#ty whomever posted this on reddit
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I found this on Reddit, but I have been informed it was originally made by @manaquartz! :D
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waterfire1848 · 10 months
How’s it going @waterfire1848 ? Got another ask for ya.
So I was scrolling through Reddit randomly and I came across this discussion question on the r/fanfiction subreddit.
“How would your ships react to getting shipped?
Let's say the characters in question really do exist in alternate universes. And the fics you've been writing about them somehow manifested in various forms of media in said universes, such as tabloids, diaries, random websites, and so on. People catch onto these, and soon, everyone starts gossiping about the affair. Rumors spread until they eventually reach the ears of the two characters involved
How do you think they'd actually handle it?”
I like to think that Azula and Katara would hate it at first, and reluctantly work together to find and put a stop to whomever is writing about them. Gradually they’d develop feelings for one another in the course of this. And realizing that the writings may just have a point. When the two aren’t trying to kill one another anyway…
How do you think it would go for Azutara?
Hey @745voiceofthepeople !!
Gotta say whenever I see my inbox ping with a 1 message, my brain now just goes "Oh! What AU does 745voice have today?"😁
Now, onto the ask!
Ty Lee comes running up to Azula one day and demands to know why she didn't tell her that she and Katara were dating. That's when Azula sees the posts for the first time.
Both of them would be shocked and horrified at first. They don't like each other. Why is everyone saying they'd be such a great couple? Azula screams out that she'd never date a lowly peasant and Katara snaps back with how she'd never be with someone like Azula. This doesn't stop the Gaang from sending them different artworks, fanfics, theories, etc. Katara and Azula don't come out of their rooms for a few days.
At first, I do think that they'd simply believe the two of them saying that they aren't together and telling people to stop shipping them is enough but when that doesn't work they do try to find the source. While looking for it though they start reading some of the diaries, tabloids, websites, etc.
The more they read, the more they slowly start to learn about each other. They interacted before but it was always in a limited capacity. Now they're not only forced to partner together for something but they're doing so while reading things that talk about what a great couple they are. It's slow but by the time they actually find the source, they don't even tell them to stop because they actually are a couple.
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