#ty to the ppl who record their shows so i can watch
sunflowerrboyy · 2 years
uh oh ajr brainrot tonight girlies
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pronouncingitwang · 3 years
reverse unpopular opinion: melanie but also elias
@coulson-is-an-avenger also asked for melanie so tagging them here okay now let’s gooooo
melanie qing light of my life only person i care about in the entire world! remember how canonically in like her first few weeks working at the institute she made both tim and martin cry like yeah if you think about that too hard i do feel bad for the lads but i’m also living life with my melanie-loving goggles on so i only care about the iconicity
obsessed obsessed obsessed with her in mag131 talking to jon after he did surgery on her leg like i’m forever jenny slate nasa scream at “it stayed because i wanted it.” also obsessed with the entirety of her statement in mag117 right before the unknowing like the fucking fact that she refuses to make a “proper” statement about her getting shot in the leg because that pain is HERS and it doesn’t exist for jon (/the eye) to study and call “fascinating” the fact that she insists her therapist turn the tape recorder off the way she always fights tooth and nail to hang onto what she believes rightfully belongs to her (including the ghost bullet, which ofc is a bad move but i don’t love ppl for making good moves, i love ppl for having personalities and good intentions) the way she chooses to hold onto herself (paraphrasing here but in mag150 with the ”if i’m just another cog in their machine then i’m not turning”) and her values like god. god. god.
i don’t have to talk nice about elias until i get to answering that part of your question so let’s just say that the moment i despised that wretched creature the most in the entire podcast was when he made melanie cry like the apocalypse is bad but also i have priorities justifiable by the fact that melanie is so good and she deserves to kill elias soooo bad
i remember in an assistants round table that lyd nicholas said that melanie bases a lot of her worth on her competency, at being good at her job, and thinking about how that got torn away from her, first with becoming a joke in the ghost hunting community (which is where i’m assuming she got most of her friends - who later all abandoned her except georgie), then with her new job title being Cog In The Evil-Making Machine, and i love her for the fact that she was able to fight her way out of her self-worth being taken away and say “no more supernatural stuff i’m making a new life for myself now” and yes i do think she needed the leg surgery to get there but the rest of that was HER (*martha jones voice* this was her. getting out.)!
and i love the ways in which melanie is kind! i love that she went to check on sarah baldwin alone when she wasn’t keeping watch anymore because she didn’t want to wake the other crewmates and embarrass her! i love the way she checks up on martin after elias shoves trauma at him! i love that when she told jon she was quitting in mag155 she says “it’s the rest of you i’m worried about” because she still cares about them, maybe just because they’re people, maybe bc they’ve been through so much together, but that’s something! i love her sleepy voice when she tells georgie she woke the admiral in mag157! i love that she was the first one to rescue someone from a domain because she couldn’t leave her therapist there to suffer! i love her for “we shouldn’t talk about them like this, they’re good people” in mag190! i love that she is still angry and she still hates people and yet despite all that she works to help them and protect them! I Just Love Her
as for elias.......... uh. i can appreciate someone using their magic eye powers to show up and steal birthday cake. also when he said martin’s work would’ve suffered if he’d told the archives team jon had been kidnapped (and tortured and traumatized for a month while elias sat around and did NOTHING about it like literally nothing just like he fucking let not!Sasha run amok through all of season 2) that was.. kinda... funny.....? *checks clock* oh thank god i’m done now
ty for the ask!
ask me to gush about something, regardless of my opinions on it
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seokjxnnie · 4 years
hi i see that you've been to a couple bts concerts! can you describe what it was like seeing them irl? and what the process was like the day of? thank you so much ^0^
hi love! thx so much for ur patience, sorry i wasn’t on all day yesterday to answer u! i’m going to walk u thru everything i can remember about each concert, so i’m putting it under a break bc it gets long!
