#Dr. Kaito [REDACTED]
Doing Some Science.
A one shot of a Dying Light 2 swap au in which a half volatile Kaito is caught and examined by a Doctor Waltz, but not the one he's expecting.
TWs: medical examination, suggestive themes, canon typical violence, kidnapping
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To say that Kaito was in trouble would be a gross and comical understatement. The fact that he was tied to a metal chair which was bolted to the ground would be a nice clue. The fact that his bindings were metal industrial zip-ties would be another- and he could say the same for the blindfold bound tightly over his eyes.
Where had this all begun again? Right. The Renegade camp... Go take care of the shit heads at the border they said, it'd be easy they said...
“Easy my ass...” Kaito mumbles to himself in the silence. His head felt like it was stuffed with cotton wool and his ears rang incessantly... Must have been from the concrete pillow his head was very graciously slammed into...
From what very little they could see from behind the cloth covering their eyes, the room he was in was dimly lit. Nearly entirely shrouded in darkness save for the single overhead light that shone down on him from above based on the angle of the sharp shadows. He could also just about make out the shape of a table to his left, which could only mean a limited amount of things that came to mind. Undoubtedly there were some array of tools and sharp implements on it. The thought made Kaito's stomach churn.
The thing that the big mother fucker who had slammed his head into the concrete didn't really settle well either.
“Doc's gonna be real happy we found this little morsel...” And that could only mean Waltz. What other doctor could the Renegades have available to them? Aside from maybe some amateur dentist from before the Fall who called himself a surgeon... That idea was maybe worse. Waltz would at least have actual surgical precision when he tore him apart.
As they struggled to keep their thoughts in order in the midst of what must certainly be a concussion, Kaito heard a door behind them creak ominously open with a rusty groan. Reflexively they stiffened, straining to listen for footsteps, a voice- anything. After a moment he was treated to the telltale sound of the door slamming shut and a lock clicking into place, then footsteps. They were light but purposeful stepping around him and towards the table, where he could make out the fuzzy shape of the owner's outline as it began to take on the task of messing around with the objects on its surface. Odd... That couldn't have been Waltz, it was too slim.
“Who the fuck are you?” Kaito croaked. The figure did not seem to acknowledge him at all, instead muttering something under his breath.
“No that's not it...Did they take it? Dumbasses...“ He growled out that last word with a sigh, before finally turning to face Kaito, still stuck in the chair. After some deliberation the figure crouched on his haunches and without warning reached forward and used his gloved hands to pry open Kaito's jaw with little effort. The pilgrim made an unflattering noise and instinctively attempted to snap his teeth closed around the bastard's fingers. This earned him a chuckle and the tightening of an already rough hold on his face.
”I'm going to have to ask you to hold still- I mean if you prefer I could pry your teeth out of your mouth one by one so I could look at them without problems, but I don't think either of us want that...“ The voice was smooth and all too light for the sentence that was just spoken with it, though it had an underlying edge that sent a chill down Kaito's spine, ”After all, it would be really painful on your part and I'd really rather not have to clean up the mess...“
Kaito tries to make a retort, though around the strong grip on his jaw the words 'What the fuck', came out more like a strained gurgle. The person laughed at him again, loosening his hold a fraction.
”If you'll just be patient I'll take that blindfold off and I'll properly introduce myself, but uh as it stands it would be pretty awkward to just be staring at eachother with my hands in your mouth wouldn't it? Don't try to speak again, just nod.“ He says, and Kaito had to admit that yes he would find the entire interaction rather awkward indeed...not that it wasn't already. With some reluctance he obeys the strange man's command and gives a slight nod in response. He can practically feel the figure grinning in front of him, the glee radiating off of him, giving off a literal smell...'Sweet' is the adjective Kaito's brain offered as a descriptor.
The dental examination continued for a few minutes after that, the gloved fingers poking and prodding at each individual tooth, occasionally the man would speak some scientific jargon allowed as if making verbal notes.
”He was right...The mutation has changed your bone structure, there's an extra set of canines here...“ he mumbled. It took every shred of self control Kaito possessed not to put those extra canines to use, but from the harsh grip on his jaw Kaito could tell that his earlier threat of pulling out his teeth was more of a promise. He shuddered as a gloved thumb pressed itself onto their tongue and held it down as the figure leaned in to get a better look at his back teeth.
”Sorry for the odd angle, we're almost done if that helps.“ He sounded genuinely apologetic, which didn't help the odd sensation Kaito was beginning to experience in his gut, a twisting feeling that was rather loud and impossible to ignore. This close Kaito could make out fuzzy details from behind the blindfold. The shape of his jaw, hair cut short, eyes focused intently on the task at hand. Something about it all made Kaito queasy in a way they didn't entirely hate. Were this any other situations that could be...well pleasant? Is the only idea his mind would supply. Maybe he really was concussed.
Finally after what seemed like eternity the figure sighed and pulled his hands away, allowing Kaito's jaw to close, which Kaito did with speed, teeth audibly clicking together with a grimace.
”Ok you've fucked around with my teeth enough and you haven't even bought me dinner first- Now would you please take this thing off, I wanna see who threatened to fuck up my mouth thank you very much...“ Kaito finally says with righteous malice. The figure barks out a laugh.
”I suppose it's only fair, I did say I would after all... Give me a minute to change gloves if you wouldn't mind.“
”It's not like I can go anywhere...“ Kaito sneered. The figure futzed with things on the table, before pulling on a fresh pair of gloves with an audible snap of latex. The pilgrim shivered at the sound, flinching as the man stepped back over and once again crouched to be at eye level with him. Gingerly he reached up and undid the knot in the cloth behind his head and pulled the blindfold away from his eyes. Kaito hisses from the brightness that invaded his vision, blinking in the harsh overhead lights. He watches the figures back as he steps back over to toss the scrap of cloth on the table and begin digging through the implements on display.
