#genie rainbow dash
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Hey everyone! I don’t have a large post besides this as much as I’d like to since both Geniequestria and Earnest Empathetic Change are already big projects on their own. But thought I’d commemorate today’s date for 10 years ago today I Dream of Twilight Sparke/Ask Genie Twilight began! I’ve had a wonderful time hosting all the genie pony stuff I’ve done in the past 10 years and wanted to give a good look back. 
2012 was the humble beginning back when the blog was mostly just another of the “What if [insert character] was an X” which was pretty common at that time. But as you can see, definitely expanded since then into it’s full alternate universe with additional lore to fill in some holes that the original show never filled. The origin story that started just a month after the blog’s beginning actually proved to be pretty core to later stories and direction the blog went in.
2013 was where I began to get my feet wet in the community working with other blogs and meeting new friends. Navitas and I working together on a crossover (And some crossovers entirely done by me, and approved by him later) between my Genie Twilight and his own along with a genie Trixie. I still have Navitas friended on Steam, but he seems to have definitely long retired from active art life. I miss having him around actively, but I won’t forget the memories I had with him originally. It’s too bad Twixie Genies isn’t archived on Tumblr. Though I believe most of it can still be found on Derpibooru anyway. There was also the Twibrary, though tbh it didn’t really get too far in what some of the others wanted to do. And around 9 years ago, was when I unveiled a direction that would stay even till’ now. With Twilight adopting Spike officially as her son. This was also of course the year of the much controversial Season 3
2014 mostly went into Season 4 back when Alicorn Twilight was new and the most controversial thing in the fandom heh. But Season 4 did end up being my favorite season of the show. And Twilight’s Kingdom still to this day is my favorite episode of the whole show
2015 had the bulk of Return to Saddle Arabia which was a precursor to the more story-oriented updates I would later have with SOTDT and onwards. It also gave Spike a permanent scar as to differentiate him from any other Spike along with the introduction of the Dragon Tear which would get further expanded on 5 years later. Season 5 also had a fair share of some of my favorite episode responses to do. Including an Ace Attorney spoof.
2016 was where I decided to want to expand to a few more genie stories other then Genie Twilight. So I created some alternate scenarios where it was Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash that got genified instead of Twilight. And put them together on a sideblog for more Genie fun. This was also sort of a collar project with other people who did genie pony stuff. Although I’m the only one left still active on Tumblr as they all stopped for their own reasons it seems. This year also of course having Season 6, the season I still am sort of at best lukewarm towards it out of any of the seasons. Though there are some things I appreciate more now then I did back then.
2017, 2018, and 2019 largely were more about just waiting for the episode responses of the final 3 seasons. The ones where Twilight Velvet/Twilight’s Mom (For Season 7) and Scootaloo wished she could transform into a sea pony (For Season 8) at will still rank among some of my favorites and it’s why they’re featured for that year. Seapony Scootaloo even got factored into the future featured in EEC. Things dis get winding down near the end, as I even stopped doing episode responses for every episode if I had no idea how to respond. There’s still at least one or a few Season 8 episodes I never made a response for, and I think most of Season 9 I never have either (And for the most part probably never will. Not out of disdain for Season 9 or anything, in fact I think I found Season 9 largely ok and I was satisfied with the finale. But it was hard to have any real idea to respond to them for most episodes.)
2020’s a bit cheating since for most of the year I did nothing as a certain… pandemic, a stressful election, and everything that went on the year just couldn’t allow me to focus on even hobbies such as my ask blogs. I was too worried about if my family and/or myself were going to get terribly sick from the virus. Though once it was late in the year, things settled down enough for me to start perhaps the biggest story for the blog yet: Secrets of the Dragon’s Tear that was meant to be a culmination of the events of the 9 Seasons with both past and new lore filling in some of the holes the show left over for the IDOTS universe. The story still has a major impact to this day, as much of the focus has shifted onto Starlight Glimmer. Thanks to SOTDT, I really wanted to expand on her as much as I possibly can. Turning a character I was once very lukewarm about, into practically my muse for continuing not just IDOTS but the project that was started the very next year…
2021 also largely followed-up with many comics and mini-stories following after SOTDT (especially Pinkie Pear Pie and Starlight's Sisterly Simulation), but it was also largely beginning of what’s sure to be the largest genie pony project ever by the time it ends. Geniequestria, a blog that definitely ups the ante in terms of rating on either of my past genie blogs. Geniequestria is not meant for the same exact audience that IDOTS was for, it’s much more niche but so much more fun if like me you’re a fan of ponies and have had an interest in genies for years. Where as IDOTS is generally only one pony is a genie, and is meant to be more in line with the show’s tone (Though sometimes going to dark stories the show would never touch. But otherwise…). Could also be enjoyable if you ever were a fan of the Season 5 Starlight, having her become a powerful genie to really relish into her villainous side that while we certainly all remember, it didn't not really last that long in retrospect. It’s a project that I brainstormed heavily started with Creamsicle Delight, and have gotten wonderful help from both NovaSpark and TailMaker. And can’t wait to progress further and further for what I have in store for that blog.
2022 continued Geniequestria, but also the beginning of another big story (Though I’m not really sure it will be as big as SOTDT in the end. Though the way it’s structured it will take longer to get to the end then SOTDT did. Since I’m working on Geniequestria at the same time). Earnest Empathetic Change will have some stuff I’m looking forward to share with you guys as I get to each chapter. And I’ll thank NovaSpark once again for being a huge help with it. EEC may also be the final big story for IDOTS as when it’s over I’m not sure there will be much to really continue. I’m not saying EEC will be the finale of IDOTS. But, when it’s over it’s probably a fair warning that besides potentially new asks. Much of the production may focus on Geniequestria specifically as after EEC, the only other story that may come about. Is whatever I decide to do to end I Dream of Twilight Sparkle whenever that day comes. I hope I get to a day that I feel like I’ve truly finished IDOTS the way I want to. Though there is certainly some directions I still want to take it.
And with that, that’s my brief overview of this decade of Genie ponies. Thanks to everybody who’s followed, liked, replied, sent asks, etc. over the years and I’m glad I still have people around that are interested in my little circle of the internet. And as mentioned on the bottom, I’m not done yet. Even with IDOTS possibly almost done, there will be so much to do on Geniequestria. It’s very possible I won’t even be quite done with all I want to do Genie pony wise in 2025. Eventually it’ll all come to an end as all things do, but as long as I have a story I want to tell and life doesn’t get too much in the way. I’ll keep going! Thank you all ^^
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askseriousrainbow · 2 years
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I gotta make sure she's okay... we do use bills here...
Genie Serious: 4/5 wishes
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rarity525 · 2 years
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Rainbow Genie
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gutsybitsies · 1 year
A/N: Happens almost right after Under the Red Hood
"All you needed was this?" The adult, Dick Grayson, tossed Jason Grace a golden coin.
Grace caught the drachma and flipped it instinctively. It, of course, didn't switch into any weapons like Ivlivs used to.
"Yes, the Constantine guy said any magic there can work here as well."
"I had to break in and steal from someone's collection for an real Greek drachma."
"You couldn't find one on E-bay?"
"It's called C-bay in this dimension, and yes I could, but we don't have time to verify authenticity."
In the background, the rest of Dick's family perched on rafters, chairs, and inconvenient dinosaurs and pennies as they carefully watched Grace twist the coin around in his hands. He knew that they're carefully monitoring him, making mental notes for their little reports later on about his dimension, his powers, everything, really.
"So according to you," Grace said, "You tried to bring someone back from the dead."
"My parents," Dick replied. "And I didn't try, a genie took advantage of me when I was drunk and made a wish."
"But he can't bring back people who have been dead for so long, so he brought back your most recently deceased family."
"Jason Todd," Dick supplied.
"But he couldn't even do that as well, because he brought me, Jason Grace, back to life instead, and now I'm here instead of him."
"Honestly I don't see what's wrong with this," one of the bats (that's got to be how they think of themselves, Jason Grace figured, since they all have a symbol of a bat on their clothes) replied. "This Jason isn't cutting heads off stuffing them in duffel bags."
"Glad I'm better than that," Grace said, before turning the humidifier he asked for on and shined a light on it. He ignored their curious questions and tossed the drachma into the rainbowy mist.
"Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbows, please show me...Nico di Angelo."
This caused the looming dark mass of the old guy that called himself Bat Man to stir from his seat in front of the massive computer in the cave. "This wasn't the plan, you were supposed to call for Jason."
"What if only I was brought back to life and he's not? We'd have wasted a drachma," Grace explained. "Nico's my best friend and he knows about death, he'll be able to help."
Slowly the mist shimmered and its colors changed, until they could see two forms cuddling under a tree. Suddenly, the smell of ozone crackled in the cave, and Dick took a sharp look at Grace, whose expression didn't change an iota.
"Nico! Nico!"
The form of a short napping boy with three clawmarks on his face blearily opened his eyes. He shook awake the blond boy napping next to him. "Will, I'm hallucinating Jason."
