#two baskets of laundry waiting to be washed watching me waste time on tumblr? :)
sportsthoughts · 6 months
fun fact eating your body weight in vegetable sushi actually does cure everything
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thefallennightmare · 5 years
Soldat [1/10]
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Paring: Bucky Barnes x Reader and Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: language, angst, fluff, violence, smut(eventually)
Summary: Captain America and Reader have worked together at SHIELD for over a year. What happens when they have a run in with The Winter Solider and Steve finds out the secret Reader had been hiding from him all this time?  
A/N: Alright here is chapter one finally! Tumblr decided to be stupid and delete it. This series will take place during The Winter Soldier and I’m not quite sure how long it will be. So strap in ladies and gents! It’s going to be a crazy ride!
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              A soft breeze came through the curtains in my living room as my eyes scanned the same sentence in the book that was placed in my lap. The sentence that I had reread four times now. Closing the book with a groan, I set it on the other end of the couch and grabbed my phone from the coffee table in front of me. 
No new messages. 
I pocketed my phone while pulling my bottom lip between my teeth. Worry etched in my bones as I realized that I hadn’t heard from Steve in over 48 hours. He never went that long without sending some kind of message back to me. It was supposed to be a simple “save the hostages from a ship in the middle of the ocean. It’ll take a day tops.” Steve words. So here I was, two days later wondering what the hell went wrong. 
“Stupid ankle,” I cursed my sprained ankle as it was the reason I couldn’t go on the current mission. 
I had tweaked it a few weeks back and Steve wanted to make sure it was 100% before going back in the field. No matter how hard I tried to convince him I was fine, Steve could tell in the small limp that I was lying. 
I’d been on Team Captain America for almost a year now, Nick recruiting me because of my background. Three years on New York Swat and almost five as a secret agent for the FBI. There was more to my past, what helped mold me into the agent I was today but that was a part of my life that I kept hidden from everyone, including Steve. There was a time in my life where I was at my lowest and darkest however, as much as that moment in my life caused me many emotional and permanent scars, I don’t think I would be where I was today. 
My finger ran over a small scar on my wrist as I thought back to that time, years ago, and my skin quivered as those memories came back. A dark, cold room with only one bed and the looming fear of when the next time would be when I would see him; would it also be the last time? Would my end be near?
“Christ, I haven’t thought of him in years.” I shuttered, pushing those thoughts away and tried to think of Steve.
In the year that I had been working side by side with him, Steve and I had become incredibly close. Soft touches, hushed conversions just between the two of us, and stares that never went unnoticed. We weren’t official, afraid of it getting in the way of work so we would never make it past first base; hell we never even made it close to first base.
Tired eyes read the clock that hung above the fireplace and a soft sigh left my lips. Calling him would be a waste of time because I knew he never kept his phone on him while on the field, it always stayed on the jet, so I decided to send him a text. 
I should have figured it would take you longer than a day without me.-Y/N. 
I didn’t even have a chance to set my phone down because a few seconds later it was buzzing and Steve’s face appeared on my screen, indicating he was face timing me. 
“Thank god I actually look somewhat decent,” I muttered before hitting the green button, accepting the call. 
Steve’s bright smile warmed my heart as I took in his appearance. Soot covered his forehead and chin, his typically styled hair was a mess, almost falling in his eyes as those tired blue eyes stared at me. 
“Hi,” I breathed. 
“Hey yourself. What time is it there?” Steve questioned. 
I looked at the clock before my gaze rested back on Steve. “Just past 6 in the morning. How’d the mission go?” 
Steve leaned back in the chair of the jet and ran a hand over his face, unbeknownst to him smearing the soot over his face. I suppressed a giggle, not wanting to let him know. 
“You’re cleared to go back on duty. Starting three days ago.” 
“I told you! We could have been finished days ago and you wouldn’t have needed me to water your plants.” I joked.
Steve shot up. “You have been watering them, right?” 
The seriousness in his voice made me roll my eyes. 
“Oh my god, grandpa. Yes, I did water your plants. You know, I forget that you’re 95 years old then you act like that and suddenly it all comes back.” I said with a small smile. 
“You love me,” Steve gave me a smug smile. 
My heart flipped. You have no idea. 
“So when are you going to be back?” I changed the subject. 
“The jet is landing at SHIELD in a few hours. I have to do a few errands but then I’m all yours,” the softness in his smile warmed my heart. 
“The usual?” I asked. 
“I’ve called in the pizza. It should be ready to go by seven.” 
“I’ll bring the beers then,” I smiled 
Every time we complete a mission, Steve and I would meet at his place for pizza and beers. It had been our tradition for the past year, no one else from the team joining. 
Just us. 
Steve’s lips moved as he was about to say something but a certain redhead appeared from behind him, coming into view. 
“NAT!” I yelled, “I miss you!” 
Her smile mirrored my own. 
“You are forbidden from ever taking leave again. This one almost forgot his shield.” Natasha pointed at Steve. 
“I did not!” He defended. 