He was tall, that was certain. Shoulders broad and adorned in a lab coat that might have been white once but was a muddy shade of gray from all the grime and dust that seemed to have stained it over the years. Oddly though, in place of the typical shoes you would expect from a scientist like a pair of loafers or even a pair of boots, this guy wore a simple pair of red sneakers from a brand that Kaito recognized but couldn't name if he tried. When he finally turned around to face him, Kaito was horribly surprised how much like Waltz this guy looked.
”There we are, now we can talk.“ He says simply with an air of friendliness that felt wholly uncomfortable to Kaito.
”You're not Waltz, but you sure as hell look like him, so who the fuck are you?“ Kaito says back, eyes narrow with suspicion. The guy grinned at him, actually beamed with an odd twisted sort of pride.
”You are perceptive! You're right on both of those fronts, he's my father actually, and I know who you are!“ he pauses and looks mildly puzzled, ”Well sort of. In the general way that all of the Renegades, Survivors, and those PK idiots do. Maybe just a bit more though considering- would you mind holding your eye open for me?“ He says casually, stepping up to tower over Kaito and once again takes a rather wicked grip on his jaw to push his head up to face him. Kaito grunts with the suddenness of it and then yelps with a bright penlight shown into his face, blinking on reflex.
”Hey I said open...“ the scientist chides, ”Or am I going to have to do it for you like your jaw?“ Kaito didn't exactly enjoy the implication of that. Obediently he strained to keep both eyes open as the light was moved to and fro, then clicked on and off repeatedly.
”Interesting...Your eyes dilate much more than the average human being...Also they're quite the pretty color, like a seafoam green almost...“ He mumbles. Kaito blinks up at him owlishly.
”You still haven't told me your name, you bastard...“ Kaito snaps quickly, because thinking about that last comment too hard was making the itchy feeling in his guts worse. The scientist's nose wrinkles a bit as he shuts off the penlight and slips it into the pocket of his coat.
”Uncalled for, but understandable I suppose, I would probably be just as jumpy as you are if I were in your position.“ He grins very suddenly at nothing and then shakes his head with a sigh that sounded almost satisfied in a way. Clearing his throat into his gloved hand the scientist presents a hand as if to have Kaito shake it, and then seems to remember himself and instead brings it behind his back.
”I'm Aiden Waltz, people around here call me Doc or just Aiden though. I already know who you are, Kaito- though oddly dad doesn't seem to have your last name on file...“ Aiden ponders. Kaito narrows his eyes at him.
”So what's the plan here, Aiden...“ He says the name like it's a curse, ”You gonna poke and prod me until your daddy gets here to rip me to shreds or what? If it's the GRE key you want I don't have it with me, I don't exactly keep it on my person for obvious reasons...”
Aiden looks at him like he just called the sky green, and then begins to laugh at him incredulously, doubling over and holding his stomach.
“What? What's so funny?” Kaito growls, the itch growing in intensity with each wheeze of laughter that bubbles up from the scientist's mouth. Aiden takes a second before wiping his eyes with a sleeve and sighing, straightening up and crouching down to be at eye level with the pilgrim.
“No actually! Waltz doesn't actually know you're here...at least not yet- not if you agree to help me...” Aiden intones.
“Help you with what...” Kaito says warily.
“I want you to help me kill him.” Aiden says casually, as if commenting on the weather. Kaito opens his mouth to reply and gets stuck.
“...I think my concussion is making me hear you wrong- you want me to do what?” Kaito asks with a note of horror in his tone.
“You heard me right, Pilgrim.” Aiden smiles at him wickedly, all teeth and deviousness, “You're going to help me kill Doctor Vincent Waltz.“
”Or...?“ Kaito prods tentatively.
”Hmm... Or...“ Aiden takes a moment to think, standing back up and pacing around in a small circle in front of the bewildered Pilgrim. An expression crosses his features as an idea seems to dawn on him, and he once again smiles in a way that was not at all pleasant, stepping over to lean over Kaito with a predatory air. ”Or I speed up your infection...and make it. Hurt.“
Kaito swallows almost audibly, eyes wide. Aiden's smile softens a fraction.
”How about you think it over, I have a little errand to run, and when I get back you can tell me what you've decided!“ He says disarmingly, straightening up and without waiting for a reply from the stunned pilgrim, heading out of the room.
Kaito sits with his thoughts and the feeling in his gut, now trying to place it. Horror? Probably. That ultimatum certainly sounded like a promise rather than a threat. Confusion? Most definitely. However the other big feeling that he was doing his best to ignore and file away for further thinking later would not let itself be unacknowledged, made plain by the growing buzz in the base of their spine. Not only was Kaito scared to death of this strange young man who threatened to kill him in the worst way imaginable, he was also somehow strangely attracted to him as well.
He would not think about that now thank you very much. He would blame it on the head trauma until the day he died- which now that he thought about it wouldn't probably be all that far off in retrospect.
A indeterminable stretch of time later Aiden returned, looking slightly sweaty and with a slightly manic look on his face.
”So? What is the verdict you've reached?“ He breathed out, leaning his back against the table and watching him intently. From the chair Kaito could feel how hard his heart was beating, practically hearing the blood rushing through his veins like a siren's song. He swallows, blinking slowly. What choice did he exactly have here? He either says no and dies a long drawn out death at the hands of this...scientist? Who clearly would derive a substantial amount of joy in the prospect. Or he dies trying to kill this guy's dad, coincidentally the exact man who ruined his life.
Kaito sighs and looks Aiden in the face with a grim determination.
”Where do we start?“ they ask. Aiden's grin sent a shiver down his spine again, that wasn't wholly unpleasant.
“We do some science...” He replies with a wild delight. Kaito's stomach does a flip and he feels his heart beat a staccato rhythm against his ribs. A deep little part of his wretched soul liked the sound of that.
