#twixie genie twilight
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Hey everyone! I don’t have a large post besides this as much as I’d like to since both Geniequestria and Earnest Empathetic Change are already big projects on their own. But thought I’d commemorate today’s date for 10 years ago today I Dream of Twilight Sparke/Ask Genie Twilight began! I’ve had a wonderful time hosting all the genie pony stuff I’ve done in the past 10 years and wanted to give a good look back. 
2012 was the humble beginning back when the blog was mostly just another of the “What if [insert character] was an X” which was pretty common at that time. But as you can see, definitely expanded since then into it’s full alternate universe with additional lore to fill in some holes that the original show never filled. The origin story that started just a month after the blog’s beginning actually proved to be pretty core to later stories and direction the blog went in.
2013 was where I began to get my feet wet in the community working with other blogs and meeting new friends. Navitas and I working together on a crossover (And some crossovers entirely done by me, and approved by him later) between my Genie Twilight and his own along with a genie Trixie. I still have Navitas friended on Steam, but he seems to have definitely long retired from active art life. I miss having him around actively, but I won’t forget the memories I had with him originally. It’s too bad Twixie Genies isn’t archived on Tumblr. Though I believe most of it can still be found on Derpibooru anyway. There was also the Twibrary, though tbh it didn’t really get too far in what some of the others wanted to do. And around 9 years ago, was when I unveiled a direction that would stay even till’ now. With Twilight adopting Spike officially as her son. This was also of course the year of the much controversial Season 3
2014 mostly went into Season 4 back when Alicorn Twilight was new and the most controversial thing in the fandom heh. But Season 4 did end up being my favorite season of the show. And Twilight’s Kingdom still to this day is my favorite episode of the whole show
2015 had the bulk of Return to Saddle Arabia which was a precursor to the more story-oriented updates I would later have with SOTDT and onwards. It also gave Spike a permanent scar as to differentiate him from any other Spike along with the introduction of the Dragon Tear which would get further expanded on 5 years later. Season 5 also had a fair share of some of my favorite episode responses to do. Including an Ace Attorney spoof.
2016 was where I decided to want to expand to a few more genie stories other then Genie Twilight. So I created some alternate scenarios where it was Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash that got genified instead of Twilight. And put them together on a sideblog for more Genie fun. This was also sort of a collar project with other people who did genie pony stuff. Although I’m the only one left still active on Tumblr as they all stopped for their own reasons it seems. This year also of course having Season 6, the season I still am sort of at best lukewarm towards it out of any of the seasons. Though there are some things I appreciate more now then I did back then.
2017, 2018, and 2019 largely were more about just waiting for the episode responses of the final 3 seasons. The ones where Twilight Velvet/Twilight’s Mom (For Season 7) and Scootaloo wished she could transform into a sea pony (For Season 8) at will still rank among some of my favorites and it’s why they’re featured for that year. Seapony Scootaloo even got factored into the future featured in EEC. Things dis get winding down near the end, as I even stopped doing episode responses for every episode if I had no idea how to respond. There’s still at least one or a few Season 8 episodes I never made a response for, and I think most of Season 9 I never have either (And for the most part probably never will. Not out of disdain for Season 9 or anything, in fact I think I found Season 9 largely ok and I was satisfied with the finale. But it was hard to have any real idea to respond to them for most episodes.)
