#twining on another level /j
forever-yours-simdate · 11 months
Lycoris SFW alphabet please :D
Another cut! Ty for requesting Lycoris, I don't think I talk abt him enough >.>;;
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Very, very physically affectionate. Not so much verbally. Likes physical touch but also doing things for others to show his appreciation, even if they're really minor.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He's not so good at things like advice for complicated situations, but he has a strong desire to take care of people he cares about. So if you just need a shoulder to cry on or to get away from everything and be taken care of for a while, he's a good choice!
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He likes cuddles! Very used to cuddling large dogs growing up so he tends to like cuddling things he can grasp and curl around with his whole body. High risk of being suffocated by his body.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Yes! Although he's lived a pretty solitary and independent life, he's more than happy to settle down. He's pretty okay at cleaning, living by himself and all, he mostly knows the basics and isn't really particular about keeping things spotless 24/7. Really good cook tho!
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He would say so in person, despite obviously hesitating and being sad, he would feel obligated to let his partner know clearly his thought process (especially because he's aware it's hard to tell what he's thinking). Just uh. Make sure you Book It. Because he will start regretting it.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Not very quick to get married but not opposed either. Likes marriage in a more idealistic-romantic-fantasy way than a way that's closer to reality. Would give his partner a silly engagement ring made of twine and flowers.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Very, very gentle physically. He's very aware of his strength and size in comparison to others. Tends to treat his s/o as fragile regardless of the circumstance. Emotionally he tries to be, but he tends to be a bit insensitive at times on accident.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Very big hugger! Doesn't do it for no reason or randomly though. Extremely long, tight bear hugs. If he's particularly excited/happy he'll lift the person in his hug and swing them back and forth a little.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Says it at a normal, level pace. Not embarrassed about saying it, but it doesn't really occur to him to say it so he doesn't say it often.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
A lot of his jealousy manifests as over protectiveness and possessiveness. Most of the time he kinda interprets his jealousy as a "this person is a threat/bad/dangerous" (which, isn't entirely wrong?) so he tries to get his s/o as far away as possible, or at least in a safer area.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are very brief and chaste. Mostly because he has No Idea what to do other than that.
He prefers kissing on the lips but he usually kisses the top of people's heads/forehead/eyebrow area because he's tall and that's all he can easily reach. He also likes kissing on the hands/knuckles/wrist. He's just really... innocent about it.
He also likes being kissed on the mouth and hands, but getting kissed on the head makes him a little... really flustered.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Kids find him really intimidating because of his resting bitch face but if they ever get over the initial impression he's actually quite good with them! He doesn't really... play? He kinda just carries them around and tosses them (or like. throws something for them) or if it's an imaginary thing he plays along (very confused though).
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He also is one who gets up early. Not as early as Tama but he does get up pretty early to do household chores n such. If you sleep in, or are slow to wake up, he will absolutely use it as an opportunity to take care of you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He's an early riser (although not as early as Tama), so he tends to go to sleep early. Before going to sleep, he likes to read and listen to radio while sitting in bed.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Lycoris wouldn't really reveal things about himself but mostly because he doesn't feel like there's anything to share than out of a sense of privacy or wanting to hide things. He genuinely believes that everything about himself is pretty Normal and Common, but if someone asks he will bluntly say his answer without embarrassment.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Has the patience of the saint. Literally almost never gets angry. That isn't to say he doesn't get frustrated or annoyed, but usually he doesn't like, react poorly to things. Very good at staying calm, mostly because he has no idea what's going on half the time, and passively accepts things as they come.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Remembers a lot of things but mostly remembers things that alarm him or make him worried. Has things like your schedule or favorite foods memorized, but most of the time he prioritizes other things in the moment, or doesn't really know what to do with the information.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first impression from the player/MC/his s/o when they first start DMing him on FY. He sees them as very nice and helpful as they give him advice on how to take better pictures and how to fill out his profile a bit more.
While most people's passive aggression flies over his head, he's had his fair share of people get upset at him for being a bit dense or not knowing what's expected of him, so he greatly appreciates someone being able to clearly and calmly explain to him what he's doing wrong for once.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Extremely. Usually tries to physically remove himself and his s/o from the situation, or at least shield them. He doesn't really feel it's necessary to protect him, if anything trying to protect him would distress him more.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Puts extra effort into dates, anniversaries, and gifts. This mostly because he has no idea what to do for those things, so he puts in research (sourced from romance novels, the internet, and his coworkers) to draw from. Everyday tasks come most naturally to him, and makes him feel useful, so he will whisk away any task possible.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Aside from the uncontrollable paranoia he gets sometimes, he's generally pretty unobservant of his surroundings, and doesn't realize how he comes off to others. While he has awareness that
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Is well groomed, moreso out of habit than personal preference or wanting to please others. Otherwise, doesn't really pay attention. Sometimes after rolling around in the dirt with his dogs, he'll try to hug his s/o, forgetting he's covered in mud.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely. He'll be functioning, but he'll definitely be in a near-permanent mourning period. Mostly just very... melancholy, extra clingy to his dogs, and responds very poorly to things that remind him of his missing s/o. (I know it sounds like they died, but this would also be the response if they like, somehow skipped town or otherwise became disincluded in his life.)
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
(again, not a headcanon) Lycoris owns several big dogs! Regularly goes out to play with them (likes to tackle/wrestle them gently) and cooks food/eats meals with them every day. Also hunts with them.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
There's not much he really... dislikes? He's generally very neutral about things. Very particular about food, though. Not that he has foods he dislikes, but he doesn't like wasting food (ex. would eat bruised fruit as long as it isn't bad) and gets the closest feeling he gets to annoyed or angry if he sees someone else waste food.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Very much keeps shock still while he's asleep. Falls asleep very quickly but needs complete and total darkness and real-life ambient wildness noises. Does not do well with noise makers/artificial ambient noises. Is ok with electric spinning fans but not air conditioner noises.
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jj-bxby · 4 years
take a chance ~ jj maybank imagine
prompt request ~ angst ~ 1) you can’t do this, you owe me 2) how much did you drink? 3) i don’t need your pity
summary - you meet the boy of your dreams at a party, but your parents disapprove of your relationship. what happens when a phone call from them sends you into self destruct mode?
word count - 1.9k
trigger warnings ~ swearing, drinking/smoking, verbal ab*se from family member, happy ending
Kooks loved parties. Or, at least you were supposed to. 
For whatever reason, the thoughts of the crowded house and cheap booze never was appealing to you, no matter how many times you pushed yourself into the scene. Eventually, you resigned from the parties at frats and packed mansions within Figure Eight, opting instead for the ones thrown on The Cut. The Boneyard made the perfect spot for summer parties, logs acting as benches, fires to keep warm, and no police caring enough to show up to kill the vibe. And of course, that was how you ended up meeting him. The boy with the sea glass-blue eyes, wavy blonde locks, and salty lips. He was the one who had found you resting in the sand with music playing softly from your little speaker as your eyes closed. You were a good distance away from your Kook friends and the rest of the party. He’d tapped your leg with the toe of his sneaker, giggling as you glared at him.
“Not much of a partier, aye?”
You sat up, annoyed. “No, I’m not. I’m not one much for having my quiet time interrupted, either.” 
He sank to your level, sitting in the sand with his arm thrown over one knee with a joint in his hand. He twirled it for a few seconds before looking up to see you staring at him, a scowl having settled across your mouth. He laughed to himself as he looked in your eyes. “Well, I’m sorry about that. But do you mind if I lay here for a bit too? I’m I bit too faded to deal with anyone else right now.”
You thought for a second, before nodding slowly. “Alright, you can stay. On one condition, though. You share the weed.” JJ raised his brow at you. “I don’t like the taste of booze and I’m too jittery to calm myself down right now.”
“Alright. Say, your name is Y/N, right?” He asked as you took a drag of the blunt he’d just handed over. You nodded. “I’m JJ.”
You laughed a little bit. “You think I don’t know who you are? Really?” 
He grinned, the dimple on one of his cheeks showing. “Ah, I figured. I just thought it would be a better story to tell people when they ask how we got together if I introduced myself first.” You rolled your eyes, taking another puff from the joint before laying back down against the sand. You tilted your head to look at him, watching as he turned up the volume on the speaker before following your actions, his head turned to meet your eyes. 
“So I didn’t hear you disagree with me. About getting together eventually?” he smirked. 
You sighed at him. “Maybe because I’d be dumb not to take a chance.”
JJ arched his eyebrows and let out a heavy breath, clearly thrown by your candor. “I don’t know that I’d be a good boyfriend to you. At least not the kind of good you’d deserve.”
You shrugged, “Me neither.” You were smiling as you turned your face back to the sky and closed your eyes. Your fingertips eventually finding their way to each other, twining your fingers with JJ’s as you were wrapped in the starlight and music.
After that night, the two of you had hardly been seen apart for the coming months. The relationship had blossomed quickly. Both of you had eventually moved into John B’s house to get away from your families, as your parents were none too happy that you were dating a Pogue. To your family, JJ was nothing but a throwaway delinquent. 
“Why couldn’t you have stayed together with Kelce? Or go out with one of Sarah’s friends? Why did you have to pick the addict’s klepto kid?”
After that screaming match, you had shown up at John B’s in tears. He took you in without hesitation; since meeting him you two had formed something of a sibling bond. You had only gone back to your house once to grab your belongings with the Pogues escorting you. JJ never went back to his dad’s house. He always kept clothes in his knapsack, and he practically had an entire closet already set up at the chateau. There was no need to keep in touch with your families when you had each other.
Tonight was another one of the usual Pogue parties, them having taken hours to grab all of the kegs, cups, and matches they’d need for the night. Even though your boyfriend had invited you to come, you decided to stay in for the night. After he promised not to stay too late, you settled in with your Switch and some extra cozy blankets. 
After hours of doing side quests and avoiding the Greybeards, you heard your phone ring. Grabbing it, you see the Caller ID. It was the one you hadn’t been able to bring yourself to block yet.
Your hands shook as you swiped on the green circle, and you raised the phone to your ear. “Hello?”
“Hi, Y/N.”
You took a deep breath. “Why are you calling me? I thought you didn’t want a daughter who chose a Pogue?”
“I’m calling to tell you that you need to come home. You’re fucking up your entire life for some boy that won’t even care about you once the lust fades. I’m saying this because I love you, Y/N. You’re my daughter, and I want what’s best for you.” You felt a small boil of rage in the pit of your stomach as you listened to his words. His tone was the same one he’d used back when you were living at home. It was the tone of honey-sweet words that dripped with threatening undertones, the one he’d use to get you to do whatever he wanted. What he wanted was to make himself look good to outsiders; Nothing he asked of you was for your happiness. 
“You don’t care about what’s right for me, dad, and you never did. If you did, you would accept me being with JJ, but you don’t. You don’t want me to be with him because you’re so goddamned worried about what the other families will think of you. I can’t believe you had the audacity to say you love me.” You felt hot tears slip from your eyes as you spoke and choked back the sobs trying to escape your throat.
“Listen, bitch. You’re lucky you’re eighteen, otherwise, I would have had you dragged back to the house the moment you left. You are the one who wrecked our family. You ruined my life, too, and I wish I would have left as soon as you were born, Y/N. This is all your fault. The locks are being changed tomorrow, got it? So don’t step a foot on my property, because you will be treated as a trespasser and you will be arrested. If you don’t come back tonight, you won’t have anyone who loves you anymore.” 
“Fine. Don’t fucking call me again, bastard,” you spat as you hung up. You ran a hand through your hair while you let the sobs shake your body, letting all of your previously trapped emotions out. After a good forty-five minutes of nothing but crying, you had finally worn yourself out and slipped into sleep. 
JJ walked into the Chateau as quietly as he could, only to find you asleep on the couch. He grinned as he walked over to where you were lying, moved your Switch and phone so they wouldn’t fall when you got up, and gently woke you. “Hey, baby.”
You groaned as you woke up, looking at the clock that read 3 am. “JJ, I thought you said you weren’t going to stay out late? And why do you smell like a distillery? How fucking much did you drink?” You were angry, and you were standing up now, face to face with your boyfriend. You felt the simmer in your stomach again, left over from earlier. 
You’re not gonna have anyone who loves you.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I just lost track of time. I tried to text you to tell you I was going to be late, but it wouldn’t send. And I only had one beer, I’m not even buzzed.” He looked at you with a grimace on his face. “What is going on with you?” He could just see the exhaustion rimming your eyes and the tear stains on your cheeks. “Are you okay, love? You look like you do when you’ve been crying.”
You shook your head, still furious from your conversation earlier. “No, I’m not okay. My dad called tonight to tell me I ruined his life and the family, and that no one will love me, including you,” you said bitterly. JJ reached to grab your hand as he opened his mouth to speak. 
You pushed him away. “No. I don’t need your pity, JJ.” You turned on your heel to walk to your bedroom. “I needed you, and you weren’t here. You can’t do this, you fucking owed me that, JJ.” You knew you were being irrational, but you couldn’t help it. You were so hurt that you just wanted to hurt everyone around you.
He caught hold of your arm to turn you around with ease. You crossed your arms and glared daggers at the boy standing in front of you. “Y/N,” JJ sighed, “you’ve gotta meet me halfway here so I can help you. Stop fighting with me when I’m not the one you’re angry with. I know this sucks, and it hurts like hell, but you can’t just push me away. It doesn’t work like that when I’m here to stay. So tell me what’s actually going on.”
JJ watched you as the harsh expression decorating your face softened and tears welled in your eyes. “He said–he said that you would get bored of me. That you would only want me for a little while before the fascination faded,” you croaked. You let him wrap his arms around you, and rested your head against his chest. The hug was so warm and comforting, something you had never received from your family. After a minute of him holding you and murmuring comforting things, he pulled back so he could look you in the eyes.
“Baby, I hope you realize that I’m not going anywhere. I’m with you for the rest of time. And as long as I’m here with you, I’m not going to back down when you try to build those walls, okay? You’re the love of my life that I never thought I would find. It’s not something as little as lust, Y/N,” JJ promised you. “I’d be dumb not to take a chance on you, remember?”
JJ tilted his head to rest your foreheads together. “I’m sorry I was being so horrible to you, J. You’re more than I could have ever asked for, and I love you so incredibly much,” you whispered. JJ pressed a soft kiss to your lips, as he wiped a tear from your cheek with his thumb.
“Apology accepted, baby. No more trying to hurt each other just because we’re hurting, though, okay?” You nodded to him, a small smile taking its place on your lips. “Good. Let’s go get some rest now, huh?”
tags and moots ~ @jjsredhat @jjsbxtch @jjmayybank @pink-meringues @midnightmagicmusingsmain @maybanksbaby @kookkyra @aesthetic-lyss @soemthingsparkly @softstarkey @shawnssongs @drewswannabegirl @starlightstarkey @starksweasleymain @joshy-obx @jjmaybnks @obxjj @hmspxgue @uwubonebabie @jiaraendgame @poguestyle17 @topperthornton @obx-direction-sos
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ladyideal · 4 years
Piece of Cake
Pairing: McKirk x Reader
Word Count: 2335
Requested by: @cuddlememerrick​ “Alright so idea since you said you need some! Mckirk/reader one of them has been having a bad week and the other two plan  a relaxing night for them, cook their favorite meal, ready their favorite movies etc. Just need some fluff with my two boys.”
Warnings: Cursing (still), mention of explosions and sickness, mostly fluff really
Summary: An explosion happens down in Engineering. You almost cry as your day off disappears into a week of hell and fixing up the ship. Worried, Jim and Leonard convinces threatens you to take the day off after several days have past since the accident. At the end, you spent your night with your two best boyfriends.
A/n: so yay first request. I’ll probably just keep requests open for an indefinite time and finish them slowly. Also giving McKirk x reader some good lovin at 4am. I should get to bed. 
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(credit gif to owner)
Placing you comm on your nightstand, you snuggled under the covers. It was only 10 at night, but Scotty had let you go early. There weren't many work orders, and the ensigns could cover what was left on the list. You weren’t going to say no at the prospect of leaving work early, especially when you finally had a day off the next day. 
Some of the Engineers were off sick, but you and Scotty still made it work. As Scotty’s unofficial second, you covered Beta and the occasional Gamma shift, but you were proud of how far you’ve come. In just two years abroad the Enterprise, you’d not only make it to Lieutenant Commander, but somehow had two loving boyfriends and a wonderful job on the flagship of the fleet. You had the dream of what many yearned for.
You knew that both Len and Jim were still at their offices, finishing up their reports. Granted you had your fair share of reports to catch up on, but for now, you could care less. You’d thought of waiting up for them, but you’d figured you could get some early shut eye. Hopefully now, Jim could stop complaining about your lack of sleep. A day off was a day off. On that note, you drifted off into a nap.
You groaned, reluctantly sticking your hand out from under the covers to blindly search around for your comm. Once finding it, you flipped it open.
“Y/L/N,” You slurred groggily, eyeing blearily at the chrom.
It was midnight.
“Lassie! Where are you?” Scotty’s voice answered. The urgency and panic in his voice instantly raised your concern, and you grudgingly sat up. 
“Scotty, I’m in bed. What happened?”
“Lass, are ya dead to the world? Ensign Reol snapped the wrong wire, the consoles blew, and the right turbine is in pieces. I cannae get this done myself. Get down here.”
“Shit,” you cursed, scrambling out of bed. “I’m on my way.”
Swiftly, you put on your uniform and tied your boots up. In a last attempt to make yourself decent for work, you threw your hair into a messy ponytail. Without another glance, you hurriedly grabbed your kit and comm, and rushed out of the door. 
You hurried into a turbolift, forcefully keying in your destination. As you waited, you tapped your foot while sorting through your kit full of tools. You’d gotten only two hours of sleep, and you were already back to work again. Grabbing your comm out, you blinked your eyes at the amount of messages you received.
Thirty messages from three panicking people. Jim, Len, and Scotty, of course.
You skimmed through them, noticing that Jim’s last message was a threat saying that if you didn’t reply back on your whereabouts, he was going to send a search party. That message was sent ten minutes ago. With a frown, you sent both Len and the Captain saying that you were fine, and on the way down to Engineering to see what was going on.
Almost immediately, both replied.
“For god’s sake, you red shirts just love danger.” - L
“No search party this time, Y/N.” - J
You grinned, but clipped your comm back. When the doors open, you hurried out.
“What the hell,” You slid beside to Scotty’s side, watching the billows of inky jet black smoke obscuring the rest of the engine room. There were pieces of shrapnel littering the ground in front, and plenty of black soot to go around. An unpleasant smell of burnt plastic wafted up from the lower levels to the top. If you squinted your eyes hard enough, you could make out the charred remains of what was left of several consoles laying couple yards away. 
