It's very rare that Leon S. Kennedy laughs. At most you'll hear a dry chuckle, or a snort, or the even more commonly heard exhale of mild amusement, but never a real actual laugh.
So when Indrid says an off hand comment riffing on an earlier conversation over the radio, the last thing he expects is to hear Leon doubled over with laughter over the comms.
It lasts for a good long while and they can practically hear the tears in his eyes.
"Uh are you feeling alright, Agent Kennedy?" he asks with hesitance.
A soft wheeze is his reply.
"Uhm...Agent?" they feel their face flush, thankful that no one was around to see.
"Fuck-" Leon coughs, "Sorry that just really got me, I'm fine..."
"Right...Remind me not to say something like that again."
"No, it was funny, just warn a guy next time you're about to unleash some comedy gold like that huh?"
Indrid is not sure how to feel. He didn't expect Leon's laughter to make him feel so warm inside and yet here he was, blushing like a school girl. He was going to file the memory of that sound away for lonely late night In the future.
"Right sure...Now the objective is just over the ridge, I'd suggest making your way there soon, your transport will be here in just over an hour and a half..."
Indrid keeps himself talking and with luck, maybe Leon can't hear the smile in his voice over the radio.
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Doing Some Science.
A one shot of a Dying Light 2 swap au in which a half volatile Kaito is caught and examined by a Doctor Waltz, but not the one he's expecting.
TWs: medical examination, suggestive themes, canon typical violence, kidnapping
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To say that Kaito was in trouble would be a gross and comical understatement. The fact that he was tied to a metal chair which was bolted to the ground would be a nice clue. The fact that his bindings were metal industrial zip-ties would be another- and he could say the same for the blindfold bound tightly over his eyes.
Where had this all begun again? Right. The Renegade camp... Go take care of the shit heads at the border they said, it'd be easy they said...
“Easy my ass...” Kaito mumbles to himself in the silence. His head felt like it was stuffed with cotton wool and his ears rang incessantly... Must have been from the concrete pillow his head was very graciously slammed into...
From what very little they could see from behind the cloth covering their eyes, the room he was in was dimly lit. Nearly entirely shrouded in darkness save for the single overhead light that shone down on him from above based on the angle of the sharp shadows. He could also just about make out the shape of a table to his left, which could only mean a limited amount of things that came to mind. Undoubtedly there were some array of tools and sharp implements on it. The thought made Kaito's stomach churn.
The thing that the big mother fucker who had slammed his head into the concrete didn't really settle well either.
“Doc's gonna be real happy we found this little morsel...” And that could only mean Waltz. What other doctor could the Renegades have available to them? Aside from maybe some amateur dentist from before the Fall who called himself a surgeon... That idea was maybe worse. Waltz would at least have actual surgical precision when he tore him apart.
As they struggled to keep their thoughts in order in the midst of what must certainly be a concussion, Kaito heard a door behind them creak ominously open with a rusty groan. Reflexively they stiffened, straining to listen for footsteps, a voice- anything. After a moment he was treated to the telltale sound of the door slamming shut and a lock clicking into place, then footsteps. They were light but purposeful stepping around him and towards the table, where he could make out the fuzzy shape of the owner's outline as it began to take on the task of messing around with the objects on its surface. Odd... That couldn't have been Waltz, it was too slim.
“Who the fuck are you?” Kaito croaked. The figure did not seem to acknowledge him at all, instead muttering something under his breath.
“No that's not it...Did they take it? Dumbasses...“ He growled out that last word with a sigh, before finally turning to face Kaito, still stuck in the chair. After some deliberation the figure crouched on his haunches and without warning reached forward and used his gloved hands to pry open Kaito's jaw with little effort. The pilgrim made an unflattering noise and instinctively attempted to snap his teeth closed around the bastard's fingers. This earned him a chuckle and the tightening of an already rough hold on his face.
”I'm going to have to ask you to hold still- I mean if you prefer I could pry your teeth out of your mouth one by one so I could look at them without problems, but I don't think either of us want that...“ The voice was smooth and all too light for the sentence that was just spoken with it, though it had an underlying edge that sent a chill down Kaito's spine, ”After all, it would be really painful on your part and I'd really rather not have to clean up the mess...“
Kaito tries to make a retort, though around the strong grip on his jaw the words 'What the fuck', came out more like a strained gurgle. The person laughed at him again, loosening his hold a fraction.
”If you'll just be patient I'll take that blindfold off and I'll properly introduce myself, but uh as it stands it would be pretty awkward to just be staring at eachother with my hands in your mouth wouldn't it? Don't try to speak again, just nod.“ He says, and Kaito had to admit that yes he would find the entire interaction rather awkward indeed...not that it wasn't already. With some reluctance he obeys the strange man's command and gives a slight nod in response. He can practically feel the figure grinning in front of him, the glee radiating off of him, giving off a literal smell...'Sweet' is the adjective Kaito's brain offered as a descriptor.
The dental examination continued for a few minutes after that, the gloved fingers poking and prodding at each individual tooth, occasionally the man would speak some scientific jargon allowed as if making verbal notes.