bts love yourself in LA 2018: A  M E S S! this was my first bts concert and also my first big concert outside of my own city (vancouver) so idk if staples centre was just incredibly disorganized or if this was the normal concert experience LOL and sorry if i come off as judgy but ngl it was was a very unpleasant up to the point of the actual show bc a lot of the fans (plus their parents??!!!) were so hostile LMAO
my friend and i had GA floor tickets. a lot of ppl who had GA camped outside the venue for days straight leading up to the concert, and even tho the venue said they didn’t allow camping and wouldn’t hold the campers’ place in line, they went back on their word and did anyway (which in retrospect i don’t blame them bc i think the campers would’ve started an all out war if the venue actually followed thru on that rule). so early morning on the day of (7-8am) the venue staff numbered the campers’ hands with sharpies so that it would count as their position in line, but when everyone lined up to get their wristbands for GA, not everyone in that lineup had camped so a lot (not all) of the campers got rly aggressive and wanted to check everyone’s hands. if they found someone without a number they’d bully that person to leave the lineup and go to the end. a lot of those aggressors were like young teenagers and their parents either came to keep them company as they lined up or they were attending the concerts themselves, and some of those parents would assist their child in harassing other ppl and then played victim when the news crew came around which was w i l d to me. but i think that behaviour was eventually curbed bc a lot of other ppl in line like spoke back and stood up against their hostility. oh also! while in this lineup, several black range rovers in a row drove past us and into the venue, so we were pretty sure the boys were in those cars.
anyway, that lineup was to get into a section of venue to get official wristbands that would hold ur position in line for GA later at the concert. this took a few hours. but at the same time (a little later in the morning ~10-11am) the lineup for merch opened up elsewhere a the venue and if i remember correctly, things sold out rly quick. i luckily had other friends attending the concert, but they had seated tickets so didn’t have to line up for GA wristbands like me, so they were able to line up and get merch for us. once GA ppl got their wristbands, we were free to go and were to return to the venue 1-2 hrs before the concert start, unless u won soundcheck then you’d be let in sometime in the afternoon to see the boys. u were also able to stick around and line up for the photobooth but we were exhausted from everything so we left.
it was a pleasant experience after that. we went home and took a nap and hydrated and got ready for the concert LOL in the evening when GA ppl came back to line up for the show, our wristbands were numbered as our position in line so we ordered ourselves with the help of the staff and waited in line outside the venue for a couple hrs. we weren’t allowed to bring in anything more than a small bag. everyone around us was nice, a lot of ppl were handing out free merch that they made! then we were let in one at a time with a security check at the door, and after that we’d rush into the arena to secure a good view. i was around #~250 and still i stood like 2nd row from the extended stage. it was an amazing view when the boys were on the extended stage, bc they were a couple arms length away and we were in the splash zone when yoongi tossed his water bottle around during tear. i also remember jimin being super interactive and flirty with the fans around the extended stage too. but i will say it’s impossible to see anything when they’re on the mainstage (esp when ur short like me), so i was watching them from the screens a lot. i think joon took someone’s phone and recorded himself on with it too! again, everyone around us were super nice and caring, telling ppl not to push each other and comforting each other as we sobbed throughout. a tall girl standing in front of me asked me if i could see and would try to tilt her shoulders in a way that open up my view which was v sweet but i told her dw just enjoy urself!
ofc the boys were amazing - as amazing as u would expect and them some! they sounded so amazing live that i literally had to ask myself several times during the concert if they were lipsyncing. they were incredibly fun, great onstage energy, and very interactive! sososo much prettier in real life too.
bts speak yourself in chicago 2019: this was undeniably a greater experience all around. this was the stadium tour, so floor seats were seated and numbered, which eliminated the whole terrible camping/lining up experience and everyone just had to come a little early to seat themselves before the show. also, merch sales were offered for 3 days: the day prior to day1 of the concert, day1 before the concert, and day2 before the concert. from my knowledge they didn’t sell out either so all around it felt way more organized, which might’ve just been bc the capacity was going to be 3x greater (soldier field was ~60k and staples centre was ~20k) and they were prepared for that. there was also a photobooth but i think it was only open to certain ppl that won a ticket or smth idr :///
my friend and i didn’t get floor seats this time bc not only did they almost all sold out immediately, but we kind of wanted a view of everything unlike in LA. in LA even tho bts was right there when they were on the extended stage, we couldn’t see anything when they were on the mainstage. so this time we sat in the seated section near like the cat walk and ~10 rows up, and bc the stadium was so huuuge bts was still pretty small but at least i could see all their performances no matter which stage they were on. so, we got merch the day before which was an easy breezy and much quicker process, and got into the stadium ~1 hr before the concert. u were also only allowed to bring in a small transparent bag, but i just brought my phone, a credit card, and an ID in my pockets. also! before the concert, we saw who we thought was txt standing at the very top balcony of the stadium, which we later confirmed in a bangtan bomb/episode!