“Turbine flew off when the consoles blew, lass,” Scotty pointed. “Had to manually drop her out of warp.”
“Everyone okay?” You rubbed your eyes tiredly with the back of your hand. “It looks pretty bad.”
You knew from past experiences that Leonard was going to have yet another fit towards the incompetence of engineers. At least this time, you weren’t the one hurt. 
“I’m afraid not, lassie,” Scotty grimaced. “Medical got them out after the sprinklers started.”
“Who’s left?”
“Not many.”
You glanced at him, and turned back to the chaos in front of you. Squeezing your eyes shut briefly, you pinched the bridge of your nose. This could not be happening right now, right on the eve of your day off. You let out a resigned sigh, and opened your eyes again. 
“I go take a look at the wires, and you go see what’s left of that right turbine?” You suggested, looking over at your superior grimly.
“Aye, lass.”
Unfortunately, that was how your week started. It was going to be one long horrible week for sure. 
With a good portion of your engineers injured or still sick, you and Scotty were spread thin across all three shifts. Leaving you with no other choice, each day you spent working with the Chief Engineer on the Beta and Gamma shift. You directed the other Engineers to leave the non immediate work orders for later, and to jimmy together what was left of the consoles in order for the ship to be able to reach the next Federation outpost.
You waved to Scotty on your way down from the stairs to sign in, which he only acknowledged with a nod from up above. Sixteen hour work days were starting to take a toll on your already exhausted mind and body. However, you had a feeling that Scotty didn’t get too sleep much either.
Hell, at this rate you could probably twine wires and solder them together in your sleep now.
Both Jim and Leonard had both tried to get to you to get more sleep, but you shook them off, saying that there weren’t enough hands to fix the damn ship. The latter had already threatened his usual medical leave on you, but this time you’d thanked him and shook your head. The Captain didn’t dare try forcing you to take a day off. He knew better, as eventually you would just sneak back to Engineering and continue working.
“Bones, have you seen Y/N at all this week?” Jim frowned into his glass of bourbon. 
“Only when Y/N and I passed by in our room. Y/N went to sleep, and I went in for Alpha,” Leonard didn’t bother looking up from his PADD, doing his best to ignore the blonde putting his feet up on the armrest. “Feet off the furniture, Jim.”
Jim pouted, but pressed on. “Do you think we should cheer Y/N up? You cook dinner, and I’ll find some holos to watch? You know that Y/N loves it when you cook. No replicator can do your cooking justice.”
The doctor grunted, eyeing his captain as though he was weighing the odds of cheering you up with his food. “If you find another musical, Jim, I swear I’ll put you in for another physical.”
“Afternoon, Scotty,” You shouted, half as a greeting and the other half as a homing beacon. You could never really know where the Chief Engineer could be lurking around at any given time. He was almost everywhere, and nowhere at the same time. 
“Afternoon, Y/N,” Your superior called tiredly from above, hanging from a rope to fix the tubes. “What number are ya on?”
“Six,” You answered, sipping your coffee as you signed in with one hand. It was your sixth back to back Beta and Gamma shifts, and you were really feeling the exhaustion creeping in. 
“Six?! For god’s sake, you shoulda take a break, lass,” Scotty continued. “Ya know that, McCoy ain’t happy with me keeping you here all day long.”
You snorted loudly, sifting through the work orders. As many were still down in Medbay, you had taken up a couple of ensign jobs to help lighten up the load. “He will live. Where do you need me?”
It was three hours in when your communicator buzzed.
Setting your screwdriver on a nearby Jefferies tube, you flipped it open.
“Y/N. Jim and I are worried about you, sweetheart. You can use the break, and come eat with us over dinner. Jim has a surprise for you,” Leonard’s voice came through.
“Len, I appreciate it, but right now-,” You paused, swearing when your screwdriver teetered and fell. “Scotty, be nice and throw me your wrench? I can’t seem to find mine.”
“Throwing wrenches?” Came a now very concerned doctor. “Why the hell are you throwing wrenches around?”
“Aye, swing over and I’ll hand it over.”
You pushed off from the tube that you were stationed above and gently swung down to meet Scotty. 
“Y/N , why do I hear wind? Are you above the Jefferies again?” Leonard continued. “Dammit women, what did I say about going up there?”
“That I’ll one day fall to my death,” You smirked, thanking Scotty with a nod.
“I’m coming down there to fetch you,” The doctor decided for you. “Don’t get into anymore trouble.”
“No promises, love.”
Regardless, you continued working. Oh no, you couldn’t leave Scotty here on his own to fix the rest of the damage from the earlier blast. With the amount of work still to be done, there was no way you would be retiring for the night. 
“Y/N, did you even hear a word of what I just said?” A familiar southern accent drew your attention from down below you.
“Yes, but-.”
“ Sweetheart, you’re exhausted. Both Scotty and Jim have said it was alright for you to take the rest of the day off.” 
Despite the earlier protest that you were fine, you yawned. It was true that the lack of sleep and food and even water was getting to you. Occasionally, you’d caught yourself nodding off. If it weren’t for the fact that you were safely suspended on a length of rope, you’d probably fall and hit your head on the way down. 
“I’m fine, Len. Just save me some food?” You ventured a glance downward in time to watch his brows furrow.
“Don’t make me do it, darlin’. Jim and I are just looking out for you.You can’t be a good engineer if you keep messing up, and dropping things. You’re tired, let us take care of you.”
‘It’ was the medical leave. Leonard had threatened the usage earlier, but you didn’t, as per usual, paid any attention. 
“Get some sleep, lass,” Scotty’s voice carried from a couple yards away. “I’ll see ya tomorrow.”
With three people up your ass, you finally relented. 
“Fine, fine,” You grumbled reluctantly, sticking the rest of your tools into your kit, and slowly lowering yourself back down onto solid ground. 
When your feet made contact with the floor, you unbuckled yourself from the rope, and turned to Leonard.
“Happy now?” You huffed out, wobbling unsteadily towards him.
“Getting there,” The doctor responded, enveloping you in a hug and placing a light kiss on your lips. “I’ve cooked us some dinner, Jim has a surprise, and then we can snuggle up together on the couch. What do you say to that?”
You hummed in content, kissing him back as your eyes closed. With the promise of more concerted kisses, you were looking forward to the dinner. “I would like that. It would make up for the hell that was this week.”
“JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH. WILL YA TWO FIND ANOTHER PLACE TO KISS!?” A very irritated sounding Scotty shouted from above. 
“We should leave, sweetheart,” Leonard grinned, his trademark smirk back again. You nodded in agreement.
With a chuckle, the two of you made your way back towards your quarters.
After some homemade fried chicken, green beans, and a generous heaping of mashed potatoes and gravy, you had to grudgingly admit that Leonard was right in coercing you to take a break. The food and the company really brightened your spirits up after a long hell of a week. 
“You were right, Leonard. The food was what I really needed,” You leaned back into your chair.
“That’s not all!” Jim hurried out of his chair, almost knocking the poor thing over in his hurry to reach the kitchen.
You glanced over at the doctor for some context, but only received a shrug in return. You deduced that this was going to be Jim’s surprise.
“Ta da da da,” Jim emerged back with a cake in his hands. 
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. Jim wasn’t a baker after all.
“How did you-?” You couldn’t find the words to finish your question.
“I might have had some help in taste testing and baking it,” Jim replied with a sheepish grin. 
You laughed, appreciating the work from both your boyfriends. “Thank you.”
“Come, darlin’” Leonard stood up. “We can eat it while we watch some holos that Jim picked out for you. He also swore that there wouldn’t be any musicals.”
You beamed at both Jim and Leonard, and nodded.
While Jim went off in search of plates and forks, you and Leonard settled comfortably on the couch, leaving a space for Jim to later sit in. 
“Feet up,” The doctor requested, and you obliged with a grin.
“How about some Western? Nyota said this one was a classic,” Jim grabbed the remote as he sat on your left after planting an affectionate kiss on your cheek.
“Sure,” You smiled, purring happily on his shoulder as Leonard idly stroked your shins and ankles. With the holo on, Jim slightly maneuvered you around till your back was to him. You groaned out loud as he started massaging your shoulders, and kneading out the knots with expert hands. 
While the week might have been beyond hellish, you could always count on both Leonard and Jim to make even the worst of days better. For that, you were forever grateful for your two very loving boyfriends.
ST Tags: @mournthewicked​ (if you want to be tagged in future star trek fics, let me know)
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ghost-town-story · 3 years
FebruarOC Day 8: Harmony
Harmony tuned out her mother’s rambling, staring out the window at the familiar garden. She wished she could be out there rather than stuck inside this stuffy room. 
“Are you listening to me Harmony?” her mother snapped. 
“Yes Mother,” Harmony replied without looking. 
“Repeat what I just said.” 
“Be on my best behavior, don’t speak out of turn, and above all else don’t do anything weird,” Harmony recited. 
She turned back to face her mother just in time to see her mother’s lips twist in distaste. “I wouldn’t be so flippant if I were you,” her mother said. “This may very well be your last chance at finding a husband. After all, you aren’t getting any younger.”
Harmony barely refrained from rolling her eyes. “In my defense, it’s not like I tried to drive away every suitor.” 
“Oh, so they all just happened to lose interest after a few weeks?” 
Harmony glared at her mother, but her response was cut off by a bell ringing elsewhere in the house. 
Harmony’s mother took a deep breath, composing herself again. “That’ll be them. Come along, Harmony.” She stood, and Harmony reluctantly followed suit, bidding her view of the gardens a silent farewell. 
“And Harmony?” 
“Don’t worry Mother, I’ll behave,” Harmony said, a little venom creeping back into her voice. 
“You’d better,” her mother retorted.
Harmony resisted the urge to yawn as she listened to her parents prattle on with the Brookfields. After the initial introductions, none of them had spared Harmony a second glance, leaving her free to study the Brookfields in peace, in particular the son and hopefully Harmony’s soon-to-be fiancé, Jacob. Harmony had to admit to herself that, at least based on looks, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to marry him. His icy blue eyes surveyed the room with about the same level of boredom Harmony felt, and his dark hair looked so soft. 
Harmony glanced at her mother and smiled on cue, and when her eyes returned to Jacob, it was to find his eyes on her. Harmony hesitated, then doubled down on her obvious staring and smirked at him. 
Jacob blinked, obviously not expecting her to be so forward. After a moment, he returned her smile with a tentative one of his own. 
“Isn’t that right Harmony?” Harmony’s mother said pointedly. 
“Yes Mother,” Harmony replied, her “perfect good-mannered daughter” mask immediately snapping back into place. 
Across from her, Harmony heard a soft snort of laughter from Jacob. An idea flitted into Harmony’s mind, and she decided to enact it during the next lull in the conversation. 
For now, she let her eyes slide back to Jacob. He was barely hiding his amusement as he watched her. Harmony shot him another smirk, then gave him a careful wink. Again, she was rewarded with that wide-eyed, startled look. Oh he was precious. 
“Mother,” Harmony spoke up in a pause, “I was wondering if I might be able to take Mr. Brookfield on a tour of the gardens? Supervised, of course.” 
“I think that sounds like a wonderful idea,” Lady Brookfield said, though Harmony didn’t miss the strained look she gave Jacob. 
“Of course.” Harmony’s mother smiled at her, and Harmony didn’t miss the warning note in both her smile and voice. “I’ll summon Victoria, she can accompany you two.” 
Harmony bit back a groan at the mention of her aunt, instead giving her mother a pleasant smile. “Thank you Mother, Lady Brookfield,” she said. 
Once Victoria arrived, Harmony wasted as little time as possible short of grabbing Jacob and dragging him out of the drawing room with her. As it was, Harmony didn’t feel like she could breath easy until she stepped foot in the gardens, even though her aunt was only a few feet away. 
Jacob, silent until now, took in the gardens from their position. “I see a tour will take a while,” he said, a faint note of amusement in his voice. 
“That’s the point,” Harmony replied in a low voice with another wink. 
Apparently Jacob was no longer surprised by her forwardness though, because he just replied with a smile of his own. “Lead the way then, Miss Adkins.” 
Harmony waited until they were as far away from Victoria as she would allow before speaking again. “Please don’t call me that. At least not when it’s just us.” 
“And Lady Victoria,” Jacob pointed out. 
Harmony gave him a deadpan look that said She doesn’t count. “Mr. Brookfield,” she said in her haughtiest voice, “I must insist that you just call me Harmony.” 
Jacob regarded her for a moment with those icy blue eyes. “You certainly are a risk-taker, aren’t you Miss Adkins,” he said, stressing her last name. “Back there in the drawing room, and now.” 
“Will that be a problem?” Harmony asked. 
To her relief, Jacob only held his serious expression for a moment longer before breaking into a soft smile. “It’s a surprise,” he answered. “But I do appreciate surprises. And if I am to call you simply by your first name, I must ask that you do the same for me. Actually, I would prefer it if you’d call me Jay.” 
“Very well, Jay,” Harmony replied, and the brilliant smile she received in reply made her think that maybe this time things would work out.
As the weeks went by, Jay became a near-daily visitor, much to Harmony’s mother’s obvious relief. Simultaneously, Victoria had slowly been allowing Harmony more and more freedom during Jay’s “supervised” visits, to the point where Harmony could slip out of the gardens, Jay in tow, and return hours later without so much as a fuss. 
This freedom meant that Harmony and Jay would often spend afternoons exploring the countryside on foot, or else just sitting in a meadow and talking. This particular afternoon found them engaged in the latter, sitting in a tree’s shade to avoid getting sunburned. 
“You know,” Harmony said, tilting her head back to let the breeze catch her loose hair, “I’m not one to believe much in fate, but I will say it was incredibly lucky that your family chose to move when they did.” 
Jay stilled for a moment, then shook himself slightly. “Lucky for both of us, I guess,” he said. “Any longer and they might’ve tried to match you with Matthew.” Harmony made a face, and Jay laughed. “Oh, he’s not that bad,” he added. 
“I’ll take your word for it,” Harmony said, a note of disbelief in her voice. “But why would they try to marry off your younger brother before you?” 
Jay shrugged and deflected with a question of his own. “What I’m curious about is why your parents are so desperate to marry you off?” 
Harmony narrowed her eyes, but allowed the deflection. “As Mother likes to say, I’m not getting any younger, and by now it looks like you’re my last chance.” 
“Surely I haven’t been your only suitor?” Jay asked. 
Harmony gave him a wan smile. “Sorry to break it to you, but you’re number twenty-seven.” 
Harmony nodded. “Mother has tried to match me with just about any option in town, and quite a few elsewhere as well. And as you can obviously guess, she’s had glowing success with that,” she added sarcastically. 
Jay blinked. “But why? Sorry, I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable,” he added as Harmony huffed. “It’s just—I don’t understand how you would go through so many, unless you’re trying to drive them away on purpose.” 
“It’s never been on purpose,” Harmony defended herself. “In the end, they all decided I was too strange, too wild for them. I wouldn’t even care if not for Mother.” 
“A little strangeness isn’t bad,” Jay replied. 
“You may tolerate it. None of them wanted to.” Harmony leaned against Jay’s shoulder. “But speaking of strange.” She was close enough to see Jay flinch slightly. “Is there something about you I should know?” 
Jay let out a long breath. “I don’t think we should discuss this Harp.” 
Harmony hummed softly, lightly trailing her fingers over Jay’s wrist and feeling his breath hitch. Her curiosity had been piqued now, and Harmony wasn’t above some shameless flirting to get Jay to open up to her. 
“Tell you what,” she murmured, moving to twine their fingers together. “You tell me what little secret you have that your parents are wary of, and I’ll tell you exactly how I managed to drive away the previous twenty-six suitors.” 
Jay turned his head to look Harmony in the eye, icy blue to green. After a moment, he closed his eyes with a sigh. “Why does it feel like I’m making a deal with the devil?” he murmured. 
“Jacob Brookfield!” Harmony gasped, mock-offended. 
Jay opened one eye to give her an unamused stare. 
“So?” Harmony prompted, squeezing his hand. 
“Alright.” Jay turned away and took a deep breath. “The reason my parents have been hesitant to marry me off until now is that they’re… afraid. Of—Of what people might do if they find out.” 
Harmony barely managed to bite her tongue to stop herself from asking Find out what? 
Jay squeezed her hand as if he knew what she was thinking. “Because… Harp, not one word of this conversation leaves your mouth, understand?” 
“Of course.” Harmony nodded. “I’d expect the same silence from you.” 
Jay nodded distractedly, steeling himself to speak. “Because ever since I’ve been a child, I’ve had these strange visions of what I think is the future. And my parents are afraid, both of what I might see, and what people might do to me if they found out about this—about this curse.” He practically spat the last word. 
Harmony quietly pulled her hand from Jay’s, and Jay flinched. “Please, don’t—” 
“Jay.” Harmony silenced him with a finger. “My turn for the truth.” She snapped her fingers, and her palm lit up in flames. 
Jay gasped softly, his ice blue eyes flicking between the flames and Harmony’s face. 
“I haven’t told anybody other than you,” Harmony admitted, “but sometimes I just can’t control it and accidentally light something on fire. And it turns out most suitors aren’t too keen on marrying a girl who seems to cause spontaneous fires wherever she goes.” 
Jay let out a small laugh at that. 
“And, for what it’s worth,” Harmony said, dousing the flames to brush Jay’s hair away from his face, “I’m not afraid of you.” 
“You aren’t scared of a lot of things you should fear,” Jay replied. 
“Maybe, but my point still stands. I’m not afraid of you. After all,” she added with a teasing grin, “as far as I can tell, you’re hardly more dangerous than a puppy.” 
Jay snorted, which quickly turned into proper laughter. “Is that how you see me? Like a puppy?” he gasped out between laughs. 
“If I say yes?” Harmony replied. 
To her surprise, Jay tugged her onto his lap and held her close, muffling his laughter in her hair. After her initial shock though, Harmony relaxed and leaned her head against his shoulder. 
Once his laughter died away, Jay loosened his grip slightly, but didn’t quite let go of Harmony. “Thank you,” he murmured. 
With a little smirk, Harmony reached up and brushed a kiss to Jay’s jaw. She laughed a little at the quiet squeak he emitted, then resumed leaning against him. 
And that’s how they stayed until the sun fell low in the sky, and they had to return home before anybody realized they’d snuck away.
Jay was usually good about visiting every day, but it was never a for-sure thing. And usually, if he couldn’t visit one day, he was on the doorstep the next morning with a rueful grin and a soft apology for Harmony. 
