dogwaterpoopyboy · 5 months
tiktok rizz party
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atyrellaaddict · 1 year
Hey people👋
I’m starting a series where I give my opinion on Tyrique and Ella’s journey as individuals and as a couple episode by episode.
I’m open to hearing your perspective as well so please feel free to share❤️
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zaldrizescrowned · 1 month
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Okay but imagine that when Rhaenyra is still in King's Landing, her and Tyella are having like secret meetings where they bitch about Alicent the way Alicent and Crispy bitch about Rhaenyra. Because let me tell you, Tyella will not hold back.
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unendingwanderlust · 2 months
It's a blackout! Bingo card from @feedthefandomfest.
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All the fics I read and commented on (aka massive fic rec list!) below the cut!
Fandoms: 12 Tolkien (Lord of the Rings, Silmarillion, the Hobbit) fics, 11 Buffy the Vampire Slayer fics, and a couple of Lost Girl fics because I'm nostalgic.
Sex Pollen/Fuck or Die: The Art of Control by zombiesam (BtVS, Buffy/Giles, 5056 words)
Giles and Buffy are stuck in the library together after a succubus blasts them with a particularly nasty poison. Giles learns a thing or two about Buffy along the way.
Threesome: How Drusilla Saved Christmas by TheClowniestLivInExistence (BtVS, Drusilla/Buffy/Spike, 3070 words)
Drusilla doesn't want to spend Christmas alone. She doesn't want her Spike to be alone, either. Unfortunately, he was a silly boy and hadn't managed to romance the Slayer yet. But no worries. Mummy knows how to fix things.
Shower Sex: A Quiet Moment by eurydice72 (BtVS, Buffy/Spike, 1003 words)
When you come back from the dead, quiet moments are hard to find.
Sex Magic: Grave Clothes by Skyson (BtVS, Buffy/Giles, 7272 words)
Giles used magic to help Willow feel again. He helps Buffy with that, too. It's Grave, but shippy. Well, more shippy than canon already was.
Angst & Fluff & Smut: Where Do Dwarves Go When They Die? by LittleMissCactus (LotR, Gimli/Legolas, 1262 words)
Legolas begins to understand the implications of what it means to love a mortal. Gimli comforts him the only way he knows how.
Size Difference: Lazy Day by starlightwalking (LotR, Gimli/Legolas, 1742 words)
Legolas insists on spending all day in bed.
Rough Sex: Don't trust the Fae by Ben_Phantomhive (LotR, Boromir/Legolas, 1921 words)
Legolas catches Boromir taking care of himself when he should be on watch, so he decides to help him.
Fingering: A House of Nettles by Ias (LoTR/Silmarillion, Tar-Míriel/Éowyn, 6494 words)
Éowyn is not healed. Inside of her, something hungry lives on.
BDSM: Blood to Iron by Tyellas (Silmarillion, Maedhros/Fingon, 3703 words)
The origin story for "Ansereg AU" slash, featuring Fingon, Maedhros, and elegant, deliberate sadomasochism.
Public/Semi-Public Sex: Sweet (Enough to Eat) by zombiesam (BtVS, Buffy/Giles, 1935 words)
Buffy discovers something new about herself when Giles gets into one of his moods.
Dom/sub (undertones): fairest maiden in tirion by Anonymous (Silmarillion, Curufin/Finrod, 1000 words)
Findaráto blinked at him and smiled sweetly; in that rotten way that Findaráto did anything sweetly in the first place, his eyes cold and too bright. “You must be so very displeased you couldn’t marry me, Curvo."
[Mommy] Kink: kiss it better by TechnicolorRevel (BtVS, Faith/Buffy, 2438)
Buffy jams her finger, and Faith teaches her something new about herself.
FREE: WICKED COOL by Val_Creative (BtVS, Willow/Vampire!Willow, 700 words)
Vampire Willow doesn't know how the hell she got here, but she's enjoying this new side of Willow.
Drunk Sex: Staying Alive by hchollym (LotR, Aragorn/Gimli/Legolas, 5128 words)
After the victory at Helm’s Deep, the Three Hunters celebrate still being alive for another night.