2020’s a bit cheating since for most of the year I did nothing as a certain… pandemic, a stressful election, and everything that went on the year just couldn’t allow me to focus on even hobbies such as my ask blogs. I was too worried about if my family and/or myself were going to get terribly sick from the virus. Though once it was late in the year, things settled down enough for me to start perhaps the biggest story for the blog yet: Secrets of the Dragon’s Tear that was meant to be a culmination of the events of the 9 Seasons with both past and new lore filling in some of the holes the show left over for the IDOTS universe. The story still has a major impact to this day, as much of the focus has shifted onto Starlight Glimmer. Thanks to SOTDT, I really wanted to expand on her as much as I possibly can. Turning a character I was once very lukewarm about, into practically my muse for continuing not just IDOTS but the project that was started the very next year…
2021 also largely followed-up with many comics and mini-stories following after SOTDT (especially Pinkie Pear Pie and Starlight's Sisterly Simulation), but it was also largely beginning of what’s sure to be the largest genie pony project ever by the time it ends. Geniequestria, a blog that definitely ups the ante in terms of rating on either of my past genie blogs. Geniequestria is not meant for the same exact audience that IDOTS was for, it’s much more niche but so much more fun if like me you’re a fan of ponies and have had an interest in genies for years. Where as IDOTS is generally only one pony is a genie, and is meant to be more in line with the show’s tone (Though sometimes going to dark stories the show would never touch. But otherwise…). Could also be enjoyable if you ever were a fan of the Season 5 Starlight, having her become a powerful genie to really relish into her villainous side that while we certainly all remember, it didn't not really last that long in retrospect. It’s a project that I brainstormed heavily started with Creamsicle Delight, and have gotten wonderful help from both NovaSpark and TailMaker. And can’t wait to progress further and further for what I have in store for that blog.
2022 continued Geniequestria, but also the beginning of another big story (Though I’m not really sure it will be as big as SOTDT in the end. Though the way it’s structured it will take longer to get to the end then SOTDT did. Since I’m working on Geniequestria at the same time). Earnest Empathetic Change will have some stuff I’m looking forward to share with you guys as I get to each chapter. And I’ll thank NovaSpark once again for being a huge help with it. EEC may also be the final big story for IDOTS as when it’s over I’m not sure there will be much to really continue. I’m not saying EEC will be the finale of IDOTS. But, when it’s over it’s probably a fair warning that besides potentially new asks. Much of the production may focus on Geniequestria specifically as after EEC, the only other story that may come about. Is whatever I decide to do to end I Dream of Twilight Sparkle whenever that day comes. I hope I get to a day that I feel like I’ve truly finished IDOTS the way I want to. Though there is certainly some directions I still want to take it.
And with that, that’s my brief overview of this decade of Genie ponies. Thanks to everybody who’s followed, liked, replied, sent asks, etc. over the years and I’m glad I still have people around that are interested in my little circle of the internet. And as mentioned on the bottom, I’m not done yet. Even with IDOTS possibly almost done, there will be so much to do on Geniequestria. It’s very possible I won’t even be quite done with all I want to do Genie pony wise in 2025. Eventually it’ll all come to an end as all things do, but as long as I have a story I want to tell and life doesn’t get too much in the way. I’ll keep going! Thank you all ^^
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bronyinabottle · 11 months
TMI Tuesday: What inspired you to create the Genie Twi AU?
The simple answer is... well, there wasn't enough stuff out there of Twilight as a genie when I first started I Dream of Twilight Sparkle!
Although I understood why. Most genie-related art in the fandom usually had Pinkie Pie as the genie, as she and Genie (From Disney's Aladdin) are both the comic-relief character in their respective franchises.
But for a multitude of reasons, I really wanted to see a take on Twilight as a genie. And while I will say I'm likely not the only one to influence things to that degree (I imagine Navita's Twixie Genies was a big part of it too) Twilight is certainly now more numerous if you ever try searching for genie-related works in the fandom.
It probably helped that when mulling over a potential story over what being a genie would mean for Twilight. The idea of attaching the immortality of a genie so she can be there for Spike enticed me so much when designing ideas for the blog. Of course, at the time I didn't know Twilight was going to become an Alicorn. I actually wasn't bothered by the idea partly because while the idea of Twilight outliving her friends' was understandably controversial. She'll be there for Spike. The little guy is just as important as Genie Twilight herself for why I created the blog. He helps share another perspective of their relationship at a time we weren't 100% sure of what they considered eachother.
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(Formerly Genie) Twixie Twi: Well anyway, glad to see you have some new interdimensional Genie friends to be around. Even though I'm glad to not be a Genie anymore, one thing on my mind was that you were going to miss having a fellow genie friend to talk stuff like that with.
Genie Twi: I admit I did feel a little of that, but your happiness with finally being free was much more important.
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The I Dream of Twilight Sparkle Index
Since Tumblr seems to have broken much of the sidebar functionality at least on redux sites. I thought I'd move all important links to it's own post.