But ever since his visits had become commonplace, he’d never been gone more than one day. So when Harmony woke after two days of no visits from Jay and found that he still hadn’t appeared or even sent a message, Harmony couldn’t help but be a little worried for him. Her mother’s disapproving glares didn’t make Harmony feel any better about the situation. 
When the doorbell unexpectedly rang around midmorning, Harmony immediately jumped up, intending on rushing down and giving Jay a piece of her mind about worrying her so much. 
“Sit down Harmony,” her mother ordered. Harmony huffed but complied, sulkily returning to her embroidery. 
A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. 
“Come in,” Harmony’s mother called. One of the servants entered. 
“It’s a messenger for you ma’am,” she said with a curtsey. 
Harmony’s mother sighed, setting aside her own embroidery. “Very well. Stay here Harmony.” With that, Harmony’s mother left the room, the servant on her heels. 
The second she was gone, Harmony was on her feet and following them, her curiosity too strong to stand sitting there alone for however long. She paused at the landing overlooking the entrance, keeping just out of sight of her mother below. 
“I have a message for you ma’am,” the messenger was saying. “From Lord and Lady Brookfield.” 
Harmony just barely muffled her sharp breath. Where was Jay? 
“Yes? What is it?” Harmony’s mother said brusquely. 
The messenger took a deep breath. “Lord and Lady Brookfield send their regards, and regret to inform you that they must call off the engagement between their son and your daughter.” 
Whatever response Harmony’s mother had was drowned out by a rushing noise in Harmony’s ears. No. Not again. Not when it had actually been going well, when Jay knew about her strange powers and didn’t mind them. There had to be some other reason behind it. Because if Jay had been the one to call it off, Harmony knew she would never forgive him for it.
By nightfall, Harmony had the inkling of a plan outlined. She was far too impatient to wait and see if they would get an actual reason why the engagement had been called off, plus the more she thought about it, the more she had a bad feeling about the entire situation. So as darkness fell and the rest of the house settled to sleep, Harmony stayed awake, pacing her room and running over potential scenarios for that night. 
Once she thought the house was quiet enough, she threw on her cloak and slipped out of her room to creep through the house. When she was younger, she used to sneak out often at night, so she knew how to avoid the creakiest floorboards on her path to the kitchen, which had the easiest door for her to slip out of unnoticed. 
Once she was outside, Harmony quickly crossed the yard to the stables to saddle one of the horses. On one of their adventures around the countryside, Jay had shown Harmony in what direction his house was, as well as vague directions on how to get there. Harmony just hoped now that she could remember them well enough to get there and back before the sun rose.
Luckily for Harmony, she remembered Jay’s instructions well enough, and a surprisingly short ride later she found herself on the road just outside of his house. Harmony dismounted and tied her horse’s reins to a nearby branch before creeping closer to the house. Like her own, it was mostly dark and quiet, all of its occupants likely in bed and asleep. 
Just before reaching the front door, Harmony turned off the path and started making her way around the perimeter of the house. She made it about a quarter away around before she found what she was looking for; A small, unassuming door that likely led to the kitchen. 
Holding her breath, Harmony tried the door, and let out a sigh of relief when it clicked open. She slipped inside and carefully closed the door behind her. Now came the tricky part; Trying to find Jay in a house she’d never visited before. 
Before Harmony could get much further than collecting her nerves, she heard footsteps approaching the kitchen. In a panic, Harmony threw herself under the kitchen worktable, tucking herself under her cloak so she would hopefully blend in better with the half-empty bags of flour there. 
The kitchen door opened, and from her vantage point Harmony saw two pairs of feet enter, a man and a woman. They were arguing in low voices. 
“We can’t just leave him down there!” With a start, Harmony recognized the voice as belonging to Lady Brookfield. Which mean the man was likely… 
“We can and we will,” Lord Brookfield replied, his voice a low growl. “This whole thing was a mistake. If the girl ever learned of his problem, all it would take is one word to her family, and it’s our reputation in ruins.” 
“He’s our son.” 
“And it’s what’s best for him. He’ll understand that one day.” 
There was a pause. “I want to bring him some food at least. He must be hungry.” 
“I’ve had Matthew bring him food when the cook is out,” Lord Brookfield replied. “I promise you, he’s not suffering unnecessarily.” 
There was another pause, then a sigh. “Very well. But tomorrow I want to see him, problem or no problem,” Lady Brookfield said. 
“Alright,” Lord Brookfield conceded. “Come on dear, it’s late.” 
Without any further argument, the pair left the kitchen, the door closing with a thud behind them. Harmony stayed still for a few moments longer, processing the conversation she’d just heard. Ultimately, she came to the conclusion that they must have been talking about Jay. From the sounds of it, he was being locked up somewhere in the house, and if Harmony had to guess… 
She slipped out from underneath the table and surveyed the kitchen floor until she found a metal ring leading to a trapdoor. Harmony took hold of the ring and tugged the trapdoor open, revealing stairs to what she assumed was a cellar. 
Not trusting that Jay’s parents wouldn’t return at any moment, Harmony descended the first few steps, then heaved the trapdoor shut over her once she was sure she would still be able to open it from below. 
With that taken care of, Harmony continued down into the darkness, summoning a small flame to light her way. She reached the bottom of the stairs and brightened the flame to survey her surroundings. Like she’d suspected, it was indeed a cellar. But there was no sign of Jay. 
Harmony frowned, but began to search the room carefully. She rounded a shelf and couldn’t stop the gasp that was ripped from her throat. Curled in a dark corner of the cellar was Jay. He was tied up and gagged, and Harmony really hoped that wasn’t blood she saw staining his collar. 
She rushed to his side and fell to her knees. “Jay?” she whispered, reaching out with her free hand to brush his hair back. 
Jay’s icy blue eyes fluttered open, and he stared at Harmony in confusion for a moment before recognition flared. He tried to say something, but it was muffled by the gag he wore. 
“Shh, I’ll get you out, don’t worry.” Harmony carefully set down the flame on a bare patch of floor to free up both of her hands, then started untying the gag. 
Once it was free of his mouth, Jay took a gasping breath. “Harp?” he rasped. “What—Why are you here?” 
“Call it a hunch.” Harmony focused on the knots tying Jay’s hands, but they were too complicated for her. “Careful, I’m going to use fire to free you.” 
Harmony burnt the ropes away, and Jay hissed as his wrists were singed. “Sorry.” Harmony cupped his face in her hands. “Are you okay? What did they do to you?” 
Jay coughed. “Why are you here Harp?” 
“Because I was worried about you!” Harmony retorted. “And your parents said the engagement was off—” 
“—and I thought that sounded fishy, so I had to come investigate.” Harmony hesitated, wanting to make sure Jay was absolutely okay. “Are you okay?” she asked again. 
Jay took a deep, shuddering breath. “I don’t—I can’t—” 
Harmony pulled him close as he started to shake. “Shh, I’ve got you now.” 
“I can’t stay here,” Jay gasped. “They—He—I had another vision, I scared him, and he tied me up down here. I think he’s trying to kill me.” 
“What?” Harmony hissed. 
Jay buried his face in Harmony’s neck. “I haven’t—You’re the first person I’ve seen since I’ve been locked down here. I don’t know how long its been.” 
“At least two days, if I had to guess,” Harmony said with a sinking heart. “He—Your father?” 
Jay nodded. 
“He lied,” Harmony hissed. “He told your mother that your brother was bringing you food.” 
“Harp, I don’t know what to do,” Jay whispered. 
It was easy for Harmony to make up her mind, and she sat back enough to look Jay in the eye. “I’ll tell you what,” she said, taking one of Jay’s hands in her own. “I’m going to help you get out of here, and then you and me are going to get the hell away from here and start out on our own.” 
Jay blinked. “But what about your parents? My father?” 
“My parents will have to live with it,” Harmony said with an easy shrug. “And if your father ever tries to hurt you again, we’ll make him regret it. I’ll make him regret it.” 
Jay looked at her for a moment, then closed his eyes and nodded. “Okay.”
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The colour of your skin.
A/n : Week 6 Day 6 Prompt:Sci Fi AU.
This fic ran away from me.
Pairing: Jogan
Marketed as the next best thing to have happened to the human race the Wright humanoids were programmed to serve amongst a whole list of other duties. They were formed to be a major part of the workforce so that that the humans could be freed to do more important stuff such make laws and decisions. Though this was not always the scenario and the majority of the humanoids ended up as toys.
Available in the basic body morph of lean, tall, clear skin and a readily available smile, they could be programmed to suit any field and modified as per necessary requirement and more than often they kept getting request to make the droids more aesthetically pleasing with enhanced genitalia.
Wright Industries was forever in clashes in with the various Human Rights Agencies on the portrayal of service humanoids in the market. Sentient beings with an ability to speak, process, voice opinions and feel, to an extent, the various agencies felt that they should be given the basic dignity and human rights as they were more than just toys or ready labour and Logan wholeheartedly agreed with the same.
His own mother figure was a humanoid herself, his father’s favourite, the first and only of her kind and she looked after him when his own human mother left them.
He was forever in clashes with his father regarding the marketing of the service humanoids. Surely he could understand the need for laws to prevent humanoid abuse, he did love Michelle after all, Logan was sure of it. Hence he couldn’t understand why the Senator couldn’t understand him.
“No.” Logan scratched out yet another request, “Because it’s not right.”
“They’re not human.” his father yelled loudly and Logan glared at him. “They’re more human than you.”
The new line though, the J Series was definitely not human or well too human Logan frowned. Well, it was actually just one model, the new prototype, the first of its kind nicknamed J. Logan was working closely with the technical team and the production team and the new prototype was frustrating all of them.
Clearly, it worked fine. He worked fine. He had usage of all his limbs, emotions, speech, thought process, could assess the situation and provide input and then there were things he was not programmed to do. And he did all of that too. Provided comments on the situation that was not inputted, recharged himself when he felt that he needed to, had opinions on everything and was very vocal about it and currently he was hating Logan’s tie.
Logan threw his hands up in the air and glanced at his head of production. “Don’t look at me,” Derek mumbled where he was busy comparing schematics from the J series. “Jules,” Derek sighed, “What did you now.”
“Jules,” Logan asked in askance, When did that happen.
“It’s what he wants to be called.” Derek frowned and handed Logan the fresh reports of the day. “Take a look at the readings. They are good. Too good.” They both looked at the J Series prototype who was grumpily looking at them from the couch, arms akimbo, dressed in the standard humanoid uniform of full grey.
“Does this mean it’s ready for manufacturing?” Logan asked as he studied the figures and schematics on the console and at the humanoid frowning at them.
“I am right here.” Jules said from the couch, “Stop talking as if I am not here.” He got up from the couch and walked up to Logan and kissed him on the cheek.
“Yeah, that’s a new development today.” Derek groaned and pointed to the console in Logan’s hand, fingers skimming across the screen as he pulled up his observation. “See, he hugged me today in the morning and then he handed me his schematics and proceeded to discuss it with me.”
They both turned to look at Jules who was now hanging on to the both of them, one arm around Derek’s shoulder and the other around Logan’s waist. “What.” Jules asked the two of them, “And while we are still talking about me when are we getting me some clothes.”
“I see the new prototype is working fine.” His dad asked during one of their bi-weekly lunches which was more of an unofficial progress report than a father-son lunch. Logan groaned, of course, he would have received Derek’s status reports, as head of production he needed to send the weekly reports to the Top Management which included Logan, his dad, the board of directors and certain key investors.
Logan nodded, “We just need to cross-check a few details but yes, the J series is ready for manufacturing.”
“And the paperwork and licenses.”
“All in place, we have drawn up the patents and claims, everything is ready to go.”
“Good.” His father nodded.
The J series was hit in the market with its high capabilities and reasoning and with the right pricing and marketing Logan ensured that the entire line was placed in roles where they could contribute to the workforce and be involved, not just as mere toys. Months later he was still getting positive feedback on the performance and the quality and demand for the same grew as almost everyone was asking about the J Series and its capabilities. And to think that the line grew and flourished because of Jules and his input on the same.
Logan was forever grateful to Jules who happily threw himself into Logan’s arms when the last of humanoid passed inspection. “I suppose we will be soon dispatched,” Jules said sadly as he helped Derek and him switch off the main control panel and the feedback station that monitored the humanoid activity.
“Yes, soon,” Logan said distractedly looking Jules. He was so different compared to the rest of them. His speech and level of cognitive function still amazed him.
“I am going to miss you,” Jules said sadly and wrapped himself up in Logan’s arms and kissed him on the cheeks and Logan froze. Oh, this cant do.
“I see that we need to start manufacturing the second batch of the J Series.“ his dad asked him a few months later.
“Yes,” Logan nodded “We have already started the process. The production was not stopped only slowed down. I would be meeting Derek later today.”
“Good, good.” His father nodded, “I have also noticed that the original prototype is not yet sold, any reason for that.” and this was what Logan was afraid of.  He thought he could distract his father with the high sales figures and forecasted values but his dad, typically, found the one thing he was afraid of.
He took a deep breath and prepared his reply. Jules and he had practised in the morning what he could say to convince his father in the event he was caught and he was glad Jules had him run through the entire spiel just before he could leave.
“I thought I could keep it around. It could work for me“ Logan said carefully, looking at his father. He needed to sell it carefully otherwise Jules could be taken away from him. He did belong to Wright Industries and not Logan’s no matter how many time Jules proclaimed he was Logan’s and Logan was his.
“I could take it during meetings so that the clients could see firsthand the product, interact with it. It would be a good marketing strategy.”
Logan took a deep breath, “I am also prepared to buy it if you feel that we need to sell.”
“It’s okay.” His father waved “I was just curious since I hadn’t heard about the original prototype. It's fine if we don’t sell.” He nodded, “I do like the idea of keeping it around and using it for marketing.”
And Logan breathed a sigh of relief.
“How was it,” Jules asked immediately when he picked up Logan’s call. Logan was forever amazed at Jules and his capabilities. He was one of a kind. The other humanoids were most definitely not like him. He was different, he didn’t act like them, like as if he was a glitch in the system. Like as if the other humanoids were normal and he was the faulty one but he was perfect and he was Logan’s. He stared into Julian’s perfect face and animated eyes.“You get to stay and I get to keep to you.”
“Yeay.” Jules cheered, “Now come home, I am hungry.”
They made a home together Jules and he. It started off from that unforgettable day in Derek’s office. To them hanging out together after work. The three of them in Derek’s office, Julian plugged to his cable, charging while Derek and he ordered Chinese take away. They ate and laughed together voicing opinions and thoughts and Derek and he looked amazed every time Julian volunteered new information or his own opinions.
He forever amazed him and when the J series started full production and Derek was busy, it was just the two of them, laughing and talking and eating together. Then one day Jules took his fingers and twined their hands together and just continued talking about his day and Logan leaned and kissed him and that was history.
“I have ordered food from the takeaway.” Julian greeted when Logan walked in. Logan smiled and nodded. “You get to start working with me from tomorrow.” Logan smiled when Jules walked up to him. “Promise,” Jules whispered and Logan kissed him.
Working with Jules in an official capacity was amazing. Every day they went to work together, Logan driving them to and fro. It became common knowledge that Jules stayed with him and there were some whispers about the same. But they made a good team and everyone who interacted with Jules was immediately enchanted with him so much so they forgot at times he was humanoid when they offered him food and Jules had to politely decline though he was always happy when he was mistaken.
He took great pride in tricking people he interacted with in the meetings with Logan. Their clients on seeing two relatively young representatives from Wrights Industries thought they could get the better of them but Jules loved getting the edge over them when Logan and he started speaking about technology and numbers and though he didn’t like the times when he had to reveal that he was actually a humanoid. They both didn’t like it as immediately the dynamics in the room would change with interactions with Jules taking on a less than pleasant nature. But they had too, that was the reason he was allowed to be around.
He loved dressing up in suits of highest fabrics and cuts as they felt comfortable on him. Logan called him his marvel when he explained what the different materials felt and Jules had to kiss him in reply especially if Logan had dazzled him earlier with his brilliant mind.
He loved knowing that he had a sense of a purpose and that he drew a salary. The only humanoid to do so though Logan was funding it from his own account. He cried when he came to know and Logan cried too, guiltily. But humanoids had no rights and Jules knew this and recognized the gift Logan was giving him and continued to give him.
He looked up from his day dreamings to find the love of his life smiling at him. “Look at this please, Derek has sent the new schematics of the new line.”
“Oh, you’re building more me.”
“No, not you.” Logan frowned at Jules’s choice of words, “Never you, you know you’re more than the J series right.” and Jules nodded.
“I sometimes wish I was human like you. More human for you.”
“Hey, hey.” Logan soothed coming to cuddle with Jules, “What's wrong, you know you mean the world to me right. I love you exactly as you are, exactly who you are, my Jules.”
“I know.” sniffled Jules, “It’s just.” He sighed and threw his hands in the air. “Hormones.” and Logan laughed and Julian smiled. “Come let’s go out for lunch.”
It all happened in the blink of an eye. They were happily chatting as Logan drove them and then suddenly a vehicle crashed into them and they went spiralling down the street. The force of the impact of the incoming truck completely denting the passenger side.
“Jules.” Logan groaned helplessly. “I.”
Logan escaped with few scratches and bruises and probably few sprained body parts and maybe concussion especially with the wooziness he was feeling. But Jules.
“Look at me Logan,” Jules demanded fearlessly. “Look at me.” when Logan just stared at him and the yellow fluid that was slowly leaking out from him. In few places the outer layer of skin and material that made Jules Jules and not the humanoid he truly was, was torn, missing a couple of layers and the various tech that made up his schematics were visible.
“I love you.” He said fiercely, “Thank you for loving me, Thank you for saving me. Thank you for seeing me as I truly am.”
“Jules.” Logan brokenly whispered as he saw the love of his life slowly dying in front of him. If Jules were truly human he would have already been dead.
“I can fix you.” Logan said brokenly, “D and I, we have your schematics, we can fix you.”
Jules looked down at himself and the slowness he could feel running through his body. “You could try.” he whispered, “But I don’t think I can come back as me.” He glanced down at the leaking fluid coming out of him, “I have lost a lot of, well, blood.” He said sadly. “It’s affecting with my system and I will shut down soon.”
“No.” Logan cried brokenly. “I can’t lose you. Please hold on.”
“Lo, listen to me.” Jules said moving his fingers to curls slowly around Logan’s, “When you’re done grieving ask Derek to show you who I truly am .”
