#two Ciel theory
rari0516 · 3 months
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can’t wait for the black butler climax 🙏
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blue-eli · 5 months
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Ink October day twenty-six: Share
To accord a share in (something) to another or others.
To divide and parcel out in shares; apportion.
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neirw · 1 year
Did Undertaker knew which twin was the one he rescued from the fire? 🤔
It's been stated that its hard to identify them by by looks alone.
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Then again, it didn't mattered to him.
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And in the bloody state he found him, I suppose that's even harder.
I assume, after he started tinkering with his soul did he realized it was the Real Ciel and what a lie the other twin was crafting. But if Real Ciel soul was used as a sacrifice to summon Sebastian, how does Rciel cinematic records work then? Wouldn't Sebastian felt it?
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And exactly at what point did Undertaker arrived to get the body out of the fire? Because I refuse to believe he stood by and watched one little twin lose his soul to a demon only for the other twin to sell his soul to the same demon minutes later.
Oh Yana, Yana. We need answers!!!
I'll go and drink some tea now.
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c0rpsedemon · 5 months
lying to myself that the reason kuro has yet to be given fma brotherhood/spice and wolf remake treatment is that they're waiting for the manga to end so they can pay extra special attention to making sure every important detail is adapted properly
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sapphoswh0re · 6 months
A Kuroshitsuji theory about the emerald witch arc
I've never posted something like this and English isn't my main language but I just wanted to share some thoughts with other fans, so please let me know what you think about this :)
We are in the dream in chapters 93-95, and could these scenes hide clues about the future/role of certain characters???
Who are the pieces on the chessboard?
(Maybe a big foreshadowing about the most recent chapters????)
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What pieces are present for each group?
Black: 1 king, 1 horse/knight, 1 rook*, 3 pawns
White: 1 queen, 1 horse/knight, 1 bishop, 1 rook*, 2 pawns
*I'm almost sure it's a rook because it's the only piece left and the other shapes wouldn't really fit.
First, let's include a bit of symbolism for each piece. (Full article: https://chessquestions.com/chess-pieces-symbolism-shape/)
After looking at the various characters that Yana linked to the pieces it was super interesting to re-read their role/symbolism and try to understand the reasons behind those placements.
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Later two mirrored panels appear and they indicate that certain pieces represent certain characters.
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Ok that was easy.
But what about the others?
And we know that Yana doesn't do things randomly, so what could be the reason for certain choices?
Let's see the theory little by little…
▪︎ BISHOP -> Joker
▪︎ PAWN 1 -> Doll
▪︎ PAWN 2 -> ?
▪︎ ROOK -> ?
▪︎ HORSE -> ?
▪︎ QUEEN -> ?
▪︎ ?
▪︎ ROOK -> Vincent
▪︎ PAWN 1 -> Madame red
▪︎ KING -> ?
▪︎ HORSE -> ?
▪︎ PAWN 2 -> ?
▪︎ PAWN 3 -> ?
4 of them are revealed by Yana herself and two more are quite obvious: O!Ciel is the black king and Sebastian the black knight.
These two symbolisms are often used both in the first chapters and in the anime.
Furthermore, it is mentioned in the same chapter:
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O!Ciel is frequently shown as the "black king" but in the chapter we can see him standing in front of the king, he covers part of it and it's as if he is the one wearing the crown.
R!Ciel is leaning on the horse when he says that Ciel is scared to look at the "proof of sin" which is a clear reference to Sebastian. Also, on the chessboard in the first picture, we find the horse close to O!Ciel.
Ok, perfect, now the hypotheses and spoilers for the latest released chapters begin.
I start with two characters who are shown in the chapter but not as chess pieces: Rachel and R!Ciel.
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Rachel is not present in the second picture but is always shown next to Vincent (in this chapter too) so I think she could be the pawn seen in the first photo in the box G8.
For R!Ciel, however, the question is a little different because we actually know which piece he represents even if that piece is not shown on the board.
R!Ciel is the white king, this not only because he's O!Ciel's twin but because it's shown to us by Yana through the way he moves.
This picture is super helpful to understand where the characters are positioned and how they move.
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We can see him (blue dot) standing on C3 in a scene, then he moves until he's on F2 (the X), standing in front of the black horse (G2, red dot).
I found it interesting how the way he moves is almost underlined with zooms and sparkles: first, a single step obliquely (in D2) and then another single step.
We don't actually know if the move was C3->D2->E2->F2 or C3->D2->E3->F2 but the important thing is that he moves in multiple directions but only one step at a time, and this is a main feature of the king in chess.
So what is the situation now?
▪︎ BISHOP -> Joker
▪︎ PAWN 1 -> Doll
▪︎ PAWN 2 -> ?
▪︎ ROOK -> ?
▪︎ HORSE -> ?
▪︎ QUEEN -> ?
▪︎ (KING -> R!Ciel)
▪︎ ROOK -> Vincent
▪︎ PAWN 1 -> Madame red
▪︎ KING -> ? (O!Ciel)
▪︎ HORSE -> ? (Sebastian)
▪︎ PAWN 2 -> ? (Rachel?)
▪︎ PAWN 3 -> ?