bc it was an open stadium and chicago had cooler weather around that time which was even chillier at night IT WAS SO COLD. it had been raining all day but thankfully it stopped before the concert started and the stage was cleared so the boys wouldn’t slip (and thank god bc i was so worried about that). joon even said smth along the lines of “hey guys it’s meant to be, it was raining all day until we got together 🥰” and i hmmmmmmmmmmmm :’(((((((( but during their performances i didn’t even notice the cold (even tho my hands and feet no longer felt attached to my body) bc they were so amazing and i was crying too hard!!!
i have to say even tho they had already set a pretty high bar for the energy i expected from them, they even exceeded it this time round. i think they were super excited and proud to do their first stadium tour :’) they had learned a lot of english to share with us during their introductions, between their songs, and in their goodbyes. their production was crazy as you might’ve seen in fancams: an all out set for dionysus, huge bouncy castles for anpanman, and jungkook was on a fucking zipline for euphoria LOL
it was an amazing unparalleled experience and i hope u get to experience it too some day anon! i hoped that helped and sorry it was so long and i probs told u way more than what u were looking for LMAO but lmk if u have any other questions i can answer!! ty!!!!
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leaflens · 4 years
Get to know 8 people better
❥ tagged by @to-kei 💞💞 ty!
001 / Alias(es): salad! long for "sal" ^_^
002 / Birthday: 20th december
003 / Zodiac: sagittarius / year of da rabbit 🐴🐰
004 / Height: idk i havent measured in ages.... at Least 160cm / 5'2 aka taller than the average indonesian lol
005 / Hobbies:
bideo games unfortunately. remember when being a gamer wasnt ugly expensive *misses the days when harvest moon was good*
drawing! i havent been making very serious art these days, just so i can fall in love w/ drawing again.. i mostly make pen doodles but im too embarrassed to post them hfhdjs
recently, baking! i only rlly make cakes and donuts. i actually Just made some apple turnovers :]
does daydreaming abt my ocs count
006 / Favorite color(s): this very specific reddish magenta. also yellow and Refreshing Greens
Tumblr media
007 / Favorite book: manga counts right.... in tht case i love "fumetsu no anata e" / "to your eternity", "blue period", and "skip to loafer"! theyre all pretty different, first one being a fantasy and other two are set in school. please check them out!!
008 / Last song I listened to: adieu, to this lovely graveyard by akatsuki records. listen. i dont normally listen to this type of song but its so fun and unique
009 / Last movie I saw: most recent rewatch was detective pikachu and ofc i cried when bulbasaur showed up. most recent first viewing was midnight runners. not the type of movie id usually watch but my friend put it on..
010 / Muse inspiration(s): im gonna interpret this as art inspiration.... dioppio, ermineralogy, ghostpotion, hmiju, maepng/orangejulcy, qosic, riryou_, sowwysap, tsumugician, yoshitoki oima (creator of koe no katachi + fnae), zakk, thts just from the top of my head, i could go ON.... im just *inspired by everything and everyone*
000 / Tags: @abbf26​ + @b1sky​ + @cowbov + @eilclark + @frogpride​ + @goldendeerpropaganda + @mielracle​ + anyone who wants to do it! just say i tagged you <3 ppl tagged dont have to do it either kfhgfkjg
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linos-teeth · 5 years
i got tagged
in the 50 questions and the about me tag by @chngbok ty browse!! these are a lot of questions and idk who i want to bother with them (unless you wanna be bothered then consider yourself tagged) but in case you wanna know some random stuff abt me there’s a lot of that under the cut!
