#two sujamma rock au
choilacanth · 1 year
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indulgent rocker au wip……
and supermohawk: a concept and giving teldryn more hair + giving darra less hair: a concept
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mareenavee · 11 months
World AU | Something More
9th of Heartfire 4E 201
“I think he’s nice, actually,” said the Bosmeri girl to her companion. Teldryn didn’t miss the quick glance she threw in his direction, or the way her face and ears flushed. She nodded and lifted her mug of Sujamma, just barely, just for him to see. He mimicked the motion. Her smile was pretty, actually. Brought out the odd bright orange of her eyes. 
He wasn’t usually such an obvious eavesdropper, but she – well, she was attractive, at the very least, and therefore interesting. Raven Rock was devoid of interesting on a good day, anyway. It reflected here in the Retching Netch. It’d been different years ago, but now hardly anyone wandered through. The outlanders across the way stood out among the worn furniture and dusty bookshelves. Their voices carried now that it was close to last call and the locals had all wandered home, or else melted into the background like permanent fixtures.
“He’s clearly a mercenary, Nya,” the lanky Dunmer across from her said, tone sarcastic and mildly amused. Nobody in the tavern sounded more like an outlander than he did; his voice did not have even a trace of the typical Dunmeris drawl. Teldryn expected the lilt from the girl, but not, he supposed, of her companion. Regardless, he couldn’t quite place where they might have blown in from. Probably somewhere in Valenwood, what with the brogue, but even that felt somehow…off. Too simple an answer. He watched as the man carefully inscribed something from a book onto a crumpled piece of parchment. White hair fell into his face as he concentrated. Strange, really. Geldis probably would have given him the book had he asked.
“That doesn’t mean anything, Eris,” the pretty outlander said, pausing to rebraid her mass of silvery-blonde curls. “He bought me a drink, though.”
“They all buy you drinks,” Eris said dryly. She scoffed and he cracked a half-grin. “But fine. Go talk to him if you want. We’re in room two. And let me know if, at any point, he needs his ass kicked. I’ve got you covered, as always.”
Teldryn snorted into his mug and missed the girl’s response. This Eris would be about half a foot shorter than he was, from what he could tell. He was not muscular in any obvious way. Bold, really, to think he could take on anyone, let alone a mercenary. He watched in amusement through the little lenses in his chitin helm as the outlander got up and hugged the Dunmer around his neck. Eris tried to swat her arms away and they both laughed. She walked back over to the bar, Sujamma mug in hand.
“Nice to see you again, outlander,” Teldryn said. “Who’s your friend?” 
“Oh, that’s just Eris. My brother,” she said, waving dismissively. She chuckled to herself and threw the Dunmer a look over her shoulder, before returning her attention back to their conversation. “Thank you for the drink.” She took a seat at the bar next to him. “Nyenna, by the way. Sorry, I didn’t catch your name before.”
“Teldryn Sero, best swordsman in all of Morrowind,” he said. He shook her hand, which seemed maybe overly warm, and buzzed a bit, like Shock magic, but different. Odd. He felt it run through his whole arm, practically. “Good to meet you.” His voice trailed off, puzzled. He cleared his throat.
“Best swordsman? In all of Morrowind?” she asked after a moment. He shifted a bit on his seat. She sipped her drink and looked up at him from under her eyelashes. “That can’t possibly be true.” He let out a bark of a laugh and she grinned.
“Well, someone has to have the title,” he answered smoothly. 
Presently, Geldis walked out from the kitchen, face twisted in annoyance. He stared right at Teldryn and pointedly did not say a word. He dried the mug he was holding at him. It was his friend’s way of warning him, per usual, not to do anything stupid. Teldryn only grinned and sipped his drink. 
He turned back to Nyenna. “What brings you two all the way out here to this rock in the middle of nowhere?”
“Our uncle Lleras is the tailor here. He’s on a job right now with, ehm, the Telvanni, I believe. So we’re heading out in the morning to cross the southern ashlands and meet him,” Nyenna said. She flipped her braid over her shoulder. “This and Eris is somewhat of a prodigy with whatever he can do about spell scrolls. Can’t say I understand, really. It’d be best to speak with Master Neloth, he thinks, for maybe an odd job before we move on to Blacklight.”
“Oh, Lleras is a good man. Always busy, though. Never a day’s rest that I can tell. But working with Neloth is always like that. Had my fair share of nonsense from the old wizard over the years, too,” Teldryn said. He finished his drink and set the mug down on the bar. Geldis whisked it away. The sound of the innkeep’s retreating footsteps echoed slightly, seeing as there were more ashes than patrons in here this evening. “Blacklight, though? Quite a journey. Haven’t been back that way in some time, myself.”
“Hmm, I probably shouldn’t have said as much,” Nyenna said with a laugh. She fidgeted with a loose thread in the sleeve of her blue dress. “But yes. We’re on our way there. We’ve been…traveling for a few years at this point. It’ll be nice to find a more permanent place, I think.” Her face fell as she mentioned traveling, only for a moment, the expression there and then gone again. She smiled, and it took a little extra effort, it seemed, for the light to reach her eyes. A good actress, then. Passable. She was hiding something, anyway. -> Read the rest on AO3
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vvardenfellcat · 7 years
Modern!TES Verse
Stolen from @deadeyedrifter bc it looked like fun also I am in huge modern!AU mood right now.