I'm not actually interested in the black pieces at the moment so let's focus on the rest.
Looking at the situation that has been created with the return of the real Ciel and other characters recently, do we perhaps have some clues about the current factions???
Both R!Ciel and Doll returned as bizarre dolls, so could we consider the whites their side or at least a side that is O!Ciel's enemy?
Then we can now guess who the white horse is in my mind.
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Why do I think that Undertaker is the white horse?
He has a somewhat similar role to that of Sebastian for O!Ciel, albeit distorted.
They're both the "knight" to their "kings", someone who stays by their side (white horse in B4, really close to the white king in C3) and provides support and strategy, I don't know but it just made sense to me.
What about the white queen?
OK, now it's going to get a bit crazy.
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Let's look down again where the white queen and black knight are shown, and let's see what is said.
“Nothing will hurt you here” is referred to O!Ciel, so who could be a threat to him?
Sebastian, of course (in that same moment in the manga he was trying/considering eating him, his goal is to devour Ciel's soul at the end) but is also shown the white queen???
A queen who could hurt him?
Yeah so I think it represents Queen Victoria. Why?
My theory is that on the chessboard she is part of O!Ciel's enemy faction (she is not R!Ciel's ally at the moment and she wasn't involved with the blue cult arc since Undertaker despises her lol) because she could be connected with the events of the twins’ tenth birthday.
There are too many coincidences about 14 of December: Prince Albert's death, the twins’ birth, the attack. A lot of theories here on tumblr explain it really well.
And the other pieces? I don't think it's too crazy to assume that all 4 stars may be present on the board: Sirius, Vega, Canopus and Polaris.
2 of them are already there-> Sirius (both Ciel) and Canopus (Doll).
We now know that Vega is Layla, so she could be PAWN 2 or the ROOK based on her future role/importance(??)
Polaris has yet to be revealed but I believe it could be Joker who is already the white BISHOP, an important piece who is however not linked to the royal court but to a different master, who in his case is Baron Kelvin.
For my first post, it got waaay too long, so maybe I should explain in different posts all my theories on the queen's role, Polaris' identity, etc.
I hope it wasn't too chaotic 😅
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darkspellmaster · 8 months
Can we talk about these two images! Hand offerings.
So in the recent Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler Chapter, there was an interesting image of both Doll and O!Ciel holding out their hands to Snake.
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What's interesting to me is the choice of hands being held out and why they're important.
In the image, because of the way we're looking at it it seems like Ciel is offering his left hand and Doll her right.
The Right hand meaning = a place of honor and status, the favored hand of god, as well as the rational, conscious and logical, as well as aggressive and anxious, and connected to the idea of benevolent white magic.
The Left hand meaning = the hand of judgement, weakness, decay, death. Connected to intuition and also dark magic.
Thus one would think, oh it's implying that taking Ciel's hand means he was shaking the wrong hand.
But this would be WRONG!
We're looking at it from Snake's POV. So in reality...
Ciel is holding out his RIGHT HAND, while Doll is holding out the LEFT HAND.
We see this again with Doll in another shot from Chapter 208 a bit later in Snake's memory.
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In both cases Doll is holding out the left hand to Snake, indicating that the offering is a less then ideal one. As we see, Snake witnesses them taking the kids, but he doesn't say a thing or question it, and it's the same later on during the Circus arc.
O!Ciel on the other hand gave him his right hand, showing trust and that he was being honest even though he was lying. What he told Snake was what he wanted to do, let them go, let the Circus people leave, because in the end even he knew they were victims. He could have easily had Sebastian kill them all there at the circus.
But he didn't, his goal was Kelvin. So he gave Snake a story to give him hope (as he said "say a lie enough and it becomes real (or the truth)").
It's interesting to note that even though the circus crew was friendly with Snake, getting him a costume, and other things, we've seen that he still was an outsider. He was kept in his own tent, away from the others. He was still being put on display, even though it was in a circus, it's still being put on display.
OCiel and the servants on the other hand, made him part of their group. He went with them, they all road in the same cart. On the Campania Ciel even told him he doesn't care what others think of who he associates with.
We also see in the naming of Snake by Joker that it's so very different than Ciel giving Finny his name.
For Snake, Joker just calls him what he looks like. Dagger even asks why, and Joker says he's bad at naming. Jumbo gives better consideration to naming the snakes than Joker did in naming Snake.
O!Ciel on the other hand takes the time to consider a name for Finny, and gives him not only the name of his favorite hero, from his favorite book, one that holds a lot of significance to him both now and in the past, but (if you hold to the theory that O!Ciel's real name is Finnian) then he's giving Finny his NAME. He's sharing a huge part of himself with Finny.
(You can also point out that Ciel doesn't call Mey-Rin Owl, he only calls her by her real name, showing that he respects her as her own individual person.)
To me that image, I think, is showing readers that there's more connections and a deeper bond with O!Ciel and the Phantomhive Servants, with Snake than he had with the circus, even though he thinks there is a strong bond there.