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morphogenetic · 1 year
i recognize this might be a bat to a hornets nest but curious about more in-depth ndvr3 opinions
hi anon im sorry this took one million years to answer properly (bc i never got an answer back about how long you wanted this to be) but im answering it now. spoilers for v3 and very concentrated dislike of dr as a series (and especially v3 lol) below the cut
as a whole, dr does a very poor job at making its characters feel fleshed out. this is, i know, kind of the point - they're all supposed to essentially be very exaggerated versions of some specific tropes common in jp media, i.e gundham being an extreme chuuni. after the first game though, which feels like more of a proof of concept than an actually well-designed game, the extreme flatness (ironically shown very well by the pop-up-book art style lol) just gets worse and worse and the characters in v3 in particular are even less fleshed out than before. i realize that for v3 this is somewhat a consequence of them trying to drive home the 'these are characters written by someone else' point, but like.......even if you're trying to make the point that someone wrote the characters to be like that, you can still write the characters well if you're trying to pull off genuinely emotional moments w them. e.g. every time they tried to make kaito's illness sad i could not give LESS of a shit about it because he just has the one-note personality.
dr has always had the problem where characters - outside of komaeda and hinata in sdr2, who are IMO the best developed characters in the whole series, especially komaeda - are only as well developed as the amount of time you spend doing their social links (or occasionally the particular trial that focuses on them, if that applies). of course, it's literally impossible to complete everyone's social events during the main mode of the game - unlike, for example, p4 or p5, where you can at least get close if you dont finish the whole social link. as such, it is extremely difficult to form an attachment to more than 1 or 2 characters before they kill/are killed. this is especially true when it's immediately obvious who has less of a personality than everyone else - or has more of a trope of a personality - and it's intensely predictable who is going to die early. for example, in v3, it was almost immediately obvious to me that tennis guy, maid girl, and angie and tenko were not going to make it to the end of the game, and were all early deaths, because of how paper-thin their personalities are. of course, this meant that i didn't bother doing their social events at all, so i had no attachment to them when they did inevitably die. this is a problem w every single dr game but its especially bad with this one.
(don't even get me started on how ive been able to figure out the majority of the solution to each case before the trial even starts or gets farther than like 30 minutes in. or how the issues that the students raise are often incredibly stupid and take WAY too much time and energy to shoot down when its so obvious that they're completely wrong. it's just. filler for in so many of the trials and it is incredibly annoying. the amount of filler before seesaw effect made me insane.)
now for my main v3 specific complaint: the fucking ending.
i actually like meta endings, you must understand that about me before reading the rest of this. meta in video games in general is something i love as long as it's well executed. i adore how uchikoshi handles it in [GAME REDACTED TO AVOID SPOILERS], for example, even though a lot of people seemed to have missed the point with it entirely.
the key word there is "well-exectued." v3 is not.
first of all: if you're trying to make this a meta case where v3 is part of the ongoing DR series....why are you trying to say that the video game you're playing is part of a TV show???? it feels as natural to say that a TV show you're watching is secretly a book someone else is reading. it's not a natural jump between mediums in the slightest, and what makes it even more annoying is that dr as a series is a primarily-video-game series!!!!!!!!! what on EARTH are you doing trying to be meta about your video game secretly being a TV show. it makes no fucking sense. if they tried to say that it was a mixed-medium franchise, that I would accept, because DR IS a mixed-media franchise. but it feels incredibly stupid to retroactively say that 'these two video games we wrote in the past are actually tv shows.' what? no. that's not how mediums work.
secondly: the meta does not work effectively in a series like dr to begin with when it already is constantly breaking the 4th wall for comedy - which i don't actually have any significant problems with. i personally think it's a lazy way of trying to be funny when it's the primary way you try to make your game funny, but i can accept that it works with the general character trope adherence of the series as a whole. however, because of how meta is often used as a joke in the series, when they suddenly try to make the meta serious, while also still keeping elements of the meta comedy at the same exact time that you're revealing that the meta Is Dead Serious Stuff, the complete tonal dissonance really works against you.
lastly: it does not really feel like the writers wrote v3 as a whole to be meta, if that makes sense. [redacted uchi game] feels like it was always meant to be that way, and so it feels completely natural that it leans into fourth-wall breaking all the time. however, the way that the meta ending comes across in v3 is just that they didn't have any other better ideas on how to end the game/were running against a time deadline and just threw in the 'ehhhhhhhhh we're already meta all the time for comedy let's do that for the ending but serious this time' towel. as i said earlier, i like meta in games when it's well-exectued, but poorly executed/written metanarrative always sticks out, and in the case of v3 it is especially bad because it doesn't even seem like they wrote the first case AFTER the last case....which you need to do in order to successfully pull off the meta in a case like v3. and is also wild considering the very beginning of the game makes it clear that they did actually go back and try to drop foreshadowing earlier without editing much of the rest of the game to accommodate for that.
tldr the writing around the metanarrative ending is just so intensely bad that it's kind of unbelievable to me that people think it's a good ending.
sorry if you like dr but tldr its a mediocre series and its baffling to me how it got popular, but also people saying v3 is better at being meta than [redacted uchikoshi game] is an opinion ive seen more than once that just makes me fucking laugh.
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leoroni · 4 years
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pov i rewatch this scene for the 83rd time after playing the chapter
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tenjokisamaaaaaaa · 2 years
Tenjo Kaito, a timeline
A summary on Kaito’s timeline leading up to the event in Zexal. I will leave more personal thoughts for another post. 
Tenjo Kaito, 18 y/o. Birthday/Birthplace: unknown. Deck:photon. 