"Wh-Jason?" Will's eyes snapped open to see Jason Grace in an Iris message looking out at them. "I-I see him too."
Nico's eyes darted up to Jason again. "Jason? How-Jason!"
One of the brightest smiles Jason had ever seen on Nico bloomed on his face as he dashed up to the Iris message. He paused right before slamming into it and dispersing the mist. "Jason, what happened? Are you in another Underworld? What do you need me to do?"
Jason grinned, Nico's happiness infecting him and swept away the doom and gloom of Gotham, he can even ignore Will in the background holding Nico's hand. "I'm alive again! These guys," he jerked a hand to point at the rest of the bat family, "Accidentally brought me back alive. But, and this is going to sound crazy, I do have a favor to ask you."
Nico gave him an unimpressed look. "Bring it, crazy is my life."
The rest of the bats tensed as they waited for Jason to ask Nico for help and clarification.
"So you and Will are dating now? Tell me everything that's happened since I died! Is Apollo back to being a god? How's Piper doing? I heard Leo's back! Tell him I said hi! And what's the progress on the shrines I've been designing?"
That was apparently the final straw, as the bat man grunted and almost ran with the fit of manic energy right where Jason was standing talking to Nico.
"Forget those questions," the bat man said, trying and failing to shove Jason aside. "Within the last 24 hours, did anyone from your dimension encounter a Jason Todd? We have reason to believe that the two of them were switched."
"No we don't," Jason said. "There's a chance he's still dead. Isn't that a good thing? All you guys talked about was how he's a homicidal maniac."
"There was a strange guy but I don't know if his name is Jason Todd," Nico said.
"Big, buff, black hair with a tuft of white hair in front?," Will asked. "That's the only stranger recently, sweetie."
A lightbulb in the cave burst.
Grace's face was still perfectly smooth. "Nico, he's dangerous. That wasn't a hyperbole, this guy came back from the dead before and immediately begin a crime spree in his home city."
"He won't hurt innocent children," the bat man insisted. "He's dangerous but he's not deranged, but he does need to come home and be detained."
"He slit my throat," one of the teenage bats said. "Probably. It might have been him that slit my throat. I got better though."
Nico looked unimpressed, "Well you don't need to worry about him anymore. We found him bleeding from the neck and then he died from bloodloss before we could do anything."
"Don't give us that crap," the bat man said. "Your Jason said he also suffered life threatening injuries before the switch happened, but he was found completely healed. Bring Jason here, now."
"Can't, he's dead," Nico said in a deadtone. "But don't worry, we gave him the correct funeral rights before cremation. I can show you his urn." He turned to Jason.
"Jason," Nico said in Ancient Greek. "You need to find a way to run away. These are the dangerous people. I could sense how Jason Todd died. It was bloodloss from filicide, Jason. His father killed him before he was brought to us. And now he wants to finish the job. Please stay safe and make your way back to us." The Iris message flickered before it died out.
in the morning, when the rest of the family was sleeping and Jason Grace was in his containment chamber ("Stop calling our guestroom a containment chamber, Master Bruce."), Bruce played the footage from the cave over and over again.
He knew Ancient Greek, of course he did. He learned both Ancient Greek during med school.
"It was filicide," the strange boy had said. "His father killed him."
"His father killed him."
"His father killed."
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poll-position · 8 months
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powerpcinside · 5 months
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Sunshine Blues Supernatural Defaults
Finally, the first batch of supernatural defaults since I'm still not 100% satisfied with the plantsim default and haven't even touched the werewolf default. Anyway. These are based off my Sunshine Blues skin, with two alien colors (a Maxis-match minty green and another green), a zombie default (NOT overlay, sorry), and a vampire overlay. The aliens are just basic recolors, the zombie one is heavily based off of @pyxiidis' zombie PSDs with a parts of @furbyq's Rainbow Stitch, @withlovefromsimtown's zombie overlay, and a dash of frankscrank's Stitched skin. Basically, I took every gory detail I could find and put it on this skin. And finally, the Vampire skin is... Trapping's Living Dead(?) run over one of the lighter tones to give a grayish overlay, combined with Skell's red eye overlay and some eyebags and black nails. The preview shows a sim with my Medium/S3 skin default (and should be a recognizable premade).
These come in separate package downloads so you can mix and match, especially with the alien skins because you can only have one.
DOWNLOAD Alien Mint: SimFileShare
DOWNLOAD Alien Green: SimFileShare
DOWNLOAD Zombie: SimFileShare
DOWNLOAD Vampire: SimFileShare
Werewolves, plantsims, mannequins, and maybe genie coming Soon(tm).
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bronyinabottle · 1 month
Formal Cancellation of Geniequestria
Hello there, unfortunately I must put the word out there that the reboot I mentioned back in December for Geniequestria? ...Might not be in the cards either. I said I'd start it in early next year at the time, and... now it's August. I think it's clear to me I just don't have the motivation to continue Geniequestria as sad as it is.
I don't know if plans will change at all in the future. But for now I'm making it official.
Once again, you are all free to ask me what the plans were for the blog. Maybe even after the break, I'll tell on how the original vision of the blog's ending was going to be.
I apologize once again to all who loved Geniequestria and wanted to see more of it. But this was a project that I think needed to have more than one person working on it. Might have been even too much for 2 if I'm being honest.
I still plan on writing up one last story for I Dream of Twilight Sparkle. (When that happens, there will be no more new story posts. Any IDOTS content afterward will depend on new asks) And I might be starting a new blog/project soon. However, a heads up that this one will not be MLP related (But is related to a franchise I've been a fan of long before ponies was)
All I gotta say for now, any further questions you can send to my mod blog's ask box or on my profile on dA. For now, if you want to know how Geniequestria was supposed to end. Check after the break
So the end of Geniequestria, you'd like to know what would have become of the struggle Twilight has against Starlight slowly turning all of Equestria into genies?
Weil, the simple one line answer is: Starlight was going to win
...However, that's only looking at it from a simple glance. Sure, Geniequestria would come into fruition just as Starlight from the beginning has wanted. But over the course of each of the Mane 6 getting genified. Their influence would undo the corruption of Sombra's crystal over her. And Starlight would gradually be reformed and changed from her militaristic, dictatorship vision of Geniequestria
Here's how the rest of the Mane 6 (Besides Fluttershy of course) were planned to be genified in the original vision of the story:
Rarity: Finally give in to her desires to be a genie to wish to be one. But wouldn't ultimately do it until a noble cause arrived at her doorstep. The reason she would wish to be a genie is to fix Kerfluffle's leg (Kerfuffle avoided all pony hospitals because she knew they'd just genify her to fix it instead. But if Rarity actually only fixes the legs, it'd change her view that genies only aim to genify. And ironically would lead to Kerfuffle ask to be personally genified at some point later by Rarity)
Pinkie: Genified during the grand galloping gala that Celestia and Cadence set up. I'm not sure I ever figured out what her exact wish would have been to lead to her genification. But as soon as the party pony of genified. The mass genification would be well underway
Rainbow Dash: Rainbow would attempt to wish for Rainbow Power (the power up that defeated Tirek) as a desperate move. However, Starlight doesn't know what Rainbow Power is. So she interprets the wish as the ol' wish for power.
Applejack: After a long frustrating conversation with AJ, in attempts to get her to make a wish. Starlight would catch wind of a potential weakness in AJ's stubborness: Her parents. Now, Geniequestria genies cannot raise the dead. But what they CAN do, is open portals to alternate dimensions as a loophole. The plan was for Geniequestria Starlight to find an AU of Pear Butter and Bright Mac. In which all of their kids and Granny Smith died but they lived. And in all this happiness in the reunion, Applejack has a slip of the tongue saying she wishes they could be together forever. An easy wish to genify not just Applejack herself. But her parents too
And now finally...
Twilight Sparkle: After all her friends have been genified. And a joint plan with Chrysalis failed sometime after Pinkie was genified failed. Twilight would be left with dwindling chances and hope that she could turn the tide. She becomes desperate enough to free Tirek from Tartaurus.
Only for Tirek to eventually absorb so much genie magic. That it overwhelms him and he's genified too (Although he'd (Or well rather she, since of course he'd be Rule 63'd as well) get trapped inside a huge bottle that replaces the tower of Twilight's castle)
Twilight only had one last gasp yet. She works with Starswirl to get Grogar's Bell. Both her and Starswirl are powered up by it. By this point though, the corruption of Starlight would be just about gone. And together with the "Harem of Harmony". They'd defeat Starswirl and Twilight using the elements (With the mostly reformed Starlight wielding the Element of Magic temporarily). And at that point, Twilight just gives in. Wishing to just be together with her friends again. And she'd get that, once she's genified.
From there, there'd be a sort of post-story where the Harem of Harmony would go around genifying more characters related to them (Ex: Moondancer and/or Twi's family would be saved for after Twilight herself was genified) and even invade non-pony countries to genify them too.
Now of course I did leave out many other details that were planned beyond this but would have taken a while to type out. Might as well leave it to if anyone wants some more detail of how things were supposed to end.