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grimmcheems · 24 days
More Bb ❤️‍🩹😔🔪
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I just now managed to finish this because I kept goofing during the rendering process 😔 I'm gonna be real, I legitimately thought Alois was gonna be canonized in the public school arc when Ciel confronted Maurice for whatever reason. Just my regular delulu thoughts. Don't ask why, ik he's not even a canon character but I'm just slow y'all.
I also had a phase where I was SO CONVINCED (fighting the air rn) Ciel and Alois were siblings, ik it doesn't make sense but 14yr old me was knee deep in theorizing when I watched his season and I was so certain that these two were actually each others siblings but they grew in such ways that they did not recognize each other and it kept my angst heart fed. Idk but I had an obsession with this theory and I think I was the only one with this specific theory lmao. Might add more onto this as an Au where Alois was actually real 😭i loved him so much and I never understood the hate towards him, leave my baby alone. I also had the biggest crush on Claude but we don't talk about that🗿👹
Anyways. I originally wanted to draw Clayton and Bluewer treating Ciel like a precious little brother but ended up with this instead oop.🚶🏽‍♀️
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sunflowerrosewood · 7 months
Falling and Confessing Headcanon ~ Sebastian Michaelis
Author's Note: Since my other account @cheekyredwillow got deleted. I am adding some of my favorite fanfictions to this account and revamping this one with new ones. I hope to make an actual list of fandoms I am still a fan of! NO requests for the time being.
On to the headcanon!
~Sebastian would first meet you with Ciel
~A friend of Ciel’s but not entirely royalty
~Your father is a business partner who left it for you to pick up
~But you never acted that way
~Probably why you got along with everyone
~And Sebastian couldn’t help it but liked you as well
~He would always say yes, my princess to you
~Causing you to flush with embarrassment
~Ciel would catch Sebastian about these quirks
~But Sebatian would tell him not to worry and that he was being respectful
~Ciel would ask you if it was offending you to be called that
~Which Sebastian wouldn’t confess but he was worried
~He liked calling your princess
~But when you said it was fine for him to call you that
~He was happy and content
~Sebastian would not realize he was falling for you
~Until one of Ciel’s clients broke into the house
~And had you pinned to the bed 
~The client was planning a kidnapping of you 
~But did not expect you to bite him and scream
~Sebastian, being awake, ran in
~He immediately yanked the guy off you and pulled him away
~The echoes of him screaming and then silence would echo in the building
~Ciel would be pissed in the morning
~But Sebastian was worse
~All he saw was red seeing a man on top of you and you scared
~He made sure his death was agonizingly painful. 
~That’s when he realized that he had to protect you
~So every time you would come over, Sebastian would watch over you and Ciel
~Ciel knew something was up with his butler
~Which would cause him to ask you to move in
~Just to test a theory
~And when you began to move in with help from Ciel
~Sebastian came out to help
~He held his shock as you said Ciel offered you to move in since you were by yourself
~It was as if Ciel knew
~This began Sebastian’s need to be around you
~And Ciel’s push to just go out with you
~But Sebastian would not ask you right away
~You going out with a butler might cause ideas
~He does not need that
~He didn’t really see the idea of telling you until another client came in
~It was this young guy who wanted to partner with you and Ciel 
~He was flirting with you heavily
~Kept saying that if he was dating you, life would be easier
~Sebastian couldn’t help it 
~Anger and jealousy built up
~He hated seeing another man touching you
~Causing you to blush
~He slammed the tray of teas down
~Causing one of the hot teas to tip and get on your arm and lap
~You yelped in pain as the client was trying to dry you off
~But Ciel ordered Sebastian to help you clean up and Ciel would deal with this guy
~So Sebastian pulled you into his room where he could help
~He also called a maid to get some lazier clothes for you
~The maid brought a shirt of Sebastians and a pair of your shorts
~He was stumbling around to find the med kit
~And you were sitting there with your head cocked
~As he took a cold rag over the burns on your arm, you hissed before sighing in relief
~That’s when Sebastian apologized about the next step
~It had burned your thighs
~He turned away for you to change
~And when he turned back, he couldn’t help but blush
~He did not expect you to look good in his clothes
~His hands were shaking as he was healing the burns on your thighs
~Which when you questioned it
~Sebastian confessed
~He had fallen for you hard
~But he knew you dating a butler was not what you wanted
~Before he could say anything else, you'd kiss him
~His bright red eyes would widen but he would kiss you back
~And tangle a hand in your hair
~Before muttering mine, my princess 
~And causing you to try and hide your face against his chest
~You would confess you had loved him for a while 
~But did not want to make a move
~And as the two of you stayed in each other’s arms
~Sharing kisses and Sebastian leaving a hickey on your neck
~Ciel would have kicked that client out but not before paying him a pretty penny
~For being the spark that Sebastian needed
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zetsubo-bani · 5 months
The Attackers and why I don't think it was rciel
The attackers of the tenth birthday is probably the biggest mystery in black butler. They are the ones ociel wants revenge against and their identities is a complete mystery. Which is why this is a popular topic to theorise about.
The most popular theory is the real ciel mastermind theory (rcmmt) which claims that it was rciel who either let the intruders in and commanded them or did this whole thing himself.
I myself strongly disagree with this theory and want to present why (as well as do little speculations about the real culprits).
