#pens playing the red wings tonight in a win or die trying game? you guessed it
sportsthoughts · 6 months
fun fact eating your body weight in vegetable sushi actually does cure everything
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keemsockjean · 6 years
365 New Days
Word Count: 1909
Genre: romance, fluff
Ships: Jungkook x Reader
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“It’s New Year’s Eve, are you ready?”
“Of course,” I said, carefully applying my eyeliner. I smiled into the mirror when I was done, admiring the carefully painted wing at the corner of my eye. Capping the pen, I grabbed the mascara and unscrewed it, slowly applying it to my eyelashes. “I’m ready to stay up all night.”
“And get drunk, right?”
“Yup.” I switched to the other eye, grinning again when I saw my pronounced eyelashes, dark and bold. “I just want to see the fireworks. And the countdown.”
“Don't forget the kiss,” Sohee quipped.
I rolled my eyes, puckering my lips to put on a layer of crimson lipstick. “And the kiss.” I let down my hair, letting it fall in waves around my shoulder. Plugging in the hair curler, I asked, “Who are you planning to kiss tonight?” I grinned devilishly. “Please tell me you’re finally making a move on Namjoon.”
“What - NO! Stop! I’m not even that into him!” I hummed, obviously disagreeing with her. “Really! He’s just… really cute, and really hot, and his dimples are to die for, and he’s really smart, and he’s really sweet.”
“Uh huh,” I said, a small smile creeping onto my face as Sohee continued to rant about him. “Sounds like everything you ever look for in a guy.”
“Shut up,” Sohee grumbled. I chuckled lightly. “Who are you going to kiss?”
I shrugged, then realized that she couldn’t see me. “I don't know. I’m planning to just wing it.”
“What? You can’t tell me that you’re not interested in anybody.”
“Yes, I can.” Picking up the curling iron, I grabbed a lock of hair and twirled it around the iron, waiting for a few seconds before letting it go. The newly curled strand of hair bounced up, framing my face.
“Not anybody?”
“Not even any of Namjoon’s insanely attractive friends?”
“Not even Jungkook?”
“Nice try, sucker,” Sohee snickered. I groaned loudly, twisting another strand of hair around the curling iron. “You’re just as whipped for him as I am for Namjoon.” I didn’t answer, choosing to ignore her and focus on my hair curling. “He’ll be there at the party,” she added nonchalantly.
“I don't know what to do with this information,” I replied dryly, trying not to let my excitement show through my tone.
“You use it and you grab him at the countdown, and then shove your tongue down his throat.”
“What? Ew!” I cried, desperately wanting to hit Sohee. She was giggling loudly.
“I’m just kidding!” A pause. “Not really.” I huffed in annoyance, listening to her giggle wildly again. “Okay, okay! But just promise me you’ll try,” Sohee said.
I sighed, unplugging the curling iron. My hair was now fully curled, falling in ringlets around my face. “Fine,” I said, slipping out of my clothes and grabbed the skin tight, red dress from the closet. “I’ll try if you try with Namjoon.”
“Fine,” Sohee said. “It’s a deal.”
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We were greeted by Hoseok, who was already drunk. He was swaying unsteadily on his feet, eyes half-lidded. A lazy grin made its way onto his face. “Nora! Sohee! Glad you could make it!” he slurred, beer sloshing out of his red solo cup.
“Thanks, Hoseok,” Sohee chirped, stepping into the house with me on her heels. Hoseok shut the door, and the house was bathed in relative darkness. The only thing that was illuminating the house were the colorful strobe lights streaking across the floor. Bottles of alcohol were lined on the counters, the gigantic, flat screen television showing the countdown to New Years. Loud music vibrated through the home, people swaying to the beat of the song.
Almost immediately, Sohee found Namjoon, abandoning me with only a small wave. I shook my head and waved her off, scanning the dance floor for Jungkook’s familiar face. I couldn’t find him. Disappointed, I made my way to the kitchen counter, grabbing a bottle of beer and popping the cap open.
By the time Jungkook had arrived at the party, I was already a bottle and a half in. He found me lounging on a couch with a bottle in my hand, staring out into space.
“Nora!” he called. My head swung in his direction, watching him walk towards me. Tonight, he looked ridiculously attractive (when does he not?), dressed in the tightest ripped jeans that I had ever seen, accompanied with a loose, white shirt, the top buttons undone. His hair was messily swept to the side, a cute grin on his face.
I smiled at him and waved, which he took as an invitation to plop down onto the couch. “I didn’t know you would be here,” he said, eyes subtly scanning my figure. His eyes lingered on my dress before returning back to my eyes.
“Honestly, I didn’t know, either.” I laughed a little. “Sohee dragged me here.” Looking around, I furrowed my eyebrows a little when I didn’t spot her in the crowd. “Actually, I don't know where she is right now.”
“I think I saw her go outside with Namjoon hyung,” Jungkook said, nodding towards the door. A proud grin spread across my face.
“I knew she had it in her,” I mused, taking another sip of the beer. Jungkook looked at me curiously, and I shook my head, waving it off. “Beer?” I offered, handing him an unopened bottle. He shook his head.
“I don't drink,” he said, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. I raised an eyebrow before shrugging, popping off the cap of the new bottle.