Trust me there was a lot planned with this whole story. And ideas for side stories where many other characters would be genified. May have unironically been a part of the reason it just became more and more daunting over time. (You could probably almost ask me about how any pony you can think of was supposed to be genified and I'd have an answer lol) All these plans and ideas, so little time to really write them and flesh them out.
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bestbluepoll · 2 years
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(note if your favorite blue character isn't on here im sorry there's just so many blue characters...maybe ill do a second suggestion bracket)
The rounds: 1: Miku vs The Smurfs 2: Cookie monster vs Megaman 3: Sonic vs Megamind 4: Blue screen of death vs Larry T. Bird 5: Sadness Vs Stich 6: The blue man group vs The Na'vi 7: Gonzo Vs Eeyore 8: Bloo vs Blue 9: Gumball vs Ice king 10: Lapis vs Lapras 11: Mystique vs Blue meanie 12: Mung daal vs tobias 13: Rainbow dash vs Dory 14: Sans vs Bluey 15: Doraemon vs Bubbles 16: Mordecai vs Genie
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wingshowdown · 2 years
Here are the contenders (alphabetically)
Aisa (One Piece)
Aisha (Winx Club)
Aizawa Mint (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Alata (Tensai Sentai Goseiger)
Albedo (Overlord)
Allay (Minecraft)
Ananas Dragon Cookie (Cookie Run)
Angel Cookie (Cookie Run)
Angel Cure Berry (Fresh Precure)
Angel Cure Passion (Fresh Precure)
Angel Cure Peach (Fresh Precure)
Angel Cure Pine (Fresh Precure)
Angel Devil (Chainsaw Man)
Angella (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Aradia Megido (Homestuck)
Aroma (Go! Princess Precure)
Asreil (Undertale)
Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Barbatos (Genshin Impact)
Beck (Disney Fairies)
Bird Person (Rick and Morty)
Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap (Undertale)
Blackjack (Percy Jackson)
Brietta (Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus)
Butterfly (The Last Unicorn)
Castiel (Supernatural)
Charizard (Pokémon)
Cheese (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy)
Colt (Hunter x Hunter)
Corvin D’Oro (Montress)
Crona (Soul Eater)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Cthulu (The Call of Cthulu)
Cure Felice (Mahoutsukai Precure)
Cure Grace (Healin’Good style) (Healin’Good Precure)
Cure Infini (HUGtto Precure)
Cure Parfait (Kira Kira Precure a la Mode)
Cure Princess (Happiness Charge Precure)
Cyprin (Spyro the Dragon)
Dahlia (Barbie: Fairytopia)
Dark Pit (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
Dark Pretty Cure (Heartcatch Precure)
Discord (My Little Pony)
Dragonite (Pokémon)
Duck (Princess TuTu)
Eda (The Owl House)
Elina (Barbie: Fairytopia)
Emyr (The Witch King)
Ender Dragon (Minecraft)
Eternal Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon)
Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2)
Fledge (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Fluttershy (My Little Pony)
Genesis Rhapsodos (Final Fantasy)
Giratina (Pokémon)
Goddess Hylia (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Grian (Hermitcraft/Evo)
Happy (Fairy Tail)
Hawks (My Hero Academia)
Howl (Howl’s Moving Castle)
Hue (Barbie Fairytopia)
Icarus (Greek mythology)
Iridessa (Disney Fairies)
Irma (W.I.T.C.H.)
Jake Long (American Dragon Jake Long)
Joshua Kiryu (The World Ends With You)
Junior Troopa (Paper Mario)
Kaepora Gaebora (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
Konan (Naruto)
Kushina Anna (K)
Link's Loftwing (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Little Bird Holding a Rat (Spirited Away)
Lock (Go! Princess Precure)
Lychee Dragon Cookie (Cookie Run)
Mario (with wing cap) (Super Mario 64)
Mariposa (Barbie: Mariposa)
Max (Magical Boy)
Medli (Legend of Zelda: Windwaker)
Megeara (Hades)
Meta Knight (Kirby)
Monet (One Piece)
Paarthurnax (Skyrim)
Palutena (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
Panty (Panty and Stocking)
Parakarry (Paper Mario)
Penelope (Barbie as Rapunzel)
Philza (Origin SMP)
Pikario (Kira Kira Precure a la Mode)
Pit (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
Postman (Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass)
Prilla (Disney Fairies)
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony)
Raphaella La Cognizi (The Mechanisms)
Rem (Death Note)
Ridley (Metroid)
Rouge the Bat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Royale Candy (Smile Precure)
Ruby the Red Fairy (Rainbow Magic)
Rufioh Nitram (Homestuck)
Ryuk (Death Note)
Sam (180° Angel)
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy)
Shantae (bat form) (Shantae: Half Genie Hero)
Sigrún (God of War: Ragnarok)
Smaug (The Hobbit)
Spamton NEO (Deltarune)
Spyro (Spyro the Dragon)
Star Butterfly (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Stocking (Panty and Stocking)
Tank (Forever After)
Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck)
The Sorceress (He-Man)
Tinker Bell (Peter Pan)
Tobias (Animorphs)
Toothiana (Rise of the Guardians
Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon)
Tropius (Pokémon)
Tsunderplane (Undertale)
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony)
Untitled Goose (Untitled Goose Game)
Venger (Dungeons and Dragons)
Vex (Minecraft)
Vidia (Disney Fairies)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
Winged Pikmin (Pikmin 3)
Yasha (Critical Role)
Yume (Mewkledreamy)
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Round 2 Matchups!
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Round 2 begins today! After this post goes up, brackets 1 and 2 will be posted, with 3 and 4 coming tomorrow, and 5 and 6 coming on Friday. Here are the matchups:
Bracket 1:
Cam (Rhythm Heaven) VS. Grover (Sesame Street)
Gonzo (The Muppets) VS. Blue (Blue’s Clues)
Bluey Heeler (Bluey) VS. The Tesseract (Marvel)
Blue (Overly Sarcastic Productions) VS. The TARDIS (Doctor Who)
Lancer (Deltarune) VS. Link (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Navi (Legend of Zelda) VS. Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney)
Megamind (Megamind) VS. MePhone4 (Inanimate Insanity)
Sadness (Inside Out) VS. Blue Album (Weezer)
Bracket 2
Scott Wozniak (Scott the Woz) VS. Watergirl (Fireboy and Watergirl)
Abby (Wii Sports) VS. Kris (Deltarune)
Gatorade VS. Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson)
Gooey (Kirby) VS. Benrey (HLVRAI)
Gus Porter (The Owl House) VS. Gary the Gadget Guy (Club Penguin)
Blue-footed Booby (Real Life) VS. Grumpy Bear (Care Bears)
The ocean (Real Life) VS. Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
Doc Hudson (Cars) VS. Mudkip (Pokémon)
Bracket 3
Lucina (Fire Emblem) VS. Chrom (Fire Emblem)
Donald Duck (Disney) VS. Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Sans (Undertale) VS. Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls)
Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb) VS. Squidward Tentacles (SpongeBob Squarepants)
Bubbles (Powerpuff Girls) VS. Patton Sanders (Sanders Sides)
Nya (Ninjago) VS. Tom (Eddsworld)
Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender) VS. Sapphire (Steven Universe)
Nightwing (DC Comics) VS. Dorothy Gale (The Wizard of Oz)
Bracket 4
Goombario (Paper Mario) VS. Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)
Michael J. Caboose (Red vs Blue) VS. John Egbert (Homestuck)
The Genie (Aladdin) VS. Wheatley (Portal)
Mermista (She-Ra) VS. Blu (Rio)
R2-D2 (Star Wars) VS. Blue Gushers
Pablo (The Backyardigans) VS. Blueberry Muffin (Strawberry Shortcake)
Piplup (Pokémon) VS. Nightcrawler (X-Men)
Sayaka Miki (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) VS. Teruhashi Kokomi (Saiki K.)
Bracket 5
Soundwave (Transformers) VS. Frankie Stein (Monster High)
Stitch (Lilo and Stitch) VS. Hades (Hercules)
Zazu (Lion King) VS. Samus Aran (Metroid)
Spheal (Pokémon) VS. Lucy van Pelt (Peanuts)
Steve (Minecraft) VS. Shiver (Splatoon 3)
Barney Calhoun (Half-Life) VS. Vivi Yukino (Mystery Skulls Animated)
Bloom (Winx Club) VS. Spock (Star Trek)
Rosalina (Super Mario) VS. Mugman (Cuphead)
Bracket 6
Blue M&M (M&M’s) VS. Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon)
Bibble (Barbie) VS. Dory (Finding Nemo)
Bluestar (Warrior Cats) VS. Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony)
Jester Lavorre (Critical Role) VS. Veronica Sawyer (Heathers)
Idia Shroud (Twisted Wonderland) VS. Korra (Legend of Korra)
Pokotho (Hatchetfield) VS. B.O.B. (Monsters vs Aliens)
Vault Boy (Fallout) VS. Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)
Tutter (Bear and the Big Blue House) VS. Baljeet Tjinder (Phineas and Ferb)
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As mentioned in the post I did on the 6th about the anniversary of the blog. I am introducing a new timeskip. This time to the future depicted in the series finale, The Last Problem. The previous timeskip related to the Earnest Empathetic Change was only by an additional 10 years. This will add another 15 years on top of that for a total of 25 years after the Ending of the End. With the Mane 6 in their late 40s/50s. There won’t be an accompanying story like Earnest Empathetic Change was for the previous time skip. This is simply a look at what’s similar and different from the canon timeskip from the show
Though before I get to the The Last Problem. I’m going to try to briefly recap the important bits of everything leading up to this. Talking about the 2 previous eras.
