#Vace exocolonist
dysthymiac · 2 months
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assorted exocolonists on social media
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ghost--cafe · 1 year
IWATEX - would you fuck a clone of yourself?
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wilting-fl0wer · 1 month
art request for @manaquartz
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i rlly love how you're (probs) as normal to symvace as i am to calsol
enjoy <3
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theomenroom · 1 month
It's kinda funny that Vace's arc is completely unrelated to Marz's. Like, him standing aside as Marz makes her play and letting her take the governorship (the governorship Lum has been treating him as the obvious successor to) could be a culminating moment of his character arc (so could him shooting someone in a fight to remove Lum, or for that matter him deciding to take his succession into his own hands because his soldiers deserve leadership who won't put them into danger just because it would look cool on tiktok) but the way it's written it's not even clear he was present that day
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elvexen · 5 months
Here’s a list of names for your exocolonist play throughs !!
Calamity (Amity), Reverie, Onism, Saudade
Elixir (Eli), Amorevolous
Sonder, Halcyon, Vagary (Vee), Kopfkino,
Adept (De), Verdant, Solandis
Apricity, Selcouth, Orphic, Incandescent,
Serendipity, Hyperotomachia (Machia/Toma/Chia),
Paracosm, Novaturient (Nova), Ebullience
I’ll keep this post updated as I find more !!
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arcadias-price · 10 months
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trying to learn how to draw some of the exocolonist boys 🪐 still suck at hair
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kakajoju · 8 months
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A Vace headshot I drew in between working on my comic.
Honestly, I'm a toxic men in media enjoyer lmao. (My biggest comfort character is Gavin Reed) So I ended up quite liking Vace when I maxed him out on my third run.
It was a /bit/ weird acting like his bestie when I immediately started dating Nem after I broke 'em off but uhhh... We're cool in the end ig.
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brainicusrotticus · 6 months
more doc!sol au shit
vace’s augment? is not biggus dickus. it’s called “well-endowed”, because the helios gene technicians are morons—and vace definitely likes to mess with people with that—but one: that’s just. why? and two: it’s really kind of useless? like, that ain’t gonna help all your soldiering.
it’s actually, essentially, hardiness. this bitch can take a hit. he is “well endowed” with a stronger constitution overall. harder to take down, harder to keep down, and yeah, insanely cocky about it. but also he absolutely lets people draw their own conclusions because he knows what conclusions they’re going to draw. and it’s funny.
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thewarinourstarwars · 10 months
It took me two attempts to romance Vace successfully, but I learned a lot from my first attempt!
As a part of this run, I was also going to be an astronaut, and I was going to be besties with Nemmie and Rex, since I'd heard that those relationships were key to getting the most out of a Vace run and feeling less awful about it!
Things I found out from this first attempt:
You actually DO NOT have to break up Nemmie and Vace to have a good ending for both
I failed to have enough Persuasion the first time to do this, so they did not break up and I did not succeed in convincing Nemmie.
The epilogues change for Nemmie, Vace, and Rex if you are friends with all three of them!
Nemmie still becomes a stay-at-home mom, and Vace does relapse into old patterns, but because all three of you are friends, they do overcome it, and Nemmie avoids dying young (I failed to get peace in either of these endings oops or even meet Sym)
Rex and Vace also make up in the epilogue later on when they both mellow out as adults!
If you are an Astronaut and you fail to negotiate peace, you and Vace die together trying to find a new place to go because Vertumna isn't working out and you get unique death text!
What's most interesting, though, is that these epilogues are unique to you NOT breaking up Nemmie and Vace and NOT reconciling Rex with Vace in the game, but still getting Vace through his therapy arc!
That said, his Friendship 100 event will not appear if you do not break him and Nemmie up! How do I know? Because on the second run, instead of doing the Level 90 event and starting the therapy arc as soon as I could, I waited and got some Humanities classes and bought some gear to boost my Persuasion to level 32.
Here's what happened:
I broke him and Nemmie up (and learned from save-scumming that I did not want to flirt with him in the moment) and mentioned Rex (but did not have Level 50 persuasion to get him to agree to make up)
A few months later, we got Vace's friendship 100 event where I was able to successfully flirt and get into a healthy relationship with him.