Sex Toys: The Edge of Flames by BaccaratBlack (Silmarillion, Elwing/Maedhros, 5687 words)
After ages together as unlikely companions on Elwing’s lonely isle, she has her ways of both comforting and haunting Maedhros.
Orgasm Delay: the face of someone (i don't know) by guin_ramble and zombiesam (BtVS, Giles/Buffy, 9593 words so far)
Buffy, newly resurrected and in the throes of depression, seeks comfort in all the wrong places. When her despairs threatens to completely overwhelm her, she turns to the person she trusts most.
Rimming: Aphrodite Awakening by BaccaratBlack (Silmarillion, Celegorm/Oromë, 1298 words)
Celegorm is not above playing a little dirty to get what he wants. Orome, as usual, is tired and underestimates Celegorm’s intensity when it comes to sex.
Shameless Smut: On Borrowed Time by Arbryna (Lost Girl, Bo/Tamsin, 1557 words)
What if the time loop didn't restart as quickly as we thought?
[Blood] Play: kiss that’s black as sea by evesock (BtVS, Wishverse!Buffy/Vampire!Willow, 4879 words)
Buffy hooks up with a vampire in a sleazy motel. Written for Otherworldly Chemistry's Femslash Ficathon!
PWP: Beyond the pale by Morgause1 (Silmarillion, Morgoth/Sauron, 4841 words)
Freshly promoted to the position of First Lieutenant, Mairon gets the dubious honor of standing guard in the rare occasions the Vala retires to his bed. This is a strange, disconcerting duty, which leaves the Maia thinking and feeling things that are not only highly improper, but are downright dangerous.
Phone Sex: Warmest Part of the Winter by dollylux (The Hobbit, Bard/Thranduil, 11315 words)
Thranduil has to leave town suddenly for work, leaving Bard with their four kids.
Fluff & Smut: The Best Gift... by ElleV (BtVS, Buffy/Giles, 4556 words)
Some might say the best gift is a gift for two.
Come Eating/Swallowing: lukhdel by enbyofdionysus (The Hobbit, Bilbo/Thorin, 4048 words)
"Your fourteenth share," said Thorin, running his hand along the side of his cock. "If you should want it, Master Burglar." Bilbo fucks Thorin on the hoard of Thror.
Double Penetration: Finished by girlpire (BtVS, Darla/Angelus/Spike/Drusilla, 1443 words)
As often happens when William engages in a new-to-him sexual activity with his family, he doesn't really understand what's going on at first.
Or: Sometimes people say it's hard to get Angelus to take it up the ass in fic. I present a counterpoint.
Oral Sex: But Not Like That by LittleRock17 (Lost Girl, Bo/Tamsin, 8710 words)
Bo made her way towards the woman, hiding in the nearby crowd since the blonde was looking around, trying to find the brave or rather stupid person that just bought her a drink. She gave up and glared at the bartender, who just raised his shoulders, making her know he wasn’t going to talk. Finally, the blonde picked up the martini and when she was about to drink, Bo made her entrance. "I thought you weren't taking any drinks from strangers." The Succubus said playfully. The glass never touched the blonde’s lips. "Bo." She left the drink on the counter and turned around to face the younger fae. "It hasn't been so long... I thought you would remember how I like my vodka." Her trademark smirk present on her face. . . . Being in a Dark Fae bar on Valentine's Day was depressing but Bo's hunger couldn't wait. She expected to find someone - anyone - to satisfie her hunger with but she never imagined she would get so lucky. Or maybe she did not. Valkubus.
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tyella u deserved 2nd. definitely not 1st but 3rd was disrespectful asf
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mysticaldelusionfest · 2 months
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ankawa-2020 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Jessica Simpson Tyella sandal.
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So upon re-reading the books I have discovered that upon meeting Rachel for the first time, Tyson was like “she’s pretty.” Then I remembered he ends up with Ella, and this has left me with the cursed knowledge that Tyson has a thing for redheads. Someone come destroy my brain please.
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Ella: hey honey happy one year.