The above is taken from the official profile projected during WDC. It's reasonable to suspect that the birth-related info was redacted for all Underground duel trainees, since we know that Gauche/Droite were taken in by Mr.Heartland in Spartan City and can assume that's where they were from. So far there are two possible locations suggested for Kaito's birthplace: 1)Heartland City, 2)the cabin next to the forest. It is unclear when/how long it took for Dr.Faker to design/construct Heartland City, but it's worth mentioning that from the anime, Haruto lived in Heartland Tower when he was a baby (the windows behind Orbital taking care of baby Haruto showed somewhere like the City skyline. The interior design also looked similar). Kaito was also seen taking baby Haruto to somewhere like an urban park. 
The timeline thus looks something like this: Kaito, ~12 y/o: - finished building orbital ('Orbital: I have served you for six years, one hundred and fifty-one days, five hours and thirty minutes' -ep. 135) - Some time prior or later to this, Haruto was born. It is unclear why neither parent was present and Kaito and his robot was tasked with taking care of Haruto, even if only part time (but full time for Orbital it would seem) - orbital was shown to be taking care of Haruto by himself, as well as going outside with Kaito and Haruto
Kaito, ~13 y/o: - According to V (who himself was working at Faker's lab alongside his dad then), Dr. Faker was having trouble locating the entrance to 'a different dimension'. - Later they sourced Kazuma's help, and later they were able to narrow down the location and travel there. - Throughout this time, Kaito and Haruto were thought to be living in their cabin away from Heartland City. 
Kaito, from 13 y/o to 18 y/o:      - Haruto was taken away by Mr.Heartland and his subordinates      - Kaito moved to Heartland City. Haruto was 'treated' with some kind of Barian technology      - Kaito met Chris and learned dueling from him. At this point Kaito was using D-gazer and was not wearing the trainee uniform when dueling.      - Chris was shown looking at the Tenjo sibling from upstairs at some point post Haruto's 'operation' (judging from the way his eyes were drawn and that he was in a wheelchair)      - Chris dueled with Kaito for a consecutive week in an experiment to 'test out the survival instinct of a duelist', at this point Kaito was wearing the trainee uniform and using a D-gazer.      - Chris discovered the truth behind his father's missing and left Faker's lab. Kaito chased after Chris in the train and was pushed away      - Kaito training with Gauche and Droite in the facility. Kaito helped Droite out but also told her 'not to rely on others/縋るな'      - Kaito now used photon transformation instead of a d-gazer when dueling. This transformation was shown to be detrimental to his health.      - Kaito started operating as a number hunter under Mr.Heartland. 
What is unclear in this time period:      - When did Kaito and Haruto (and orbital ofc) move to the Cabin. Was there anyone else living with them (hello mOM???) at that time?      - How old was Haruto when he was taken away.          - I don't want to comment TOO MUCH on the art direction of the episodes bUT yOU cannot tell me the Haruto back in the cabin days was one to two years old. Actually I take that back I have no idea what human kids look like.      - How long did it take for Dr.Faker, Bryon and Kazuma to figure out the location of the entrance           - Maybe a clue was the change of season from when Kazuma got picked up to when they left for the canyon. Hard to say, tho.      - How long after Bryon's disappearance were IV and III taken away to an orphanage.           - Maybe not long, since Chris was waiting by the helicopter and potentially returned with Faker           - Faker might even be the one who suggested that IV and III should be sent to an orphanage, who knows. If Kaito could take care of Haruto by himself and his robot I don't see why Chris couldn't do the same with his brothers... ofc we don't know how the law in the City works, but still.      - How old was Chris when he met Kaito, and when he left the Faker lab           - Chris was shown to have grown significantly, both his height and his hair. The shot of him looking at a sleeping Haruto looked just like Byron.           - It is unclear whether this event happened prior or after Kaito's conversation with Droite. I can see it working out both ways.      - At what point, and what kind of operation did Kaito undergo to be able to use photon transformation. Had all people not needing a d-gazer to duel been artificially enhanced? (The Arclights: power of the crest; Droite and Gauche? Perhaps they were also enhanced but not to the same extent as Kaito were?)
It is interesting to note that Kaito's appearance was not shown to change significantly (vs Droite/Gauche/Chris). Since the episodes involving Kaito's past were overseen by many different art directors, it is reasonable to conclude that this is not just a result of the preferred styles of the team handling the episodes (But Yoshita wrote a lot of the episodes featuring Kaito (with the exception of the Tron fight and Jinlong fight...I knew it I can smell you from 10 years into the future YOU GENIUS MOTHERFUCKER).  See the table of all the screenwriters/art directors for every episode here (in Japanese): https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%81%8A%E2%98%86%E6%88%AF%E2%98%86%E7%8E%8BZEXAL#%E5%90%84%E8%A9%B1%E3%83%AA%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88 
Another reason also is that Kaito did look visibly younger when he was making Orbital. Maybe people theorize that this could be due to photon transformation suppressing his growth, which is very likely. The photon transformation operation could have started early on, or it could be a one time only surgery once he’s demonstrated his ability. But the procedure should be finished by the time he no longer wore D-gazer for dueling. Also considering the questionable training they were shown to receive, it is easy to imagine the duel trainees not getting enough rest/nutrients when they were still teens.  
Therefore, at first Kaito was not given enough sunshine/food so he couldn't grow, and later he started using photon transformation so now he won't.
Another more meta reason could be... it'd be hard to coordinate poses with him, Yuuma and Ryouga if Kaito were a lot taller.
No wonder why he didn't hang out in Zexal II. 
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I’m remembering that you like NDRV3 now, which assumably means you also like DR in general??? Hence what I like to refer to as- The Three Hopes AU! Because I don’t have a better name, and we were shafted when they didn’t let Kaede be a protagonist and get called a symbol of Hope (yes I’m still bitter). Also this gets kinda dark- Which is fair, I think, it’s DR- But it’s probably coming dangerously close to that Yandere Mariharem AU of yours.
