sclitvde · 3 months
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NSFW Pairing Meme || Raven and Panos (@biiscione) || accepting :3
Who is louder? >.> ..... Panos... obviously.
Who is more experimental? Raven! she loves introducing things to a relatively... ignorant... Panos :D
Who takes more risks? Raven *proud tears* our girl
Do they fuck or make love? this old married couple?!?! they make LOVE 😤
Lights on or off? lights off? city lights/lights outside their room on the estate is enough for them
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating? out of EITHER? Raven.
Who is more likely to suggest a threesome? .... Raven but only to fluster Panos
Has either stolen the other’s underwear?  Panos has for sure! our troublemaker. And Raven, if she's pranking him back for something stupid he did
Who comes first? uuuhhh RAVEN!!! you think Panos is into this for himself?!
Who is better at oral and who prefers it? we've discussed this but i also like reminding ppl: Panos is a certified MUNCH. he's SO good at it. he prefers to give and she prefers to receive :3
Who is more submissive?  oooo that's hard.... i'd say Raven! i feel like that's a pretty important part of being a pillow princess
Who usually initiates things? 'babe... you need me to help you relax? 🥺' it's PANOS r u kidding me?!?!?
Who is more sensitive? ooooo Panos but Raven'll never know it 😔
Who has the most patience? Raven <3 she's very patient with Panos in general (u kinda have to be) and his semi - aversion to sex, adjusting to make her interests work with Panos's.
Which kinks do they share?  this is hard.... facesitting? oral fixation. i feel like they're pretty vanilla together </3
@redbritishsniper / @two-midnightmercs <3
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monmuses · 4 years
@two-midnightmercs​ continued from here with Finn
     Something told Finn that this “love song” being played on the radio was just to kick start February. What a terrible place to play a song like that. A bar like this either had patrons wanting to escape from Cupid’s terrible games. But, of course, there had to be someone who have picked this with a terribly drunken mindset.
     Spotting her across the bar, the wolf seemed to notice a woman downing more shots than any other person at the bar table. The song was putting most people in a sour, depressed mood. And it was pretty obvious with the stranger. That was the emotional scent she could get from everyone collectively.
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     Slowly, she moved herself to sit next to the woman, feeling some sympathy for how she felt. Maybe she could help her... 
     “Long night for you, huh?” She spoke to the woman. “A poorly picked song for a time like this... I understand how you feel.”
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biiscione · 4 years
🤪 : a goofy voicemail (Vitt because I need some more of him and Angel!)
VOICEMAIL PROMPT  /  accepting  /  @snowwhite-merc ‘  *the voice that follows is hitched and strained as it holds back laughter* I . . . I thought I saw you today. I sent you a picture of you. *boisterous cackles* ti amo. *click*  ’
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perversiions · 6 years
🍼 (I must know for both of our ships again, baby!)
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                        RAVEN + PANAGIOTIS = ADRIANOS
              likes; freshly lacquered leather, bright prints, a jazz band playing in another room                    dislikes; being told what to do, the smell of stale beer, willful ignorance                                                        alignment; chaotic good                appearance; short, cool-toned dark brown hair, mahogany eyes with hooded lids,                      pointed chin with wide jaw. of average yet athletic build, wide shoulders and                                                                   narrow hips                                              which parent they look like more; panos                               which parent they like more; raven, let’s him do a lot more                                           height once fully grown; 6′1″ on a good day                                                  job ambition; international affairs                                                          faceclaim; finn wittrock
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                               X + ADALINE = VALENTINA
                   likes; sweet baked goods, the smell of honeysuckle, a running brook                 dislikes; arrogance, creeping haunting shadows, the smell of burnt hair                                                      alignment; neutral good                     appearance; thick off-black hair that stops below the waist, large,                             deep-set eyes of auburn, strong jaw, full lips. a relatively                                   lengthy form except for a broad set of shoulders                                           which parent they look like more; ada                               which parent they like more; x, a daddy's girl for sure                                                  height once fully grown; 6′                                                job ambition; freelance artist                                                    faceclaim; sofia boutella
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{{I have always admired your muses! Fantastic backstories!}}
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piecesofacrow · 7 years
After a small walk, Israel found himself inside a small coffee shop. He didn’t often come to places like such. He didn’t really enjoy public places. He felt pressured to speak with others and that wasn’t really his forte. At this point though, he was tired and needed something to get him to wake up for a little while. After ordering his drink he went and sat down taking a small sip before opening up his phone and reading a few messages from work.
After a few minutes he looked up from his phone and noticed a few tables that seemed to be filling up. People were talking back and forth and he was sitting all along at one of the tables. He felt slightly like an outcast before but now it was even worse. He felt slightly bad for being as socially awkward as he was but that wasn’t fully in his control. He let out an irritated sigh before laying his head down on the table, trying to avoid looking at anyone nearby.
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“Dear Diary”
August 17th, XXXX
Scout believes he has stolen my cigarettes. I have redirected the camera in the dining hall to my personal screen so that I may watch when my teammates light up the sticks of ground peppers I left as a decoy. There is a reason I do not share my cigarettes.