Tyson, starting to panic: I’m eighteen!
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half-blood-goods · 5 years
So, why did the fandom forget so much?
- Thalia being able to control the Mist?
- Leo and Piper are best friends?
- That the ships Gruniper and Tyella exist ( and are canon )?
- That Rachel felt guilt when Pan died because of her father's job?
- Reyna's father being abusive towards her and Hylla?
- Annabeth's father being a nice person who tries to be a good father?
- Paul asking Percy if he can marry Sally?
- Silena being a tough girl- even before her sacrifice?
- Jason having glasses?
- Dionysus grieving over Castor, his son?
- Jason promising Kymopoleia that there will be shrines and cabins for more gods/goddesses?
- Frank's grandmother being awesome?
- Why?
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thehollandfam · 8 years
Tyson and Ella If They Had Phones
Tyson: No you hang up first
Ella: No you hang up first
Tyson: No you
Ella: No you
Ella: I don't know how to.
Tyson: ...
Tyson: I was hoping you knew.
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zaldrizescrowned · 1 month
STARTER (TYELLA) / @crumbledstatues
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Aegon burned, Aemond regent and Alicent discarded. Things had changed fast, and drastically, at the Red Keep in the last few days. Messages had already been dispatched to Dragonstone to inform Queen Rhaenyra of the irony of it all. Tyella had found it hard to keep her amusement to herself, if she was entire honest. The only thing that held her back from any snide remarks was her fear of the Prince Regent. Now more powerful than ever, his punishment for her betrayal would be long and painfull, that much she was certain of. So she was not about to taunt the Gods and risk exposure.
Sitting in Alicent's chambers, fingers carefully at work on a piece of embroidery, she watched the Queen Dowager from the corner of her eye. Sighing, she put her work down. "You seem restless, Your Grace. Shall I call the Grandmaester for something soothing?"
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abnvrmals · 4 years
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THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING CALLING HER back to him, it is the only time she’s felt something as strong as the call to her seas. The thought out a rare expression on her features, a rouge smile with no where to go, or no one to beam at. Perhaps that is why she was grateful to stumble upon his door, regardless of the time of night. The problem, was that as she approached, it seemed someone else was leaving. Tyella knew she possessed no claim on the man, but there did not quell the emotion in her chest. Instead, she took a good look at the retreating figures face, before stepping through the door. Eyes didn’t hesitate to find him, brows raised in a question that she really had no right to be asking. “Here I almost thought it was too late for visitors, apparently I was wrong.” That smile? Well, it was long gone, it was dead and buried, now. @gldcnsins​
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so-shiny-so-chrome · 6 years
Witness: Tyellas
Creator name (AO3): Tyellas
Creator name (Tumblr): thebyrchentwigges
Link to creator works *https://archiveofourown.org/users/Tyellas/works?fandom_id=51060
Q: Why the Mad Max Fandom?
A: I’ve been a fan of postapocalyptic scifi since my teens. But it took me until Fury Road to really fall in love with the world of Mad Max. Living Down Under probably helped. 
Q: What do you think are some defining aspects of your work? Do you have a style? Recurrent themes?
A: For Mad Max, my style varies very much based on the character point of view. Max's terseness is very different from a History Person's verbal rambling. Recurrent themes for me...Some of them tie back to canon, like the fragility of Wasteland technology and the quirkiness of human nature. There's a lot of geology and a consistent thread of land-based spirituality - an Antipodean influence, there. 
Q: Which of your works was the most fun to create? The most difficult? Which is your most popular? Most successful? Your favourite overall?
A: Most popular overall – Definitely “Gastown Nights.” Max, Furiosa, sexual tension, adventure in a setting with the Wasteland wildness turned up to 11 – what’s not to like? Most fun – Writing fluff is always fun, even if the world’s falling apart around it. “Very Max, Much Wasteland, Such Dog,” my take on Max Gets A Dog, and “If You Give a Pup a Flamethrower” stand out to me. Most difficult – Several of my Miss Giddy stories were harrowing, “Weave a Circle,” “One Way Ride.” At one point writing “Weave a Circle” I glanced in a mirror and was shocked – shocked! – to not be looking at the face of a tattooed 76-year-old. 