”He was right...The mutation has changed your bone structure, there's an extra set of canines here...“ he mumbled. It took every shred of self control Kaito possessed not to put those extra canines to use, but from the harsh grip on his jaw Kaito could tell that his earlier threat of pulling out his teeth was more of a promise. He shuddered as a gloved thumb pressed itself onto their tongue and held it down as the figure leaned in to get a better look at his back teeth.
”Sorry for the odd angle, we're almost done if that helps.“ He sounded genuinely apologetic, which didn't help the odd sensation Kaito was beginning to experience in his gut, a twisting feeling that was rather loud and impossible to ignore. This close Kaito could make out fuzzy details from behind the blindfold. The shape of his jaw, hair cut short, eyes focused intently on the task at hand. Something about it all made Kaito queasy in a way they didn't entirely hate. Were this any other situations that could be...well pleasant? Is the only idea his mind would supply. Maybe he really was concussed.
Finally after what seemed like eternity the figure sighed and pulled his hands away, allowing Kaito's jaw to close, which Kaito did with speed, teeth audibly clicking together with a grimace.
”Ok you've fucked around with my teeth enough and you haven't even bought me dinner first- Now would you please take this thing off, I wanna see who threatened to fuck up my mouth thank you very much...“ Kaito finally says with righteous malice. The figure barks out a laugh.
”I suppose it's only fair, I did say I would after all... Give me a minute to change gloves if you wouldn't mind.“
”It's not like I can go anywhere...“ Kaito sneered. The figure futzed with things on the table, before pulling on a fresh pair of gloves with an audible snap of latex. The pilgrim shivered at the sound, flinching as the man stepped back over and once again crouched to be at eye level with him. Gingerly he reached up and undid the knot in the cloth behind his head and pulled the blindfold away from his eyes. Kaito hisses from the brightness that invaded his vision, blinking in the harsh overhead lights. He watches the figures back as he steps back over to toss the scrap of cloth on the table and begin digging through the implements on display.
He was tall, that was certain. Shoulders broad and adorned in a lab coat that might have been white once but was a muddy shade of gray from all the grime and dust that seemed to have stained it over the years. Oddly though, in place of the typical shoes you would expect from a scientist like a pair of loafers or even a pair of boots, this guy wore a simple pair of red sneakers from a brand that Kaito recognized but couldn't name if he tried. When he finally turned around to face him, Kaito was horribly surprised how much like Waltz this guy looked.
”There we are, now we can talk.“ He says simply with an air of friendliness that felt wholly uncomfortable to Kaito.
”You're not Waltz, but you sure as hell look like him, so who the fuck are you?“ Kaito says back, eyes narrow with suspicion. The guy grinned at him, actually beamed with an odd twisted sort of pride.
”You are perceptive! You're right on both of those fronts, he's my father actually, and I know who you are!“ he pauses and looks mildly puzzled, ”Well sort of. In the general way that all of the Renegades, Survivors, and those PK idiots do. Maybe just a bit more though considering- would you mind holding your eye open for me?“ He says casually, stepping up to tower over Kaito and once again takes a rather wicked grip on his jaw to push his head up to face him. Kaito grunts with the suddenness of it and then yelps with a bright penlight shown into his face, blinking on reflex.
”Hey I said open...“ the scientist chides, ”Or am I going to have to do it for you like your jaw?“ Kaito didn't exactly enjoy the implication of that. Obediently he strained to keep both eyes open as the light was moved to and fro, then clicked on and off repeatedly.
”Interesting...Your eyes dilate much more than the average human being...Also they're quite the pretty color, like a seafoam green almost...“ He mumbles. Kaito blinks up at him owlishly.
”You still haven't told me your name, you bastard...“ Kaito snaps quickly, because thinking about that last comment too hard was making the itchy feeling in his guts worse. The scientist's nose wrinkles a bit as he shuts off the penlight and slips it into the pocket of his coat.
”Uncalled for, but understandable I suppose, I would probably be just as jumpy as you are if I were in your position.“ He grins very suddenly at nothing and then shakes his head with a sigh that sounded almost satisfied in a way. Clearing his throat into his gloved hand the scientist presents a hand as if to have Kaito shake it, and then seems to remember himself and instead brings it behind his back.
”I'm Aiden Waltz, people around here call me Doc or just Aiden though. I already know who you are, Kaito- though oddly dad doesn't seem to have your last name on file...“ Aiden ponders. Kaito narrows his eyes at him.
”So what's the plan here, Aiden...“ He says the name like it's a curse, ”You gonna poke and prod me until your daddy gets here to rip me to shreds or what? If it's the GRE key you want I don't have it with me, I don't exactly keep it on my person for obvious reasons...”
Aiden looks at him like he just called the sky green, and then begins to laugh at him incredulously, doubling over and holding his stomach.
“What? What's so funny?” Kaito growls, the itch growing in intensity with each wheeze of laughter that bubbles up from the scientist's mouth. Aiden takes a second before wiping his eyes with a sleeve and sighing, straightening up and crouching down to be at eye level with the pilgrim.
“No actually! Waltz doesn't actually know you're here...at least not yet- not if you agree to help me...” Aiden intones.
“Help you with what...” Kaito says warily.
“I want you to help me kill him.” Aiden says casually, as if commenting on the weather. Kaito opens his mouth to reply and gets stuck.
“...I think my concussion is making me hear you wrong- you want me to do what?” Kaito asks with a note of horror in his tone.