Now then, why do people think it's rciel?
The panel that most people found suspicious are these:
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The unknown expression on ciels face is what caught peoples attention and a lot of people thought that it meant he developed some sort of grudge against his parents because they "wanted to seperate him and his brother". But I think it's actually the opposite.
What vincent and rachel basically told him was "if you grow up and become a strong earl, you can help and protect your brother, even if you two are not in the same place" and I think that's what kickstarted rciels protective side.
We've seen in the blue memory arc after they got captured that rciel always held ociel in a very protective pose and with a glare to the hostile person.
And this moment is simply him realising that since his brother is a bit on the physically weaker side and doesn't have the title, that rciel can protect him instead. Some call his smile fake but I think it's genuine if you look at the background and how those little bubbles are drawn (which are always there in happy moments).
We also saw this protective side later during the attack .
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Tanaka was supposed to pick them up at 6pm and as we can see, it's already 40 minutes after the time he was supposed to come. If a person who is usually very reliable is 40 minutes late, anyone would be suspicious and as we can see in rciels expression, he clearly suspects something is wrong.
We can see rciels protective side already kicking in by telling ociel he should remain where he is while rciel goes and checks. I couldn't include the next panel due to the limit but after that rciel says "it's my duty as the heir" which definitely ties back to what the previous pages caused.
So rciel basically walks out with no insurance that it's really safe while leaving his brother behind where he is (at the moment) safe.
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Though after roughly 15 minutes have passed, ociel walks out anyways.
On his way he hears barking from vincents room after the dog sebastian has ran off.
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What I believe happened was that the dog caught the perpetrator with vincent and started barking which caused the attacker to also kill the dog.
After ociel saw his dead parents and dog, he ran off in a panic, accidentally stumbling upon more corpses who were gathered around the whole house
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Before hearing what seems to be the sound of blades clashing and running into tanaka.
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Now this part is very important for the next page but think about this: if there is a sound of blades clashing and tanaka is not the one fighting then who are the two people fighting?
The answer is: it's rciel and the attacker.
Tanaka soon says this:
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"master ciel is..." Indicates that rciel is in that hallway tanaka was in and from the sound of it, it doesn't seem that he was fine.
But you may ask now: "if rciel is fighting against someone and didn't seem to be doing well then why didn't tanaka help him since he is their servant and supposed to protect them?"
The answer is ociel.
Tanaka got distracted by ociel suddenly entering the scene. But most importantly look at what happened moments afterwards:
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Someone stabbed tanaka in the back after he ran towards ociel (which was very likely the person who fought against rciel). But the important part are the hands grabbing ociel from behind.
Someone was following ociel and tanaka saw this which is why he left rciel on his own and try to protect ociel. But it was already too late.
After they got captured, rciel drops what I think is the biggest hint that he isn't the responsible one.
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"if only I had more power", "if only I had the power to be invincible" pretty much confirms that he was indeed fighting against someone and got overpowered.
Now here is why I don't think rciel is the culprit:
1. Rciel has no motive to hurt his parents. They acted completely fine and like normal parents to him and that lesson after his tantrum is not nearly enough to serve as motive, especially because I think it served the opposite purpose and only spurred on his "I'm the big brother, I need to be strong" personality of his (which can be a common thing of older siblings)
2. Like I said the reason rciel went on his own was due to that personality and thinking he as the heir needs to deal with the possible threat. It wasn't to let in intruders
3. When they woke up, 40 minutes had already passed so the intruders were already on their rampage while the twins were sleeping (which caused tanaka to not come). Rciel couldn't possibly have let the attackers in if he was sleeping or while he was playing with ociel the whole time. He literally has an alibi.
4. That 15 minute timeframe wouldn't have been enough to kill off everyone in that manor because on one hand it is absolutely huge and on the other he is just 10 and lacks strength to fight against a grown adult.
5. Sebastian the dog obviously caught the intruder with vincent and barked. But sebastian already knows and likes rciel so why would he bark at his familiar? Because the intruder wasn't a familiar and most likely a stranger.
6. Rciel was fighting against someone which is the attacker. How can rciel be the attacker if he was fighting against the attacker?
7. Rciel was just 10. A little kid and most importantly the son of Vincent! Even if rciel had malicious intent (which he didn't) he couldn't have orchestrated it without vincent as the guard dog somehow noticing it. Tanaka or other servants were closely watching them and rciel wouldn't even have had the chance to meet and hire assassins to attack their manor on the tenth birthday.
8. Why would rciel cry over not having been strong enough if he was the mastermind? Even if he was and the attackers ended up "betraying him", it just feels strange that this would be what he complains and apologises for. The "not having been strong enough" is a big blow for him since he believed for years that he has to be the strong one for his brother. But the fact that he wasn't and they both got kidnapped, deeply hurts him which is why those tears in his eyes are genuine
9. Rciel having vincents ring is not a surprise if you think about the dog sebastian. Sebastian barked loudly which caught ociels attention who was rather far away. And it certainly must have caught rciels as well which is where he likely caught the attackers in the act and chased after them. This is what most likely broke out the fight.