“More for me!” I sang. Jungkook chuckled lightly. His eyes flickered to the television, where the numbers 1:24:37 were, slowly ticking down.
“One hour left, huh?” Jungkook asked.
I nodded. “I just want to see the fireworks.”
He raised an eyebrow. “You don't want to kiss anybody?”
I groaned, slumping back into the couch cushions. “You sound exactly like Sohee,” I sighed, making him laugh again. “And… no. I guess I don't.”
“Ah,” Jungkook said. I nudged him in the shoulder lightly.
“What about you?” I asked. “Is there any special girl that you want to kiss tonight?”
Jungkook blushed, ducking his head into his chest. “Maybe,” he said casually.
“Aw!” I ignored the slight, sinking feeling in my stomach, plastering an overly exuberant smile on my face. “That’s great! Who is it?”
“Nobody,” he said quickly, avoiding my eyes. I narrowed my own at him, but he was saved from my interrogation by a bunch of loud cheers coming from the center of the room. A large crowd was starting to gather around a table, encouraging shouts erupting from them. I exchanged a look with Jungkook, who shrugged.
“Want to go?”
“Sure,” he agreed, standing up. He offered a hand to me, and I ignored the butterflies erupting in my stomach. I let go as soon as I was on my feet, pulling the hem of my dress down my thighs.
“Let’s go,” I murmured, slipping through the throng of people to get to the middle of all the commotion. We made it just in time to see the ping pong ball land in the last cup of beer, Namjoon and Sohee celebrating their success while Taehyung and Jimin grimaced. Jimin downed the last cup of alcohol anyways, face screwing up when the burning aftertaste of the alcohol hit him.
“Want to play?” Jungkook murmured, suddenly close. My eyes flickered to him.
“I thought you didn’t drink,” I replied.
He grinned. “I don't.” I stared after him, watching as he made his way to the other end of the table, facing Namjoon and Sohee, who were refilling the cups of beer. Jungkook glanced up at my expectantly. With a sigh, I made my way towards him, standing besides him.
Sohee gave me a suggestive wink, which I returned with an unimpressed look.
“Ready to lose?” Namjoon grinned, rolling the ping pong ball between his fingers.
“Who said anything about losing?” Jungkook replied smoothly, grinning back.
Namjoon shrugged. “You said it, not me,” he said, and bounced the ball. Luckily, it bounced off of a corner of the cup, nearly making it, but not quite. I grabbed the ball, holding it out to Jungkook questioningly.
“You do it,” he said, smiling encouragingly.
Turning, I aimed before throwing the ping pong ball, watching it bounce before landing directly into one of the cups. My face broke into a grin, and Jungkook swept me up into a bone crushing hug.
Sohee’s face twisted as she drank the cup, tossing it behind her. It was her turn to throw the ball, which ended up bouncing off of the rim of the cup again. I shot her a smug look. She glowered at me.
Jungkook ended up making it in another two cups in quick succession. Jungkook and I each had to drink one cup, but in the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t that bad. We made it on every turn, which meant that in a few rounds, we were done. I high fived Jungkook while the other two stared, dumbfounded, at the ping pong ball floating on top of the beer.
“I call a rematch!” Sohee slurred as Namjoon drank that cup.
“Be prepared to lose,” I said, alcohol thrumming through my veins. We ended up winning that game again, only for them to call another rematch. Both Namjoon and Sohee were becoming more and more drunk. We had to physically drag them away from the table because they were seconds away from fainting if they consumed any more alcohol.
By that time, there were only ten minutes left until New Years. Until the fireworks went off. Hoseok had gathered the entire party into a large group, standing at various points throughout the house. All the windows and doors were thrown open. Some people watched through windows and others filtered outside, watching from the lawn. Jungkook and I were leaning on the railing of the balcony.
My head was tilted towards the sky, watching the stars twinkling across the sky. The moon was halfway covered by wispy, gray clouds, a light breeze cooling down my flushed skin. I shut my eyes, revelling in the comforting, soft breeze.
“Are you ready?” came Hoseok’s shout from inside the house. “Twenty more seconds!”
I opened my eyes again and glanced at Jungkook, who was, like me, gazing at the stars. “Hear that?” I asked. “Twenty more seconds.” He hummed, making no move to leave. “Aren’t you going to find your girl?”
“Later,” he murmured.
“TEN SECONDS!” People were starting to count down with him, the numbers ringing out loudly.
“You only have ten seconds to find her!” He still didn’t move, peacefully leaning against the railing. “Jungkook!” I hissed. He smiled.
“Five! Four! Three! Two! One!”
Jungkook grabbed my arm and tugged me flush against his chest, capturing my lips with his. My eyes were still wide open in surprise. I froze, my lips still against his as the fireworks exploded around us in flashes of color, coupled with cheers and shouts of “Happy New Year!” Jungkook’s lips were still moving against mine, his hands slipping around my waist.
Finally, I allowed my eyes to flutter shut, reciprocating the kiss. My arms snaked around his neck, and I felt him smile.
Slowly, I drew away, leaning my forehead against his.
“Happy New Year,” he whispered.
I smiled. “Happy New Year.”
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