“You heard me right, Pilgrim.” Aiden smiles at him wickedly, all teeth and deviousness, “You're going to help me kill Doctor Vincent Waltz.“
”Or...?“ Kaito prods tentatively.
”Hmm... Or...“ Aiden takes a moment to think, standing back up and pacing around in a small circle in front of the bewildered Pilgrim. An expression crosses his features as an idea seems to dawn on him, and he once again smiles in a way that was not at all pleasant, stepping over to lean over Kaito with a predatory air. ”Or I speed up your infection...and make it. Hurt.“
Kaito swallows almost audibly, eyes wide. Aiden's smile softens a fraction.
”How about you think it over, I have a little errand to run, and when I get back you can tell me what you've decided!“ He says disarmingly, straightening up and without waiting for a reply from the stunned pilgrim, heading out of the room.
Kaito sits with his thoughts and the feeling in his gut, now trying to place it. Horror? Probably. That ultimatum certainly sounded like a promise rather than a threat. Confusion? Most definitely. However the other big feeling that he was doing his best to ignore and file away for further thinking later would not let itself be unacknowledged, made plain by the growing buzz in the base of their spine. Not only was Kaito scared to death of this strange young man who threatened to kill him in the worst way imaginable, he was also somehow strangely attracted to him as well.
He would not think about that now thank you very much. He would blame it on the head trauma until the day he died- which now that he thought about it wouldn't probably be all that far off in retrospect.
A indeterminable stretch of time later Aiden returned, looking slightly sweaty and with a slightly manic look on his face.
”So? What is the verdict you've reached?“ He breathed out, leaning his back against the table and watching him intently. From the chair Kaito could feel how hard his heart was beating, practically hearing the blood rushing through his veins like a siren's song. He swallows, blinking slowly. What choice did he exactly have here? He either says no and dies a long drawn out death at the hands of this...scientist? Who clearly would derive a substantial amount of joy in the prospect. Or he dies trying to kill this guy's dad, coincidentally the exact man who ruined his life.
Kaito sighs and looks Aiden in the face with a grim determination.
”Where do we start?“ they ask. Aiden's grin sent a shiver down his spine again, that wasn't wholly unpleasant.
“We do some science...” He replies with a wild delight. Kaito's stomach does a flip and he feels his heart beat a staccato rhythm against his ribs. A deep little part of his wretched soul liked the sound of that.
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"Avoidance x X = Love"
Or in which Kaito is sending mixed signals, and Aiden is oblivious. Hakon offers help with mixed results.
Content warnings: swearing, Kaito tells Hakon to kill himself, Kaito spirals because they're stressed
"Hey, Hakon- You know Kaito right?" Aiden sidles up to the frenchman, hands in his pockets with a look of puzzlement on his face.
"Sure I know them! I mean it's a little hard to ignore him when they call you a bastard every time they adress you!" Hakon jests, shaking his head fondly, "Why? Having some trouble with le petit scientifique?"
Aiden hums and leans against the wall, bringing his arms up to cross them over his chest.
"You could say that...He's been acting a little odd-"
"When does he not?"
"Shut up..." The Pilgrim punches Hakon's arm dismissively to which the nightrunner feigns silent agony.
"I'm being serious- He's been...Avoiding me? Like more than their usual ehm...Antisocialness?" he says quietly, "I swear I can hear them breathing in their room but when I knock on the door it's like he ignores me? Or-or when I see him out around the Fisheye they always seem to scuttle off somewhere whenever I try to catch up and talk to him..."
Hakon listens with curiosity as Aiden goes through a short but substantial list of strange occurrences involving the ex-GRE doctor seemingly avoiding him.
"And you're telling me all of this because?" he asks after some thought.
"Well I was hoping that maybe you could well...Talk to them? I'm not mad!" he adds hurriedly, "Just sort of...Worried? I hope I didn't offend him or anything- I mean aside from the fact that he has the most reliable supply of those military medical kits, they've really kind of started to grow on me- as in we're friends now-! I think...I hope-"
"Okay okay, Aiden I understand. You think you've upset him, which isn't exactly hard-" he snarks, earning an indignant look, "-and you want me to be the middle man so that you can ask them what's wrong without actually asking him?" Hakon flashes the pilgrim a knowing look.
"Please? You know I'm not good at talking to him! Especially after I freaked out in their room after they gave me that handmade inhibitor cocktail..." Aiden flushes with embarrassment and hides his face in his hands. Hakon barks out a laugh, unfolding himself from his spot against the wall and shaking his head.
"Oh mon Dieu- You should've seen his poor face- yes! Fine I'll talk to them for you if you stop bellyaching" he chuckles. Aiden sighs in relief and watches nervously as the nightrunner steps away towards the back of the Fisheye, presumably to find the little scientist.
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"Salut petit bâtard!" Hakon throws open the door to Kaito's makeshift lab in the Fisheye with reckless abandon. The lab coated scientist yelps and fumbles with his instruments, dropping a few vials of dubious substances on the floor where they shatter and spill all over the hardwood.
"GODDAMN IT! Learn to Fucking knock! You goddamn- you prick! You fucking prick!" They shout, flapping their hands and rising from their desk with righteous malice.
"Yeesh! And I thought my second wife was a bundle of nerves!" Hakon chuckles, closing the door behind him and leaning down to pick up some nearby shards of glass scattered about the floor. Kaito fumes, gripping their upper arms tight and tapping a foot.