what takes too much of your time?
currently, fic writing for sure
what makes your day better?
uhhh ideas, music, skz (except lino bc he literally just makes me cry)
what is the best thing that happened to you today?
lino in the victory song dance practice? (wow there's a theme already)
what fictional place would you like to go to?
hmmmmm the arbor wilds, the crossroads, the forge, h-047c, watford
are you good at giving advice?
do you have any mental illness?
uhhhh not theoretically (as in not diagnosed oops)
have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
luckily not
what musician inspired you the most?
boy i rly can't say, usually it's writers or games that inspire me and music not so much?
have you fallen in love?
most likely yeah
what’s your dream date?
idk man surprise me like...going out exploring and doing things i haven't done before that don't include any drugs or stuff also movies are good
what do others notice about you?
my hair (it's long)
what is an annoying habit that you have?
biting my uh...the skin next to my nails? and my lips? i guess?
do you still talk to your first love?
ha nah
how many ex’s do you have?
how many songs are in your playlist?
i have 685 deezer faves
what instruments do you play?
piano, idk if recorder counts, used to play the oboe but...not any more
who do you have the most pictures of?
myself XD, my da/me chars, also random idol pictures for reaction memes
where would you like to go before you die?
uhhhhh a lot of places like...there's a lot of cities in europe i still wanna see and i wanna go back to paris and london and i also would love to visit like 294503 national parks in the us also maybe a desert (bc stars) and somewhere far north (for northern lights)
what’s your zodiac?
do you relate to it?
what is happiness to you?
just like...a content feeling? like...idk words for it but when you just stop and go like fuck this is rly good i'm rly comfy rn and not sad??? like just being good in your own skin?
are you going through anything right now?
not more than usual
what’s the worst decision you’ve ever made?
i made a few sucky time management decision throughout my uni time and still am so i guess that
what’s your favorite store?
what's a store
what’s your opinion on abortion?
i don't rly think i get to say much abt it while i'm not in a position where i can talk yknow? you should be allowed to but i imagine it's tough as shit too
do you keep a bucket list?
do you have a favorite album?
A FEW there's wildness by snow patrol and mania by fob and wild world by bastille and miroh (that's currently tho that shit changes a lot)
what do you want for your birthday?
my birthday isn't happening for a while and what i want i kinda need before so xD for my birthday i wish i could be with my family but i won't be able to :/
what are most people’s first impression of you?
uhhhhh awk i guess which is right, also rly smart and like...organised which is wrong
what age to you seem according to most people?
apparently like 16, i always get asked when i finish school
where do you keep your phone while sleeping?
on my bed next to my pillow, stuffed under some plushies
what word do you say the most?
idk honestly i don't talk much probably some expletive
what’s the oldest age would you date?
idk man i'm not rly attracted to ppl much older than me never have been if it ever happened they'd prolly be like 2 years younger oops that's like the norm with crushes
what’s the youngest age would you date?
oh uh see above i guess like...currently i'm 23 so like? not younger than 20?
what job/career do most people say sould suit you?
they don't rly say anything abt that xD
what’s your favorite music genre?
uhhh rock? alt stuff? i love some folk and some pop too and i'm a slut for lofi
if you would live in any country in the world, where would it be?
here tbh
what’s your current favorite song?
u h h probably still chronosaurus! doesn't look like it's leaving that spot any time soon oops
how long have you have this blog for?
a bit over a month now?
what are you excited for?
how pathetic is it if i say my summer course? idk just...smth new i guess i'm looking forward to it (not to being away from games and photoshop)
are you a better talker or a listener?
what is the last productive thing you did?
i finished vacuuming the house today
what do you want for Christmas?
s h r u g
what classes do you get the best grades in?
language stuff, music
on a scale of 1-10 how are you feeling right now?
a 4? maybe?
what can you see yourself doing in 10 years?
idk man i wanna go into speech therapy so?? that? or research even? but i gotta get into the masters first rip
when did you first get your heartbreak?
oh dear. probably like...in kindergarten when my crush was an absolute ass (so far, 80% of them have been there's a theme) i was pathetic
at what age do you want to get married?
idk man i guess in like 100 years when someone finally decides they rly want to put up with this mess
what career did you want to have as a child?
florist, author, actress
what do you crave right now?
hugs? and drawing skill
1. How tall are you?
i'm jisung-sized
2. What color are your eyes?
3. What color and style is your hair?
uhhhh dark blonde would be the accurate desc prolly? it's like...blondebrowngoldish and too long and i usually braid it and i have a super messy fringe
4. Do you wear glasses?
5. Do you have braces?
luckily not!