“What,” Logan asked straining to hear him. “Ask Derek.” Jules jerked out, “Ask him to show you who I truly am.” He looked at Logan one last time, “I will always love you.” and closed his eyes.
“Shut down initiated.” came a strange voice as Logan recognized the normal voice box that was available on the J series. “3. 2. 1.”
When the firefighter and medics came to cut them loose from the scrunched up car Jules was already gone and once they realized that the pale, slender man on the passenger seat was a humanoid and that too a destroyed one they left him to focus on the only human in the vehicle who apart from a few bruises, scrapes, cuts and a head wound was unhurt.
“Let go off me.” Logan snarled as they tried to get him away from Jules, “But Sir, it could be dangerous, it’s leaking fluid. The vehicle could blow up.”
“I know that.” snarled Logan angrily. “I made him. And he is not it. He has a name.”
“Of course Sir.” The medic said carefully as they took in Logan’s broken, sad face. He looked at Jules next to him lying peacefully with his eyes closed, face relaxed. He looked as if he was sleeping if one ignored the various cuts and torn pieces that littered his body. “I need an ambulance.”
Derek frowned at another late night his friend was pulling as he buried himself the original prototype of the J series that was formerly known as Jules. They were able to put him back together exactly as he was, with all the schematics and inputs but he was just not the same anymore. He looked and sounded exactly like Jules but he was just another droid. He was normal. Spoken only when spoken too, needed to be programmed, input needed to be given via coding. He lost everything that made him Jules.
It was more than a month now and Derek couldn’t take it anymore as he watched his friend tear himself up over and over again when he realized that nothing he did could bring Jules back the way he was before.
“I loved him.” Logan sobbed brokenly, “We made plans to live our lives together.” He threw the socket he had in his hands. “He knew this would happen, he told me this would happen.”
“That he couldn’t return as himself. He freaking said goodbye to me as he lay there dying.”
Derek pulled up a chair and sat beside Logan. He missed Jules too. Missed his friendship. The three of them were best friends; two humans and the android they created and then they all went together to achieve great things; working on perfecting the J series and that line that came after.
They even hung out later after work in Derek’s house or Logan’s and Derek missed him.
“He thanked me, he thanked me for loving him, he thanked me for saving him. “ He turned to his remaining best friend, “He even spoke about you, he asked me to ask you who he truly his.”
“I know who he truly his,” Logan whispered as Derek immediately looked up and frowned. He pulled the tablet next to him, logging in his details and started typing.
“He was my Jules,” Logan whispered as Logan looked at his friend and the tablet in his hands.
“I am going to show you something. But you should not freak out.” Derek whispered softly, still staring at the screen.
“What is it,” Logan said and Derek passed in him the tablet.
“Remember during the beginning days of the J series prototype before Jules was Jules.”
“We had those glitches with the schematics,” Logan said as he remembered the early days when Jules was just a humanoid rebelling with them before he became Jules.
“There were glitches in the voice box, the proportioning of the drawing, input was horribly wrong,”
“He was Jules,” Logan said softly.
“Yes, yes.” Derek said hurriedly “So as head of the department I wanted to know where they got the details from. Did they come by it of their own or did they model if from someone.”
He swiped the tablet in Logan’s hand pulling up a folder. “Meet Julian Larson Armstrong, part-time model and movie actor. The J series was based on him.”
“J series was based on him,” Logan asked softly as he studied the image of the man Derek pulled up on the screen. He looked like his Jules. He was tall, slender, with brown hair and brown eyes, he looked exactly like his Jules but also not like his Jules. He’s real, his brain supplied, a real, live human being, not Jules.
“A bit.” Derek nodded, “They had him come over for a week, studied him, made him do stuff, recite, speak things so as to get good proportions for the mock diagrams and then we took over.“ Logan nodded as that was when he started overseeing when the basic bones were in place.
“I guess they must have inputted his details. Those initial glitches that got smoothed out with the series. But not the original prototype.”
“So he’s Jules.” Logan breathed.
“I don’t know.” Derek said sadly, “I don’t know how much of him was in the actual Jules. He lives here.” swiping over the screen, pulling up an address. “Maybe you should go meet him, for closure at least.
Logan looked up dazed at the angry young man who was glaring at him through the screen of his vehicle. He looked similar like Jules but there was a hint of warm flush beneath his skin as he glared angrily at Logan. “I don’t know who you are but if you don’t get off my property I am calling the cops.”
He rolled down his window.  The man looked just like Jules and better since he was alive and talking to him.
“I am Logan. Logan Wright from Wright Industries.”
Julian frowned at the sad young man in front of him.  He looked like he had been crying, He looked like he could cry in any second. He didn't know what he wanted from him. First, he thought he was some kind of a crazy stalker as he just sat there in his hybrid in front of his house and when Julian went to confront him he just stared.
“Wait, Wright Industries, the humanoid makers.”
“Yes.” Logan hiccupped as he watched the man speak. He was exactly like his Jules and also not like his Jules. “I would like to speak with you if possible.”
“And you thought stalking me was the way to go?” Julian snarked and Logan chuckled softly.
“I wasn’t stalking you. I was trying to gather courage. To see if you were like him.”
“Him.” Julian mouthed. “I think you must be confused.”
“I am sorry for taking up your time. But I just.” He turned to the passenger seat and lifted his personal console. “If you could go through this. I would appreciate it.” He handed over his console to Julian who frowned at it. “I don’t think I should –“
“Please.” Logan whispered, “I lost someone whom I cared I deeply and you look just like him.”
Julian blanched, “They told me no one would know, that humanoids won’t look like me.” He frowned at Logan, “I have seen them, apart from a few common features they behave and act like droids.”
“Yes, but except him.” Logan whispered, “He was everything.”
“I think we should have this conversation inside, you should come in.”
Julian invited him into his home and Logan nodded and followed him. He looked sad as glanced at Julian as they walked up the stairs and into his house.
“The bathroom is that way if you want to freshen up.” and Logan nodded gratefully.
Julian glanced at the console which was open to reveal hundreds of images of Logan and what could only be the humanoid he was speaking about, Jules.  While he looked like the other humanoids in the market, this one was different. He carried himself differently, like a human, slouched posture, wide grins, deep knowing looks. They loved one another, one could clearly see from the images. But Julian was not him.
“I am sorry for your loss.” Julian said when Logan entered the room, “But I am not sure what you want of me.”
“I am not sure of myself.” Logan whispered sadly as he took back the console from Julian, smiling sadly at the collage of images. “I just came to know that you existed. I barely know anything about you, except that he was modelled on you and I needed to see.”
Julian’s heart broke for him. He loved so deeply. Julian always wanted to know that felt like to be loved like that. To have somebody who loved you so much.
“Well, I guess,” he looked at Logan who was still looking at the images, “you could keep in touch with me if you need to.”
“I could,” Logan asked as the frown lines slowly left his face and Julian realized how pretty he was as he slowly started to look better.
“Yeah. “ Julian nodded, “I can’t imagine what it must have felt like, to have a love like that only to lose it.”
“It’s the worst,” Logan said sadly, looking at Julian in front of him.
“Just remember though I am Julian, not him.”
Julian is not sure what to make of the entire situation. Logan left immediately soon after, he seemed calmer than he was before. They exchanged numbers and he promised to be respectful of Julian’s wishes to not confuse the two of them and slowly their friendship grew.
He realized that Logan was actually smart, funny and capable with a good a head on his shoulders and that he was passionate and he slowly found himself becoming friends.
He even met Derek, the other guy featured in the images that Logan had brought along with him the first time they met. He enquired about him once during their casual hangouts when they shared a couple of beer where he jokingly asked whether Derek missed Jules as well. Luckily Logan had moved passed the stage of grief where Jules’s name would reduce him to tears but now he just smiled fondly albeit a little sad. The pain of losing Jules would always be there for him, Julian realized.
And here he was now with the both of them, goofing off and smiling as Derek shared his latest conquest stories and Jules and Logan groaned and threw peanuts at him.
“Let’s take a picture,” Derek said immediately and drew out his console, tapping at the screen. “You’ll be okay with this.” Julian nodded at Logan, “Us taking a picture, the three of us together.”
“Yes.” Logan nodded, “I know you’re not him. We know you’re not him.” he gestured to Derek and him. “But you have become our best friend Jules.”
Derek looked wide-eyed and Logan backtracked. “Sorry I know you don’t want to be called Jules, but,” he cried out, “your name is so long.”
Julian looked at him deeply in the eye trying to find something which was not there. “It's ok.” He nodded as he took a sip of his beer. “I prefer Jules or J, only my agent and my mother ever calls me Julian.”
“How is the filming of the movie?” Logan asked and Julian smiled and described the antics of his co-stars.
It grew from there, the three of them hanging out together every time Julian was free or was in town and he found himself enjoying their company and they too were slowly becoming his best friends and he slowly realized that he was starting to develop feelings for Logan.
He always happy when Logan visited. The initial visits themselves were rare even though Julian told him that he could visit and Logan always called before he came. They spoke about their day, Logan happy to be in the company of Julian as they chatted about inconsequential things and one horrible time during the anniversary where Logan scared him when he showed up absolutely dejected and broken.
But then he started getting better and he would smile and laugh and make jokes and snark at Julian, sometimes volunteer information about Jules when he remembered something though those were becoming less frequent and that’s how he knew Logan was slowly healing.
And now he showed up uninvited, ringing his doorbell to be let in till Julian gave Derek and him their own set of keys to his place. In fact, they all shared keys to their place to make it easier for them to come and go as they please.
“Jules.” Logan inquired as he walked in and shut the door behind him, “Where are you.”
“In here.” Julian replied, “Where’s Derek.”
“He’s running late, there was a problem in the production line.”
“And why aren’t you with him,” Julian smirked as he hugged Logan in greeting.
“I am his boss.” Logan scoffed and took the offered glass from Julian, “I can leave anytime I want.” And Julian laughed.
“He’s on his way.” Logan smiled and absentmindedly tucked a stray strand of Julian’s hair behind his ear and Julian’s heart skipped a beat.
“You know you can tell him right.” Derek gestured at Logan who was ordering their drinks at the bar. “Hmm.” Julian murmured as he watched Logan interact with a service humanoid.
“You’re not as subtle as you think.” Derek laughed and Julian frowned, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Tell him, he would want to know.”
“I don’t know what to say. I don’t even if he’ll ever be open to it.” He glanced at the table and then at Derek, “Logan has not dated since then. Even though he’s better now. It will be three years.” and Derek nodded. “I don’t think he will ever date again. They did love each other, deeply.”
“Did Logan ever told you how he first came to know about you?” Derek asked and Julian frowned, “He told me that you gave him the details.”
“That I did.” Derek acknowledged, “But he first came to know because Jules told him to come and speak to me.”
“What.” Julian looked shocked,
“Jules was very smart.” Derek smiled softly and Julian was forever in awe of the trio’s friendship. “We both came to know about you together. He was working on perfecting himself. Sometimes I think he was trying to turn himself human. He took great pleasure when people mistook him for being human. Anyway,” Derek continued, “there were glitches in his programming system that we found out to be characteristics of the original model. Basically he had a majority of your characteristics in him. It was what made him Jules, different from the other humanoids.” He took a deep breath “So yes he knew about you, well that he was based off a human and when he was dying he told Logan to go search for you. He basically led Logan to you.”
“I, we –“Julian stuttered and saw that Logan was finely done and was coming towards them with their drinks in his hand.
“He didn’t know then. I don’t think he has fully thought about it but I think he is slowly starting to realize it.” and Julian frowned Wait, what
“Talk to him.” Derek rushed and beamed a smile at his friend, “What took you so long.”
“You won’t believe the mess at the counter.” Logan snarked, “It was a nightmare but I finally got them.” He smiled at Julian who was looking a little worried, “Jules, you okay.” He asked and Julian smiled at him softly and then frowned at Derek who was grinning dopily at them.
“Yes, yes,” Julian snarked and took his glass from a beaming Logan, “don’t know what his problem though,” he said pointing at a laughing Derek.
“Hey, I got your message. What’s up.” Logan smiled as entered into Julian’s house and found Julian sitting on the couch studying a picture of them.  “I like this photo.” He said as he sat down next to Julian, “Me too.” Julian whispered. It was an image of the two of cuddling, Julian sitting nestled in Logan’s arms and they tried and failed to stay awake watching a movie.
Logan was always close with him, hugging him, cuddling him, soothing him just like now when he pulled Julian close to him rubbing his back.  “What happened?”
“I am sorry for what I am about to say, but I think that you should know,” Julian mumbled and got up from where he was seated. “Derek thinks you should know. He hinted you might feel the same way.” He added and Logan smiled at him and encouraged him with his eyes.
“I think I have feelings for you.” He whispered softly, “No, I know I have feelings for you. But I am afraid that it’s too soon for you. That you might not feel the same way.
“That you would never feel the same way,”  Julian added softly.
“Oh Jules.” Logan whispered brokenly, “I do feel the same for you. I tried not too, I thought I was mixing up my feelings for Jules. But it’s different.”  He stood up walking slowly towards Julian, “You’re strong and capable and amazing and here and human. So very human.” as he ran his fingers gently across Julian’s cheek watching his blush stain his cheek.
“I met you in beginning for Jules but then I stayed for you. Amazing, magical you.” and Julian smiled softly and leaned into Logan’s touch.
“I like if we could date.” Julian smiled and Logan nodded and linked their fingers, “I like that as well.” and pulled Julian close to him nestling his face against his.
The end.
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caffeineivore · 5 years
R/J for BAMF
Because @apsaraqueen is responsible for like 90% of the R/J I write anyway so, you know?
Spiritverse, R/J, possibly rated PG13
FINALLY leaving for home now, how about you?
I suppose you wouldn’t want any company on the trip back? You HAVE been burning the midnight oil, hmm?
Oh, very literally, yes. But I’ll see you at the bridge in a bit!
The texts had started earlier that day, when she had first arrived at her Grandfather’s. Jareth had been in Manhattan, finalizing the project that he’d been working on, moving a Stone-Hewn from atop a crumbling church slated for demolition. He’d asked for her help-- her lineage was an old and established one in the city-- and it had been in her grandfather’s name that a new and quite-elegant-looking statue of a knight on a rearing steed had been donated to Central Park and installed in a shady corner. The Iele, Linden Thorne, had thanked him profusely, then kept vigil after he’d left, awaiting the moment her knight would awaken in his new home. Undoubtedly, she was just as eager to see her beloved as he was to see his.
That thought put a grin that he was quite certain was both obvious and wry on his face. 
Ember walks briskly but gracefully, dark coat and dark skirts and dark hair, but today, perhaps in honour of the Imbolc celebration, there is a silk scarf tied at a jaunty angle on her neck, cardinal-red with a milk-white fringe. She looks up and smiles when she catches sight of him, and reaches out a slim hand, which he uses to pull her close. 
The wind swirls her midnight hair around the both of them, and he pulls away after a too-brief moment of breathing in the scent of snowfall and scrying smoke and sandalwood. “You smell good.”
She raises an eyebrow at that, but then laughs softly even as her fingers twine with his. “I’ve spent the vast majority of this evening making candles for Imbolc. Lots of essential oils and herbs involved in the process, you know?”
She tells him of the traditional rites-- the weaving of crosses from the rushes, the making and lighting of spell candles, the feast to honour the goddess Brighid and entreat the gods for a mild spring. The bridge is not crowded at this late hour, and so they take their time crossing it, all the bright lights of Manhattan glistening in the background against an inky sky. 
“I love crossing the bridge at this hour, when it’s not full of people rushing from one place to another,” Ember pauses and glances back at the city skyline. “It’s sometimes a bit trying to be around a bunch of people who are all in a hurry and have a great deal on their minds.”
Jareth can imagine that well enough; anyone with even a touch of the empath or the clairvoyant would likely find crowds tiresome, and his wise woman has more than her share of those gifts. But neither would she expect pity-- Ember was nothing if not conscientious, and certainly ascribed to the notion that with great power came great responsibility. But he would see her smile again, if he could arrange it. “I will admit, one of my first times crossing the bridge was at the hour of quarter-of-four in the morning, alongside my kin. It was utterly deserted. And I may have climbed to the very top, ‘for the hell of it’, as they say.” At the look she shoots him, he grins. “’Tis not so different from climbing a tree. If anything, because of the building materials and the cables, it’s actually sturdier.”
Much to his gratification, this declaration does elicit a faint giggle out of her. “And what did your friends have to say about that, if I may be so bold as to ask?” She’d met Aeson and Aelene perhaps two weeks ago, when they’d planned out the moving of the Stone-Hewn over dinner and drinks, and though he’d endured a bit of gentle teasing from both of them, Jareth was quite certain that his friends had liked her well enough. 
He affects a preternaturally solemn expression. “Well, certainly, Aelene scolded me for sporting around excessively. And I’m quite sure I would have taken her more seriously if it weren’t for the fact that she herself has been known to cross town by rooftops rather than streets if the traffic is extra heavy. To be fair, we’ve all been guilty. Especially during rush-hour.”
The giggle becomes a full-on laugh. “Show-off.” She swats him lightly on the arm, but for all that, he’s pleased to see the merriment twinkling in her violet eyes. “I can’t judge, though. Grandfather amused himself last week by putting a faint levitation charm on his neighbour’s welcome mat. Not enough of one to cause any true alarm, but just enough to give the fellow the sensation of taking a step up for a few seconds even when he remained on level ground. That man’s got two months before April Fool’s Day and I don’t even want to contemplate what types of shenanigans he may get up to then.”
It’s a few minutes to midnight by the time they reach Jane’s Carousel on the other side of the bridge, and with a delightfully mischievous smile, Ember gives his hand a tug towards the unlit structure. “Come on!” A snap of her fingers and it comes to life, lights winking on and horses spinning slowly in a circle. She doesn’t spell on the music, though, likely in consideration of anyone who might be sleeping in hearing range. 
Her skirts are slightly too long to suit sitting astride on even a carousel horse, but Ember perches gracefully enough on the back of a dappled grey like a Regency-era lady on side-saddle. Half-enchanted, half-amused, he stands at her side as the carousel makes its circuit, one hand steady at the small of her back. She has one hand wrapped around the pole attached to the horse, but with an airy wave of the other, the air fills with rainbowy soap bubbles and glittery red firework sparks. Her eyes meet his as the carousel slows and gradually comes to a stop, and he thinks for a moment he can see a hint of the sweet, intrepid little girl she might have been, sometime in the distant past, before she’d understood the portent of her gifts. 