The attackers are two or more people and by the size of the hands who grabbed ociel, they are most likely adults.
Besides consider this: Vincent requested diedrich to protect his sons if something should happen to him (which even diedrich found suspicious). Why would he ask that? Likely because he suspected something like this would happen.
It's highly likely that Vincent must have done something bad that he knew will cause his death. Which makes me theorise that vincent is the reason the attackers came and not because rciel orchestrated something.
Maybe I will add more reasons in the future if I think about more but I really had to get this off my chest since the rcmmt is my least favourite theory because it makes no sense to me. That theory is definitely based on some bias against rciel I believe.
But hopefully after this, you will see why it couldn't have been him.
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princessbutler1316 · 5 months
O!Ciel's Real Name Theory
So, where do I start? First we may have some clues, here and there.
But I will start first with Yana's name, we all know that's a pseudonym, so a Brief description of how the Japanese letter system works, it has three types: Kanji, Katakana and Hiragana
Katakana and Hiragana are basically the same, but one is used to foreign language and the other Japanese language
Kanji is composed of ideograms where each one represents a concrete or abstract idea. Also they can have more than one meaning
枢- toboso
やな- ya na
Let's forget about the Yana and focus in the surname, 枢, when you search on a Japanese name site (I'm also an author and these sites are my salvation), one of the pronunciation is this:
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The constellation is composed of seven bright stars of the constellation Ursa Major;
Not only are the stars in the Big Dipper easily found themselves, they may also be used as guides to other stars outside of the asterism. Thus it is often the starting point for introducing Northern Hemisphere beginners to the night sky:
Polaris, the North Star (seems familiar?), is found by imagining a line from Merak (β) to Dubhe (α) and then extending it for five times the distance between the two Pointers. Extending a line from Megrez (δ) to Phecda (γ), on the inside of the bowl, leads to Regulus (α Leonis) and Alphard (α Hydrae).
By following the curve of the handle from Alioth (ε) to Mizar (ζ) to Alkaid (η), one reaches Arcturus (α Boötis) and Spica (α Virginis). A mnemonic for this is "Arc to Arcturus then speed (or spike) to Spica."
Why was this the only star that caught my attention?
No specific reason the name sounded good to me.
Jokes apart after some research, I'm positive this is O!Ciel real name:
Or Arturo Phantomhive, since u know, French names
But if you ask, do I have more proof or evidence?
Evidence 1
Firstly, let's go back a little and talk a little about colors, starting with Weston High School, which, as everyone knows, is an improved version of Harry Potter but without magic.
The only house that was not represented was Hufflepuff, which has the main color: yellow.
Instead we have Violet Wolf which is represented by the color violet/purple
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What does it have to do with it?
They are complementary colors in the spectrum of colors, any painter or artist knows that
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This was also applied to the Green Witch Arc, which in this case was used to replace Little Red Riding Hood
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So, what else does this have to do with it?
Well, Arcturus is an ORANGE star
While Sirius is a BLUE star
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Yes, the two are complementary colors also the fact O!Ciel is always using Blue...
Evidence 2
I'm not going to deny this one but it's kind of stupid, but it could still be relevant
Did you notice that the name Ciel Phantomhive has the same initials as his grandmother?
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Well, if the name Arcturus Phantomhive has the same initials as if Madame Red had married Vincent
And all the evidence points to O!Ciel being closer to his mother than his father…
You understand what I meant
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l0uterstella · 10 months
Cielomort's Death (Aozora no Memory Theory)
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ah shit here we go again
Full English translation, Ever Red theory (must read to understand this post)
Last updated: Dec 8 2023
Multiple things point to something happening to Ciel in the past. The lyrics, the MV itself, and his own name. This death could be (at least one of) Hallritt's mistakes in the 1st timeline.
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In Ever Red, fruits are what represented memories for Red Bouquet. For Blue Bouquet, it would be clouds.
Cotton clouds in the blue skies are cut out
Unwanted memories are cut out from the mind
All I want is your sky to stay blue
All I want is you to stay pure (and not remember his death)
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The members describing something "unexplainable." Louter and Willmesh could be talking about tears. Hold your (bitter) tears in and let it go. Perhaps their memories of Cielomort got erased after his death.
There were a lot of imagery of doves and balloons. Balloons represent freedom, letting it fly to the sky has a sense of letting it go; setting it free. Letting Cielomort go.
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There's also a shot of one of the strawberry gems dissolving. The filter makes it hard to tell whose it is, but it's most likely Cielomort considering the other signs.
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It could also be Myunna since the filter is yellow but I have nothing to add to that. He's my son and I dont want anything happening to him
How Ciel died isn't known, but one transition shows blue paint (blood?) coming out around his collarbone or chest. Two other shots before it show him with his head below his chest, which could slightly imply beheading.
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And finally, do you know what Cielomort means in French?
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Here, your heart seems lonely Here, if you feel like crying Softly weep and let them flow to the sky I'll turn them to the blue sky
I went with the blowing wind Even if that cloud never returns I want to believe in the future Just as we met
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marievishnevskyyyy · 4 months
He's not clown: the theory that Viscount Druitt is a character who isn't as simple as he appears to be
...and his possible connection with Vincent Phantomhive.