6. What’s your fashion sense?
casual and basic with a dash of experimental and sometimes a bit cutesy
7. Full name?
Tumblr media
8. When were you born?
long, long ago, too long ago
9. Where are you from and where do you live
10. What school(s) do you go to?
no more school for me, i'm going to university
11. What kind of student are you?
the one that kinda gets by far too well for procrastinating so badly (all i have to say in my defense is that i'm anxious as shit abt everything)
12. Do you like school?
i used to!! like...the last 3 and first 3 years were chill
13. Fav subject?
music, history, english, latin
14. Fav TV shows?
i rly only watch b99 but i would be careful calling it my favorite since like...3 eps ago
15. Fav books?
my current fave is less by andrew sean greer (aka it was my fave last autumn and i've read like 3 since and they weren't super great)
16. Fav pastimes?
uhhh writing gaming music and lately, giffing too!
17. Do you have any regrets?
a couple
18. Dream job?
i mean i do still wish i could just like...do smth artsy like be an author or an illustrator but i'm bad at writing and literally cannot draw at all so
19. Would you ever like to be married?
yes absolutely
20. Would you like to have children?
kinda yeah?
21. If so, how many?
22. Do you like shopping?
only for a limited amount of time
23. What countries have you visited?
denmark, norway, france, the uk, spain, italy, austria, slovakia, we also drove through switzerland like twice
24. Scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
uhhhhhh basically all of the end of the world/war scenario dreams i've had?
25. Any enemies?
does myself count
26. Do you have a significant other?
27. Do you get along with your family?
yeah? we're not super close but we don't hate each other
28. Do you believe in miracles?
29. How are you?
not terrible
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komatsunana · 6 years
Answer 30 questions and tag 10 blogs you are contractually obligated to know.
Tagged by @royxhe​  ty for tagging me !! ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Nicknames: i don’t think i’ve ever really been given one?? outside of one-time pet names n stuff, lol, i don’t really have any
Gender/pronouns: she/her
Star sign:  Gemini (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و
Height: almost 5′5″... i think??? idk my sister said she’s 5′4″ and i’m like a half inch taller and that’s all that matters lol
Time: it’s 10:15pm rn but it’ll probably be tomorrow morning by the time i finish the rest of this meme lol... it takes me so long to complete anything ꈍ .̮ ꈍ
Birthday: June 17, 1992
Favourite bands:  idk, i mostly have just a couple of faves from musical artists and then don’t listen to anything else they do lul.  um.... I like Little Mix a lot lately???
Favourite solo artist:  Vienna Teng.
Song stuck in your head:  Pay No Mind ft. Passion Pit by Madeon
Last movie you watched?:  Lol, I think it was actually Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen.
Last show?:  Mythbusters lol.... I worked three 13 hours days in a row last week and only had dogs and a tv to entertain myself the entire time and I pretty much watched Mythbusters the entire time since they had a marathon......... I only took a break to watch Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
Why did you create your blog?:  I made this side blog because I wanted to be able to talk engage with fandoms I’m in but didn’t want to bog it down with the depressing personal stuff on my personal.  
What do you post?:  Mostly just fandom stuff on this blog lol.  Lots of NANA and anime/manga and Critical Role, but I’m really all over the place.. srry
Last thing you googled?:  I was googling to see if I got the title of Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen right  >///////////<
Other blogs:  @despairwitch is my personal blog and @7daysofnana is where I hosted NANA Week ^^
AO3:  poisonedapple, which reminds me I gotta link it in my theme
Do you get asks?:  Yeah sometimes. I’m really grateful to people who send me asks since I’m too anxious to ever dare to send any myself >//////<  I’m sorry I’m so bad at being an engaging person to talk with ya’ll lol.