“I have never actually ridden this carousel before,” she says as she steps off the colourful structure, its lights fading behind the two of them. “I was grown up by the time it was built, of course. But life’s hardly worth living if one can’t trade off several hours of duty for a few moments of frivolity once in a great while, hmm?” A wry smile crosses her lovely lips. “I daresay I haven’t, perhaps, engaged in as much merry-making as my grandfather is wont to do nowadays. But every so often...”
He can’t quite resist the temptation to kiss her mouth, curved as it is in a smile, but keeps it gentle and brief. She glances at him through a fringe of sooty eyelashes as they make their way down the street. “I think I remember this street-- your friend Angela brought me to your place after I met her.”
“So she did,” Jareth nods. “She invited the both of you up for wine and sympathy after the ordeal of that evening. I suppose I could repeat that invitation.”
She had not been there since that day Angela had brought her-- indeed, it had always seemed more appropriate to see her safely home after meeting with her than bringing her to his place. But when he unlocks the doors, she looks around with avid interest. His loft is rather less luxurious than hers, but airy and spacious, with vaulted ceilings and buffed wooden floors. 
“It’s interesting how one can get a fairly true idea of another’s nature by visiting their home.” Ember accepts a glass of wine from him and takes a slow sip even as she makes herself comfortable. “Pale walls and plentiful greenery, windows that let in natural light. You display your bows and knives within easy reach, but elegantly so, not in a threatening way.” There is an intricately cast Medieval diptych in bronze on one wall-- love and war. On another is a Salish wall hanging. Over the mantel is a striking black-and-white photograph of the Manhattan skyline. “I can see where you’ve been, through the art you’ve collected. Perhaps even a bit of friends you might have made along the way.” Setting down her empty glass, she stands, pulling something out of her pocket, and beckons him to follow as she walks towards the mantel.
“It’s a Brighid’s cross and a candle for your hearth, such as it is,” Ember ties on the little rush-woven amulet to a nail. The candle is pale beeswax flecked with the mossy green of herbs, and when she lights it, the scent is redolent with something sweet and slightly herbacious. “Basil and blackberry for love and protection. Blessed be, Jareth Sylvane.” Reaching up, she lays her hands gently on his face, pulls him down for a kiss. 
Ember the witch, with her tarot cards and her rune stones. Ember the warrior, running to Angela’s aid against an armed mugger, dashing across Central Park to find a child before she drowned. Ember the woman-- thoughtful, quietly strong-willed and surprisingly sweet at the oddest moments, multi-faceted and fascinating and so beautiful sometimes that his heart ached with it. “I have all the love and protection I need wherever and whenever I am with you,” he tells her softly as he draws back far enough to look into her eyes, blue to violet. Those words are not ones that his kind ever bandy about lightly, but somehow, saying them to her is as easy as breathing. 
Her expression is soft as this late, quiet hour and solemn as his unspoken vow. The Ælf-kine lack a bit of humanity’s curiosity and evanescent interest in others, and to profess love for another is not only a statement of regard but of intent and eternal fidelity. She knows it, too, and stands back just far enough to take his hands in hers. Her fingers are warm and the crackle of power vibrates against his skin like static electricity, and though she whispers them, he hears every word of her promise in return in the incantation as the candle burns to its base in a flickering ball of golden light.
“By candleflame’s light I vow to thee-- Faithful as the tides of the moonlit sea, The shelter of my living heart is thine, May all thy joys and sorrows be as mine.”
She lets her breath escape with that last word on a soft exhale, then smiles tremulously up at him. “An’ as I will it, so mote it be.” The spell undoubtedly carries great power, but it doesn’t feel heavy or portentous at all, and simply fills the air with a comforting warmth. He can’t resist drawing her close again, but now when she presses her lips to his, there’s a frission of heat and sweetness stronger and far more profound. He’d certainly been aware of her beauty before-- the graceful balance of her features, the low harmony of her voice, but it’s a different, more primal awareness now, as though his very nerves and veins tingle with the way the scent of her skin warms the closer her holds her, the way her lips taste like cabernet sauvignon and chamomile tea. Her fingers trace a pattern-- probably a rune of protection, knowing his love’s careful heart, down his nape, then slide down to his back to brush against bare skin underneath the hem of his sweater. His breath catches even as he traces the shape of her jaw, the length of her neck with his lips. Her head tilts back on a moan, and those beautiful eyes, fiery-dark now as the edge of twilight, meet his. 
“Jareth, please tell me you have a bed in here somewhere.”
He does, and he seldom makes use of it, but now he lifts her up in his arms, ascends the shallow steps which lead upstairs. Even with his fleet-footedness, the trek up is slow, as they stop every few steps to kiss, to touch warm skin with fingers that quiver with wonder. He lands on his back on the white sheets and tugs her down over him, neither of them quite so graceful now, and fills his hands with fragrant skeins of her raven hair even as her own fingers fiddle with the fastenings of his clothes. 
It’s much later that he watches the sky lighten from black to indigo just as the sun is about to rise. Next to him, Ember sleeps soundly, dark hair spilled over white shoulders. Through the course of the night, she’d shifted to take over more than half the bed, and it’s certainly a different experience resting with another body lying half-sprawled over one’s own, warm and supple with breaths that tickled his skin. 
And yet, those few half-wakeful, half-dreaming hours, feeling her heartbeat soft and steady against his own flesh, lulled by the scent of her hair and the faint sounds of her breathing, were the greatest rest he’d ever known. 
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lodessa · 6 years
@kjaneway115 mentioned you on a post “ASK ME MY “TOP 5/TOP 10” ANYTHING!”
@lodessa​ Your top 5 E/NC17-rated J/C stories (either yours or someone else's)
I’m going to go with my own; because, that in an overwhelming enough proposition, let alone the exponential level of options if I go the other way (also because what writer can resist any excuse to talk about their writing):
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The Smallest Twine
A pre-Voyager AU, featuring Janeway’s compartmentalization issues and would be machmaker Will Riker.  There’s something especially romantic about this story, about imagining them finding each other in completely different circumstances and still falling for each other (about the idea that a chance meeting might change the whole galaxy’s fate). This is definitely a story I think I love/rank a lot higher than most of my readers, but its possible it just fell between the cracks.  Which is why I’ve never written the intended sequel I suppose.
What You Can’t Forget
This was intended to just be a fun little trope piece, but it ended up a much more resonant Endgame fix.  Things I like about it: the exploration of what the hell happened, the romantic notion around Chakotay remembering Kathryn and only Kathryn through head trauma induced amnesia, but then also the way the sex scene took on a life of its own, bringing the bitter up with the sweet as the walls come tumbling down. 
Love in the Open Hand
Another fic I have always felt never reached its audience, and which started out as tropey fun but then got serious.   This isn’t a get-together/first-time fic.   Instead it looks at them as an established relationship, stable and secure enough to look back and reckon with some of their (in this case Janeway’s) emotional baggage and history.  What is love and how does memory work and is there a right way to grieve?  I felt like I gave those a good shake here, without straying too far from some impassioned smut. 
Things You Shouldn’t Be
I’ve written Admiral Janeway/Chakotay three times and this is my favorite, because it really manages to capture not just the heartbreak but the ugliness of how things twisted... how they did.   Not to mention, it explains a canon scene that makes no sense in the process.   So if you are looking for something less ideal and sweet and more messy and complicated... that is what this is.
Slip of the Tongue
This is one of my quietest and most understated versions of them getting together.  It’s soft and reflective, natural rather than dramatic.   Nothing ugly or complicated, just love and trust and FINALLY.
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statusreview · 6 years
Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity
Every year on Instagram Stories I share photos from our friend’s insanely over-the-top party for the Fourth of July. And each year we gets tons of requests for a post with all the photos and links to the recipes she uses, so we’re finally giving the people what they want. Our friend Justine has been hosting these backyard soirees for years – and the only way to describe them would be: EXTRA. And we love her for it. She and her husband John basically just throw this huge party every year for all of us to gather and hang out with our kids and each other. It’s such a great time of year to get together (not as hard with schedules as things around the holidays for example) and when the party ends, her prep for the following year begins. Just kidding. But maybe not…
Let’s dive right in. Each year she sets up a sun tent and decorates it to create a makeshift photo booth with some fabric, sparkly red tulle, and a banner along the back.
Now lean into your screen and really soak up this next sentence, because the success of a DIY photobooth hinges on this single solitary tip: SHE HAS THE BEST PROPS. Every July there are more of them on the little table off to the side for us to choose from. This year there were wigs and beards in addition to all of the oversized glasses and hats and giant inflatable gloves. She says whenever she sees something on sale after the 4th she grabs it for next year, so that’s how the collection keeps growing.
It should come as no surprise to longtime readers that Justine is the one who, instead of a traditional baby gift, offered to make the cupcakes for our daughter’s 4th birthday party (just a few weeks after our son was born). She turned out the most amazing stack of custom decorated treats. BECAUSE SHE ONLY HAS ONE PARTY MODE AND IT’S BEAST MODE. Which explains why she can’t resist large inflatable presidents to greet guests on the hanging daybed on her back porch, for example.
Yes, all of the kids tackled them and smacked each other with them in the yard. And yes it was hilarious.
She also made this cute wooden sign a few years ago that comes out each July. It says things like “food”, “waterslide”, “drinks”, “photobooth”, etc. Are you thinking “this party is almost like a wedding!” – because if so, you are starting to get it. It has snowballed, so every year she has so many things to break out that feel festive and hilarious and even more over the top than the year before. At this point the party momentum cannot be stopped and can only be appreciated with an Abraham-Lincoln hat-tip, which of course is on the prop table.
Speaking of fun, she always rents a two story waterslide for the kids (and the adults, once we have enough jello shooters) because… well, SHE IS THAT DEDICATED TO FUN. The waterslide really takes things to the next level when you record slow-mo videos of other adults attempting tricks like barrel rolls and flips. Five stars, would recommend.
As for other things to do, there are epic cornhole tournaments – and in case it wasn’t obvious, much like Puffy demands that everyone wear white to his parties, Justine demands that we wear red, white, and blue to her gathering each year. There’s even a series of prizes for certain costume categories (we had a big winner in our family this year when it came to an extremely patriotic swimsuit & towel combo).
This is Justine-the-host’s outfit. THAT’S AT LEAST FIVE HUNDRED FLAIR POINTS, GUYS. She decorated those flip-flips herself with ribbon. I know. Commitment level: 1000.
There’s also a leather sofa in the middle of the grass. Obviously for photo ops and general hanging out. It’s pretty much full of people the entire night long. It also makes for a great place to spectate/heckle the cornhole players.
Justine also does things like rolling silverware in bandanas and tying them with twine BECAUSE THAT’S WHO SHE IS AS A PERSON. She actually confessed to me that each year she has a ton of these left over, so they’re not that high maintenance. Note: her definition of high maintenance might be slightly different than other people’s based on her ALL IN level of party-throwing.
The food is always fun and we actually do a pot luck thing so it’s not too much on Justine & John’s shoulders. We each bring a side dish for everyone to share and meat for our own family for the grill. Also, note the sock and shoe combination here. Just saying. We do not mess around when it comes to our costumes.
Since around 20-30 people come each year, there’s always a giant amount of food – and a lot of it ends up being themed. Blue corn chips with red salsa for example, or this bean dip with little olives and tomatoes to make a flag (it’s just a layer of refried beans, a layer of guacamole, a layer of cheese, and a layer of sour cream with the tomatoes and olives on top).
These mozzarella, basil, and tomato skewers are another example of the good eats that feel sort of themed (the blueberries add some blue, right?). Add some salt and pepper, drizzle them with balsamic glaze, and thank me later ;)
We always bring what I affectionately call “pigs in a blanket,” which I’ve learned are called “Lil’ Smokies” here in Virginia. Still getting used to that name. The kids love them though – they’re always completely gone by the end of the night.
The drinks are also, to borrow a term from Lil’ Wayne: “off the chain.” These are jello shooters, for example – and the cherry is so clever because if you pull the stem it lifts the shooter out of the cup so you can suck it down and remark how amazing the hostess is. Here is a kid-friendly recipe without any alcohol (just add vodka if you want them to be true jello shots).
Justine also made these awesome red, white, and blue smoothies for the kids – all of whom raved about them except for one non-fruit-loving child. Let the record state that cute straws and the little jelly jars are the key to a ridiculous amount of serving flare, so do with that information what you will.
And you can’t have a big ol’ gathering without red, white, and blue margaritas for the grown ups. It should be noted that because I helped in the kitchen, these weren’t as beautiful as they should have been. We think if we added more ice to thicken them that the red, white, and blue layers would have been more distinct. But as Justine’s husband John so eloquently stated, “we were going for margarita speed over margarita perfection.” Here’s the recipe for ya.
One of the biggest reveals of the night (there are usually 3-5 of these surprises because JUSTINE DOES NOT MESS AROUND) were these waffle cones that she had individually decorated with red white and blue melted chocolate and sprinkles. THE KIDS WENT HAM FOR THESE.
Also, I thought her use of the teal blue milk crates was so adorable and asked if she saw that on Pinterest and she said she had been standing in her daughter’s room and looked at them and thought “those would be perfect for my cones!” which floored me. I mean this woman clearly has her own version of Pinterest running in her brain 24/7.
One other thing on the menu that I would definitely highly recommend was this amazing dessert called “Berry Lasagne” that Justine whipped up:
Yes, that’s a white chocolate drizzle that she added right before bringing it out. And let the record state that any party that required me to drizzle white chocolate during the actual party would lead to me breathing into a paper bag in the kitchen, but Justine just has that party expert gene. Here’s the recipe for the berry lasagne, and here’s a shot of it all sliced and served on a patriotic plate:
After all the food and drinks (and competitive watersliding), we gather on the back porch and the patio to watch the fireworks that Justine’s husband John takes a ton of pride in.
Every year they get bigger and more insane (they’re legal here in Virginia for all of the Northerners wondering – I had to get used to that when I moved to VA). There’s always a fire extinguisher nearby and it only had to be used one epic time when the table very slowly caught fire after the fireworks ended.
So that’s Justin & John’s completely over-the-top and SO MUCH FUN annual party. Hope the recipes and photos come in handy for anyone else who is walking around with their own personal Pinterest running through their brain. I always get a little mushy during the fireworks because it’s so rare to get together with friends and family that you love – so it’s such a treat to have these awesomely festive and completely committed friends to get us all in one place to enjoy each other’s company every year. WE LOVE YOU J&J! Thanks for ALL THE MEMORIES (and all the photobooth props).
P.S. Wanna see the most extra thing I’ve ever done for a patriotic party? Here’s a watermelon trick I learned years ago (John looks like a baby in that first picture). 
P.P.S. Did you know that we send out what basically ends up being a bonus blog post each week?! Sign up for our free weekly emails to get them delivered right to your inbox. 
The post Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity appeared first on Young House Love.
Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity published first on https://ssmattress.tumblr.com/
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endlessarchite · 6 years
Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity
Every year on Instagram Stories I share photos from our friend’s insanely over-the-top party for the Fourth of July. And each year we gets tons of requests for a post with all the photos and links to the recipes she uses, so we’re finally giving the people what they want. Our friend Justine has been hosting these backyard soirees for years – and the only way to describe them would be: EXTRA. And we love her for it. She and her husband John basically just throw this huge party every year for all of us to gather and hang out with our kids and each other. It’s such a great time of year to get together (not as hard with schedules as things around the holidays for example) and when the party ends, her prep for the following year begins. Just kidding. But maybe not…
Let’s dive right in. Each year she sets up a sun tent and decorates it to create a makeshift photo booth with some fabric, sparkly red tulle, and a banner along the back.
Now lean into your screen and really soak up this next sentence, because the success of a DIY photobooth hinges on this single solitary tip: SHE HAS THE BEST PROPS. Every July there are more of them on the little table off to the side for us to choose from. This year there were wigs and beards in addition to all of the oversized glasses and hats and giant inflatable gloves. She says whenever she sees something on sale after the 4th she grabs it for next year, so that’s how the collection keeps growing.
It should come as no surprise to longtime readers that Justine is the one who, instead of a traditional baby gift, offered to make the cupcakes for our daughter’s 4th birthday party (just a few weeks after our son was born). She turned out the most amazing stack of custom decorated treats. BECAUSE SHE ONLY HAS ONE PARTY MODE AND IT’S BEAST MODE. Which explains why she can’t resist large inflatable presidents to greet guests on the hanging daybed on her back porch, for example.
Yes, all of the kids tackled them and smacked each other with them in the yard. And yes it was hilarious.
She also made this cute wooden sign a few years ago that comes out each July. It says things like “food”, “waterslide”, “drinks”, “photobooth”, etc. Are you thinking “this party is almost like a wedding!” – because if so, you are starting to get it. It has snowballed, so every year she has so many things to break out that feel festive and hilarious and even more over the top than the year before. At this point the party momentum cannot be stopped and can only be appreciated with an Abraham-Lincoln hat-tip, which of course is on the prop table.
Speaking of fun, she always rents a two story waterslide for the kids (and the adults, once we have enough jello shooters) because… well, SHE IS THAT DEDICATED TO FUN. The waterslide really takes things to the next level when you record slow-mo videos of other adults attempting tricks like barrel rolls and flips. Five stars, would recommend.
As for other things to do, there are epic cornhole tournaments – and in case it wasn’t obvious, much like Puffy demands that everyone wear white to his parties, Justine demands that we wear red, white, and blue to her gathering each year. There’s even a series of prizes for certain costume categories (we had a big winner in our family this year when it came to an extremely patriotic swimsuit & towel combo).
This is Justine-the-host’s outfit. THAT’S AT LEAST FIVE HUNDRED FLAIR POINTS, GUYS. She decorated those flip-flips herself with ribbon. I know. Commitment level: 1000.
There’s also a leather sofa in the middle of the grass. Obviously for photo ops and general hanging out. It’s pretty much full of people the entire night long. It also makes for a great place to spectate/heckle the cornhole players.
Justine also does things like rolling silverware in bandanas and tying them with twine BECAUSE THAT’S WHO SHE IS AS A PERSON. She actually confessed to me that each year she has a ton of these left over, so they’re not that high maintenance. Note: her definition of high maintenance might be slightly different than other people’s based on her ALL IN level of party-throwing.
The food is always fun and we actually do a pot luck thing so it’s not too much on Justine & John’s shoulders. We each bring a side dish for everyone to share and meat for our own family for the grill. Also, note the sock and shoe combination here. Just saying. We do not mess around when it comes to our costumes.
Since around 20-30 people come each year, there’s always a giant amount of food – and a lot of it ends up being themed. Blue corn chips with red salsa for example, or this bean dip with little olives and tomatoes to make a flag (it’s just a layer of refried beans, a layer of guacamole, a layer of cheese, and a layer of sour cream with the tomatoes and olives on top).
