shadowoflegend · 5 years
+Link 0w0
send '+' and a character and my muse must talk positively about them!
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"Hmmmmm where do I begin~? I like how he goes to basically any length to make others happy despite his own health, which is why he has me to nurse him better"
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"And I just love his cooking, Especially his pumpkin stew! Seriously his pumpkin stew is amazing i swear it makes me feel tougher! He's also an amazing fishermen who cleans up what rubbish he might catch. He is also the only one who can really calm down the goats when something spooks them"
"He's also an amazing marks man! And I know you'll probably say otherwise Link but I've seen you dispatch the Skulltula in the forest, you're good with a bow. And need I bother stating how good you are with a blade? Also I've heard you're a pretty good sledder, we should shield surf sometime!"
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"But more importantly your best trait by far is just how kind and friendly you are when you open up! I still recall how quiet you were when we first met and....to be honest I found your shyness to be adorable. But once you opened up....it was like you were a different person. And I wanted to help this person and protect him....and share our days with him".
"I'll never forget how happy you make me everyday Link".
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"And let's not forget you make some amazing coco!"
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untamedhero · 5 years
Omg I really want to see Gethin in the D2 outfit (because right now it fits him XD) and C2 as accessory in red :3
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Done!! I was also recording this but my phone basically had fits every now and then so parts are missing.
Please ask Twxlxghtwulf if you wish to reblog this.
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herofromtheforest · 5 years
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"Please don't call me senior"
Hey get off it Time, Senior can be used as a sign of respect ya know!
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liittlemac-a · 6 years
"Mac! Twi is blackmailing me!" (wildchildlonk)
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“Ain’t that the furry bloke?
Jus’ get a picture of him at Furfest. He’ll fuck off, right?
…I mean, I can kick his arse for ya if y’ really want me too–”
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stella-ignis-rosea · 5 years
Who are some of your favorite RP partners?
@flamesofemotion @blacksteeldragon @twxlxghtwulf @ask-corrupted-blue-link @clumsyviolet-rp @manylegendsaretold
Honestly...I wouldn’t be here still if I hadn’t met these guys...I don’t really talk to many people except them and it’s really hard to really find someone that wants to rp with me and not ditch the thread :’)
These guys helped me when I was in a low point...but the one who stuck by me the most for almost a year or two is well @clumsyviolet-rp
Words can’t express the gratitude I feel for never leaving my side...you always go out of your way just to chat or rp with me and for that...thats enough to really make my cry with absolute joy...to stay here long enough to really meet these loveable beans...-sniffles crying- thank you..so much...for all the rps and the fun talks we had and still have...
@twxlxghtwulf I must say it’s because of you that I’m able to trust other Zelda RPers again...your kind words and encouragement always helped me back on my feet when I’ve fallen..
@flamesofemotion and @blacksteeldragon honestly I love you guys so damn much that mere words can’t really express it, you guys gave me a lot of laughs and adorable, badass and epic moments, as Kohaku would say you guys are the best Pesrudo (I don’t know if I spelled that right) Parents ever! Even if he starts cussing like a sailor under gajeels influence
@manylegendsaretold ...I haven’t known you for long...just for a few months I wanna day thank you for waisting your time on a trashbean like me...it’s really fun doing rps with you and honestly just taking with you makes me perk up a bit on a bad day...thanks man...you really are a great friend OwO
@ask-corrupted-blue-link we haven’t spoken for so long but I still love doing rps with you! I love your drawings and your corrupted bean 030 thanks man for the wonderful rps
Ok im gonna go cry now :’)
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fieldsofmelody · 6 years
Aaaaah so I just realized my activity feed ate a LOT of replies that I recieved and going through I owe like 20 people right now!!
So if we have a thread and I owe you please let me know/like this post!
People I owe (as far as I know!):
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legendbegins · 6 years
1) Choose one of your own characters (OC). 2) Make them answer the following questions. 3) Then tag three people. 4) Feel free to add some questions of your own.
TAGGED BY: @tearbcrne TAGGING: @fearless2ndmate, @luxaeterna, @spiritedmaiden, @twxlxghtwulf, @dxskregina, @cxsmicjester, @miiphaa, @royalty-of-sandxseas but only if you wanna!!
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1) WHAT GENDER ARE YOU? “Male, but I have been mistaken for being a female, not that I mind.”
2) WHAT IS YOUR AGE? “Twenty-seven, or at the very least, I believe I’m around there.”