In the photo with the prefects, next to Vincent and Diedrich, there are two interesting young men. One appears to us as a mysterious figure, while the other's face is perfectly visible.
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What if I told you that this young man who smiles graciously and looks into the lens could be Aleister Chamber, better known to us as Viscount Druitt. For what reason?
I will now try to explain.
1) Flashbacks: Do you remember the scene of Ciel changing into a dress or the scene where a beautiful lady in blue robes appears before Druitt in the Curry episode?
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A parallel is drawn here between the image of father and son. Why? It's simple, Viscount noticed the similarities. Ciel looks like Vincent. It's a detail that many people miss. On the Campaign, when Aleister sees the younger Phantomhive, he asks him a counter-question: “Have we met somewhere before?”
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A lot of people thought of the dress scene, right?
But then there's the Book of the Atlantic.
But really, Chamber recognized Ciel as Vincent (at least in his facial features and eyes). Not the girl in the dress from the “Jack the Ripper” arc.
It's entirely possible that Aleister is not familiar with Vincent's son, even though his features seem familiar to Chamber (Lucky if this topic is ever broached at all).
2) Age: Aleister and Vincent are about the same age. Phantomhive died at the age of 34 on December 14, 1885. Both about the same age, attended Weston College (most likely at the same time). If you think logically, at the time of the Jack the Ripper arc, which takes place in 1888, he is 36 years old (the same age Vincent would have been if he hadn't died in 1885).
3) Appearance: Both young men have blond hair, eyes and eyebrows.
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In the Devil's Four chapter, the image of little Chamber pops up, albeit in his representation (a la, more perfect), but same curls, similar school uniform.
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4) Meet with Undertaker: Did you find it odd that the Undertaker defended Druitt on the Campania?
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He had reason to do so, of course, because Aleister is really stupid, ridiculous, arrogant, but very rich. The man is quite easy to manipulate, especially if he is so passionate about the idea of bringing the dead back to life. Chamber had every reason to sponsor such a project.
The undertaker is not willing to save ALL people - this is perfectly evident in The Book of the Atlantic and all the other arcs. The only exceptions are Phantomhive and, as it turns out, Viscount Druitt.
It's kind of weird.
Why would a former reaper save a questionable, unpleasant man like Aleister Chamber?
For money? For a laugh?
Aren't these all too trivial answers to questions that are essentially unsupported by anything?
All right. Money is important, the undertaker and Ryan Stocker understood that perfectly well, after all, you need large sums of money for the project, but why Druitt?
Why couldn't they just find another aristocrat who would be willing to sponsor the project, because as practice has shown: quite a few people are interested in the possibility of raising the dead.
Laughter? Why not find another person so funny? What is the peculiarity of Aleister that he is “rich and stupid?”? But there are plenty of such people in England.
That's not the point.
“…Losing such a funny little man is like losing the whole world to me…. Don't you agree… Reaper?”
Losing the whole world. You have to admit, the whole world is a very suggestive word.
The reason the Reaper had saved Viscount Druitt was probably because they had been close to Vincent at Weston College and maybe even friends. Aleister had not forgotten Vincent and it was likely that the former reaper was well aware of the fact that they had been close during their time at the College.
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dqrkncss666 · 3 months
Welcome to another Theory Show with Dora on crack.
Today we will talk about this:
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As we can see we have Claudia P. and Cedric K. Ros- something, they have done the deed and created Vincent.... Where is FRANCIS?!
As we see on the family tree, again, Vincent continues to marry Rachel and have the Phantomhive twins. WHERE IS FRANCIS?!
Shouldn't she have been on Vincent's left?
Now, if we go with the theory that Cedric is, in fact, the Undertaker then this could be an error Yana made or, over here, the German shinigamis are following ONLY O/Ciel's bloodline going up to his father and then going up to his grandmother. Which is a logical explanation as to why Francis is not there. This is the best scenario and the one I like to believe.
But what if Undertaker is not actually Cedric and Francis not being on there is on purpose? What if Claudia wasn't faithful to her legal husband Cedric and had an affair with the Undertaker creating an illegitimate daughter?
Without having done any research, I personally believe that this would explain why Francis married out of the Phantomhive family so quickly. She had no title and her position and the family's reputation were on the verge of scandal. Her marrying Alexis Midford and becoming a Marquisses would not allow any time for anyone to question her legitimacy and of course, keeping the family name clean.
Could her wedding with Alexis have been merely to cover up her mother's doing? Maybe Claudia betrothed her to Alexis when Francis was a baby so she could be sure her daughter would never face any problems with her title and fortune being on the verge.
But then we come over to Vincent, does he know his sister is his half-sister?
Over to the Undertaker now, if this theory is true why is he protecting the Phantomhives only and not the Midfords as well? Did he protect them "off-camera" as we say, in the Campania? Will we see it in a flashback?
Does the British Shinigami dispatch have knowledge of this family tree? Why have we never seen anyone speaking of it? They clearly don't know anything.
DOES FRANCIS KNOW?! Is that why every time she sees the Undertaker her face changes? Does she hate him? Perhaps she thinks he is the one who ruined the Phantomhive family and her future.
