#twst nameless fic 1
harunayuuka2060 · 4 months
MC: ...
Malleus: ...
MC: *snuck into his palace again and entered his room unintentionally while he was changing*
Malleus: Should I just end you?
MC: Please make it quick.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: *sigh* What are you doing here, human?
MC: ...
MC: To be honest... I don't remember.
Malleus: You've invaded my home once again, and you have no recollection of why you're here?
MC: No. I might be lucky to remember it in the afterlife?
Malleus: *unamused*
Malleus: I'll let you off this time, but if you repeat this, you know the consequences.
MC: Yes...
MC: By the way, why the need to take a bath if you're going to wear the same clothes you had yesterday?
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Human.
Ace: *laughs* Bitch- You implied that he stinks?
MC: No! I was trying to ask if he didn't have any other clothes?!
Ace: Same thing!
MC: ...
MC: You think he'll forgive me if I buy him new clothes?
Ace: Do you want to be incinerated?
MC: ...
Ace: MC, you've got no nine lives.
MC: I know! Okay? I know.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: What are these?
MC: *bought him those printed shirts* Peace offering?
Malleus: ...
Malleus: What does this one say? *pointing at one of them*
MC: "Baby Gurl".
Malleus: ...
MC: In my defense, this one was on sale.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: *smiles*
MC: Okay! Okay! I'll remove it!
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 1 year
Don't know if you know Honkai Star Rail or not, but I just wanna share this with you since I just love your mind whenever you make an AU.
So recently I played this game (the aforementioned name), and I love the plot it currently have.
In my head I have this idea where Floyd and Riddle got into an accident that sent them to another dimension where there they have to save the world in order to find a way to get back. Because of their action they got blessed with longevity, a gift (or curse, depend on who you ask) given to them by the God of that world in order to help them find a way to get back to twst. Why? Because there's no way to simply sent them back, they have to find a way on their own. Along with that, they also gain the ability to jump between planets and worlds, but when doing so it will cost so much of their energy, they usually have to rest for years even decades to regain that energy.
So they did.
They live on for hundred of years. Along the way their relationship began to flourish, and now they're inseparable. Not to mention as the years goes by, they become more and more powerful. They don't even need their gems anymore, yet they still carry it as a reminder of their one main goal.
Centuries pass by, and while they believe that if they even get back, nothing will be the same and everyone they know may be dead. Yet they still wish to go back.
On their journey, in one of the many battles in the many worlds they visit, they meet the Trailblazers or Nameless. After listening to their story, this group promised to help them, as long as they agree to help them while traveling together in doing their mission.
Desperate after so many centuries, Floyd and Riddle agree.
So now they're part of Trailblazers. And in my head, if I ever make a fic about it, the story will focus on their journey together with the group.
What do you think? Personally, I just to imagine them in outfits inspired by the characters in HSR, since their outfits are juts so gorgeous!
Hewo :3
I'm currently at a hackatron, so Idk when the internet will allow me to post this :'3
Tbh, it sounds like a nice plot! I'm not really familiar with Star Rail and I also don't really plan on being aquinted with it...
So I would say go for it! It sounds like a solid fic material, but maybe to stabilize things, you can add a 'time flows differently' rule, if you want a 1 sided angst. You can say that decates in that dimension is the equivalent of days/weeks back in twst. Or you can keep it like that, but most likely it will end up with a sequel prompt, where they have to get used to the new twst(logically speaking tech and places would drastically change along decates, let alone centuries)
Also, if you really want a more detailed conflict, you can make the nameless grow to be suspicious of the 2. (it can vary from they lack of knowledge about twst world or maybe odd lil details of the 2)
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harunayuuka2060 · 4 months
MC: I understand that we might have gotten off on the wrong foot-
Malleus: This is more than that, human.
MC: ...
MC: Okay! Yes! This is more than that! My ancestors hurt your kind! And we believed that you were the bad guys!