“Oh Stevie, what would you do without me?” I cooed and noticed his cheeks burned red. 
We stared at each other for a few seconds and if feeling some type of tension between us, Nat shook her head before ruffling Steve’s hair. 
“You’ve got something on your face.” 
Steve looked closer into his phone and I swore, his cheeks were a deep crimson now. 
“You let me talk to you like this the entire time?” Steve questioned, quietly thanking Nat who gave him a towel. 
I shrugged. “I thought it was a cute look.” 
“Maybe if you stopped giving Y/N bedroom eyes, you would have noticed how dirty you were,” Natasha teased. 
“Nat!” I scoffed, feeling some warmth spread to my stomach. 
“What?”, she shrugged, “Someone has to call him out. 
Shaking my head with a laugh, I gave them a small wave goodbye and told Steve I would see him later. 
I ended the phone call with a sigh and felt excitement spread through my veins as the thought of being alone with Steve kept creeping in the back of my mind. 
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“Where the hell are you Rogers,” I grumbled as I checked my phone for the fifth time since arriving at his apartment twenty minutes ago. 
I had called and texted him wondering when he would be home but was met with silence. My fingers slid over his door frame before peaking under the doormat hoping to find a spare key but nothing. 
“You’re damn lucky you’re cute,” I cursed when I checked my phone yet again. 
“Talking to yourself?” 
Spinning on my heels towards the voice, my heart leaped when I saw Steve ascend the staircase, wearing the brown leather jacket that looked so good on him. He had the box of pizza in one hand and was messing with his keys in the other.
“I left my spare key at home. You should really leave another one somewhere.” I noted. 
“I do,” he nodded towards his neighbor across the hall, “Kate has one.” 
“Oh,” I sighed. 
As if the Gods’ wanted to torture me more with the thought of Steve’s neighbor across the hall, she came out from her apartment. Adjusting the laundry basket on her hip, she smiled towards Steve. 
Jealous eyes watched as they chatted, Steve flirting almost effortlessly with her. She giggled at a lame joke he told and I scoffed crossing my arms over my chest. My shoulders slouched in anger when Steve invited her over to join us. 
“I don’t want to impose,” she looked between Steve and I. 
Steve quickly shook his head. “No, we’re just friends.” 
My heart dropped to my stomach. “Yeah, friends.” 
“Maybe next time. I’ve got a load in the wash.” 
Steve agreed to the next time and I had to turn away as he hugged Kate. 
“You could have been a little nicer to her,” Steve asked as he leaned against his door. 
“I’ve been waiting almost a half hour for you. I’m tired and hungry so sorry I didn’t feel like being friendly,” I snapped but immediately apologized when I saw the hurt flash across his face. 
“It’s been a really long day,” I sighed while pinching my eyes shut. 
“Hey, it’s alright.” Steve pulled me into his chest and left a soft kiss to the top of my head. “I’m sorry I’m late. I was visiting a friend at the V.A center.” 
My brows rose. “The V.A center?” 
Steve nodded. “Yeah, Sam. I met him a few days ago. He’s nice, I can set you up with him if you want?” 
“No thanks,” I scrunch my face, “I can find a guy by myself.” 
“How’s that working out for you?” Steve joked. 
Scoffing, I gave him a slight push and I nodded towards the door. “My pizza is getting cold.” 
He laughed but his body froze leaning an ear against the door. 
“What?” I questioned. 
“My record player is on.” Steve glanced over to me. 
I leaned my ear against the door but shook my head, “I don’t hear anything.”
“You don’t have super soldier hearing,” Steve teased. “Did you leave it on?”
“I swear I turned it off when I left the other day.” I promised. 
Getting into Captain America mode, Steve shielded me as he slowly unlocked the door, pushing it open. I slipped my knife out of my boot as I followed close behind. The music vibrated off the walls as Steve grabbed his shield from its place on the wall. The knife flipped in my fingers with ease as we reached the living room and saw the slouched figure sitting in the chair. 
Nick Furry.
“I don’t remember giving you a key,” Steve sighed while leaning against the wall.
“Did you really think I would need one?,” Nick defended while sitting up, “My wife kicked me out.”
“I didn’t know you were married,” I admitted. 
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” Nick admitted.
“I know, Nick. That’s the problem,” Steve declared while turning on the light.
Goosebumps pricked my skin when I took in Nick’s appearance. He had a giant gash to the side of his head and blood was dripping down onto Steve’s chair. I wanted to ask what happened but he held up a finger to silence me while he turned off the light. Nick typed a message into his phone before showing us. 
Ears everywhere.
Steve and I shared a look before our eyes glanced around the apartment. Steve tensed up next to me, the anger of being watched rose from within and he cursed under his breath. All of his private moments suddenly weren’t so private anymore. 
“I’m sorry to do this but I had no other place to crash,” Nick showed us a new message on his phone. 
Shield Compromised.
“What the fuck,” I cursed. 
“Who else knows about your wife?” Steve continued to play along, in case it was true that his apartment was bugged. 
