marshmallowsqoosh · 2 years
[Ghost (Band) | Learning Curve (Ficlet)]
Written for @ominouscrypt based on these two [ one / two ] pieces, transferring from twitter :3
Gerbil prompt was “ i have a question, tho: do you think the ghouls have scars from kissing? like, horns nicking each others’ foreheads, etc? “
So I did a short Swiss/Mountain thing cuz. Swiss/Mountain. (This is actually more than what was posted to Twitter cuz I was super sleepy/brain mushy that day, but it was cute and I was determined to do more)
Swiss/Mountain, background Aether/Sodo and brief Swiss/Rain
words. ~1.100 warnings. headcanon, fluffy, fluff without plot, swiss wants all the kisses from all his friends
Most of their band mates exit the second Swiss comes in. He's not too terribly offended. Rain lets him get a quick kiss as he's leaving, even as he's determined to keep his face against the mug of tea, either trying to absorb the steam or just inhaling the soothing scents; but, all three Ghoulettes exit the living area before he can even say hello to them. Stratus tries to wave at him from where she's been put over Cumulus' shoulder. He hears Cirrus mumble something about him having terrible ideas, but he still doesn't pay it much mind. He figures most—if not all—of them are still recovering from drinking so late into the night.
Sodo almost definitely is, considering the only thing he does is raise his head long enough to look over the back of the couch; scowl; and promptly throw himself back down on the cushions and try to tuck into as tight of a ball as he can, even when Aether sleepily makes his way over with a large cup of… what smells suspiciously, and deliciously, like chicken broth and his own cup of coffee.
Before he can decide whether or not it's worth trying to steal a sip—and maybe see if there's still bones at the bottom of the mug—he sees Mountain drag in from the same way the Ghoulettes just left and completely forgets he has any intention of antagonising Sodo. He's about the only other Ghoul that doesn't look… too terrible from the drinking adventures. Or, maybe he just hadn't been drinking as much as the others, Swiss lost track of him pretty early in the night.
Still, he slides up to the drummer, purring as he presses into his personal space and carefully nuzzles up at his neck, mindful of his horns. "Mornin', Mounty~"
He's not surprised he only gets a sleepy pat on the head and easily steps out of the way so Mountain can rummage around for coffee. Despite still being… mostly still asleep, Mountain's dressed to go out. Still shuffling around without his shoes—Swiss prays he's building up enough static he can get Sodo shocked—but dressed in… oh.
"Mounty, did you, like… sleep in your clothes…?"
"Mnngh? Oh. Yeah, I got up to my room and just passed out. Sorry."
Swiss blinks at him, slowly; he glances back at Aether for input, only to find his attention completely on getting Sodo into a somewhat sociable mood. The smaller Ghoul is still tucked in on himself, but at least sitting up, legs pulled tight to his body, tail coiled around his legs, and occupying Aether's lap, while his attention is fixed intently on his mug of broth. Aether simply offers gentle skritches while he's trying to work tangles out of the long hair.
Not getting any help from either of them, he turns back to where Mountain's finally managed to pour himself coffee and is already look substantially better. Still mostly asleep but less dazed than he was a moment ago.
"Sorry for what?"
"Hmm? Oh, leaving early. I ducked out after like two drinks."
That definitely explains why he's looking better than most of the others did. But, Swiss just laughs and puts himself back in Mountain's personal space, tail swishing behind him in a content manner. "That's no reason to apologise. If you were tired, I'd rather you get some sleep, yeah? But if you did want to apologise…"
He's ridiculously pleased Mountain turns enough to give him a chaste, gentle kiss and a soft nuzzle that causes their horns to bump. Soft affection that Swiss insistently returns—a little bit more aggressively to show he still wants attention—until Mountain finally laughs and gives him a less chaste kiss. A kiss that lingers and Swiss sighs happily—between the gentle fragrance of nature that followed him around and the taste of coffee—and doesn't fuss when Mountain gives him one more nuzzle to say that's enough for the moment.
Doesn't fuss immediately—not until Mountain tries to pull away and Swiss realises his horn got hooked in his hair.
Swiss manages to catch Mountain's jacket before he stands up all the way, standing on his tiptoes with the slightest wince and nervous laugh, "Hang on, Mounty—lean back down."
He waves off the hasty apology with a relieved sigh as he's able to stand with both feet flat to the ground again and carefully reaches up to swat Mountain's hands away, "I got it, just hold still a minute..."
Eventually they'll learn. Even if kisses didn't end in the tiny pricks and nicks and clashing of horns, the nuzzling almost always ensured someone was getting stuck. Usually Mountain catching his horn in Swiss' hair. Especially when it was pulled back.
But, easy enough to work free and Mountain catches him with an arm around his waist before he stumbles backwards, even as Swiss simply laughs, "See? No harm done!"
"Mmmm... gimme one kiss and we'll call it even—"
"For Lucifer's sake, will you two go back to one of your rooms, we all know you're just doing this to get naked, Swiss!"
Swiss immediately throws a scowl towards the couch. Sodo's still on Aether's lap, but returns the look with a narrowed glare. Mountain's turning a few pretty shades darker from the sudden flush to his skin, as Aether nearly chokes on his drink, coughing and quickly setting the coffee aside before he spills it on himself or the Fire Ghoul.
"What, it's true."
Swiss hums and shrugs, "I mean he isn't wrong... soooo... my room—aw." He's not surprised Mountain quickly exits the room the same way he came in. "Damnit, Sodo... why'd you have to remind him you guys were here?""