"Never do that shit again! And also stop fucking comparing people to your many divorces! It's stupid and the joke is getting old!" he exclaims indignantly.
"You wound me! I was under the impression that you thought I was funny!" Hakon says with a smile, tossing his small collection of glass shards into a nearby trash bin, where they tinkle lightly as they fall. Kaito sits back down waving a hand as they gather up their strewn about tools and papers.
"Well, Frenchman to what do I owe the displeasure of having to talk to you?" they mutter, tapping a small stack of documents into place. Hakon sidles over and leans against Kaito's desk. The scientist shoots him a cold look and flashes their eyes down to Hakon's hands against the wood, but makes no further complaint. The nightrunner flashes a smug grin in return.
"I know why you're avoiding him you know..." he intones, tapping his fingers on the edge of the desk thoughtfully. Kaito freezes up before their head snaps up to give him a look like a deer in headlights.
"Does he know?" they ask worriedly. Hakon shakes his head no and Kaito exhales with relief. "Good! Keep it that way! Or forever sleep with one eye open! Bastard!"
"As if I don't already?" Hakon quips, "Seriously, Kaito! You cannot hide from him forever! He's going to start asking me things and well...I can't exactly avoid giving him answers-"
"SHUT UP! SHUT UP SHUT UP! NOPE NOPE NOPE STOP TALKING, KILL YOURSELF!" Katio shrieks, standing up on his chair to brandish a pen with violent intent. Hakon backs away with his hands up, laughing all the while.
"S'il vous plaît, détendez-vous mon ami! Relax! I'm joking! Mostly- but honestly why not just bite the bullet? The worst he can do is say no, eh?" Kaito goes white and sits back down heavily.
"That's the point, Hakon! That is the nightmare scenario!! He says no, and then it becomes awkward to speak to him in a general capacity- not to mention a professional one! He will not ever take me seriously again and then what will I do?! AUUUGHHH NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE!" they pull at their hair anxiously and pull their knees into their chest, tapping his feet on his chair. Hakon sighs shaking his head.
"You're over thinking it again, Kait', it'll be fine! And you know it, stubborn git that you are..." he says quietly, stepping back over to stand next to him again, "If you're really bellyaching about it that much I'll help you, yeah?" Kaito peeks up at the frenchman over their knees with an expression laced with doubt.
"I trust your assistance as much as I trust an ice cube not to melt when put on a hot plate you degenerate..." he mutters sharply
"Fine! Don't accept my help! But im serious about this Kaito, Aiden may be dumb but he's not stupid! He's going to put the dots together eventually and that'll be ten times more embarrassing than if you just talk to him! Pour l'amour de Dieu..." he mutters.
The scientist considers this, mentally weighing the options presented to him.
"...On one hand this could all end in metaphorical or literal tears...You could die, I could die of embarrassment and humiliation...." they mumble
"And on the other hand?" Hakon probes. Kaito remains silent for a number of minutes. Finally he uncurls from his little ball and looks at Hakon sheepishly, or at least with an approximate expression.
"On the other hand I suppose some people, regrettably including myself, would call you reliable and trust worthy...To a point, do not let that get to your pompous head." they answer flatly. Hakon grins and shrugs.
"Ehhh no promises...But I'll take that as a yes?"
"Take it or leave me alone, preferably the latter" Kaito answers with a grimace. Hakon knocks on the wooden desk and straightens up.
"Alright, so how do you want to do this?"
"I'd prefer not to do it at all! But I suppose if you wanted to drag him over here under the guise of a request to do a check up, then that would be an innocent enough deception to engage in a proper conversation...." Kaito smiles maniacally.
"En anglais s'il vous plait?" Hakon asks lazily.
"Lie to him and then bring him to my laboratory! You fucking asshole..." Kaito exclaims, slapping at the air in the nightrunner's direction, to which he raises his hands in surrender.
"Yes yes! I read you, I read you!" He chuckles, stepping back towards the door, hand reaching down to the handle. "When should I bring him, huh? Should I bring candles and wine-?"
"GET OUT!" Kaito throws his composition notebook at Hakon's face, which instead, hits the door with a thump.
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The Masks We Take Off
The night of the banquet is at hand and Vasco and Ira are stressed beyond belief. How do the two of them deal with their anxiety before the potentially life changing duet they are to perform?
This is the part two of The Masks We Wear
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There is a song to listen to with this one!
Content warnings: Implied Dubcon/sexual activity [Both characters are adults], implied homophobia(?)
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The banquet was in full swing, musicians rousing the band into a lovely chorus, overlaid by the susurration of murmurs drawn by the crowd of nobles walking jauntily around the grand ballroom.
Everyone dressed to the nines in an array of colors from deep rich blues and violets to stark white and gold in every shade and hue, in rare form even Corvo dressed for the occasion (though it’s still in his signature midnight blue, so dark it's nearly black and of course specially tailored for innumerable hidden pockets for stowing away his sword and other useful tools that come in the territory of being Lord Protector and Spymaster).