I also told him he messed up with Rex, and he of course talked about Nemmie
We promised to leave for space together <3
And when you get together with him at this point, his dialogue is honestly so sweet, about how he isn't sure he can be a good partner with what he did with Nemmie, but he's willing to try and be better, I really liked this and it gave a lot of depth to the choice, was honestly worth everything you had to do to get to this point
I then raised Rex's friendship to 80 and opened a bunch of options to talk to him about Vace, and because I hit Friendship 100 with Vace, it right after had Vace and Rex reconcile
Failed to get peace again, became an Astronaut again
Nemmie and Rex's epilogues go back to their defaults with the usual mention of hating Vace for Nemmie and her dying young on the battlefield because I failed to negotiate peace
I heard the astronaut ending is super glitchy and I'm wondering if that has something to do with it???
Either way, I'm disappointed, especially as it was hard to do this route, making my polycule was easier
And with the other epilogues, I honestly prefer the first astronaut ending
And that's the latest of Grace's Adventures on Vertumna! The Vace routes can be really rewarding, but man is there a lot of self-betrayal along the way.
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namidragons · 2 years
catch the exocolonist narrator absolutely coming for my throat 
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like damn they really went “scared of vace? you should be scared of my scathing judgement instead”
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creepyfruit · 2 months
Favorite Exocolonist characters? And maybe least favorites if you have any?
I'll give you my character tier list (I decided to include only the kids idk maybe I'll make a separate one for adults)
Answer under the cut ↓
My least fav is obviously Vace. I don't think I need to elaborate but to make it clear l, I haven't ever tried to befriend him so I don't know much about him other than his obsession with killing things, being abusive and a bully.
Next I'll have to put Nomi Nomi not because I don't like them but simply because I've never went out of my way to befriend them so I don't really have an opinion.
Cal was my best friend in my first play through so it hurts me to put him so low but he deserves it. Listen mate I love animals as much as the average gal but you're doing too much. The victim blaming as well?? I'm sorry that I was born on a spaceship set to colonize an alien planet, what did you want me to do? Swim through space and go back to earth? Also your girlfriend's dad died a horrid death and that's still all you have to say? Pacifism isn't a good look on an environment like this one.
Rex is a great dude, there's nothing I dislike about him, he's just simply not as interesting as the others.
Tammy is also kind of on the same boat. I did have a lot of hearts with her on my second play through and helping her be more confident was a very enjoyable journey, she is obviously very kind and empathetic and that makes her incredibly likable. I wish she had some flaws to make a bit more realistic.
This is where things get tough because all the next characters are kinda close but Nem will have to take this one. I romanced her in my most recent play through and she really is just the cutest... until Kom dies and she adopts the whole Helio package. She did become slightly annoying even though I understand her trauma. It's good that you can help her grow out of it, that gives her bonus points. A fun character with some nice character development.
And here comes everyone's fav boy Dys. It took a lot of trying to befriend him, he made it very hard for me and I liked that. I liked how they made him weird and antisocial, he wasn't the misunderstood boy that no one likes but rather it's actually the opposite. His relationship with Tang is so beautifully complex I love every part of it although I still haven't gotten them to reconcile (that damn bar will be the death of me). I would have put him much lower if it wasn't for the exploration buddies relationship that he had with Sol because the most unlikable thing about him (that I honestly never understood) is his obsession with the gardeners. Maybe it's my lack of understanding or the fact that I never really went down that road (making him a gardener/befriending Sym) because it creeps me out but I just don't like his views on the subject. And also I hate his relationship with Sym, nothing cute about a 100+ yo alien praying on a 16 yo boy.
Marz is a character that I thought I was going to hate straight from my first play through. She seemed like the typical mean girl character, who's very pretty has a lot of money is obsessed with clothes and stuff and also bullies every one just because but she's not exactly like that. Sure she has kudos and status and loves her fashion but she has genuinely kind intentions behind her "bullying". She doesn't understand how words can hurt because due to her augument they can't hurt her, she thinks she's helping Dys fit in with her comments and she doesn't want him to be lonely. She's naturally a very commanding person and a true leader but she isn't looking for mindless sheep, she wants you to have self respect and a backbone and I love her for that. Also bonus points to our girl for helping us overthrow the government. I have to say though, all the above doesn't excuse the fact that she can be seriously mean sometimes, but we love her regardless.