How did you get the idea for your URL?:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I’m thinking about changing it tho
I follow:  127
Followers:  695!! And I just culled a bunch of p*rn blogs too.  Getting close to that good good NANA number :o
Average hours of sleep: 6/7 hours is good
Lucky number:  7!!!!!!!  I do everything in 7s if I can. 
Instruments:  I played the recorder in elementary school if that counts :p
What are you wearing?:   Orange dress that ended up not looking that cute after I bought it so now it’s pajamas lol. It’s comfy!!
Dream job:  Surviving on my writing is the dream
Dream trip:  Back to where I grew up
Favourite food:  Curry!!!!!!!!!!!!  
Significant other?:  nah
Last book I read: Currently reading Conrad’s Fate by Diana Wynne Jones
Top 3 fictional universes:  Um um um..............  Lyra’s World from the Golden Compass because daemons (lol), Hogwarts (even if JKR is set on destroying her world now, Hogwarts will always be a home to me), aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand probably one of my own lol!!!  I haven’t named it yet but it has advanced technology and magic and none of the world’s conflicts are systematic based but either created by individual(s) or by something insentient If that makes sense ^^;;;  It’s basically my version of a perfect world :p
Tagging:  Hm,,,, I think I’ve seen most of my usual suspects for this sorta ask memes answer most of these questions at some point.  So I won’t tag anyone!! But tag me if you do it since I love seeing ppls answers to these sorta memes  (✿ꈍ。 ꈍ✿)
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"if you weren't you, then we'd all be a little bit less we"
Growing up I've always been told "family comes first." "When your friends aren't there for you, your family always will be." "Family is forever." These concepts had been instilled in my mind at such an early age not only through words, but actions and the very nature of my life. There were definitely times when I would look around and acknowledge that "okay, not all families are as close as mine, and that's okay." But it wasn't until I came down here that I realized this universal truth of family-being-the-most-important-thing-in-your-life may not be as universal as I thought. Let me just start off my saying there's nothing wrong with living your life otherwise. I've met so many people who have different priorities and I'll even admit - there have been times when I wish I could be able to be more like them. To focus more on me, on my career, on my friends. To be able to worry less. To care less. But that's just not me. Starting from the very beginning weeks of my adventure, I thought about my ppl back home a lot. It was amazing to be able to share all of these new experiences with new people and bond with my roommates to create unique friendships, but all the while I had sometimes wished I could also share it with the ones I already loved and left behind. It got easier to be able to enjoy this experience for what it is and embrace my independence as time went on, but there were always those days when I would be riding pirates or splash mountain and wishing my dad was there with me, or wishing I had jess to blame when I secretly wanted to ride the astro orbiter. Needless to say, disney is where I grew up with my fam, so it has only been natural for me to be nostalgic of those days in the place where so many of my favorite memories were created. I wouldn't sit here and say I've spent the last 3 months longing to be home and spending every waking moment missing the people there (tbh ain't nobody got time for that even if I wanted to), but this experience has made me appreciate more than ever that home IS such a happy place, and I'm grateful for the people there that make it that way. So as you can probably imagine, the week in Florida when home came HERE for a little bit was one of the absolute best so far. It all started with a visit from Aunt Linda and Uncle Steven. I showed them around my complex and spent about the first 20 breathless minutes answering rapid fire questions about my program, lol. They took me to a lovely and salubrious lunch at bahama breeze and then on a very unique thrift shopping adventure. They offered to buy me ANYTHING I wanted from the thrift store, and though the $25 dishwasher was tempting, I resisted. No but seriously, I really did enjoy my time catching up with them. It's so nice to see family and get the chance to bring them into my own little world here. The mr. softee ice cream was also a plus, but that's besides the point. Before we knew it, it was time to go meet my mom and dad at their new ("week" long rental) (three bedroom) condo! If the nostalgia wasn't already strong enough, being back at caribe cove strengthened it a little bit more. I helped them get settled in and re-explore the old stomping grounds, and soon enough it was time for me to be off to work :/. That was one of the slowest nights I've had here, as all I could think