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modernspellsword · 7 years
“I got stabbed.”
Annalise stared at the unlucky bleeding body before her.  “Yes.  I noticed.”  She quipped.  “What of it?”  She asked as she poked around the wound.
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sclitvde · 3 months
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NSFW Pairing Meme || X and Adaline (@biiscione) || accepting :3
Who is louder? Unabashadley, X
Who is more experimental? Ada! watch out, BUD.
Who takes more risks? X because my man is with a woman who can burn things with her hands when she gets too excited 😭
Do they fuck or make love? they nastily make love
Lights on or off? they're day-fuckers. nothing like boning in the kitchen with the morning sun shining on them
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating? cutely, X
Who is more likely to suggest a threesome? oooooo Ada, jokingly. X, because she mentioned it
Has either stolen the other’s underwear?  X definitely has a pair of her panties in his pocket. but not stolen, she INSISTED he take 'em as a good luck charm.
Who comes first? X 😈
Who is better at oral and who prefers it? Ada knows she's great but she doesn't do it often. X is amazing and he loves eating her out <3
Who is more submissive?  they're pretty versatile; they could both be submissive (Ada likes to pretend X is more lol)
Who usually initiates things? X :3 she appreciates that
Who is more sensitive? Ada 😔 she pushes through tho because she has to see it through 😤
Who has the most patience? X; he loves her sm 😭
Which kinks do they share? light bondage, cockwarming, fire play (comes with the territory i fear), marking, edging, breeding :3
@redbritishsniper / @two-midnightmercs <3
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biiscione · 4 years
😍 : a loving voicemail (Panos to Raven duh!)
VOICEMAIL PROMPT  /  accepting ‘  lover *a pause, which allows the ambience of the boisterous bar to cut through* I gotchu that sauvignon blanc you like. miss you. love you. just wanted to tell you i’ll see ya in twenty.  ’
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perversiions · 6 years
Each post for two of our adorable ships!
              ┏                           This is just a little preface that’s literally me praising our muses.                                     FIRST OF ALL, how dare they be this adorable.                         Second of all, this post is so long but it’s worth it because i believe                                                   this is vital info for their ships.                                           Rambling is over. Please enjoy, friend. :))                                                                                                                                        ┛
              FOR RAVEN x PANOS / @two-midnightmercs​ x                                                  @perversiions
Who’s more likely to find who wearing their clothes?: Panos is definitely more likely to catch Raven wearing his clothesWho initiates hand holding?: PanosWho likes having their hair washed by who?: … they both like their hair washed by each otherWho likes to slow dance?: Panos. His obnoxious ass will disrupt anything she’s doing just to danceMuse that’s more likely to fall asleep with their head in the others lap?: RavenMuse that does all the cuddling in a blanket fort?: Panos can’t even make a blanket fort…. but he can cuddle pretty well.Who hogs most of the covers at night?: It’s pretty much a tug of war but at the end of the night, he usually lets Raven winMuse who nuzzles the others shoulder to get them to give them a head rub?: RavenHow do they share a desert? Two forks or one?: two… it’s an olympic sport to see who can finish it firstWho gets jealous more easily?: Panos and it isn’t a “I don’t trust you” thing, it’s more of a “I don’t trust THEM”Who gets angered more easily?: Panos… How do they go to sleep at night?: Start off cuddling but end up on opposite sides of the bed. Honestly, everyone needs their space.Who gets the most shoulder rubs?: Raven, of course! What are their arguments/fights like? How often do they fight?: Do they fight? It’s more of a thing where Panos gets pissed and Raven just tells him to suck it up, and he does.Who is more likely to throw things in fights?: Neither.How do they make it up to each other/apologize after an argument?: Just… get over it. Take time for themselves and apologize.Do they have nicknames for each other?: Yes; Panos’ for Raven is Pretty Lady… and idiot comes to mind for Panos from Raven.Caring for each other while ill, how does the other muse go about it?: Soup and sleep, for sure. Getting whatever they need in that time.Who’s more likely to be patching the others wound?: It’s give and take with them. One gets injured in a mission the other helps. Panos gets hurt doing God knows what and Raven’ll be there.Muse that says ‘I told you so’, after they come home from the beach and other muse is burnt to a crisp while whining how bad it hurts for not listening and putting on sunblock after the other muse repeatedly told them they’d get burnt?: RAVEN; although Panos doesn’t really burn but like, it’s the aura of the situation so yeah… Raven would definitely be like “Yeah… told you so.”Your otp has a newborn baby, who gets up in the middle of the night when he/she cries?: Panos and he would be INSISTENT that Raven stay in bed.Your muse’s reaction to finding the others crying about something? And how do they make them feel better?: Panos would sit next to her, put an arm around her if she’d let him, and wait until she wants to talk. Talking (well, signing) usually always help in situations like that he’s found.What would they be like as parents?: This is CANON but they’re the family that doesn’t quite fit in to the suburban neighborhood that they’ve just moved into. At PTA meetings, they’ll just talk shit and gossip amongst each other.What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts?: they’d be the “alternative” kids who skip school together to go to the museum or the park to just makeout.Who initiates taking a bath together?: They both do! Bunch of saps.The place they most likely accidentally fell asleep together?: The couch, kitchen table, the bar stools at the kitchen island…. wherever they can get it to be honest.