I DREAM OF TWILIGHT SPARKLE (AKA How Twilight became a genie) [Between Seasons 2 & 3] + RETURN TO SADDLE ARABIA [Between Seasons 4 & 5] + SECRETS OF THE DRAGON'S TEAR [Shortly after Ending of the End]
This for the most part is the era takes takes place during or something between seasons of the canon show. This is of course the most documented part of the blog so I’ll try not to be too descriptive. But a good majority of the blog’s history goes from all the way from after Season 2 all the way to a year or so after The Ending of the End. As for actual show events, most of the general ideas remains the same (Twilight still becomes a princess, the same villains show up, the School of Friendship still happens, etc.). Although there are important differences here and there. Some of which are explored more further in smaller one-shot stories.
Secrets of the Dragon’s Tear introduced the most important lore bits that have impacted the blog’s future since. Up to and including revealing that an older-than-canon Sunset (The Equestria Girls movies are not canon to I Dream of Twilight Sparkle too) that was never evil who had lost her life to Cozy Glow’s family. And of course the ability of Spike’s dragon tear that he received at the end of Return to Saddle Arabia to summon spirits of the deceased. Revealing many secrets that only the dead could tell.
EARNEST EMPATHETIC CHANGE (10 Years after Ending of the End)
With Equestria in an ever increasing era of peace. It was time to attempt at closing off another loose end that had impacted events in Equestria before any of the Mane 6 were born. Starlight was tasked to speak with Queen Chrysalis, and receiving gradual help from each of her many friends. While using her experience as a counselor and a principal of the School of Friendship to reach an understanding with a queen to thaw her seemingly ice cold heart.
Through careful talks and gentle pushes. Starlight and Chrysalis slowly began to see there was more in common between them then either had thought possible. Even as things looked hopeless when Chrysalis found out Sunset Shimmer, the one she has blamed for years for the deaths of her previous hive was Starlight’s late mother. Starlight still stood strong in backing Chrysalis nearly to the point of letting Chrysalis kill her, if Chrysalis feels she can’t forgive her because of a blood relation to who she saw as her eternal enemy.
Using the Spirit summoning ability. Chrysalis would get to speak with Sunset to get a sense of the real her. Though even as the obvious disconnect between Sunset and Chrysalis’ point of view on the tragic day that destroyed her previous hive. It takes the use of time travel (In context, time travel works similarly to Dragonball Z’s style. It only creates a new timeline, doesn’t affect the current one) for Chrysalis to see the truth point blank.
Chrysalis would afterward get to speak with the spirits of her siblings and her parents. The reunion with the spirits of her family, along with the return of newfound friends finally lets Chrysalis receive the same change Thorax and many of the new hive achieved. And it wasn’t just Chrysalis who changed that day, this was also Starlight’s last test before ascending to Princesshood.
With a new pair of royal “sisters” and Queen Chrysalis now firmly an ally. The harmony in Equestria became ever stronger.
THE LAST PROBLEM (25 Years after the Ending of the End)
Now… we fast forward to what was the show’s canon time skip. As mentioned before, this is another 15 years added on top of the previous timeskip. 25 years after Ending of the End. The Mane 6 in their late 40’s/Early 50’s 
For the most part, the episode would play out the same but I thought it’d be important to layout important differences. Although one thing I should probably consider is maybe the goodbye flashback scenes aren’t as dramatic. Since Twilight’s genie powers (Not to mention the portal gum) makes it pretty easy for Twilight and her friends to quickly visit each other within seconds if truly needed. That’s not to say there isn’t any hesitancy and/or worries about Twilight leaving Ponyville to rule Equestria from Canterlot. They'd still decide to travel together in the end as they do, and maybe even a little group hug cry. But there's less concern about their friendship drift apart as they spend less time together. They have more capability of reaching out to eachother faster even from long distances.
(Just pretend for a moment Twilight still has her genie attire in this screenshot)
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Twilight of course remains Ponyville’s benevolent leader alongside her adopted family Starlight and Spike (Sister and son, respectively). By this point, Twilight regularly takes the form of a more Celestia-shape as seen in the episode. Although she did have to study Starlight’s growth in order to replicate it as best she could. Her smaller stature from 25 years ago remains her “true” form so to speak. If she ever needs to feel more approachable, she'll sometimes shift to her more normal pony size. And sometimes she may also do the same thing if/when her friends are feeling particularly nostalgic.
Spike at this point is still the only dragon with a dragon tear capable of summing spirits. But Twilight, Starlight, and Spike are preparing for the day a genuine Dragon tear appears. So that one day Spike can entrust and teach dragons the responsibilities of using the dragon tears. Just as the right ponies are entrusted to become genies. So are the right dragons to wield Dragon tears as spirit summoners. It’s also negotiated with Sultan Theandri II and Sultana Moondancer for the day that Saddle Arabia seeks the return of more genies. to slowly restore the ancient culture they once had.
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The first significant difference (At least, from fanon expectations) I should talk about is Luster Dawn. In the IDOTS universe, she is the daughter of Sunburst and Sunshine Smiles. The popular fanon I understand is that she’s Starlight and Sunburst’s daughter. However, the changes from as early in the timeline as Secret of the Dragon’s Tear makes that impossible (…Or at least pretty squicky to think about) since the two are cousins due to Sunset being old enough to be both Starlight’s mother, and Sunburst’s Aunt. She is thus still related to both Starlight and Sunburst. Just not in the same way as the more common fanon depictions.
Also while I don’t know if it’s clear or not what kind of student Luster Dawn is to Twilight. She could be on the road to being groomed to be another Alicorn ruling by Twilight’s side in the canon universe as I doubt Twilight’s retiring that early. And there is an open spot should Twilight decide another alicorn in Canterlot is needed. But naturally in the IDOTS universe, she already has Luster’s own aunt in that role. What she ends up doing is as much a mystery as anything else. (And I doubt G5 is going to get into whatever Luster Dawn did if any season that takes place after the G4 movie even applies to it’s history) But my guess she has a more normal life. Better at magic than her father, but also not the prodigy either Sunset, Twilight, or Starlight were at her age.
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Pinkie has long been married to Cheese Sandwich at this point. Which is shared with canon. Much of The Last Problem is left vague enough to be able to be on the fence on what’s there. But Pinkie X Cheese is the one part they doubled down and made clear happened more than anything else for certain.
Also, addressing something about their child. Lil Cheese: They’re a gender fluid kid that wished from Twilight to have the ability to shift between physically being a colt and a filly at will. Based on the idea that Lil’ Cheese was a colt in the script but looks like a filly in the final episode.
I’d also say by now she was given ownership of Sugar Cube Corner once Mr. and Mrs. Cake decided to retire. The grown up cake twins are now the chief bakers, though Pinkie and/or her husband Cheese still bake from time to time if they’re not available.
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Rarity is still not married. But not because she didn’t find love. She eventually was inspired by the dragons' and changelings’ approach to love. It took for some time to really embrace it, as she had once thought that the perfect wedding was a strong desire of hers.  But slowly the idea of leaving herself open to anyone she’d mutually partake in a relationship with, sometimes multiple at once began to appeal to her more. Her life won’t be as long as a dragon or a royal changeling, but it’s what she feels like is her ultimate act of generosity. As for who she’s been partnered with. Both her and her partners have confidentially made that all a secret. So it’s all up to your imagination, who or how many she’s been with.
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Apologies to any AppleDash shippers who were really happy with the possible hints that she and Rainbow ended up together canonically. But that doesn’t happen in the IDOTS universe, she instead marries Rara/Coloratura. I may even say they have a child at this point. (…Although I haven’t designed them, if I’m given a reason to make them I can do that at some point)
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Rainbow Dash is still captain of the Wonderbolts. Defying expectations of her age again and again, though she knows eventually age will catch up to her. But as she puts it, she loves challenging father time for as long as it’s still safe for her body to.
And in the love life department, Rainbow doesn’t have a special some pony. Though to be honest, a part of me just feels Rainbow isn’t one to easily settle down even after she retires from the Wonderbolts. Plus, it shouldn’t be necessary to every character that they eventually have someone.  (Could even be said her parents' obsession over her turned her off from a family life). She just prefers to be at most everyone younger then her’s unofficial big sister
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Fluttershy and Discord eventually decided to stop trying to confuse ponies and eventually had their own wedding. The strange thing is their wedding went perfectly normal, like really oddly normal. But then all of a sudden… disaster struck when it became a RED WEDDING… in which everyone threw tomatoes and/or other foods that are known to make red splotches when thrown at each other for a massive food fight.