So! Here, the casts of DR1, SDR2, and NDRV3 are combined in one Killing Game, turning them into a 48 person group and therefore upping the amount of killings in that timespan- Assumably, the NDRV3 group becomes another class that attends Hope’s Peak. Like in canon, however, everyone has their memories wiped, so they don’t actually remember being classmates or friends.
Since so many people are participating in the Killing Game, there are some modified rules and patterns- There are more trials (anywhere from 9 to 15, depending on how you’d like to play things), and the number of survivors would also escalate, though it still feels like very few in comparison to how many people started (again, anywhere from 9 to 15, probably- They’re solid numbers, I can’t help it).
Also as a result of so many people, three groups end up forming- Initially, they were formed before the Killing Game was announced, and each faction would be headed by one of the protagonists (Makoto, Hajime, and Kaede). There’d be sixteen people per group, just to keep it even, and different people from each class would be in different groups. I’m still torn on why the factions would form, though- Either they’re formed by the students themselves, just to keep track of everyone, and Monokuma just rolls with it, or maybe the Mastermind splits them up? Either way, it’s against the rules to attack people in your faction, because that just seems like something Monokuma would do to get more despair.
Here’s where it gets... Darker. See, I feel like the large groups, and the splits, when combined with the isolation and the motives and the fact that some of the people there aren’t exactly stable, would... Ah. Become a bit fanatical, when it comes to what they might come to see as a figurehead for their group. It isn’t an immediate things, to be clear- It’s brought about through a lot of stress and desperation and the need to cling to something, more than anything.
Which. Basically makes Kaede, Hajime, and Makoto the targets of a bunch of platonic and/or romantic yanderes, I suppose- Depending on what you ship, or just what you think is interesting. Whoops? Either way, Monokuma isn’t above using them for motives (IE- Someone kill someone else or your leaders will all die).
Moving on, though- Here’s what I have for the factions so far! I have reasons for each person, if you’re interested, though a lot of them I haven’t sorted yet.
Kaede’s Faction
From the Class of 79
— Kaede Akamatsu, the Super High School Level Pianist (Leader)
— Shūichi Saihara, the Super High School Level Detective
— Kokichi Ōma, the Super High School Level Supreme Leader
— Rantarō Amami, the Super High School Level Survivor
— ???
From the Class of 78
— Nagito Komaeda, the Super High School Level Good Luck
— ???
From the Class of 77
— Tōko Fukawa | Genocide Jack, the Super High School Level Writer | Serial Killer
— Kiyotaka Ishimaru, the Super High School Level Moral Compass
— ???
Makoto’s Faction
From the Class of 78
— Makoto Naegi, the Super High School Level Good Luck (Leader)
— Kyoko Kirigiri, the Super High School Level Detective
— Sayaka Maizono, the Super High School Level Idol
— Junko Enoshima, the Super High School Level Fashionista | Analyst
— Mukuro Ikusaba, the Super High School Level Soldier
— ???
From the Class of 79
— Kirumi Tōjō, the Super High School Level Maid
— ???
From the Class of 77
— Mahiru Koizumi, the Super High School Level Photographer
— [Redacted], the Super High School Level Imposter
— ???
Hajime’s Faction
From the Class of 77
— Hajime Hinata, the Super High School Level ??? (Leader)
— Nanami Chiaki, the Super High School Level Gamer
— ???
From the Class of 78
— Leon Kuwata, the Super High School Level Baseball Player
— Yasuhiro Hagakure, the Super High School Level Fortune Teller
— ???
From the Class of 79
— Korekiyo Shingūji, the Super High School Level Anthropologist
— Tsumugi Shirogane, the Super High School Level Cosplayer
— Anjī Yonaga, the Super High School Level Artist
— ???
— Celeste Ludenburg, the Super High School Level Gambler
— Hifumi Yamada, the Super High School Level Doujin Author
— Byakuya Togami, the Super High School Level Heir
— Chihiro Fujisaki, the Super High School Level Programmer
— Aoi Asahina, the Super High School Level Swimming Pro
— Mondo Ōwada, the Super High School Level Gang Leader
— Sakura Ōgami, the Super High School Level Martial Artist
— Gundham Tanaka, the Super High School Level Animal Breeder
— Sonia Nevermind, the Super High School Level Princess
— Kazuichi Souda, the Super High School Level Mechanic
— Hiyoko Saionji, the Super High School Level Traditional Dancer
— Teruteru Hanamura, the Super High School Level Cook
— Peko Pekoyama, the Super High School Level Swordswoman
— Fuyuhiko Kuzuryū, the Super High School Level Yakuza
— Akane Owari, the Super High School Level Gymnast
— Nekomaru Nidai, the Super High School Level Coach
— Mikan Tsumiki, the Super High School Level Nurse
— Ibuki Mioda, the Super High School Level Musician
— Maki Harukawa, the Super High School Level Child Caretaker | Assassin
— Kaito Momota, the Super High School Level Astronaut
— Miu Iruma, the Super High School Level Inventor
— K1-B0, the Super High School Level Robot
— Tenko Chabashira, the Super High School Level Aikido Master
— Ryōma Hoshi, the Super High School Level Tennis Player
— Himiko Yumeno, the Super High School Level Magician
— Gonta Gokuhara, the Super High School Level Entomologist
... This got long. I am so, so sorry- Super interested in hearing your opinion, though, so I couldn’t help it. Thanks for responding, if you decide to!!!
This sounds like a really cool idea. We love the yanderes and dark here!
The first thing that kinda worries me is the large cast. This is 48 characters to develop and, with three protagonists, you’d be constantly be switching between point’s of view. Of course, protagonists don’t have to be the same as point of view characters, so you could switch the PoV each chapter? Just to give each character some screen time. 