I Dream of Twilight Sparkle FAQ #1 - FAQ for more general stuff from early on in the blog
I Dream of Twilight Sparkle FAQ #2 (Secrets of the Dragon's Tear edition) - FAQ related to a large story that impacts almost all recent posts since 2021
Mod Blog - Go here to ask the mod/me questions if you're ever curious or just want to get to know me (I also have a Discord account and/or server you can join if that's a preferable. Though I'll have that now as a simply ask me if you want to contact me there.
Ain't Never Had Friends Like Us - A group blog focused on specifically genie ponies. Although as of recent kind of low on new exclusive posts. I also reblog most Genie Twilight posts here
Geniequestria - A brand new genie pony story that's on the more more mature side starring a genie version of the evil Starlight Glimmer from Season 5. It'll never go as far as to show or describe explicit acts, but there may be plenty of implications of not so family-friendly stuff sprinkled throughout.
Episode Responses - Back when Friendship is Magic I did weekly episode reponses to most episodes between Season 3 and Season 9. Not all episodes were responded to especially Season 9-wise. But here's an index of each season's tag
Season 3 - Season 4 - Season 5
Season 6 - Season 7 - Season 8 - Season 9
Specials - These are particular important, special, or otherwise noteworthy parts of IDOTS history that I want to give special spotlight to. They range from important plot point stories, to simply fun moments between some characters.
Origin Story - How it all began! How Twilight became a genie, and chose to stay one in the first place
Twixie Genies Crossover (And Reunion) - Some crossovers between the unfortunately defunct Twixie Genies blog and my Genie Twilight!
Mane 6 Genie Simulation - Twilight putting the rest of the Mane 6 through the Genie Simulation for the first time. A temporary genie transformation that allowed them to feel what it's like to be a genie, without any of the responsibility of power.
Genie Sickness Arc - A month long arc that had Twilight become sick and eventually has to ask Discord to help
Motherly Revelation/Anniversary - The moment where Twilight and Spike adopted eachother as Mother and Son in the blog's continuty. Prepare for d'awww's.
I Dream of TwiDash - The moment where Twilight and Rainbow Dash realized they loved eachother very much and will have plenty of children an- Phbbbbt, not actually. This was an April Fools special I did for fun. Although, you could say I did actually go through with something like this for real over on Ain't Never Had Friends Like Us...
Mother's Day Special - A special starring Twilight's mother, Twilight Velvet. Some details I admit I'd retcon if I had done the story more recently. But at the time there was barely anything known about Twilight's mom. So alot of it was just personal headcanon of Twi's mom's personality and such.
Trixie Reunion - Trixie returns to Ponyville to inform Twilight of her intention to move here. Twilight and Trixie are on better terms between eachother then Twilight and Trixie were in Season 6 of the show. Hence why she had no problem with Trixie in the No Second Prances episode response.
Return to Saddle Arabia - The first major text story of the blog! Twilight and Spike return to Saddle Arabia for the first time since Twilight was genified. They find lots of new friends... but also a very dangerous enemy.
Genie Ember-lation - A simple Genie simulation sequence done between my Genie Twi and a friend of mine's OC
Secrets of the Dragon's Tear - An even larger text story that seeks to answer many unanswered questions leftover from the end of Friendship is Magic in the I Dream of Twilight Sparkle universe. And take things to a bold new direction that have impacted this blog ever since. Just a heads up, this is a LOOOOOOOOOONNNNG story.
Pinkie Pear Pie - Are Applejack and Pinkie Pie actually related in the I Dream of Twilight Sparkle universe? Read this, and you'll find out!
Starlight's Sisterly Simulation - Twilight performs the genie simulation on Starlight Glimmer again, this time without a reluctant Trixie.
IDOTS Stories - More one-shot stories (Though it also contains the chapters of Earnest Empathetic Change) that either take place or are related to events to Secrets of the Dragon's Tear
Earnest Empathetic Change - 10 Years after Twilight took sole rule in Canterlot, Starlight is tasked with reforming none other than Queen Chrysalis. Can she thaw the ice cold queen's heart?
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