Nick stood with a groan and limped over to us, clutching his side. “Just my friends.”
Just us. The new message on his phone read. 
Steve scoffed. “Is that what we are, Nick?” 
“Steve,” I warned, “Now isn’t the time for whatever beef you have with him.” 
“That’s up to you,” Nick admitted. 
The floor beneath our feet shook as a scream erupted from my throat when the wall behind Nick exploded in gunfire. Steve grabbed my waist and pulled me into his chest as we watched in horror as Nick’s limp body fell to the ground. 
“What the fuck?!” I yelled. 
“Get away from the window!” Steve demanded, pulling Nick’s body in the hallway with us. 
He went to look out the window to see if he was able to see the shooter but Nick grasped his arm stopping him. 
He opened his hand and a hard drive sparkled from the light outside. 
“Don’t. Trust. Anyone.” Nick sputtered before passing out. 
“Steve, what the hell is going on?” My voice quivered with fear. 
Before Steve could answer, his front door busted open and Kate walked in, gun armed and aimed. 
“Captain Rogers, I’m Agent 13, Shield Special Service.” Kate said walking further into Steve’s apartment. 
“Kate? What the hell are you doing here?” I questioned. 
“I’ve been assigned to protect Steve,” She defended. 
“On whose order?” Steve snapped. 
Kate set her gun down before nodding towards Nick. “His.” 
Steve and I shared a look and giving him a slight nod, I turned my attention towards Kate. “You should call it in, Agent.”
“Foxtrot is down and unresponsive. I need EMT’S.” Kate ignored me as she talked into the radio. 
“Do we have a twenty on the shooter?”” 
Steve peaked around the corner and grabbed my hand, pulling me with him. “Tell them we’re in pursuit.” 
Not asking any questions, I let Steve wrap his arm around my waist as we ran through the window, literally, and felt the ground vanish beneath our feet. Glass shattered around us as we landed hard on the floor of the building across the street. 
“Ow, that’s gonna leave a mark,” I groaned rising to my feet taking off in a chase after the shooter.
Steve was just a few paces ahead of me while the shooter was on the roof above us, his heavy footsteps echoing through the empty offices. Steve busted through doors and glass windows, making it easier for me to keep up with him.
“There has to be a staircase to the roof somewhere!” I yelled before I watched through the window in front of us as the shooter jumped down onto the roof of the building in front.
“We’re going through the window, aren't we?” I semi whined. 
Suddenly, Steve barreled his way through the window rolling onto his knees and threw his shield at the shooter. The broken glass crunched beneath my boots as I came to a sudden halt when my eyes landed on the man who had caught Captain America’s shield mid throw. 
Long brown locks. 
Blue eyes. 
A metal arm. 
My mouth ran dry while my hands shook, unable to move out of the way as the shield came flying back towards me. Ears rang in silence as the blood drained from my face, memories of that same metal arm slamming into me like a brick wall. The same man that I thought of earlier for the first time in years was standing right in front of me, in the flesh. 
Steve’s voice brought me back as I fell to the ground with his body on mine. With the shield gripped tight in one hand, his other gently cupped my cheek. Steve pulled my face to look into his eyes however, I couldn’t focus. I ignored the feeling that took over my body when Steve pressed his hips into mine, unknowingly, and licked my dry lips. 
My past life had just barreled into me; a private part of my life that absolutely no one knew about and suddenly, I was very terrified of them finding out.
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Survey #106
gonna start making the surveys i compile a tad bit shorter.
Does your mom have nice hair? I guess? Do you prefer really cold water (to drink)? Yes, I'd prefer to not drink warm water. But that's true with any drink. Kiss with your eyes open or closed? Doing that with your eyes open would creep me out. Can you keep a secret? I have literally never told a secret before. Because I respect people trusting me enough to tell me about such things. Have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends with them? Meet my best friend and crush ya'll lmao. Has anyone ever told you they couldn’t trust you? I don't think so. Who in your family has the prettiest eyes? Probably my brother. Are you an aggressive driver? Or more passive-aggressive? When I drove, I was far too passive to be safe. Too skittish. What would you consider an unacceptable first date? Uhhh idk. Probably going to his/her house and being home alone with the person. I'd be scared. Would you rather help others, or just help yourself? Help others. Are you the kind of person that’s afraid to cry in public? I don't know anyone who isn't. It's embarrassing. Have you ever been rejected by someone you really liked? More like loved. Have you ever used fake tan? No. Have you ever had a panic attack? Probably around 100 times. Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? Yes, because they’re often better than “grown-up” movies. <<< This. Who is one person you wish you would have never met? Rachel. She had no form of positive impact on my life. What was your 1st alcoholic beverage? A lemonade daiquiri, but drinking it was actually an accident. x_x What’s your favorite type of milk? If chocolate milk doesn't count, 2%. Are you laid-back? No, I'm constantly anxious. When at home with nothing to do, do you wear socks? I wear socks as little as I possibly can because I hate them. Is your bed actually a bed? Yeah. Do you prefer other sleeping arrangements rather than the usual bed? Why? No, I prefer a bed. Comfier than pretty much anything else. How often do you shower?  