I’m curious about why factions exist rather than how they’re formed. It’s really weird that there are three separate leaders when everyone should be unified by the goal of escaping. Perhaps the mastermind chose them? Maybe only the group leaders can officially vote at trials; like, the group will decide who they want to vote for and the leader is supposed to choose what the majority wants?
(I think the game Zero Time Dilemma does something similar to this? Three groups that have a leader and the leader needs to choose to kill another team or not). 
How long a would this killing game last? assuming there’s a trial every 5 days, that’s 45 to 75 days! 
What’s the motive behind the killing game? is it the same as DR1, where someone just wants the world to witness Hope’s Peak suffer? 
Team opinion time:
A bit curious who the mastermind is if Junko is on Makoto’s team.
I was a bit confused as to why you put Komaeda on Kaede’s team, but thinking about it, it makes sense. She is the only protag with a real talent after all, since Hajime doesn’t know his. 
Put Byakuya on either Kaede or Hajime’s team--he’s the type to try and overthrow the leader, and those too would actually stand up against Togami (which would make for a great “falling into yandere” moment for him). 
Assuming members choose their teams,  Fuyuhiko could go to Kaede’s team bc she looks kinda like his sister and that makes him want to protect her.
You could do a star crossed lovers thing, where two members of a canon-ish couple are on two different teams. This forces them to confront the feelings they have for their partner and their leader. 
Mikan should be on Makoto’s team. He’s really nice and caring, which would bring out her obsessiveness quickly. 
Anyway, this sounds really cool! Tag me when you write it? ;)
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Kokichi’s Tape for DR v3
If Shuichi, Kaito, and Kaede’s tapes revealed how bad they were... What do you think Kokichi’s tape would have looked like? Oh...
Kokichi: *stands quietly with his head down and takes a breathe* *Looks up at the camera with a big smile* Hi there! My name is [REDACTED] and this is my audition for American Idol! 
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what I like (tl;dr it’s shinya hiiragi)
my fake name is akise and this is my fanart blog. uwah that sounds so fancy  <( ̄︶ ̄)>
probably a lot of me practising how to draw charas from my favourite anime/manga/games. maybe me losing it like this (u can def skip the text)
usually I won’t reblog on this blog but @vanitas-no-shopping-cart is my side blog for reblogging pretty fanart/edits,, we’ll see how many more I end up making. 
probably I will only really come on here to post art so if you see sth u think I’ll like send it to me... not planning on doing much scrolling but who knows how things will go down
#diary : for this kind of rambling
#fanart : what it says on the tin (there are sub-categories like #ons fanart if I remember)
#textpost for those rare times I manage to elevate something above rambling
ons (shinya, crowley, ferid, narumi makoto my child, shusaku, rigr/saito fsr im not sure why that happened, im gonna stop this chara listing bc I will never end) bsd, pandora hearts (elliot), yume100, akaseka (atsushi + soseki + hijikata), mahoyaku, inu x boku SS, uchitama, sasaki to miyano, 7 princes of the thousand year labyrinth, horimiya, hamatora, hypmic (tdd, mtr), on air, 2d idols in general (shiburin, riko sakurauchi, enstars, i7), a3 (autumn), some others redacted bc I greatly fear spoilers e.g. hanako-kun
inexplicable charas I like despite not knowing the series at all: kaito kid, utsugi tsukimiya, some swords from touken ranbu bc they are pretty and i am weak
guren-chan isn’t cute i don;t like him make him go away
my favourite song (apart from all of the others) is hikari by wataru hatano and carp by aimyon. no they are totally not just the ones that played while I was agonising over this-
lmk tumblr etiquette if I mess up
this was a great essay yes well done me peace out
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dangankinns · 5 years
Hello, and welcome to this blog!✦
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Requests- Closed!
Mod Apps- Closed!
Current mods-
Mod Gonta ( @mostly-stimssssssss​ ) (Hiatus)
Mod Rantaro ( @heres-wonderwall​ ) (Hiatus)
Mod Kyoko ( @kyokuro )
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Mod Intros...
Mod Kyoko🧤, I may be referred to as Mod Kirumi as well.
They or He pronouns
I also kin Mikan Tsumiki, pregame Miu Iruma, K1-B0, Seiko Kimura, Kirumi Tojo, and an unknown swap, plus two redacted coping DR kins and a bunch of non-Danganronpa kins
What I can do...
Aesthetics, stimboards, pendulums, talent development plan edits, tarot, shufflemancies, userboxes, color palettes, Instagram profiles.
Haiji Towa, Junko/Mikan, anything to do with ladybugs. I have a hard time with relationship aesthetics but I’ll try them most days. Also Korekiyo’s sister.
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Heigh Ho And Hello Guys Gals And Nonbinary Pals!
Name's Mod Gonta!~
He/She/They Pronouns
My Danganronpa kins are Kokichi Ouma, Nagito Komaeda, Kazuichi Souda, Junko Enoshima, Usami, Mondo Uwada, Makoto Naegi, Teruteru Hanamura, Shuichi Saihara, Gonta Gokuhara, Miu Iruma, Mikan Tsumiki and Hajime Hinata!
I'm able and willing to do~
Fashion Sets
Pokemon Teams
Self Care
Sprite Edits
What I'm unable to do...
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Hej / Hallo!
I'm Mod Rantaro!
I use HE/THEY pronouns!
I can do. . .
Pokemon teams
Drawings (traditional and digital)
Self care
What I cant do. . .