Q: How do you like your wasteland? Gritty? Hopeful? Campy? Soft? Why?
A: Gritty as, mate, but always with that glimmer of hope. Because that's how it would be.
Q: Walk us through your creative process from idea to finished product. What's your prefered environment for creating? How do you get through rough patches?
A: I may jot down a story’s core idea, then let it ferment a few months. I might think I’m writing something just for myself, then it will take on a life of its own. When the time is right, I’ll think and plan around it, then do an outline. I like Kurt Vonnegut’s advice that a character in a story should want something, “even if it’s just a glass of water.” A glass of water is a big thing in Mad Max! For a writing environment, I’m very lucky – I have a home office, a desk chair, a desk specially set up for writing. If part of a story is giving me trouble, I’ll treat it like the eye of the storm. I’ll write around it, write down to it – I’ll write everything but that part! Once the frame is in place around the difficult part, that helps.
Q: What (if any) music do you listen to for help getting those creative juices flowing?
A: For Mad Max, Ocker rocker classics from the 70s and 80s. Songs by Goanna, Cold Chisel, Dragon, AC/DC. New Zealander Neil Finn's song "Sinner" always makes me think of Max. 
Q: What is your biggest challenge as a creator?
A: Finding time when I have inspiration, and finding inspiration when I find time.
Q: How have you grown as a creator through your participation in the Mad Max Fandom? How has your work changed? Have you learned anything about yourself?
A: I've grown so, so much as a writer. Descriptions, plot, research. Getting over myself and putting that crazy idea out there - and learning that it was worthwhile if it found one reader. Personally, I decided I would probably survive an apocalypse, which is always good to know. 
Q: Which character do you relate to the most, and how does that affect your approach to that character? Is someone else your favourite to portray? How has your understanding of these characters grown through portraying them?
A: I took the long road around to this one, because it took getting into the Mad Max fandom for it. I'd say I relate the most to...Aunty Entity. She's determined, she's creative, she's femme, and she has excellent taste in henchpeople. Oddly, I've never written about her, for all that I have screeds about Furiosa, the Vuvalini, and the History People. Aunty Entity has aspects of those three. My Furiosa is calculating, fierce, stony, and, after the Fury Road, willing to make terrible decisions for a long-term goal or a greater good. After a mostly Citadel life, she’s used to better living, and both disgusted and horrified/saddened by how others are getting by.  
Q: Do you ever self-insert, even accidentally?
A: All the characters we write about are our shards and our reflections. I do have a draft of a piece for a Self-Insert week that never took off, where I hitch a ride in the Nullarbor desert with some Buzzards.
Q: Do you have any favourite relationships to portray? What interests you about them?
A: I've written smut, and in my fics both canon characters and OCs get laid and find love. "Citadel Nights" is a novel-length fic about love and sex in the Mad Max apocalypse. But the most enduring relationship in my fics, one that all characters deal with, is...their own one with the Wasteland. That post-apocalyptic world around them. For some it's chaos and ruined dreams. For some it's horror yet opportunity. And for some of them, it's simply how it is. My story quartet "Wasteland, Seize My Bones" delves into this in all kinds of ways.
Q: How does your work for the fandom change how you look at the source material?
A: For Mad Max, I seek it out and look at it in more detail. Some of it takes some finding. It took me a while to track down the novelization of "Beyond Thunderdome". There were some jaw-dropping interviews with George Miller back in the 80s!
Q: Do you prefer to create in one defined chronology or do your works stand alone? Why or why not?
A: I can't help creating in one defined chronology. That's just how my imagination works. Every Mad Max story of mine fits into a timeline. I've sketched out that timeline over two notebook pages, like the nerd that I am.
Q: To break or not to break canon? Why?
A: For Mad Max, I'm usually in line with canon. Mad Max canon itself is so rich, flexible, and berserk that most of the plots and actions I wanted to write fit right in. Like most fan creators, I did make it gayer.
Q: Share some headcanons.