Every other day unless I feel dirty for whatever reason. If you were given a plane ticket for free right now to Florida, what part would you go to/what would you do? Orlando for Disney World, obviously. When you get upset, do you prefer to go to friends for support or to be left alone? Do you wallow or do you continue on with life? It reeeaally depends. Would you rather have the ability to speed up time, freeze time, or go back in time? Probably none, honestly... Have you ever had a teacher you got really close with? Many. What chain restaurant (Applebees, Ruby Tuesdays, Outback, etc..) is your favorite? Olive Garden omf Can you actually picture yourself getting married/having kids, or is that something that seems too distant in the future to imagine? I can see myself married, but not with kids. Ever. Would you rather eat all day or exercise all day? Uhhh neither? Eating all day would fuck someone up, and God knows I don't have the endurance to exercise all day, I legitimately would pass out. Do you write? Daily. Have you ever gone to see a movie past 9:00 PM? Pretty sure I did with "Silent Hill: Revelation." Would you rather hold hands or link arms with your significant other? Hold hands. Truth be told, are you more into looks or personalities the most? Personality. A pretty face doesn't mean they've got a pretty personality whatsoever. How is/was your chemistry class in high school? Actually, I never took it. There was an alternative option called physical science. Would you rather eat rice or bread? Depends on the type of rice or bread, but let's just say it's my favorite bread (pumpernickel) versus my favorite rice (pork fried). I'd go with pumpernickel any day of the week. Have you ever taken a shower with anyone before? Not since I was very little with my younger sister. I wouldn't do it as an adult because it's both impractical and claustrophobic, and not to mention it's my personal time to get clean and such. Are you hard to please?
 No. When are you at your happiest?
 Hm, I dunno. Do you have a waste basket in your car? We have a bag. Have you ever told a friend you thought their parent was hot? God no, even if I did, I wouldn't tell them. Awkward. Have your parents asked you to explain a term and you lied because it was inappropriate? No. If I didn't want to explain the term, I'd just tell them to look it up. Do your parents know you have a Tumblr account? No, but it's not like I'd hide it if they asked. Is there anyone you wish you could apologize to? Who? Maybe... no one's coming to mind now. Typically, do you like being asked a lot of questions? Strictly depends on the questions. Do you put up with more in friendships than in relationships? Yes. I'm way more picky with an s/o. Do you feel better sleeping alone, or with someone else? Alone. When I was with Jason I was sometimes happier sleeping with him, but in general, I find sleeping alone more comfortable. Do you enjoy applying make up, if you wear it? God no, hence why I wear it less than once in a blue moon. Do physical exams make you uncomfortable? Holy fuck yes, don't touch me. Do you like ketchup or mustard better with your corn dogs? I haven't had a corn dog in YEARS. I probably wouldn't put anything on one. Do you like peas? NO. Apparently I loved them as a baby, though. Don't know what the hell happened. Have you ever kissed under water? I think I have? Your ex calls wanting to hang out. What do you say? Don, yes.  Any other, no. Have you ever swam while it was raining? Yeah, no harm in that when you're already in water. Wouldn’t it be nice if we were older? THEN WE WOULDN'T HAVE TO WAIT SO LOOOONG Is your hair a lot different from when you were little? Not really, other than the fact I had bangs as a kid. Have you ever gotten stung by a stingray or a jellyfish? No. Do you know how to do laundry? This is extremely embarrassing, but no. My mom has always done all our laundry together and likes to do it herself. But I still need to learn for obvious reasons. When you wash your hands, do you use the cold or hot tap (faucet)? Hot, but our water heats up slow, so. If you had to be straight/gay for a day (whichever you’re currently not!), what celebrity would you most like to take on a date? I'm bi, so. What is the biggest injury you’ve ever sustained and how did you do it? I fell onto the road while running and skinned the actual fuck out of both knees, especially my right. Like to the point there was pus. What is the most unique animal you’ve ever touched? Probably just a reticulated python (pretty sure that's what it was, maybe I'm wrong...). Not all that strange, but. What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? Describe it in detail. It involved my dad and no, I'm not describing it. Put these in order of your favorite movie genre to least: Horror, action, thriller, adventure, superhero, romance, drama, comedy, musical and dance? Horror, comedy, superhero, adventure, romance, thriller, action, drama, musical and dance. If you had to lose one of the 5 senses, which would you choose and why? Smell, as I think that would affect your life the least. Name all the drugs you have tried: None that weren't prescribed. Name all of the alcoholic beverages you have tried: Only daiquiris and margaritas. Name all the drugs you’d never do: I'd never do any. What is the most alcohol you’ve drank in a night? Four daiquiris on New Year's and it did almost nothing. @_@ I handle alcohol extremely well. I should probably add though that I wasn't drinking with the intent to get drunk, I just drink drinks in general a lot. I'm always thirsty. What do you order from McDonald’s? It alternates between McDoubles and chicken nuggets with usually a small but occasionally medium fry. What do you order from Burger King? I don't like BK. What do you order from Wendy’s? A Baconator like a fatass cries. What do you order from Sonic? A hot dog. I tried a bacon cheeseburger there recently tho and I liked it, so I might get that sometimes. What do you order from Taco Bell?  The only two things I like there are the chicken and cheese quesadillas and fiesta potatos. I hate Mexican food. How would you feel if a girl asked your boyfriend/girlfriend out for a drink?