Vasco’s leg bounces nervously as he fusses with his cufflinks, thinking himself to look utterly foolish, (despite the painfully obvious looks he’s receiving from young women and men alike in the crowd). His hair half tied back frames his face in a way that Emily finds slightly reminiscent of Corvo, back during those horrible six months- though notably less disheveled and not soaked with freezing rain and river water. Sweat maybe, which is apparent by his constant loosening of his collar and fanning himself with a hand.
She stepped up beside him, and in that special way sisters could, spoke to him out of the corner of her mouth, “Vasco if you keep worrying yourself over nothing you’re going to give yourself a stomach ache, relax! You look fine.”
“I don’t feel fine! I feel like a heretic in a church- which by the way is essentially what's happening! Why are there so many of them here?” He responds frantically in a clumsy approximation of a whisper.
Emily chuckles, giving him a pat on the small of his back, “Don’t worry, nothing’s going to happen, and if something does you know Corvo will handle it. Besides it’s not as though you’ve never been to a dinner party before…”
Vasco turns towards her finally, nervous blue gray eyes meeting soft amber, “Yes but those were just- they were business meetings! I knew what to do at those- just stand there and look important and or menacing like father but here-?” He gestures to the room at large with a sweep of his arm, “I haven’t a clue what to do with myself until the duet- and oh Outsider’s eyes why do I have to do the duet?”
“I’m doing a WHAT?! With WHO!?” Vasco had stared at Emily incredulously with wide eyes, who in turn simply gave an exasperated chuckle.
“A duet with Vice Overseer Bolton! What's the matter? You act as though playing the piano with the man is like the end of the world! Don’t tell me you’ve already found a way to cause trouble for him-”
“No! No it's not that it's just-” the words catch in his throat at which he looks to Corvo for a life line who raises his brow as a silent way of saying ‘I’m not going to lie for you.’ a look that Vasco returns with a desperate one of his own which communicates ‘Well at least give me SOMETHING to say please!’
Corvo relents and moves his hands fluidly in response.
‘I believe the issue lies more in the fact that he’s concerned for our well being, considering our connections’ he states, tapping the back of his left hand which pointedly, (albeit covered by a crossing network of black silk belts and buckles up to his wrist), was where the Outsider’s mark resided.
Emily finds herself rubbing her thumb across her own left hand unconsciously, but she looks resolute.
“That’s precisely why you’re doing the duet instead of either of us, I don’t know about you but I can’t exactly play the piano with gloves on- and Corvo hasn’t played in years! And we don’t exactly have the time to give him a refresher, considering that the banquet is next week.”
“But why have the duet at all? Can’t it just be a dinner party where you shake hands with High Overseer Khulan and call it an evening?” Vasco belly aches, wringing his hands
“Because the entire point of the dinner in the first place is to strengthen the relationship with the Abbey, and although I would also rather avoid relations with them if possible, it doesn’t hurt to get on their good side so that in the event of a problem we aren’t the first they suspect.” she reasons, crossing her arms and tapping a foot
Yes but that isn’t the point… Vasco thinks hopelessly, but he nods finally without another word.
He’s up all night the next day, practicing in the music room at the grand piano, playing his part of the duet (a piece entitled “A Lighthouse in the Void” by an unnamed composer) until his fingers grew sore from the constant movement and even after.
Around two in the morning Corvo finds him there, slumped over the keyboard very softly snoring and drooling on the keys. He chuckles soundlessly and crosses the room to sit on the bench beside him, the old wooden seat creaking slightly which unfortunately wakes the poor man with a start, causing him to clamp down on the keys with a discordant and resonating clang of notes all rushed together.
“AH-! Where’s the fire?! Oh-! Da- Corvo it’s just you…” he clears his throat and straightens up resting his hands in his lap and looking sheepish.
“You can say ‘dad’ Vasco, I sent the guards away, it's just us…” Corvo intones, and at this Vasco visibly relaxes, shoulders untensing.
“I’m sorry…” he says, not looking at Corvo but instead becoming very interested in his knees.
When his father doesn’t respond Vasco elaborates, “For last night I mean…”
“You have nothing to apologize for, son, except for making me worry…” Corvo says softly, turning his head towards Vasco with a rarely seen tenderness.
The young man can feel his eyes prick with tears that he blinks away in a hurry, he’s not going to cry again- he refuses to cry again.
“So… Ira Bolton hmm?” Corvo offers a starting point for the conversation, Vasco groans and hides his face in his hands.
“It's not what you think dad we just… it's a- we only-” Vasco stumbles, grasping for an explanation, before weakly settling on, “A friends with benefits sort of situation…I suppose” it sounds like a lie to him but he wouldn’t even begin to figure out what to say as the truth if he had one.
“Well from what you said yesterday I don’t think it's just a ‘friends with benefits situation’ as you aptly put it.” Corvo wasn’t a fool, he knew the signs of young love when he saw it he should know really what with Jessamine, and Vasco and Emily were proof enough of that.
“Yes but it's-! It's complicated! I don’t even know why I said that to him at all but something just- something pushed it out and now I don’t even know if I meant it!” Vasco exclaims, running a hand through his hair and tugging at it in apparent dismay.
“I think the fact that you’re still thinking about it even now is proof enough that you did Vasco.” Corvo puts a hand on Vasco’s shoulder and turns on the bench to look him in the eye. Vasco attempts to hold the gaze but his eyes twitch every which way anxiously.
