to cut him off for good and while death seemed like a good alternative to the party, he could never stand to be poor. So with a fake as hell smile plastered to his face, he changed his mind and said he would love to go to the party, on the condition that he was allowed to bring his newest girlfriend. 
Candy’s (or was it Cindy?) laughter pulled him back to the boring conversation they were having at this equally boring party. She was some young, blonde, undergrad, sorority thing he had picked up at a bar about a month or so ago and just kind of stuck around. She was nice enough, he guessed, and she was good in bed. But she was vapid and her laugh was like razor blades to his brain. He sighed out a huff as his free hand lingered on the small of her back. He wasn't paying attention to a word but at least she felt good against him, for the moment at least. 
His eyes started to scan the room, looking for something, anything, to distract him from the soul crushing conversation he was having to endure. He was about to give up, take the girl and get the hell out of there. After all he had spent enough time mingling and the scotch wasn't doing shit anymore. He stopped, however,  when he spotted you. 
Ransom had never seen you at one of these tedious events before, that alone caught his attention. Usually the same exact people always came to these things. But you, you were fresh, you were new. Maybe... maybe you hadn’t yet heard about him and his proclivity to “pump and dump” women, as he had been so crudely described. (Not that it wasn't true, but whatever.) He looked you over and he couldn't help but salivate just a bit; you were slightly curvy with long legs that seemed to go on forever. This was accentuated by the coral colored dress that had a slit that went halfway up your thigh. You had ample perky breasts he could see himself motor boating. Your chocolate colored eyes seemed to hold some kind of secret as you chatted casually with people and your sun kissed skin looked delicious enough for him to eat.  
Without a word, Ransom left Cindy (maybe Susan?) with her current conversation, giggling like an idiot. She called out to Ransom and asked him for another cran-vodka, which he decided to ignore. If luck was with him that night, he wasn't leaving with her anyway.  He stalked toward you, silently maneuvering through the crowd. For how broad he was, he always took pride with how well he moved. He wasn't bumbling around like other guys his size. It took only mere seconds for him to be beside you and immediately he had his arm around your waist, his mouth close to your ear. 
“Can I get you a drink?” Ransom’s voice low.
Your body froze as you felt a foreign arm surround you, interrupting your conversation with a coworker. You had just started at Blood Like Wine two months ago as a copy editor and this was the first event that you had been invited to by your boss so you could get to know the upper management in a more relaxed setting. It was something you had been looking forward to, until some creep muttered in your ear about a drink. 
“No, I’m fine. Thank you.” You replied curtly, swirling your almost full wine glass at him to signal so.  “C’mon, babe. Lemme get you something better than that house wine. Trust me, it’s not that good.”  “Look…” You started, not really feeling like being chatted up. 
Looking up at his crystal blue eyes, your sentence stopped. You couldn’t help but feel the butterflies in your stomach as you took a good look at him. He was gorgeous. Tall and muscular, with a small waist, and built chest and arms. You could tell he loved working out his upper half. He smiled at you cooly, eyes twinkling back with a seductive charm you felt like he had used on many women before you and after you. You were smitten, you had to admit, and you couldn't place exactly where you knew him from but he looked oddly familiar. 
You had no idea how, but Ransom, as he had introduced himself, had led you to a more secluded area of the party, chatting and shamelessly flirting with you. He was standing dangerously close to you, hands squeezing and releasing your hip. His other arm above you, tall body towering over your frame. He was talking to you about different countries he visited, art that he loved, music he was obsessed with. In turn, you told him about how you had come to be at the publishing company, how lilies were your favorite flower, and how you wanted to travel the world one day. 
"Maybe I'll take you with me next time; be your own personal tour guide." He smirked that confident smile again as a blush crept up your cheeks. 
It was so easy to talk to him. He made it that way with his easy laugh, his cologne that smelled like cedar mixed with musk, and his perfect lips. They were like pillows, pillows that you could see yourself kissing. You leaned towards Ransom. Reading you, he moved towards you as well, cupping your cheek. Your hand found purchase wrapped around his forearm. He was so close, you could smell the scotch on his breath. Your heart was slamming through your chest.
"Ransom!" You heard someone call out. 
You could feel Ransom's body tense up as he pulled away from you. 
“Ho-oooooney, where have you been?” A blond haired young woman with a baby pink dress suction cupped herself to Ransom, pulling on his neck and nuzzling herself into him. “You left me an hour ago to get drinks and you never came back.” “I’ve been right here, Princess.”  He smiled down at her.  “Can we go? I have class in the morning.” “Sure thing, just give me one minute. Go up to the front and I’ll meet you there.” He gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek and watched her leave before he turned back to you. “Sorry about that.” He muttered. “Think you can wait about 30 minutes while I drive her home? She lives just down the street at the college.”  “I don't think I can, Ransom.” You shook your head, collecting yourself. “You have a girlfriend. That’s not something I’m into.” “Oh… her? She’s not really my girlfriend. She’s more of a friend with benefits type of situation.” “She doesn’t seem to think so.” You crossed your arms around yourself, suddenly feeling sick to your stomach. “C’mon don’t be like that, baby.” Ransom cooed as he leaned back towards you. “I really like you and would like to get to know you better, if you’d just let me.”   “I think if you're committed to somebody, you don't allow yourself to find perfection in someone else.” You told him flatly, trying not to let the disappointment show in your voice. 
You didn’t care about his rebuttal, and didn’t want to stick around to hear more of his lies. You handed him your drink and brushed past him, walking out of the party and into the cool night air. You had enough mingling for the night. 
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