 I'm single.  I broke up with my ex just today because I'm just too scared of men.  It had been almost four months and I was coming no closer to him than I was as his friend.  I didn't feel safe opening up to him.  It's going to take me a while to be comfortable romantically around a man again.  Another reason I broke up with him is because I realized I have a crush on my best friend. Any idea what you want for your next birthday?
 A bearded dragon. Name some models you think are hot: I don't know of any models. Not my thing. Have you ever been called a skank/slut because of the way you dress?
 No, considering I'm not even somewhat revealing. Where did you lose your virginity, if you have? I haven't. What are your views on getting rid of the penny? Don't care. Have you ever kissed someone underneath mistletoe? Maybe, but I don't think so. Do you have a weak stomach?
 Nope. Do you know anybody who has been diagnosed with cancer?
 Three people that I know in my family have had cancer. I think I know one other, but probably more, realistically. Have you ever had to take care of an intoxicated person? No, but really, I prolly shoulda the night my friend was so wasted she called her husband to ask if she could get high (her sister's fuckboy was brazen enough to bring his weed to her house) despite her being against drugs. I went the fuck to bed because I was exhausted and had to leave the next morning at 6 AM. @_@ Which website do you spend the most time on?
 YouTube Do you read fanfiction? If so, what fandoms?
 Believe this shit or not, no. It's usually waaaaaay too smutty. Are you more introverted or extroverted?
 If it gives you any idea, you know the popular site where you can take the personality type quiz? I am almost entirely on the introvert spectrum lol. Do you like meatball subs? Nope. Like I'll eat one if it's the only choice, but I don't enjoy them. If you have a sib, do you call him/her “brother” or “sister” sometimes? I only ever call them by their names. Have you ever lived in a mobile home? No. Do you consider dogs inside or outside pets? Both. I support most being inside, but larger breeds should be outside so they can get rid of all that energy. Obviously bring them in in unfavorable weather, though. Do you feel comfortable asking your parents or grandparents for money? NOPE. Scariest driver you’ve ridden with: One of the scariest experiences in my entire life was this time Dad had to pick me and Nicole up from middle school, or maybe I'd just gotten into high school. He was in an awful mood so went WAY over the speed limit, ran red lights, and passed illegally. It was absolutely terrifying. And mind you, the ride home normally took about 25 minutes. Do you know anybody who is afraid of clowns? Lots of people. Do you listen to ASMR? No. The ones with people whispering make me super uncomfortable. Rain storms or a light drizzle? STORMS What snacks do you usually get at the theater? Please, I bring my own shit. Sometimes buy popcorn tho. What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition? UGH "Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs." It's my third-favorite game of all time, but it's pretty criticized for not being what people expected. Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb? No, too much maintenance. Thoughts on freckles? They can be super cute. What band do you never get tired of listening to? Ozzy<3 Like I'm not constantly in the mood for him, but if I listen to a song, I always enjoy it. Do you have anything that belongs to an ex? Yep. Do you put marshmallows in your hot chocolate? No. Does it bother you when dogs lick you? Not usually. What is the best thing you can draw? I think I'm best at meerkats. Are you good at wrapping presents? NOPE I AM THE WORST. Do you put your hair up when you cook? I don't cook. Do you prefer Mountain Dew or Sprite? I don't like Sprite, so. Have you ever encountered a ghost?  I feel that I have. Does anybody in your contacts have a heart after their name?  No. Who was the villain in the last superhero movie you watched?  Hmmm... it has been a LONG time since I've watched a superhero movie.  I actually enjoy superhero movies, I just don't see them much. Does your phone have hole for charms? No cries. I have a Pyramid Head phone charm and I wANNA USE IT DAMMIT Who was the last person you spoke on the phone for over an hour?  I don't even think we've ever talked that long, but the closest and most recent would probably be Colleen.  I never talk on the phone long. Ditched school to do something more fun? No. Do you take compliments well? I appreciate them immensely and even the smallest one will literally brighten my day, but I get very shy about it, especially if you say it to my face. Has a boy/girl ever called you babe/baby? Yup, fucking hated it. Do you hate it when people smoke around you? Yes.  It gives me a headache.  I also don't fancy cancer. Have you ever kissed on a boat? No. Do you have to check in with your parents before you go some place?  No, but I'll let my Mom know. Would you rather have big or small dogs? I like bigger dogs because they act like they're so smol and are usually babies at heart. Do you trust all of your friends?  No. Are you afraid of falling in love? FUCK YES I AM Did the one person who hurt you the most in your life apologize?  Yes, but I don't believe he meant it, honestly.  I feel he was just trying to appease me. Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest/fastest for? Nope, which is for the better. Jim Carrey movie or Adam Sandler movie? Jim Carrey, but I can enjoy both. Favorite music genre?  