3) DO YOU WANT A HUG? “Not particularly, unless you’re one of those whom I trust.”
4) DO YOU HAVE ANY BAD HABITS? “I suppose... However, Fi has helped me with my mild alcohol problem. Crimson is convinced I have a death wish, which is not true.” 
5) WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? “Simple soups... Though, I’ve taken a liking to spicier foods.” 
7) ARE YOU A VIRGIN? “Now, that isn’t really your business now is it?”
8) HAVE YOU KILLED ANYONE? “Besides monsters, I have not.” “... I, I killed my CO-” (in which Link is the Renegade)
9) DO YOU HATE ANYONE? “I try not to do so, but Demise and Ghirahim are the holders of my ire.”
11) WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? “Summer. I’ve always hated the winter... It’s icy bite is one I rather avoid if possible.”
12) WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND(S)? “Orville. There’s few I’d trust with everything, but he’s one of them. Fi, surely is, but I am hesitant about Crimson... There’s a few more but I am... Unsure.”
15) WHEN IS YOUR BIRTHDAY? “... I never knew, but it is during the late summer.”
16) WHAT AGE DID YOU DIE? “I shall die when I’m 27, succumbing to my injuries after sealing Demise away... At the very least, Crimson will keep me company.”
17) ARE YOU NICE OR MEAN? "Truly, it depends, but I believe it is better to be kind than rude.”
18) ARE YOU SOCIAL OR SHY? “I may be quiet, but don’t think I won’t hesitate to speak up.”
19) WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR PARENTS? “I only knew of my mother, but even then, it’s very little. She... Loved my brother and I but, she was often sad and tired... With all things considered I don’t blame her. She was dedicated but she was sharp, and few dared to get close to her. Ma, she was like an untamed fire.” 
20) WHAT’S YOUR WEAKNESS? “Dark enclosed spaces with no clear exit.”
21) HOW LONG CAN YOU STAY UNDER WATER? “For a little bit? But I really don’t want to test that theory.”
22) WHAT DO YOU DO ON A REGULAR DAY BASIS? “Once again, it depends, but I spends lots of time speaking with Impa and Her Grace, sometimes with the captains.”
23) DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? “Yes. In both meanings of the word.”
26) EVER WORN A DRESS? “Mhm, however, it has only been one a few occasions.”
27) WILLINGLY? “It’s not as if I were forced into one.”
28) WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER FUN IN THE DAY TIME? “I’d say exploring, just, simply walking just for the sake of seeing what you can see.”
29) AT NIGHT? “... Dancing with Hylia was enjoyable, but I like to look up at the stars. It’s calming.”
30) EVER KISSED ANYONE? “In the romantic and platonic sense.”
33) WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE THING TO TOUCH? “Hate to say this but, Crimson’s feathers.”
34) ANYONE LOVE YOU? “Yes, and I love them full-heartedly in return.” 
36) WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? “I’d rather not say.”
37) DO YOU HAVE A PET? “No... Crimson would have my head on a platter if I said so.”
40) WHAT ARE YOU? “A knight.”
41) WHAT’S YOUR NICKNAME? “Unfortunately, Linny.” 
42) DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF A HAPPY OR A DOWN PERSON? “I try to see the best in others, but I know enough to not count on that.”
45) WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT OCCUPATION? “... Again, a Knight of Hylia.”
46) WHO DO YOU KNOW THAT BUGS YOU? “Adall.” “Certainly, however, I am not naming anyone.” A LONG HARD LOOK AT A CERTAIN LORD
48) DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF A WARRIOR? “‘Yes, it’s what I’ve always excelled at, but I enjoy being a teacher.”
49) HAVE YOU ‘DONE IT’ IN THE PAST MONTH? “There is a war going on.”
50) EVER THINK ABOUT GETTING MARRIED? “I’ve always liked the idea of it, but I doubt that is for me. I, I never thought I’d live long enough for marriage.”
51) HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SLEEPOVER WITH SOMEONE OF THE OPPOSITE SEX? “... Unless you count sleeping the barracks or huddling for warmth with Eza, than no.”
52) WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU ‘DID IT’? 53) DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS ANYWHERE? “My ears, some ruby earrings Orv gifted me.”
54) ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? “I do not know, and considering that my family had disowned my mother... I am not keen on searching for them to ask, but I doubt it.”
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shadowoflegend · 5 years
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"Why hello there~ have you lost your way?".