about was my family down here in Orlando having fun without me, but thanks to them - I had some surprise visitors asking for some ice cream! Between mom's narration/recording of snap chats, uncle Stevens high decibel excited voice, and aunt Linda's flash from her digital camera, it was only a matter of seconds before every person in the shop knew my family was here to visit. Lol. I ensured that dad got the best (and largest amount of) ice cream (nonna d's oatmeal lace, yum) and sent them on their way. I heard Mickey was pretty good to them at the register, you'll have to ask them about that doe. The next day I had work again and consequently missed the arrival of my dear cousins. Matthew, Jamee, and Matt were scooped from the airport by mom and dad that morning and directly started their Disney adventure at Hollywood Studios. When I got off, I boated over to meet them (what a beautiful change from the post-work bus transportation I'm used to) and we made our way over to none other than the magical magic kingdom. I could tell they already were running on fumes from such a long day, but you can't Disney half butt, so we pressed on. We got to watch the beautiful Wishes (a night time spectacular, ending May 11, 2017), and explore as much of the park as humanly possible. I convinced them to try the churros, which may have been in the running for the highlight of my night. I beat them all in buzz lightyear, but that I'm used to, so it didn't make the running. Also, dad got to join the club of being on screen for monsters inc, lol - looks like he needs a hug. No worries tho, mom gave him that hug on screen. Supe cute. When in line for splash mountain, we realized time was running out and it was likely to be our last ride of the night, which we came close to accepting (side eye at Matthew and dad who knew there was still a chance for one more). After exiting the world of the b'rers, we HUSTLED over to big thunder, and squeezed in one more ride with 1.5 minutes to spare. No but really, we were the very last train to run that night. Now that's what I call doing disney right. That night, I stayed at the condo. I snapped the metal bar on the pull out couch in half just by sitting on it. It was a funny experience to add to the adventure, but if that isn't a sign to lay off the churros I don't know what is, lolS. So matthew and I got our rest that night with a metal pole in our backs, but TBH we were tired enough that it didn't even matter. The next day called for some animal kingdom exploration. We started off the day right, that is - a ride on the famous expedition Everest, which was actually a lot more fun than I remembered. Still not sure if that particular ride was actually superior or I just was happy to be with my fam, but either way I'll take it. Matt really liked it, too. He's into the g force thing. Jamee giggled the whole time. Dad sat with a stranger. But if I gave you a play by play of every single thing we did we would be here all day. Some other highlights from the DAK of course were the festival of the lion king, and our kick start on drinking around the world with some fancy drinks in Africa. And of course, (thnx Lynne!) we got to see the harp player up close and personal. We traveled back to magic kingdom that night, as per usual. We finished up most of the things that we had missed the night before (still second guessing if we should have waited 130 mins for space mountain or not) and then left the park. Before closing - I know, shocker. We relaxed at the condo pool with some beverages that night and got to bed relatively early. My final day w the cuz' was spent in Epcot. I had work in the afternoon but I got some time with them in the morning. When I said goodbye the first time, I was sad and cried. So then later they came into my work as a detour part of their drinking around the world showcase. I said goodbye again but it was still sad and I had fomo. So then, of course, at the end of my shift they come back to the boardwalk AGAIN and we all got ice cream before they drove me back to my apartment. That was the kind of goodbye closure I needed to last me the final two months, lol. High key miss them lots tho, but we had a blast. After work the following day, I met mom and dad in Japan (Epcot) for dinner, and HAD to try the Andalusian nights. We hopped over to animal kingdom post dinner, to enjoy rivers of light once more. We had really good seats this time, and got some cool pics around night time DAK. The next day of that week I had class and work, but typs mom and dad picked me up at the end of my long day so I didn't have to get the bus. I actually had off again the following day (ty managers) so I was able to spend the night at the condo again. The following morning (and by this point I was exhausted so when I say morning I mean 12pm), we enjoyed some lunch at Cici's and some magic kingdom magic. I had to stop at company D which is right by MK, so why would we choose any other park?? Ya know?? Highlight of