     FOR X x ADALINE / @two-midnightmercs​ x @biiscione​
Who’s more likely to find who wearing their clothes?: Adaline wearing X’s shirts uwuWho initiates hand holding?: I would say it’s 50/50Who likes having their hair washed by who?: They both do! It’s really inconvenient in the shower… but they try!Who likes to slow dance?: X. Ada lacks any sort of hand-eye coordination with her tall ass but will indulge X because… she loves him SO much.Muse that’s more likely to fall asleep with their head in the others lap?: Adaline; it’s a guilty pleasureMuse that does all the cuddling in a blanket fort?: X; he’d be the one to think of making a blanket fort in the first place.Who hogs most of the covers at night?: X! Adaline hates feeling warm so she’ll gladly give her side of the blanket to him.Muse who nuzzles the others shoulder to get them to give them a head rub?: Without a question, Ada.How do they share a desert? Two forks or one?: Well, two forks but they’ll try to feed each other.Who gets jealous more easily?: They’re so comfortable with each other and confident in one another… it’s hard to think they’d get jealous at all. But it’d be Adaline but only for like a split second and because of her disordered thinking.Who gets angered more easily?: X but it’s more frustration than anger.How do they go to sleep at night?: Adaline needs a fan on, yes, even in winter. They love to cuddle but each of them get hot (from Ada’s obnoxiously high body heat) that they end up parting and sleeping on opposite sidesWho gets the most shoulder rubs?: X because Ada knows he’s constantly under stress and tries her best to help him, even if he just needs a masseuse. What are there arguments/fights like? How often do they fight?: They’re both melodramatic but they don’t really fight. It’s more like stern glances and laughing about things.Who is more likely to throw things in fights?: X? How do they make it up to each other/apologize after an argument?: MAKEUP SEX; no but honestly, they end up over-apologizing to one another.Do they have nicknames for each other?: They both call each other adorable pet names. It’s ridiculousCaring for each other while ill, how does the other muse go about it?: X FAWNS over Ada. She loves it so much. Whatever she needs, he gets. Who’s more likely to be patching the others wound?: Adaline. Because of his line of work, she’s always bandaging scrapes and icing bruises but she still needs to get used to the more graphic wounds.Muse that says ‘I told you so’, after they come home from the beach and other muse is burnt to a crisp while whining how bad it hurts for not listening and putting on sunblock after the other muse repeatedly told them they’d get burnt?: Adaline; she loves X’s confidence but sometimes, it gets to his head. It’s okay. She doesn’t mind taking care of his burnt ass :))Your otp has a newborn baby, who gets up in the middle of the night when he/she cries?: Adaline would INSIST but X would take over and force her to get some rest.Your muse’s of the otp reaction to finding the others crying about something? And how do they make them feel better?: Wipes the tears from his cheeks and presses a kiss to the corner of his mouth. She adores him and feels his pain. Adaline would stay by his side as long as he needs her.What would they be like as parents?: The most loving, doting parents. Coming from two notoriously love-inclined cultures, they’d just fawn over their children. Discipline wouldn’t come easy to them but that’s okay. I bet their kids would be pretty well-behaved.What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts? Star-crossed lovers, writing poetry to one another and sneaking out late at night to watch the stars.Who initiates taking a bath together?: Adaline; she’ll try fitting her tall self into the tub with X like a cat trying to fit in a box.The place they most likely accidentally fell asleep together?: outside on the porch swing, couple of ol’ souls
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tcnaciious-a-blog · 6 years
Mutuals send me a ❤️ & I'll compliment you. 
YOOUUUUUU. I LOVE YOUR FACE AND YOUR MUSES. Oh man....your characters are so lovely and unique and it’s just so obvious how much thought you’ve put into them. I really can’t wait for you to finish your book so that I can read it. *Eyes emoji* You keep up the amazing work friendo!
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penumbraesomnia · 7 years
two-midnightmercs liked your post “//Like for a starter.”
“I don’t know if I should feel concerned or flattered to meet you. Being approached by someone from a group as prestigious as yours is...bittersweet. Either way, I hear you do good work. My peers have been watching you for some time now.”
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modernspellsword · 7 years
“The icing will cover the mistakes”
Annalise paused.  “Y-yes.  You wanna put it on?”  She asked.  “I feel as though I’ll find a way to make mistakes with the icing.”
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monmuses · 6 years
@two-midnightmercs cont. from here
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“I... I do not know.” She confessed, folding her arms across her chest. “Just... the thought of being free from being this. From being hunted for so long. I... I do not know what my future would be if all of... this changed.”
Her head nodded to her lower half. The Spider body that had been with her for so many years. And she was afraid. She wanted to be fixed, she wanted to be cured of this genetic curse. But what if she returned? Vivi dared not to think about it, but wanted to vent her thoughts to someone. And this person was the only one to come across her way.
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Send me a :D and my muse will tell the corniest joke they can come up with!
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“Time flies like an arrow.....fruit flies like a banana”
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