A: Oh, so many! Have three: - Furiosa wears her keys on the left: Max wears his on the right. - There are two popular headcanons around Miss Giddy: long-term Citadel denizen or Wasteland Survivor Having Adventures. I like the second one better. - Immortan Joe and the Bullet Farmer had a thing going on for a while there. 
Q: If you work with OCs walk us through your process for creating them. Who are some of your favourites?
A: There are OCs and there are "characters who had three frames in the movie/outtake." Very often I'll create an OC to fulfil a plot moment and then...they're not done...they tap my shoulder with more stories. I have a list of my Mad Max original characters for reference. I need it because I have *forty-nine* of them. Wretches, War Boys, Milking Mothers, Wastelanders, antagonists. My favorite OCs are the ones I've spent the most time writing about - if an OC of mine has a POV story, you know I liked them. Or somebody else did and made a request! 
Q: If you create original works, how do those compare to your fan works?
A: My original works seem positively sybaritic compared to my Mad Max fan works! 
Q: Who are some works by other creators inside and outside of the fandom that have influenced your work?
A: There were all these different creative factions – Maxiosa shippers, War Boy lovers, the Gigadumpster focusing on the villains – having fun. That in itself was inspiring. For a while I was unable to read @sacrificethemtothesquid ’s Length and Breadth of Fury Road. Its gravitational field of influence was that strong for me. And I adored the story “The Bullet Farmer’s Daughter” for its ruthless postapocalyptic extremes. For Max and Furiosa and their particular dynamics and madness, I’m influenced by J.G. Ballard – his compelled postapocalyptic wanderers, his cool, in-charge women. For my History People writing, influences include Margaret Atwood, Ursula Le Guin, and Neal Stephenson’s “Anathem”.
Q: What advice can you give someone who is struggling to make their own works more interesting, compelling, cohesive, etc.? 
A: The time you spend planning your project helps bring it to life. Thinking, plotting, outlining, deciding your ending and working up to it. If something seems crazy or self-indulgent, but *feels* real or right, there’s emotional truth and weight behind it. Readers will sense that and respond to it. Write it and see what happens. Thanks to our protagonist of few words, Mad Max writers suffer less from verbosity than other fandoms. Still, keep a sentence 20 words or fewer: keep a paragraph 6 – 8 sentences or fewer. Your reader will stay more engaged with your writing. 
Q: Have you visited or do you plan to visit Australia, Wasteland Weekend, or other Mad Max place?
A: I'd love to go to Wasteland Weekend sometime, but I live in New Zealand. It's been great to meet up with some fellow Mad Max fans in Australia, and to have Mad Max-like moments when I'm visiting there.  Walking down an industrial street, lost, when a gang of masked bikers roar by, disrupting the crows into their own corvid cries...
Q: Tell us about a current WIP or planned project.
A: I've got two Mad Max WIPs that will be done, come hell or high water. I'll share their titles: "In the Heart of the Wasteland Sun" and "A Favourite Has No Friend".
Thank you @thebyrchentwigges
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aipilosse · 2 years
How did you get into silvergifting?
Anon - I left this for so long and my answer really isn't very interesting, so sorry. I was aware of the ship back in the day before we used portmanteau ship names (at least in Tolkien fandom). I’d read Tyellas’ One Ring to Bind Them, and I swear there were a few others but I can’t recall them. I wouldn’t say I shipped it at that point though. Then, oh wow almost 2 years ago (time is not real), I remembered that fanfic existed and sought out some old favorite authors and stories and then tried to find new stories. I stumbled up on thearrogantemu’s These Gifts That You Have Given Me and became obsessed. I’m weak for any mutual obsession and passion that is hard to distinguish from murderous rage, so I was definitely primed to love it.
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ooksaidthelibrarian · 3 years
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Cover I did for Tyella's Terminator: Dark Fate fic Fate's Shrapnel
It's a collection of short(er) pieces set around T:DF, some gen some smut, and it gave me some Alicia/Carl pre-movie which was very bittersweet but perfect.
Made for Fandom Trumps Hate 2020 (wow, where did the time go)
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