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femmeslash · 6 years
How does everyone in VR cope with their reality?
im assuming you mean how they handle the real world postgame! this will be long so buckle in.
i sort of talked about kaede and miu in another ask, but miu is one of the most traumatized by the experience to the point tdr actually helps her get a therapy dog. kaede is really mad at everything at first, but she adjusts quickly, especially when it comes to supporting maki and her sister.
maki is just like… fuck. it’s bad, but like, after watching 13 people die brutally, it’s not like it can get worse. so shes still a cynical bitch, but at least she never has to kill again. i think the only time she breaks down crying is when tdr gives her back the suitcase she came in with, and there’s a gun hidden in it, and it just all hits her at once. baby
shuuichi… bad. he’s doing so fucking bad. he goes home to his mom and uncle and [REDACTED FOR TRANSPHOBIA] and gets the fuck out of there pretty quickly after. he doesn’t talk much to any of the other participants for like a year and a half. lots of isolation and depression
kaito is big mad and then represses everything and it’s a hot mess
kirumi adjusts back very easily, she worked in a nice lgbt friendly cafe and they welcome her back. she takes tsumugi (who is doing horrible) in and helps her recover too
hoshi is just kinda like whatever and starts volunteering at an animal shelter to find some kind of purpose in his life
gonta was in another ask but his hopes and dreams are kinda shattered at first, but then he reconciles with miu AGAIN and theyre happy in the countryside
amami is probably the most well adjusted out of all of them? he’s been through this before, so it’s easy for him. he fucks off back to his huge family and just does whatever he wants for a while (this changes when he acquires a baby, which is a story for another post. i say acquired because he is not even remotely related to this child. he steals a baby.)
tenko and himiko i wrote a fic about, but tenko is fine with everything, but a little bitter. they live together postgame with himiko’s mom, who loves and supports them deeply. they don’t talk to anyone postgame except shuuichi and maki for a really long time.
korekiyo is very, very distraught at the traumatic fake memories they were given, and they and angie bond quickly during postgame proceedings. angie isn’t really at peace until she goes back to the philippines and reconnects with her home. korekiyo becomes a therapist and specializes in mood disorders and telling young adults to not try out for dr.
ouma is a bitch and a half for the therapists to handle because he just lies to them and masks all his emotions, but as soon as he’s home with dice he just kinda melts and just… gets it all out. he does get therapy once they find something that actually works for him, and he becomes one of the most healthy out of the whole class. due to a loophole in his nondisclosure agreement he is the only one legally allowed to talk about his experience, and he exploits the FUCK out of it. he is tdr’s nightmare and it’s incredible.
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forgedhope · 7 years
1) NAME: [REDACTED] 2) NICKNAMES: Fae, angst gremlin, angst god, fuck you and others 3) HEIGHT: 5′ something idr 4) ORIENTATION: aromantic/asexual and proud 5) NATIONALITY: Italian and something else idk anymore  6) FAVOURITE FRUIT: Strawberries and oranges 7) FAVOURITE SEASON: winter 8) FAVOURITE FLOWER: mmmh i like a lot of flowers tbh but if i have to name one rn maybe forget-me-not? 9) FAVOURITE SCENT: orange 10) FAVOURITE COLOUR: blue and green, particularly pastel shades 11) FAVOURITE ANIMAL: birds and dogs and cats and- 12) FAVOURITE LOCATION: my bed 13) COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: hot chocolate! tho i like black tea a lot 14) AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS:  ah ah a ha ha a h a h- maybe 4-5 hours at most 15) DOG OR CAT PERSON: Both are good.... 16) FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(S): besides robot boy uuuuh idfk i like so many....... just inside dr i also love shuichi and gundham and kaito and fuyuhiko and hinata and naegi and komaru and- A LOT rsurfhseoufshode in other series i love pit and dark pit from k.id ic.arus and meg.aman but particularly the one from meg.aman x- AND AXL G O D I LOVE AXL SO MUCH- and mega from meg.aman st.arforce... and sh.ard from the s.onic archie series- I LOVE TOO MANY...... i love a lot of robots and tech related characters 17) NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: two 18) DREAM TRIP: Japan bc im a fucking nerd but also it looks so nice 19) BLOGS CREATED:  a lot........... i can count at least 11 but it’s prob more 20) NUMBER OF FOLLOWERS: 134 21) RANDOM FACT: I have too many plushies
Tagging: i have no fucking idea of who has done it and who hasnt so just do it
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"Avoidance x X = Love"
Or in which Kaito is sending mixed signals, and Aiden is oblivious. Hakon offers help with mixed results.
Content warnings: swearing, Kaito tells Hakon to kill himself, Kaito spirals because they're stressed
"Hey, Hakon- You know Kaito right?" Aiden sidles up to the frenchman, hands in his pockets with a look of puzzlement on his face.
"Sure I know them! I mean it's a little hard to ignore him when they call you a bastard every time they adress you!" Hakon jests, shaking his head fondly, "Why? Having some trouble with le petit scientifique?"
Aiden hums and leans against the wall, bringing his arms up to cross them over his chest.
"You could say that...He's been acting a little odd-"
"When does he not?"
"Shut up..." The Pilgrim punches Hakon's arm dismissively to which the nightrunner feigns silent agony.
"I'm being serious- He's been...Avoiding me? Like more than their usual ehm...Antisocialness?" he says quietly, "I swear I can hear them breathing in their room but when I knock on the door it's like he ignores me? Or-or when I see him out around the Fisheye they always seem to scuttle off somewhere whenever I try to catch up and talk to him..."
Hakon listens with curiosity as Aiden goes through a short but substantial list of strange occurrences involving the ex-GRE doctor seemingly avoiding him.
"And you're telling me all of this because?" he asks after some thought.
"Well I was hoping that maybe you could well...Talk to them? I'm not mad!" he adds hurriedly, "Just sort of...Worried? I hope I didn't offend him or anything- I mean aside from the fact that he has the most reliable supply of those military medical kits, they've really kind of started to grow on me- as in we're friends now-! I think...I hope-"
"Okay okay, Aiden I understand. You think you've upset him, which isn't exactly hard-" he snarks, earning an indignant look, "-and you want me to be the middle man so that you can ask them what's wrong without actually asking him?" Hakon flashes the pilgrim a knowing look.