“But what if he doesn’t feel the same way- what if I said it wrong and he got the wrong impression?! At first it was just a transactional thing- I mean we'd- you know- and then I'd leave but lately it's been…different, he asked me to stay more than once now and sometimes instead of…you know- we'd just sit and talk and then he'll look at me like…" Vasco doesn't feel his face flush but Corvo can see the color come to his face all the same
Corvo stops him silently by taking his face in his hands and looking at him intently.
"The more you overthink it Vasco, the worse it's going to feel. Take a deep breath son…" he instructs
Vasco does as he's told, takes deep breaths and allows his anxiety to settle, he relaxes and finally looks Corvo in the eye.
Corvo finds the task difficult despite having years of practice, but he manages anyhow.
"No one, unless you're the Outsider, can see the future. You're worthy of love Vasco, and if this Ira Bolton isn't the one to give it to you then you'll have to make peace with it one way or another…" Corvo says, "I for one never thought that your mother would even consider me for my position, in fact there were several people in the empire who were all vying against me becoming Lord Protector at the time. I never imagined that she'd even look at me."
Corvo looks wistful, turning to look at the portrait of Jessamine that hangs on the wall of the music room, her soft gaze looking down into the room.
"But out of everyone, Vasco." he continues, "Out of every nobleman from Gristol that were hand picked by the Emperor himself as candidates your mother chose me, a rail thin boy from Serkonos who could barely speak and couldn't even look her in the eye when she spoke to me…"
Vasco's shoulders are already shaking as he tries not to cry, but Corvo already beats him to it, as silent tears run down his face. He looks away from the portrait and back at Vasco, his son.
"Sometimes people surprise you if you let them. Don't let yourself worry so much about the 'What if' that you fail to see what is…"
Vasco spots Corvo from across the ballroom and the two share a knowing nod.
That's when upon turning his head away from his father his eyes meet Ira's and time seems to freeze. The two of them stare at each other as if they were the only two people in this crowded space. Ira wears a rich red almost uniform suit, his hair slicked back and he's even sporting a pair of half-moon spectacles on golden chains.
To Vasco's gaze he's beautiful, and he can feel his face and the tips of his ears heat up as he blushes. Emily's speech is little more than background noise in this moment.
Ira looks at Vasco and something in him hungers, wants to stride across the room no matter who was in his way, grab the prince's face and kiss him right then and there.
There have been a lot of thoughts like this in his mind lately.
Ira curses as he hits a sour note on his violin and nearly throws the priceless instrument across the room, he's frustrated beyond belief and he's been trying to get this note right for hours, and by this point it was well into the late evening.
All he can think about is Vasco Attano. Vasco void-damned Attano and those words he had spoken that night.
'I wish I could stop hiding you…'
Someone knocks on the door to his study.
"Yes, who is it?" Ira snaps
"Erm, it's brother Harris sir, I heard you shout, is everything alright?" comes the nervous voice from outside
Ira hates that voice, every single word out of the man's mouth drew his ire in a way that he couldn't describe.
"I'm fine Harris…" an idea crosses his mind, "come in…"
Harris enters, just another overseer out of many.
"Yes sir? What seems to be the trouble?" he asks
"This piece is giving me some issues, I think I need to take a break." Ira says, very gingerly setting his violin back in it's case along with the bow.
"Ah I see! Well there is no shame in that brother, sometimes things are best done in moderation-"
Ira stops him by grabbing him roughly by the collar of his uniform's jacket, and shoving him against his desk, to which Harris gasps in response.
"I could use a distraction, brother Harris…do you think you could stand to provide me with that distraction?" he says lowly, leaning in close so say it in his ear.
Harris shivers breath muffled by his golden mask with its engraved grimace.
"Y-Yes sir-"
"Good, don't say a word, do you understand me?"
Harris nods.
"Good boy."
After he forces Harris out of his study Ira feels nothing, in fact he even feels worse than before he had bent Harris over his desk and had- well it didn't matter now he just felt empty.
'I wish I didn't have to hide you.'
He grits his teeth and picks up his violin again staring at the sheet music to 'A Lighthouse in the Void' and begins to play the piece again, his mind on Vasco all the while.
About their times spent together- not even when they had sex but just when they sat in the same space and simply talked. When Vasco laughed- even when he just smiled…
He finds that, thinking back he loved to look at him, and he loved to listen to him speak and well…he-
Ira plays through the entire piece without stopping and when he's finished he realizes…
"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you very much for attending this banquet, on behalf of myself as the empress of the empire, and on behalf of High overseer Yul Khulan!" Emily has taken the stage, where the musicians have cleared the space to make room for the large grand piano. The room erupts in polite applause.
Ira and Vasco stand beside each other, Ira holding the neck of his violin like a sword. Vasco looks straight ahead as if frozen on the spot, avoiding eye contact at all cost.
Emily's voice as she introduces the night's festivities isn't real in his ears; it instead sounds muddled and far away. Ira looks over at him and flashes him his signature fox tooth grin.
"I trust you've been practicing diligently?" he says in a whisper
"To be honest, yes, but more importantly I've been stressed out of my wits about this…" Vasco replies
Ira hums in response.
"Please welcome to the stage; Vice Overseer Ira Bolton, and Crown Prince Vasco Attano Kaldwin."