Name: Gee-Ei/Marsh-Eyes (not used outside of Black Marsh/the house), goes by J’hasi Nickname: Ei, Marsh (Jeer’s nicknames for him) Furball/Purrball, Sweet Fang (Maarzi’s, latter is stage name as well) Age: early 20s Gender: Agender/genderfluid
Nationality: Uh Place of Birth: Dune, Elsweyr Current residence: Winterhold, Skyrim? Cyrodiil? Iunno. Cheydinhal maybe? Religion: Uh...questioning.
Languages: Jel, Dunmeris, Cyrodilic
Career: College student, part time librarian, part time stripper
- Sees-In-Mist, guardian (missing) - Jeer-Rah, best friend/poly pal/roommate - Maarzi, best friend/poly pal/roommate/coworker - Stalks-In-Shadows, friend/brother/abusive asshole TL;DR not fun times happen - Cheddar, doggo
Pets: He’s got his hands full with Cheddar, a dog that followed him home after work one night. Some sort of mutt. Yes J’hasi is bad at picking Cyrodilic names for things. Wants a fish.
Household: Small apartment with Shadows that they found near where Shadows works in a garage and the black market in the back.
He lives with Maarzi and Jeer in a small house they rent out from Maarzi’s parents. It’s cozy and sometimes a lil lively, sometimes quiet when Jeer leaves on a trip, but it’s home and it’s safe.
Social media: He’s on Twitter, only because Maarzi made him an account. She keeps changing his settings because he doesn’t know how to change them yet. Has Skype just to talk to Maarzi and Jeer while on the go because group messaging doesn’t work on his phone.
Height: 5′9″ Body type: Scrawny af, starting to get a lil muscle and pudge with Maarzi’s help, which has massively helped him with his part time job. Hair color and type: Black and straight, thick and it used to be long, but it got cut short recently. Eye color and shape: Green and...big? Iunno. Tattoos/Piercings/Distinguishing marks: Spots everywhere, light grey on his chest and tum and groin, white patches on the backs of his ears and tip of his tail, and stripe-spots on his back and tail. Think black/grey king cheetah.
Virgin: yes / no Age when they lost their virginity: 
Virginity is a social construct, but he hasn’t done the do. Smooches are about it. Maybe a little bit past smooches >_>
Smoking: No. Drinking: A bit too much. Maarzi has been working with him about it. Drugs: No.
Personality: Stressed out, tired, quiet, and withdrawn while out and about. Extremely focused when he’s working on something. At home he’s stressed out, tired, quiet and super fucking affectionate with those he’s close with, though something recently happened that he’s kinda ehh with the intimacy thing. Easily frustrated, impulsive, and probably drinks a bit too much. Trying to level himself out like he’s supposed to but it’s hard. He’s arguably a sweet guy, just...not a good time right now. Anxious depressed furry ball of flop.
Hobbies: Sleeping, sleeping on top of Maarzi/Jeer, cuddling with Maarzi/Jeer, laying on the floor, watching the same ocean documentary for the sixth time this week and it’s only Tuesday...
He used to draw and read and go outside, but things happened and he doesn’t have a lot of time for that anymore anyways.
Favorite drink: Sujamma, tea, coffee...more coffee...with sujamma in... Favorite food: Ash yams, scrib jerky, fish...lots of stuff... Recently has gotten into liking spicy food. Favorite music: Listens to nearly anything, but smooth electronica and classic rock is probably his favorite go-tos. Rhythm = good. Favorite movie: Hasn’t watched many, but he loves Robin Hood. Which one? Well there’s several. Favorite TV show: Doesn’t really watch TV, it’s just background noise when he’s not feeling okay. Favorite books: He honestly couldn’t tell you. I could. Mostly horror, science fiction, fantasy, etc...
Clothing style: Jeans, t-shirts, sneakers, and either a hoodie, jacket, or a flannel over the top. Has a necklace with Hist wood that he has from Sees that he wears, and his stupid bulky wristband thing that’s for his condition. He hates it. Underwear type: None or briefs. Hates boxers under jeans, it makes him all EEGH with his fur.
Heroes: Robin Hood.
Bucket list:
- Graduate with his degree. Please. - Get a job that he doesn’t have to work two jobs, the stripping job pays well but like...he’d probably die of mortification if anyone from school knew he stripped to pay rent (Maarzi is working with him to get over this :/). - Get buff af. Jeer keeps showing him up and he hates being so twiggy. - Talk to mysterious stranger that he sees in the library every day. - Just live okay with his family and not have to worry about Shadows or money or his condition and just...just be okay...please?
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choilacanth · 11 months
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this is not the greatest song in the world no-ohhhh, this is just a tribute
from the rock au still sprouting in my brain.
also. soul-gem powered tube amps. tel wielding a sick 8-string Ibanez. the 1997 yellow Nissan equivalent of a tour cart. half their songs are in drop G. they go to the soul cairn to release s/erana from her awful dadmanager and get a sick skeletal horse for the trouble. also there are still dragons and things like that, which is why they need the soul-gem powered tube amps for maximum overdrive thu'um.
(i am very very very shy about posting anything related to this AU as it gets incredibly silly and drags in music close to my heart)
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but they also make some Ten D silly stuff poking fun at life in skyrim. this is just a tribute.
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