My favourite girl, my sweet baby Tangent, who's gone through so much but no matter what you do she doesn't really get a happy ending. I had my eye on her the moment I saw her (her child sprite reminded me of Ino from Naruto that's why) and she was my first romance. Obviously that didn't end well cause my first ending turned out to be tangent's cure (I thought I was just helping my gf bro) and now I'm scared to even talk to her thinking I'll trigger it again but I love her non the less. She's such a complex character I could talk about her for days (special thanks to the person with the multiple tangent discussion posts) her relationship with Dys, the obviously toxic and abusive relationship with Instance, her importance to a whole colony at such a young age, the fact that she's held to adult standards which results in self harming habits and her loneliness, her struggle with mental illness and the death of her mother. I'm writing everything down in a synopsis pretty much because if I start I won't stop. I also love how this abusive relationship was handled compared to Nem and Vace. No matter what you say she won't see how bad Instance is for her and the product of all this abuse is ultimately horrible for her. It adds a realism that hurts to death but is necessary. I also adore her character because it gives us a reminder that not everyone gets a happy ending in life, sometimes the things people go through never really leave them, although admittedly I would kill to see my baby happy, she deserves it.
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ghost--cafe · 2 years
Are vine compilations cool anymore? who cares!
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wilting-fl0wer · 2 months
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second post! enjoy some good toxic bara
dw theyre not fighting, its just foreplay
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this one took me an embarrassingly long time to actually get to look good ajnsvwuwm im still kinda struggling drawing men but i think it turned out okay, hope ya enjoy though!!
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theomenroom · 3 months
tbh I think Vace's augment being what it is is a misunderstanding by Sol.
specifically: the fact that everyone Sol knows has some kind of genetech augment, and only one genetech augment (well, Sol can have anywhere from zero to two, but everyone else has exactly one) is a specific cultural thing to where they grew up. most of the earth doesn't have genetech access to put augments on people. the super-rich probably do shit with genetech that 21st-century people would find horrifying.
so when Sol meets the helios, they come into that meeting with the assumption that the helios will be augmented like them, because everyone Sol has ever met has exactly one augment, which is chosen from a variety of possibilities based on the parents' wishes.
the helios have no reason to do that. most helio kids were born to become soldiers so that they could conquer the colony. likely, augments would be chosen for them for that purpose, possibly multiple augments, even at the expense of their health long-term.
(it's for reasons like this, among other things, that I tend to assume Rex and Nomi are the heliopause's equivalent of rich kids. likely their parents were officers or high-value civilian personnel (like the top scientists Instance resents having to share lab space with), considering that Rex got gene-modded to be trendy and Nomi very likely has no augmentations)
the comment Vace makes that leads Sol to make the assumptions they do about his augment was likely referring to a treatment he underwent by choice, rather than the augmentation process Sol is referring to. it's already established that the course of sexual development can be altered via genetech treatments.
(actually kinda starting to entertain a transmasc Vace interpretation now)
there's even another case where Sol's understanding of the world regarding augments crashes into a reality that that only applies narrowly, very clearly established already: Sym. Sol finds out Sym's true nature, how Sym exists and moves through the world, the distinctly non-human way he relates to embodiment, and records it like "Today I learned what Sym's augment is," which is very blatantly trying to force their understanding of Sym into a worldview that doesn't have room for him.
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moonbugs9058 · 2 months
A list of stuff I've written
Because I'm having trouble finding my own shit sometimes so it'll be nice to have it all in one space, also, shameless a03 plug: MoonBugs9058 on AO3
From my "Tales Of Empty Cups" series (Magnus Chase):
Cost of Living -> Mostly blitzstone, follows the plots of SoS and HoT, ~27k words
Tales From The Five And A Half (six if you round up) -> One shot collection with loosely connected plots (not in chronological order), connected to Cost of Living, currently ~16k words
From my "In Vertumna And Time" series (Exocolonist):
Prince Charming -> Focuses on the Tammy/Cal relationship but also has Cal/Sol in it, ~2k words
Spider Web of Guilt -> Focuses on Sol (it's also in second person), ~2k words
Don't Call It Abuse (i can't handle another tragedy) -> Focuses on Anemone/Vace, ~3k words
Love is hard to unlearn -> Focuses on the Tammy/Cal relationship but also has Tammy/Sol in it (companion piece to Prince Charming), ~3k words
Without All The Nuance -> Focuses on Sol's deterioration and has a little bit of everything in it, pretty angsty though, ~42k words
Other works not in a series (Psych):
Two In A Million, Twice In A Lifetime -> Psych fandom, is a bit of a relationship/character study for Shawn and Abigail and follows them through different parts of their relationship up until S4 E16: Mr. Yin Presents, and a little bit after that, ~4.5k words.
Happy reading! I have a chapter come up for Tales Of Empty Cups (the long-awaited SOTD chapter except I've kinda hit a wall with that so we'll see how long it takes.)
This post updates as I write more stuff!
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I found this on Reddit, but I have been informed it was originally made by @manaquartz! :D
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