Starlight of course is not still the Principal of the School as she is in the canon The Last Problem. She’s by Twilight’s side as the younger Alicorn due to the many differences and/or additions depicted in Secrets of the Dragon’s Tear plus Earnest Empathetic Change. The Princesses of Friendship and Empathy leading the current era of peace for Equestria. Her cousin Sunburst is who is promoted to become the new Principal of the School.
Unlike Twilight she is changed naturally by Alicorn ‘puberty’. As mentioned previously, Twilight even studied her growth to replicate it in some fashion herself.
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Sandbar and Yona are still together, not quite married but soon getting to that point. They both also retain their teaching roles at the school. Ocellus has stepped down from her Generosity Teacher role to accept her role as a queen of the hive with guidance by the reformed Chrysalis. Silverstream is a high-ranking member amongst a Seaquestria Waterbolts group. Smolder is still the loyalty teacher at the school. Gallus is the captain of Twilight’s royal guard.
Unlike in the canon Last Problem, none of the CMC are teachers at the School of Friendship. Smolder, Twist, and Yona all respectively are the teachers in their place in the IDOTS version
Scootaloo has become the captain of the Waterbolts 
Sweetie Belle a successful famous metal singer in her band The Belle Tolls 
Apple Bloom has an ever increasing leadership role at the farm. Her tea breweries (Apple Brews') are highly sought after by all stores that can sell them.
Malakhar and Kubuya now have a grown up daughter by the name of Jenii (Pronounced Jenny). While Kubuya expressed that they shouldn’t force the life of a genie on their daughter. Luckily for Malakhar, their daughter grew up fascinated with genies and also admiring the recent true stories about Twilight. And also luckily for Malakhar, their daughter had the temperament to make for a good genie. When she was old enough, they traveled to Saddle Arabia to ask Twilight if she could willingly make Jenii a real genie since there still wasn’t any new Dragon Tears. She happily grants it, and for the first time in a long time. There was a Saddle Arabian native genie. (Another thing I haven't given a design too. But if there's interest and/or a reason to. I'll get to it)
Sultana Moodancer and Sultan Theandri II have their own daughter. Though as of this post I have not picked a name or design. Like many other things if there’s a reason to show them at any point I’ll design them later. But just saying that they do exist.
As earlier said Ocellus is now a full-on queen alongside Kings Thorax and Pharynx, and of course their mother Queen Chrysalis. Who has adjusted now to the new world after Starlight helped her understand that Equestria was never her enemy. That’s not to say her more grumpy attitudes are all gone, but she definitely tolerates Ponies far more than she used to.
And even as she got back in power, she preferred to let her children lead if they wanted to. She only takes charge and prepares if there is any threat to the hive. She’ll never get complacent when it comes to the hive’s safety. But she is at least sure that Equestria would come to their aid if needed. Something she never would have believed before her sessions with Starlight. Speaking of which, Chrysalis also has a very strong mutual friendship with Princess Starlight. Even now she wouldn’t like to admit it publicly, but she looks forward to every world leader summit and/or visit from Starlight. Chrysalis trusts Starlight on nearly the same level she did with Arista and Spur in their best days
There could be many other updates I could add if people are curious on what they’d like to know what I’d personally see them become in the I Dream of Twilight Sparkle universe. But perhaps I should leave some to be surprises and/or suggestions to be asked about whether through here or the role-play blog. Just for example, you could ask if I have Cheerilee, Marble Pie, and Limestone Pie end up with anyone by this time. 
For now though this is it for where the IDOTS universe is by the time of the timeskip depicted in The Last Problem. There will be one more timeskip I want to include sometime next year before I’m finally done with additions.
Remember that all eras can still be interacted with. Just because I’m starting another timeskip doesn’t mean you can’t ask a past version of a character if it makes more sense for the question.
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askseriousrainbow · 2 years
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That was an easy one, I think! Glad to use it on something like this. :D
Genie Serious: 1/5 wishes
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zexoguy · 9 months
I wasn't tagged, but I saw this challenge going around and wanted to try it. You choose nine of your favorite fandoms and post your favorite character from each one. I'm gonna tag @l-egionaire @ordinaryschmuck @pedanticat and @tgunn64
(You're supposed to do it with pictures, but I just like to use words because it's easier)
Pacifica Northwest (Gravity Falls)
Lucy Loud (The Loud House)
Polly Plantar (Amphibia)
Amity Blight (The Owl House)
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Verosika Mayday (Helluva Boss)
Beast Boy (Teen Titans)
Aladdin's Genie (Disney Animation)
V (Murder Drones)
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((Just a side note, this is the first example of an ask originally sent to i-dream-of-twilight-sparkle. I am answering a few that I can answer with just text even if maybe the person is or is not around Tumblr anymore))
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Genie Twilight: I’ve always been a fan of more classical style of music, I do tend to lean onto Octavia’s specialty more often than not. Though that’s not to say I dislike genre’s that are more energizing. Vinyl’s tracks are often jams, and I do happen to have a T-Shirt of her that was gifted to me by Rainbow Dash years ago.
Though one genre I’m surprised I like as much as I do is Metal. Sweetie Belle’s certainly done a fine job showing off her powerful voice in a genre some often complain is too loud. But that's part of the fun. Sometimes you need a little energetic audio to get you through the day. It can be hard to work in pure silence.
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geniequestria · 2 years
Tempest and Luna float up to Lightning Dust's side after the quick and dazzling light show her genification was.
"Glad to have you on our side, surely you can see the beneficial powers we're bestowing, now?" Luna asked 
"This is exactly what we're trying to share with the rest of the world, yet they refuse to let us do so! Why don't you stretch your wings, legs, and then show them what they’re missing out on! Though I may have a feeling you have a particular one in mind?" Tempest inquired herself
They all look down upon the three wonderbolts with sinister smiles on their faces. Spitfire was shaking, but as captain, she had to remain strong for the others. Internally though, she cursed herself for not being able to stop Lightning Dust from rushing in. (If only I could have stopped her! I wish I were faster… these rookies are outclassing me at every turn… and now we've got a new enemy…) 
She grits her teeth. "Soarin, Fleetfoot, she knows our traditional maneuvers, we need to break out something different. One massive super tornado. Like how we transfer water from the ground to Cloudsdale… I know it's just the three of us, but that should at least buy us enough time to escape and regroup..."
Lightning disconnected her genie tail from her vessel, warping it into her back legs and pony tail once more. She does some mid-flight stretches and smirks as she looks down on the three wonderbolts.
She however replied to Tempest "A particular one in mind? Nah, I got an ax to grind against any and all of the Wonderbolts... especially that upstart trainee Rainbow Dash! But I'll admit Spitfire being here is an opportunity I've been savoring for a while... and I'll enjoy getting the other two here just as well~. You two go ahead and pick up whoever is left of those meathead guards.  But leave the Wonderbolts to ME, for they are MINE!"
Soarin and Fleetfoot meanwhile begin to fly in a circle with Spitfire to create their tornado. Soarin being more careful this time not to put the tornado in a position to throw vessels at unsuspecting guards in the city.
"Rainbow Dash? Oh, how interesting (Seems we're quite lucky to have genified this one. She'll be quite good for going up against Rainbow Dash's speed. This gives me an idea of how to get her on our side. As long as we can keep her headstrong nature in check.)” Luna smiles. "The fun for us has tripled! Please do enjoy yourself with them. Show them what Geniequestria has to offer!"
"Let's make sure that confidence of yours isn't falsely placed though. Don't worry about the rest of the guards either." Tempest looks down and can see Gleaming and Bayonet busy going after those they may have missed. "They are already being accounted for. Do give us a good show though, these wonder dolts have been giving us the run around for too long!" She conjures up some popcorn for herself and Luna so they can watch Lightning's performance.
Spitfire is pushing herself to her absolute limit along with Soarin and Fleetfoot. The tornado they make is far bigger than the ones they had made individually. "KEEP FLYING FASTER! DON'T LET UP FOR A SINGLE SECOND! WE CANNOT LET THESE GENIES WIN!! IF WE LOSE, CLOUDSDALE WILL FALL!"
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. They really think a tornado's going to stop ME? How foolish, but I'll play along. Allow me to... ‘help’... hehehehe" Lightning zooms on over to the tornado and begins to add even more speed to the tornado. A ripple effect in the wind makes both Fleetfoot and Soarin' struggle to maintain their place in the tornado, having to dodge stray bolts of electricity left from Lightning Dust's speed trail, not exactly making it any easier. Lightning purposely leaves Spitfire alone so as to not raise too much suspicion of her approach and to save the captain for last.