MC: And it took us generations to realize our mistake!
MC: ...
MC: I know sorry won't just cut it.
Malleus: ...
MC: ...
Malleus: You read the history books?
MC: The ones in your dungeon? Yeah.
Malleus: I'll still punish you for breaking in.
MC: Yeah. I know.
Malleus and MC: ...
MC: It smells like dragon shit in there.
Malleus: *frowns*
MC: *chuckles* Sorry. I'm like this when I know I'm in big trouble.
Malleus: You need to fix that behavior, human.
MC: If you're going to spare me, I would.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: I'll think about it.
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harunayuuka2060 · 4 months
Malleus: ...
MC: *grins* I've got some fruits! Get down here and let's eat!
Malleus: ...
Malleus: *turns away*
MC: Oh. Okay. He doesn't like fruits.
MC: *mutters* What am I going to do with these now? Feed them to ants?
Malleus: *appears before them*
Malleus: You weren't planning to insist on giving them to me?
MC: ...
MC: Soooo... You want them?
Malleus: Can you reassure me that those aren't poisonous?
MC: Yeah! I'll bite on each fruit. If I don't drop dead, they're good.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: You are disgusting.
MC: Wha-*laughs*-at?
MC: *reading the book they stole from Malleus*
Malleus: ...
MC: *their expression seems sad and full of guilt*
Malleus: ...
Malleus: What's wrong, human?
MC: !!!
MC: *immediately smiles* Ah, it's nothing!
Malleus: ...
Malleus: You're reading the section detailing how humans destroyed the habitat of hundreds of faeries.
Malleus: You would call that nothing?
MC: ...
MC: Of course not. But who am I to share my sentiment?
Malleus: ...
Malleus: I would like to hear your sentiment, human.
MC: ...
MC: *smiles* Okay. You might already know this, but my ancestors also fought in the war against faes. When I was a child, I thought that faes deserved their deaths because they were evil.
Malleus: ...
MC: But not until I met my aunt. She's a woodland fae.
Malleus: A woodland fae?
MC: Yeah. She's kind, but doesn't take shit, you know? *laughs* She had taught me everything.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Where is your aunt now? Is she living together with humans?
MC: ...
MC: No. She disappeared one day. And what's more? No one in my family knew about her. It's as if the history of her existence vanished alongside her.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Your aunt seems to value you greatly.
MC: Huh? How?
Malleus: She has appointed you to hold her memory. Not all faes would do that.
MC: Wow... *grins* Thank you! I feel a lot better now!
Malleus: I'm not attempting to console you, human. Your sorrowful expression repels me.
MC: ...
MC: And we're back to square one.
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harunayuuka2060 · 4 months
Ace: Did you manage to get forgiveness from the dragon?
MC: Yeah. But he burned my shoes.
Ace: *laughs*
Ace: Is that why you walked here barefoot?
MC: *sigh* Not only that. He even told me:
MC: "Don't come into my home with your dirty shoes, human."
MC: ...
MC: Guess I'll have to go there barefoot from now on.
Ace: ...
Ace: So what's your plan?
MC: Plan?
Ace: Yeah. You're not actually approaching him to be his friend, right?
Ace: I mean, that's just plain stupid.
MC: ...
MC: Hey, what's stupid about befriending someone?
Ace: I dunno. Maybe the fact that we humans hurt their kind thousands of years ago.
Ace: And we're talking about a dragon who had witnessed that happen.
Ace: He won't forget that just because "a human wants to become friends with him".
MC: ...
MC: You pessimistic shit.
Ace: I'm realistic, not pessimistic.
Malleus: You're here again.
MC: Hi?
Malleus: *glances at their feet*
MC: I'm not wearing shoes today. Just as you instructed.
MC: Though they feel itchy.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: You are a fool. *then walks back to his castle*
MC: ...
MC: *shrugs their shoulders in defeat*
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