Heavy metal. Do you like your body?  I enjoy how resilient it is, particularly as far as bone strength and my immune system, but I don't like it in general at all. Zombies or vampires? Vamps. Do you like mood rings?  I don't believe they work. How many stories does your mall have?  One.  It's an awful mall both in stores and things that happen there. New York City or Paris? I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy Paris more. Ever been skydiving?  If no, would you want to? No and no.  I'm scared of heights and the idea of the parachute failing is just... no.  The idea is thrilling though. Do you order your burgers with only ketchup? No, they also have mustard. Skirts or jeans? I wouldn't wear one, but skirts are super cute. What is your worst relationship quality?  I think the fact I'm very distrustful and need a lot of personal space are tied. Are you a fan of cake?  I don't always enjoy the frosting, but I love cake itself. Do/did you get into trouble a lot at school?  No, I was essentially the teacher's pet ha ha.  Didn't try to be, but. Are you a very affectionate person? Verbally, very, almost not at all physically. What is something that makes you very squeamish?  Vomit. Do you have any godchildren? AHHHHHH!  I have one coming in May!! Ever had to take a sobriety test?  No. If your old class was to have a reunion, would you attend it?  No. Have you ever abused an animal?  Holy fuck no. Have you ever been homeless? Technically, yes, but I lived with my best friend for a month. Did the last book you read have a good ending?  No.  Well, no as in what happened, but good as in I liked it. Did the last book you read have a character in it that made you mad?  She doesn't make me mad, but I hate Jaina. Do you like the color orange?  Yeah. Would you ever drive an orange car?  Actually, I've known for a long time that if I ever do have a car, I'd prefer a burnt orange one. Do you own a fall wreath? Yeah. What event did you last dress up for? Who went to that event? Uhhh probably Ashley's wedding, so over a year ago.  And plenty of people. What is the last illegal thing you did, even the smallest crime? Rode in a car with my friend while she smoked weed because I was too nervous to tell her I didn't want to go with her.  I was terrified. Beard or moustache? I don't particularly have an opinion on either, but I'm more likely to like a beard. Have you ever witnessed a birth?  I've seen cats give birth many times, and while I'm honestly terrified to because personally I find birth more disgusting than miraculous, I really do want to be in the room with Colleen when she has her baby.  I mean c'mon, she's my best friend, and I'm also going to be his/her godmother.  I want to be there. Where’s your favorite place to be when you feel depressed?  My room.  But that's no different than any other time. Would you like to be able to read thoughts?  Not really, no. Have you ever been on a farm?  Yes.  Ashley had a friend who lives on one. Do you have freckles?  No. What is the temperature currently in the town you live in?  According to my phone, 60.  So glad fall's here, and the middle of the night. Have you ever made out on a couch?  Yeah. What are you doing on Halloween?  I don't know, but I hope I do something. Do you own any Sims games? Which ones?  I own most of the animal ones.  I used to looove them. Do you know anyone who still doesn’t have a smartphone?  My mom.  She legit has an ObamaPhone because we're poor. What is your favorite kind of fruit juice?  Mango and peach mix. Do you acknowledge your feelings or ignore them? I've always acknowledged them. If you have kids, do you pack lunches or send lunch money?  I don't have kids, but if I did, I'd pack lunch for them if they didn't like what was being served that day. Do you have any cousins that you’re jealous of? Why?  Robby and Audrey, yes.  They're both veeery ambitious, smart, talented, and on paths to great success. Do you hate your last name? Do you want to get married so you can change it?  I actually don't like my last name, but I don't want to get married just to change it, that's ridiculous. Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Why did you break up?  Aaron, and I realized it was merely platonic attraction. Is green your favorite color?  I actually don't like green unless it's pastel or mint, and even then, I'm not big on it. Have you ever fallen asleep laying on your boyfriend/girlfriend?  One ex, yes. What was the last vacation you went on?  The beach with Colleen and her husband last May. Describe your best friend’s hair. Colleen's is short, somewhat curly towards the end, and light brown right now, and Sara's is long and brown. In school, what subjects did you achieve your highest grades in? English Which of the seven deadly sins are you most guilty of? Quite easily sloth. Do you have very strong opinions?  Usually, yes.  Sometimes I'm totally ambivalent, occasionally on important issues, which honestly bothers me, but I just.  Can't always pick a side. Do you believe in reincarnation? No. Have you ever had to give a pet away?  Our neighbors called animal control once because they complained about our cats wandering into their yard.  The bullshit thing is they never actually confronted us about it, they just called them and they were all taken.  I fucking sobbed, especially because this included Aphrodite, one of my favorite cats we've ever had. Have you ever cooked anything other than s’mores over a fire?  Yes, hot dogs.  