These mozzarella, basil, and tomato skewers are another example of the good eats that feel sort of themed (the blueberries add some blue, right?). Add some salt and pepper, drizzle them with balsamic glaze, and thank me later ;)
We always bring what I affectionately call “pigs in a blanket,” which I’ve learned are called “Lil’ Smokies” here in Virginia. Still getting used to that name. The kids love them though – they’re always completely gone by the end of the night.
The drinks are also, to borrow a term from Lil’ Wayne: “off the chain.” These are jello shooters, for example – and the cherry is so clever because if you pull the stem it lifts the shooter out of the cup so you can suck it down and remark how amazing the hostess is. Here is a kid-friendly recipe without any alcohol (just add vodka if you want them to be true jello shots).
Justine also made these awesome red, white, and blue smoothies for the kids – all of whom raved about them except for one non-fruit-loving child. Let the record state that cute straws and the little jelly jars are the key to a ridiculous amount of serving flare, so do with that information what you will.
And you can’t have a big ol’ gathering without red, white, and blue margaritas for the grown ups. It should be noted that because I helped in the kitchen, these weren’t as beautiful as they should have been. We think if we added more ice to thicken them that the red, white, and blue layers would have been more distinct. But as Justine’s husband John so eloquently stated, “we were going for margarita speed over margarita perfection.” Here’s the recipe for ya.
One of the biggest reveals of the night (there are usually 3-5 of these surprises because JUSTINE DOES NOT MESS AROUND) were these waffle cones that she had individually decorated with red white and blue melted chocolate and sprinkles. THE KIDS WENT HAM FOR THESE.
Also, I thought her use of the teal blue milk crates was so adorable and asked if she saw that on Pinterest and she said she had been standing in her daughter’s room and looked at them and thought “those would be perfect for my cones!” which floored me. I mean this woman clearly has her own version of Pinterest running in her brain 24/7.
One other thing on the menu that I would definitely highly recommend was this amazing dessert called “Berry Lasagne” that Justine whipped up:
Yes, that’s a white chocolate drizzle that she added right before bringing it out. And let the record state that any party that required me to drizzle white chocolate during the actual party would lead to me breathing into a paper bag in the kitchen, but Justine just has that party expert gene. Here’s the recipe for the berry lasagne, and here’s a shot of it all sliced and served on a patriotic plate:
After all the food and drinks (and competitive watersliding), we gather on the back porch and the patio to watch the fireworks that Justine’s husband John takes a ton of pride in.
Every year they get bigger and more insane (they’re legal here in Virginia for all of the Northerners wondering – I had to get used to that when I moved to VA). There’s always a fire extinguisher nearby and it only had to be used one epic time when the table very slowly caught fire after the fireworks ended.
So that’s Justin & John’s completely over-the-top and SO MUCH FUN annual party. Hope the recipes and photos come in handy for anyone else who is walking around with their own personal Pinterest running through their brain. I always get a little mushy during the fireworks because it’s so rare to get together with friends and family that you love – so it’s such a treat to have these awesomely festive and completely committed friends to get us all in one place to enjoy each other’s company every year. WE LOVE YOU J&J! Thanks for ALL THE MEMORIES (and all the photobooth props).
P.S. Wanna see the most extra thing I’ve ever done for a patriotic party? Here’s a watermelon trick I learned years ago (John looks like a baby in that first picture). 
P.P.S. Did you know that we send out what basically ends up being a bonus blog post each week?! Sign up for our free weekly emails to get them delivered right to your inbox. 
The post Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity appeared first on Young House Love.
Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity published first on https://bakerskitchenslimited.tumblr.com/
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truereviewpage · 6 years
Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity
Every year on Instagram Stories I share photos from our friend’s insanely over-the-top party for the Fourth of July. And each year we gets tons of requests for a post with all the photos and links to the recipes she uses, so we’re finally giving the people what they want. Our friend Justine has been hosting these backyard soirees for years – and the only way to describe them would be: EXTRA. And we love her for it. She and her husband John basically just throw this huge party every year for all of us to gather and hang out with our kids and each other. It’s such a great time of year to get together (not as hard with schedules as things around the holidays for example) and when the party ends, her prep for the following year begins. Just kidding. But maybe not…
Let’s dive right in. Each year she sets up a sun tent and decorates it to create a makeshift photo booth with some fabric, sparkly red tulle, and a banner along the back.
Now lean into your screen and really soak up this next sentence, because the success of a DIY photobooth hinges on this single solitary tip: SHE HAS THE BEST PROPS. Every July there are more of them on the little table off to the side for us to choose from. This year there were wigs and beards in addition to all of the oversized glasses and hats and giant inflatable gloves. She says whenever she sees something on sale after the 4th she grabs it for next year, so that’s how the collection keeps growing.
It should come as no surprise to longtime readers that Justine is the one who, instead of a traditional baby gift, offered to make the cupcakes for our daughter’s 4th birthday party (just a few weeks after our son was born). She turned out the most amazing stack of custom decorated treats. BECAUSE SHE ONLY HAS ONE PARTY MODE AND IT’S BEAST MODE. Which explains why she can’t resist large inflatable presidents to greet guests on the hanging daybed on her back porch, for example.
Yes, all of the kids tackled them and smacked each other with them in the yard. And yes it was hilarious.
She also made this cute wooden sign a few years ago that comes out each July. It says things like “food”, “waterslide”, “drinks”, “photobooth”, etc. Are you thinking “this party is almost like a wedding!” – because if so, you are starting to get it. It has snowballed, so every year she has so many things to break out that feel festive and hilarious and even more over the top than the year before. At this point the party momentum cannot be stopped and can only be appreciated with an Abraham-Lincoln hat-tip, which of course is on the prop table.
Speaking of fun, she always rents a two story waterslide for the kids (and the adults, once we have enough jello shooters) because… well, SHE IS THAT DEDICATED TO FUN. The waterslide really takes things to the next level when you record slow-mo videos of other adults attempting tricks like barrel rolls and flips. Five stars, would recommend.
As for other things to do, there are epic cornhole tournaments – and in case it wasn’t obvious, much like Puffy demands that everyone wear white to his parties, Justine demands that we wear red, white, and blue to her gathering each year. There’s even a series of prizes for certain costume categories (we had a big winner in our family this year when it came to an extremely patriotic swimsuit & towel combo).
This is Justine-the-host’s outfit. THAT’S AT LEAST FIVE HUNDRED FLAIR POINTS, GUYS. She decorated those flip-flips herself with ribbon. I know. Commitment level: 1000.
There’s also a leather sofa in the middle of the grass. Obviously for photo ops and general hanging out. It’s pretty much full of people the entire night long. It also makes for a great place to spectate/heckle the cornhole players.
Justine also does things like rolling silverware in bandanas and tying them with twine BECAUSE THAT’S WHO SHE IS AS A PERSON. She actually confessed to me that each year she has a ton of these left over, so they’re not that high maintenance. Note: her definition of high maintenance might be slightly different than other people’s based on her ALL IN level of party-throwing.
The food is always fun and we actually do a pot luck thing so it’s not too much on Justine & John’s shoulders. We each bring a side dish for everyone to share and meat for our own family for the grill. Also, note the sock and shoe combination here. Just saying. We do not mess around when it comes to our costumes.
Since around 20-30 people come each year, there’s always a giant amount of food – and a lot of it ends up being themed. Blue corn chips with red salsa for example, or this bean dip with little olives and tomatoes to make a flag (it’s just a layer of refried beans, a layer of guacamole, a layer of cheese, and a layer of sour cream with the tomatoes and olives on top).
These mozzarella, basil, and tomato skewers are another example of the good eats that feel sort of themed (the blueberries add some blue, right?). Add some salt and pepper, drizzle them with balsamic glaze, and thank me later ;)
We always bring what I affectionately call “pigs in a blanket,” which I’ve learned are called “Lil’ Smokies” here in Virginia. Still getting used to that name. The kids love them though – they’re always completely gone by the end of the night.
The drinks are also, to borrow a term from Lil’ Wayne: “off the chain.” These are jello shooters, for example – and the cherry is so clever because if you pull the stem it lifts the shooter out of the cup so you can suck it down and remark how amazing the hostess is. Here is a kid-friendly recipe without any alcohol (just add vodka if you want them to be true jello shots).
Justine also made these awesome red, white, and blue smoothies for the kids – all of whom raved about them except for one non-fruit-loving child. Let the record state that cute straws and the little jelly jars are the key to a ridiculous amount of serving flare, so do with that information what you will.
And you can’t have a big ol’ gathering without red, white, and blue margaritas for the grown ups. It should be noted that because I helped in the kitchen, these weren’t as beautiful as they should have been. We think if we added more ice to thicken them that the red, white, and blue layers would have been more distinct. But as Justine’s husband John so eloquently stated, “we were going for margarita speed over margarita perfection.” Here’s the recipe for ya.
One of the biggest reveals of the night (there are usually 3-5 of these surprises because JUSTINE DOES NOT MESS AROUND) were these waffle cones that she had individually decorated with red white and blue melted chocolate and sprinkles. THE KIDS WENT HAM FOR THESE.
Also, I thought her use of the teal blue milk crates was so adorable and asked if she saw that on Pinterest and she said she had been standing in her daughter’s room and looked at them and thought “those would be perfect for my cones!” which floored me. I mean this woman clearly has her own version of Pinterest running in her brain 24/7.
One other thing on the menu that I would definitely highly recommend was this amazing dessert called “Berry Lasagne” that Justine whipped up:
Yes, that’s a white chocolate drizzle that she added right before bringing it out. And let the record state that any party that required me to drizzle white chocolate during the actual party would lead to me breathing into a paper bag in the kitchen, but Justine just has that party expert gene. Here’s the recipe for the berry lasagne, and here’s a shot of it all sliced and served on a patriotic plate:
After all the food and drinks (and competitive watersliding), we gather on the back porch and the patio to watch the fireworks that Justine’s husband John takes a ton of pride in.
Every year they get bigger and more insane (they’re legal here in Virginia for all of the Northerners wondering – I had to get used to that when I moved to VA). There’s always a fire extinguisher nearby and it only had to be used one epic time when the table very slowly caught fire after the fireworks ended.
So that’s Justin & John’s completely over-the-top and SO MUCH FUN annual party. Hope the recipes and photos come in handy for anyone else who is walking around with their own personal Pinterest running through their brain. I always get a little mushy during the fireworks because it’s so rare to get together with friends and family that you love – so it’s such a treat to have these awesomely festive and completely committed friends to get us all in one place to enjoy each other’s company every year. WE LOVE YOU J&J! Thanks for ALL THE MEMORIES (and all the photobooth props).
P.S. Wanna see the most extra thing I’ve ever done for a patriotic party? Here’s a watermelon trick I learned years ago (John looks like a baby in that first picture). 
P.P.S. Did you know that we send out what basically ends up being a bonus blog post each week?! Sign up for our free weekly emails to get them delivered right to your inbox. 
The post Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity appeared first on Young House Love.
Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity published first on https://aireloomreview.tumblr.com/
0 notes
billydmacklin · 6 years
Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity
Every year on Instagram Stories I share photos from our friend’s insanely over-the-top party for the Fourth of July. And each year we gets tons of requests for a post with all the photos and links to the recipes she uses, so we’re finally giving the people what they want. Our friend Justine has been hosting these backyard soirees for years – and the only way to describe them would be: EXTRA. And we love her for it. She and her husband John basically just throw this huge party every year for all of us to gather and hang out with our kids and each other. It’s such a great time of year to get together (not as hard with schedules as things around the holidays for example) and when the party ends, her prep for the following year begins. Just kidding. But maybe not…
Let’s dive right in. Each year she sets up a sun tent and decorates it to create a makeshift photo booth with some fabric, sparkly red tulle, and a banner along the back.
Now lean into your screen and really soak up this next sentence, because the success of a DIY photobooth hinges on this single solitary tip: SHE HAS THE BEST PROPS. Every July there are more of them on the little table off to the side for us to choose from. This year there were wigs and beards in addition to all of the oversized glasses and hats and giant inflatable gloves. She says whenever she sees something on sale after the 4th she grabs it for next year, so that’s how the collection keeps growing.
It should come as no surprise to longtime readers that Justine is the one who, instead of a traditional baby gift, offered to make the cupcakes for our daughter’s 4th birthday party (just a few weeks after our son was born). She turned out the most amazing stack of custom decorated treats. BECAUSE SHE ONLY HAS ONE PARTY MODE AND IT’S BEAST MODE. Which explains why she can’t resist large inflatable presidents to greet guests on the hanging daybed on her back porch, for example.
Yes, all of the kids tackled them and smacked each other with them in the yard. And yes it was hilarious.
She also made this cute wooden sign a few years ago that comes out each July. It says things like “food”, “waterslide”, “drinks”, “photobooth”, etc. Are you thinking “this party is almost like a wedding!” – because if so, you are starting to get it. It has snowballed, so every year she has so many things to break out that feel festive and hilarious and even more over the top than the year before. At this point the party momentum cannot be stopped and can only be appreciated with an Abraham-Lincoln hat-tip, which of course is on the prop table.
Speaking of fun, she always rents a two story waterslide for the kids (and the adults, once we have enough jello shooters) because… well, SHE IS THAT DEDICATED TO FUN. The waterslide really takes things to the next level when you record slow-mo videos of other adults attempting tricks like barrel rolls and flips. Five stars, would recommend.
As for other things to do, there are epic cornhole tournaments – and in case it wasn’t obvious, much like Puffy demands that everyone wear white to his parties, Justine demands that we wear red, white, and blue to her gathering each year. There’s even a series of prizes for certain costume categories (we had a big winner in our family this year when it came to an extremely patriotic swimsuit & towel combo).
This is Justine-the-host’s outfit. THAT’S AT LEAST FIVE HUNDRED FLAIR POINTS, GUYS. She decorated those flip-flips herself with ribbon. I know. Commitment level: 1000.
There’s also a leather sofa in the middle of the grass. Obviously for photo ops and general hanging out. It’s pretty much full of people the entire night long. It also makes for a great place to spectate/heckle the cornhole players.
Justine also does things like rolling silverware in bandanas and tying them with twine BECAUSE THAT’S WHO SHE IS AS A PERSON. She actually confessed to me that each year she has a ton of these left over, so they’re not that high maintenance. Note: her definition of high maintenance might be slightly different than other people’s based on her ALL IN level of party-throwing.
The food is always fun and we actually do a pot luck thing so it’s not too much on Justine & John’s shoulders. We each bring a side dish for everyone to share and meat for our own family for the grill. Also, note the sock and shoe combination here. Just saying. We do not mess around when it comes to our costumes.
Since around 20-30 people come each year, there’s always a giant amount of food – and a lot of it ends up being themed. Blue corn chips with red salsa for example, or this bean dip with little olives and tomatoes to make a flag (it’s just a layer of refried beans, a layer of guacamole, a layer of cheese, and a layer of sour cream with the tomatoes and olives on top).
These mozzarella, basil, and tomato skewers are another example of the good eats that feel sort of themed (the blueberries add some blue, right?). Add some salt and pepper, drizzle them with balsamic glaze, and thank me later ;)
We always bring what I affectionately call “pigs in a blanket,” which I’ve learned are called “Lil’ Smokies” here in Virginia. Still getting used to that name. The kids love them though – they’re always completely gone by the end of the night.
The drinks are also, to borrow a term from Lil’ Wayne: “off the chain.” These are jello shooters, for example – and the cherry is so clever because if you pull the stem it lifts the shooter out of the cup so you can suck it down and remark how amazing the hostess is. Here is a kid-friendly recipe without any alcohol (just add vodka if you want them to be true jello shots).
Justine also made these awesome red, white, and blue smoothies for the kids – all of whom raved about them except for one non-fruit-loving child. Let the record state that cute straws and the little jelly jars are the key to a ridiculous amount of serving flare, so do with that information what you will.
And you can’t have a big ol’ gathering without red, white, and blue margaritas for the grown ups. It should be noted that because I helped in the kitchen, these weren’t as beautiful as they should have been. We think if we added more ice to thicken them that the red, white, and blue layers would have been more distinct. But as Justine’s husband John so eloquently stated, “we were going for margarita speed over margarita perfection.” Here’s the recipe for ya.
One of the biggest reveals of the night (there are usually 3-5 of these surprises because JUSTINE DOES NOT MESS AROUND) were these waffle cones that she had individually decorated with red white and blue melted chocolate and sprinkles. THE KIDS WENT HAM FOR THESE.
Also, I thought her use of the teal blue milk crates was so adorable and asked if she saw that on Pinterest and she said she had been standing in her daughter’s room and looked at them and thought “those would be perfect for my cones!” which floored me. I mean this woman clearly has her own version of Pinterest running in her brain 24/7.
One other thing on the menu that I would definitely highly recommend was this amazing dessert called “Berry Lasagne” that Justine whipped up:
Yes, that’s a white chocolate drizzle that she added right before bringing it out. And let the record state that any party that required me to drizzle white chocolate during the actual party would lead to me breathing into a paper bag in the kitchen, but Justine just has that party expert gene. Here’s the recipe for the berry lasagne, and here’s a shot of it all sliced and served on a patriotic plate:
After all the food and drinks (and competitive watersliding), we gather on the back porch and the patio to watch the fireworks that Justine’s husband John takes a ton of pride in.
Every year they get bigger and more insane (they’re legal here in Virginia for all of the Northerners wondering – I had to get used to that when I moved to VA). There’s always a fire extinguisher nearby and it only had to be used one epic time when the table very slowly caught fire after the fireworks ended.
So that’s Justin & John’s completely over-the-top and SO MUCH FUN annual party. Hope the recipes and photos come in handy for anyone else who is walking around with their own personal Pinterest running through their brain. I always get a little mushy during the fireworks because it’s so rare to get together with friends and family that you love – so it’s such a treat to have these awesomely festive and completely committed friends to get us all in one place to enjoy each other’s company every year. WE LOVE YOU J&J! Thanks for ALL THE MEMORIES (and all the photobooth props).
P.S. Wanna see the most extra thing I’ve ever done for a patriotic party? Here’s a watermelon trick I learned years ago (John looks like a baby in that first picture). 
P.P.S. Did you know that we send out what basically ends up being a bonus blog post each week?! Sign up for our free weekly emails to get them delivered right to your inbox. 
The post Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity appeared first on Young House Love.
Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity published first on https://carpetgurus.tumblr.com/
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yesterdaysdreams · 6 years
Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity
Every year on Instagram Stories I share photos from our friend’s insanely over-the-top party for the Fourth of July. And each year we gets tons of requests for a post with all the photos and links to the recipes she uses, so we’re finally giving the people what they want. Our friend Justine has been hosting these backyard soirees for years – and the only way to describe them would be: EXTRA. And we love her for it. She and her husband John basically just throw this huge party every year for all of us to gather and hang out with our kids and each other. It’s such a great time of year to get together (not as hard with schedules as things around the holidays for example) and when the party ends, her prep for the following year begins. Just kidding. But maybe not…
Let’s dive right in. Each year she sets up a sun tent and decorates it to create a makeshift photo booth with some fabric, sparkly red tulle, and a banner along the back.
Now lean into your screen and really soak up this next sentence, because the success of a DIY photobooth hinges on this single solitary tip: SHE HAS THE BEST PROPS. Every July there are more of them on the little table off to the side for us to choose from. This year there were wigs and beards in addition to all of the oversized glasses and hats and giant inflatable gloves. She says whenever she sees something on sale after the 4th she grabs it for next year, so that’s how the collection keeps growing.
It should come as no surprise to longtime readers that Justine is the one who, instead of a traditional baby gift, offered to make the cupcakes for our daughter’s 4th birthday party (just a few weeks after our son was born). She turned out the most amazing stack of custom decorated treats. BECAUSE SHE ONLY HAS ONE PARTY MODE AND IT’S BEAST MODE. Which explains why she can’t resist large inflatable presidents to greet guests on the hanging daybed on her back porch, for example.
Yes, all of the kids tackled them and smacked each other with them in the yard. And yes it was hilarious.
She also made this cute wooden sign a few years ago that comes out each July. It says things like “food”, “waterslide”, “drinks”, “photobooth”, etc. Are you thinking “this party is almost like a wedding!” – because if so, you are starting to get it. It has snowballed, so every year she has so many things to break out that feel festive and hilarious and even more over the top than the year before. At this point the party momentum cannot be stopped and can only be appreciated with an Abraham-Lincoln hat-tip, which of course is on the prop table.
Speaking of fun, she always rents a two story waterslide for the kids (and the adults, once we have enough jello shooters) because… well, SHE IS THAT DEDICATED TO FUN. The waterslide really takes things to the next level when you record slow-mo videos of other adults attempting tricks like barrel rolls and flips. Five stars, would recommend.
As for other things to do, there are epic cornhole tournaments – and in case it wasn’t obvious, much like Puffy demands that everyone wear white to his parties, Justine demands that we wear red, white, and blue to her gathering each year. There’s even a series of prizes for certain costume categories (we had a big winner in our family this year when it came to an extremely patriotic swimsuit & towel combo).
This is Justine-the-host’s outfit. THAT’S AT LEAST FIVE HUNDRED FLAIR POINTS, GUYS. She decorated those flip-flips herself with ribbon. I know. Commitment level: 1000.
There’s also a leather sofa in the middle of the grass. Obviously for photo ops and general hanging out. It’s pretty much full of people the entire night long. It also makes for a great place to spectate/heckle the cornhole players.
Justine also does things like rolling silverware in bandanas and tying them with twine BECAUSE THAT’S WHO SHE IS AS A PERSON. She actually confessed to me that each year she has a ton of these left over, so they’re not that high maintenance. Note: her definition of high maintenance might be slightly different than other people’s based on her ALL IN level of party-throwing.
The food is always fun and we actually do a pot luck thing so it’s not too much on Justine & John’s shoulders. We each bring a side dish for everyone to share and meat for our own family for the grill. Also, note the sock and shoe combination here. Just saying. We do not mess around when it comes to our costumes.
Since around 20-30 people come each year, there’s always a giant amount of food – and a lot of it ends up being themed. Blue corn chips with red salsa for example, or this bean dip with little olives and tomatoes to make a flag (it’s just a layer of refried beans, a layer of guacamole, a layer of cheese, and a layer of sour cream with the tomatoes and olives on top).
These mozzarella, basil, and tomato skewers are another example of the good eats that feel sort of themed (the blueberries add some blue, right?). Add some salt and pepper, drizzle them with balsamic glaze, and thank me later ;)
We always bring what I affectionately call “pigs in a blanket,” which I’ve learned are called “Lil’ Smokies” here in Virginia. Still getting used to that name. The kids love them though – they’re always completely gone by the end of the night.
The drinks are also, to borrow a term from Lil’ Wayne: “off the chain.” These are jello shooters, for example – and the cherry is so clever because if you pull the stem it lifts the shooter out of the cup so you can suck it down and remark how amazing the hostess is. Here is a kid-friendly recipe without any alcohol (just add vodka if you want them to be true jello shots).
Justine also made these awesome red, white, and blue smoothies for the kids – all of whom raved about them except for one non-fruit-loving child. Let the record state that cute straws and the little jelly jars are the key to a ridiculous amount of serving flare, so do with that information what you will.
And you can’t have a big ol’ gathering without red, white, and blue margaritas for the grown ups. It should be noted that because I helped in the kitchen, these weren’t as beautiful as they should have been. We think if we added more ice to thicken them that the red, white, and blue layers would have been more distinct. But as Justine’s husband John so eloquently stated, “we were going for margarita speed over margarita perfection.” Here’s the recipe for ya.
One of the biggest reveals of the night (there are usually 3-5 of these surprises because JUSTINE DOES NOT MESS AROUND) were these waffle cones that she had individually decorated with red white and blue melted chocolate and sprinkles. THE KIDS WENT HAM FOR THESE.
Also, I thought her use of the teal blue milk crates was so adorable and asked if she saw that on Pinterest and she said she had been standing in her daughter’s room and looked at them and thought “those would be perfect for my cones!” which floored me. I mean this woman clearly has her own version of Pinterest running in her brain 24/7.
One other thing on the menu that I would definitely highly recommend was this amazing dessert called “Berry Lasagne” that Justine whipped up:
Yes, that’s a white chocolate drizzle that she added right before bringing it out. And let the record state that any party that required me to drizzle white chocolate during the actual party would lead to me breathing into a paper bag in the kitchen, but Justine just has that party expert gene. Here’s the recipe for the berry lasagne, and here’s a shot of it all sliced and served on a patriotic plate:
After all the food and drinks (and competitive watersliding), we gather on the back porch and the patio to watch the fireworks that Justine’s husband John takes a ton of pride in.
Every year they get bigger and more insane (they’re legal here in Virginia for all of the Northerners wondering – I had to get used to that when I moved to VA). There’s always a fire extinguisher nearby and it only had to be used one epic time when the table very slowly caught fire after the fireworks ended.
So that’s Justin & John’s completely over-the-top and SO MUCH FUN annual party. Hope the recipes and photos come in handy for anyone else who is walking around with their own personal Pinterest running through their brain. I always get a little mushy during the fireworks because it’s so rare to get together with friends and family that you love – so it’s such a treat to have these awesomely festive and completely committed friends to get us all in one place to enjoy each other’s company every year. WE LOVE YOU J&J! Thanks for ALL THE MEMORIES (and all the photobooth props).
P.S. Wanna see the most extra thing I’ve ever done for a patriotic party? Here’s a watermelon trick I learned years ago (John looks like a baby in that first picture). 
P.P.S. Did you know that we send out what basically ends up being a bonus blog post each week?! Sign up for our free weekly emails to get them delivered right to your inbox. 
The post Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity appeared first on Young House Love.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8265713 https://ift.tt/2L2f4xo via IFTTT
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interiorstarweb · 6 years
Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity
Every year on Instagram Stories I share photos from our friend’s insanely over-the-top party for the Fourth of July. And each year we gets tons of requests for a post with all the photos and links to the recipes she uses, so we’re finally giving the people what they want. Our friend Justine has been hosting these backyard soirees for years – and the only way to describe them would be: EXTRA. And we love her for it. She and her husband John basically just throw this huge party every year for all of us to gather and hang out with our kids and each other. It’s such a great time of year to get together (not as hard with schedules as things around the holidays for example) and when the party ends, her prep for the following year begins. Just kidding. But maybe not…
Let’s dive right in. Each year she sets up a sun tent and decorates it to create a makeshift photo booth with some fabric, sparkly red tulle, and a banner along the back.
Now lean into your screen and really soak up this next sentence, because the success of a DIY photobooth hinges on this single solitary tip: SHE HAS THE BEST PROPS. Every July there are more of them on the little table off to the side for us to choose from. This year there were wigs and beards in addition to all of the oversized glasses and hats and giant inflatable gloves. She says whenever she sees something on sale after the 4th she grabs it for next year, so that’s how the collection keeps growing.
It should come as no surprise to longtime readers that Justine is the one who, instead of a traditional baby gift, offered to make the cupcakes for our daughter’s 4th birthday party (just a few weeks after our son was born). She turned out the most amazing stack of custom decorated treats. BECAUSE SHE ONLY HAS ONE PARTY MODE AND IT’S BEAST MODE. Which explains why she can’t resist large inflatable presidents to greet guests on the hanging daybed on her back porch, for example.
Yes, all of the kids tackled them and smacked each other with them in the yard. And yes it was hilarious.
She also made this cute wooden sign a few years ago that comes out each July. It says things like “food”, “waterslide”, “drinks”, “photobooth”, etc. Are you thinking “this party is almost like a wedding!” – because if so, you are starting to get it. It has snowballed, so every year she has so many things to break out that feel festive and hilarious and even more over the top than the year before. At this point the party momentum cannot be stopped and can only be appreciated with an Abraham-Lincoln hat-tip, which of course is on the prop table.
Speaking of fun, she always rents a two story waterslide for the kids (and the adults, once we have enough jello shooters) because… well, SHE IS THAT DEDICATED TO FUN. The waterslide really takes things to the next level when you record slow-mo videos of other adults attempting tricks like barrel rolls and flips. Five stars, would recommend.
As for other things to do, there are epic cornhole tournaments – and in case it wasn’t obvious, much like Puffy demands that everyone wear white to his parties, Justine demands that we wear red, white, and blue to her gathering each year. There’s even a series of prizes for certain costume categories (we had a big winner in our family this year when it came to an extremely patriotic swimsuit & towel combo).
This is Justine-the-host’s outfit. THAT’S AT LEAST FIVE HUNDRED FLAIR POINTS, GUYS. She decorated those flip-flips herself with ribbon. I know. Commitment level: 1000.
There’s also a leather sofa in the middle of the grass. Obviously for photo ops and general hanging out. It’s pretty much full of people the entire night long. It also makes for a great place to spectate/heckle the cornhole players.
Justine also does things like rolling silverware in bandanas and tying them with twine BECAUSE THAT’S WHO SHE IS AS A PERSON. She actually confessed to me that each year she has a ton of these left over, so they’re not that high maintenance. Note: her definition of high maintenance might be slightly different than other people’s based on her ALL IN level of party-throwing.
The food is always fun and we actually do a pot luck thing so it’s not too much on Justine & John’s shoulders. We each bring a side dish for everyone to share and meat for our own family for the grill. Also, note the sock and shoe combination here. Just saying. We do not mess around when it comes to our costumes.
Since around 20-30 people come each year, there’s always a giant amount of food – and a lot of it ends up being themed. Blue corn chips with red salsa for example, or this bean dip with little olives and tomatoes to make a flag (it’s just a layer of refried beans, a layer of guacamole, a layer of cheese, and a layer of sour cream with the tomatoes and olives on top).
These mozzarella, basil, and tomato skewers are another example of the good eats that feel sort of themed (the blueberries add some blue, right?). Add some salt and pepper, drizzle them with balsamic glaze, and thank me later ;)
We always bring what I affectionately call “pigs in a blanket,” which I’ve learned are called “Lil’ Smokies” here in Virginia. Still getting used to that name. The kids love them though – they’re always completely gone by the end of the night.
The drinks are also, to borrow a term from Lil’ Wayne: “off the chain.” These are jello shooters, for example – and the cherry is so clever because if you pull the stem it lifts the shooter out of the cup so you can suck it down and remark how amazing the hostess is. Here is a kid-friendly recipe without any alcohol (just add vodka if you want them to be true jello shots).
Justine also made these awesome red, white, and blue smoothies for the kids – all of whom raved about them except for one non-fruit-loving child. Let the record state that cute straws and the little jelly jars are the key to a ridiculous amount of serving flare, so do with that information what you will.
And you can’t have a big ol’ gathering without red, white, and blue margaritas for the grown ups. It should be noted that because I helped in the kitchen, these weren’t as beautiful as they should have been. We think if we added more ice to thicken them that the red, white, and blue layers would have been more distinct. But as Justine’s husband John so eloquently stated, “we were going for margarita speed over margarita perfection.” Here’s the recipe for ya.
One of the biggest reveals of the night (there are usually 3-5 of these surprises because JUSTINE DOES NOT MESS AROUND) were these waffle cones that she had individually decorated with red white and blue melted chocolate and sprinkles. THE KIDS WENT HAM FOR THESE.
Also, I thought her use of the teal blue milk crates was so adorable and asked if she saw that on Pinterest and she said she had been standing in her daughter’s room and looked at them and thought “those would be perfect for my cones!” which floored me. I mean this woman clearly has her own version of Pinterest running in her brain 24/7.
One other thing on the menu that I would definitely highly recommend was this amazing dessert called “Berry Lasagne” that Justine whipped up:
Yes, that’s a white chocolate drizzle that she added right before bringing it out. And let the record state that any party that required me to drizzle white chocolate during the actual party would lead to me breathing into a paper bag in the kitchen, but Justine just has that party expert gene. Here’s the recipe for the berry lasagne, and here’s a shot of it all sliced and served on a patriotic plate:
After all the food and drinks (and competitive watersliding), we gather on the back porch and the patio to watch the fireworks that Justine’s husband John takes a ton of pride in.
Every year they get bigger and more insane (they’re legal here in Virginia for all of the Northerners wondering – I had to get used to that when I moved to VA). There’s always a fire extinguisher nearby and it only had to be used one epic time when the table very slowly caught fire after the fireworks ended.
So that’s Justin & John’s completely over-the-top and SO MUCH FUN annual party. Hope the recipes and photos come in handy for anyone else who is walking around with their own personal Pinterest running through their brain. I always get a little mushy during the fireworks because it’s so rare to get together with friends and family that you love – so it’s such a treat to have these awesomely festive and completely committed friends to get us all in one place to enjoy each other’s company every year. WE LOVE YOU J&J! Thanks for ALL THE MEMORIES (and all the photobooth props).
P.S. Wanna see the most extra thing I’ve ever done for a patriotic party? Here’s a watermelon trick I learned years ago (John looks like a baby in that first picture). 
P.P.S. Did you know that we send out what basically ends up being a bonus blog post each week?! Sign up for our free weekly emails to get them delivered right to your inbox. 
The post Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity appeared first on Young House Love.
Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity published first on https://novaformmattressreview.tumblr.com/
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lowmaticnews · 6 years
Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity
Every year on Instagram Stories I share photos from our friend’s insanely over-the-top party for the Fourth of July. And each year we gets tons of requests for a post with all the photos and links to the recipes she uses, so we’re finally giving the people what they want. Our friend Justine has been hosting these backyard soirees for years – and the only way to describe them would be: EXTRA. And we love her for it. She and her husband John basically just throw this huge party every year for all of us to gather and hang out with our kids and each other. It’s such a great time of year to get together (not as hard with schedules as things around the holidays for example) and when the party ends, her prep for the following year begins. Just kidding. But maybe not…
Let’s dive right in. Each year she sets up a sun tent and decorates it to create a makeshift photo booth with some fabric, sparkly red tulle, and a banner along the back.
Now lean into your screen and really soak up this next sentence, because the success of a DIY photobooth hinges on this single solitary tip: SHE HAS THE BEST PROPS. Every July there are more of them on the little table off to the side for us to choose from. This year there were wigs and beards in addition to all of the oversized glasses and hats and giant inflatable gloves. She says whenever she sees something on sale after the 4th she grabs it for next year, so that’s how the collection keeps growing.
It should come as no surprise to longtime readers that Justine is the one who, instead of a traditional baby gift, offered to make the cupcakes for our daughter’s 4th birthday party (just a few weeks after our son was born). She turned out the most amazing stack of custom decorated treats. BECAUSE SHE ONLY HAS ONE PARTY MODE AND IT’S BEAST MODE. Which explains why she can’t resist large inflatable presidents to greet guests on the hanging daybed on her back porch, for example.
Yes, all of the kids tackled them and smacked each other with them in the yard. And yes it was hilarious.
She also made this cute wooden sign a few years ago that comes out each July. It says things like “food”, “waterslide”, “drinks”, “photobooth”, etc. Are you thinking “this party is almost like a wedding!” – because if so, you are starting to get it. It has snowballed, so every year she has so many things to break out that feel festive and hilarious and even more over the top than the year before. At this point the party momentum cannot be stopped and can only be appreciated with an Abraham-Lincoln hat-tip, which of course is on the prop table.
Speaking of fun, she always rents a two story waterslide for the kids (and the adults, once we have enough jello shooters) because… well, SHE IS THAT DEDICATED TO FUN. The waterslide really takes things to the next level when you record slow-mo videos of other adults attempting tricks like barrel rolls and flips. Five stars, would recommend.
As for other things to do, there are epic cornhole tournaments – and in case it wasn’t obvious, much like Puffy demands that everyone wear white to his parties, Justine demands that we wear red, white, and blue to her gathering each year. There’s even a series of prizes for certain costume categories (we had a big winner in our family this year when it came to an extremely patriotic swimsuit & towel combo).
This is Justine-the-host’s outfit. THAT’S AT LEAST FIVE HUNDRED FLAIR POINTS, GUYS. She decorated those flip-flips herself with ribbon. I know. Commitment level: 1000.
There’s also a leather sofa in the middle of the grass. Obviously for photo ops and general hanging out. It’s pretty much full of people the entire night long. It also makes for a great place to spectate/heckle the cornhole players.
Justine also does things like rolling silverware in bandanas and tying them with twine BECAUSE THAT’S WHO SHE IS AS A PERSON. She actually confessed to me that each year she has a ton of these left over, so they’re not that high maintenance. Note: her definition of high maintenance might be slightly different than other people’s based on her ALL IN level of party-throwing.
The food is always fun and we actually do a pot luck thing so it’s not too much on Justine & John’s shoulders. We each bring a side dish for everyone to share and meat for our own family for the grill. Also, note the sock and shoe combination here. Just saying. We do not mess around when it comes to our costumes.