that day was getting to ride the up and running railroad train!! Before we knew it (guess that's what happens when you sleep in in Orlando), though, it was time to go get chris and jess and jaime from the airport! I was so super happy to see them but that was to be expected I suppose. I got to do universal with them, which was a fun and different experience. Harry Potter world was a blast, and they even convinced me to go on the dueling dragons for the first time. I scream laughed the whole time, which won me the title of jaime's new favorite person to ride a roller coaster with. Also we had some butter beer on mommom, and got to see the incredible!!!!!! Ollivanders show. We kind of were all over the place, but got A LOT done considering. My roommate rebecca also joined us that day. We got to be one of the first ever to go on the new jimmy Fallon ride, which was really really cool, but slightly underwhelming considering all of the press it had been getting. I rode rip ride rocket next to jess and we chose the same song so we could jam together, which was pretty legit. G-l-a-m-o-r-o-u-s, na mean? Overall we had a pretty fantastic time, but I had to leave them around 5 to go to work :/. They also visited me at work that night, which was a nice little pick me up considering my how tired I was from all day in the park/working. Next day we went to ... you guessed it! MK! And started off in adventureland. We did pirates first (anyone else NOT remember that by drop from when we were little??) and made our way clockwise throughout the park. Since the park had been at such high capacity they were doing the parade twice, so we saw the 3 o'clock parade at 12! We skipped a few things, knowing we would be back again the next day (spoiler alert - that night too) and ended over at buzz light year which unfortunately was shut down!!! We got a fast pass though to come back later, but had guest services switch it over to Epcot since that was our next stop! At Epcot, we went on test track and soarin' and the land and ate at sunshine seasons before making our way over to the showcase to travel the world. We started in Mexico, where we even got to meet Donald Duck. Chris was so excited, but he def was trying to be cool and hide it. A great start to our travels, even though I was slightly mis that my contact was scratched and I couldn't see. Next was Norway, where jaime thought the statue of the gnome from frozen was dobby. Lol. Next was china - we detoured here for a bit to watch the acrobats and enjoy some potstickers and plum wine. Germany was a blast, we got some really cool pictures here with our grapefruit beer and pretzel. Italy is always my favorite food wise, I split a chocolate covered cannoli with mom and it was deeeelish. We also had limoncello here. That was something. Chris was doing this cool thing where he made us say cheers in the language of the natives of the country we were in. Our journeys continued through America, Japan, morocco, etc. We stopped for a little dance party in morocco and of course revisited the Andalusian nights. France was fun, UK was funner (Ello mate we're in London would you like some fish n chips). We made it to Canada just in time and ended our Epcot night there for the fire works. But of course, it was only 9, and MK was open til 12! So we hopped on the monorail and made our way back over. Night time disney really is the best disney. We got to a bunch more rides including Winnie the Pooh and the Snow White mine train. We even got to see the kiss goodnight!! The next day, the sad and final day, we finished up MK. We had a few fastpasses, so we got to ride space mountain and mine train sans wait times, which was really nice. We got to see the infamous country bear jamboree. We also went to ride splash mountain for a second time, and boy was that SOMETHING! I felt bad for being so excited about such a miserable thing to the rest of my party, but the ride broke down and we got EVAC'd!! Mom shared in my glory with me. That was legit on my DCP bucket list, and one of the few that I had absolutely no control over! It really delayed us and put a wrench in our plans for the day, but it was cool to be able to exit the log mid b'rer world and be escorted backstage on one of my favorite rides. Big thunder was shut down, and I felt real bad about that :(, so the mine train actually was the last ride of our day. I think every time I go on it I love it more and more. After squeezing in the last few things of the day, we made time - even though we really didn't have any - for a little TLC sans C (Turkey legs and churros without the churros for all you noobs out there). That was a good time. When all was said and done, we exited the MK as a fam for the last time for a long time, and they took me back to my apartment before making their way to the airport. That was supe said because I really love them. And I miss them. And I had a really really good time with them.
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