They taste amazing like that. Is anybody in your family disabled? I don't think so. If you have Facebook, how many friends do you have on there? I checked, 116. Have you ever worn a corset?  No but I totally would if I was smaller because they're fucking hot. What is your favorite pair of earrings? I have these really pretty, hanging earrings that are circular-shaped, the outside being made of black gems and then three chains hanging down inside of it, the center of each having a little black bow.  They're super cute; I wore them to I think both of my proms. Do you have health insurance?  We're in the process of trying to get it. When was the last time you cleaned your ears via QTip?  It's been like a month because I was instructed not to after I got my ears cleaned after wax being literally adhered to my eardrums because I used q-tips so frequently; it pushed it back too far.  My mom now uses some kind of tool to clean my ears for me because my ears have always produced waaay too much wax and I don't want to not clean them. Ever lived through a natural disaster?  Yes, hurricanes. How many tattoos do you want?  Oh my gosh, so many.  I want my arms and shoulders essentially covered, I know I want one on the top of my right hand, there's one I want on my hip, I might get one on my foot...  I don't think I'll get any on my legs, though.  There's few I like that look good there imo. Are you planning to go see a movie anytime soon? I totally wanna see "Happy Death Day."  It looks pretty creepy. Which of “greasy, salty, bitter, sweet, spicy, bland” do you react most strongly against? Bitter. When you’re completely exhausted, do you prefer to be around people or not?  God, no.  I get irritable. Rank Oceans, Forests, Tundra, Deserts, Mountains, Prairies, Lakes with whatever comparator you like. Mountains, deserts, tundras, forests, lakes, prairies, oceans. Abolish human-caused death, or disease-caused death?  Hmmm.  I think... disease-caused?  You can't change diseases, you can educate people.  Now, that obviously hasn't worked on many people, but I feel it would be more beneficial. Is it better for things in general to err on the side of too simple, or too complex? Too simple. Do you have any phobias?  Pregnancy and childbirth, VOMIT, whale sharks, situationally claustrophobic, mildly afraid of dolls, mannequins, and animatronics.  Probably others I'm forgetting. Have you ever done something bad but you don’t regret?  Kinda. Do you believe in the phrase “If it’s meant to be, it will be”?  Eh, I think so. Do you pop your bones or crack your knuckles? Ugh no, the sound is disgusting. Would you rather have an owl or a snake? God, why not both?  But I think an owl would be more interesting. Are you a mean drunk? I've never been drunk, but any time I've been tipsy, I've just been giddy. Have you had any major tragedies in your life? The biggest was the breakup; that was absolutely a tragedy.  The almost total loss of sanity that followed that was also one. Name the last 10 people in your Facebook inbox. 1.) Don, 2.) Colleen's father-in-law, 3.) Summer, 4.) Colleen, 5.) Sammy, 6.) Miss Tobey, 7.) Everett, 8.) Morgan, 9.) Kieley, 10.) Nicole When was the last time you saw 4?  Last weekend, I think it was. Has 2 ever made you cry?  No. Where did you meet 3?  Pretty sure when Nicole was in kindergarten.  True story, it was them who started out as friends, then me and her shifted into being closer. What’s the age difference between yourself and 6?  At least 30 years.  She's a family friend. How old is 2? I don't know. Have you ever slept in the same bed as 5?  No, we've never even met. Is 4 attractive?  She's beautiful. Does 3 care about you?  Well considering she cried and reminded me how loved I was when she got me to talk about my suicide attempt, I'd think so.  She's a sweetheart. Have you ever kissed 10?  No. How long have you known 6? Since my senior years of high school. Is 9 younger than you? No. What if you had a one night stand with 8? Nope. What’s the first letter of 7’s last name? H Have you ever met 5’s parents?  No. What if 3 told you that he/she liked your ex? She dated Tyler briefly, but she can't stand him anymore.  She agreed he got attached far too easily.  She brought him up at the party. 1 is coming to your house for dinner, what will you cook for him/her? I don't cook. Has 9 ever cried in front of you?  I think she might've teared up while talking to me in Skype once, I'm not sure. Describe your relationship with 2. I don't really have a relationship with him, and I can't pinpoint why, but he actually mildly creeps me out.  I don't have a reason, he just does. When was the last time you saw 10? Earlier. What’s 5’s favorite food? I think pizza? Do you know 3’s middle name?  Rae Does 6 have long or short hair? Long. Have you ever held hands with 1?  Yeah. Does 8 have any piercings or tattoos? I think she has her ears pierced, don't know about tats. If 3 never spoke to you again, how would you feel? That would suck. Have you ever felt jealous of 4?  Envious, yes. Which of these 10 people would you say you’re closest to? Colleen. Do you listen to music simply for the melody or for the lyrics?  Mostly melody.  I can listen to songs with horrible and/or offensive lyrics and still enjoy the song for the melody. What is the most visited website on your Internet window?  YouTube. How many windows are in the room you’re in, if there are any? Two. Do you always voice your opinion to random people? NOPE Would you ever consider yourself over-dramatic?  I can be.  Used to be way worse, though. Do you like to sing? Do you personally think you have a good singing voice?  