With the wind whipping in their faces on top of the trio already moving at their top speeds, it was nearly impossible to see Lightning Dust. Spitfire chalked up the wobbliness to them needing to dodge the lightning. Trying to focus on all of these tasks at once was proving difficult for the seasoned fliers however, with each dodge and with the wind still continuing to pick up speed, they were getting noticeably shakier, their formations breaking ever so slightly. "KEEP IT TOGETHER! WE CAN DO THIS, WONDERBOLTS! (We have to stop them all! Can't slow down for a second!)” The pressure was building in Spitfire's mind, she kept the thought that if she could somehow outspeed Lightning, they might have a chance. The fact that the tornado was moving so quickly with just the 3 of them made her think she was breaking her own limits… but she was blind to see that her idea was backfiring.
Luna and Tempest however could see things just fine. Sitting safely outside of the tornado, using what looked like opera glasses to look within the storm.  Luna took a bite of the popcorn they conjured up. "That speed is rather impressive. With this one on our side, the rest of Cloudsdale's forces will be genified before nightfall." 
"Before nightfall? I’d almost say the next 5 minutes flat at most! But it is true those fliers have no idea what's coming, do they? It's no longer them that's controlling that tornado" Tempest replied with a smug smile.
Lightning continuously spins the tornado for a little while longer, grinning before focusing some magic to create two vessels. Both akin to the regular bottle but with additional wings on the stopper, and the color of the vessels were of a similar theme to that of a Wonderbolts flight suit. She proceeds to take the stopper of it off and then throws it into the tornado, allowing it to spin wildly in the wind. To make it even harder to dodge, she throws several fake vessels not meant to genify, but the Wonderbolts wouldn't be able to tell all that quickly the duds from the real ones at the speeds they were flying at.
Fleetfoot gasps as several vessels head her way. just managing to dodge most of them. One manages to hit her on the back. Briefly scaring her into thinking she was about to be sucked in. Though nothing happens afterward. Fleetfoot soon realizes perhaps the vessel needs to touch actual skin to work, whereas the flight suits protect them from such contact. The wonderbolt gets cocky "Ha, these vessels aren't so tough. Let me at all of them!"
Spitfire tries to warn Fleetfoot "Even if our suits protect us, we cannot get sloppy! Stay focused! (I have to move faster! I NEED TO KEEP GOING!)” Spitfire was determined but she was so focused on herself, assuming the others were still in line with her, she didn't even realize what they were going through.
Lightning Dust obliges gleefully as all the vessels whether fake or not head towards Fleetfoot. She takes a few more hits from more fake vessels and laughs as one misses her, only not realizing that the one that ‘missed’ her just went inches under her tail, making it begin to stretch.
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By the time she realizes it, she shrieks as she's now being pulled along by the vessel like a fish to a fishing rod. Swirling around the entire tornado, Fleetfoot screams as she's continuously stretched and pulled by the vessel, it elongates the pegasus to an absurd deal making her almost seem like a snake with a pony head as she’s spiraling through the tornado
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"FLEETFOOOOOT! NOOOOOOO!" Soarin exclaimed in vain for his squadmate. Fleetfoot is quite quickly brought into the vessel as Lightning uses magic to hold it in one place. The wind making her entrance faster, all the Wonderbolt can do is scream until the last few seconds as the loud screams faded into loud moans, before being muffled into silence. 
Tempest laughs as Fleetfoot lets her overconfidence be her downfall. "Hmph, I knew their arrogance would bite them sooner or later. That's one down, two to go."
Spitfire gasped in horror as she heard Fleetfoot's screams and moans, registering what had just happened to her teammate. “(No! Fleetfoot…)” She grit her teeth and continued to fly. Some tears leaked from the sides of her goggles. Before she determinedly turned towards Soarin’s direction. 
"WE CAN'T STOP, SOARIN! KEEP LOOKING FORWARD! DODGE EVERY LAST BOTTLE!" Her confidence was wavering. To keep up this speed, along with dodging lightning and the near endless bottles coming at them, be they dud or otherwise, it was overwhelming. (What I'd give for some magic to blast these things out of the sky…)
With one less Wonderbolt in the tornado, Soarin and Spitfire get even less control of the Tornado. Both bottles and bolts of lightning strike at Soarin, who miraculously manages to dodge everything.
"Gonna take more than that to bring me down, Lightning!" Soarin bravely declared.
Lightning just laughs quietly "Quite impressive, Soarin. Obviously you're a veteran flier much like the Captain, and you aren't as arrogant as Ms. Fleetfoot. However, you still have a weakness that even I found out in my short time at the Wonderbolt Academy… you can't resist a good pie!" Lightning then charges some magic which puts all the flying vessels into pies.
It didn't help that this drawn out battle certainly has left Soarin' quite hungry. His mouth begins to water just seeing all the pies soaring around. He shakes his head however, and is determined not to let his love of pie be his downfall as he still continues to dodge them all. Though his stomach certainly rumbles, a part of him hopes he gets hit with a fake one so he can still get some much-needed sugar in his system.
With the appearance of yet another obstacle for them to dodge, Spitfire's anger continued to build. "Why, Lightning Dust!? You were ready to take the genies down no more than five minutes ago and now you side with them!? Your hatred for us aside, what about the rest of Equestria?! Don't you care at all about what they're going to do to this world!?"
Princess Luna rolled her eyes at these accusations. "Again with thinking we're some kind of evil force. Do they genuinely not realize that what we do is for the good of all?"
Tempest rubbed her chin "I think I'm starting to understand why the Storm King was so obsessed with PR relating to his reign… clearly messaging does play a factor in these takeovers..." She grimaced, thinking that something her former boss did was a smart idea. "Still, our methods are working just fine. I think the blue one is next on the list." 
For just a moment, Spitfire looked towards Soarin. "NO MATTER WHAT, DO NOT GO FOR THOSE PIES, YOU HEAR ME!? SHE'S USING OUR WEAKNESSES AGAINST US!" She quickly focuses back on everything in front of her. It's only now that she had that brief second of looking elsewhere did she realize, the bottles, the lightning, and now the pies, while some of it was flying in her direction, most of it was currently aimed towards Soarin. (She's picking us off one by one… this is nothing more than a game to her…)
Soarin continues to dodge all he can, but he's beginning to tire out. Besides the tornado that's been hard to keep up, or at least they think are still keeping up, he and the others have been trying to help the forces in Cloudsdale for hours by now. The fatigue really dawned on him.  He could really use a sugar boost, and those pies are looking more and more tasty by the second. He thinks maybe he should let himself get hit by at least one, with the chances that it'll be one with a fake vessel inside. Soon another pie approaches and Soaring actually catches it with his forehooves. 
Sweat flew off of Spitfire, she too was running on fumes. Adrenaline being the only thing keeping her going. If she stopped for a second, she knew it'd be over. The clang of one of the pie tins echoed against the wind. "SOARIN, NO!!!"
He bites into the pie, luckily for him this one was indeed was one with a dud vessel. But then a strange feeling comes over him, as his eyes become hearts. 
"That… pie... soooo... goood.... must... have... more!" It seems Lightning added some addicting ingredients to the pies. As now Soarin was ACTIVELY chasing each of the pies down and eating them. 
While she was glad it was only a dud, Soarin's reaction frightened her even more. "Soarin? SOARIN?! SNAP OUT OF IT! YOU'RE GOING TO GET SUCKED IN!!" She knew what that look was, a want it, need it spell. (That little....) 
Soarin still finds mostly fake ones, which only increases his ravenous addiction until he finally gets one where the moment he bites into the pie, his face seems to stretch right into where he bit into. Soarin had been caught by the pie with the real vessel inside it. He barely gets a second to react as his head and neck are absorbed. The rest of his body flails in the wind as it too is brought into the vessel.
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Spitfire tries to rush in and stop him, but it is already too late. "SOARIIIIIIIIINNNN!!!!" More tears fell from her eyes. 
Lightning floats the pie over, and takes the vessel out from it. And she now devilishly smirks as she takes her attention to the only one left. Answering the Wonderbolt’s question after bottling Spitfire’s veteran teammate right in front of her.
"Blah blah blah, Genies spheenies. It's bold of you to think I care a flying feather about anypony else in Equestria. The only important thing is that I prove that I'm a better flier than YOU and your ‘favorite cadet’, Rainbow Dash! Even when you're a genie and we're ‘equal’ and all that nonsense, you will belong to ME!"
Lightning Dust's speech about not caring for genies or geniequality was like a red flag to Luna and Tempest. Luna immediately got out of her relaxed position, ready to knock some of her own sense into Lightning. Not out of a desire to save Spitfire from genification but to make Lightning understand where her loyalties should lie. "I've heard enough. That is not going to be acceptable, we need to..."
Tempest stopped her "No, let her genify Spitfire first. Then we talk. Lightning is going to be a pain if we stop her too early..."
Now that Spitfire was the only one of her teammates left, she realized they were never keeping the momentum of the tornado, Lightning Dust was. Her taunting nearly pushed Spitfire over the edge. All the raw emotion, the anger she was feeling, came out. "YOU ARROGANT TRAITOR!! YOUR PETTINESS HAS DOOMED ALL OF CLOUDSDALE! ALL OF THIS IS BECAUSE YOU WANT TO PROVE YOU WERE A BETTER FLIER?!" This anger was fueling Spitfire to fly faster, she just lost everything and she knew time was running out for her. 