He doesn't get an answer. Aether gets one hand over Sodo's mouth—ignores he's getting bitten after the initial wince—and simply carries Sodo out the opposite door before the two can dissolve into bickering. Swiss sighs and turns his attention to following Mountain and trying to figure out how to get this to work in his favour.
He doesn't have to go too far. Mountain's hanging a little bit down the corridor, still a pretty shade of flustered and Swiss' immediate desire is to tease him more for a darker flush. But, he pushes the urge down and just leans on the wall, probably an arm's length away, and just clears his throat a little bit.
"Sorry." It doesn't get an immediate response. Swiss almost assumes he should leave—he starts to, even… but gets stopped by Mountain's tail twining with his and giving him a gentle pull back.
There's another stretch of silence. Swiss isn't really used to not knowing what to say; but, Mountain fills in for him before he can think of anything.
"... One more kiss and we'll call it even?"
It's the only permission he needs. Their tails are still twined together when Swiss presses up against him, arms loose around Mountain's waist.
A sweeter kiss. Floral and light. Worth the small bit of embarrassment.
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marshmallowsqoosh · 2 years
[Ghost (Band) | Smokescreen (TwitFiclet)]
I leave lots of tiny gifts on twitter... having them over here makes sense yiss? Yiss.
Based on this tweet (summary: Swiss & Ifrit, unmuzzled, should smooch)
I 2000% forgot Era 3 was muzzled until I finished writing so just pretend Era 4′s masks were phased in towards the end of Terzo’s era. Made a few corrections from what I posted on Twits (i.e. I forgot Cirrus wasn’t on Swiss’ side of the stage, too lmao) 
word count. ~750 warnings. headcanon, i totally screwed up the timeline, fluff
Fire Ghouls tend to give off smoke when they overheat—usually in anger, but any excessive emotion will cause the reaction. The taste of the smoke changes, depending on the mood—anger just feels like suffocating if anyone inhales it; but excitement and joy and generally positive emotions tend to taste sweet and borderline intoxicating.
Ifrit's always so damn excited. Terzo legitimately worries the glamours won't be enough to conceal the smoke and, in turn, fact they're creatures from the depths of Hell. While he isn't particular worried about that being public knowledge... he also doesn't want them being hunted or harassed by those that would take issue with their origins.
Swiss is the one that comes up with the idea, after he spots one of the Ministry drivers smoking a vape and pesters him a little to figure out what the tiny device is, only to be dragged off by his ear for being a pest. He asks Special, later, if it'd be possible to acquire a vape without too much suspicion... he doesn't bother asking where the older Ghoul obtained a vape or how he got one so fast.
Their first live show, everyone's full of anxious excitement; Swiss pulls Ifrit aside, just to tell him, "If you start to get overwhelmed, come over to my platform, we can cover it up, okay?"
Aether gives him a look as he passes by to help Dew adjust his guitar strap so the thing isn't resting down by his knees. Swiss just does his best to look innocent and happily follows the rest of the Ghouls to their places. Ifrit struggles and writhes, restlessly, in his spot before the curtain raises and just gives Swiss a sidelong look.
Things are under control for maybe two songs. Being outside makes it harder to tell the mask is starting to heat up, with the sun reflecting off of it; but, as instructed, Ifrit makes his way over to the opposite side of the stage—mindful not to trip Dew or run into Aether—and just looks up at Swiss, confused when the Multi Ghoul kneels down and offers him the vape.
"Breathe deep, hold, and let out as much smoke as you can into the air."
While Ifrit's holding in the breath—still clearly confused—Swiss takes a quick drag and releases a smaller stream of smoke into the air to warn the others what's coming. Terzo's probably going to have words for them later, for not clearing this with him, first... but the short exclamation from the crowd from Swiss exhaling the smoke is nothing compared to the sudden, almost terrifyingly excited, screams when Ifrit lets out a longer exhale that almost immediately dissipates into the air. Swiss can tell the others are inhaling a little bit of it—Mountain probably get most of the cloud—and Swiss gets a lungful himself.
Like the popping candy Special gave them a few days ago, giggling maniacally when they had all spit the candy out as it went off in their mouth, the first time.
Sweet and energetic and that little bit hot.
The next time Ifrit comes over—near the end of the show, after being a bit sheepish for a stretch, when Terzo made a point to call both of them out for unplanned shenanigans—Swiss kneels down to give him the vape again and this time mutters hold your breath a little longer. Ifrit doesn't argue and doesn't so much as jump when Swiss kisses him, instead of taking his own drag. More screaming from the audience and more smoke being released into the air from both of them. It tastes less like popping candy this time and more like cinnamon candy.
They both get scolded backstage; Swiss speaks up and admits it was his idea and he should've cleared it but he literally thought of it the night before. Terzo just sighs and rubs his forehead. "You didn't catch anything on fire and this does seem... efficient. But next time, please warn me."
Ifrit waits until Terzo's walked away to check on everyone else—checking for any problems from inhaling the smoke, probably, all while giving Special a pointed look as the Ghoul struggles not to start giggling—to offer Swiss an amused smile. "Y'know... there's easier ways to get a kiss."
"Yeah... but I like my way."
Still, he doesn't protest when Ifrit leans to give him another quick kiss before he heads to load his guitar back onto the tour bus with Swiss close on his heel.
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