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shadowoflegend · 6 years
☀ -{Whoop here we go! 0w0}-
Send me a ☀ to turn my muse into a child!
For a few days Dark Link had been feeling sickly, slowly hiding himself away more and more over the passing days until he shut himself away. The following morning Dark Link woke up feeling like his old self and oddly energetic. Leaping out of bed, Dark Link headed to see Link but stopped when he noticed that something was wrong.
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"Why is everything bigger?" He asked himself, not noticing the change in his voice. "Maybe Link will know? He's very smart after all!" Not wasting another second, the child shade opened the door and greeted the hero of Hyrule.
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"Hey Link! I'm feeling way better now!" He chirped.
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shadowoflegend · 6 years
💋- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain?
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"How about kissing in the dark while it's raining?"
🍼- what is your favorite memory?
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"Wow that's a hard one. I'm torn between the day I met Link(@twxlxghtwulf) and the day I met Twiglet (@amisitumbra) ....I guess I'll have to choose the day I met Twiglet for the first time. He's such a gentle thing, and if it were not for him, I would have never met Link!".
🍓- one secret about yourself
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"I'm. ...I'm kinda prone to child-like behaviour when it rains like splashing in puddles...not much of a secret but it's not a commonly known thing about me".
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?
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"That would have to be when Link was a bit mad at me. We got separated once during a battle in a strange land that wild accidentally summoned us to. Thing is his anger was perfectly understandable, he was just worried when he was sent home by wild and me and Twiglet weren't"
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"But everything turned out for the better in the end!"
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shadowoflegend · 6 years
*Throws Link at Dark for the wedding meme* -{Hurry, Link! Before it's too late!!!}-
The dark Hylian was having a nice stroll through Hyrule field, enjoying the peace and quiet when suddenly he was struck from behind! Falling over from the impact he tried to push himself up only to realise that something was on him. His arms gave way to the added weight forcing the dark Hylian back down. Unimpressed with the situation, he gave a brief huff before attempting to get up again.
And then he saw it! A ring wrapped around his finger. A ring that he was sure there wasn't one before!
Collapsing again under the weight, Dark stared at the ring amazed and confused. "An engagement ring?" He uttered before looking to see what was thrown at him. It was Link, The hero of Twilight! But who would throw him? That's no way to treat a hero! Still it was an odd coincidence that a ring would appear on his finger and he'd have the Hero of Twilight thrown at him...very odd indeed.
"Well now what's this? I get knocked off my feet by Link then an engagement ring appears around my finger?"
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"Is someone trying to tell me something? Oh but look at you, you must be hurt! Can't have my hero hurting now can I?".
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untamedhero · 5 years
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"Why do people pollute rivers? Don't they realise how bad it is for the animals?"
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"I was wondering what happened to my boots"
@twxlxghtwulf (his expressions thoughXP)
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herofromtheforest · 6 years
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"Now what has been going on here? I was happily fishing until Wild came up to me looking rather worried, said that someone has been winding you up Twilight".
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"I'll tell you what Twilight, why don't you come with me and do some fishing? I heard from Wild awhile ago that you know where the best fishing hole is!"
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untamedhero · 6 years
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"I can hear you judging me! ....stop it!".
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untamedhero · 6 years
🥃 -{I hope the symbol sends on mobile ^^'}-
Send 🥃 to find my Muse drunk!
(It didXD @twxlxghtwulf )
It wasn't often that he'd drink in excess. He knew what would happen if he did! But this time the century old champion allowed himself to drink as today was a significant day to him.
Today was the anniversary of the calamity.
Slumped over a table in the pub, Wild heard footsteps approaching him. Pushing himself up to see who those footsteps belonged to, Wild was surprised to see just who decided to drop in. "Oh no...please go. You don't want to be near me in this state" he spoke rather coherently despite being pickled.
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"It's my fault!... it's my fault everyone died that day!" He sobbed, taking another drink of his ale.
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untamedhero · 6 years
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What is your alignment?
"I don't think that "website" as you call it, is working. I'd hardly call myself lawful for letting people die!".
Oh give yourself a break Wild! It ain't your fault you fell that day. So stop blaming yourself already!!...ffs.
Tagged by: the best hero there ever was (@twxlxghtwulf)
Tagging: @darknesswithincream @perpetua-tenebris (cause reasons....and Gethin). And whoever else wants to do this!^_^
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