Lightning just takes Spitfire's bitter words at a stride. After all, she still had the upper hoof over Spitfire.  As the Wonderbolt captain flies ever closer to Lightning, she prepares to seal the deal and conjures another vessel similar to the ones that have captured Fleetfoot and Soarin.
Lightning smugly smirks and narrows her eyes, daring Spitfire to approach "That's right... Come at me, ‘captain, give me everything your years of training and experience has got for me~"
Spitfire darted around as best as she could, all this anger in losing her allies to Lightning Dust of all ponies. It was just another reminder of her failures as captain. "GIVE THEM BACK!" She surprisingly continued to pick up speed, now creating her own kind of trail similar to Lightning Dust's or Rainbow Dash's. Though hers, much like her namesake was like fire, complete with sparks surrounding the trail. 
"YOU WANT TO SEE WHAT I'M CAPABLE OF!? FINE! THIS IS FOR THE PRIDE OF THE WONDERBOLTS!!" Her flames added to the storm, making it into a fire tornado. "THIS IS SOMETHING THE REST OF THE TEAM HASN'T SEEN BEFORE! I CALL IT MY FLARE BLITZ!" The temperature increased as she rushed in for Lightning. If this was going to be her last stand, she wanted to make it count. The fireball that was Spitfire rushed in, right towards Lightning Dust. She'd be able to see the white hot intense look in her eyes. “(Soarin....Fleetfoot, I'm sorry I wasn't a better captain…)”
"Oooooo, a fastball! I love a good game of Baseball! Batter's up!" Lightning poofs for herself a baseball uniform, helmet, and a baseball bat.  Bending herself into a batter's position as Spitfire headed towards her.
Spitfire roared one last time "THIS ISN'T A GAME YOU ARROGANT LITTLE… AAAAAGH!!!" 
With just the right timing, Lightning Dust SMASHES Spitfire on the side of her body, not just injuring her wing but sending her hurling through the tornado. 
Spitfire howled in pain as Lightning smashed her wing. That had been her strongest flying trick, one she had developed through all of her life’s hardwork, and it was just swatted away as if it were nothing. Lightning not only smashed her body, but her spirit as well.
"I'd say that's a home run~" She deviously laughs before flying towards the bottom of the tornado, she makes all her baseball attire disappear as she gets back into business 
"Now it's time for one last ride as the Wonderbolt captain, you're going down WITH the tornado~" She places the bottle right at the tip of the tail end of the tornado, the bottle beginning to suck in the entire tornado with Spitfire still being spun around. The closer Spitfire gets to the vessel, the more her body stretches and spirals on the inside edges of the ever shrinking tornado. 
As she hurtled back towards a vessel, Spitfire tried desperately to stop her momentum, flap her wings. But that smash effectively made her right wing useless. It drooped downward instead of moving." GAAAAAAAAHHH!! NO!!" Now with no way to fly out of this, she was caught within the storm she had helped create. Feeling herself swirl around and around. The fire being quite the spectacle as it spiraled down. "Stop this… PLEASE!" Spitfire pleaded, her previous confidence was gone, she didn't know what to do but hope for some kind of mercy.
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As the bottle sucked in all the flames and Spitfire with it, her body began to stretch, spiraling down. "No, no, NO!! Lightning Dust, stop this!!"
Neither Luna or Tempest were fans of this method. While they were still going to let Lightning genify Spitfire, this wouldn't stand.  Despite everything, Luna still cared for her subjects even if many were currently on the opposite side. "That is enough, Lightning Dust! We may not see eye to eye yet, but we are not here to break them!!"
"Hey, relax Princess. The bottle will heal her up both mentally and physically. She'll only be hurting for the remaining time she's still a mortal... but maybe that's exactly why I should slow things down a little~" Somehow Lightning makes the large fire storm slow its spin making it take longer and longer for Spitfire to be drawn into the vessel. Spitfire can feel her entire body lengthening, a spirialing smoky tail of the same blue color of Spitfire’s flight suit that used to be her hindlegs nearing the spout of the vessel. "Now your descent's much more relaxed!. So, 'Captain'...  any last words before your ascension to immortality?~" 
Tempest groaned "Seems she's one of the sadistic types. I can sort of understand where she's coming from. It's very cathartic to pull one over on your enemies… still this isn't like the Storm King. We may have to take her to Starlight once she's done." Luna nodded in agreement.
Spitfire tried her hardest to resist the pull of the bottle but there was no getting out of this. Her pony tail was already being fully sucked in. She tried to wiggle her hind hooves in an attempt to pull them back but she had briefly forgot she didn’t even have hindlegs anymore. She looked up at the taunting Lightning Dust in a mix of anger and sadness. She didn't have the energy to fight back anymore. This was it, she had failed, and now it was going to be dragged out. Some tears fell from her face. 
"I failed everypony… Soarin, Fleetfoot, and you too… Lightning… You… you could have been a great wonderbolt… had you applied yourself… you reminded me a lot of myself back in those training days. Setting academy records, trying to be the best, but you know what your problem was? You threw it all away. You were, and still are too full of yourself." She spat, knowing full well that her mind was going to change about the genies soon enough, she'd seen it already with the other guard ponies who had transformed. But she wanted to get these last thoughts out. 
"You're no better than every other villain. Sure you've beaten me, this is what you wanted to hear, right? You won, Lightning Dust. I couldn't outfly you, and you saw right through our plan from the start. But you wanna know something? No matter what happens, no matter how powerful you are as a genie, and even if I end up following your orders..." Her new genie tail approached  closer and closer to the bottle.  "You will NEVER be as good as Rainbow Dash." She gave a laugh right as what used to be her hind hooves connected to the bottle. Her laugh quickly shifted to a moan, much like everypony else who'd been transformed. The pain she felt earlier was now replaced with a pleasurable tingle. "Oooooooh~"
"Hmmph, we'll see about that... I'll pay a visit to Rainbow Dash one of these days. And I plan to be there when she inevitably finds herself slipping into a vessel. Preferably by my own hooves, the day she submits to me shall be priceless~. For now, just get all that joy and pleasure out of the way before I seal you up myself..." Lightning says as she levitates up the bottle's topper, waiting for her chance to slam it right on top of the bottle so she could say she literally brought Spitfire under her hoof, even if not so much metaphorically.
Spitfire's slow spiraling descent continues as the fire tornado and herself shrink in length, her hips now entering the vessel's spout as the tingling gets ever more intense. 
"Aaaah?" Most of what Lightning said didn't even register with Spitfire. The injury on her wing looked like it was already healing thanks to the magic surging through her. "Maybe....this won't be soooooo bad. It may be the end of the wonderbolts… but I guess in the back of my mind...I already ooooooh knew it… Mmmmm.. .while we were flying.... internally, I wished I could go faster… wished I had the magic to win… I guess I'll have that sooooooon enough...." More of her is sucked into the bottle, now up to her chest. Her eyes had a similar look to Soarin's as he was eating the pies, she looked lost in the sensations. "I almost… don't want this to end...."
"Hehe, nah. This isn't the end of the Wonderbolts, we'll need to tempt Rainbow Dash with the name being the same sooner or later. The only consequence for you is your demotion, for I'll be taking over as captain. However, I'll be gracious enough to make you my second-in-command as my lieutenant. You'll be demoted in rank, but I'm pretty sure everything else for you will feel like a promotion~" Lightning Dust smirked and chuckled
"D-Demotion....? I...." Part of Spitfire wanted to retort, to keep her claim from earlier that Lightning wasn't fit to be in the wonderbolts. However given that she single handedly beat their best fliers without even trying, and all of the feelings currently coursing through her body, she couldn't help but agree. "I... I guess my time as captain was coming to an… mmmm… end sooner or later… just… do the bolts proud..."
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She'd been sucked up to her head. That last squeeze pushed her over the top, letting out a final moan before an audible SCHOOOMP! pulled the rest of her and the flame tornado in with her. With that, it was done, all 3 of some of the best wonderbolts had all succumbed to vessels. 
Luna and Tempest made their way over to Lightning Dust now that the storm had cleared. Tempest spoke up first. "So, how did it feel to genify the wonderbolts? Feeling more satisfied with the genie powers? I think we should discuss what we're planning next. Just to get you up to speed." Luna didn't say anything just yet, but she had a more stern look on her face.
Lightning dons a satisfied grin "Bottling those three was so cathartic, I'll never forget it for the rest o- or rather for all-time given the immortality. And sure, give me the gist of what's next. 
Can't promise I'll help with everything though, as if it's not anything that'll bring me closer to getting revenge on Rainbow Dash, I'm not sure it'll keep my interest long enough. Given you genies haven't done something like, wish from each other that all of Equestria was genified. It seems whoever the higher-ups of this genie thing don't want this to be a speedy process.
 So I'm obviously too fast for your leader's wishes. Unless it has anything to do with Rainbow Dash. I may just chill while I settle down at my new home at the Wonderbolts HQ!