If this theory is true, are we gonna have a chapter (when Yana finally comes back from her hiatus because she clearly wrote herself into a wall) of Francis arguing with the Undertaker about him ruining her family and making her an illegitimate daughter with no title and no fortune? Him trying to comfort his daughter and calm her anger down and finally seeing those two be kind to one another?
But this is merely a theory after I got crack. We will see. :>
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delusinaldreamer19 · 6 months
Sebaciel vs. Dadbastian, an analytical essay (not really)
Oh boy am I excited and terrified to start this discussion.
I’m just going to say right off the bat that I am absolutely biased towards one interpretation of Sebastian and Ciel’s relationship over the other, that being Dadbastian. However, my goal is not to criticize, but to analyze and point out the differences and, yes, correlations between the two versions of their relationship.
I’m going to start off by making a disgustingly blatant assumption about the reason why I believe both of these pairings exist in the form of a theory...Both the idea of Sebaciel and Dadbastian are coping mechanisms taken on by fans of the series to grapple with how dark the character’s canonical relationship truly is.
Now, I can’t speak for how much this really applies to Sebaciel shippers, as I am not one. But it certainly applies to me as someone who enjoys the idea of Dadbastian.
Let's start with the correlations that support this theory. Both of these concepts are versions of Sebastian and Ciel’s relationship that is more positive than it actually is. The plot of black Butler revolves around the fact that Ciel sold his soul to the demon he named Sebastian, and that upon their contract's completion Sebastian will kill Ciel and consume his soul as compensation. It’s a relationship that is predatory, manipulative, and just simply toxic for a plethora of reasons. While the manga is still ongoing so we have no definitive way of knowing exactly how their story will end, I don’t think it's controversial to say that it's very unlikely to have a happy ending.
Even so, black butler is a comfort series for many, including myself. But how is that possible?
By looking at the series as a whole and the characters through different lenses. A pro and con of black butler is that it’s very easy to interpret in many different ways, and the same applies to the relationship between Sebastian and Ciel.
I’d say there's 2 to 3 main ways that people have interpreted their relationship. In no particular order… - As it is in the series, where it’s strictly based on business and mutual benefit. They work together so that Ciel can get his revenge and Sebastian gets his soul. - Them being friends / frenemies - A ship, where they have romantic feelings for each other. (I’m not going to be discussing how people ship them for sexual reasons, as that's a topic for a different day.) - And Parental, where Sebastian serves as a father/mother (no I'm not specifying which) figure towards Ciel. I'm focusing on the latter two, obviously.
There’s one commonality between these two interpretations; Sebastian caring about Ciel (and vice-versa, but you'll see in a moment why that's not as relevant). There is loving nature to both, but romantic and parental love are not the same thing. So why, baseline, do both these versions exist?
My thought is that they both remove the main cause of distress in their canon relationship. Which is, you guessed it, Sebastian. More specifically his feelings/intentions towards Ciel. By creating scenarios where something changes his intentions of ultimately killing Ciel, it creates the illusion that there's a possibility that the series could have a happier outcome in the end, and a happy ending for Ciel.
Which brings in a new idea. Ciel, being the main character that we follow, despite having his own complex character, serves as the…how should I put this…automatic ‘self-insert’ for people. He goes through/has gone through trauma & struggles that people can relate to and see themselves in. That's why there is a strong desire to see him have a positive outcome through these two different relationships with Sebastian, because as a reader/viewer it will feel like we ourselves are experiencing that positive outcome.
See? Coping mechanism : )
Now here's where things get tricky…Discussing the differences between these two types of relationships. Ok, I could probably find a way to say this that's long and fancy, but I’m just going to be super straight forward. This is as an absolute read, I apologize :’) People ship Sebaciel because they want someone to love them, where they picture themselves as Ciel with Sebastian as the one loving him romantically. People like the idea of Dadbastian because they long for a parent's affection, where they picture themselves as Ciel being cared for by Sebastian.
Now, this is definitely just a theory, and absolutely not the only reasons why people come up with and enjoy each of these interpretations. But the Dadbastian one most definitely applies to me.
Here’s where my own opinion comes into play. Only one of these relationships is really ‘positive’ in nature. Both of these relationships when applied to the canon would be problematic in their own ways, but when looking at it outside of the context of the series and its plot, a parental relationship between Sebastian and Ciel, a thirteen year old boy and an adult figure, is more healthy than a romantic relationship between a thirteen year old boy and an adult figure. Please don’t make me explain why :’)
I’m really hoping this reaches the right audience. I’m not trying to start a war or offend anyone, just share my thoughts and an outlook that I haven’t really seen from the black butler fanbase before.
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midnight-in-town · 4 months
A hypothetical question about kuroshitsuji. Hope u don't mind. Well, I read a certain anon's wonderful long post about Tanaka. And there was that one question that really intrigued me.
What if the person you are supposed to be taking revenge on is dead or doesn't exist anymore?
Now, I know that you think that the culprit was a supernatural being or a demon. But, what if, it wasn't? Do you by any chance give me a hypothetical answer to that? Do you happen to know that where could the story go if that was the case? Just your opinion.