The crowd cheers as the two of them step up onto the stage, Vasco takes his place on the Piano bench as Ira positions himself to stand before a music stand. The lights dim and two spotlights click into life with a droning hum of electricity.
Vasco freezes.
Sitting at that bench his throat feels tight, his stomach a pit in which he feels he's going to fall into.
Then he catches Corvo's eye. The Lord Protector flashes a smile and gives him a slight nod from his place in the crowd. Emily looks on and clenches her fists, mouthing words of encouragement in silence- and finally Vasco looks at Ira.
The two of them lock eyes again.
Before the crown prince sighs a deep breath and begins to play.
And as he plays he remembers moments between himself and Ira during those long nights, their conversations, of his fox-like charm, and all the little things like the way his eyes looked almost red in certain light, the quirk of his brow that always made him look smug.
Ira's attention turns from the sheet music to Vasco as he drags the string of his violin's bow across the strings and realizes with some alarm that the prince is weeping. Very softly as he watched silent tears rolled down his face and onto the piano's keys.
His own heart clenches in his chest, but the two play on, and the duet is beautiful. The crowd watches with rapt attention and if they can see Vasco's tears or the look of nervousness on Ira's face they don't break the beautiful serenade to make comments about either.
At last the song is over and the two slowly lower their arms from their instruments and even before they can breathe a sigh of relief the entire crowd roars with a standing ovation, and looking at each other the two come to the wordless conclusion that a bow is in order.
Vasco stands from the piano bench and wipes at his eyes with the back of his hands, and crosses the stage to take hold of Ira's hand and the two dip in a bow. And after they rise from their bent position they don't let each other's hands go, and they laugh as they each exhale a shaky sigh of relief at a stressful job well done And they don't let each other's hands go.
And they keep not letting go.
"Vasco… Could we go and talk somewhere?" Ira asks in an uncharacteristically small sounding voice.
Vasco exhales and turns to face him, and then looks down at their hands, and back up at him.
And so the two exit the stage.
Several people in the crowd are quite confused at the strange display they've just seen, others namely Corvo (and finally at last Emily connects the dots about the situation and perhaps realizes the true reason behind Vasco's previous anxiety about the event) simply have a knowing look on their faces.
High Overseer Khulan wades through the crowd and attempts to locate Ira and question the man about his actions but neither he nor Vasco can be found within the ball room.
They're already out in the Dunwall Tower's gardens, hand in hand.
Without the masks they wear.
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The Masks We Wear
Vice Overseer Ira Bolton and Prince Vasco Attano are both worried about their relationship and how things are progressing with it. The two ponder their anxieties and maybe a realization begins to dawn.
This is part one of a two shot! Google Doc Link.
Content warnings: implied sexual content [Both Characters are adults], depiction of thought spiraling
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Vice Overseer Ira Bolton sits in the board meeting utterly bored out of his skull, golden mask worn by all overseers luckily hiding his disinterest as he half listens to High Overseer Yul Khulan ramble on about slightly revamping the structure of the Abbey of the Everyman.
Ira however isn't paying the meeting much heed. To be honest he never did. In truth Ira was not actually a religious man, he was just a man who enjoyed the power the position of "Vice Overseer" gave, and though he was not a man afraid to get his hands dirty, he was willing to wait until Khulan dropped dead of natural causes to become the new High Overseer.
In truth Ira was thinking about a man, one man in particular, Vasco Attano, (Or was it Kaldwin? Ira could never tell with him). They had been spending a lot of time as of late despite what an odd pair they make, the Vice Overseer and the Crown Prince (With his enthusiasm with researching The Outsider, the complete opposition of Ira's entire "faith").
What they do during their time together is best left behind closed doors, but the sweat and unkempt uniform that Ira walked out of his office with was evidence enough of their less than sacred activities. The memories put a smile on the man's face in the present moment, once again tactfully hidden behind the golden mask.
However this was not the current subject of his thoughts. It was actually something that the prince had said during their last visit…
Vasco makes a mournful noise as he looks at his reflection in a polished sculpture made of brass on Ira's desk, and runs a finger along the ring of suspicious indents right on his collar bone, several of them in fact, with bruises to accompany them.
"Must you insist on leaving so many? They're a bother to hide…" he mutters
"Then don't hide them, Let people wonder…" Ira purrs, snatching up a lock of Vasco's hair and curling it with a finger (and a slight tug).
"You know I can't! You wretch you…" Vasco responds without a hint of venom, Instead he looks rather sad, wistful even.
Ira grumbles, letting go of Vasco's curls and moves from his spot behind him to stare deeply into his face.
"What? What are you looking at? Do I still have-?"
"No you were quite through with my shirt, thank you very much by the way, but something's troubling you." he muses, lightly flicking at Vasco's forehead, where his brows had furrowed, "You're thinking too hard again, it doesn't suit you." he chuckles at his own jest as Vasco's puzzlement shifts to a slight scowl.
"Well for one you could stand to be more gentle, I do have to sneak home you know and it's rather difficult when your ass is sore thank You very much!" Vasco chides, returning his own flick to Ira's shoulder who chuckles in return.
"My deepest apologies your majesty, I was under the impression that you were enjoying yourself, seeing as you begged me for mo- "
"Okay that's enough!" Vasco all but shouts, rushing to cover the man's mouth with both hands.