Though say, when can we let them out? I'm eager to see their genie forms~"
"We thank you for the assistance, that much is certain. However, please keep in mind that we do not have to physically harm them if we don't need to, we don't want to perpetuate the idea that we're monsters." Luna said in a serious manner. Of course this is in spite of the fact that she had her own sorts of fun while genifying the guards.. 
"Ponies need to see that what we offer is a new and better way of life. Granted, this will most likely be the last of any major resistance outside of the elements… and do what you wish but keep in mind we're spreading geniequality, you may lead the wonderbolts since you bested their captain. But do not fancy yourself as a better to any genie, is that clear?. 
And in regards to Rainbow Dash, we will most certainly need to call upon you once again. Given your eagerness, we'll be sure to let you know of our plan for her when the time comes. But until then, even if you see her, she's not to be genified until the time is right." With the more serious conversation now out of the way, Luna nods at Lightning's request. 
"I'm curious too, those flight suits must have played a factor in their genie attire." Tempest smirked. "With the guard and the wonderbolts on our side, the rest of Equestria will soon be seeing things our way. Please let our new allies out, Lightning"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah... I only hurt Spitfire because her move was just asking for a baseball punchline… And Spitfire was trying to burn me!... I mean sure, I'm a genie now, so I would be fine no matter what happened, but she still tried to hurt me first. It was a fair shot of self-defense." 
She rolls her eyes a bit on the talk of not being any better then anypony but perks up when she mentions they'll bring her in when it's time to genify Rainbow Dash "Gotcha" She's a little disappointed that they don't want to genify her all that soon yet, but she smirks thinking of some ways to potentially mess with Rainbow Dash until that day comes. She can't genify her yet, but there are certainly ways she could potentially troll her in the meantime at the very least.
For now, she's now set on releasing the Wonderbolts. Though she decides to graciously hoof over Fleetfoot's bottle to Luna, and Soarin's bottle to Tempest. "Here, we'll open the three of them together. A different sort of victory champagne,~"
Lightning lifts Spitfire's vessel with magic and begins a short countdown  "Ready on... 3, 2, 1, GO!" 
Luna doesn't quite buy Lightning's self defense explanation, but she sighs. "What's done is done." (We may still need to keep her in check though, something tells me she'll need another talk down the line…)
Tempest pats Lightning on the shoulder, seeing her disappointment in not going after Rainbow immediately. "Don't worry, it'll happen soon enough. She's just part of a little game at the moment and we can't ruin it. Besides, there's still plenty of others to genify, plus I think you'll be busy in the meantime too. Right, 'Captain Lightning'?" 
Lightning already liked the sound of what Tempest mentioned. 'Captain Lightning' A nice ring to it after all that's happened today, immediately dispelling most of her disappointment with not going after Rainbow Dash just yet. "You betcha~"
The two genies gladly take their respective bottles and open them
From Fleetfoot's vessel comes a cyan column of smoke with white sparks, from Soarin's vessel comes the same but in light blue and darker blue sparks that soon form up in the front half of the two ponies. Although much like all the stallions thus far, Soarin was now a mare. Both of them had the same color of veil and leggings as Spitfire did.
A mix of red, orange, and yellow Sparks fly from Spitfire's, embers spew out as well. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Spitfire spirals out in a ball of flame. The tornado clearly still has some effect on her. She opens her forehoovess wide, dissipating the fire around her and the trio of genies can see that her flight suit is now gone, replaced by blue veils. She floats down to them, looking at her new attire, feeling the power welling up in her. "I can see why you were so adamant on wanting to share this power now..." 
"Ooooooooh wow~. Had I known it'd feel that good... I might have dived right into a vessel myself..." Fleetfoot commented
"I feel... different... but at the same time... so much better~..." The mare-i-fied Soarin smiles gently with lidded eyes, and does a flip trick while tailed to her vessel. 
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Spitfire marvels at the sight of her teammates turned genies. "Almost makes us feel silly for fighting so hard. And I've gotta say..." She flies over to Soarin "The transformation really did wonders on you~" She smirked "You're lucky those pies didn't go to your thighs! Or maybe they did, we all don't have them showing right now!" She laughed, feeling a sense of relief for the first time since before the Storm King's invasion announcement. "You're like a whole new pony!"
Luna chimed in, happy to see them quickly adjusting and accepting their new roles. "Now you all understand what we've been trying to do! But as with all the ponies who've been changed like Soarin, with that new form, a new name is in order."
The mention of a new name makes Spitfire recall the conversation they had about giving Soarin a new nickname anyway. She floats over to Fleetfoot and whispers. "So do we make her new nickname her permanent name or should we be nice?"
Fleetfoot whispers back "How about we bake our cake and eat it too, We'll give her an actual cool name to keep permanently. But that won't stop us from using 'Backfire' when we're back at HQ~"
"Heh, sounds good to me!" She looks back at Soarin "We've got the perfect name in mind! One that we're sure she'll like!" Spitfire smirks at the mare, perhaps making her sweat just a little that they'd call her 'Backfire' outside of the wonderbolts. "She will no longer be Soarin, but now, Glide!"
The mare that was once Soarin reacts with a bit of a surprise, and some relief that they didn't try to make a nickname her new name. Glide smiles and accepts her name "I love it! Can't wait to show the new me to the rest of the bolts and our trainees..." The subject of the other members of the Wonderbolt organization just manages to dawn on them.
Fleetfoot turns to their new captain. "Captain Lightning, with your request. We'd like to spread this pleasure amongst the rest of our fellow bolts and staff once every pony's back at HQ."
Glide nodded "Most of the Wonderbolts were put in charge of protecting the refugees that are currently in Fillydelphia which is why it was only us three for battling with the Storm King's invasion force. Now that it seems the Storm King is gone... and our rather swift defeat to Lightning Dust and the rest of the genies. Thankfully, our vessels proved to be a peace plan that'll make it so it's safe to bring everypony back home. Including all the other Bolts at HQ"
"...And then Genify them of course~" Fleetfoot deviously laughed a little.
Lightning listens to the Wonderbolts now under her in rank, and just smirks and nods "Of course we can do that~. That'll be fun... though Princess Luna... You may want to send a royal message to Fillydelphia that Cloudsdale is 'safe' to return to now.~" 
Spitfire smiled at the approval of Glide's new name. Though when she heard Fleetfoot call Lightning Dust, Captain, she flinched. While she had admitted that she knew her run as captain was coming to an end, deep down it still stung. Something that would be quite noticeable by the change in reaction. She tried to shake it off after the mention of bringing everypony back home from Fillydelphia. Falling in line as the 'rookie' once more.
Tempest chimed in at the mention of the storm king "While we know that you wouldn't have listened before, the Storm King has indeed been taken care of. He will not be seeing Geniequestria or share in the power we genies have." There was a smug sense of satisfaction on her face. It had been just yesterday, and she still revels in remembering seeing his final moments before being turned to stone.
Luna nods at Lightning. "Already being taken care of." She writes down on some parchment and teleports it away. "The ponies there will be under the impression that everything will be back to normal. Let's at least get them home safely before having our fun? We don't want anypony to slink away now."
Suddenly, two teleports come near Princess Luna. It's Gleaming Shield and Bayonet. The latter salutes the princess and reports the status on the ground "Every royal guard is accounted for and/or bottled, your highness. We can begin to escort them back to Canterlot!"
Gleaming looks at the newly genified wonderbolts. "Seems we missed quite a bit! Sorry we're late, but we wanted to have some fun with our guardmates." 
"You mean by going around with some kind of act?" Tempest teases. "You were having so much fun earlier, I had to play my part. Looks like it went better than expected!"
Princess Luna smiles at the group. "Excellent, we shall all return as heroes! With the guard and now the most decorated active wonderbolts on our side, Geniequestria is stronger than ever!" She lets out a laugh. "I'll notify Starlight immediately as well, she'll want to hear this. But good work everypony!"
Lightning notices the mention of Starlight "So this Starlight's is who the head honcho of this whole thing? I'll be sure to see her at some point. Gotta thank her for giving me the opportunity I've been waiting for~"
It was then that the groups started to split for separate ways. The Wonderbolts along with their new captain Lightning Dust head to help the remaining members of the Wonderbolts, their staff, and all the refugees back to Cloudsdale. 
While Luna, Tempest, Gleaming Shield, Bayonet, and all the genies of the Royal Guard prepared to get back to Canterlot. 
The Battl- or perhaps… Bottling of Cloudsdale was a success. Trixie's hijacking of a concert in Manehattan had secured that city as well, Princess Celestia along with Cadence and Inkwell have begun a more long-term plan for Canterlot, and of course Starlight has landed a pretty critical blow to the Elements of Harmony with the genification of Fluttershy in Ponyville. The four pronged expansion of Geniequestria had gone pretty much all according to plan, but there was still much work to be done to achieve the ultimate goal of Geniequality for all....
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fuzzychildchopshop · 5 months
Rainbow Dash (Genie) by TylerAJohnson352
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