"Please? You know I'm not good at talking to him! Especially after I freaked out in their room after they gave me that handmade inhibitor cocktail..." Aiden flushes with embarrassment and hides his face in his hands. Hakon barks out a laugh, unfolding himself from his spot against the wall and shaking his head.
"Oh mon Dieu- You should've seen his poor face- yes! Fine I'll talk to them for you if you stop bellyaching" he chuckles. Aiden sighs in relief and watches nervously as the nightrunner steps away towards the back of the Fisheye, presumably to find the little scientist.
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"Salut petit bâtard!" Hakon throws open the door to Kaito's makeshift lab in the Fisheye with reckless abandon. The lab coated scientist yelps and fumbles with his instruments, dropping a few vials of dubious substances on the floor where they shatter and spill all over the hardwood.
"GODDAMN IT! Learn to Fucking knock! You goddamn- you prick! You fucking prick!" They shout, flapping their hands and rising from their desk with righteous malice.
"Yeesh! And I thought my second wife was a bundle of nerves!" Hakon chuckles, closing the door behind him and leaning down to pick up some nearby shards of glass scattered about the floor. Kaito fumes, gripping their upper arms tight and tapping a foot.
"Never do that shit again! And also stop fucking comparing people to your many divorces! It's stupid and the joke is getting old!" he exclaims indignantly.
"You wound me! I was under the impression that you thought I was funny!" Hakon says with a smile, tossing his small collection of glass shards into a nearby trash bin, where they tinkle lightly as they fall. Kaito sits back down waving a hand as they gather up their strewn about tools and papers.
"Well, Frenchman to what do I owe the displeasure of having to talk to you?" they mutter, tapping a small stack of documents into place. Hakon sidles over and leans against Kaito's desk. The scientist shoots him a cold look and flashes their eyes down to Hakon's hands against the wood, but makes no further complaint. The nightrunner flashes a smug grin in return.
"I know why you're avoiding him you know..." he intones, tapping his fingers on the edge of the desk thoughtfully. Kaito freezes up before their head snaps up to give him a look like a deer in headlights.
"Does he know?" they ask worriedly. Hakon shakes his head no and Kaito exhales with relief. "Good! Keep it that way! Or forever sleep with one eye open! Bastard!"
"As if I don't already?" Hakon quips, "Seriously, Kaito! You cannot hide from him forever! He's going to start asking me things and well...I can't exactly avoid giving him answers-"
"SHUT UP! SHUT UP SHUT UP! NOPE NOPE NOPE STOP TALKING, KILL YOURSELF!" Katio shrieks, standing up on his chair to brandish a pen with violent intent. Hakon backs away with his hands up, laughing all the while.
"S'il vous plaît, détendez-vous mon ami! Relax! I'm joking! Mostly- but honestly why not just bite the bullet? The worst he can do is say no, eh?" Kaito goes white and sits back down heavily.
"That's the point, Hakon! That is the nightmare scenario!! He says no, and then it becomes awkward to speak to him in a general capacity- not to mention a professional one! He will not ever take me seriously again and then what will I do?! AUUUGHHH NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE!" they pull at their hair anxiously and pull their knees into their chest, tapping his feet on his chair. Hakon sighs shaking his head.
"You're over thinking it again, Kait', it'll be fine! And you know it, stubborn git that you are..." he says quietly, stepping back over to stand next to him again, "If you're really bellyaching about it that much I'll help you, yeah?" Kaito peeks up at the frenchman over their knees with an expression laced with doubt.
"I trust your assistance as much as I trust an ice cube not to melt when put on a hot plate you degenerate..." he mutters sharply
"Fine! Don't accept my help! But im serious about this Kaito, Aiden may be dumb but he's not stupid! He's going to put the dots together eventually and that'll be ten times more embarrassing than if you just talk to him! Pour l'amour de Dieu..." he mutters.
The scientist considers this, mentally weighing the options presented to him.
"...On one hand this could all end in metaphorical or literal tears...You could die, I could die of embarrassment and humiliation...." they mumble
"And on the other hand?" Hakon probes. Kaito remains silent for a number of minutes. Finally he uncurls from his little ball and looks at Hakon sheepishly, or at least with an approximate expression.
"On the other hand I suppose some people, regrettably including myself, would call you reliable and trust worthy...To a point, do not let that get to your pompous head." they answer flatly. Hakon grins and shrugs.
"Ehhh no promises...But I'll take that as a yes?"
"Take it or leave me alone, preferably the latter" Kaito answers with a grimace. Hakon knocks on the wooden desk and straightens up.
"Alright, so how do you want to do this?"
"I'd prefer not to do it at all! But I suppose if you wanted to drag him over here under the guise of a request to do a check up, then that would be an innocent enough deception to engage in a proper conversation...." Kaito smiles maniacally.
"En anglais s'il vous plait?" Hakon asks lazily.
"Lie to him and then bring him to my laboratory! You fucking asshole..." Kaito exclaims, slapping at the air in the nightrunner's direction, to which he raises his hands in surrender.
"Yes yes! I read you, I read you!" He chuckles, stepping back towards the door, hand reaching down to the handle. "When should I bring him, huh? Should I bring candles and wine-?"
"GET OUT!" Kaito throws his composition notebook at Hakon's face, which instead, hits the door with a thump.
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Meet Dr Kaito [LAST NAME REDACTED] a Dying Light 2 fan character 💀
Kaito [Pronounced, Kay-Toe] is a sardonic scientist who has the unfortunate luck of being in the employment of Dr Waltz.
Read more about him in his Toy House profile! Content warnings should appear when you click the link, if you haven't visited my profile already!
Mobile friendly, but warning for possible eye strain.
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