#tyera is quite fast for her age
tarasstorybook · 7 years
Old West One Shot
Eighteen seventy seven was a pretty interesting year, or at least Phoenix thought so, year of the cowboys and outlaws. Something about that made him want to go up and see just how much times have changed and what exactly his father’s creations were up to. Phoenix had seen enough damned souls to know what dress code for ground floor was, might as well look the part having studied it enough. Deciding to take a chance Phoenix snapped his fingers to match the time’s style, keeping his red and gold theme from the last style change.
For this time period he had a muted red button up shirt, he rolled up the sleeves and undid the top two buttons, leaving some of his chest visible. Tied around his neck was also a muted red bandana, topped off with dark pants, belt, boots and hat on a stampede string. After a few adjustments Phoenix was happy with how it turned out, he had a good feeling he was going to like this time period as he took off for ground floor. No set destination in mind he would settle to explore whatever town he landed in. The sun was bright and he tipped his hat to shield his eyes from the sun. Phoenix looked around himself at the little town, well the back of a building anyway as he turned and looked up a bit.
“Better than the center of town.” He mumbled to himself as he started to make his way to the other side of the building. There were very few people out for the time of day, if he had to guess Phoenix would say it was around midday. A shopkeep was sweeping out front of his store, turning his head in the other direction Phoenix watched people come and go. No one had noticed his sudden appearance from the back of the building, he figured it must’ve happened a lot to this town.
Walking further down the road he noticed how the town was pretty quiet side from a few people he walked past. Phoenix got a few looks from people and had a good feeling as to why, demons looked at him like that all the time, doing a slow once over and staring at something they liked then blushing when he caught them staring, Phoenix simply smiled and tipped his hat in acknowledgement. Listening to more people talk he quickly picked up how they sounded and was able to mimic it back to them, having only spoken to one person, a blonde woman in her early twenties. She had said something flattering to him, her words made him smile and duck his head a little before he said to her. He knew what she was doing, he did it in hell all the time.
“Sorry, I don’t like pretty ladies like that, but that’s mighty kind of you to say.”
“That’s too bad.” The blonde woman said. “Someone as handsome as you would make anyone happy.”
“Thank you, if it’s all the same with you I’ll be on my way.”
The blonde smiles and steps out of his way, Phoenix tips his hat in thanks as he continues walking. The rest of that day continues on uneventful, must’ve showed up in a slow town where nothing happened, ever. Phoenix frowned at himself, he shouldn’t think like that, Ambriel wouldn’t be too happy if she learned he was thinking like that. If she was all there anyway that is, she seemed to be hitting the bottle pretty hard ever since she tried alcohol for the first. It was hard to be around her when she wasn’t sober, Phoenix thought about talking with her about it, asking her where this sudden alcoholism spurred from. Phoenix was pulled from his thoughts when someone, a man, came running by, he stepped out of their way so as not be ran into. A few moments later a young, what he assumed was a woman, ran past him in pursuit of the other man and hearing her shout.
“Stop you son of a bitch!”
Now that he heard them speak Phoenix concluded that this was a young woman. Very young in fact, now he was interested in what was going on. He didn’t have to go far to investigate as he watched the teenager, he had decided later, tackle the full grown man to the ground. She had lost her hat, revealing long brown hair that fell just above her shoulders. She didn’t seem to care as a triumphant laugh came from her. After the take down a third party had joined the group, walking closer Phoenix caught the last half of what they were saying.
“-Take it from here Tyera, he’ll be locked up for a pretty long time.”
“Okay Sheriff Jones, I’m going to catch my breath and return later.”
“Don’t stray too far Deputy Calverly, work is never done.” He smiles at her, Tyera does the same as the outlaw she caught was taken away. When she turned around Phoenix noticed that proud smile on her face, she was a little young to be a deputy though wasn’t she? Phoenix tilted his head in curiousity, that was new, on ground floor anyway he was pretty sure women in hell held power of authority in some way or another.
“The hell are you staring at?” The deputy’s voice brought him from thought. Shit was he staring? Whoops, better fix things.
“Nothing.” He said. “New to town.”
“That’s obvious.” She said to him, arms crossed. “And it sure as hell didn’t look you were staring at nothing. You not have a woman deputy in your old town?”
Shit this kid was defensive, ha reminds him of his twin a little. Just a little. Phoenix thought about his next words carefully before answering this spitfire kid. “It’s not common where I come from but I respect it. That was a good take down.” He said when it looked she didn’t believe him.
She beamed quite proud. “Thank you, not bad for a woman huh?”
“No not bad at all.” This kid was amusing, Phoenix liked her. She was so proud of herself, might as well boost her confidence even more. “Where’d you learn to do that?”
“Sheriff Jones taught me everything I know.” She stands up taller.
“Your hat is still on the ground.” Phoenix points behind her.
She reached up to where it would’ve been, she hadn’t noticed it had decided to go elsewhere while she worked. She picked it up from the ground and dusted it off before putting it back in it’s rightful place, tucking her hair inside. “Thanks.”
“Deputy how old are you?” Might as well start asking the blunt questions. How much harm could he do? He can just slip behind a building and disappear if he said anything improper to her.
“Eighteen, why the fuck does that matter?”
“It doesn’t.” Phoenix raises his hands in an attempt at a peace gesture. “Just never met a lady deputy as young as you.”
“Hm.” She gives him a scrutinizing look. “Probably never been with one either considering the way you dress, and I’m not a lady this whole town could tell you that.”
Ouch, Phoenix knew she probably meant no harm in what she said but that hurt just a little. “Aren’t parents supposed to teach their kids manners?”
She went to open her mouth to say something but stopped as her expression dropped at parents. Oh he hit a nerve, fuck. Well, too late to go back on what he just said as she found her voice again.
“I’ve got just one, my dad. My mother was murdered after I turned ten. The sheriff never, he didn’t.” Her eyes welled, she was unable to finish the sentence.
Good fucking job Phoenix you made a kid cry. Phoenix yelled at himself, Brie would be so disappointed in him right now. “Hey, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hit anything sensitive.” He had lowered down to her level and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
“I’m fine.” She defended too quickly as she wiped at her eyes. “Really, I’m fine.”
Yeah right, he couldn’t count how many times he’s told people that when he finally dumped his ass of a boyfriend. “Whatever makes you feel better kid.” He rose to his feet. “Pardon my own bad manners, I’m Phoenix what’s your name?”
“That’s a unique name, mine’s Tyera.”
“Also unique, I sometimes question what was going through my father’s head when he named me that. Nice to finally learn your name, and a kind pleasure to meet you.” He holds out his hand to take hers.
“And you.” She smiles as she shakes his. He noticed her hold was firm, her father must’ve taught her that. “You staying in town long?”
“Don’t know.” He tells her honestly. “Could probably stay a little longer, I’ve got nothing better to do.” As long he returns to hell every so often he could probably stay as long as he wants, hell maybe even make some kind of home here while making sure this kid didn’t get herself killed just cause he liked her.
She let go of his hand and started to take off. “I have to get going, work and all that. It was nice to meet you, welcome to town Phoenix.”
“See you around Tyera.” He smiles back at her and goes to explore more. Maybe he will stick around town for awhile, yeah he was going to stay for as long as he wanted. Hell was calm anyway for the moment, he can always go back for the important stuff that comes up.
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