Hey Anon! So about what I said here, while I believe our!Ciel's main target of revenge is indeed alive and includes a supernatural being (aka the Queen and JB), the circumstances behind Ciel's revenge may actually be mostly about dead people (that aren't even bizarre dolls).
First of all, Kuroshitsuji as a series really emphasizes that being unable to move on is a flaw that hinders growth. That's why revenge is thematically presented, in my opinion, as the wrong choice to make / the choice to make for wrong reasons [x][x].
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The Bizarre Dolls project being such a big part of the plot also is there to make us understand that focusing on the past rather than present and future is destructive (the Under-"hello darkness my old friend"-taker himself).
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Keeping that in mind, I believe Victoria is the big bad yes, so she gave the order to get rid of Vincent and John Brown, as her bound demon, orchestrated a gruesome massacre using real!Ciel (the RCMT). Yet the reasons why she ordered it are still shrouded in mystery.
I actually proposed not so long ago that Vincent had become a political enemy of Victoria and that it was probably related to that. However, Vincent isn't the only Watchdog Victoria probably murdered. Indeed, before Vincent there was Claudia and a few hints in the story imply that she too had a rather sad end.
So, was Claudia a political enemy of Victoria too ? We don't know at all, but I think it's more likely that Claudia's death was more personal and could be related one way or another to Prince Albert's death.
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All that to say maybe Ciel's revenge against Victoria stems from several vendettas that Victoria exacted on Ciel's predecessors. See now what I mean about the circumstances behind Ciel's revenge being mostly about dead people, Anon ?
Taking even into account the possibility of the RCMT : if real!Ciel was manipulated by the Queen which led to Vincent's murder (planned), as well as the whole massacre of the manor (unexpected in real!Ciel's mind), then, since real!Ciel was brought back as a BD, obviously seeking the truth from him is part of our!Ciel's journey (even if our!Ciel probably doesn't suspect it yet).
Lastly, going back even further, if my theory that the Watchdog's duty is a curse that the Phantomhive family got because of their special lineage, then it goes even beyond Vincent and Claudia : Ciel versus Victoria is ultimately also about biting back, as a reminder that many generations of Watchdog got their hands dirty and died, without any freedom, fated to do as the royal family commanded.
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So "what if the person you are supposed to be taking revenge on is dead or doesn't exist anymore" ? In my opinion, that is precisely what our!Ciel vs Victoria is all about.
Our!Ciel wants revenge on the one person who targeted his family -> narratively it's the wrong choice to make because, even if Victoria is indeed alive, he currently ignores how many dead people and vengeful plans his own revenge is actually built on. So, if he eventually goes on with it, he'll just perpetuate the cycle and die a meaningless death. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Meanwhile, Victoria sees our!Ciel as a threat, but not so much because of the small scale he acted on against her (Seb's threatening presence aside). Mostly its because his two predecessors were her personal and political enemies ; they defied her so they had to die and Ciel won't be any different -> it's the choice to make for wrong reasons, because she's knowingly choosing to target them, as she believes her power gives her the right to (like several kings or queens before her forced their Watchdogs to dirty their hands and die for their sake).
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All in all, it's why I think that Kuroshitsuji is more or less a tale of generational trauma, but that our!Ciel has a good narrative chance to be the one breaking that big cursed revenge cycle, especially if he chooses to give up on his own revenge.
Sorry for rambling. I hope it more or less answers your question ? Thanks for reading and have a good day Anon. :))
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k-s-morgan · 2 months
Hey! I have a question. what would the obsessed Sebastian from the last chapter think if Ciel decided to give him a blue-gray stuffed cat with different colored eyes (one blue and one violet) saying that he forgot that defective product in Sebastian's room (obviously not because he wanted to give him something in return for the little sheep)? What if Ciel took Sebastian's mockery personally and cooked him something whose ingredient (among others) were a few drops of his own blood?
Hi! Oh wow, these are some really creative questions, I love them!
Hmm. With the toy, I think Sebastian would be deeply suspicious at first. Ciel is not known for being benevolent, so giving him any kind of gift, even a seemingly defective one, plus in the form of one of Sebastian's most beloved animals? And with the eyes reflecting their contract? That would scream of something fishy. Sebastian would probably grow increasingly obsessed with solving this mystery, so he'd carry the cat with him, examine it, poke at it, and spy on it, waiting for it to do something in different situations. Needless to say, Ciel would laugh himself to death watching it all.
Later on, if Sebastian were to accept that the toy is just a toy, he would treasure it. He'd likely feel a little embarrassed, convinced that Ciel gifted it to him to make fun of him by watching him drive himself crazy with theories, but he'd still get ridiculously attached. It's a car, after all - a Ciel-cat! Two of his most favorite creatures in the world :D So he'd keep the toy close, and at some point, due to his proximity and attention, he'd pour enough demonic energy into it to turn it into some sort of half-sentient hellish being.
As for the food with Ciel's blood, Sebastian would also suspect trickery at first, maybe even some sort of demon-targeted poisoning, but the temptation would be too overpowering. He'd succumb almost right away, tasting the dish and savoring every half-second of it.
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