Since around 20-30 people come each year, there’s always a giant amount of food – and a lot of it ends up being themed. Blue corn chips with red salsa for example, or this bean dip with little olives and tomatoes to make a flag (it’s just a layer of refried beans, a layer of guacamole, a layer of cheese, and a layer of sour cream with the tomatoes and olives on top).
These mozzarella, basil, and tomato skewers are another example of the good eats that feel sort of themed (the blueberries add some blue, right?). Add some salt and pepper, drizzle them with balsamic glaze, and thank me later ;)
We always bring what I affectionately call “pigs in a blanket,” which I’ve learned are called “Lil’ Smokies” here in Virginia. Still getting used to that name. The kids love them though – they’re always completely gone by the end of the night.
The drinks are also, to borrow a term from Lil’ Wayne: “off the chain.” These are jello shooters, for example – and the cherry is so clever because if you pull the stem it lifts the shooter out of the cup so you can suck it down and remark how amazing the hostess is. Here is a kid-friendly recipe without any alcohol (just add vodka if you want them to be true jello shots).
Justine also made these awesome red, white, and blue smoothies for the kids – all of whom raved about them except for one non-fruit-loving child. Let the record state that cute straws and the little jelly jars are the key to a ridiculous amount of serving flare, so do with that information what you will.
And you can’t have a big ol’ gathering without red, white, and blue margaritas for the grown ups. It should be noted that because I helped in the kitchen, these weren’t as beautiful as they should have been. We think if we added more ice to thicken them that the red, white, and blue layers would have been more distinct. But as Justine’s husband John so eloquently stated, “we were going for margarita speed over margarita perfection.” Here’s the recipe for ya.
One of the biggest reveals of the night (there are usually 3-5 of these surprises because JUSTINE DOES NOT MESS AROUND) were these waffle cones that she had individually decorated with red white and blue melted chocolate and sprinkles. THE KIDS WENT HAM FOR THESE.
Also, I thought her use of the teal blue milk crates was so adorable and asked if she saw that on Pinterest and she said she had been standing in her daughter’s room and looked at them and thought “those would be perfect for my cones!” which floored me. I mean this woman clearly has her own version of Pinterest running in her brain 24/7.
One other thing on the menu that I would definitely highly recommend was this amazing dessert called “Berry Lasagne” that Justine whipped up:
Yes, that’s a white chocolate drizzle that she added right before bringing it out. And let the record state that any party that required me to drizzle white chocolate during the actual party would lead to me breathing into a paper bag in the kitchen, but Justine just has that party expert gene. Here’s the recipe for the berry lasagne, and here’s a shot of it all sliced and served on a patriotic plate:
After all the food and drinks (and competitive watersliding), we gather on the back porch and the patio to watch the fireworks that Justine’s husband John takes a ton of pride in.
Every year they get bigger and more insane (they’re legal here in Virginia for all of the Northerners wondering – I had to get used to that when I moved to VA). There’s always a fire extinguisher nearby and it only had to be used one epic time when the table very slowly caught fire after the fireworks ended.
So that’s Justin & John’s completely over-the-top and SO MUCH FUN annual party. Hope the recipes and photos come in handy for anyone else who is walking around with their own personal Pinterest running through their brain. I always get a little mushy during the fireworks because it’s so rare to get together with friends and family that you love – so it’s such a treat to have these awesomely festive and completely committed friends to get us all in one place to enjoy each other’s company every year. WE LOVE YOU J&J! Thanks for ALL THE MEMORIES (and all the photobooth props).
P.S. Wanna see the most extra thing I’ve ever done for a patriotic party? Here’s a watermelon trick I learned years ago (John looks like a baby in that first picture). 
P.P.S. Did you know that we send out what basically ends up being a bonus blog post each week?! Sign up for our free weekly emails to get them delivered right to your inbox. 
The post Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity appeared first on Young House Love.
Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity published first on https://landscapingmates.blogspot.com
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vincentbnaughton · 6 years
Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity
Every year on Instagram Stories I share photos from our friend’s insanely over-the-top party for the Fourth of July. And each year we gets tons of requests for a post with all the photos and links to the recipes she uses, so we’re finally giving the people what they want. Our friend Justine has been hosting these backyard soirees for years – and the only way to describe them would be: EXTRA. And we love her for it. She and her husband John basically just throw this huge party every year for all of us to gather and hang out with our kids and each other. It’s such a great time of year to get together (not as hard with schedules as things around the holidays for example) and when the party ends, her prep for the following year begins. Just kidding. But maybe not…
Let’s dive right in. Each year she sets up a sun tent and decorates it to create a makeshift photo booth with some fabric, sparkly red tulle, and a banner along the back.
Now lean into your screen and really soak up this next sentence, because the success of a DIY photobooth hinges on this single solitary tip: SHE HAS THE BEST PROPS. Every July there are more of them on the little table off to the side for us to choose from. This year there were wigs and beards in addition to all of the oversized glasses and hats and giant inflatable gloves. She says whenever she sees something on sale after the 4th she grabs it for next year, so that’s how the collection keeps growing.
It should come as no surprise to longtime readers that Justine is the one who, instead of a traditional baby gift, offered to make the cupcakes for our daughter’s 4th birthday party (just a few weeks after our son was born). She turned out the most amazing stack of custom decorated treats. BECAUSE SHE ONLY HAS ONE PARTY MODE AND IT’S BEAST MODE. Which explains why she can’t resist large inflatable presidents to greet guests on the hanging daybed on her back porch, for example.
Yes, all of the kids tackled them and smacked each other with them in the yard. And yes it was hilarious.
She also made this cute wooden sign a few years ago that comes out each July. It says things like “food”, “waterslide”, “drinks”, “photobooth”, etc. Are you thinking “this party is almost like a wedding!” – because if so, you are starting to get it. It has snowballed, so every year she has so many things to break out that feel festive and hilarious and even more over the top than the year before. At this point the party momentum cannot be stopped and can only be appreciated with an Abraham-Lincoln hat-tip, which of course is on the prop table.
Speaking of fun, she always rents a two story waterslide for the kids (and the adults, once we have enough jello shooters) because… well, SHE IS THAT DEDICATED TO FUN. The waterslide really takes things to the next level when you record slow-mo videos of other adults attempting tricks like barrel rolls and flips. Five stars, would recommend.
As for other things to do, there are epic cornhole tournaments – and in case it wasn’t obvious, much like Puffy demands that everyone wear white to his parties, Justine demands that we wear red, white, and blue to her gathering each year. There’s even a series of prizes for certain costume categories (we had a big winner in our family this year when it came to an extremely patriotic swimsuit & towel combo).
This is Justine-the-host’s outfit. THAT’S AT LEAST FIVE HUNDRED FLAIR POINTS, GUYS. She decorated those flip-flips herself with ribbon. I know. Commitment level: 1000.
There’s also a leather sofa in the middle of the grass. Obviously for photo ops and general hanging out. It’s pretty much full of people the entire night long. It also makes for a great place to spectate/heckle the cornhole players.
Justine also does things like rolling silverware in bandanas and tying them with twine BECAUSE THAT’S WHO SHE IS AS A PERSON. She actually confessed to me that each year she has a ton of these left over, so they’re not that high maintenance. Note: her definition of high maintenance might be slightly different than other people’s based on her ALL IN level of party-throwing.
The food is always fun and we actually do a pot luck thing so it’s not too much on Justine & John’s shoulders. We each bring a side dish for everyone to share and meat for our own family for the grill. Also, note the sock and shoe combination here. Just saying. We do not mess around when it comes to our costumes.
Since around 20-30 people come each year, there’s always a giant amount of food – and a lot of it ends up being themed. Blue corn chips with red salsa for example, or this bean dip with little olives and tomatoes to make a flag (it’s just a layer of refried beans, a layer of guacamole, a layer of cheese, and a layer of sour cream with the tomatoes and olives on top).
These mozzarella, basil, and tomato skewers are another example of the good eats that feel sort of themed (the blueberries add some blue, right?). Add some salt and pepper, drizzle them with balsamic glaze, and thank me later ;)
We always bring what I affectionately call “pigs in a blanket,” which I’ve learned are called “Lil’ Smokies” here in Virginia. Still getting used to that name. The kids love them though – they’re always completely gone by the end of the night.
The drinks are also, to borrow a term from Lil’ Wayne: “off the chain.” These are jello shooters, for example – and the cherry is so clever because if you pull the stem it lifts the shooter out of the cup so you can suck it down and remark how amazing the hostess is. Here is a kid-friendly recipe without any alcohol (just add vodka if you want them to be true jello shots).
Justine also made these awesome red, white, and blue smoothies for the kids – all of whom raved about them except for one non-fruit-loving child. Let the record state that cute straws and the little jelly jars are the key to a ridiculous amount of serving flare, so do with that information what you will.
And you can’t have a big ol’ gathering without red, white, and blue margaritas for the grown ups. It should be noted that because I helped in the kitchen, these weren’t as beautiful as they should have been. We think if we added more ice to thicken them that the red, white, and blue layers would have been more distinct. But as Justine’s husband John so eloquently stated, “we were going for margarita speed over margarita perfection.” Here’s the recipe for ya.
One of the biggest reveals of the night (there are usually 3-5 of these surprises because JUSTINE DOES NOT MESS AROUND) were these waffle cones that she had individually decorated with red white and blue melted chocolate and sprinkles. THE KIDS WENT HAM FOR THESE.
Also, I thought her use of the teal blue milk crates was so adorable and asked if she saw that on Pinterest and she said she had been standing in her daughter’s room and looked at them and thought “those would be perfect for my cones!” which floored me. I mean this woman clearly has her own version of Pinterest running in her brain 24/7.
One other thing on the menu that I would definitely highly recommend was this amazing dessert called “Berry Lasagne” that Justine whipped up:
Yes, that’s a white chocolate drizzle that she added right before bringing it out. And let the record state that any party that required me to drizzle white chocolate during the actual party would lead to me breathing into a paper bag in the kitchen, but Justine just has that party expert gene. Here’s the recipe for the berry lasagne, and here’s a shot of it all sliced and served on a patriotic plate:
After all the food and drinks (and competitive watersliding), we gather on the back porch and the patio to watch the fireworks that Justine’s husband John takes a ton of pride in.
Every year they get bigger and more insane (they’re legal here in Virginia for all of the Northerners wondering – I had to get used to that when I moved to VA). There’s always a fire extinguisher nearby and it only had to be used one epic time when the table very slowly caught fire after the fireworks ended.
So that’s Justin & John’s completely over-the-top and SO MUCH FUN annual party. Hope the recipes and photos come in handy for anyone else who is walking around with their own personal Pinterest running through their brain. I always get a little mushy during the fireworks because it’s so rare to get together with friends and family that you love – so it’s such a treat to have these awesomely festive and completely committed friends to get us all in one place to enjoy each other’s company every year. WE LOVE YOU J&J! Thanks for ALL THE MEMORIES (and all the photobooth props).
P.S. Wanna see the most extra thing I’ve ever done for a patriotic party? Here’s a watermelon trick I learned years ago (John looks like a baby in that first picture). 
P.P.S. Did you know that we send out what basically ends up being a bonus blog post each week?! Sign up for our free weekly emails to get them delivered right to your inbox. 
The post Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity appeared first on Young House Love.
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acciodracarys-blog · 6 years
Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity
Every year on Instagram Stories I share photos from our friend's insanely over-the-top party for the Fourth of July. And each year we gets tons of requests for a post with all the photos and links to the recipes she uses, so we're finally giving the people what they want. Our friend Justine has been hosting these backyard soirees for years – and the only way to describe them would be: EXTRA. And we love her for it. She and her husband John basically just throw this huge party every year for all of us to gather and hang out with our kids and each other. It's such a great time of year to get together (not as hard with schedules as things around the holidays for example) and when the party ends, her prep for the following year begins. Just kidding. But maybe not…
Let's dive right in. Each year she sets up a sun tent and decorates it to create a makeshift photo booth with some fabric, sparkly red tulle, and a banner along the back.
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Now lean into your screen and really soak up this next sentence, because the success of a DIY photobooth hinges on this single solitary tip: SHE HAS THE BEST PROPS. Every July there are more of them on the little table off to the side for us to choose from. This year there were wigs and beards in addition to all of the oversized glasses and hats and giant inflatable gloves. She says whenever she sees something on sale after the 4th she grabs it for next year, so that's how the collection keeps growing.
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It should come as no surprise to longtime readers that Justine is the one who, instead of a traditional baby gift, offered to make the cupcakes for our daughter's 4th birthday party (just a few weeks after our son was born). She turned out the most amazing stack of custom decorated treats. BECAUSE SHE ONLY HAS ONE PARTY MODE AND IT'S BEAST MODE. Which explains why she can't resist large inflatable presidents to greet guests on the hanging daybed on her back porch, for example.
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Yes, all of the kids tackled them and smacked each other with them in the yard. And yes it was hilarious.
She also made this cute wooden sign a few years ago that comes out each July. It says things like “food”, “waterslide”, “drinks”, “photobooth”, etc. Are you thinking “this party is almost like a wedding!” – because if so, you are starting to get it. It has snowballed, so every year she has so many things to break out that feel festive and hilarious and even more over the top than the year before. At this point the party momentum cannot be stopped and can only be appreciated with an Abraham-Lincoln hat-tip, which of course is on the prop table.
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Speaking of fun, she always rents a two story waterslide for the kids (and the adults, once we have enough jello shooters) because… well, SHE IS THAT DEDICATED TO FUN. The waterslide really takes things to the next level when you record slow-mo videos of other adults attempting tricks like barrel rolls and flips. Five stars, would recommend.
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As for other things to do, there are epic cornhole tournaments – and in case it wasn't obvious, much like Puffy demands that everyone wear white to his parties, Justine demands that we wear red, white, and blue to her gathering each year. There's even a series of prizes for certain costume categories (we had a big winner in our family this year when it came to an extremely patriotic swimsuit & towel combo).
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This is Justine-the-host's outfit. THAT'S AT LEAST FIVE HUNDRED FLAIR POINTS, GUYS. She decorated those flip-flips herself with ribbon. I know. Commitment level: 1000.
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There's also a leather sofa in the middle of the grass. Obviously for photo ops and general hanging out. It's pretty much full of people the entire night long. It also makes for a great place to spectate/heckle the cornhole players.
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Justine also does things like rolling silverware in bandanas and tying them with twine BECAUSE THAT'S WHO SHE IS AS A PERSON. She actually confessed to me that each year she has a ton of these left over, so they're not that high maintenance. Note: her definition of high maintenance might be slightly different than other people's based on her ALL IN level of party-throwing.
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The food is always fun and we actually do a pot luck thing so it's not too much on Justine & John's shoulders. We each bring a side dish for everyone to share and meat for our own family for the grill. Also, note the sock and shoe combination here. Just saying. We do not mess around when it comes to our costumes.
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Since around 20-30 people come each year, there's always a giant amount of food – and a lot of it ends up being themed. Blue corn chips with red salsa for example, or this bean dip with little olives and tomatoes to make a flag (it's just a layer of refried beans, a layer of guacamole, a layer of cheese, and a layer of sour cream with the tomatoes and olives on top).
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These mozzarella, basil, and tomato skewers are another example of the good eats that feel sort of themed (the blueberries add some blue, right?). Add some salt and pepper, drizzle them with balsamic glaze, and thank me later ;)
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We always bring what I affectionately call “pigs in a blanket,” which I've learned are called “Lil' Smokies” here in Virginia. Still getting used to that name. The kids love them though – they're always completely gone by the end of the night.
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The drinks are also, to borrow a term from Lil' Wayne: “off the chain.” These are jello shooters, for example – and the cherry is so clever because if you pull the stem it lifts the shooter out of the cup so you can suck it down and remark how amazing the hostess is. Here is a kid-friendly recipe without any alcohol (just add vodka if you want them to be true jello shots).
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Justine also made these awesome red, white, and blue smoothies for the kids – all of whom raved about them except for one non-fruit-loving child. Let the record state that cute straws and the little jelly jars are the key to a ridiculous amount of serving flare, so do with that information what you will.
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And you can't have a big ol' gathering without red, white, and blue margaritas for the grown ups. It should be noted that because I helped in the kitchen, these weren't as beautiful as they should have been. We think if we added more ice to thicken them that the red, white, and blue layers would have been more distinct. But as Justine's husband John so eloquently stated, “we were going for margarita speed over margarita perfection.” Here's the recipe for ya.
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One of the biggest reveals of the night (there are usually 3-5 of these surprises because JUSTINE DOES NOT MESS AROUND) were these waffle cones that she had individually decorated with red white and blue melted chocolate and sprinkles. THE KIDS WENT HAM FOR THESE.
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Also, I thought her use of the teal blue milk crates was so adorable and asked if she saw that on Pinterest and she said she had been standing in her daughter's room and looked at them and thought “those would be perfect for my cones!” which floored me. I mean this woman clearly has her own version of Pinterest running in her brain 24/7.
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One other thing on the menu that I would definitely highly recommend was this amazing dessert called “Berry Lasagne” that Justine whipped up:
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Yes, that's a white chocolate drizzle that she added right before bringing it out. And let the record state that any party that required me to drizzle white chocolate during the actual party would lead to me breathing into a paper bag in the kitchen, but Justine just has that party expert gene. Here's the recipe for the berry lasagne, and here's a shot of it all sliced and served on a patriotic plate:
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After all the food and drinks (and competitive watersliding), we gather on the back porch and the patio to watch the fireworks that Justine's husband John takes a ton of pride in.
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Every year they get bigger and more insane (they're legal here in Virginia for all of the Northerners wondering – I had to get used to that when I moved to VA). There's always a fire extinguisher nearby and it only had to be used one epic time when the table very slowly caught fire after the fireworks ended.
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So that's Justin & John's completely over-the-top and SO MUCH FUN annual party. Hope the recipes and photos come in handy for anyone else who is walking around with their own personal Pinterest running through their brain. I always get a little mushy during the fireworks because it's so rare to get together with friends and family that you love – so it's such a treat to have these awesomely festive and completely committed friends to get us all in one place to enjoy each other's company every year. WE LOVE YOU J&J! Thanks for ALL THE MEMORIES (and all the photobooth props).
P.S. Wanna see the most extra thing I've ever done for a patriotic party? Here's a watermelon trick I learned years ago (John looks like a baby in that first picture). 
P.P.S. Did you know that we send out what basically ends up being a bonus blog post each week?! Sign up for our free weekly emails to get them delivered right to your inbox. 
The post Fourth of July Party Recipes, Ideas, & General Insanity appeared first on Young House Love.
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