Ira yields and raises his hands in surrender, a pleasant smirk on his face as Vasco lowers his hands. They chuckle with each other for a moment before Vasco looks somber again.
"Well…I suppose that these are the problem…in a sense" Vasco says, finally brushing his fingers along the marks along his neck.
Ira's gaze softens, and he reaches out to put a hand on his shoulder.
"If you are finding them that troublesome I can stop leaving so many…"
"No! No it's not that it's…well- I suppose I just wish I didn't need to hide them away- or you…" He pauses, biting his lip to stop himself from speaking further.
Ira looks stunned, lips slightly parted in surprise. He opens his mouth to give a response, but Vasco shuts him up by pressing a kiss to his lips.
Before he can properly react however, Vasco slips on his mask with a click and disappears out of the window of Ira's office without even bothering to fix his coat.
Ira is shaken from his thoughts by a hand on his shoulder, an overseer at his left who, despite his mask, almost looks concerned, perhaps it's the turn of his head, makes him look like a kicked wolfhound.
"Are you quite well Vice Overseer Bolton?" he asks, the voice of Brother Harris
"I'm quite fine Harris, thank you for your concerns."
"I was just speaking about the idea of a banquet in conjunction with the royal family. I think it would be a great step forward in restoring our shaky relationship with them in the long term, what do you think?" High Overseer Khulan intones, turning to Ira from the head of the long table.
"I think that sounds wonderful" Ira says automatically in reflex. Fuck. What did he just agree to? This was going to be a disaster- a banquet? With the royal family?! Ira goes rigid and pale under his mask, by the Outsider-
"I think it would be beneficial for you to attend Brother Bolton. You are rather new to your role as Vice Overseer and it would be perhaps beneficial for you to get to know the Empress in preparation for your duties down the road." Khulan continues
"I agree! An excellent idea sir." NO! Shut up! Why would you keep agreeing with him? This is foolish! This is-
"-A nightmare! What do you mean there's going to be Overseers here next week?!"
Vasco paces the floor of Emily's study rapidly, barely even reaching the other side of the room at all before turning back on himself- practically just spinning around in circles.
Emily says as much, "If you don't stop pacing dear brother you're going to burn a hole in the carpet…" she says amused, "And relax! It's a banquet, we're supposed to enjoy ourselves…for the most part, it is technically a business dinner, but that doesn't mean you can't have a little fun."
"How can I relax? They're Overseers! You know the whole group of religious zealots that kind of hate the-!" Vasco gestures wildly with his left hand (which is bare).
Emily rolls her eyes and Corvo, from his spot by the door of the office, crosses his arms with a pointed eyebrow raise.
"You're being paranoid Vasco, there will be guards present and if any of them even think about attacking me or Corvo- well Corvo will take care of that in any case…"
"Still! What about…" Ira, is the name left unsaid, the single word dying in Vasco's throat.
He pauses, thinking back to that night.
"-I suppose I just wish I didn't need to hide them away…or you…" god why had he said that? 
He meant it, truly he did but his heart jumps in his throat when he says it. 
The kiss was just to distract Ira long enough to leave- not that he goes far, in fact he gets as far as three rooftops away before he stops and presses himself against an awning and clutches at the glass lenses of his mask as if trying to hide away completely, his shoulders shaking as he takes a wet and shaky breath, made tinny by the mask’s beak.
He stands there and cries for a number of minutes before he finally straightens up and takes the time to straighten his jacket- or well his father's jacket.
He heads home, keeping it together all the while. He isn't sure why he feels like this. Well actually he isn't sure what he feels at all. He's never been sure of that in his life to be honest.
The window of his balcony creeps open silently as he makes his way into his room.
"Another midnight run?"
Vasco is startled by the rarely heard sound of his father's voice, deep and raspy from disuse but still commanding and threatening.
Vasco turns to him, who slips out of the deep shadows of the room, arms folded and face hard and unreadable. Vasco feels like a child of ten again, unsure of what that means to him at all, bad he decides as he stands there, breathing so hard it's audible even through the filter of the beak of his mask.
Which he finally takes off.
His face is a mess, eyes red and puffy from having cried at length on that rooftop, cheeks stained with the soot and makeup he used to hide his face underneath it.
Corvo's eyes visibly soften, his stance becoming less stiff and measured.
"What happened?"
And Vasco cracks.
From across the room Corvo's eyes catch Vasco's and a silent understanding is reached, and the Lord Protector and Spymaster gives a very subtle nod to his son, who returns the gesture with an equally subtle (but still anxious) nod.
Emily raises an eyebrow but says nothing, figuring that if nothing was being said out loud between Corvo and her brother then she didn't need to know, a common occurrence between the two of them. Emily and Corvo had their midnight sparring, Vasco and Corvo had their silent conversations.
In the privacy of Ira's office, the man seethes, upturning his own desk and nearly smashing a lamp in a confused rage.
In Emily's study Vasco silently internalizes feelings he doesn't even understand, his only assistance being his father, who won't mention anything in front of Emily.
However both of them, once back in the company of other people who know them as the put together dependable individuals that they are, must prove them right.
After all,
They both have their masks to wear.
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Call me Percy or Prince! Or Void if you prefer! A Royal Heir by day, and A Writer and Knight by- well Night!
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They Don't Have An End.
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