No and no.  Even most of the closest people in my life haven't heard me sing What is one word you could never properly pronounce?  People will ALWAYS point out how I say "breakfast."  I don't know why, but I always put a "t" sound after the "k."  I literally can't say it right. ;-; Three of your favorite movies in the world: My first two are Burton's "Alice in Wonderland" and "White Chicks," but I don't have a set third one.  Maybe "Troy?"  I need to watch that again, I love it. Do you ever get paranoid about who your significant other hangs out with? I'm single. Which one of your guy friends is the best looking?  Probs Kyle.  We don't really talk anymore after high school, but I still consider him a friend. Which one of your friends is the most brutally honest?  Colleen. Which band do you have the most of on your iPod/music player? Ozzy Osbourne.  Metallica comes close. What color is your shower curtain? White. Do you like screamo music?  No.  I want to be able to hear words. What song are you listening to, if any?  I am like??  Obsessed with "Cool Patrol" by NSP??  It is so catchy and the music video is like aesthetic as fuck?? Do you like the color purple?  Yes, especially pastel shades. Do you have a sensitive gag reflex?  You would not fucking believe it.  I can barely brush my tongue.  If it gives you an idea, dentists have to use those things that go in your cheek when doing x-rays meant for children versus adults. Have you ever had an online argument?  I have been socially active on the Internet since I was nine.  Take a guess. Are you at risk for any medical issues?  Quite a few.  Cancer might run in our family, diabetes does, and I found out very recently that I have inactive MRSA, which could become active. Would you try to be a hero in a hostage situation? I'd probably be too terrified to. What flavor [in general] is your favorite?  Strawberry Have you ever lied about your sexual past?  No. Dark hair or light hair in the opposite sex? I apparently have a thing for dark hair. Have you ever stayed up very late talking to the person you like[d]?  Yeah. Have your parents ever not approved of someone? You mean of someone I dated?  Mom never liked Juan, but we weren't even together for a day, so he doesn't even really count. Have you ever snuggled with someone you weren’t dating?  No. What is your best friend’s mom’s name?  Cindy and Donna. Who is you BEST friend ever's name?  I think the person I've ever been closest to was Megan, but considering most of what I knew about her was a lie, y'know.  Maybe Mini, then. What is your favorite Hostess/Little Debbie snack?  Omg Twnkies.  True story, Mom's nickname for me has been "Twinkie" since childhood (I know, embarrassing, right), so I guess it's fate lol. Do you/your family buy loaf from the bakery or bagged on the shelf? Bagged. White, wheat or other?  My favorite's pumpernickel, but of those, wheat. Do you embarrass easily?  Almost everything embarrasses me, holy shit. Are you afraid of heights? Yes.  Not horribly, but still afraid. What’s the best thing about being your gender?  I dunno. And the worst thing?  Menstruation is some bullshit. What’s one subject that makes you feel uncomfortable?  As far as talking about?  I can get uncomfortable with sexual stuff.  Not always, really just depends on who I'm with and the subject. When does your driver’s license expire? I don't have a license, but my permit expires in December. Do you like pulp in your orange juice? NONONONONONONONO I CAN'T DRINK IT NO If you could donate to any charity, which would it be?  There's one that focuses entirely on suicide prevention, can't remember the name, but totally that one. What’s one old school Nickelodeon show you wish was still on? Stealing the last person's answer, "Drake and Josh."  I loved that shit. Does it make you uncomfortable when your parents talk about finding people attractive? If your parents don’t make comments like that, what sort of things can your family members say that do make you feel uncomfortable?  No. Are there any subjects that you are interested in so much that you would read whole books or academic journals about them?  No. Can you write in cursive?  My handwriting is mostly cursive. Where do you like to sit in the movie theater? Pretty near the back and in the middle of the row. Would you rather live in Oz, Neverland, Wonderland, or Middle Earth? Wonderland! Don’t you just love it when guys sing to you? If it's directly at me, I'd feel super awkward.  Like how would I react. Ever taken dance lessons? For a good number of years. What is your favorite kind of cookie? Chocolate chip. Can you play the saxophone?  No, but I actually wish I'd played that instead of flute in high school. What kind of camera do you have?  Nikon D3200 Who is your favorite superhero?  I don't have any strong opinions on superheroes, but I guess Batman. Who is your favorite supervillain?  She's really a sidekick, but whatever.  Harley Quinn's a beb. What is your dream job?  Meerkat biologist.  I don't pursue it mainly because I don't want to move out of the country. What’s your favorite TV show of all time?  "Meerkat Manor." What do you want for Christmas?  This year I'm legitimately only asking for one thing, and that's a tattoo.  I don't know much about pricing tats, but I'm going to guess it'll be around $150.  As I get older, the less things I really want, and there truly isn't many other things I'm like dying to get, and I don't like my parents buying me too much shit anyway.
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